12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, January 27, 1950 A Man Is Missing By ERLE STANLEY GARDNER (Creator of the famous fictional detective, Perry Muoo) THC STORY THUS PAR! Sheriff Bill Oatlln persuadee Hank Lucea, a Quae wransler. to helD locate an amnesia Vic tlm, Frank Adrian. FoUowlnl up the on ly clue a postcard bearing a picture of Adrian In front of a mountain cabin liucaa locatea the cabin lor Adrians wne, nnrllu. iiwl Jimu Dewltt. a City de- tective. Alao In the party la Marlon Chandler, a photographer. In the cabin they find bloodstain and a letter earned by Adrian expreaslng fear of his part- .ner, Harry Benton, jjewm jinoa ouwwm In the ashes of the stove. Marlon belat edly Identities nerseir as acoion a ou ter. NOW OO ON WITH THE 8TOBY; (Chanter Five) Marlon and Corliss sat on a fallen log maintaining a distance of some eight feet, both apparently intent upon me scenery, ooui uuuer cww tlnnnl tpmlon. Then Hank Lucas came walking back rather hurriedly. He talked briefly to Dewltt. Then men took off, carrying with them & shovel which had been standing in the corner of the caoin Dy tne stove. When they returned, some twenty minutes later, uewitt saia, uoru. vn want vou" Marlon saw Corliss catch her breath, heard her half scream; then they were gone down the trail, leav ing Marlon seated on the log very much alone. They were back with lng ten minutes. The cold hostility of Dewltt's eyes confirmed her worst fears. He said. 'It's my duty to Inform you, Miss Benton, that we have discovered the body of Prank Adrian, The evidence Is unmistak able that he was shot in the back ol the head with a high-powered rifle, firing a soft-nosed bullet. In view of other evidence I've found, there can be no question but what your brother was the murderer." Marion was on her feet. "How dare you say any such thing! You are making a superficial appraisal of circumstantial evidence. My brother may have been living with him, but he wasn't the only man in these mountains. After all, Adrian was mentally deranged. He1 " "Shot himself in the back of the head with a rifle?" Dewltt asked sarcastically. "Or," Marlon went on desperate ly, "that body could be someone else." "The Identification Is absolute," Dewltt said. "Not only is there an indentlflcatlon by Corliss despite the state of the body due to the time it's been in a shallow grave, but there are certain means of Identi fication which were given me by Corliss before she ever came In here." Hank Lucas was downright apolo getic when he moved up to talk with Marion after Dewltt had gone over to comfort Corliss. "There's another way out of this country," he said. "It's only about fifteen miles of trail from here, and get.s you to an automobile road. There's a ranch there and a telephone. De wltt feels he should get in there right away, and I've got to guide him. Corliss Is pretty much all In. but she doesn't want to remain here. Don't you want to go back to camp and stay there with Ken ney and the cook?" "I don't" Marion said, feeling her voice rise almost to the point of hysteria. "I want to find the sher iff of this county." "That's right," Lucas said, sooth ingly. "The sheriff is a square shooter, but there's no use kidding ourselves. So far, the evidence is dead open and shut." "We're wasting time," Dewitt in terrupted, -inink it will Be neces sary to take a pack horse with our sleeping bags?" "Nope," Hank said. "There's a ranger station there and a ranch. I think probably we can get an auto to drive out from Boise and pick us up." It wasn't until shortly after dark that the four horsemen rounded the last turn of a trail that had seem ed absolutely interminable and saw an oblong of light, heard the sound of a radio. Corliss Adrian was virtually in a state of collapse. Dewitt.holding grimly to the saddle horn, lurched along like a sack of meal. Once in the ranger station, how ever, Dewltt's spirits soon revived. He was in his element, putting through telephone calls, requistlon ing cars, assuming command. While they were waiting for the ear to arrive from Boise, Tom Meeker, the rancher who lived about a mile away and who had arrived In a state of excitement aft er frankly having listened over the party phone, fell into conversation witn Manx. "How are tht horses?" Hank asked. "Fine." "Havent had a stray In here, have you t "Say. there Is. for a fact." Meek r said. "When the horses came In to hay last winter, there was a black that came in. Big. powerful nurse, i navrn i seen mm Deiore, and I don't know who owns him, There's no brand." "White left front foot? Star on nis forehead?" Hank asked. "That's right." "Bnck in good shape?" Hank ask d casually. "It is now," Meeker said, and laughed. "Wasn't quite so good when he came In." "Mnybe fifteen years old? Sort of swayoacKenv'' Lucas asked. "Don't tell me you own him?1 "Nope. But I know who does." The drive to the county seat was a long one, ana it was nearly noon when the party finally reported to Bin Tallin, -rney were an ex hausted. The old country sheriff eyed them 1 VTOWruV7 A 1 V ll lit it nyvvim curiously. His manner was calm, unhurried, and deliberate. "Looks to me like you've been takln' it Drettv hard." he said to Dewitt. "Maybe you'd better roll in for a while before we do anything else." Dewltt shok his head. "I don't want to appear conceited, but it Just happens I'm here. I'm going to Keep on tne job. "You mean finish it up right now?" That's right. Arrest one 01 tne gu'lty parties." 'vvnof "Use your head," Dewltt said im patiently, "Restnstruct the crime. Put two and two together." just what do you mean Dy tnatr 'Hank Lucas tells me that he knows that pack horse, has known It for some time. He knows the man who sold it to Adrian." Catlin nodded. "That pack horse showed up down by the ranger station after snow fall last year when the horses came m to get fed. tiea been feeding out on tne range Deiore men." Again catlin nodded. "Surely you can see what nan- pened," Dewitt went on, trying to hold back his impatience. "There in the cabin we found some buttons in the stove, meaning that some gar ments had been burned up. We dldn t find a single thing in the line of wearing bpparel, blankets, personnal possessions, or anything. just a lew cusnes and odds and ends of that sort. In other words. the cabin had been fixed ud very carefully so that any person who happened to stumble onto it would not think there was anything out of the ordinary." "So Hank was telling me." the snerui said. "All right." Dewltt said. "Ben ton killed Frank Adrian. He load- ed all the stuff on the pock horse ana wanted out to tne ranch Dy me ranger station, where he struck the highway. He unpacked the horse ana turned nun loose. "Then what?" Catlin asked. "Then he vanished." "Seems like he did. for a fact. the sheriff said. "Wen," Dewitt said impatiently, 'my gosh, do I have to rub vour nose in it? Figure out what hap pened. That wasn't any cabin-fever killing. That was willful, premedi tated murder. Adrian had quite a roll of cash on him. Benton got out with It. What happened? He got to that road and unoacked his nnr.lr. horse. Ho didn't just evaporate into mm air. someone met him with an automobile. It had to be someone who was in on the play, someone Who could keCD an eve nil LhinoK and wait until people were about reaay to munch an investigation, and then contrive to show up and be very solicitous about her dear brother. In other words, it's Just as ploin as the nose on your face that Marlon Benton was her broth ers accomplice, and the murder of Frank Adrian was premeditated." Marion Jumped to her feet. "How ware you say anything like that?" mow, just a minute, ma'am," Bill Catlin said authoritatively. -uiiik5 Aarian sain r-n t.n Rhn,. Iff "He could have hltchhlkeri in I don't think Miss Benton was in on it.- "Flguro it out," Dewitt went on. "That murder was commH.ti.ri nnmo time before snow, some time be- lore tne ground froze. The men hnrf gone In there nlannlnir t.n nrn.qrMV.1 and then to trap. They had tnken In enough supplies to lust them through the winter, probably all of mo ouppnus uiey could possibly load on one nack horse. Truro mnci have been quite a bit of stuff. Ben ton had to load all that and pack It out. Then he had to get rid of it "I ve asked Dartlmiinriv nhmit traffic along that road. Kxc.pnt dur ing hunting season, there's virtual ly no ono wno uses it other than the ranger and the chap who hos the rancn mere, puis me man who de livers the moil. "I try to do mines thornuchiw I've talked on the telephone to the nmiiiiitiii. aim i asuecl mm par ticularly If he remembered nicking up anyone with a lot of camp "Couldn't he have hidden the camp equipment?" Corliss asked. "Too dangerous." Dpwll.i. niH shortly. "To simply dump that stuff out somewhere would be taking too iimiiy cnauccs. ipe minute anyone .Mum Hint, cacne 01 sturr. he'd know something hnd happened." "Yes. I reckon von'rp rluht. " ti.a sheriff said. "I guess he had to have .tumrone meet mm. "And you enn sep what thai menus." Dewltt went on. "It menus iiinuernie murder. The crime hnd to be committed arvorrllni, In a ...- lain schedule. The person with the i:hi mm to oe tnere on a certnln date. I want Miss Benton arrested ns one of the two persons who mur dered p-rnnk Adrian. I want her arrested now." (Sheriff Cntlin and Hnnk Lurns nave n surmise up their sleeves for Detective Dewltt. Don't miss tomor row's Installment. (Copyright by ErlpStnnlry Gardner) Peoples' Teleohone Line Holds Election Lyons The annual meeting of the Peoples Co-operative tel ephone company was held at the Snntiani Valley grange hall with a smnll attendnnce due to weath er conditions. Bert Karr was re elected president and Lloyd Sletto was elected director to replace Vernon James. Harley Scott and Hugh Johnston were retained as directors. Fred Lin rioman was elected secretory treasurer to replace Laurence Walworth, Party Proves Success Lyons The party sponsored by the Alter Society and held nt the Rebekah hall was well attended in spite of the bad weather. Cards helped to fur nish the entertainment with several tables of pinochle and "500" in play. REAOf to hop off eoa.) one second, z eke- f "yb.uv Ocer--- i want a yarn from 1 T hot moose milk T comb on, zeke we STONVGAP, ROPER'-MYI WANT TO OrET , YOU ON "THb CARE ANC F6E0ING OP N' MEDICINE DROPPER.') CAN'T KEEP THE WORLD 1 5 OL0 LADYS PROBLY fALL THE COPE I SEXTUPL6T5"' WHAT LL DOES THE ' mzmmmmjmm' WAITING FOR THAT A T START fj' TO WONDER ) NEED FOR MY FOLLOW JOB CALL W . . , ' I V INFORMATION -oCT) ' WHERE I'M AT VuP STORY IN SPOTLIGHT ' H 1 ygGAJ. '"'iTW V-J- -- SiA. rV V i 'V X I T7 I J I HI IT T1 O irTZr . "x& . "M W of course. 1 hmM'ME0h! i suppose 1 n hmph! i-kte woRKttr peoPLe. eh? 1 I f "Ei0W''lSM T l-l SST A .1 I TWrrsTHgONLY EO-BUT DO ME A FAVOR, I j I SHOULD fe KNOWN A DOPE UkE YOU II I ,reT",TORBUT' CSDSNTO-EHY REASON I HAD! RWM NOW ON, JACK- I f WOULDN'T APPRECIATE ME TFrlN T' HELC I I P I reVJ80SORWPORVOUANCl YOUVOU II I WAS AC-rW STAY AWAV FROM ME I ft YOU-a Kox TH' NEXTT1NW t TSTY J I I VOUB WIFE AND ldrj3WHar J UlANTRn Trt I I ml Crtn-nie: orjCT--S mrr& Vii Tead -m.i I H .,... K J I H Tjoj H1- TiYNATCHERALXPIRKHUNK BUT ONLV MAMMY NAV-CHUR. H&MToOULDGnN HOW IS ITTlEANtR ONI MAM KNEECAPS fS MLAN S HERSELF; KIN CHANGE TH' EX- , ?0 THIS PAIN FO'ANVONt- J .THEY A. AN' NASTIEP1 ) L AN NASTY-SO, NATCHE.RLY, Lit PRESHOM ON A KNEJCCAP.V J BUT U'L. ABNER:'' y -NOW, Ll'L )X I THAN EVER, v . ABNEB DON'T LIKE ME-A SAL J ilAUS r N . ABNER?! A IF POSSIBLE . I KIN CHANQE TH' EXPRESHUN ON ) fi'DPyAP, HtWI T. , : S HEPt FACE WITH BJNTVr " ij;rJi-4r! ' I f 1 r IT'S GETTING .IGHT s2f WITH UIAMONU Tll ZS ' ' 1 'K"1" I LATER I - 1 I'D BETTER BESTARTIHS BACKKr ff RUNNING THE TOWN 1 3 fgZr1 LUCKY SAID E"l,lr HOPPY JV H TOTOWN.TLLlSaVEYOU JiA n YOU'LL BE SAER R.K5HT I I W THERE WAS A BRIDGET 1 Bg' (THE WESTCOTT n r ONE OF MY SIX-GUNS f THANKS, J HERE . STAY OUT-OF J Sl ABOUT THREE MILES J --A BOYS BEEN h O C vAND SOME AMMO. JlHOPPyW JsiSHT T1LLI jSt J&$k SSV UPSTREAM.... J F Wgik AONAPPR M ' 7oG,yUMUSI FISHTINSIS .ALWAVS FIND NEVER HIT A jL MAY tfo''. V . H , !J N0?vVHAT U LEARN.' THE ART AuL RIGHT CWt SMALLER MAN WHEM fcft GET 4?M VoO SHOULDN'T DO you T 0F SELF DEFENSES PROVIDING CM" -' HE'S DOWtiY UP.' HIT ME rJrj, T ' ' NOW I'M GONNA KVou no lT VV 1 vTfX fL WHEN I'M J f3yr5rtil T TEACH YOU! J YOU DO IT X r STl E ' M & DOWN S I OT YOO a-fi) J'NTELU6ENUyA1' Ml l U x) XEV ( DOWN FOR?. r rTMbili 1 n W Y l A little iAZBsr I f Stl- iT OI6Y. HAVE IT VOI .'(? II .,,..- 7 , .. . ' IT'a Botzrrv R f LISTEN- WE CLEAMPD (AW fUSTV. I RPaVs !'H.E!K' JANVHW. U I THE MESS AND WE'LL PAY 1 awn du.k Tut: J fT'S DANNY, THE 6UY I ANP GET OUT. ANE TSSL SES" pTf1 fl'M 4PRAIO I HAVEM'T HMAA... VOU'LL TAe BT TT A(TN 1 ' p ANYTHING WIDE ENOUGH ANYTHING THAT'S It c 3 O HV.. STIL.U NIOTv INI ASTVLE VOU'D LIKE? WIDE ENOUGH, RieHT?J l ,M3s'SYXi.i o wide ewush, huh?j 3-.,-., vr . : 1 xft TaW r FlOU.-PIDVOU ly0H.THAT?. YEAH I I THINK HARP.H0W! W0 )yp, 1 I THAT n I HAD A I ,N 0N MOMENT YOU LnO'.THIRE CAN BE NO I CRtATtTHBrBLTXl DIDTHE UVOUT. J otl HAVE REAL GIRLS 7 REAL GIRL IN MIND! HAVl LIFTED ME TO THE z. FAKING, JIMMY. UNCLt ) l lp i RADIO PROGRAMS FRIDAY KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO CO NBC 70 CBS I 1IW ABC 1380 MBO MSO K.C "STOO The I ef Ua Knoa Mannlna Chal. ef Token B-Bar-B Swlnr Tim; S:l? hewe rhe Ullle Shew Chal. of Yukon B-Bar-B -.wlna Time lm Son.e of Time (ie.a Sk, Kin. Jom Mi. Sine Cr.ebr 5;fo Elmer FeUrion Sewe sky Kim rom Mia Band of Pax 6-00 Dlreetore' teare ft to Joan Edwin C. Bill Gabriel Heater Candle Urol 6'llt Plarnoaaa Leaee tl to Joan Home Edition N. W. Newe and Slleu il.m llareiiK show Goee On Kite Eneoree Telle Tei Fliheaeler 8:45 Paranle show Goee On Hlli A Eneoree Serenade TwIUial Sena 7:00 Xaeler Coral Show Coea On" Flihta Sporlj Mirror 7:IS Xailer dial show Goee On Flihli Jhli I. ll.il. Hoileal Jaokpol 7:30 Bill Stern Numbei pleaie Flebla Claea Bid Erelrn Knlfhl 7:4S Rhrlbo Time Somber Pleaie Flihl. Clieo Kid Tropleann 1:00 Slnalra-Klriten Lowell Thomaa Fal Man Slralihl Arrow Mldeonrl fllS Newe of World faek Smith Fal Man Stralihl Arrow SHS-SprlnaflelS 8:S0 Halla ef Irr The Goldberra roar FBI Lean Back SHS-Sprlnafleld 8:45 Halla of Irr The Goldbena goor FBI Jerry Seara SHS-Sprlnafleld 9:00 Newe Mr FaTerlte Onie d Ha'riel Moelo SllS-Sprlnatleld 9:15 Orcheatra Husband 0le A Harriet David Roee SHS-Sprlnafleld 9:30 Dick Harmee Benlah Weitern Sklee Comedr Errora SHS-Sprlncfleld 9:45 Trio Club 16 VYcetcrn Sklee Comedy Errere Newe 10:00 Sam Hayoe S Star Final itleb. Reporter Folt. Lewie Jr. (Varwlek Theai. 10:15 Mlndr Caraon Sporle Spotlifht ntermetio Select Newe Warwlok Tbeat. 10:30 Sporla Final Alr-flo Coneerl Hour Newe Vfuilo Ton Want 10:45 Drchoitra You A World Concert Hour Navy Air Vfuiie Ton Want 11 :00 Newe Serenade Concert Hour Love Myatery Nocturne 11:15 Wai Muaenm Treasury Band Concert Hour Charlie Splvak Nocturne 11:30 (Vox Museum Orran Musle Vlemoe Ray Hacked Voeturne 11:45 ffaa Museum Oraan Musle Mcmoi Bay llackell Noelnrna 12:0QBIin Off fellent TCtra Hoor Eijnbff lan OH Mac, KGW 1M.S, S-10 p.m., KOIN 101.1, a a.m., It p.m., KEX tt.f, S la y.i SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6;00Bodf Fodn jNews iDawn p-'ewi . B;S Hodg Podn KOIN Klock Downbeat Timekeeper 63flHMtf; Podia KOIN Klock Dawn March Tima KOCO Block 6:45 Bodga Podta KOIN Klock Downbeat S'ewa HOCO BJock 700 Now Bear ThiiKOIN Klock Round-Up Boya S'ews Tex Bltler 7-1.'. Now Hear ThlaiNewa M. Afronaky Rise A Shlnt Mwa 7.3(1 Newa S'ewa Kelrln Keech ireakfait Gaog I-leata Time 7;45 Sam Hayea Conaamer Newa Kelvin Keech lop Tradea Eatteniloa 8efT- 8;0fl Fred Warlnc Let'a Pretend Home Arent aanaln Counter Itemlnlielna 815 Fred Waring Let'a' Pretend Musical Brldae Music Reminitelni- 8:30 Smlllni Innlor Miss Musical Brldra Haven of Seal ffeit'n Melodltt 8:45 McConnall Junior Mlaa Aluslcal Brldao Haven ol Rest Sclenca Ezcur. 900 Uary Lea Theatra of' 101 Ranch Northwest News Fop Varieties i 9:15 Taylor Today 101 Ranch Blnf Sinn Defenia Report f 93fl Readlnt la Fan Grand Central Toyland Tunes Pastor's Call Music Without g;45 Newa grand Central Toyland Tunes Will Ins- Words 0:(M Sttr Klnca Stan Orer Stars of Newa Babe Buth 0:1,5 Jerry Marlowt Hollywood Tomorrow Quia Club Salem Air Mt. 0:30 Volcea, Events Qlvo and Taka Stars of Proudly Hall Concert 10:45 Volcea, Events GIto and Take Tomorrow Proudly Hall Favorites tl :00 Laula County Fair Met. Opera Platter Jock 3T Serenada ' 11:15 Broadway Cor. County Fair Met. Opera Platter Jock Sat. Serenada 11:30 Youna; Ore. Jeff Reran Met. Opera Platter Jock Sai. Serenada 11:45 Youna; Prey. Jeff Besan Met. Opera Platter Jock Sat, Serenada 2:00 Farm-Ifoma Kewa Met. Opera Top Trades At tha Opera 2:15 Farm-Homo Barny'd Follies Met. Opera Newa At tha Opera 2:30 Marina Band Family Party Met. Opera Gay 00's News 12:45 Marina Band Family Party Met. Opera Bob Eberlt Navy Band !:00 TBA Meet Missus Met7"Opera Man on Farm Sat Matlnaa :15 TBA Newspaper Met. Opera Man en Farm Bat. Matlne ;3Q T B A Newspaper Met. Opera Man on Farm Sat. Matlne ;45 TBA Orchestra Met. Opera Man on Farm Sat. Matlnea 2:00 Orchestra Orchestra Tea, Crumpets News Sat. Matinee E:15 Orchestra Orchestra Tea, Crumpets Band Concert Sat. Matinee :30 Here's to Veta Farm News Tea Crumpets Collete Choir Cr Shannon 2:45 Georsa Fisher Garden Gate Tea - Crumpets Collee Choir Cy 8hannon 3:00 News News , Junior Ray Noble Chln-Up Chat 3:15 Guest Star U. N. Junction Ray Noble Chin-Up Chat 3:30 NBC Symphony Red Barber Jan Concert Sat. Mntluee Chln-Up Chat 3:45 NBCSymphony Larry Lesucr Jaxi Concert Sat. Mntlnce Chln-Up Chat 4:00 NBC Symphony Treasury Band Rex Koury Mel A.Jen SpotHsht Musla 4:15 NBC Symphony Treasury Band Harry Winner Hemintrway Spotlight Musle 4:30 Bands of Land Way for Youth Albert Warner Bandstand USA Curtain Calls 4:45 Bands of Land Way for Youth Church, Nation Bandstand U A Curtain CaUs FM Hec, KGW 100.3, 8-10 p.m., KOIN 101.1, 6 a.m., IS p.m., KEX 02.3. S to 8 p.a DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 lAAr Friday P.M. Children's The- I IXwMWf atert 8:15. On the Upbeat. 5:50 600 Sports Clubi 0:00. News! (1:18 Blnner Melodies t 6:30, Musle of Csecho slovakla; 7:15, Eveninc Farm Hour; 8:00, Basketball; 9:80, Newa and Weather) D:45, Eveninr Medltatlonai 10:00, Sim Off. Drapes Are Project For Unit Gathering Pratum The F r a t u m-Mac-leay home extension unit met at the Macleay Grange hall with the project "Making Drapes," Seven women made drapes. Miss Anne Bergholz was the project leader. Mrs. Robert An derson was in charge of the busi ness meeting. Mrs. John Amort invited the women to meet at her home lor the February meet ing. A covered dish luncheon ACROSS L Darlved from fat T. Rescind tS. Scold 14. Come out 15. Wrath 18, Pass 18. Exclamation 19. Noise 20. Steep XI. Meadows 2:1. Redact 42. Nave 43. Appointment 45. Land measures 48. Dry 48. Tree 60. Goddess of the harvost 51. Biblical character 62. Extravagant Inn 25. Oceans B5. By birth 28. Ibsen character 56. Novel by 29. Confidence Helen Hunt II. Naval maps 23. Tropical bird 24. Light bed 15. Polish composer IS. Withdraw aiacitson . 18. Done by the wind 60. Formed 61. Ancient lncens spice 55". S4pzs a a? pas 41 IP Hi 5 W1 7 IP" A 1 1 1 wk 1 1 1 1 AP Nikvsi'soliyrss ROOM AND BOARD NOW. SON. IF EINSTEIN AND I TALKED OVER AND CCWFARED THEORIES OF GRAVITATION, THE CONVERSATION TO VOU WOULD BE AS DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND AS BABYLONIAN HIEROGLYPHICS AND SINCE YOU DON'T UNDER STAND THE THEORY OF v 'WfcLL X COULDNT EXPLAIN GRAVITATION TO YOU IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE. He knew the judge AOULD SQUIRM OUT OF IT SOME WAY a rffiiri in si aT ""in-r -" "i P. M. l f a Saturday A.M. 10:00, Newe, ViHV. Ill; R Rsperlally for Womem 11:00, Concert Hall: 13:00, Newa; 12:15, Noon Farm Hour: 1:0ft. U O Dad's Dart 3:00, Music of the Matters, 8:80, Science; 3:45, Vets' News; 4:00, Sons of the Islands; 4:15, Sonss of the West. was served at noon. Those present were Miss Anne Bergholz, Mrs. Harry Martin, Sr., Mrs. John Hain, Mrs. Oscar Johnson, Mrs. Ralph Wilson, Mrs. Cecil Miller, Mrs. Arthur Dalke, Mrs. Robert Hansen, Mrs. Archie Bowen, Mrs. Cornelius Bateson, Mrs. James Lauder back, Mrs. John Fellshaw, Mrs. Albert Mader, Mrs. Nile Hilborn, Mrs. T. H. White, Mrs. W. Welsh, Mrs. Anna Mattin, Mrs. Robert. Anderson, Mrs. Albert Mantie, Miss Wilma deVries and Mrs. George Kleen. I ARE TT TBC Mi staRfe I 8 ol utl on of Yesterday's Puzzle DOWN I. Dwells f. Rldlcul. a. Peaceful 4 Keystone stataa abbr. , Roman road . Musical Instrument T. Ribbed fabric a. Type meaaurea $. Pare 10. Comparat.T t- endlns; 11. Terrified 12. Rents 17. Corroded 22. Spike of caraal 24, Snare 26. Accrues 27. Foot covering 30. Wife of Oeralnt 32. The sweetsop 35. Seats 36. Shout of applause 3), West Indian sorcery 39. Sarcastic 40. Iterate 41. Ancient Jewish ascetic 44. Philippine peasant 47, Particle of liquid 19. Cry of the owl 53. Numher 54. Bounder 57. Mother 59. Note of the scaie -37 By Gene Ahern OUR. RELATIVITY - I LOVE THIS V? ) POMPOUS 'J - -' OLD BLUFF i r : HE'S A FINE J ): aaorocco ; ' cover on a ! volume of ! y V DACC t I I mi