14 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Thursday, January It, 1950 -rrh . "f''7fp -' : V Trapped Rescue workers unload sheet tin from truck flatbed as ambulance stewards stand by to extricate William Taylor (arrow), 32, trapped In the truck's crushed cab. The 2200-pound load of tin slid forward and crushed the cab when the truck crashed into support girders of a viaduct In San Francisco. Taylor suffered Internal injuries and two broken legs. (Telephoto.) Bids For Lookout PT Bridges $431,838 Portland, Jan. 18 W) The low bid for bridge superstructures in connection with Lookout Point dam on the Middle Fork of the Willamette was $431,838 more than $125,000 less than the gov ernment estimate. The bid, the Corps of Engin eers reported today, was by American Bridge Company, Portland, for fabricating and erecting the superstructure on two lower river overflow cross ings, a lower main river cross ing and a highway underpass. The bids ranged upward as high as $630,000. Smokeless powder is made from nitrovcellulose, 'Standby' Draft Extension Agreed to by Administration Washington, Jan 26 IU.B The administration agreed Wednes day to accept a compromise, "standby" draft extension if Presi dent Truman is authorized to order inductions In the event of an emergency. Defense Secretary Louis Johnson said President Truman and the Joint chiefs of staff approved the compromise, although tney still prefer an outright extension for three years of the draft law which expires June 24. Johnson made the administra tion's views known in a letter to the house armed services com mittee, which is conducting hearings on the administration's request to keep the law alive. The standby draft extension was proposed last week by Com mittee Chairman Carl Vinson, (D., Ga.) Vinson proposed that registra tion and classification of young men be continued but that actual inductions be barred until con gress gives the word. Johnson told the committee: "It is the unanimous view of the joint chiefs of staff, in which the president has authorized me to express his concurrence, that it would be acceptable to in clude (in the proposed draft extension) a proviso that no in ductions shall take place until such time as the congress by concurrent resolution shall so authorize, or until such time as the president, after consultation with the national security coun cil, shall make a finding that international conditions warrant the resumptions of inductions." Vinson has said congress must retain the sole right to order in duction. He has said there Is not a chance that congress will approve a draft extension on any other basis. Gen. Omar N. Bradley, chair man of the joint chief of staff, told the committee that failure to extend the draft would weak en the U.S. position In the cold war with Russia. Secretary of State Dean Ache son, who also appeared before the committee, endorsed Brad ley's views. He said extension of the draft is essential if the United States is to accomplish its foreign policy objective maintenance of world peace. chairman of the predatory anl-i mal control committee. AH commercial and purebred breeders are encouraged to take part in these meetings. Produc tion and marketing discussions along with good entertainment await the sesion, says county ex tension agent Newell. v. Radar Expert Dies Los Angeles, Jan. 26 (U.R) Charles O. Gissing, 63, pioneer aviator and radar expert, died Wednesday in General hospital although doctors kept him alive for several hours after he had no discernible pulse. Marion County Men To Attend Conventions Two state wide meetings late this month will attract many Marion county folks, according to Ben A. Newell, county exten sion agent. The 36th annual meeting of the Oregon Dairyman's associa tion In Eugene, January 23, 24 and 25 will see Neil Miller of Woodburn as an active member of the resolutions committee, George Kruse, Mt. Angel, -is ex pected to report to the dairy products promotion committee and the general assembly. The Western Oregon Live stock association meets in Cor- vallis, January 30, 31 and Feb ruary 1 with 13 counties taking an active part. Lloyd Sletto of Lyons, past preesldent of the Marion county association has been named One Quart of Curly's Milk Please and I Will Accept No Substitutes! CURLY'S DAIRY Phone 38783 "DEDICATED TO THE MILLIONS WHO SMOKE THE CIGARETTE THAT SATISFIES" This great, new factory uses everything science has discovered and human skill devised to make Chesterfield the best cigarette money can buy. iMM YwlQ aniO SNOW1 m 77ie AflLDjEl Cigarette Officially Opens the WORLD'S NEWEST MOST MODERN CIGARETTE FACTORY and RESEARCH LABORATORIES Tiine in lbur Radio and Listen to the Celebration Co-starring (Tennessee Plowboy) EDDY ARNOLD THE F0NTANE SISTERS MITCHELL AYRES and his SUPPER CLUB ORCHESTRA MAKt warn "iiie"m.?f More for Your Money Values Top Quality for Lowest Prices That's Penney s Money Saving Magic! 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Shop at Penney's daily BIG SAVINGS IN SASH CURTAINS PEBBLE-DOT PRISCILLAS, ORGANDIES CHINTZ-RUFFLED, "FASHION MANOR" EVERY SET A BIG SAVING! SEE THESE. DOWNSTAIRS STORE 1.00 BROKEN LOTS IN WOMEN'S SHOES DON'TMISS THIS GRAND SAVING! PUMPS, SANDALS, STRAPS COBRA SKIN, SUEDE, PATENT LEATHF.R DOWNSTAIRS STORE 1.00 HOUSE SLIPPERS SELECTION. SAVE! A WONDERFUL GROUP BROKEN LOTS, SIZES GREATLY REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE! PLATFORM AND SOFT SOLE TYPES DOWNSTAIRS STORE .00 WOMEN'S HOUSE FROCK VALUES! A BIG, SPECIAL PURCHASE GROUP LOVELY SHADES, PRINTED PATTERNS CRISP, FULL SKIRTED COTTONS! DOWNSTAIRS STORE .00 ALL-WOOL BLANKETS... A FEATURE! RAYON SATIN BOUND . . . 72" x 84" SIZE 3 POUNDSOF 100 VIRGIN WOOL LOVELY SELECTION OF PASTELS MEZZANINE 6.00 WOMEN'S HOUSECOAT VALUES FINE GAUGE BABY CHENILLE CHOICE OF PRINTED SEERSUCKERS POPULAR STYLING . . . OUTSTANDING VALUES MAIN FLOOR 7 60 GAUGE, 15 DENIER HOSIERY ALL FIRST QUALITY NO SECONDS OR IRREGULARS SHEER DULL TWIST NYLONS PROPORTIONED TO FIT... ALL SHADES MAIN FLOOR Men's Mouton Collar Satin Twill JACKETS MOUTON LAMB COLLAR ... KNIT CUFFS, WAIST ZIPPER FRONT, TWO SLASH POCKETS GRAY, GREEN, MAROON, OLIVE. 38-46 MAIN F'OOR $10 BIG VALUES IN MEN'S TOPCOATS! BETTER TOPCOATS . . . CLEARANCE PRICED! ALL-WOOL . . . SMARTLY TAILORED STYLES SAXONY CHECKS, SUEDE VELOURS. BROKEN SIZES MAIN FLOOR 33 BETTER QUALITY DRESSES... REDUCED! DRESSY AND CASUAL STYLES A GORGEOUS SELECTION OF SHADES ONE AND TWO PIECE STYLE, ALL SIZES SECOND FLOOR 6.90 REMEMBER - Shop Penney s Today & Tomorrow! IT PAYS!-