it 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, January 26, 1950 Stone Mason Uses Daughter For a Shield to Defy Arrest Tucson, Ariz., Jan. 26 tl A 38-year-old stone mason who used his three-year-old daughter as a shield when officers at tempted to arrest him was held for investigation of murder today In the slaying' of his ex-wife, Mrs. Claudia Marie Keller, 27. Sheriff's deputies said Ernest Zips, divorced by Mrs. Keller two 'months ago, shot and killed the woman while three of their chil dren watched with horror. A fourth child, Albert Ray, 10, was at school when the shooting oc curred. Mrs. Keller died in her front yard after Zips shot her. He claimed she refused to allow him to see the children. Mrs. Keller, who married Pfc. W. R. Keller, of Davis Monthan air force base three days after she divorced Zips was killed instantly by five bul lets fired from a gun her former husband purchased only a short time before the shooting. The Kellers were married in Sonora, Mexico. Sheriff's deputies took Zips into custody a few minutes af ter the shooting as he was re Loan Unit to Meet Feb. 11 Annual meeting notices have been mailed to all members of the Willamette National Farm Loan association, the local as aociation through which Federal Land bank loans are made In the counties of Marion, Polk and Yamhill. The meeting Is to be held at the Marlon hotel Saturday, Feb ruary 11, starting at 10 a.m. This announcement was made today by J. J. Sechrist, secre tary of the association. Sechrist also announced that the association has experienced loading hs weapon. The shoot very successful year and that the board of directors approved payment of a 5 per cent divi dend to all stock holders of rec ord on November 30, 1949. The office is now In the process of mailing out dividend checks to the. 575 association members. One director is to be elected at the annual meeting, the term of Fred W. Dickman of Aums ville having expired. Other di rectors are Fred Muhs of Mc- Minnville, C. E. Lewis of Aums villc, Ralph G. Otis of Newberg and Robert C. Mitchell of Per dydale. It is planned to hold the bus iness session in the morning af ter which a lunch will be serv ed to those in attendance. En tertainment will be provided at the luncheon and the fea ture of the meeting will be the address of Henry Matthew, president of the Federal Land bank of Spokane. Matthew has been associated with the land bank since 1928 and was elect ed to the office of president on November 1, 1948. Matthew's experience and thorough un derstanding of the problems of farm financing will insure that his address will be of in terest to iarmera and their friends. Mayor Lee Gives Up Special Tax Plan Portland, Ore., Jan. 28 OJ.PJ- Mnyor Dorothy McCullough Lee today gave up her fight to levy a $25 tax on non-residents doing business within the city limits of Portland. The Mayor, at a council meet ing, moved that the proposed tax be filed and given no further consideration. The motion was adopted unanimously by the council. Earlier, the council was in a weeping economy move to meet emergency financial problems slashed a total of $599,086 from items budgeted for expenditure during the remainder of the fis cal year ending June 30. ing was witnessed by Pearl, 7 Ernestine Marie, 5, and Norma Jean Zips, 3, and cab driver Ed ward G. Brinkman. Deputy Richard Prince said Zips held the youngest child in front of him when the officers sought to take him Into custody. He dropped his gun when one of the officers drew his revolver and pointed it at Zips' head. "I am not sorry about any thing," ex-officio Coroner Clark H. Johnson quoted Zips as say ing. "She just pushed me too far." Finance Committee Headed by Elfstrom Heading the new finance com mittee of the Salem War Mem orial association is Mayor R. L. Elfstrom. Appointment was an nounced Wednesday night by Bruce Williams, president, at a meeting of officers and com mittee heads. William Hamilton, chairman of the building committee, will explain building plans of the proposed memorial at public meeting at the Chamber of Com merce next Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock. Plans for a similar memor ial in Portland will be explain ed February 15 by Ormand R. Bean, city commissioner of Port land. This also will be a pub lic meeting and held at the Chamber of Commerce rooms. Date Changed Again Webfoot The Webfoot grange, having been postponed from the regular night to Sat urday, was postponed again to Saturday evening, January 28, Farm Planning Sessions Dated Two farm planning groups of the Silver Creek soil conserva tion district have completed two farm planning meetings and will hold their third meeting during the coming week. The group, composed of Paul Jaquet, Don Jaquet, W. F. Krenz, George Mills, E. V. King, R. E. King, F. M. Miller and LeRoy Rue, held their meeting at the home of Paul Jaquet on Monday January 23. The land capability score card was used In the field to deter mine the capability of the land, Unfortunately, this had to be squeezed In between snow squalls so only one area could be scored. The balance of the meeting was held inside where Austin Sanford, soil conservation tech nician, led a discussion on soil fertility and conservation. The second group held their third farm planning meeting oh Wednesday, January 25. This group, composed of L. E. Coslett, Oral Egan, Mrs. M. Hope, O. Hammon, Conrad Johnson, Saul Mallbye and A. E. Reid, held their meeting at the office where a detailed discussion was made on soil fertility, crop rotation and conservation. Lucky says- POTATO CHIPS ARB IDEAL IN SCHOOL LUNCHES- EH, PATRICK f at your Orotmrg Distributed by PHIL SCHNELL DISTRIBUTING CO. Z80 Bellevue Phone 3-3808 Further meetings by either of these groups after the third meeting will be held when spe cial local problems come up or the farmers have some specific subject to be discussed. About once a year each group will get together tp review the work accomplished, make plans for the future and find out thr I new developments In the field j of conservation. : No Advertising Meters Longview, Wash., Jan. 26 (U.R) The Longview city attorney today had ruled illegal the Tent ing of advertising space on park ing meters. ft Hi i PIECES OF MEAT YOU CAN REALLY SEE w 9 go into Made from prime cuts of Sunday Dinner beef not "scraps"! (The POPULAR brand of chili con came with beans made without any "FILLER"!) , BHGGEST OTTLE MARKET IN TOWN WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GETS TIME AND A HALF LEFTOVERS J ! Vi ADO A DASH OF JfJ Quick pickup! . . . .C At for HOOD'S CHEEZ'D POPCORN )!!?S8LjiSin'tj EtJ SALTED NUT MEATS Olhtr Product. LnIipJj'flf j K3S4 'J4:i '1 'I.'M.-J-WL'Mt'l '. tMSSaSauM II ASK YOUR ECONOMICAL DELICIOUS El GROCER HEALTHFUL NOURISHING II J Easy to preparo Luncheon Meat DCEC SALMON Specials Dttr TEf Sliced MINCED HAM DOACTC arm Jl"jt j) 40f lb MACARONI CHEESE KUAj I J rump H7Kt VEAL LOAF II WE FEATURE u s- INSP- MEATS PURE LARD 29C ID, BUY WITH THIS INSURANCE 2 Ib, Jfa SHORT RIBS BEEF Young end Jl Q of beef STEAKS' Tender bacon ft By the Piece suflft pC-MICS Q5C tzx 35c AGED CHEDDAR iprnr Swift's Premius 4 to 6 Ib. average. Shonkless. C v Ei?E ctlrtis HAMS Y;0,d SLICED swirtw J7 49C BACON Armour'' Jc lb Ml j GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ANff 50 bs SPUDS Qgc GRLEFRU,T A dor. DC U. S. No. 2 Burbonks Hlf doz- Full of Juice . V BISQUICK rofe.d TZ 2 ""mm pork and beans 40 oz Marshmallows cmpfir. 3pkg.. $1.00 P9 39C CATSUP Tasty Pak 6 bot, $1.00 I ODt Pork & Beans Van Camp's 6 cans L " SPAGHETTS Franco-American 7can,$1.00 PEACHES sunny 59C ,b Vegetable Soup c.mpben, 8 can, $1.00 n OQr Morn V i, -. . X cans U7b CAPITOL PEAS 8 c.n. $1.00 2 c. gerbers DAsh dog food 8 e.n, $1.00 irrriTrr rary ennn - I, HOT MASTER BREAD t TomatO SOUP c.mpbc.1, 10 can, $1.00 HOT MASTER ROLLS 3 con, 23c Fruit Cocktail El5lnor8 5 can. $1.00 4 p M l Dr ,GA H) Store 1 REGULARLY OPEN SUNDAYS 8:00 A.M. TILL 6:30 P.M. roadway (groceiry BROADWAY AND MARKET STREETS IGA Store AVING tOLENTER STORES I WEST SALEM I SALEM At the Foot of . Vi Mile North The Bridge Of the Underposs Open Every Day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sunday Included SOU IP ALL KINDS CAMPBELL'S (Limit 6 Cans) 6 cans 66c CRACKERS 25c HI-HO BRAND POUND BOX CD EC I AT WEST SALEM rKtC! STORE ONLY Coffee and Cake Demonstration CINCH CAKE CEBA COFFEE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WEST SALEM STORE ONLY FRESH GREEN ONIONS AND RADISH Potatoes No. 1 Deschutes - 10 5c Pound Sack PDCNDCS Short Shank Sugar Cured Pound FRYERS Strictly Fresh New York Dressed BEEF Rib Boil Pound 27' !irs TTniBm Turv vmv AT SAVING CENTER 111 s ,e LUMBERJACK e e e mm m 51b. Long John style can . . . . J A lb. Long John : IU style can . . . ox. jug 33' 79' $U9 i iSmpiyPiuciovs