12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, January 28, 1950 Churchill's Party Offers to Spur Enterprise, Halt Nationalizing London, Jan. 26 W) Winston Churchill's conservatives prom tied today to run Britain's welfare state more economically, with less rationing and a halt to nationalization if they are elected February 23. The tory manifesto, issued a week after that of Prime Minister Attlee's labor party, pledged tot maintain the country s huge na tional health plan and other so eial services, at the same time cutting taxes. The campaign platform was aimed principally at stopping the present labor regime's so cialist trend. It also called for encouragement to American and British investors in the British colonies as a source of income, It pledged close cooperation with the United States to help "all countries in Europe, Asia or elsewhere to resist the aggres ion of communism." Noting that U.S. dollar aid is due to end in 1952, the tory plat form called for cheaper produc tion at home and an empire eco nomic conference to promote dollar-earning exports. "We shall bring nationaliza tion to a full stop here and now,' the conservatives said. They promised to repeal the labor-sponsored law which is cheduled to put British iron and steel industries under state ownership on January 1, 1951 Standing for private enter prise, they said they oppose the labor party's proposal to nation alize sugar, cement, meat, whole saling and water-works. Wherever posssible, they said they would offer to sell nation alized truck lines and bus and streetcar lines back to their orig inal private owners. The manifesto advocated a measure of free enterprise for civil aviation, now in govern ment hands, with eventual aboli tion of the cabinet ministry of civil aviation. Also on the con ervatives' abolition list was the ministry of supply which con trols the nation s purchases and distribution of materials. Abolition of the ministry of upply was in line with the tory policy to do away with govern ment bulk buying, especially of imported foods, throwing that Job back to private dealers who they believe could get better bargains and better quality. The tories said they believed a substantial cut in government spending is "necessary and pos sible." They said Britain's economic position would be much better 'if a tenth of even a twentieth" of the current yearly budget of 3,300,000,000 pounds ($9,240, 000,000) could be saved. With these proposed cuts in government spending a major point in the program was reduc tion of both direct and indirect taxation. They maintained that the tax cuts also would enable them to reduce the subsidies the govern ment has paid out to farmers to keep food prices down. Although the main clash be tween the tories and the labor- ites is on the issue of govern ment ownership of industry, the conservatives did not recom mend Immediate return of all nationalized industry to private hands. In the case of the socialized coal industry and government- owned railroads, conservatives said they would decentralize the administrations to promote more efficiency. They promised to "decide the future of the gas and electricity boards (also presently in govern ment hands) when we have had more experience in the opera tion." Like the Iaborites, they said full employment was their first aim. he conservatives also would abolish the present government direction of labor, they said, promising to discuss a "worker's charter" based on the principle that extra effort should produce extra reward and promotion should be on merit. They promised the end of food and gasoline rationing when 'the prime necessities of life are within reach" of all. They also said they would improve Parents Plead For Baby Return New York, Jan. 26 m It took Frank and Mildred Adams just two hours to decide that they really wanted the baby they tried to give away, even if the infant did cry a lot. the price control and supply al location systems which were de signed by the labor government to give "fair shares to all." Contending that everyone should be able to own his own home, they proposed to empower local housing authorities to make building loans to families with only a five percent down payment. But it was Mildred, the 23-year-old mother, who was in tears as she and her husband were held in jail on abandon ment charges. Police said the couple aban doned their four - month - old daughter, Victoria Frances, in a Bronx apartment house lobby Tuesday night, but two hours later telephoned police to re claim the child. "The baby was always crying, and we got panicky," the mother was quoted, "Our apartment was depressing. We decided to sell the furniture, and then abandon Victoria Frances." Adams, 24, joined the coast guard a few days ago, after leaving a $55-a-week clerk's job. He was awaiting assign ment. The couple said they had made unsuccessful efforts to have the baby adopted, and felt inadequate to care for it. As soon as they had left the child, they said, they became worried. "We love her very much," the mother said. "We do want her back." The husband, also In tears, nodded assent. Postal Box in Place Lebanon Postal patrons may take advantage of a newly in- moss stalled package box just Install ed on the walk in front of the post office. This will enable them to post packages at all hours of the day or night pro vided the correct amount of post age is affixed. ONLY BURNETTS Vanilla can mate such Heavenly Cooties, SSOI Story & Clark Pianos The only piano In America with a waterproof, ihrink proof sound board the greatest improvement in piano design in 50 years. Stays in tune longer. 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