aiem 9d dlxurclt Urit Baptist Marlon and Liberty. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Sunday xchool, q 45 a.m. with classes for all age. Morn Inz worship, 11. "Continuation of a series of First Corinthians," pastor Anderson. Ynuth Kroups, 6:15 p.m. Evening Gospel service, 7:30. "Study In the Parables," pas tor. Halbert Memorial Baptist One mile north of underpass on Highway 99-E. Rev. C E. Brlckwedel, pastor. Sunday school, B 45 a.m. with classes for all ages. Morn-Iris- worship, 11, pastor speaking. Young peoples league, 6:30 p.m. Evening gos pel service, 7:30. Four Corneri Baptist State and El ma. Rev. Victor L. Loucks, pastor. Sun day school, 9:45 a.m., with classes for all ases. Morning worship, 11, pastor speak ing. Evening gospel service, 7:30. Salem Heights Community Madron a Ave. at Liberty road. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11. Mr. Lee Ship ley, minister. Knixht Memorial Congregational 19th and Ferry. Louis E, White, minister. Sun day school, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11. Sermon, "The Most Misunderstood Vir tue " third In the series on the Beati tudes os "The aospei oi Happiness." Church-time nursery. Pilgrim fellowship, 6 30 P.m. Senior and junior, high groups. St. John's Lutheran (Mo. Synod) 18th and A . Rev. H. W. Gross, pastor. Serv "Aes at 9 and 11, Sunday school to Bible classes at 10. Flint Church of Christ, Scientist Lib erty and Chemeketa, Sunday school at 11 a.m. Morning service at 11. Lesson-sermon subject, "Love." Nursery for chil dren up to 3 years of age provided dur ing the morning service. Evening service at 8. Lesson-sermon suDjeci, imvc. Monitor Community Full Gospel Mon- Jvnr. orenon. Rov. and Mrs. E. C. Schilling, I gators. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Morning K-Orsmp, il. .UVBHiu o.iic, o. First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win ter. Chester W, Hamblln, pastor, John L. Goodcnborger, assistant pastor. Church Minni. 9:45 a.m. Two morning services, 9:45 and 11. "Pie In the Sky." Sermon by the pastor. Junior high fellowship, I p.m. High school fellowship, 6. West Salem Methodist Third and Gerth. O. Leonard Jones, minister, cnurcn school, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Ser mon, "What Does Youth Desire?" Youth rally, Salem sub-district at Jason Lee church, 4 p.m. Young adults, 8 p.m., home of Mr. and Mrs. George Farquar, Talbot Community Talbot, Oregon. Rev. r. Rogers Irwin, pastor. Sunday school, in a.m. A class for every age group. Div ine worship, 11 a.m. Sermon, "Out of EKypt." Youth groups meet at B:30 p.m. Evening service 7:30 p.m. Sermon sud Ject, "Heaven Can't Walt." The Beorganlzed Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 17th and Chemeke ta. Chos. ti. Asner, pastor, unurcn scnooi, 10. Worship service 11. R. J. Clark, speak er. Zlon's league, 6:30. Prayer lervlce, 7:30 p.m. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 5th and Madison. Jonn e, sans' bury, bishop. Sunday school, 10. Priest hood meeting, 11:30. Evening service, 6.30. Next Sunday morning the Englewood Evangelical United Brethren church begins its Chris tian Life crusade with Rev. John Duvall of Walla Walla as guest speaker These special services will continue each evening through Friday, February 3. Rev. Duvall is a graduate of Whitworth college and of Biola Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and is presently denominational youth director of Oregon and Washington, along with being pastor at Walla Walla. Although a young man, he has become very prominent in the religious field largely because of his sim plicity of style, his practical il lustrations, and his ability to reach the hearts and minds of people. His message topics for the week will be as follows: Sunday morning, "Let's Go Swimming": Sunday evening, 'The World's Most Popular Game": Monday evening, "One Thing Needful"; Tuesday eve ning, "A Wedge of Gold"; wea nesday evening. "Power a Plen ty": Thursday evening, "Let's Go Fishing"; Friday evening, Half-Baked Christians." Speaker, Rev. Maxine Roberts., Services at -ov anu i.ou p.iu. Institute of Bellglong Science Sunday school, 10 a.m. Topic, "Radiant Living," U a.m. Salem Woman's club, 460 N. Cot tage St. Rev. Olive Stevens. Assembly of God (The Chapel) 13th and Leslie. John W. Hodges, minister. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Morning worship, U. Evening service tus. Ktnrwood Bible 1125 Elm. A. H. Fad enrecht, pastor. Bible school, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 10:45. Youth grous meet, 6:45 p.m. Evening service. 7:45. Rev. Elmer Warkentln, missionary to Borneo, guest speaker. United Pentecostal 445 Perry. RV. Nft- thnnifi Wllnnn. Dftstor. Sunday school, 8:45 a.m. Morning service, 11. Evening service, 7:45, Faith Tabernacle 1305 N. 5th. Rev, Max Wyatt, pastor. Sunday scnooi, m a.m, -Mnrninn- wnrxhin. 11. Sermon by Rev, Wyatt. Evangelistic service, 8 p.m., "The Latter Rain," by Rev. Wyatt. First Methodist Church and State, nviiircti jtr.hnnl. 9:45 a.m. Morning wor ship, 11. Sermon, "The Trivial vb the Tremendous." Salem sub-district youth rally, 4 p.m., at Jason Lee church. Dr. Roy A, Fedje, speaker. First Cboreh of God Hood and N. Cot tage. O. W. Clemens, postor. Church jtr.hnnl. 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, ll Topic, "Forward With Christ." Evening worship, 7:30. Topic, "Why the Crime wave is increasing." tspenKer, ait. u. Hayes, of the Oregon State Penitentiary, Central Church of Christ Ohemeket a nt Cottaae. M. C. Outhbertson. minister. Bible school, 9:45 a.m. Preaching, 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. First Evangelical United Brethren- Where Marlon crosses Summer. Rev. Wll- mer Brown, pastor. Rev. f. e. insner, par ish visitor. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Morn ing worship, 11. Holy communion. Message Dy Kev. i". ti. fisner. evening service. 7:45 p.m. Message by Dr. o. P Gates, con ference superintendent Oregon district. St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran 343 N. Church St, Rev. M. A Getzendaner. D. n rtflstnr. Sundnv school. 0:45 a.m. Morn' ing service, 11. Sermon, "In the Likeness of Jesus." Luther league, 6:30 p.m. Court Street Christian 17th and Court, w f H. Lvman. minister. Bible school as sembly, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship and Communion, iu:au. Dermwn, urnce mm Truth." Vnut'. and Bible Study Hour, fl: p.m. Evening worship, 7:30. Message by o. D. Johnson, missionary v "rata. Vlrti PhrUllan Hleh and Center. Dud ley Strain. Associate minister, Walter Naff. Church school. Morning worship and communion. Sermon, "God Is Not Done," by Dudley Strain. Youth groups, a-ik nm Adult Bible class. 6:15 P.m. Evening worship, 7:30 P.m. Worship serv- ice In charge of tne jr. nign aeparwnens. Film, "Salt of tne tarm. rhrkt i.ntheran state Street at 18th. C. R. Schulz, pastor. Divine worship at B a.m. Sunday school at iu a.m. wommun nn t 11 nVirvit. Pot-luck din ner at 12:30 p.m. Annual meeting at 2:00 o clock. Sah.t Paul's Episcopal Church and Chemeketa. The Reverend' George H. Swift, B. D., rector. Holy communion (in the chapelC, 7:30 a.m. Junior church and classes, 9:30 a.m. nursery scnwwi m Ish house, 11 a.m. Prayer service and ser mon, li a.m. Th. Rath! Rantlst North Cottage at D. Rev. Rudolph Woyke, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Communion service at 11 a.m. with a message by the pastor, 'The ua,. xtmm rnmn." Hrvlee conducted by the Gospel team of the First Baptist church at 7:3Q p.m. Jason Lee Methodist North Winter at jenerson. jjouu omu. . Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. Morning service, 11. Sermon, "The Follies of the Elder Brother." Evening service, i.ov. -3em sub-district Methodist Youth Fellow ship will meet at 4 o'clock. Worship aervlce at 7:30 with Dr. Roy Fedje as guest speaxer. r nontiit i2io South Liberty, Rev. Victor Hugo Sword, Th. D., pastor ad Interim. Bible school, 9:45 a.m. Classes for all ages. Morning worship, 11. Rev. Omar Ti.rtVi Ntrtnwn Rati are. Pa., guest preach er. Evening worship. 7:30. Rev. Omar Barth. 6:30 P.m., Baptist Youth fellowship groups. Central Lutheran Church North Capitol & Gaines. O. B. Rundatrom, pastor. Broadcast over KOCO 9:15. Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship u:ot. renowsmp dinner pot luck after the service in the cnurcn pariors. evening cr'". Choirs Start Rehearsals Scio Ed Holland, choir direc tor, who has charge of the choirs at the Baptist church, is urging both choirs to be out for rehear sals on Thursday evenings to start practice on an Easter can v ' ' ' i The Four Flats who will appear during the Youth for Christ rally at the First fazarene church, at 8 o'clock Saturday night. Members of the quartet, formerly of New berg Pacific college, arc now travelling exclusively for the Northwest region of the Youth for Christ movement. christian Life rusade Opens Dallas Churches First Presbyterian Earl William Ben bow, pastor, Sunday school 9:45. West- inistcr house students from OSC speak Ing at 11 o'clock. Evangelical Mennonlte Brethren A. P. Toews, pastor. Sunday school 10. Wor ship 11. 'Our Knowledge of You." C, E. at 7:30. Silverton Churches Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormon) Sunday school at 10. Evening service at 7. Christian Science Sunday school at 9:45. Services at u. t. Paul's Catholic Father John J. Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses, 8 and 10. weenaaya . Assembly of God Berrel H. Scott, pas tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Divine worship. 11. Young people's society at 6:45. Evan gelistic at 8. Church of God Rev. F. E. Nicks, pastor, Sunday school at 10. Worship hour at 11, Evening services at 8. Seventh Day Adventlst Elder A. D Chllson, Salem, and Harold Johnson, lo cal elder In charse. Sabbath school Sat urday, 9:30. Morning worship at 11, Sat urday. Sunday evening evangelistic service. PHirlm Holiness D. C. Olson, pastor, Sunday school, 9:45. Sermon by pastor, 11. Young people meet at 7. Evangelistic; ser mon at 8. Methodist Marauam and Molalla joint pastorate. J. S. Kendall, minister. Bible school and sermon, forenoon, Sunday, at Marquam, aiternoon at Moiaua. Mehtodlit Ben F. Browning, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Sermon by pastor. Youth fellowship, 7:30. Church of Christ L. M. Vice, minister. Bible study, 10. morning worship 11, Ser mon topic: "Author of Denominational- ism." Communion observed following morning sermon. Evening service,, minster speaking. Meets at MWA-RNA hall. First Christian Kenneth Johnston, pas tor. Sunday school 9:45, 11 o'clock wor ship with Ed Eldrldge, field representa tive of Northwest Christian college, speaking and music by men's quartet of the - college. C. E, 6 with CE groups In charge of evening service at 7:30. Christian and Missionary Alliance O. Ernest McQorvey. minister. Sunday school at 9:45. Rev. Joe Brill, director of Youth lor Christ at Eugene speaking on "Christ's Challenge to Youth" at 11 and on "The Model Testimony" at 7:45. First Baptist E. J. Schroeder, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Morning services 11 "The Hurry Call of Jesus". Evening ser vice at 7:30. 'The Curse of Imperfect uDcaience. Mennonlte Brethren Q. H. J&nlzen. pastor. Sunday school at 9:45. Church ser vice iv:ii. xoung people's union Evangelical United Brethren R. Will lam Elmer, minister. Sunday school 9:45. Holy Communion at 11. Young Peoples study hour at 7 with the evening services In cnarge oi tne cnoir as guest leaders. Apostolic Faith Forrest Damron, pastor, Sunday school at 9:30 and church ser vices 11 and 7:50. Assembly of God Alfred R. Brown, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Morning ser vice 11. Christ Ambassadors and Junior iA at (. ,vangeie5iic service o. First Methodist Clark S. Enz. pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Morning service 11. "rne source of Light and Lile." Youth Day for Presbyterians Pastors, laymen, their wives and representatives of young people's groups throughout the valley assisted in the formation of a local "Youth for Christ" rally committee early this week The conference, held at Halbert Memorial church, was preceded by a no-host dinner. Rev. Gene Brickwedcl, of Hal bert Memorial, was named chair man of the governing board. Other members of the group are Rev. Oral W. Clemens, pastor First Church of God, vice presi dent; George Weigart, Four Cor ners Baptist, secretary; Bob Fish er, Christian and Missionary Al liance, treasurer; Wilbur Ewert, Kingwood Bible, financial sec retary. ' Officers named by the young people were; Bob Karn, Keizer, chairman: Bob Means, First Church of God, vice chairman; Phyllis Johnson, First Baptist, secretary; Al Beltzer, Kingwood Bible, treasurer. The governing board will meet next Monday night at Kingwood Bible church. The next youth rally will be held the last Satur day of February. Brotherhood Dinner Planned at Lebanon Lebanon The Lebanon In ter - Church Brotherhood will hold its annual ladies' night ban quet at the Methodist church Monday evening, January 30, at 7 p.m. Carl D. Merryman of Corvallis will speak to the group concern ing his experiences and work in Europe with the World Council of Churches. An interesting sound film is also slated for showing. Tickets are available at the Ed Bilyeu insurance office, or may be purchased from pastors of the various churches. Trinity Lutheran Karl A. Ufer. oastor. Hunaay scnooi 10. umne worsmp 11 Fellowship dinner at noon. Luther Lea gue 7. Grace Mennonlte J. J. BeKler. pastor. iu bunuay scnooi. 11 worsnin ana 7 Christian fellowship. Christian Science Sunday school 0-45 Sunday service 11. Lesson sermon this weeK 'Love. Africa Missionary Worker is Speaker Silverton The Christian and Missionary Alliance church group is observing special mis sionary services during the week with Rev. Nathan Ost and Mrs. Ost just returned from a three year period of continuous ser vice in the African Congo, speak ers at the Wednesday evening 7:30 o'clock service at the church. This is the first visit home for the Osts since taking up the work of African missions. On Thursday forenoon begin ning at 10:30 o'clock will be district woman's missionary meeting at the church with Mrs. Ernest McGarvey of Dallas the forenoon speaker, and Mrs. Na than Ost the speaker for the Thursday afternoon session Noon luncheon is to be served the local and visiting guests at the Knights of Pythias hall. Mrs Albert Larson of South Church street is president of the Chris tian and Missionary Alliance misionary society and will serve as official hostess for the oc casions during the week. Woodburn Churches Church of God Third and Grant Sts, Raymond W. Hood, pastor. Church school iu. w or snip ii ana s. x. r. i. Assembly of God Second and Lincoln Sts. Lester Gibson, pastor, Sunday school :iE. rreacning n ana x. r. o:. Free Methodist Young and Gatch Sts, Mrs. Roiella B. Douglas, pastor. Sunday nooi rreacmng u ana i:4. Christian E. Lincoln and Doud Bts. on Priest, pastor. Sunday school 10. Service 11. C. . 7. Evening service 8. Methodist Young and B Sts. Ormal B. Trick, pastor. Church school 10. Wor ship 11, Foursquare 11D7 E. Lincoln St. Arthur Goble, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. wor shop 11 and 7:45. Y. P. 6:45. Bethel Presbyterian 3 miles east on Union School Road. Earl K. Penton pastor, Worship 10. Sunday school 10:46. Church of Jesus Christ of L. 1 I.O.O.P. hall. Sunday school 10. ment meeting 11:30. St. Arnea Catholic (Hubbard) Attended by Woodburn parish priests. Sunday masses 6:30. St. Mary's Episcopal E. Lincoln CuDld's Court. Clarence C. Slocum. vicar. Church school 0:30. Divine worship 11. Bible Baptist Grange Hall, Settlemler and Harrison. Earl Baiter, pastor. Sunday scnooi h:. wor snip service il ana ;d f. e:4S. Immanuel Lutheran S. L. Almlle. pas tor. Sunday school and Bible classes, 10. Divine worship 1 1, sermon by pastor. Anthem by the King's Carolers of Salem. Luther League, 7:30, topic: "How Can I Know That- 1 Am a Christian?". Trinity Lutheran R. G. Hovland. Sa lem, supply pastor. Sunday school and Bible classes 10, Divine Worship 11, Rev. Hovland speaking. Calvary Lutheran P. W. Krlckson, pas ir, Sunday school and Bible class 10. Morning worship, 11, sermon by Rev. w. Ericsson. Christian and Missionary Alliance Gordon T. Bratvold, pastor. Sunday school oscar sairum, supt. worship nour, 11. sermon on "Unity, text 4th chanter of Ephestans", Special vocal music, male quartet. Young folk meet at 6:30. Mrs, Elmer Whittaker speaker. Speaker foi 7:30 evangelistic service, the pastor, topic: "Our Bible", special music, solo, Oscar Satrum, First Christian Church Arthur Charles Bates, minister, Bible school 9:45. M. Ford, supt., Lynn Neal assistant for this ween, communion ana service Hour, sermon: "The Church in Thyatira". the series of sermons on the "Churches Revelations." Christian Endeavor. Junior and senior, 6:30. Evening service, 7:30. Mrs. Lynn Neal and Mrs. E. A. McCullough In charge of the Woman's Program on World Call, Illustrated. Sfayton Churches Baptist Rev. Willard Buckner, pastor aunaay acnooi, 10. Morning worship, 1 Training hour. 7:15. Evening service, 8. Church of Christ Clyde Freeman, pas tor. Bible school, 10, Worship service, 11, Youth fellowship, 6:30. Evening worship, 8 o'clock. Church of Christ L, M. Seld, minister. Bible study, 10. Morning worship, 11. Eve ning worship, 6. Immanuel Lutheran Harvln N. Chris- tensen. pastor. Doud and Oswald Sts. Worship service 11. Sunday school 10, Seventh Day Adventlst 11a Estelle. auo- erlntendent. Sunday school 9:45 sermon at 11. Methodist John Moranei. nnstni- mhln school, 10. Worship service, 11. Youth fel- lowsmp, e;30. Evening worship, 8. Church of Christ E, A. Pane, minister. Bible class 10. Sermon 11. Evening service 6:30. Free Methodist R, W. McCormlck, pas ir. Sunday school fi:45. Preachlnir ser vices 11 and 7:45. Church of God Henry Lonsan. nastor. Sunday school 0:45. Morning service 11. Young people 6:45. Evangelistic service 7:45. First Baptist E. J. Schroeder. pastor. Sunday school 9:46. Mornlntr worshln 11. Training union 7. Evening worship 8. Bible school 10 Chureh of Christ - o'clock communion 11, Church of Jesua Christ of Latter Tim-w Saints Elder Miller, presiding. Bunday school 10. Sacrament meeting 11:45. Episcopal Rev. Cyril P. Hannev. Tlear. Church school 10. Morning prayer and kindergarten nursery. 11. Holy baptism 12:30. St. Phillips Catholic Father John Bab yak, pastor. Mass 8:15 second and fourth Sundays, 10:15 first, third and fifth Sun- ays. Foursquare Gospel Rev. Edwin and Vonitta Gurney, pastors. Sunday school iu. wurnmg worsnip ii. ounaay evengeus tic 7:45. Mill City Churches Presbyterian Dr. David J. Ferauson. minister. Sunday school 10. Morning ser vices 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "The Hidden Christ". Youth Fellowship 6:30. First Christian Thomas Courtnev. Jr.. pastor. Bible school 9:45, Morning worship ii o ciock. vnrisuan tnaeavor o:ju, eve ning worship 7:45. t. Catherine Catholic Father C. Mai. pastor, Sunday mass 9. Confessions heard before mass. Free Methodist L. C. Gould, pastor. Bun day school 10. Mornlna services 11 o'clock. Evening worship 7:30. Community Rev. Wayne Walking, ttas- tor. Sunday school 10. Morning service 11 o'clock. Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Salt Creek Baptist Emanuel Wolff, nan- tot. Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11, Rev. Fred G. Bennett. Salem. Knank. ing. Evening service at 7:30 in charge of yuuiia pegpiu. Immaculate Conception Catholic Rev. Nath. Jonas, pastor. Sunday fiervicea: Masses 6, 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. St. Patrick's Catholic (Lyons) Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule, 1st . 2nd and 6th Sundays mass at 8:30 a.m. Our Lady of Loordes (Jordan) Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule. 1st, 2nd and 5th Sundays mass 8:30 a.m.; 3rd and 4th Sundays, masa 10:30. Baptist Bruce Wakemnn. Run. day school 10. Morning worship, 11. Youth iciiowsnip, (. evening service, e. Church of Christ Wm, F. Morse, min ister, Bible school 10. Morning worship 11, Junior meeting, 1, Young people's meet ing. 7. Evening services, 8. Methodist Rev. Fremont Paul, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Junior fellowship. 6. Youth fellowship, 7 o'clock. Falls City Free Methodist Rev. Gilbert Johnson, pastor. Bunday school 10. Morn ing service 11. Young people 7:30 and evangelistic service 8. Falls City Seventh Day Adventlst Sun day school 9:30. Preaching service 11, Union Missionary Baptist Harmony community near Buell. W. A. Heard, pas tor. Sunday school 10 sermon 11. Falls City Christian Charles Knox pas tor. Sunday school 10. Morning worship 11. Christian Endeavor 6:30. Oak Grove Chapel (Amity) Fremont Faul, minister. Morning service 9:45 fol lowed by Sunday school, MYF each eve ning, Fall City Methodist James H. Royer, pastor. Sunday school 10. Morning wor ship 11. Eola Sunday School Rev. Penlx, pas tor. Sunday school 9:45. Worship 11, RIckreall Sunday School J, W. Thles sen, superintendent. 9.30 a, m. Hayes to Speak At Church of God E. C. Hayes, employe of the state prison for the past four years who has been engaged in potice work since 1932, will speak during the 7:30 Sunday evening service of the First Church of God of which Rev. O. W. Clemens is the pastor. Hayes will speak on the sub ject "Why the Crime Wave Is Increasing In America." Special music will be provided for this combined youth and adult serv ice. Assemblr of God Stayton. Rev. P. C. Walcher, pastor. Sunday school D:4B. Morn. lne worship service, II. Evangelistic serv ice, 8 p.m. Young people's meeting, 7 p,m. Child Evangelism Winter Rally The Salem Child Evangelism Fellowship announces that their winter rally will be held Friday night at 7:30 o'clock at the First Evangelical United Brethren church. Features will be sing ing by the boys and girls; chalk drawing by Rev. Herb Ander son, from Gladstone, Ore.; Flannel-graph lesson, Miss Verna Bal zer. The guest speaker will be Rev. Arthur Van De Zande from Junction City. Special music will be furnished by the Voice of Fellowship quartet from the M. B. church in Dallas. Every one is welcome. Miss Myrna Stover, city di rector, reports that there are now 30 Home Bible classes meet ing each week in Salem and vicinity. Revival Is Postponed Scio . The local Christian church has postponed its revival meeting for one week, so as not to conflict with the missionary conference to be at the Baptist church. February 5-12. It is hoped the two churches can sup port both of these important meetings better this way. The Baptist church is grateful to the Christian church for doing this, CASH LOANS Auto or Persona $100t.'1000 COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN HHiBalNCORFOItATEOMilIBH Salem cUencji 464 N. Chnrcli St. let Ml 68 1 osssiSSsm i7rrli r , 30 II Youth for Christ Group Formed Young people's day will be observed next Sunday at the First Presbyterian church. At the morning .worship service several young people will have part in the program. The young people participating in the service are Ronald Bartlett, Mary Campbell and Harriett Hi- day. Dr. Chester W. Hamblin the pastor, will preach a special young people's sermon on "Pie in the Sky." The choir, directed by Charles aioweii, will sing, and Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, organist, has chos en as her numbers "Andante Classica" by Cosyn and "Prelude ana jt ugue in c Major" by Bach. The youth group meetings Sunday night will also feature this day. Bruce Bleckert will lead the junior high group. Protestants Told to Put Teeth in Effort Columbus, O., Jan. 27 (UP.) Two religious educators and a Protestant church leader have asked protestant groups to put 'real teeth" into their combined efforts to fight secularism In the church. Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr and Dr. Mark A. Dawber of New York and Dr. Jacob Avery Long of San Anselmo, Calif., made their appeals to the home missions congress. Dr. Long, professor of Christ ian social ethics at San Francis co Theological seminary in San Anselmo, asked protestants to put away "their denominational rivalries" and put "real teeth1 in their agreements for church planning and cooperation. Historian Angle To New Testament "The Historian's Approach to the New Testament" will be the subject of an informal lecture by Howard Teepie at the meet ing of the Unitarian Fellowship Sunday evening at 7:30 After graduating from Willamette uni versity, Teepie carried on ex tensive research in this field in libraries in the northwest and in Los Angeles, followed by graduate study at the Univer- siyt of Chicago. This meeting will be held at the Teepie home, 1785 Fair Oaks way, and those desiring trans portation should meet at the YWCA at 7:15. Gervals Presbyterian Ernest Tremblay, pastor. Sunday scnooi 10. worsnip 11, ,:ju. I. Luke's Catholic V. L. Moffenbeler, pastor. Harrison between 3rd and 4th. Sunday services 7, 6:30, 10:30. Devotions A. Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Corner of Second and Garfield. George Omans, pastor. Church school 10. Preaching 11. Zlons League 7 uecture stuay n. First Presbyterian Garfield and Third Sts. Earl K. Fenton, pastor. Sunday school u:4t. uivme worship 11 and 7:uu. X Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, January 27, 195013 Missionary Circle Arranges Work Day Dayton The Missionary Cir cle of the Baptist church met with Mrs. Joe Kirkland. There were 15 members present and a visitor, Mrs. Burns, Willamette District president. Mrs. Silas Johnson had charge of the devo tional period. The lesson for the afternoon was on Burma, India and was presented by Mrs. Ed Graben- horst. There was a short busi ness meeting, during which time plans were made concerning White Cross work for the year. On Tuesday Jan. 31, in early afternoon, the group will have a "work day" at the home of the Taylor sisters. Mrs. Leion Phelps is president of the Circle. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Amity Churches Baptist Bruce Wakeman, pastor. Sun day achool, 10. Morning worship 11. Ser- ,on topic: "Christ a Cleansing Blood." Youth Fellowship 7. Evening 1:30 Union service Church of Christ. Church of Christ Wm. V. Morse, pas tor. Bible school 11. Morning worship 11. Endeavor 6:30. Union service 7:30. Speaker Ross J. Griffith, Eugene. Methodist Fremont Faul. minister Sun day school 10. Morning worship 11. Junior lenowsnip 6, Youth ienowsnip (. wm at tend Union service at Church oi Christ 7:30. Lebanon Approves Plans for Hospital Lebanon At a meeting of the Lebanon Community hospital board of trustees, architects' plans for the new 50-bed hos pital were approved and ar rangements completed for an early start this year on final pre parations which will precede construction. L. D. Barr has been named to direct final activities. The new hospital will include two operating rooms, two mater nity delivery rooms, a private wing for maternity cases, sepa rate wing for laundry, kitchen and plant operations, a wing for wards and private rooms, ad ministration center and a sepa rate heating plant. The site was recently pur chased east of highway 20 and just north of the Crown Willam ette paper mill. The new hospital will include modern, fully equipped labora tory and blood bank unit where whole blood and plasma can be stored for emergency use. Mrs. Dentel Hostess For Butreville Aid Buttcville Butteville Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Fred Dentel. The 12 o'clock luncheon was followed by a Stanley party, with Mrs. Phil Hathaway as demonstrator. Mrs. L. Johnson presided over the business session. Plans were made for an 11 a.m. luncheon and auction to be held at the Butteville grange hall, January 27. Mrs. Ming Kee will be in charge of the kitchen. Mrs. Alf Nelson will be hostess to the Aid in her home at Fargo at the next meeting. Election of of ficers will be held at that time. Sixteen attended the affair. Assemblr of God Rev. William N. Bcachy, pastor. Sunday school 9:43. Morn Inn worship 11. special Youth aervlct 7:15. Evening service 7:45. Dr. Ross Fills Nazarene Pulpit In the absence of the pastor, Rev. Orville W. Jenkinswho is conducting a revival meeting in the Brentwood church of th Nazarene in Portland, Dr. Del bert R. Rose, dean of Western school of Evangelical Religion, Jennings Lodge, will bring tha message at the Sunday morning worship service. Rev. Ira Paul Dumas, pastor from the Moreland church of the Nazarene in Portland, wiU preach in the evening evangelis- tical service. Holy Name League Guest in Silverton Silverton Around 75 men at tended the meeting at the hall of St. Paul's parish when the Silverton men of the Catholic league entertained the Willam ette Valley Holy Name league in a business session, program and social hour. Delegations were present from Al Seifer, recently elected Salem ,Mt. Angel, Shaw, Sub limity, Stayton and Silverton. president of St. Paul's Holy Name league, was official host for the alfair. Scio Parents, Teacher Group Inspects School Scio The PTA meeting wai well attended. The business meeting was conducted by presi dent, Lucille Thurston. Mrg. Tom Nutter had charge of the health program and a film con cerning the "Price of Freedom" was also shown by Albert Wag ner. Faith Harding gave a very impresive reading. At the clost of the meeting the guests were shown through the new grade school rooms with the various teachers acting as hostesses. Re freshments were served to aU present. Wild birds will flock for feed ings of dry bread, pie crust, mel on and squash seeds, sunflower seeds, apple, lettuce and suet. Montana Missionary Speaking at Dayton Dayton Miss Delores Joy, of Troy, Mont., wilr be the guest speaker at the Baptist church Sunday evening at 7:45 o'clock, She will also speak to the Sun day school group in the morning between 10:30 and 11. Miss Joy is doing deputation work in Oregon and Washington in the Baptist church. She plans to leave in mid-summer for Italy, where she will go as a mission ary from the Baptist missionary board. Dayton Missionary Group Entertained Dayton The Missionary soci ety of the Pioneer church held its regular meeting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Harry Ryan, The devotional period was conducted by Mrs. Delia U'Ren. Mrs. Roy Stone had the lesson on Japan. The group has been having a series of lessons on Ja pan. There were 28 members present. The committee, Mrs. Dave Powell and Mrs. Guy Remme, served refreshments as sisted by Mrs. Ryan. Eio fuss no muss no bother no dirt use Pres-to-logs HP IPiti inc iLtAN rutL r,i CAPITOL LUMBER COMPANY NORTH CHERRY AVE., SALEM, ORE. Phones 3-8862 or 2-4431 We Are Pleased to Announce It Is Now Possible For Us to Write FULL COVERAGE ON ANY AUTOMOBILE Regardless of the age of either uuto OR operator and alto WITHOUT racial distinction! FOR ANY INSURANCE PROBLEM SEE K. JANZ AT ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE VICTORY CHAPEL (Open Bible Standard Church) 1232 N. Commercial We cordially invite you 'to at tend our services. Enjoy the Blessing of the Lord with us. Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Worshp 11 a.m, Younir People's Dcrv. 7 P. M. Evanffellstlo Serv. 7:45 P. M. Sub): "Whore Art Thou?" Rev. A. C. Grimes, Pastor We Invite You to Hear These Guest Speakers 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 10:50 a.m., Dr. Delbert R. Rose 6:15 p.m., Young People 7:30 p.m., Rev. Ira Paul Dumas of Portland (This Service Broadcast Over Station KOCO) First Church of the Nazarene Center at 13th Orville W. Jenkins, Pastor "The Singing Church" 1st door south of Ladd & Bush Bank 136 S. COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE 39161 llllif 1 f Ot .. ft I TEC!Zyl! 1, i tata.