,. JO Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, January 26, 1950 A Man Is Missing .' By ERLE STANLEY GARDNER ' (Creator ol the ftmoui fictional detective, Perri Uuod) She was suddenly suspicious of the intense attitude of concentration. J; (Chapter Pour) From little natural meadows 'hlch existed here and there along pi" trail, Marlon could see out over n awe-inspiring expanse ol coun try mile on mile of. tumbled moun iair. peaks, deep, shadow-filled can yons, high, Jagged, snow-covered Hank Lucas abruptly reined In his horse. "What is it?" "There's an elk," he said. "He looks as though he's getting feady to attack," Marlon said, Alarmed. y. "He is," Hank grinned. "But he'll Ret our scent before he does any damaee. find we ain't other elks, fend beat it." He turned to her fcharply: "I don't notice you trying to photograph hlrn. If you didn't come in here to take pictures, why old you come in nerev- ; She said, "If I told you, would you keep it to yoursenr- : "T miirht." Marlon's speech was quick and nervous: "I came in here to find my brother. I think he's the one who was with Prank Adrian." . Hank spun his horse so he was lacing her. "(JKay," ne saia quieuy; "suDDose vou tell me about him." "I don't know too much about It," she said. "The last letter I had from Harry was last summer. He was at Twin Palls then. There was an ad in the paper stating that a man who was going into the hills for his health wanted a partner who was fully familiar with camping, trapping, and mining. This man was willing to give a guarantee, in addition to a half interest in any mines or pelts. It sounded good. Harry wrote me he'd answered the ad and got the Job, that he liked his partner a lot, and they were going to head into the Middle Pork country. That's the last I heard from him." "He give you any address?" Hank asked. i "Yes, the county seat back there." t "You wrote to him there?" ' "The letter came back. I don't think Harry would have gone away andwell, he wouldn't have gone this Jong without writing unless something had happened." "I see," Hank said. "Your broth er's name Harry Chandler?" "Harry Benton," she said. "My name is Marion Chandler Benton. I didn't want to use the last name Until I knew more about things." ; They rode on for another half mile, passing now through big game country. Twice they saw deer standing watching them. ' "Usually the deer don't hang aground so much In the elk coun try," Hank said, "but there seem to be a lot of them in here. I "What's this?" He stopped abruptly. "I don't see anything." ' Hank pointed to a tree. '. "Oh. yes; I see it now. It's a blaze. & different blaze from this trail blaze." Hank turned his horse down the Hdge, following the faint trail. ; "Shouldn't you leave a note or something, In case the pack string catches up with us?" "They'll see our tracks," Hank Mild. ' They skirted wide patches of djown timber, last the trail twice on such detours but eventually picked it up again. Then, without warning, they came to a little clear ing and a cabin. 'Marion looked at the cabin for a. moment, then flung herself out of the saddle, ' its the same caoin that's In the picture," she snid. They crossed the little opening and Hank pushed the cabin door ojien. .There was a wood stove of rough icon, two bunks, a table, a rude bench, a row of boxes which had been nailed to the wall so as to form a cupboard and In which were a few dishes, knives, and forks. A frying pan hung from a nail, and there was a large stew pan face down on the stove. The cabin had a dirt floor, but it was cleaner than any abandoned cabin Marion had ever seen. Yet it held that characteristic musty smell which indicated it had been some time since there had been a fire in the stove or since men had slept oh the two bunks. ;"Well." Hank said, "I guess this la It. You say your brother's an old-time camper?" "That's right. He's done quite a (food deal of trapping and pros pecting. He didn't like too much civilization." Hank took off his hat and scratched the hair around his tem pies. "What Is it?" she asked. Hank gripped the corner of an envelope which had been pushed into a small space between the boxes and the Iok wall of the cabin. Marion laughed nervously. "It must be a letter he put there and lorgot to mall." Hank turned the envelope over, said, "It's addressed, 'To Whoever Finds This Letter.' The envelope isn't sealed. Let's Just take a look." Marion, standing at his shoul der, read the letter with him: "My name is Frank Adrian, al though until the last few days there was a great deal I couldn't remem ber about myself. I am married to Corliss Latham Adrian, and I will put her address at the bottom of this letter, so the finder may noti fy her in the event It becomes nec essary. "I have been subject to fits of amnesia. Some time ago I had an attack which sent me wandering away irom home. For a while I didn't know who I was, then I could remember only a part of my life. There was a hiatus following an automoDiie accident in which I received a blow on the head. "For some time I have been en gaged In a partnership with a pe culiar cnap namea Harry ttenton, a man who is an experienced woods man, packer, and prospector. We came up here to this cabin to do some prospecting until the weather got com ana men do some trap ping. "I am all light, but my partner, Harry Benton, has developed a bad case of cabin fever. He hates me with an insane, bitter hatred. I think the man is crazy. "A few days ago we had a quar rel over a matter so trivial it .seemed absurd to me, but I can see that Benton has become absolute ly furious and is brooding over It. i am going to try ana leave here, but I am still pretty much of a tenderfoot and it will be a hard trip lor me. I feel certain that If Benton finds I have run out on him he will track me down and kill me. "If the worst should come to the worst and anything should hap pen, will the finder of this letter please notify my wife." The letter was sinned. "FRANK ADRIAN," and below that was the address of his wife. Hank looked up at Marion Ben ton. Why, how absolutely absurd I" she exclaimed. "Cabin fever li a peculiar mine." Hank said. "Oh. bosh and nonsenael Harrv has camped with people all over the country. He's been out In the hills as much as you have." name iooKea carciuny around the place for a while, then said. "Oh oh. what's this?" "What?" Hank turned to one of the walls. Down near the floor were reddish brown stains which had evidently spattered against the wood in pear shaped drops, then had dried. Marion iooKea at the stains then raised her eyes to Hank. "Hank, It It ?" Hank nodded and said, "I guess we'd better close up the place and Ht kui. nie oiners. . , . It was well along in the after noon when Marlon Chandler Ben tOii, Corliss Adrian. Jnmex Dewllt. and Hnnk Lucas returned to the cabin. Lucas had briefly described what they had found and had shown the others the letter. Marion had announced to one and all thnt sne was Harry Benton's sister and naa ridiculed the letter. Dewltt. Inspecting the reddish brown stains on the wall, promptly took charge. "Those stains are blood," he said. "Now, let's be care ful not to disturb anything In the cabin. Hank, show me exactly whore it was you found the letter." Hnnk Lucns replaced the letter behind the boxes. "Right here," he snid. "It was sticking out Just about IlKt) U11S. "As much as that?" "That's right. Just about like this." "I see. Let's take a look at tills stove." Hank said. "Doesn't seem tn h any firewood or kindling here, but vn.i K" uui, ana get some dry wood nnd In Just a few minutes have this whole cabin heated up." .,.,r."nltely not'" Dcw"t snM Well leave everything exactly as it Is, except that we'll look through these ashes down below the grate here " Dewltt found a piece of flat tin from which he made a scoop, and began shoveling the ashes. After the second shovelful, he gave an exclamation. There were four or five badly charred buttons in th h "I guess you folks better get out," aniu vo ijriiss and Marlon. Its beginning to look bad." Corliss and Marion went outside Corliss was crying. Mnrion Indig nant. Hank strolled off down the trail, which he said probably led to a spring. (It looks bad for Marlon's broth erbut don't miss tomorrow's dra matic installment of A MAN IS IcopyrUM br Irl. Sl.nl.T O.rtn.t) rDR H1CK6RY--WHV OOfrrTCAN'T, MR.ROMr T ONE BIG ENOUGH FOR SIX BABIES WOULDN'T P NO-- THE TRAILER ITSELF IS REALLY T I YOU LET ME HAVE AN FOR. THREE I GO IN3DE THE TRAILER--THEY DONT MAKe ONE HUGE INCUBATOR .'-WHICH 15 WHY I S INCUBATOR FLOWN mt GOOO ReA50NS-l 'EM TO HEAT WITH FIREWOOD-- AND. MOST FOR the TIME BEIN& I'VE DECIDED TO V T I ON ZEKES HELICOPTER 74H IMPORTANT, MY NURSE - "YELLOW OEER" - J KEEP vou AND JUd' BUDD OUT OF IT J -L0 -- -i HOSPITAL. JrVSX r Vl'' J ; ; ; j . , -J ward Y 'JACI1 JILL JACK) ' i ' rv ,t Nm Wi , w . ANMtrSoM . h76 O .. ST WHY- I'M SO "W' WELL-WELL- I fif THAT JOB'S YOUVOUWHY, W POCIEP-TRICKEO-ANO I'D SOUNTSQ H MAD AT THAT 9 WELL HELLO. IH JUST ABOUT F VWU . I KNOW ALL M ON THftT JOB 0t6Y COUNTED ON IT, MAN I. COULD- B DAN, OLD BOY- I H CJ6ACV PAf I BOUT Wl-HOW C AN IS f TOO" HAP JACK SACK TO MY HOUSEFEP COULD-I Jl HOW'S THE BE ANV gay IL YOU STANO THERE M H Sfi-y HOW CRAZY OIO 'HATCMMLV.'r-TH'sTWirlSJ PmMEBBE YO'LL FALL jSflJf' f COUIE AH f - THE Y V'" TH' BftArO OOCTOa BRAINS NOTHIN' MORE HONEST eS.- IN LOVE OF CM r-J2iatS GOT A MEAN AN NASTY. L SAYU'LABNER rf DOCTOR THAN TH' EXPRESHUM Jl LOOK AT J hlllnii n.i.lll EXnESHUN.C-TAKE 'EM J WAS, FC FALLIN'X SAID. HE lON A KNEECAP.'.'- Y? MAM ' JUf AWAYT j . . - 1 IN LOVE OF A -VWARMT y?QALS KIN CHANGE TH' V KNEECAPS, I , 5 - i. .- If L GAL'S KNEECAP? ) CRAZY H EXPBESHUNS ON THAR 1 U'L AgNER.T v ---V -K M. . 7. -AT AU-.7j FACE'S -BUT NOT ON St.; SailA -fC1 A s- 'JSI ((' -fl , -THAP KNEECAPS.'- VXQX,iK &vS? V ) ' " iYk iWV? LUCKY. WHY DIDN'T DIAMOND SHOOT I LATER -IMKSTBBTHAT'S A PERFECT HKftjlWfcJJI 1 MEANWHILE ON THE OTHER SIDEl u YOU ON THE SPOT WHEN HE KNEW 55- pUACE FOR YOU TO HIDE OF THE RIVER. n YOU WITNESSED- THAT?....0H THWSl OUT'TILL WE NEED YOU i5j3S3i'2 JiMUtWjJ - ft C THE WESTCOTT HE WAS " TH'OC TAYLOR FLOUR tO TESTIFY AS AINST J&eS&zStSS&t I'LL FIX CASSIOV u w KILLING? PLANNIN' TO FRAME MILL. IT'S BEEN SHUT fc DIAMOND &ZirS&?& TSV WE'LL GET TH'WESTCOTT ' l"..! jffl 0VAf HE CAN .. WHATCrlAT NO SUYiS IVE BEEN. TRAINING ILL BEAT THE ip1" s t Jxv4fTk i"6-w I WHAT ABOUT M m '5'0NNA.TAKE Tc-r'TUenirui' DAYLIGHT OUT 0. K,V3 ? iChu T y sHes B Jgp' YOU'LL BE THROU6H ANP WHILE YOU ANP YOUR" 'V JH I PIPNY THINK IT WAS VOUR IDEA F .. , a ..,r.,.,. pSS!Sa EN KXMNDVOUe 6AN6 DO THAT, I'LL HAVE.THB 131 1 NOW, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE y U fHMIETER. CALL OFP J7.hlcODS CLEAN UP OWNER MAKE A LIST OF WHAT Sf B ENTERWINEP BY THE STATE Ls"1 I VOUE .COWBOyB.' WERE JfgS WiSH THE MESG YOU VOL) 8USTEP VDU'LL MAKE afsaaj COPS. YOU'LL TELL ME WHO 0 THANKS FOCi KNITTING X-i '5 " ' T ( itP' Vr kj ME THAT NICE TURTLE. T lrl-- ' ' " 1 , "s YJ-tJtZsa I Y- 1 TaDIBo. gmmt .tirf42! W&H&k MR.KAUXENWOOM ISA i frfl THE WAY f DinoNCFl, JU5T BECAUt THE&4LSIN THE )uriMFNPtTHFCF't 11 FOR THAT 1000 FtE, I'D 6tT 1 0ARLINajimYS-8UTSHtoloJ.rET.T SKETCH REMIND HIMOFANOLD.f Ul ni IMF -II WF A I FACE LIFTED, BUY A MIRROR WHENYCSAIDHEVyoV! Fl.HE 0LMAND5 REAL op MATCHED MCOELsS AND P05E FOR THE PHOTO MYSELF! M 5TUBMRN,YCXlWLYVlr RRKKl WHOIOOK EXACTLY "IXS JbuFMCOR A WAITi-IHAVEAHOfEFUL HUNCH-- I A HlrnEDATTHE,-. tKK-Kl J L! THE ARTI5T5 DREAM') FNDGFTS-.V - ,"m RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY P. M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCCf 830 NEC fi70 CBS 1180 ABC 1390 MBC HBO Kc c.in The S ofIii Feature Story ' Oreen Ilornet StralKht Arrow Swln Time rlVcIoitfr, Nwi Liltlo Show Greco tlornat StriUht Arrow Swlni Time Kn Sonn of Times Newt Jack Armtlrom U-Bar-B Ranch BIdc Crosby Elmer reteron New Jack Armitroni B-Bar-B Ranch Band of Day "fiTftrt Screen" fiuild SoTprmt Kdw. C. Ilitl Gab. Heater Candle Lltht a :Ve Screen r.alld SaipcnM llami Kdltion S. W. Newi A Stlrcr glMui, Cavalcade Crime Mod. Romance! Tello Teat News g:5 Mus. Cavalcade Fhotofrapher Mod. Romancet Serenade Twllliht Sons- "YTfjfli Perry Com Tht PlayhonM Counterspy Drama TBA Perry Como The PlayboaM Countirrpr itoncs of Times Moil. Jackpot : Drasnet Uollrwood Dato With Judr Mysterlona Evelya Knifhl fife Dragnet Theater Data With Judy Traveler Sports oTaa SlDitri-Kirilio Lowell Thomas Amatenr Hnnr Hop'lng Cassfdy Track 1490 2:Yc World News lack Smith Amateur Hour Hop'lng Castldy Track 1490 o.'on 1drich Family Mr. Keen tmateur Moor Sports for All Track 14H 8 :4ii Aldrlch Family r. Keep R. Montgomery Sports for All Track 1490 QQQ Father Knows F.B.L Blondla Glen ilardy Track 1490 a! 15 Father Knows F.B.I. Blondla Barber Shop Club Serenada nn Doffi'i Tavern Benlah Vonr Builneas Ray Block News 9J45 Dnfty'a Tavern Club 18 Robert Nathan Ray Block G. MacKaa 000 s"m Ba" 1 stiW F10' Rlchfld Rep'tr Fnlt. Lewis Jr. NUht Sans; 1015 Mori. Downey Yon World Inlermetso Local News Nlcbt Sonr lO'.lh Spt' p,e- Tnal Airflo ffoncerl Hont News Muslo Yon Want 10:45 Orchestra Orchestra Concert Hoar Muaio aiaiio Ton TVanl 11:00 Nwi Serenada Concert Hoar I Love Mystery Noctarn 11:15 Waz Mosenm Treasury Band Concert Boar I-es Brown Nocturn ll:30wx Museum Organ MuiU Memos Ray Hackett Noeturna 11 :4S Wa Museum Organ Memos Ray Hackett Noctorna lg:00'im Q Silent Xtra Hour Isign Off ISlrn Off PM Meg., KGW 100.8, 8-10 p.m., KOIN 101.1, a.m.. IS p.m., KEX Ft. I, I ti I p.m. FRIDAY 6 A. M. TO 4:45 P. M. 6:00 Hodge Pod ire News Farm News News Summary 6:15Kncass News KOIN Kloek Keep Smiling Timekeeper 6:30 Farm Time KOIN Kloek Keep Smiling March Time KOCO Kloek 6:45 Farm Time KOIN Kloek Keep Smiling News KOCO Kloek - 7:00 Early Bird KOINKlook Waihb'rn News News Tex Rltter 7:15 Old Songs News Mart. Affronsky Brkfst. Oang KOOO Kloek JiSOKneass News News Bob Haxen Rise and Bhlne News Jj4fi Sam Hayes Fred Beck Zcke Manners Top Trades KOCO Kloek 8:00 Eddie Albert Consumer News Breakfast Club Rnrg. Counter King's Crnsad. R:15 Kddlw Albert News Hreakfnst Club Family Altar King's Crusad. 8:30 lack Bercb Grand Slam Breakfast Club Rfhle Institute Western Melod, 8:45 Sage Riders Rosemary Breakfast Club Bible Institute Temple Echoes 9:00 3eoond Cnp Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell W. News Time for MelTdy 9:15 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Stars of Today Sidney Walton Tlma for Mel'dr 9:30 3 Suns Helen Trent Art Llnkletter Paatoi-'s CaU Stars Sing 9:45 Kneass News Our Gal Sunday Art Llnkletter Walti Time J. Chaa Thomna 10:00 Marrlare for t Big Sister Bscs' Riders f-'on Hardy NW Newi 10:15 Car. Cavalier Ma Perkins Galen Drake Gospel Singer Musts 10:30 Hostess House Dr. Mslona My True Story Perry Como Tune Tim 10:45 Party Guiding Light My True htory Morgan's Mnslc S8 Keys 11:00 Double, Nothing ind Mrs. Burt'n Betty Crocker Ladles First Music Mart 11:15 Double. Nothing Perry Mason Victor Llndlahr Ladies First Musis Mart 11:30 Tod'ys Children N'orab Drake N'rtbwesternen O-ueen for Day Jan Garber 11:45 Light of World Brighter Day N'westernera Queen for Day Vocal Varieties; 12:00 Kneass News News Baukbaga Talk Top Trades H'llywood Masts 12:15 Road of Life Coma Gel It News News H'llywood Musis 12:30 P. V'ng's Fsm. House Party Jack Norman Gay 90"s News 12:45 Right to Hap. House Party Meet Menious Bob Eberly Dave Dennis 1:00 Backstage Wife From Nowhere Brkf. In Holly. Hob Mitchell Mae'a Melodtes 1:15 Stella Dallas Jack Holt Brkf. In Uolly. Bob Mitchell Mae'a Melodies 1:30 Lorenzo Jones Garry Moor Kay West Tell Neighbor Mae'a Melodies 1:45 t'ng Wld. Br'p Klrkbam News Kay Wrat Blng Sings Mac's Melodlea 2:00 Wh, Q. Marries Klrkbam News Jay Stewart Bob Pool Mae'a Melodies' 2:15 Por. Faces Life Steve Alien Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mac's Melodlea 2:30 Just Plain Bill Steve Allen Bride A Groom Music for Pri. Mac's Melodies 2:45 Front Pg. Far'll Tunefully four Bride Gfoom Music for Frl. Mac's Melodies 3:00 Welc Travelers Art Klrkbam Quick as Flash Geo, Jamboree Mac's Melodies 3:15 Welc. Travelers Arthur Godfrey Quick as Flash Geo. Jamboree Mao's Melodies 3:30 Aunt Mary Arthur Godfrey Be Seated News Mac's Melodies 3:45 We Love, Learn Arthur Godfrey Ted Malone Gay Nlnatlea Mac's Melodies 4:00 Worn. Secret Arthur Godfrey Western Brand Fulton Lewis Movie Tim 4:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Case Hemingway Philosopher 4:30 Dr. Paul Curt Masaey Squirrel Cage Behind Story Brers Can B i 4:45 Paula Stono Edw. Murrow Firefighters (News Beautiful DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 dren's Theater! 8:15. On th Upbeat, 6:50. 550 Sports Clubl 6, News) 0il6, Organ Muslef 6:30, 'Round Camp fire. 7:00, Headlines In Chemlstryl 7:15, Evening Farm Hour; 8, Flying Timet 8:15. OSO Library; 8:80, Vet News: 8:45, Newsi Mid Weathert 9:00, Muile That Endures i 9:45, Evening Meditation! 10:00, Sign Off. lHAf Friday A.M. 10:00, News and iVM- Weather; 10:15, Especially for Woment 11:00, School of Airi 11:15, Con cert Hallt 12:00, Newsi 12:15, Noon Farm Houn 1:00, Rldo 'em Cowboy i 1:15, School ot Alri 1:30, Publlo Health; 1:45, Melody Lanet t. Clubwomen's Half Hour; S:30, Memory Book of Music; 3, Newsi 8:10, Mu slo ot th Masters) 4:00 Oregon Reporteri 4:15, Favorite Hymns. President of Eagles Lodge Due Sheridan Sheridan W. M. Loy, Bend, Oregon, president of the Oregon State Aerie of the Fraternal Or der of Eagles, will address mem bers of Phil Sheridan Aerie on January 26 at the IOOF hall, it is announced by Edgar Hyder, president of the Phil Sheridan Aerie. President Loy will speak on current Eagles problems, which include youth guidance, child health, aid for the handicapped and the Eagle Memorial Foun dation, which is providing med ical aid and dental needs and college education for the chil dren of Eagles killed in the last war. The National Geographic So ciety says that the tiny fierasfer fish hides In the body cavities of sea slugs to escape its enemies. ACROSS L Tide 7. Trumpeted IS. Within 14. Revolve 15. Syllable of hesitation 16. Annoys 18. That man 19. Compels: Scotch XL Small 22. Boy 33. Flnlat of m spire 24. Crooked 35, Geometrical solid 28. Safe keeping 88. Muffled 19. Strong tast 50, Small pie 51. Wading bird SS. Baggage carriers 88. Faithful 37. Melodies 88. Female sand piper 19. Thing: law 40. Heated chamber 41. Unit of fore 42. At bat 43. Mean 45. Short for a man's nam 48. Meddle 4H. Injure 50. Scoffs 61. Started C O ipSPUM WAMT aweJBp aHe RU 6 ff e'ttToNjfAFnu p e usygfflJmEyA Tie i tk av a sir L A T gjAiiBlBk ONUB PC bd i ffloisffr al enit laR O wE: aM A t ESM G O wk pp I IP I TS AWAHRO B I NfR oTE sIlIyiisItI i InIgUeiwie Solution of Yesterday's Puzzl DOWN 1. tiong trying times 7 I I K K 117 l8 l Y p7 a zmzz-zz is S 'S '7 8 2 5s m l 1 1 1 1 Wr 11 1 P Newsfcofvre t. Thrown Into ecstasy 5. While 4. Small swallows) 6. Poem 6. Reserve 7 Unwrinkled: Scotch 8. Kind of parrot 9. Siamese coins 10. Symbol for radium It. Gaseous hydrocarbon IS. Conveyed legally 17. Prong 20. Profligate 22. Affair of chane 24. River short 25. Short 27. Scares 28. Planet 30. Whlrlwlnfl 31. Walks pompously 32. Surgical Instrument 33. Wharf 34. Fall to follow suit 36. Planted 37. States 40. Above 41. Division of ancient Greecs 4S. Imitate 44. Opening 47. Myself 49. One indefinitely ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gene Ahem F WITHOUT UNWINDING A LOT OF HIGHLY fi7 TECHNICAL WIR FULL OF SCIENTIFIC KINKS, CAN OJ TELL ME IN SIMPLE LINGO V WHAT THIS NEW I I THEORY OF GRAVITATION V IS ALL ABOUT? S 1 Jn WELL AHM-HAK-THATS QUITE AN ORDER, SON I CANT ix-e wi 1 HtUKY Op GRAVITATION J AND SIMPLY TEAR. ALONG THE rewTjKvi cU hLXjbJ TO GIVE VTM I i Dl tin 1 n.irv-nr. ..n. n. - I EXPLANATION FOR. YOUR MIND ERYFINBs ' TIGHT ROPE WALKING, JUDGE"- s I-16 " ritt irriTnriTTW si