10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, January 26, 1950 Wenatchee Fruit Growers Get Right to All-Year Deer Season Wenatchee, Wash., Jan. 26 (U.fi) A justice court jury gave fruit growers virtually an all-year open season on deer in a dramatic decision witnessed by more than 1,500 growers and sportsmen here late Tuesday. The trial of farmer Warren Griffith, acquitted on charges of killing 25 deer out of season drew such crowds that It was moved to the city's largest thea ter. Spectators filled the theater's 1,070 seats and jammed the aisles. Proceedings were broad cast to hundreds more who were turned away at the door. The six-man Jury acquitted Griffith on the charge of ille gally (hooting 23 deer in his orchard between September nd January. It found him guil ty on a lesser charge of failing to report the killings to the tate game department. He was fined $10, suspended, for "lack of cooperation" with the de partment. The Entiat valley grower test ified that deer caused hundreds of dollars worth of damage to his 30-acre orchard last winter and that he decided the only way to keep the same thing from happening again was to "take care of the animals my self." He declared that he had re ceived no cooperation from the game department. "As a farmer," he testified, "I have as much right to pro tect my property from costly deer damage as the city dweller has." Most of the spectators were fellow fruit growers, many of whom said after the verdict that they would follow Griffith's ex- ample to protect their trees from deer damage. Central Washington Is a pop ular hunting area for thous ands of sportsmen In the Pacific northwest. Hunting organiza tions have opposed the shooting of deer out of season on the con tention that the deer popula tion should be maintained high as possible. Yesterday's trial opened in Over $200,000 Liquor Money Given Counties The state department, distri buted more than $200,000 in liq uor receipts to counties and cities today. Of the total, $61,711 came the Chelan county courthouse, but it was moved to the Liberty theater when crowds overflow ed the two small courtrooms and milled around outside the building. from privilege taxes on alco holic beverages for the last three months of 1949. Other liquor tax money dis tributed today Included $210, 000. Of this amount, $52,500 went into the state general fund, and the rest to counties and cities. Local, state and federal gov ernments pay more than 90 per cent of the costs of elementary and secondary schools in the United States and more than two thirds of the costs of higher education. Pan-Am Clipper Loses Engine Over Ocean San Francisco, Jan. 26 flJ.R) A Pan American clipper lost an engine over the Pacific ocean Wednesday but landed safely at Tokyo airport, the airline reported. The plane carried 10 civilian passengers and was piloted by Capt. Murray H. Stewart of Menlo Park, Calif. Pan Anrlran .aid 11 under-lalrliner about 80 miles from itsl The -airline Identified the trt thP online fell out of the destination. plane as a Boeing stratocruiser. Your best buy for coffee you'll always enjoy deliciously uniform Hills Bros. Coffee. It's a blend of the world's finest coffees. "Controlled Roasting," an exclusive Hills Bros, process, roasts the blend a little at a time-continuously for uniform flavor and fragrance. Vacuum-packed for perfect freshness. Everywhere . . . People Are Saying . , . "Everybody Likes Hills Bros. Coffee." t.., f.;Am. ! Rsgulai Grind inu UMUU3. n . j flit MtPHr( Trtdsmarki Rig. U. 3. Pat OIF, Copyrtifit 1950-Hilll BiM. CgflM, Inc. 2SS PEERLESS MARKET 170 North Commercial 'Ar City Bus Stop" Courteous Service Phone 3-5704 Open 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. STEEN'S HIGRADE WEEK-END SPECIALS! IAMS wl 55' lb. BACON Any Size Piece 39 lb. Bacon Jowls Sugrr Cured Good for Frying or Seasoning 25' lb. SEASONING Bacon Squares Irib. LARGE PLUMP GROUND FRANKFURTERS BEEF 29cib. 3 9C lb. YOUNG, TENDER PORK LIVER lb. 25c SMALL, PLUMP STEWING HENS 45cib. CHOICE MILK FED FRYERS 59cib GRADE A FRYING RABBITS 9cb. TWO SALES EVENTS IN ONE JANUARY CLEARANCE Plus Duiniy brings you Dynamic Dollar Days backed up by Gigantic January Clearance Specials . . . Two Great Events packed with Timely Savings in Every Dept. Look for the signs that point to Outstanding Values ... Shop our windows for many more Exciting Savings. i Duinty INFANTS DRESSES 1. Crepe or Ninon Fk. Blue, Maize Wirt Luce Trimmed Durable Men's WORK HOSE 51 Size 10 to 13 Reg. 29o Pr. Asst. Plain Colors liayon Crepe & Satin SLIPS 1. White & Pink Sizes 32 to 42 Tailored and Lace Trimmed 0 Adjustable Straps O Cut for Lour Wear Printed Pure Silk HEADSCARFS 1. J Assorted Colorful RAG RUGS 1. 27"x54" Size Colorful Designs Bib Style PLASTIC APRONS for$ Ruffle Trim Asst. Colors Floral & Novelty Patterns Ladies' White BLOUSES M. Pine Lace Trims Bright Gay Prints Mandarin Johnny or Jewelry Necklines PICTURE FRAMES $1 Florals & Landscapes White or Gold Frame bt Ladies Non-Run RAYON PANTIES Brief Style Elastic Waist White, Pink, Blue and Maize Double Crotch SML Ladles RAYON HOSE 4pr-1 Large Sizes, 33 to 35" Many Screen Prints C Two Desirable Shades Sizes 8 Mi to 10'4 4 Piece CANISTER SET 21 Gay Decoration Res. 88c Set SPECIAL PURCHASE OF ENAMELWARE SAVINGS "COLUMBIAN" LIPPED SAUCE PAN, 2-quart size 25c "COLUMBIAN" DOUBLE BOILER, l'i quart size 79c "COLUMBIAN" PERCOLATOR, eigkt-eup size 79 C "COLUMBIAN" WATER PAIL, 12-quart size 79c SPECIAL PURCHASE OF HOUSEWARES SAVINGS ROSE BUSHES, 2 year old Everblooming and Climbing SPECIAL 59e TOILET TISSUE, high quality, soft, 1000 sheets roll SPECIAL 7c PLASTIC SILVERWARE TRAYS, white, red, blue, green, yellow SPECIAL 39e VACUUM BOOTLES, 1 pint, ideal for school lunches SPECIAL 69 C CHINA CUP AND SAUCER, genuine, imported, set of 2 SPECIAL 19c TURKISH TOWELS, giant 20"x40" size, warm pastel shades SPECIAL 37c BOUQUET NOTES, boxed paper, always handy to have SPECIAL 19c SKIRT AND TROUSER HANGER, "Self-Lok", 9", National Hardware SPECIAL 23 C FIGURINES AND MINIATURE VASES, imported crockery novelties SPECIAL 9c OLD FASHIONED CHOCOLATE DROPS, fresh and tasty, lb SPECIAL 25 C c: Generous Size SHEET BLANKETS $1 Blue, Rose, Green and Rose Plaids Easy to Launder "Dan River" GINGHAM DRESSES 2. White Eyelet Trims Pine Fabric Full Skirts With or Without Collars LADIES' HANKIES, white and pastel. . . . . 5c RAG RUG, 18x36 Inch size 39 c POT HOLDERS, well padded 10c ANKLETS, Rickford irregulars 15c WASH CLOTHS, 12x12 inch size 6c DISH CLOTHS, large size 2 for 15c DISH TOWELS, irregulars 15c TABLE COVERS, clear plastic 29e RECEIVING FLANKETS for infants 37c BILLFOLDS, zipper closing 59 C 136 North Commercial Men's Plaid FLANNEL SHIRTS 2. Heavy Weight A Super Value Rep $2.98 J THE STORES OF BETTER VALUES' Striped & Checks OILCLOTH Full 46" Width 3yds.$1t Slightly Irregular Salem, Oregon