Dutch Guerrilla Leader Tells Aims of Fighting (Editor's Note: The fighting which has plagued Indonesia since the war, and only recently ended with a Dutch Indonesian agreement establishing the sovereign United States of Indonesia, broke out again this week, (Out of nowhere came a mysterious Dutch renegade officer who headed a guerrilla army. Three times this week it has attacked republican cities in West Java, including the capital city of Jakarta today, (A United Press correspondent met this captain some where in West Java, and got his account of what he is trying to do and allegedly why ha is trying to do it. The Interview, omblned with the guerrilla attack at Jakarta follows). Rita's Daughter Taken To Home From Clinic Lausanne, Switzerland, Jan. 26 (U.R) Princess Yasmin, daugh ter of Rita Hayworth, was taken Wednesday to her first home from the plush Montchoisi clinic where she was born 28 days ago. The infant princess was driven to Gstaad, where her father, Prince Aly Khan, has a chalet. Miss Hayworth and servants went along. By ARNOLD BRACKMAN Somewhere in West Java, Jan. 26 U.R) Capt. Paul (Turk) Westerling informally declared war on the Indonesian republican army today and sent a striking force of his guerrilla army into Jakarta where it fought a two-hour street battle. The renegade Dutch leader predicted that big scale fighting would break out soon in West Java, probably would last some thru months, and he would win.8 This correspondent talked with Westerling somewhere in Wert Java while his army struck into the capital city and fought wildly with republican forces round the government build ings. Westerling himself did not take part In the Jakarta attack. His raiders finally fell back from the battle-scarred streets of Jakarta under withering ma chine gun fire. At least seven persons were reported killed and "many" wounded in the battle. It was the third raid of its kind this week. The guerrillas seized the big city of Bandoeng Monday and held it for several hours. Yesterday they attack ed a Tall town near Bandoeng. A barrel chested man with black hair and blue-black eyes, swarthy and blunt spoken, West erling met this correspondent at a place which for obvious reasons he did not care to have mentioned. He wore brown street shoes, brown sox, white polo shirt and khaki pants. He was not arm ed. "Big scale fighting will break out soon in West Java," he said In his fluent English which bears only a trace of an accent. "I don't think it will last long, maybe about three months. I know I am going to win. "I am not trying to set myself up as a warlord. I am not try ing to form my own government. I am only trying to help the people." Westerling wore a gold wrist watch and a gold ring with black onyx stone on his left hand. He said he was of Dutch and Turkish parentage, and ex pressed a desire to go to Turkey "when everything is okay over here." "I am trying to remove the Japanese influence from the TNI (Tentara Nasional Indo nesia, or republican army)," he said. "I have tried everything I could to avoid clashes, but it is not possible to avoid them be cause the republican army still is operating under Japanese mentality. The republican army terrorizes the people.' Asked about the background of the outbreaks this week Westerling said: "Four days after the trans fer of sovereignty from the Dutch to Indonesia on Dec. 27, I held talks with the republican army officers. We agreed to work to gether to maintain law and or der in West Java. "I kept my word. I tried to work with the republican army, but it did not reciprocate. It tried to cause trouble by arrest ing people. "Day after day the situation got worse until I sent a note warning them to recognize my forces. It was not an ultimatum. but a warning. I gave the date of Jan. 12 and later extended it by request of the United Na tions military observers, to Feb. 12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, January 26, 195019 'I said I didn't want to be responsible for what happened after that date. 'I said I didn't want to be re sponsible for what happened aft er that date. 'I have tried everything to avoid clashes. But big scale fighting now will break out. Bandoeng is not exactly a dem onstration but a warning to show the republican army where things stand." He insisted that his only ulti mate objective was to purge the republican army of its "Jap anese influence" and help to create a stable army for the United States of Indonesia. "Eighty per oent of the peo ple do not want the republican army," he said. "They want a United States of Indonesia army but are afraid to tell the truth because they are terrorized." Toscanini to Direct In Portland May 9 Portland, Jan. 26 '(&) The NBC symphony orchestra un der the baton of Arturo Tos canini will play in Portland's municipal auditorium May 9. The concert here will be one of 20 on a nation-wide tour the first ever made by Toscani ni, who will be 83 years old March 25, the Radio Corpora tion of America reported. GOP Speaker Urges End of Subsidies Portland, Jan. 26 UP) Sena tor Malone (R-Nev) told a re publican audience yesterday the party should work for higher tariffs and abandonment of sub sidies. He said these points should be the basis of the 1952 presidential campaign. He said because he believed in higher tariffs he was opposed to a congressional bill that would have the United States join an international trade organization. new! KELLOGG-QUICK ALL-BRAN MUFFINS WITH RAISINS Mo creaming! No egg-beating! Just one easy stirring when you make these delicious muffins! 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