Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 26, 1950, Page 23, Image 23

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A-l Cars Are Better Buys
1949 Ford Custom Tudor A-l car. R&H $1595
1949 Ford Deluxe Sedan A-l car. R&H. Like
new 1695
1948 Frazer Manhattan Sedan A-l. Has every
thing 1495
1947 Ford 6-Cyl. Super Sedan A-l. A dandy . . 995
1947 Dodge Coupe A real buy 995
1947 Hudson Super 6 A-l. Low mileage car, ,
clean 995
1947 Chevrolet Business Coupe Low cost trans
portation 995
1946 .Ford Super Tudor Good 895
1947 Pontiac 4-Door Sedan R&H, clean 1395
Many More 47 - 48 -.49 Fords & Chevs
to Choose From
Valley Motor Mart
Center at High - Salem qJS
Economy Used Car Lot
3600 Silverton Road
1941 Dodge Sdn. Cpe. .
1940 Chrysler Sedan . .
1938 Studebaker Sedan
1939 Ford Sedan
1937 Ford "60" Tudor .
1934 Chev. Sedan
Don't Forget The Location
3600 Silverton Road
PHONE 2-6931
Oldsmobile "Rockets" Ahead
Featuring Exclusive
49 Pontiac 8 C.'Sdn... $2065
48 Dodge Sdn 1340
'47 Pontiac 8 C. Sdn. 1385
47 Plymouth Sdn 1045
48 Olds 78 Sdn 1885
Visit Loder Bros.
Used Car Market and Save!
465 Center - Ph. 2-7973 2410 Fairgrounds Rd. - Ph. 2-1490
That Counts
Douglas McKay
She -pened. guaranteed service. New
power and hand mower. Call Barry
. Scott, 147 8. Com'l. St. o26
Capita. Bedding Phone S-4069.
Instruction piano St volet. Sat.. Mem.
Bertha Plnco, 15 8. Liberty. Ph. 1-6126.
Violin St Viola Instruction. Thomas
Facey. 1473 Center Ph. 2-6473. 029
Spanish St Hawailnan Oultar. Mandolin.
Banjo, etc. 1633 Court St. Ph. 3-7569
Journal Want Ads Pay
1937 Dodge Sedan $265
1937 Willys Sedan 55
1936 Dodge Sedan ..... 195
1938 Oldsmobile Cpe. .. 195
1935 Pontiac 2-Door .. 30
1936 Ford Sedan 150
'47 Buick Super Sdn. .$1395
'47 Pontiac 8 Sta. Wagon. 1495
'47 Buick R.M. Clb. Sdn.. 1395
'48 Hudson 8 Sdn 1795
'46 DeSoto Custom Sdn. . 1195
ISH $1295
Chevrolet Co.
PHONE 3-3175
Desk chairs, flies and filing tuppllu.
safes, du pile at on and supplies, desk
lamps, typewriter siaDtu. oner cues,
Pierce- Wire Recorders. Roen, 456 Court.
We guarantee our work. Ph. 2-8642. Eve
-3424. 31'
Tlf Strom's art equipped
painting Phone 9-2493
Painting and paperhani Int. Fret estl
mate Ph 3-9513. 657 Shipping. 033'
6 painting. JUU lit. Ph
Expert Paperhanglng and Painting. R.
J. Woodsworth. Ph. J-B80T. Pre est.
Expert Paperhangine and painting. B
J. Woodsworth, Ph. J-9801. Pre est.
Don's. Call Eves. 35966.
Picture framing. Butcheon Paint Store.
Phone 3-6687. o'
Call Electric Roto Rooter for dogged
sewers, drains. Ph. 3-5327.
Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel acd
dragline excavating Walling Sand ft
Qravei Oo.. Phone 8-924B. o
K. P, Hamel, septic tanks, sewer and
drain line cleaned. Guaranteed work.
1143 8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404.
Mike's Septic Service, Tank cleaned
Roto Rooter Service on sewers. 1079
TOm St. vf. Balem. Ph. S-9468. 3-5327.
03 !
Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charee
Gall us collect. Todd's Septlo Tank
Service. 650 Larsen. Phone 3-0734. o
Electric Rota-Rooter. Exclusive Patent.
Raeor Sharp Cutting Blades Clean
Sewers. Drains. Tanks. Ph. 3-5327. 0
All makes repaired, tree estimates.
Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 No.
Commercial. Ph. 3-3512. o
Spraying St pruning Ph. 3-7900. o26
Local St Distance Transfer, storage.
Burner oils, coal St briquets. Trucks to
Portland dally. Agent for Beklns. House
hold goods moved to anywhere In U.S.
or Canada. Larmer Transfer Storage.
Ph. 3-3131. o
Smith Corona, Remington, Royal, Under
wood portables. All makes used machines
Repairs and rent. Roen, 456 Court, o
Elmer The Bllndman. Ph. 37326.
Fred Wymore. Rt. 3. Box 117. Ph. 3-5135.
R. J. West. 4240 Sunnyvlew. 2-2773 032
Acoie Window Cleaners. Window, walls,
St woodwork cleaned. Floors cleaned.
waxed and polished. Pb. 3-3337. 347
Court. Langdoc, Culbertson and Mather.
West Balem Fuel Co. Ph 3-4031.
Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.F. &
AM., E. A. Degree Friday,
January 27, 7 p.m. 23'
Sealed bids will be received by Thelma
R. Huson, Cleric 01 consolidated scnooi
District No. 22, Tillamook County, Oregon,
In tha Elementary School Building, Clo
verdale. Oregon. Friday. February 10. 1950,
until 2:00 o'clock P.M. Pacific Standard
Time, for Cloverdale Elementary School
and will then and there be opened and
publicly read aloud. Bids received alter tne
hour set for the opening will not be con
Plans, specifications, details and forms
of Contract Documents may be exam
ined after January 24, 1950. at the office
of Glenn Stanton. Architect. 208 s. w.
Stark Street, Portland 4, Oregon, and at
tne omce or tne scnooi Board Attorney.
Warren A. McMlnlmee. Tillamook Build
ing, Tillamook, Oregon. A set of said Plans,
specifications and forms may be obtain
ed upon a deposit of 1100.00. Additional
sets of plans and specifications may be
obtained irom the Architect lor tne sum
of Fifteen Dollars (H5.00) per set to
cover the cost of reproduction, such ad
ditional sets of drawings and specifica
tion shall remain the property of trie
Arcnitect ana shall be returned to rum in
good condition after the opening of bids,
Bids win be received on tne following
enumerated Hems: General Construction.
Plumbing, Hentlng and Ventilating and
Electrical work, all under one contract.
Bids must be submitted on Proposal
Form issued oy tne Arcnitect.
No bidder may obtain the proopsal form
unless ho has delivered to the Architect, at
the above address, a prequal f cat on state
ment and questionnaire In accordance
with the provision of Section 96-103 O.
C. L. A., at least ten days In advance of
me date set lor opening or bids; pro
vided, however. In case the bidder Is will
ing to waive his rlRht of appeal from what
ever action the officers of the Owner may
taKc m qualifying him or disqualifying
him. he may present the statement and
questionnaire as late as five days before
the date set for the opening of bids, but
not later.
Prequallflcatlon statement and ques
tionnaire form may be obtained from the
Arcnitect or at the office of the School
Board Attorney. Warren A. McMlnlmee.
Tillamook Building, Tillamook, Oregon.
tacn Old snail be accompanied by a. cer
tified check, cashier's check or bid bond
iwitn authorized surety company) made
payable to Consolidated School District
No. 22, Tillamook County, Oregon, In the
amount of not less than 10 of the am
ount oi tne Did.
Consolidated School District No. 32.
Tillamook County, Oregon, reserves the
rignt to reject any or all bids and to
waive all Informalities, and shall Incur
no liability to any bidder on account
of the exercise of the right of rejection.
no bidder may withdraw his bid after
the h set for the opening thereof, or
before the award of the contract, unless
saia award is delayed lor a nerind ex.
ceedlns 30 days.
Thelma R. Ruson. Clerk
Consolidated School DIM. 22
Tillamook County, Oregon
Jan. 19, 38
County of Marlon, State of Oregon, Is
asKing lor seated diss i or grading, grav
eling, providing drainage, and surfacing
with 0 11 penetration asohalt 18' wide
on Ncef Avenue located in Neef Bub-Division
In Marlon County, Oregon.
Plans and specifications may be ob
tained at the office of the County Engin
eer, Courthouse, Salem, Oregon.
Bids will be opened by the county court
In the county court chambers at the
courthouse In Salem. Oregon, at the hour
of 10:30 A. M. February 9, 1950.
The county reserves the right to accept
any or reject an digs in tne best inter
est of Marlon County.
Jan. 2fl. Feb 2
Completed from reports ef Salem dealers
lor the guidance or Capita) Journal
Readen. (Revised dally).
Retail Fej Prices:
Ecs Mash 14.65.
Rabbit Pellets 14.30.
Dairy Feed - 13.70.
Ponltryi Buying prices Orade A color
ed hens, 20c; grade A Leghorn hens
and up. 15c; grade A old roosters, 14c:
(trade A colored fryers three lb. 24c.
Buying Price Large A A, 3c; large
A, 31-34c; medium AA, 32c; medium A,
18-3 0c: pullets, 22-27C
Wholeiale Prlcei Egg wholesale prices
J-7e above these prices: above grade A
generally quoted at 39c; medium, 33c.
Premium Bee: No. 1, sio; Ho. 3, 58-Wc:
buying prices).
Baiter Whole! grade A, Utl
tail 11.
Grains Listed
With Some Gain
Chicago. Jan. 26 VP! Grains
inched their way upward in
routine dealings on the board
of trade today.
The market started out with
corn firm and wheat easy, re-
peatign the pattern of the pre
vious session, out as me udj
umrp nn wheat came along to
join corn in the upward march.
Gains were not very large.
Wheat closed - higher,
March $2.17-, corn was Va
to 1 cent higher, March $1.29 Vs-
Vt, oats were V4-IV4 nigner,
March 72, rye was higher,
May $1.35-$1.36, soybeans
were Vi lower to 1 cent higher,
March $2.32y4-$2.32, and lard
was 3 cents lower to 5 cents a
hundred pounds higher, March
Salem Livestock Market
(By Valley racKing uompanyj
Wooled Iamb
VH.r latnh S14.00 to 118.00
Calves, good (300-450 lbs.) (22.00 to 124.00
Veal (150-300 lbs.) top w
Fat dairy cows $13.50
Cutter cows $10.00 to $13.00
Dairy helfcra $12.00 to $15.00
Bulls $14.00 to $18.00
Portland EatUlde Market
Tmriinif nn thft Portland Easts iae rarm-
ers Wholesale Produce market today was
practically at a standstill with only a few
sellers and buyers present.
Prices oi tne smaii amount ox vrouuee
offered were unchanged.
Portland Produce
Butler fat Tentative, subject to imme
diate change. Premium quality maximum
to .35 to 1 percent acidity delivered in
Portland 87o lb.; 92 score, 65c lb.; 90
score. 63; 89 score. 55c. Valley routes and
country points 2o less than first.
uutter wnoiesaie rua duis cuocs hj
wholesalers, grade 93 score, 63c. A
92 score, 62c: B score, 60c lb O 89
score, 59c. Abov price are strictly
Cheese Selling price to f oruand wnoie-
ittle Oregon singles 3 9-42c, Oregon 6
all loaf. 4tt-4&oi triplets ivk lea man
Etna (to wholesaler a grade larca.
35-37 t4c; A medium, 34-35'Ac; grade B
large, 34-39Vfcc; small A grace, aa'AC
Portland Dairy Market
Butter Price to retailer: orade aa
prints, 60c; AA cartons, 69c; A prints,
68c: A cartons J9c; B prints, flic.
Ecra price to retailers: urao aa
large, 41o dos.; certified A large. 40c.
laraa JBc: AA medium, sac: certi
fied A medium. 38c; A medium, 37c; B
medium, 33c; A small, 35c; carton 3c Ad
ditional. cheese pric to retailers: ronrana
Oregon single 39-42c: Oregon loaf, 6
lb. loafs 44tt-46o lb.; triplets. 14 cent
less than singles. Premium brand, singles,
51 'Ac lb.; loaf, 63 Mo.
Live enleken no. I quality fob
Plant No. 1 broiler under 2 lbs, 17c;
fryers, 3-3 lbs., 19 - 31c; 3-4 lbs., 23c;
roasters, 4 lbs. and over, 23c; fowl
Leghorn 4 lbs and under, 15-16c; over 4
lbs. 16c; colored fowl, all weights, 19-20c;
roosters, all weights, 14-18c.
Turkey Net to growers, torn, 30-Sle.
hens, 44c. Price to retailers, dressed; A
ycung hens, 60-Slc; A young torn, 37
38c; light tome, 41-42c.
Rabbits Average to grower, live
whites, 4-5 lbs., 17-lBo lb.; 5-8 lbs., 15-17c
lb.; colored 2 cents lower: old or heavy
does and bucks, 8-12c. Fresh dressed
Idaho fryer and retailer. 40c; local, 48-
Country-Kllled Meat
Veal Top quality, 40 -42c lb.; other
grades according to weight and quality
with lighter or heavier, oO-34c.
Hog Light blockers, 23-35c; sow,
18-2 lc.
Lambs Top quality, p ringer. S9-40c:
mutton, 16-lSc.
Beef Good cow, 32-34e lb.; Mnners-
cutter, 20-3 0c.
Fresh Dressed Heat
(Wholesaler to retailers per ewt.)t
Beef steers. Good 500-800 lbs.. 140-43:
commercial, $3B-41; utility, 135-37.
Cows: commercial. $37-3;- utility. wo-
36; canLers-cutters, $31-34.
Beef Cuts (Good Steers): Hind quarter.
$48-50; rounds, $45-48; full loins, trimmed, ;
(64-68; triangle, $38-40; square chucks, I
(40-43: ribs, $57-60: forequarter. $34-38.
Veal and calf: Oood. $48-51; commercial.
$39-48; utility, (33-39.
Lamb: uood-cholce spring lamb. $44 :
46; commercial, $39-41; utility, $36-41.
Mutton: uooo, ids. oown, 2e-.
Pork loins. $42-44: shoulders. IB lbs..
down, 141-42; sparerlbs, (40-45; carcass
es, (27-29; mixed weignu, $2 per cwt.
rortland MlseellaneotH
Oniona Supply moderate, market stea
dy; Ore, yellow, No. 1, $2.50-60; 10 lbs.,
45-4BC Yellows, med. $2.50-75; large, $3.50
73; boilers, 10 lb., 36-38c.
Potatoes Ore. Deschutes russets, No.
1A, $3.75-90; No, 2, 50 lbs., (1.35-40; 25
lbs., U. 00-10; 15 lbs., 05-7OC. Wash, net
ted gems, No. 1, (3.60-85; No. 2, (1.15-20;
large bakers, $4.25-50; Idaho russets No.
1A, (4.25-50.
Hay New Crop, stack bales, U.S. No.
2 green alfalfa, truck or car lots F.O.B.
Portland or Puget Bound markets, (39
41 ton; UA. No. 1 mixed timothy, $44
ton; new crop oat and vetch mixed hay
or uncertified clover hay, nominally $28
30 depending on quality and location
baled on Willamette valley farms.
Ce Bark Dry lb green 4c
Wool Valley coarse and medium grades.
45c lb.
Mohair 35o lb, on 13-month growth,
Hides Calves, 27c lb.; according to
weight; pips. 32c lb.; beef, ll-12c lb.;
bulls. 8-7c lb. Country buyer pay So less.
Nut Quotations
Walnuts Franquettea, first quality lum
bo, 34.7c; large, 32. 7e; medium, 27.2c;
second quality Jumbos, 30.2c; large, 28.2c;
medium, 26.2c; baby, 23.2c; soft shell, first
quality large, 29.7ct medium. 2G.2c; first
quality large, 29.7c; medium, 26.2c; sec
ond quality large, 27.2ci medium, 24.7c;
baby 22.2c.
Filberts Jumbo, 20e tb.t large, 18c;
medium, 16c; small, 13c.
Portland Livestock
Portland, Ore., Jan. 26 0JJ9 Livestock;
Cattle salable 200; market fairly active;
generally asking strong to higher prices
on short receipts; early sales steady to
strong; few medium-low good fed steers
23-24.50; others scarce early; very lew
heifer avaUable; canner-cutter cow
12-14; few 14.50: shell down to 10: me
dium-good beef cows 17.50-20 or above;
odd common sausage bulls 15.50-17.
Calves salable 25; market steady; odd
good vealers 26-28; common medium 15-
Hog salable 125: market steady; early
sales good-choice 200-230 lb butchers
18.85: good 150-165 lb 17-17.50; one lot
173 Iba to 18.50: odd good 300 lb saws
15.50; heavier weight quotable down to or below.
Sheep salable none; market nominal
good-choice fed lambs quotable 22-22.75
or above; good-choice slaughter ewe al-
able B.50-10.
Chicago Livestock
Chicago, Jan. 26 OJJO Livestock market:
Hog salable 11.000: fairly active, most
ly steady on all weights butchers and
sows. Oood and choice 180-220 lb butch
er 17.00 to 17.50: mostly 17.25 and up;
top 17.50 paid freely: 230-250 lbs 16.25 to
17.00; 200-300 lb 15.75 to 10.50; 300-375
lb 15.25 to 15.85; most good and choice
SOW 450 lb down 13.75 to 14.75; 475-600
lb 12.00 to 13.50. Indication good clear
ance. Sheep salable 3,500; nothing done on
good and choice led lambs, asking steady,
bidding 25 to 50 cents lower: big packer
very bearish; yearlings steady, bidding
3a to 60 cents lower; big packer very
bearish: year ng absent; scattered up
Ply of slaughter ewe fully ateady at
10.00 to 13.00.
Ca(tle salable 5,500; calve 300; steer
ano neuer siow, sicaoy to au cents low
er: cow steady; bulls and vealers fully
steady; short load of hlib good 1125
lb steers 30.30; two load of 1250- lb
weight 20.50; bulk medium and good
steers 22.00 to 28.00; load of high-good
mixed steer and heifer 28.25; most me
dium to good heifer 21.50 to 26.00; com
mon to good beef cows 15.50 to 18.50; can-
ners and cutters 13.00 to 15.25: medium
and good sausage bulls 19.25 to 21.00: me'
dlum to choice vealers 28.00 to 32,00; load
of food 985 feeding steer 33.10; common
uO'iift lb tocr 2,7 ami u.00.
we " ' 7V
Lebanon William Thomas, right, receives token of his
distinguished service to the City of Lebanon, from H. R.
Groves, retiring president of the Chamber of Commerce,
at the junior chamber's annual banquet at Melody Lane,
Thomas, a member of the law firm of Morley & Thomas,
was cited for his contribution to church and civic efforts and
for presidency of the Linn county Red Cross and the local
Lions club during the past year. (Eggen Photo)
Slocks Advance
Only to Recede
New York, Jan. 26 WV-J The
stock market did no better than
hold steady today.
A pre-noon buying flurry gave
the price list a lift for a while
but there was no follow-through
to the demand and many gains
faded away.
Most changes were In small
fractions, with gains and losses
well divided.
Turnover reached a rate of
only about 1,200,000 shares for
the full session.
Ahead a good part of the day
were U.S. Steel, Studebaker,
Sears Roebuck, Avco, Grey
hound, Motorola, Armour, Ame
rican Telephone, General Elec
tric, Gulf Oil, and Johns-Man-
ville. f
Holding back were Inland
Steel, General Motors, Chrysler,
Goodrich, Dow Chemical Union
Carbide, Philip Morris, and U.S.
(By the Associated Press)
American Can 115
Am Pow St Lt 15T4
Am Tel Si Tel 1484
Anaconda 28?i
Bendlx Aviation 36'4
Beth Steel 32
Boeing Airplane 25
Calif Packing 3rM,
Canadian Paclflo 15
Case J I 47
Caterpillar 32 M
Chrysler 63
Comwlth & Sou
Cons Vultce 10 i
Continental Can 37 Vi
Crown Zcllerbach 31
Curtlss Wright 8
Douglas Aircraft 73
Dupont de Nem 61 Mj
General Electrlo 42
General Food 40
Genera Motor 11
Goodyear Tire 45 i
Int Harvester 27
Int Paper 3-1
Kennecott 64
Libby McN St L 1
Long Bel "A"
Montgomery Ward 55
Nash Kelvlnator 17
Nat Dairy 38
NY Central 12
Northern Paclflo 18
Pao Am Pish 12
Pa Gas Ac Eleo 33
Pa Tel St Tel 104
Penney J C 56
Radio Corp 13
Rayonler 24?;
Rayonler Pfd 31
Reynolds Metal 32
Safeway Store 32H
Sears Roebuck 42
Southern Pacific 51
Standard OH Co. 61 Mi
Studebaker Corp 2B
Sunshine Mining 10
Transamerlca 15
Union Oil Cal 26
United Airline 83
Union Pacific 14
U S Steel 28
Warner Bros Plo 15
Wool worth 40
Load Limits in Polk
Dallas, Ore., Jan. 26 fP) The
Polk county court restricted
load limits on county roads to
10,000 pounds per axle today, to
prevent damage to the roadbeds.
The restriction will remain In
effect as long as bad weather
Wilson Hospitalized
Independence Ernest Wilson
is in the hospital at Corvallis
and reported seriously ill.
Portlind Grain
Portland. Ore.. Jan. 28 UPi Wheat:
Caah wheat: Solt white 2.30; aolt white
(exciucin, rex ?.zg; wnue cluD 2.20.
Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.20;
per cent 2.20; 11 per cent 2.21; 12 per
cent 2.22.
Today', ear Tec.lpta: Wheat 10: barley
a; uour o: corn T, oau i; jmuiecd 7.
Crocheted Hood V Mltls Little
ears and hands keep toasty warm
in this flower-trimmed- hat and
matching mittens. The set is easily
and quickly crocheted of red and
white wool. You'll find use for odd'
and ends of yarn which are per
fect for crocheting the gay flowei
Patters Bnvaloiw No. B3CU con
Matthews to
Be Called Back
Washington, Jan. 26 VP)
Chairman Tydings (D., Md.) to
day agreed to call Secretary of
the Navy Matthews before the
senate armed services commit
tee next week for questioning
about the ouster of Admiral Lou
is Denfeld as navy commander.
Senato Knowland (R., Calif.)
was pressing a formal demand
for Matthews appearance when
Tydings broke in:
"That won't be necessary."
Later the chairman promised
to "do all in my power" to have
the navy secretary appear "next
Monday or Tuesday" at closed
session of the committee.
Prior to the committee meet
ing today Knowland and other
republicans claimed enough
democratic support to force the
session with Secretary Matthews.
Tydings had opposed it.
Knowland and other republi
cans, including Senator McCar
thy (R., Wis.) have been sharp
ly criticising Matthews for his
testimony that Admiral Denfeld
never was issued a commission
for a second two year term as
chief of naval operations.
Fortune Smiles on
Farmers in 6 Slates
Washington, Jan. 26 (F)
Farmers in only six states
among which Texas was the only
major producing state took tn
more dollar volume from their
marketings in the first 11 months
of last year than in the corre
sponding period of 1948.
The agriculture department so
reported today. Its monthly farm
income report showed that in
the other 42 states farmers found
their revenues down 10 per cent
or more on the basis of the 11
month comparisons.
The states with higher farm
income, in addition to Texas,
were Delaware, Florida, Arkan
sas, New Mexico and Arizona.
Texas moved into top place in
the country from the January-through-last
November period
with total income of $1,905,182,
000 California took the second
spot with $1,850,761,000, with
Iowa slipping from the front
the front position down to third
with $1,808,543,000.
The agriculture department
report of farm income from
other states included: Washing
ton $472,466,000 and Oregon
Deer Cross lea
Hood River1, Ore., Jan. 26 (U.R)
Two deer crossed the Colum
bia river on the ice today near
the Hood River-White Salmon
Interstate bridge. O. H. Adams,
tolltakcr, said a buck and a doe
stepped gingerly across the river
about 300 yards east of the
bridge, traversing an area that
had been broken open only yes
terday by an ice-breaker tug.
tains complete crocheting Instruc
tions, stitch Illustrations and finish
ing directions.
To obtain this pattern, send 20c
in uuina giving pattern numoer.
vour name, address i.nd zone num
ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour
nal tuu Mission street, baa Fran
cisco 2, Calif.
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, January 26, 1950 23
Waitings are Home
Amity Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Walling have returned from a
three month sojourn in south
ern California and Arizona.
They encountered some snow in
northern California.
Walter G. Brown
Silverton Walter O. Brown, 6T, Molalla
route 2, died Wednesday night at the
Silverton hospital. He 1 curvlved by his
widow and a son, Walter Brown, Jr. An
nouncements later.
Prank P. Evans
Albany Services will be held at the
Fisher Funeral home here Thursday at 2
p.m. for Frank P. 'Doc" Evans, proprietor
of "Doc" Evans' Auto Repair shop, who
died Monday. Evans, born September 14,
j bus in Micmgan, came to Oregon in 1913
and to Albany six years ago. He first lived
in Portland and later In Idaho, at Ban
rrancisco, uani.. ana Hrownsviue.
married Jessie M. Houghton, September
18, 1012, at Pontiac. Mich. She died In
1030. Surviving are a daunhter. Mrs. Mil
dred HodrlgueB, Ant loch, Calif.; two
grandsons and three brothers living In the
Oda Ballentyne
in this city January 35, Oda Ballentyne,
lata rosdlcnt of Portland, at the age
of 68 years. Survived by brother. Linn
E. Jones of Portland. Services will be held
at the W. T. RlKdon chapel Friday, Jan
uary 27, at 4 p.m. with Rev. George U.
Swift officiating.
Nathan Watklm
Nathan Wat kins, at a local hospital
January aa. uroiner of Mrs. A. n. Ander
son of Salem. Announcement of services
iaier oy tne Howeii-Edwards chapel.
Marvin Carl O'llrlrn
Marvin Carl (Mike) O'Brien, late resi
dent at 3345 Kathleen Ave., at a local
Hospital. January 22. Surviving are the
wire, jars, tiara R. o urien, Jr., Salem,
mother. Mrs. F. W. Greene In California;
four sisters, Mrs. I. H. Davenport, Seattle.
wasn.; Mrs. ttooeri worm, uvermore.
Calif.; Mrs. John Felling, Sacramento,
Calif.; and Mrs. Charles Ralston, Redding,
Calif.; a brother, Weldon Greene, Pitts
burg. Calif.; and a granddaughter. Kath
leen O'Brien. Salem. Services were held
at tne vtrRii t. uomen cnapel Ttiursoay.
January 26. at 2 P.m. with Rev. Russell
Mayer officiating. Interment la Belcrest
Memorial park,
Clifford L. Gardner
Clifford L. Gardner, late res dent at 115
Bellview street, at a local hospital. Janu
ary 24. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Flor
ence a. Huston, san Francisco, and i
brother, Glen K. Gardiner, Burllngame,
Calif. Services were held Thursday. Jan,
uary au, at 4 p.m. at uie v. t. Golden
c impel with Rev. George H. Swift off elat
ing. Friends are asked to contribute to
the March of Dimes In memory of Cllf-
iori h. uaraner in lieu of sending flow
Gerald Watson
In Boston. Mass.. January 19. Gerald
wauon, laie resiaeni oi aaiem. at tne
age of 2b years. Survived by wife, Luclle
Watson of Salem: and two sons. Gerald
and Michael Watson of Salem. Services
will be held Friday. January 27. at 11
a.m. at tne w. T. Rlgdon cnapel. Rit
ualistic services by Salem lodge No. 4
am. concluding services at Bel-
crest Memorial park. Rev. Dudley Strain
wlU officiate.
Albert Mnha
in this city January 36. Albert Muhs.
late resident of Dresden. N.D., at the
age of 73 years. Husband of Therese
Muhs of Dresden, N.D.; father of Miss
Bertha Muhs and Miss Loretta Muhs.
both of Salem, Mrs. Ralph Oallagher of
Bottineau, N.D., and Mrs. Emll Schlu-
ender, Francis Mush and Robert Muhs,
all of Dresden, N.D.; and grandfather
of Margaret Ann Gallagher of Bottineau,
n.u. eiupmeni is ncing maie to Dresden
n.u., by w. t, RiKdon company for ser
vices and Interment.
Mrs. Hallle Parrlih Hlnrea
Mrs. Hallle Parrlsh Hinges, lata real
dent of 545 Ix-sllo street, at 1140 North
min street, January 25. survived by i
daughter, Mrs. George W. Nelson of Sa
lem; a sister, Mrs. . M. Cox In Seattle;
four grandchildren. Mrs, Elisabeth Nel
son Adams of Portland and George Nel
son, Jr., of Klamath Falls, Oregon, Jack
Nelson of Salem and Lt. Norman P.
Hinges of the U. S. army In the Pana
ma Oanal Zone: two treat erandchlldren.
Susann and Mlchele Nelson of Klamath
rails, services will be held Friday, Jan
uary 27. at 2 p.m. from the VI rail T.
Golden chapel with Rev. Oeorge Swift of
ficiating, interment in tne Jason Lee
Nellie I. Rlliseth
In Portland January tt. Nellie I. Bltx
seth, late resident of 1861 South 10th
street, Portland. Survived by husband.
Bert Bllxaeth of Bclvue, Wash.; daugh
ters. Mrs. Gladys FlUpatrlck of Mll
waukle, Mrs. Fern Relmann of Salem,
Mrs. O. W. Russell of Eugene and Mrs.
Hilda Knutson of Circle, Mont.; sons,
Leo Bllxseth of Jennings Lodge. Oregon,
Now She Shops
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As we set older, stress and atraln, over
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cold sometimes nlows down kidney func
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plain of nitKKltifr biieknclie, loss of pep and
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Weak, Tired, Nervous.
Pepless Men, Women
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ways tired rot II ruts or iwvouo-
Que iut to blood's lack oi
Iron. V.el uti frcah. Ita nonn all
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cairmm. i iiirmiuctorr hm
nuv tn. in Oftrei Tim In TitMfia for onw pep,
flm vigor, vitality, hotter nerve, this very day.
In Salem at Fred Meyer Drug.
And other rectal dis
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Maximum gg production...
At lower cost. That's the itory
of Trianglt X-tra gg pro
ducer. A carefully balanced
feed supplying the require
ments for more extra grade
ggs. Mash or pellets.
Henry Bllxseth of Balem, Bob Bllxseth
of Artesla, Calif.; and Ray Bllxseth of
Roseburg; brothers, Herman Johnsrud, E.
Johnsrud and Nels Hanson, all of Salem,
and Julius Johnsrud of Taft; two slaters,
Gena Koch of Eugene and Hannah KnuU
son of Detroit Lakes, Minn.; 15 erand-
cnuoren and three great grandchildren.
Services will be held at tha W. T. Riedon
cnapel Friday, January 27, at S p.m. with
concluding services In Belcrest Memorial
para, jtev, jo. . ueuenaaner flu olllc
iate, Helen Vlrrlnla Cltne
Helen Virginia Cllne. late resident of
West Salem, In this city. January 24, at
the age of 25 years. Surviving are her
mother, Mrs. Nellie Cllne, Salem: three
brothers, Harry and Howard Cllne. both
of Salem: and Melvln Cllne, Portland; and
six sisters. Mrs. Mildred Grata. Yuma.
Colo.; Mrs. Mary Mae Carden, Neosho, Mo.:
emma uoice, seattie, wasn.: Airs.
Alice Welch, The Dalles; Mrs. Morris Kln
non, Salem: and Miss Janice Cllne. Salem,
Private services will be held Friday, Jan
uary 27. at 1:30 p.m. at tne W. T. Rig
don chapel with Interment In Belcrest
Memorial park. Rev. Albert Fadenracht
will officiate.
Mn. Marian F, Nelson
Mrs. Marian F. Nelson, at the residue
at 2630 Ward Drive, January 25, at the
age of 69 years. Survived by husband,
William Nelson of Salem; daughter, Mrs,
Eul Shawver of Watsonvllle. Calif.: two
sons, Roger F. Nelson of Mill City and
rreo. w. Nelson of Portland; a sister, Mrs.
Nina Loaunstlen of Paramount, Calif.; a
brother. C. T. Hulter of WaRhinaton. n.
C; 11 grandchildren and one great grand
child. Announcement of services later
by Clough-Barrlck company.
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