Master Players In Club Listed The Salem Elks Bridge club , now haa 17 master players as compared with two a year ago, It was reported this week. These players, all of whom have won at least 1000 rating points In competition recognized by the American Con tract Bridge league, are: Col. Philip W. Allison, Mrs. John S. Bone, Mrs. Paul F. Burris, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Frasler of Albany, Mrs. Ward Graham, Mrs. Dewey Howell, Oliver B. Huston, Ellis H. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Kimsey, William F, Leary, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Lewis, Mrs, Lenore Park and Mrs. Harry J. Wiedmer. In the series of duplicate tour naments now being conducted to select Salem's representatives at n the Portland regional competi tion February 9-12, Mrs. Stuart Thede now Is in the lead with others following in order: W. E. Kimsey, Mrs. Bone, Mrs. Lewis Mrs. Arthur Binegar, Mrs. Wied mer and Mrs. Howell. Two more tournaments are to be played be fore winners are announced. High points In the last two tournaments held at the Elks club were won by the following teams: Mrs. Arthur L. Lewis and Mrs. Milton D. Parker, Mrs. Bone and Jones; Mrs. Ellen Ga briel and Mrs. Charles F. Foul ger, W. E. Kimsey and Elmer Berg. Brotherhood Week Plans Are Announced Brotherhood week plans were laid by a meeting of the local committee and the Salem com mittee of National Conference of Christians and Jews at the Frist National bank Wednesday. Among plans for Brotherhood week, February 19 through Feb ruary 26, are special church services, special speakers for service clubs and schools, In cluding Rabi Saul Applebaum and Dr. Charles Howard, radio program and motion pictures at local theaters. Those meeting Wednesday ' were Saul Bloomberg, Ford Watkins and Charles Howard, of the Salem committee and Brotherhood week General Chairman Joe Felton; -radio committee, R. J. Schmidt, chair man, Dave Hoss and Dick Na on; press, Eric Bergman; mo tion pictures, Leo Henderson; churches and synagogues, the Rev. Brooks Moore and Harry Brown, and schools, Dean Rob ert Gregg of Willamette univ ersity. Three 05C Freshmen Given 4-H Awards Corvallls, Jan. 26 ) Achievement trophies were pre aented to three Oregon State col lege freshmen last night at the annual conference of western Oregon 4-H club leaders. Trophies In the name of the late Governor Snell were award ed Helen Wrolstad, Hubbard, and Charles D. Colegrave, June tion City. The Governor Patter eon trophy went to Charles Hor necker, Corvallls. The girls' leadership' award Post to Stage Show of Babies Youngsters of the Salem area are being Invited by Capital Post No. 9 American Legion to take part in child talent and baby show at the high school auditorium February 25. Entries for the event will close next Wednesday, states John C. Kerrlck, post comman der. These will be received at the Jack and Jill store, 357 Court. Eligible are all children from one month to IS years with many prizes to be awarded winners In the baby contest. Kerrlck states that the event, to be known as the "Kiddie Kami val," will have out-of-town Judges. No entry fee Is neces sary. Competitors in the talent di yislon will be scored on ability, personality and stage appear ance, based upon age and train ing, with those not having pro fessional training specially urged to compete. Winners will be Judged in six age groups. by the Oregon Bankers associa tion went to Jeane Otto, Eugene high school senior. I He'll soon lose that 7 A.M. expression when He pops into NOHLGREN'S for His 'Cause after a RANCH STYLE WAFFLE with Fried Egg, Bacon, lots of Whipped Pure Country Butter, Hot Syrup, and Nut Brown Coffee for just 55c, he'll love the day! NEW WALLPAPER QUICKEST "DRESS UP" FOR i AMV DflflM nni nuum its I VM- V JVM bt-in ' f noy a colorful NEW ' background See our large selection of smart modern wallpapers 171 S. Liberty Dial 2-3933 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Thursday, January 26, 19150 S We Cive And Redeem S & H Green Stamps 177 north liberty ROBERTS GREAT ONE RAY EVENT An Opportunity To Pick Up Many, Many Items You Need And Want For Much, Much Lest Than They're Worth-Friday Only! Sorry-No Mail, Phone, C. 0. D. Orders. DRAPERIES And Other Window Trimmings PLASTIC BATHROOM CURTAINS $fl $1.98 value. Colorful bathroorr curtains, regular size, in color- I ful designs. p RAYON AND COTTON PANELS Jtfi Odds and ends of tailored rayon and cotton panels, reg. 69c each. H Cream and colors. 36" to 63" long, 38" to 43" wide. WASHABLE COTTON SASHES Odd lots reg. $1.49 pr. clip figures in cotton marquisettes. 45" II and 54" lengths. Assorted kitch en colors. 2 prs. Extra Special Dollar Day Value! PAPER DRAPERIES-2 PAIR SET tfl Regular 98c value. Two beautiful floral patterns. Choice of 4 color combinations. Each pair in cellophane wrapper. Tie backs and valance included. ACCESSORIES for WOMEN Black patents, red, black, luggage 1 rown and green plastics. Unusual styles for so little money! Plus tax. A selection of ifne fabric gloves in lovely colon various styles complete. A fine selection. Wonderful values ot just REG. $1.95 HANDBAGS Black patents, red, black, lugi styles for so little money! Plus FABRIC GLOVES A selection of ifne fabric glove A fine selection. Wonderful v COSTUME JEWELRY A selection of earrings and pins in appealing designs at this low price. See this selection today for just "MOCCASIN" TOP ANKLETS Reg. 59c pr. sturdy cotton anklets with heavy ribbed cuffs. White, sizes 8'2-ll. 4 for $1.00 HEADSQUARES Wools and rayons and plaids and plains in red, green, pink, brown, white, aqua or yellow. CARTRIDGE CASE PURSES A special sale of this compact and desired purse which has been the hit of the season. Reduced for this sale to 3 for BEDDING- Savings From Our Domestics Department CANNON TOWELS Special sale 3-piece ensemble. Bath towel, hand towel, wash cloth. Choice of five colors the whole 3-piece set for $1.00. 5 FLOUR SACKS Bleached, snowy-white unopened flour sacks at this very low price! Limit 5. $1 $1 Tremendous Clearance Brassieres Girdles A large selection of famous name brassieres and girdles which originally sold up to $3.95 reduced for quick clearance. Famous name brassieres various colors and sizes, all groupedfor this Dollar Day at one low price. See these amazing values today and make your selection while quantities are complete. $ 1 $1 $ Plump, feather pillows In striped ticking at this special sale price. Filled with chicken feathers and offered for sale at just FEATHER PILLOWS i 90x108 CANNON SHEETS Extra large Cannon second sheets fine quol- fl ity muslin with minute irregularities at this low S price! JUB Men's and Boys' APPAREL Huge Savings! STAMPED TUBING Sells regularly for $1.59. Six pretty, easy-to-work designs on fine quality, high-count muslin. pr. NOTIONS, MAIN FLOOR $1 CLEARANCE of COATS $10 E $6 What a winter-time buy! All 100 warm wool, fleeces and tweeds included. Finely Ined and interlined. Sizes 8-18. Reg. $19.95 $39.95 DRESS CLEARAJVC Voluei to $14.95 MEN'S WORK SOX A large selection of heavy duty work sox in grey, slate, random, in shorts and long styles, reduced to this low price of Just 4 for BOYS' BLUE JEANS A small group of boys' jeans In size 12 only double knee and riveted at points of strain. MEN'S WHITE T SHIRTS Well tailored white T shirts in small and medium sizes neatly finished and tailored. A real value at 2 for MEN'S NECKTIES A large assortment of men's neckties. Odd lots in various patterns and colors. Values to $1.50 in famous name brands.- 3 for MEN'S ALL-WOOL GABARDINE SHIRTS $17.95 vo'ue. All-wool gab shirt in popular western style pearl button snaps 3 popular colors. A famous name shirt for BOYS' SHIRTS and BRIEFS Knit cotton undershirts and briefs in boys' sizes well tailored and neatly finished. An excel lent value at 3 for If Scoop Savings in LINGER 2 RUNPROOF RAYON BRIEFS Reg. $1.00 each, finest first quality tricot in as sorted lingerie shades. 5-6-7. RAYON KNIT GOWNS A limited quantity of lovely rayon knit jersey gowns, medium and large, blue, at TAILORED AND LACE TRIM SLIPS Broken sizes values to $2.95. Special one day onlyl TUCK KNIT VESTS Part wool, snuggy vests which sold regularly for $1.00 now 2 for LADIES' GOWNS Values to $3.95. Odd lots, broken sizes. SNUGGY PANTIES A selection of part wool tucknit snuggy panties small size only. Regular $1.15, now 2 prs. LADIES' BLOUSES A closeout sale of fine ladies' blouses. Various styles and colors, for just $1 $1 $ $10 $1 $1 WOMEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS 50 pairs felt slip pers reduced to LADIES' SKIRTS A ciea r a n c e of skirts, values to 9 $8.9 5. Broken sizes; on sale at just