16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, January 26, 1950 IT'S l4 REGULAR PARKAY 25c 1 Pound KRAFT QUICK DINNERS 3 for 39c KRAFT MUSTARD 8 oz. jar 1 C Salad and Horseradish KRAFT FRENCH DRESSING 21 ELSINORE GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 4,6an" 39C CENTENNIAL PANCAKE AND WAFFLE FLOUR 23c HEINZ BABY FOOD 23c 3 for HEINZ JUNIOR FOOD 10c each S&W OVEN BAKED BEANS Small Cam 2 for 25c BERGS COFFEE Red Ribbon 65c Pound Blue Ribbon 69c Pound BROWN BREAD 23c i ib. CAPITOL PEARS Large cans BEG-tAORt DOG & CAT F00P Quarts 47t Pints 29c No. 1 SLICED PINEAPPLE 5iT.t 15c WHEAT CEREAL tSST. .""tont 10c SPLIT PEA SOUP Roncho 2 to 15c BORENE SOAP l9,....25c 69c FRUIT COCKTAIL rSS 18c CIRCUS PEANUTS ...... 29c l.'fffl.'flliCTTTTWSf!-"' I DEL MONTE 2PK929e pi NOROUINO i'&F,'--? NO CUTTINO VTft iyJ NO FAILURES BALLARD Biscuits DIAL SOAP 4 bar, $1.00 The "New" Soap OCc Elsinore Pineapple Tidbits 14c KRAFT VELVEETA CHEESE Vi Pound 27 HERE IS A LIST IN GLASSES RELISH CREAM PINEAPPLE CREAM PIMENTO CREAM OLIVE PIMIENTO LIMBURGER 2 for 39c During This Gigantic Sale Only WHITE STAR GRATED TUNA Flat. CREAM No. 303 can . NESTLES CHOCOLATE BITS For Good Cookies 17c PICKET Pancake and Waffle Flour 4 Pounds 45c IN SALEM ITS BERGS FOR QUALITY POODS KRAFT American CHEESE Vi Pound 27c A R M 0 u R S T R E A T 37c OF ASSORTED CHEESES i Pound R I T Z 25c Pkg. 29c STYLE CORN 2 25c KRAFT Velveeta Cheese 2 Pounds KRAFT SANDWICH 31c Pints "AROUND THE CORNER" By Dick Eckley This week we are having a Kraft Foods sale that is going to make history. Here are a few of the vital sta tistics. For instance, we have over 75,000 lbs. of Kraft products that we are going to dis play at rock bottom prices. The way I fig ure, jf every man, wom an and child, in the city of Salem were to come in the store, we could supply each of them with over four ounces of Kraft pro ducts. You will also want to see the 361 pound wheel of cheese that was aged by Kraft for this great sale at Bergs. It's really a whopper! Oh yes, you can sample it too. They will also be demon strating and sampling Domestic Swiss Cheese, Import ed Danish Blue Cheese, Wisconsin Brick, and many others. Valentine's Da y is just around the corner. We have Society candy in heart shaped boxes for this occasion that range from 29c to $5 in price. Buy early and avoid any last minute rush. Remember, give your sweetheart the best. Give her Society candy. 79c SPREAD 53c Quarts HAND DIPPED PECAN BUTTERSCOTCH ICE CREAM 49c Quart LINDSEY RIPE OLIVES 64 Count 29c HUNT'S DILL PICKLES 19c 8 oz. OREGON PEACH PRESERVES 1 Pound Jars 2 for 29c HEINZ CATSUP 23c bottle Welch's Solid Pack TOMATOES No. 2'i can . . . . 2 fa, 39c CAMPBELL'S Tomato Soup 3 29c "pute Maifcnuuitit atZi.tuu4Z ,67c i Mod to 11 r from flna mim i fragrant vinegar, tplca. mni put famtn ' pts.JC DEL MONTE , TOMATO JUICE 25c 46 oz. can ELSINORE BLENDED JUICES Orange and Grapefruit Juices 46 oz. 35 1 WEEK" SWIFT'S HAM SALE PREMIUM Cft Half or whole, Ib. . ,.J7t ORIOLE Pound . 55c These Are Small, Short Shanked, Skinned Hams SHOULDER PORK ROAST Center Cuts 45c lb. For That Sunday Dinner Radishes AND Green Onions LARGE SIZE SUNKIST LEMONS doz CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES d.z SNOW WHITE p CAULIFLOWER . 25 LOCAL GROWN NO. 1 POTATOES i We recommend these local grown, non-irrigated Burbanks as tops! BOILER ONIONS s lbs W The vegetable department in our store is 100 self-service. It is designed to bring you better pro duce at a lower cost. LARGE COLORED FRYERS $1.49 each Cello Wrapped Pan Ready MORRELL'S or SWIFT'S PICNIC HAMS 39c lb. 5' bunch 49" 39' 45c 2 pounds r 4 IN OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT CHOCOLATE MARBLE CAKES EXTRA SlF!8 RICH WM MEAT, 1 2 for 29c 3 for 43c 4 for 57c 6 for 85c 75 9 oz. cans