22 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, January 26, 1950 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING) Pet Un ....Ho Per Line 8 times .400 Per Line 6 times 0o Pei Line 1 month 13.00 Outside ot Salem 13a per line per dny Mln. SOci 2 times mln. 80a 4 times min. 11.20 No Refunds READERS In Local News CoL Onlrt SOo per line To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES $500 Down 1 B.R. sleeping porch, living rm., dining rm.( gar., lenced yard, large lot. u cated West Salem. (5000 full price. C. W. Eeeve, Kealtor tan rnm'l. Ph. 1-4590. EVt. 3-4313 a22 OWNER WANTS TO LEAVE STATE 17500. 2 bdrm. - living - dining - kit chen - bath - full basement - eleo. heat good location - close to schools. SUBURBAN 17900. New modem style 2 bdrms living rm, - large kitchen with nook bath - attacneo Karaite - mme w r bus - built on F.H.A. plan - gooa icrnifl. McKINLEY SCHL. DIST. 112,800. S bdrm. on one floor - 1W years J old - living rm. - dining rm. - large kitchen - utility rm., attached garage -auto oil furnace - fireplace - wall to wall carpet - large lot - fenced back rH hmiRA 1 well tauilt and In won- " derlul condition. Let us show you a good buy In a home. ANDY HALVORSEN Office 2-8629 - 191 S. High - Home 3-7183 A. A. LARSEN, R'LTOR NEW 2 BR, $6500 tab nt flit. v. t.z. lr. Kood size bdrms. well planned kitchen, att. gar., 75x100 It, lot. A real value. nan uiearr. Walter Musgrave, R'ltors $8500 A mod 1 BR home. lge. LR At DR. At tractive kitchen, att. gar. with fruit closet. Located 1272 Elm St. Close to bus, school & snooping, can .Walter Musgrave R'ltors 1211 Edgewater. pn. s-snw. aaa' Pfltt SALE BY OWNER New S room cabin, furnished, to be moved, 1576. Can be moved anywhere m city for approximately kb, iuubi db sold by 28th of Jan. Ph. 2-695B. a23 KEIZER DIST. 3 bdrm., late built, modern constructed home. Hdwd. firs., oil fur,, att. gar. Va acre, lawn In, well. Price 18300. Terms, C. W. Reeve, Realtor 845 S. Oom'l. Ph. 3-4500, Eve. 3-0530 ENGLEWOOD Lovely new Cape Cod 4 bdrm. home. Ideal location. 2,000 will handle. Full price ill, 000. CALL MR. NOONCHESTER H. E. Corey Real Estate 3385 N. Broadway Ph. 2-0552 Eve. 2-0103 or 8-3B16. a22 tf ACRE, mod. hse., gar., work shop tt barn, raspberries, mail by door. Ph. 2-4379 or 3-9348. Geo. Brooks, 3745 Brooks St. a23 I BDRM. HOME Weather stripped and Insulated. Hardwood floors. OH floor furnace. (350 down payment. S725 June Ave. Ph. 2-0200. o24 &Y OWNER: 2 B.R. house, corner loca tlon, new wall to wall carpet, V-blinds, At curtains. Total price 18700. Located at 4 Corners on corner of Maple tt LaBranch Ave. See owner at 4 Corners Oarage. a20 GOOD 3 bedroom home close In, base ment, sawdust heat, near schools and bus. Only 17050.00. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS PhD. 1-4707 484 OOUrt Eve. 2-4773 a23 ALMOST NEW 2 BR SUB. ALL ELEO. HOME, COMPLETELY FURN. WITH THE BEST. OWNERS LEAVINO, YOU CAN HAVE IMMED. POSS., PRICE FOR ALL 18,450. KEIZER DIST. Only a few blocki to school & stores, 2 BR modern home, room for 2 more, hdwd. firs., dble. gar., lot 120x132, 10,500. Small dn. paymt. UBTJRUAN FARM CLOSE IN. 16 rich acres on pvmt., mostly bottom soil, run ning water in pasture, VERY ATTRAO TrVB set of bldgs., mod. I BR home, tlec. heat, 2 fireplaces, patio At out side fireplace, 2 car garage, good barn with concrete fir., hay fork, poultry house. A model country estate. You'll co for this. Enclosed yard with lots of trees, shrubs 6b flowers. 117,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 fl. Cora'l St, Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-0989 S3 These Three Are Good 18050 Neat t bed room home with basement A? wood pine furnace, hard wood floors, fireplace, a good buy. Call . Mr. Frederick son. 110,0000 Before yon build you should ' see this new 3 bedroom home near the En sle wood school. Lovnij living room ' & kitchen, stairs to a large attic, Call Mr. Hill. ' Xf you will go suburban don't overlook ' this lovely 2 bed room home for only ' S7650, larxe rooms and lots ot storage apace, only 1 yr. old. L-irge lot, good black soli. 960 S. Commercial Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Phone 2-3840 Eve. 2-5280 flOOO Near State office bldg. 3 lg. bed rms. up. 2 bed rms. down, llv. rm., din ing, kitchen, bsmt. Could be remodeled Into apt, Good terms. IB600 Very good 3 bed rm. Nice den. Just off living rm. No. 3 business sone. V. OMER HUFF 881 Chcmeketa St. Ph. 2-5091 - 2-6942 a22 MODERN 5 bd. rm. home. In Woodburn For sale or trnde for small home in Sa lem. Ph. Salem 2-6610. a2S 4 BEDROOM $6,000 FULL PRICE 1 bdrm., llv. rm., din. rm., utility rm., brkfst. nook, kit. and bntli dn, 3 bdrm. 1 small rin. up. Could be apt with out side entrance. Cor. lot., close In, terms. Eve, Phone 2-7985. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg., Ph. S-8K17 ins.. Mortgage, iionns a 33' ENGLEWOOD dlst. home, a bedrooms. auto oil heat, oak floors, lots of closet apace. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS PhO. 3-4707 484 Court Eve. 2-4773 a23 $10,500 Special Lge. aeml-flnlshed upstairs, 2 BR down, living Sc dining room, fireplace, nook, full DRY bsmt., air fllteri-d S.D. fur nace, corner lot, east front, 2 blks. to scJil. North. 9 yrs. old. $8,050. Bargain This la the full price Including financ ing cost TOTAL of $930 down, $51 mo. New, well built. Insulated At w. atrip., fireplaces. North. 4 BR Englewood 111,750. New, well built, fully plastered home, nice location. Englewood $8500. Immediate poss., beautiful lot. tine location, nice 3 rm. house, bath A utility & gar. Small dwn. pyint. to re sponsible party. Ph. 2-8680. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 N. HIOH ST. EVE. PH. 3-5413 - 2-8704 - J -7789 a28 I BDRM. house. Plastered, hardwood firs., 4 yrs. old, 1 Uk. from Richmond School. 14950, Small down payment or wUl take late modal car, sjai ehalton IU. FOR SALE HOUSES Looking for a Home IB750 makes this fine home true value. Mast be seen to be appreciated and will bear your closest inspection. Spa cious rooms thruout. Located in Engle- wood school dlst. $7500 Owner leaving state. Nice 2 bedroom home In Bush school dlst. Large liv- lngroom. Hdwd. floors. You will like the kitchen St bath. Oil heat. New elec. range As Tcfrig. FHA financed. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son NEW t BDRM. home; very complete, large llv nv room and dining room, oak floors, oil heat, Will take F.H.A. or O.i. loan, 17350. B. A. McOLAUFLIN REAL ESTATE 128 N. Coml. Ph. 2-5211. Eve. 2-6888. a22 FOR SALE LOTS TWO ADJOINING 75 ft. front lots, gd. dlst. Both lor wait Bocoioisxy, Real Estate. Ph. 3-8833. aa22 FOR SALE FARMS 14 A. SOUTH on Skyline rd. Nice 7 rm. house with lull cement oasemem ana auto, oil furnace, garage with paved drive, 2 barns, 2 rm. cabin, chicken house. 8 A. prunes, family orchard with cherries, apples, berries. Price 117,900. Write owner, Box 341, Capital Journal. b22 5 ACRES 3 bdrms., all electric, extra good water. Family orchards. Between 2 good roads. Could be allotted out. 2 miles N. E. of Capitol, Full price 112,000, PI). 2-8591 b22' FOR SALE ACREAGE 30 Acres South. Nearly all farm land. Fair bldgs. Equipment. Berries. Fruit. Price 16850. C. W. Reeve, Realtor REAL ESTATE INCOME PROPERTY Old house converted to 4 apartments. All furnished. Close In. Zone 3. Gross ing 1160 monthly. Price 18500. THREE BEDROOMS Llv. room, din. room and kitchen, all on one floor. Full basement. Piped oil furnace. Corner lot. Englcwood. $10,750. Call Mr. Rubers. EDWARD A. DYCK, REALTOR 328 N. Coml. St. Ph. 2-5211. Eve. 2-8886. C22 BEST BUYS Beat This if You Can 1200 sq. ft. fir. space, 3 BR's on 1 fir. InsufiaUd, weatherstfipped, fireplace, 100 x 100 lot, 2 blks to bus. Just Inside city. This home was built by owner. Can be F.H.A. financed for about $8000. Total price only 10,000, Eves phones 2-7074 or 3-3558. Lovable Living Extra neat, well built home, close in, new section, very close to market St bus. Insulation, weatherstrlpned, hdwd. floors throughout. 888 sq. ft. floor Bpace. We believe this Is a bargain for $8750. Eve. phones 2-7674 or 3-3558. Gilt-Edged Security Apartments, store bldgs., St home. Rent als almost new. Well built, elec. heat, large parking space, low rent of Insur ance. Owner reports Income of $850 per month. Expenses only $41.80. Good lo cation. Wb believe this Is a buy for only $50,000. lA cash will handle. No phone information please. One and 32 Acres Home needs some finishing, well plan ned. Immediate possession. Willamette soli, berries, elec. heat, Vi basement, H4 miles from Salem. Total price $7500, terms. Eve. phones 3-4735 or 3-3558. Your Future Farm 60 Acres, mod. home, good buildings, barn for 12 cows, 6 miles from Salem in select dlst. Equipped with 1st class ma chinery. Buy it today. Start milking to morrow. Owner leaving state. Total price 123,000. Eve. ph. 2-47.15 or 3-3558. 10 Acres North 4 room home, small barn, well. This would make excel, berry farm. Total price only $4950, Eve, phones 3-4735 or Al Isaak & Co., Realtors FOR TOUR SAVTTtan, ruvestment buy a first mortgage on real estate Baiem & Vicinity. Examine security yourself. Amounts $500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 6. We make all col lections for you if desired. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High C $400 Buys City Lot Cash talks. It's a corner lot. Located 8.W. Salem, 3 blks, bus. Trailer House Wanted up to $2000. Sell or trade 2 lots, unfln. hse, 30x32 ft. Bus. store, 8 blks. city wa ter $3000 total price. New Attractive Bungalow Lge. lot, plaster, fireplace, hdwd. floors, 2 b. rms., llv., din., kit., auto furnace, utility, close bus, east. $9760 take large loan. 10 Acres $1000 Down 2 B.Rm, modern hse., barn, lge. chicken hse. Loo. near Independence. Price on ly $7500. Trailer Hse. for Two 6 Unit Motel 99E 1,000 lue. Jncome, all electric loo. od near Salem. South. Trailer Park $6500 come $180 month. In city and a good nl for hnnriv mnn Turin E. M. Hunter, Real Estate no a. com'i. rn. s-arab WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need of soon houses to sell in or near Salem, If you with to list your property for -snip sec GltAUKMIORST BROS., REALTORS 134 LI be rty Ph.2-247 1L ca LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. Sne- then, 1500 Lancaster Sr. Ph. 21345. ea43" SELLING? If you have a good farm, acre age, nome, Business or building, list it wun us i or action, 'iraues are a spe cialty with us, too. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Years in Salem 250 N. High St. Phone 2-41 2ffca3 6 NOTICE' If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. HlBh St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DUPLEX SPECIAL 888 8. 18th. 2 BRs In each apt., completely self operating, less than one year old. Showing 16 return, $3250 will handle. R. E. MEREDITH RLT. OR B. M. MASON 178 S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-8841 cd22 NELSON NEWS HIOHWAY TAVERN ft booths, counter, stoves, refrlg., wtr. fatr, monthly rent. $75.00. Price $18,000. HARDWARE Si SPORTINO GOODS Suburban store In good community-fixture St equipment, $1000 plus mdse. lnven. approx. $8000. Can either rent store or buy 2 homes & store bldg. $iM)0 cash will handle real property. NELSON & NELSON MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS Personal Service by Men Who SpeciAllte 702 N. HlBh Ph. 3-4632. cd'J3 16 UNIT APT. HOUSE Near Doun Toun. About 14 apti furn ished, each have private baths, hwd. firs. Excellent heating plant, some parking space. DOUN TOUN CAPE 12500 19 -stool At counter, doing good business. V. OMER HUFF IU OMroeluU 81. U2 TFOR SALE HOUSES $2.33 A will pay for principal, interest, taxes, fire ins. on this brand new 8 bdrm. modern suburban home with at tached garage, large lot, hdwd. floors, & Ven. blinds. Full price only $8950. You name the down payment. Drive out State St. mile east of Four Corners to 135 Kenwood Ave. Ph. 3-1125. (A new 2 bdrm. house also available for only $7850.) GRABENHORST SPECIALS LOCATED NORTH Look at this home today. 5 full rms., on first fir. it 2 upstlars bdrms., unfln, hdwd. firs., utility rm. wired for eleo. range, elec. water heater. Lge. lot At excellent bur at 17,500. CALL O. H. GRABENHORST, JR. 1750 S. 22ND. ST. 8 acres with good 3 bdrm. home barn, chicken house, fruit. A real bur at $9,300. $2,000 down. CALL ROY FERRIS PERSONALITY! A home with a personality, cute 2 bdrm. home, entry hall, beamed celling in llv. rm., inside utility rm., patio, attached garage, appro. 1 acre of ground, located east. Price $10,200. CALL PETER GEISER GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays call Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Qelser 3-9988 - Earl West 2-0608 a! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LIGHT CAR Agency for Salem area. Min imum requirements to right party. Di rect factory franchise. Write Box 349, Capital Journal. cdIO LOCAL representative of a nationally ad vertised produce aesires a aeaier in mi area, preferably a brick mason or plast erer. The Individual or organization se lected will be granted an exclusive franchise for Marlon tt Polk counties. If interested, write Capital Journal, Box 346. Cd22 FOR SALE Oroc. store, gas and cabins Rt. 7, Box 145, Salem, Phone 2-4319. cd31 FURNITURE FOR SALE 2-I'IECE living rm set. Very reasonable. Ph. 27171. Rt. 1 BOX 350. d22 SACRIFICE FOR auick sale: New Westing- house cook stove, refrigerator ana upeea Queen washer. Used only 2 mo. Also good living room, dining room and bed room sets. 2987 Brooks St. d23 WANTED FURNITURE GLENN WOODRY, Ph. 35110. FURNITURE At APPLIANCES wanted. Top cash price paid on the spot, no luss or bother. Just call 3-8558. da LIVESTOCK WANTED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. O. Mccandmn, lia'f a. artn, rn. seni. ean4' RABBITS 1 BUCK, 3 does, hutches, feeders, $15. Call 2-1B14. b24 PETS 18 MO. DO BE RM AN Pinscher male. Rcas. to good home. Ph. 2-1814. ec26' MOORE'S TROPICAL Fish. 27 varieties. Rt. 5, Box 483, 2 miles from Lancaster Dr. on Maclcay road. Ph. 2-7321. ec24 JUST THE right Valentine gift for your cnlld. uomen ioy uoiues. uu uanas 2714 before 10 a.m. or come to 410 Church, Dallas. ec22 CHOICE ennnry birds, ou N. 18th ec3l FUEL 18 INCH 2nd growth fir, dry, $12 cord de livered. Dale Elscnmamm, Jefferson. Ph. 407. ee25 CALL HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and fltovo Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends it Block Wood. Ph. 8-6444 ee- Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Presh Clean Sawdust Green Edging $5.50 load Double 110.00 Also 18" Green Slab or 4' Phone 35533 West Salem Fuel Co. DRY PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL Al STOVE OIL Ph. Salem 2-4031 Pick up wood at 1536 Edcewater West Salem TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-7442 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR B&iH OREEN STAMPS PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak, aih, St maple. 4 slab and edxlnits. Ph. 3-1458. WALNUT shells tor sale, EUorfeln Packing Co.. 460 N. Front. ee FOR SALE POULTRY 150 NEW HAM!', pullets, laying 70, $1.75 each. Will sell all or any number. Lloyd Wickett. Jefferson, Ore. Ph. 506. 122 NEW HAMPSHIRE, Pnrmenter, now avail able every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 3838 State St. Ph. 3-40(10. f PRODUCE EASTERN ALFALFA HAY. Pb. 3-1458 HELP WANTED MALE MAN TO work on poultry farm, 1100 mo., small house, lights, water, crbs furn ished. References required. No drinkers. No telephone calls. Rt. 3 Box 433, Atchison Leghorn farm. gaU5 MAN WITH panel delivery for partnership business. Ph. 20066 for Information. Ka23 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED WOMAN or girl to do lifiht house worn and care lor cnuoren. Ph afllfla. gM2' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 351 State Street Phone 2-1488 gf WANTED SALESMAN NATIONAL, MULTIPLE line food mfgr. de sires Salem resident. Call on retail Si wholesalo grocery trade. Age 22-35, good car essential. Exp. pref. but not neces sary. Salary St expenses. State qualifi cations In first letter. Write Box 345 Capital JournaL gg24 Di:.ALFRS WANTED. Men or women am bitious to be their own bow. Profits large. Buy on credit. This Is an op portunity to establish yourself with a company In business over 60 yean. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ORA-153-259, Oak- landCallf; rr22 HIGH Ql'ALITY automobile salesman. Must have proven Ability. Local estab llshrd General Mo;ors dealer. Give ed ucation St experience '.n first letter. Write Box 348 Capital Journal. gn:I3 WANTED POSITIONS TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins. op. wore guar, w u. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. n33a CARPENTER work. New, repair Ph. 2-3093 h3l NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL. DAYS. AOfcJ I TO ft. PH. 1-44)10, U7 IFOR SALE HOUSES Day IWANTED POSITIONS Mimeographing-Typing Poe'a. 665 North 16th. Phone 8-3643, h28 BABY SITTING. PH. 20580. DESPERATELY NEED work to feed my two boys. Housework, child care, month ly or by day. Ph. 3-8671. h23 YOUNG MAN wishes Janitor woCk In apt. house. Norman Dickenson Y.M.C A. h24 EXP. WOMAN wants housework, care of children. Ph. 3-7670, rm. 201. h22 CARPENTER WORK: Finish, frame, re model, small or large, jobs. Ph. 2-5833. h33 YOUNG LADY wishes housework or tak ing care of children. Experienced. 795 N. Winter. h22 EP. GIRL desires general office work. Ph. 2-0530. h22 SPECIALIZED children sewing. Ph. 2-6081 n33' HOUSEWORK & Ironing. Ph. 30801. h30 CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 26878. 27" TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. aerv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 8-5072. h27 BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-6822. h43 CHILD CARE In my home. Ph. 33611. 1117 6th. h39 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne, 248 S. Church. Ph. 2-6014. h45 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6786. h46- CEMENT WORK wanted fh 2-4850 t EDUCATION STARTING a beginners class in piano. Have room for 4 students. Ph. 3-9096. hh24- FOR RENT ROOMS FOR KENT: Well furnished sleeping rm. rnree oiocks 10 DUsiness center, Em ployed gentleman. Ph. 2-4817. Jk22 WARM room. 795 N. Winter. Ph. 3-5539. Jk25 BUSINESS DIST. Warm and nice sleep ing rm. H. St C. water. 255 Center St. Jk22 HEATED SLEEPING rooms, double and Single. 385 N. 14th. Jk46 ROOM FOR RENT. 1420 N. 4th. Working girl preferred. Ph. 3-4561. Jk22' SHARE A HOME with working girls. Use or entire house, pn. 3-4372. 645 N. Win ter. jk23 NICE WARM room in modern home. 745 N. Church. Jk24 COMFORTABLE light - housekeeping room, kltch. prlv. & refrigeration. No children. 195 S. 24th. Jk24 FURN. sleeping rm. Beauty rest for men. uiose in. mo center. Jk27 SLP. A Light hskp. rm. Ph. 3-4335. Jk23 FOR RENT APARTMENTS NEAT, ATTRACTIVE 2-room furnished apt., utilities furnished. 725 So. 13th. Jp23 UNFURN. 3 rms. & bath. Stove, refrlg., St utilities furn. Completely redec. Near Univ., $55.00. 450 S. Capitol. jp28 FURN. APT. close In. Inquire H. L. Sttrf Furniture Co. Ph. 3-9185. Jp 3 RM. FURN. apt., $35. Call between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 770 S. Commercial. JP25 NEW 8 ROOM court apt. Olosa In, unfur nished except range. Panel ray heat. Reasonable rent. Phone 2-2597. Jp22 2-RDRM. FURN. apt. Private hath and ent. Redecorated. Adult. Ph. 2-0808 aft er 4 p.m. Jp24 LARGE FURN. apt. close In. Inquire H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Ph. 3-9185. Jp MODERN 4 rm. apt. completely redec orated, b rm. partly furn. downstairs. 2073 N. Com'l. Jp22 JE"" 2 LC.E. rooms St prlv. bath. Part ly furn. Ph. 3-9763 or 2-8087. Jp23 CLEAN 2 St 3 rm. apts. Close in. Auto, heat. Plenty of It. Reasonable rent. Call 670 N. Church. jp23 NICELY FURN. Apt. 1 large. 1 small, utili ties furn. Reasonable. 365 S. 16th. Jp26 8 ROOM furn. apt. Priv. bath. Close in. Pli. 30327 bet. 8 and 6 p.m. Jp23 EXCLUSIVE COURT APT., range, re frigerator, laundry, $60. Adults. Ph. 27071. Jp23 MODERN NICELY furn. 3 room apt. V. blinds, main floor, prlv. ent., 2 or 3 employed girls. 435 N. Winter. Jp23 FURN. COTTAGES lor rent. Light, heat"" & water furn. 3155 Portland Rd. Jp22' P 'AY. 3 room partly furn., clean, gar age, $50 month. 3560 Portland Rd. Jp :Ml m7FURN. apt. Clean. Close-"."Frec vash, 248 Marion. Ph. 3-8950. Jp22 NEW S RM. partly furn. apt. Private bath. Adults. 1047 Madison. Ph. 23405. jp22 i APARTMENTS. Phone 5-6838. JP CLOSE TO General hospital. Upstairs apt. Furn. Large comb. LR At kitchenette with bdrm. At closet. Prvl, bath. Lights tt water. Rent $55. Ph. 3-3748. Jp FOR RENT HOUSES 1 BR HOUSE. Elec. heat, range St bath. $.15 per mo. 114 miles S. Prinirle sch. on Robins Lane. Ph. 2-3182 after 7 p.m. House of Olerum. Jm32 RENT OR SELL 2 2-BR houses. 1 partly furnished $50. 1 Electric Heat $65. See at 390 Evergreen Ave. Sat. or Sunday 1 to 4 p.m. Jm23 VE R Y NICE 1 bdrnT cottage! Elec t r ic heat. Walking distance to town. Ph. 3-3717. Jm33 UNFl'RN. 1 BDRM. modern house. Electric water heater. 3t miles 8. of Salem, am ple garden space. $45. Ph. 3-7089 after 5 P.m. Jm22 ONE 4 RM. modern house. Wired for range. Suitable for couple. Abo 3 rm. modern cabin, 1 furn. trailer house. 55 , Hmhway Ave. Jm22 WAfw6RKiNO girl to share 2 bdrm7 cottage. Ph. 2-1073 after 6 or Sunday, 1539 State, directly behind 1525 State. Jm24 3 BR HOUSE, utll., bath, at 2237 Hyde. uau 3T1U0. jm32 IN SILVERTON l""BRi 123 E. " FlskesT. 840 per mo. Unfurnished except for elec. range, washer Hot W. Heater. Phone Owner 3-7921 Salem. , Jm24 TO DEPENDABLE couple, new attract. mod. furn. 3 rms, A batn. No children or pets. 3845 Portland Rd. Ph. 37849. Jm24 WILL GTVK free rent in turn, house at Independence to widow or couple in re turn for board on shares. Ph. Inde pendence 197J. 190 Polk St. JmJ2 Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE ARE 9 RMS. ENOUGH? Suitable for a large family or Ideal set up for rentals. 2 BR, llv. rm., din. rm., lie. kit., bath At shower downstairs, 4 BR St bath up. Bsmt. with wood fur nace. This is an older home but just has been redecorated thru-out. We con sider this a good buy at only $8500. Oood Location Kigg ins. $44 A MO. Small, new 2 BR home, hdwd. firs., oil fir. furnace, paved st., 1 blk. to bus St stores. $6950. $950 dwn. F.H.A. loan Klgglns BURT PICHA, 179 N. High St. Jtvt: 1-5390 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. ! U DRIVE Trucks, Robinson Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103. r FLOOR space on State St. Desk space on Marion at. rn. 3-84ua. i" FULLY EQUIPPED cabinet shop. Address, oox s. co uapuai journal. yii FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery ward. ) TRAILERS $2.00 per day. Howser Bros. 1410 S 12th. West Salem. 1 lOOD USED PIANOS, H. L. Btlft. TO DO a good Job rent a good floor Band er. We sell everything to complete the Job HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 2-3646 J SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up tt delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 33512. i WANTED TO RENT 2 BEDROOM, unfurnished house by mid dle aped employed couple, a-i reier ences. Phone 2-9813 after 6:00 p.m. Ja24 BUSINESS MAN St family must have 2 or 3 BR furn. house Immediately. Ph. 2-7628. Ja24 ROOM & BOARD WANTED: ROOM St Board and care of 5 yr, old child by working mother. Bx 347 Capital Journal. JJ22 NICELY HEATED furnished rooms. 3 blks. from state house. Working ladles pre ferred. 539 N. Winter. JJ27 WILL CARE for elderly people In pri vate home. Ph. 2-6274. JJ24 ROOM As BOARD at 629 N. Winter, JJ23 LOST & FOUND FOUND; Small male dog. Ph. 2-E k23a LOST! AT Shopping Center, billfold with our pension money Ot Hospital insurance receipt. Reward. Ph. 37056, Mrs. Mattie Harllng. k23 LOSTI Small brown purse containing li brary card, etc. at bowling alley. He ward! Ph. 2-7947. k24 LOST: KEYS between Court St State on N. Com'l. Reward, warren Wan, 162'2 N. Com'l. Ph. 29023. k22 MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER CORSETIERE. Call 3-5072. m47 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State St Commercial Sts. SALEM Phone- 3-3311. m- BUILDING MATERIAL Building Something? " Shcetrock, 4?ic, Rock lathe, 30c yd. V" plywood, $2.65 sheet. All thickness plywood, cheap. Insulation board, 5 lie. 1 panel doors, $7.50. Asbestos siding, $10 sq. Cedar shakes, $12 set. All grades cedar shingles. Waterproof wallboard, TaC. Glass' doors, $10.50. C. O. LONO, Ph. 3-5821, 1 ml. N. Kelzer ma22 AIR-RAY electrlo furnace. Ph. 2-2934. ma31 Special Cedar Siding K"x4" random length . . . Ideal tor re-sidlng barns, chicken houses, old buildings. At less than half the price of common shlplap, $25 M. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD ma 1 Stop Service FOR YOUR BUILDING NEEDS Lumber, shingles, mill work, glass, hard materials, plywood, paint, hardware, elec. supplies, fir covering. That con renient location, Front St Court Sts. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD ma RED CEDAR shingles, No. 2x3's any amount delivered lowest market prices. 18 in. No. 1 carton packed cedarwall shakes. Ted Mullor. Salem-Indep. road. Call 2-1196 Salem. ma WAPPIT 8" power hand saw Ph. 3-4284. SAVE ON ROOFINO Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 3-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. SALEM, OREGON ma Headquarters Fireplace Materials SUPERIOR HEATFORM CIRCULATORS Pumilite West Salem ma22 WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE. Assembled kitchen base St wall cabinets. 18 to 47 In. 20 off regular price. As low as 110.95. SEARS ROEBUCK BUILDING MATERIAL Ph. 3-9101 ma25 Want a New Home ? Our new F.H.A. Home Planning Dept. has been established Just to help you in developing plans, making estimates and obtaining your F.H.A. loans. This service Is available at no cost to you. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front At Court Salem ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEW REFRIG., apt. sire range, 6-yr. baby bed. lady's World bicycle like new. Ph. 2-1791. n34' SALE Accordion, saxophone, guitar, elec. train, 12-gauge, 32 automatic, 22 high standard, 30-30-32 rifle. Singer sewing machine, large safe, 25 by 28. 1515 Jefferson St., Salem, Ore. n23 HOOVER VACUUM cleaner. Like new. 1342 Waller. Rear apt. n22 SEWING MACHINE, drop - head treadle type. Good cond. $29.50. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Commercial. n23 I USED Coca Cola beverage cabinet with Frlgldalre unit. 1 Frlgldaire 4-hole Ice cream cabinet, l, 24 cu. it. Reach refrlg. Bill Miller, 3254 Portland Dd. Ph. 21534. N221 USED. FURN, Including comb. Wedge wood gas At wood range. Ph. 2-1638. 555 Union. n22 WILL TRADE good 2 -wheel trailer for .22 pistol In good cond. 1540 Shady Lane. n33 30 TREADLE sewing machines $10 to $35, new and used electric. Big caen discount. 1930 N. 18th. n33 MUSIC LESSONS Piano At violin. State accredited. STUDIO. PH. 2-6013. B44 Journal Want Ads Pay I REAL ESTATE DANDY LITTLE FARM 34 A., S ml. from Lincoln, mostly Amity soil, 13 A. In oats At vetch, 4 A, Bartlett pears, bal. cultivated, good small barn, 4 BR, mod. home In nice setting price of $10,700 Includes machinery St live stock. Crawford FOUR CORNERS 3 BR ranch home on nearly 2 A. lot, double garage, chick house, close to school St bus just $8500. Crawford GROCERY & MEAT MKT. Lock, stock At barrelL 15500 Crawford REALTORS or J-7451 Office: S-I64I e22 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS STEEL CLOTHESLINE POSTS, railings, In stock, made to order. 1145 N, Liberty. n40 ACOUSTICON hearing aid. Ortg. cost $225. wow au. tra, 3-a.n9. n23 PLASTI-KOTE: The eellopn ane-llke fin- isn ror your noors, woodwork or Jin oleum. Salem Lighting At Appliance Co., 238 N. High D33 FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 1-8357. n37 USED Electric ranges, $19.95 M op. X Ein l tsti APPLIANCE OO. 375 Chemeketa THOR DELUXE ironer. . Cheap, Ph. 3-8881 n24 USED OLL burners, blowers and sawdust burners. Ph. 2-8662. n31 HEAT your home electrlcalry with West. Inghouse or Wesln automatic electric heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. o USED Electric Refrigerators, $49.95 XaATEH APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n PHILLIPS BROS. Fertilizers, well rotted or fresh, any klr1. By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work. Cedar fence posts. Telephone and elec. poles. Any length. Shingles. Yew posts. Lumber, Ph. 3-1458. Rt. 6, Box 118. n USED RADIOS At record players, $9.98 UP YEATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa n NO WAXING required with PLASTIC KOTE, the cellophane like finish for floors or linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n" SALEM SAND St GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer At Basement Equipment Rental 15 B W yds. 10 B yds. D-7 Cat St Dozer D-8 Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat At Dozer See us about ditching by the ft. Phone Days 3-9408 Eves. 3-8246 or 2-4400 Salem, Oregon OIL CIRCULATORS at greatly reduced prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n GENERAL ELECTRIC, Crosley, Gibson, ana xuoniag Appliances ai uevurtz. n USED ELECTRIC WASHERS $19.95 Up YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n FOR SALE 3000 W portable electric neater wun tnermostat. Ph. 4-2011. n24 NEW Ac USED vegetable Juicing machine mr nome use. seen used for home d'' onstration Russ Delano, 8B8 N. Com'l. n27 WALLING SAND As GRAVEL CRUSHED ROCK for roads and drive ways, cement, ready concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditch ing, &-yd. shovel At drag line. Ph. 3-9249 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Barkio Douglas fir poles or stumpage, pn, 1287 Albany or write Standard Pole St Piling Co., Inc. na42 SEWING MACHINE any cond. Ph. 3-7671. na41 WANTED! 314 by i, Graphlex camera. Ph. 2-5511. na23 WANT 3 horse 3 phase elec. motor. Must oe reas. pn. 3-BB83. na24 fir STUMPAGE and fir togs wanted ampmeni can oe made by truck oi rail. Independence Lumber it Manufac turing Company, Inc.. Independence, Oregon. Phone 42. na PERSONAL MRS. MELVIN SMITH, Spencer corsetler ah calls given special attention. Ph. 3-5072. p23 8 MONTHS subscription to Readers Di gest, $1.00. Ph. 2-5971. p33 BIBLE prophecy tells what Russia will do. Read booklet, "What These Things Mean." Send 25c in coin to 2166 0. Berry St., Salem. p25 THAT A NEW suit? New Spencer under the old one. Ph. 3-5072. Eve. ph, 3-1619, p2J ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O. 724 Ph 3-5234. p22 MUST BORROW $8,600 on new apt. house ousiness Ding. pn. Z-7S4B, pz3 STANLEY HOME Products, Ph. 3-9307. P39" AUTOMOBILES '40 STUDE. Champion, overdrive, heater. uooa cona. pn. j-bbto. qm 1988 4-DOOR Chev. In good cond. Reas- onable. Ph. 2-4775. q24 LATE 1D47 Chev. deluxe club coupe. 22,. 000 miles. Radio, heater At extras. Per fect condition, original owner. Phone Monmouth 325. q24 1049 DODGE Meadowbrook 4-door sedan. Maroon color, white side wall tires, heater tt defrosters, seat covers, 10,500 actual miles. Best offer over $1800. Ph. 3-7314 evenings. Joe Brooks. q22 '36 NASH Lafayette 2 -door sedan. Fair condition. Good rubber. O.D. St htr. $50 license. $125 cash. Ph. 3-9327. q24 i DOOR '48 FLEETLINE Chevrolet, R&H. Seat covers, new battery. 12,000 miles. L exc condition, pn. 3-ouuo. qaa; WILSON'S EXCELLENT QUALITY CARS 1949 Buick Super Se- danet $2225 1947 Olds 98 Club Cpe., Hyd. : $1585 1947 Chrysler Wind. Sed. Fluid Dr $1475 1946 Chrysler Royal Sed. Fluid Dr $1395 1947 Olds 66 Club Cpe., Hyd $1395 1946 Willys Station Wa gon $ 995 1941 Stude Champ. Sed. $ 550 1939 Plymouth Sedan ..$ 395 1936 Ford Coupe $ 127 Otto J. Wilson COMMERCIAL AT CENTER PH. 2-3621 1936 Chevrolet Coupe $39.50 CAPP'S USED CARS 393 Onion ph. 3-1149 oil' '49 STUDE TON PICKUP with h..tr. Onlr 3000 mllei. Cost 1.116 ntw will kU lor 11,490. oil 3-4479. U4 390 USED CAR LOT 190 vour aid nn. lath 8fc. .Junction. On HU 1 pja. AUTOMOBILES The thermometer reads LOW again so do the prices on our Lincoln -Mercury Used Car Lot!! All cars tuned & checked, to give you good ser vice regardless of the weather condition. 1949 Lincoln Sedan. 1947 Mercury Sedan. 1942 Ford Sedan, V-8. 1941 Buick Super Sedan. 1938 Chev. Sedan. 1937 Chev. 2-Door. 1936 Chev. Sedan. f 1929 Model A it's a good one. ALL CARS CAN BE HAD ON EASY PAY PLAN COME IN TODAY TO 1 Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN - MERCURY DEALER 545 CENTER PH. 3-3012 AUTOMOBILES Eisner Motors to Buy 19.10 PONT1AC Coupe. Fair shape. 079. Ph. 37787 days, eve. qza HURRY! Red-Hot Bargains FRIDAY ONLY 1948 CHRYSLER WINDSOR "8" 4 DOOR SEDAN. RADIO, HEATER, FLUID DRIVE Sc VACUMATIC SHIFT, WINDSHIELD WASHER. DRIVING LIGHTS, VERY GOOD TIRES. PRICED LOW FOR FRIDAY ONLY AT $1195 LEE'S USED CARS 240 N. Church Ph. 2-1527 q22 ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL - TRADB TERMS t LOTS 232S Fair ground Rd. Ph. 2-6454 820 Hood St. Ph. 1-7714 '46 Chevrolet FLEETLINE AERO. RADIO,' HEATER, DEFROSTER St GOOD TIRES. JET BLACK FINISH. $1095 Trade - Terms ORVAL'S "THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE" Center at Church Sts. Ph. 3-4702 q23" DODGE 1939 Deluxe Sedan. New gray linlsh St Interior nice. Lots of service. YOUR HUDSON DEALER SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY Chemeketa at Church Ph. 3-7922 q22 Eisner Motors to Sell 1941 CHEV. Club coupe. R&H. 1335 Hlnen St., Salem. q-sj '49 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN. RADIO, HEATER, SEAT COVERS. LIGHT GRAY FINISH. $1595 Trade - Terms ORVAL'S "THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE" Center at Church Sta. Ph. 1-4703 q23 ARE YOU SELLING YOUR CAR? Private party wishea to buy a real clean automobile or cash money. I am not dealer and I do not wish to buy from a dealer. Phone 3-9317 or call at 1460 "D" St. after 6 p.m. evenlnga. q22 SPECIAL 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY LESS THAN 30,000 ACTUAL MILES. LOOKS AND BUNS LIKE NEW. HAS BEEN USED MOSTLY FOR PASSENGER OAR. 1990 LICENSE ON CAR. THEY ARE SCARCE. SEE THIS ONE. JOE SPURLOCK TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 352 N. Commercial, Salem, Oregon Eisner Motors Fine Cars FARM EQUIPMENT UED TRACTOR TIRES, popular StzeJ, S5.00 and up. Montgomery Ward At Co., Salem. 23' AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR OPENING FOR BUSINESS, parts ex. chanse. Double Deal Wrecking Yard, 3575 Pleasant View Drive. qc22 FINANCIAL YES! TO 4 OUT OF 5 who come to PERSONAL We like to say "yos." Proof: we served over a million people last year. 125 to 1500 on Auto, up to I3oo on Furniture, Salary. No co-signers necessary. Phone or visit the Personal YES MAN, TO DAY 1 PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY Pacific Building Room No. 125 518 STATE ST. Phone 2-2464 C. R. Allen, Mgr. LIO. BM22-M-185. LOANS MADE TO WE BUY Discount Paper, Real Estate mortgages At contracts. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 So. High St. r WANT 16000 at tr. Good security. Write Capital Journal Box 350 r23 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Ua 8-133 and U-321 and ROT H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS M4) 8. Commercial St. Tel Mitt r I AUTOMOBILES FINANCIAL AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTTE CREDIT CO. 182 8. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 2-2457 Lie. No. M-159 8-154 r Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 27032 Lie. No. M3flfl-S291 Floyd Kenyon, Mgr. : SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4 INTEREST 5 to 40 Years and No Commission DENTON & DENTON Private Money to Loan on Good First Mortgage!!. CHAS. HUDKINS At SON 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4130 r38 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4'a and 5 YOOB OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 201 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 4-2283. r IF YOUR PROPERTY Is for sale It will pay you to know how much of an FHA loan it will stand. This information U obtainable with but very little trouble. Dr NiT HESITATE to call on u for any information you desire about FHA LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Tel. S-4131. I Mortgage Loans FHA Residential Loans a Specialty City, Suburban and Farm Loans Business Building Loans We Make Construction Lnina mil Private Money Loans Exceptionally Favorable Terms No Loan Too Large or Too Small SEE US FIRST Abrams & Skinner, Inc. Mortgage Loan Specialists 411 Masonlo Bldg. Phone 1-9217 r3l viaiacu vsjuo on qua ii lying mooern homes, Salem and vicinity. Also see us for FHA construction loans. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St. Salem, Oregon BE THRIFTY IN '50 A "Bill Consolidation" LOAN MAY MAKE YOU "THRIFTY IN '50" PAY OFF YOUR BILLS LOWER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS $50 to $1500 CALL OR PHONE TODAY PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL T.nATSJS 118 8. LIBERTY PHONS 4-320 PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Tim Payments ROY H. SIMMOND8 126 South Commercial St. Phone -9Il TRANSPORTATION WOULD LIKE A RIDE to San Franetsco "Him vo anve lor expense. Harry Watson Y.M.CA. X24" DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roen. 456 Court Phone 1-4771. APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair serv ice. Free estimates. Trade-Ins accepted on new appliances. Vlnce'jt Electric, Ph. 3-9239. 157 S. Liberty St. o AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 1-9286. Night 3-1604. 333 Center. 0 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms. ho gown payment, rnone 2-4850, o BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bids., clear Ins, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3146, Salem. o37 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new ROA cash register. All makes sold, rented, re paired. Roen, 456 Court. Ph. 1-4771. o CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walls, ate. Can 2-4850. e CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Ensley, T71 S. 21st. Ph. 3-7174, o26 EXCAVATING Ben OtJen St Son excavating At iradlnc. Land clearing. Ph. 3-3080. o33a EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Berries. Ph. 4-2474. Lee Cross. Rt. 4. Boi 437-C. 026 Brelthaupt's for flowres. Dial 3-9171. o Air-Ray Electric Furnace. Ph. 1.3934. oil HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watklns Co. products. Free de livery. 1717 Center. Ph. 1-5395. o INCOME TAX Income tax returns prepared In your home Oall J. Herr. Ph. 1-8141 for ap pointment o28 INSULATION Johns-ManrtUe. Phone 1-1748. LANDSCAPE NURSERY ?. A. Doerfler Si Sons, Ornamentals. 150 N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 3-1321. o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 144 JeN feraon St Phone 234S2. (Continued on Page 23)