FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSE. 18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Jan. 25, 1950 FOR SALE HOUSES CLASSIKIID ADVBTISINQ Pt Un ' ,1B0 Pet Lin, I tlmaa " Per Lin tlmej GOe Pel Line 1 month W oo Ouutd, of B&lem 15o pw Mn. pw Mtn. loot I time, mln. 30. timet mtn 11.30 No Beluuu HEADERS In Local New. OiL Onlfl 100 pot lino To Place an Ad Phone -2408 FOR SXLT HOUSES $500 Down I B.R. oleeplm porch, llvlm rm.. "'" rm, lar., fenced jard, large lot. Lo ted Weit Salem. 5000 lull prion. C. W. Reeve, Keaitor tit . com'!, rn. , Eve. -)l 23' $8500 . - , i- t v nit At iraotlve kitchen, att. Bar. with fruit aloset. Located 1372 Elm St. Close to bus, school snooping. ou Walter Musgrave R'ltors 1311 Miewater. Ph. 3-6108. .33 1 FOR BALI BY OWNER Men 1 room eabln, lurnlehed, to be moved, IS7. Oan be moved " lei elt lor approximately 135. Muet be "id Mil 38th ol Jan. Ph. 3-895B. 23 KEIZER DIST. I bdnn., late built, modern constructed home. Hdwd. firs., oil fur., att. Bar. H acre, lawn In, well. Price $0300. Terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 46 S. Oom'L Ph. 8-4590, Eve. 3-9 a22 ti ACRE, mod. hae ear., work chop to barn, raspberries, mail by door. Ph. 3-4378 or 3-9346. Oeo. Brooks, 3745 Broom St. a33 BDRM. HOME Weather stripped and Insulated. Hardwood floon. Oil floor furnace. 1350 down payment. 3728 June Ave. PH. 2-0206. 24 $500 DOWN Modern 1 BR home located N.B, on Va A paved rd., bus by door, price only 84650. Bee Pyle, eve. Ph. 3-8051. HOLLYWOOD OFFICE COLBATH LAND CO. SilOD wirnouuu - fcy OWNER t 3 B.R. house, coraer loca tion, new wall to wall carpet, V-bllnds, aurtaina. Total price 18700. Located at 4 Corner on corner of Maple et LaBranoh Ave. See owner at 4 Comer 3308 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. j-mu. a B.R. HOME Mod. on about tt A. In Keler DM. .. utility rm.. garage, 1 bl. to Ml, y, ml. Or. School. The price U (7950. Call lor an appointment. Johneon. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 70 N. High t. office: M6 Evo: s-7401 ora-oJBu 600D 3 bedroom homo close in, base ment, sawdust heat, near schools and bus. Only 97050.00. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS PhO. 3-4707 484 Court Eve. 4-1114 a33 ALMOST NEW 8 BR SUB. ALL BLEO. HOME, COMPLETELY PURN. WITH THE BEST. OWNERS LEAVING, YOU CAN HAVE IMMED. FOBS., PRICK FOR ALL $B,450. KEIZER DIST. Only a lew blocks to chool St atorc, 3 BR modern home, room for 3 more, hdwd, firs., dble. gar., lot 130x133, $0,600. Small dn. paymt. SUBURBAN FARM CLOSE IN. 18 rich acres on pvmt., mostly bottom soil, run ning water in posture, VERY ATTRAC TIVE set of bldtf., mod. 3 BR home, elcc. heat, 3 fireplace, patio to out side fireplace, 3 car garage, good barn with concrete fir., hay fork, poultry house. A model country estato. You'll go for this. Enclosed yard with lota of tree, shrubs at flower. $17,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 104 B. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8388. Eve. 3-0000 a33 These Three Are Good $0050 Neat 3 bod room home with basement to wood pipe furnace, nard wood floors, fireplace, a good buy. Call Mr. Frederlckson. $10,0000 Before you build you should see this new $ bedroom home near the Englewood school. Lovly living room & kitchen, stairs to a large attic. Call Mr. Hill. this lovely 3 bed room home for only $7660, large rooms and lots ol storage space, only 1 yr. old. Large lot, good black soli. 080 B. Gommeroia) Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Phone 2-3848 Ev. 3-5260 22 fBOOO Near State office bids. 3 to. bed nns, up, 2 bed rms. down, llv. rm., din ing, fcltohen, bsmt. Could ba remodeled Into apt. Oood terms. J660O Very good 8 bed rm. Nice den. ust off living rm. No. 8 business sone. V. OMER HUFF Ml Ohemekete, St. Ph. 2-8081 - 2-6943 33 $600 DOWN 88000 buys 4 rm. home on paved street. Oood district, 150 month will handle. $11,500 Clean as a pin. 3 bedrooms down, room or 3 BR UP. Insulated. Air cond. furnace. Fireplace. Corner lot North. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas Hudkins & Son OVER 37 YEARS IN SALEM 280 M. High St. Phone 3-413B. ail $350 DOWN!! $60 per month, Inel, taxes and Ins. 2 bedroom with large ullllly room. House Is Insulated, has storm doors. Imme diate possession. 97 East Park avenue. No. 287-A. TRADE or SELL l-bedroom home with large plastered utility room that could be used for 3rd bedroom. Hardwood floors, Fenced-in yard, attached Karaite, Close to crhool Immedlnta poftsesalon, 855 MeOilchrlst St. No. 214. Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 3-0203 3-1327. 2-4628, 4-3874 Sun. St Eves. B3I iMODFRN 8 bd. rm. home. In Woodburn. For sale or trade for small home In Sa lem. Ph. Salem 2-6810. a33 4 BEDROOM $6,000 FULL PRICE 1 bdrm., llv. rm., din. rm., utility rm brkfst. nook, kit, And bath dn. 3 bdrm. 1 small rm. up. Could be apt with out side entrance. Cor. lot., close In. terms. Xve. Phone 3-7889. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bids., Ph. 3-0311 Ins., Mortgage, Loan a33 SnTJlBWOOD dlst. home, 9 bedrooms, auto oil heat, oak floors, lots of closet space. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Pho. 8-4707 484 Court Xve. 3-4773 a33 fcfl.w NEW 8 rms. Sub. Terms. 3fJ(n BR Hae. 2 Lots. Furnished If Desired $4350. fl'iBO o Rms. Nr. Bch. Hosp. $1000 to $1300 Dn. Partly rurn. 03ou. J Moo 4 BR Hie, New. Auto. Heat. 4100 I BR Hue. $600 Dn. WILLAMKTTE REAL ESTATE 178 8. Liberty Ph. 37113 Salem ttfl $4500 BR home close In. $1000 will handle. Balance nxe rent. $7950 I BR borne on 6 acre ccel. toll, food well, some fruit trees $7950 I BR home, close to St. Yin cent de part school. Fireplace. basement, auto oil heat. $1800 will handle. Call Mr. N conch ester H. E. Corey Real Estate 1808 N. Broadway Ph. S-0SS! Ev. A-0101 S-I8L8 tUl FOR SALE LOTS $10 DOWN!! Lots with water, bus service, trees, elec tricity. $18 per month. Buy now for spring. Reimann for Real Estate 301 South High tSreet Ph. 3-8203 Bun. St Eves. 3-1327, 3-4628, 4-2874 aa21 TWO ADJOINING 75 It. front lots, gd, dlst. Both for $4250, Walt Socolofsky, Real Estate. Ph. 3-8B35. a22 FOR SALE FARMS 14 A. SOUTH on Skyline rd. Nice 7 rm house with full cement basement and auto, oil furnace, garage with paved drive, 2 barns, 2 rm. cabin, cnicicen house. 0 A. prunes, family orchard with cherries, apples, berries. Price 117,000. Write owner, Box 341, Capital Journal, b23 20 ACRES 8 acres In raspberries, strawberries, blackcaps, boysenborrles. Balance In pasture to timber. 3 -bedroom home. Oood barn. Equipment Boes. Only $9,000 with $3,000 down. Hurry on this one. No. 802 -A Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High Street Ph. 3-9203 Sun. to Eves. 2-1337, 2-4628, 4-2874 b21 5 ACRES 3 bdrms., all electric, extra food water. Family orchards. Between 3 Rood roads. Could be allotted out. 3 miles N. E. of Capitol. Full price $12,000. Ph. 3-8501 b22 FOR SALE ACREAGE 30 Acres South. Nearly all farm land. Fair bid?. Equipment. Berried. Fruit. Price 36850. C. W. Reeve, Realtor REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS Beat This if You Can 1300 sq. It. fir. space, 8 BR's on 1 fir. lnsupated, weatherstrlpped, fireplace, 100 x 106 lot, 2 blks to bus. Just Inside city. This home was built by owner. Can be F.H.A. financed for about 18000. Total price only $10,000. Eves phones 8-7074 or 3-3558. Lovable Living Extra neat, well built home, close In, new section, very close to market it bus. Insulation, weatherstrlppod, hdwd. floors throughout. 688 sq. ft. floor space. We believe this Is a bargain for $8750. Eve. phones 3-7674 or 3-3558. Gilt-Edged Security Apartments, store bldgs., St home. Rent als almost new. Well built, elcc. heat, large parkins space, low rent of Insur ance. Owner reports Income of $650 per month. Expenses only $41.80. Good lo cation. We believe this Is a buy for only $50,000. A cash will handle. No phone Information please. One and Acres Home needs some finishing, well plan ned. Immediate possession. Willamette soli, berries, elcc. boat, h bnsement, 3 'a miles from finlem. Total price $7500, terms. Eve. phones 3-4735 or 3-3568. Your Future Farm 60 Acres, mod. home, good buildings, barn for 12 cows, 8 miles from Salem in select dlst. Equipped with 1st class ma chinery. Buy It today. Start mllklnB to morrow. Owner leaving state, Total price $23,000. Eve. ph, 3-4715 or 3-3568, 10 Acres North 4 room home, small bnrn, well. This would make excel, berry farm. Total price- only M0 50. Eve. phones 3-4735 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820, 3-4506. NELSON NEWS BUNNYVIEW AVE. TRADE Fairly new 3 bdrm. home, Ige. LR, DR, 2 bdrms. dwn.. I up. Wired for dec. ranwo, elec. wtr. htr., gar. 16x28. On surfaced rd., about Ino. with some fruit, Harden & lawn, Price I3D50. Trade on ncre. LADIES' St CHILDREN'S APPAREL SHOP well located & exceptionally woll equip ped flliop producing about $1600 income. Equip. Included display canes, tables, 8-way mirrors, display Si fitting equip ment, attractive sign it lease. $2000 plus Inventory. FURNISHED HOME ft INCOME Ideal for retired couple. Live in one of the well furnished apts. yourself & use the Income from the 2 other apts. to pay orf the property. Easy walking distance to State bldas. Univ.., hospital & city center. Economical operation with sawdust heating plant. $10,850, reasonable down payment. Bal. easy monthly. REAL FARM OPPORTUNITY Ont of the best farms In the Willam ette valley. 157 ac, irrigation system for 135 ac. with unlimited river water. Mostly bottom land. iomn nulniirt a rm mod. home, 50x50 barn, milk house and milk parlor, clover, wheat, oats and vetch now growing plus 18 ao. strawb. Excellent layout for cannery contract crops. Near Alderman farms. e It and ibls mticufls price and terms. NELSON & NELSON MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS Personal Service by Men Who Speciality T02 N. High Ph. 3-4032. c21 Near School and Bus This new 2-B.R. home, with hardwood floors, plastered, attnehed garage, priced t $7300, a buy. Call Brown, Eve. Ph. -4037, Ranch Style Very nice modern ranch style home in the Reiser district. Fireplace, beau tiful large lot, terraced both front and back. Large attached garage, with over head atornge, Priced at I9H00 and enr riea a very desirable veterans loan. Call Englewood Nice family type home, on a large lot in an excellent location near bus, store, and Englewood school. Almost imme diate possession and we have a loan for $8,000 ready to go on this one it you need it. Owner will con sider tnklng in a aood bulldlm ut nr a small house that will rent, as part,. jftw uourne, jtve. pn. 3-7217, 45 Acres Located east, good land, gently rolling Extra lame barn, lance modern home, i iioti wens, live spring in pasture, crop all Planted. This would make a won derful home for a lnrno fnmlly that wants m nave inexpensive living. Near Salem, and would he all right for a working man. Present owner retiring mi wuuiu in no n sinnu nonio in Btwein as part down payment. Cnll Mr, Wam bcrg. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1H0 N. Capitol - Ph. 3-8218. r31 FOR YOUR SAvntu investment buy a first mot-Wage on real estate Salem A vicinity. Examine security yourself. Amounts $500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 6. We make all col lections for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. High $400 Buys City Lot 1 tains, it s a cornei , Salem. 3 blks. bus. Trailer House Wanted up to $2000. Bfll or trade 3 lots, unfln. hse. 80x33 ft. Bus, store, 3 blks. city wa ter $3000 total price. New Attractive Bungalow Lie. lot, plaster, fireplace, hdwd. floors, 3 b. rms.. llv., din., kit., auto furnace, utility, close bus, east. $8760 tako large loan. 10 Acres $1000 Down 1 B.Rm, modern hse., barn, Ige. chicken hse. Loe. near Independence. Price on ly $7500. Trailer Hse. for Two $600 with $100 down, oil heat, at stove, etc. See at 790 s. Com'l. 6 Unit Motel 99E $18,000 lae. Income, all electric loe. good near Salem. South. Trailer Park $6500 In com $160 month. In city and ft Rood deal for handy man. Term. E. M. Hunter, Real Estate 770 8. Com'l. Ph, 2-4649 XV. 1-M2T 32 SOMETHING leal nice for someone who can afford a better than average home located south, has 2 real lg. BR 6c nice den, 3 sets of plumbing, big living it dining Rms.. party rm., with bar it fireplace, 3 car gar. Oil piped Ht, This home was built In 1841, for value It will be Impossible to beat. JENGLEWOOD nice prepar built 3 B.R. home, good sine living dining rms., tile drain boards In kitchen, nook, full dry basm., nicely landscaped corner lot. $8500 Well cared for 3 year old 3 B.R. home, nice and roomy. Located In Leslie School district. $0950 Hollywood Dlst. Well constructed 3 B.R. home, automatic oil heat piped to all rooms, Inside utility m. Immediate possession. 111,500 $100 Mo. income from 2 nicely Fur. Apt., each with own bath it entrance, plus living it dining Rms., fireplace, kitchen, nook, full bath As 2 B.R. for owner. Full dry Basm. Oil piped furnace. $20.000 $150 Mo. NET income from 4 well furnished Apts. plus beautiful furnished Apts. plus beautiful furnished Apt. for owner. Located close to state office buildings. This Is not Junk but In top condition. Ph. 28880. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 431 Horth High St. Did You Know That $260 would make the total down payment on a 2-bdrm. modern suburban house with attached garage, hdwd. floors, Ven. blinds, fireplace and unfinished upstairs? $73 mo. payment inc. princ, int., taxes and ins. Total price $8500. Stop at 3705 Sunnyview Ave. for the keys. Ph. 8-6468. , WANTED REAL ESTATE LISTINGS WANTED We need your listing now. Our offices have sold over 10 houses already this month. Contact us for prompt service. COLBATH LAND CO. CENTER ST. OFFICE 1688 Center St. Phone 2-4652 HOLLYWOOD OFFICE 2288 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-0813, ca21 WE ARE In need of good houses to sell in or near eaiem. ii you wim w ua your property for sale see GRAI1ENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 Liberty Ph. 2-2471. ca LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. fine- then. 1660 Lancaster ur. rn. ma id. b43 SELLING? If you have a good farm, acre age, nome, Business or ounaing, dbi. m with us for action. Trades are a ape cialty with us, too, Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Years in Salem 260 N. Hlnh St. Phone 2-4128 ca36' NOTICE' If your property la for sale, rent or exchange, list It witn us. we have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO,, REALTORS 163 S. High St. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TAKE CHEAP Hse. as Dn. Pymt. Mod. 5 Rm. Sub. Kep. pn. jyiij. co. TRADER HUDKINS $0000 plus inventory, established neigh borhood grocery, 2 bedroom living Quar ters. Price includes bldg., fixtures, eqpt. St all. Trade for farm or home. Chas. Hudkins & Son OVER 27 YEARS IN SALEM 250 N. HiKh St. Phone 2-4120, Cb31 B ISjNESS OPPORTU NJT. ES DUPLEX SPECIAL 585 S. 18th. 2 BRs In each apt., completely sen operating, lens than one year old. Showing 15 return. $3260 will handle. R. IS. MEREDITH RLT. OR B. M. MASON 176 S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-8B41 cd22 18 UNIT APT. HOUSE Near Doun Toun. About 14 apts furn ished, each have private baths, hwd. firs. Excellent heating plant, some parking space. DOUN TOUN CAFE $2500 10 -stools it counter, doing good buslnixss. V. OMER HUFF 361 Chcmeketa St. cd22 GItOCERY, gas station, living quarters, across irom school Buy siocs. una equip ment. Phone 2-5166. cd21 LIGHT CAR AKency for Salem area. Min imum requirements to rinnt party. Di rect factory franchise. Write Box 349. Capital Journal. cUIQ Confectionery A hot-spot - 14 stools, fountain, mix ers, cash register, grill and all miscel laneous equipment and utensils; three year lease: low rent. The price is $4750. May consider equity In medium priced house. ' Salem Realty Co. Realtors 148 N. High St. Phone 3-7660 cd21 LOCAL representative of a nationally ad vertised product desire a dealer in tnis area, preferably a brick mnson or plast erer. The individual or organisation se lected will ba granted an exclusive franchise for Marlon it Polk counties. If Interested, write Capital Journal, Box 340. cd22 Repair Garage On Pacific hlnhway north: room for five cars: Includes two pump service station. Very liberal terms. Full price for land and buildings, including resi dence, $14,000. Salem Realty Co. FOR SA1.K Groc. store, gas and cabin Rt. 7. Box 145. Salem. Phone 3-4318. cd31 FURNITURE FOR SALE 'i-lMKCE living rm set. Very reasonable Ph. 27171. Rt. 1 Box 350. d22 SACitlFicK FOR Quick sale: New Westing- house cook stove, refrigerator and Speed Queen w usher. Used only 2 mo. Also good living room, dining room and bed room sets. 2087 Brooks St. d23 FINE H PIECE dining set. Solid walnut ex tension table, Bcrkey Gay buffet. Ph, 3-4422. d2L WANTED FURNITURE GLENN WOODKY, Ph. 35110 .TUN .TURK & APPLIANCES Wanted, Top cash price paid on the spot. No fuss or bother. Just call 3-8558. AUCTIONS FURNITURE Auction tonight. 1 P.m. Lane Siultell's Auction Sales Yam, located l'i miles east or FairBTounca or on verton Hd. Ph. 3-0098. dci21' LIVESTOCK WANTED BNOE' AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. O. McCandlish, 1137 8. 35th. Ph. 38147 r34 PETS MOORE'S TROPICAL Fish. 37 varlettss, Rt. 6, Box 483, 2 miles from Lancaster Dr. on Macleay road, rn. i-ijji. cci 18 MO. DOnERMAN Plnscher male. Reaa, to good home. Ph. a-1814. 26' JUST THE right Valentine gift for your child. Golden Toy CO lies, (jail uanas 2714 before 10 a.m. or come to 419 Church. Dallas. ccaa CHOICE canary birds, sou N. 18th ec3l FUEL 10 INCH 2nd growth fir, dry. $13 cord de livered. Dale Ktsenmamm, Jefferson. Ph. 407, e35 FOR SALE OR TRADE: Practically 3 cords dry split wood, inquire at eoi w. Liberty. "ai CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Drv Blab Wood Dry Planer Ends Block Wood. Ph. 1-0444 Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Id it FTesb Clean Sawdust Own Edging $5.50 load Double I10.M Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 85533 KB Evo. Ph. 3S70 - 37759 15.13 31" FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. DRY PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL St BTOVE OIL Ph. Salem 2-4031 Pick up wood at 1525 Edsewatei West Salem 1 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-7442 lfl" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR BitU GREEN STAMPS PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak, ash, St maple. 4' slab and edgings. Ph. 3-1458, WALNUT shells lor aaio. EUorfeln Packing Co., 400 N, Front, ee FOR SALE POULTRY 150 NEW HAM P. pullets, laying 70, $1.75 eacn. win sen an or any number. Lloyd Wickett, Jefferson, Ore. Ph. 508. 122 71 NEW Hampshire pullets laying. $1.50 ea. ii an taaen. rn. 4970 or auos Lancaster. NEW HAMPSHIRE, Parmenter, now avail able every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969. f PRODUCE EASTERN ALFALFA IIAY. Pb. 8-1458 ff" HELP WANTED MALE MAN WITH panel delivery for partnership Duainess. .rn. auuutt ior iniormaiion. ga23 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTEfl Stenographer, shorthand it typing required. Must be fast it accur ate. Contact Philip Hayter, Dallas City bank bldg., Dallas, for interview. gb21 AMAZING GREETING CARD VALUE! Assortment of 24 Birthday, other cards, only $1. Sells Itself, pays you up to 100 PROFIT I Also Personal Station ery, Notes, Napkins, many more. No ex perience needed. Write now for Assort ments on approval, FREE Imprints. STYLART, 1310 San tee, Dept. 62, Los Angeles 65, Calif. ub21 WANTED WOMAN or girl to do light nouse worn ana care ior cnnaren. pn. 26102. f;b22 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 369 State Street Phone 3-1488. gf WANTED SALESMAN NATIONAL, MULTIPLE line food mfgr. de sires Salem resident. Call on retail et wholesale grocery trade. Age 23-35, good car essential. Exp. pref. but not neces sary. Salary St expenses. State qualifi cations in first letter. Write Box 345 Capital Journal. gg24 HIGH QUALITY automobile salesman. Must have proven ability. Local estab lished General Motors dealer. Olve ed ucation it experience In first letter. Write Box 348 Capital Journal. BB22 REXAIR Is expanding In our neighbor hood, we need dealers, representatives to take orders, Full-time dealers make up to $350 a week. Part-time dealers up to $100 a week. See me at 767 Center St. gg21' WANTED POSITIONS BUILT-IN book cases to order. Ph. 3-7787 between 9 and 6 dally. h31 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. ins. op. worn guar w u. mcaius ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h.33' EXP. WOMAN wants housework, cooking. In or out ol Salem. Ph. 37670 Km. 201, f h2l NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL. 0 DAYS. AGES 2 TO 5. PH. 2-490. J12T Mimeographing-Typing BABY SITTING. PH. 20580. CARPENTER WORK: Finish, frame, re- mode, small or large, loos. pn. s-ohjj r.33 YOUNG LADY wishes housework or tak ing care of children. Experienced. 795 N. Winter. h22 :p. Gilt I, desires general office work Ph. 2-0530. h22 HOUSEWORK Si lronlnB. Ph. 39801. h30 CHILD CARE." 183 S. 18th. Ph. 36B76. TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. Serv- lce. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5073. h27 BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-6822. h43 CHILD CARE In my home. Ph. 33611. 1117 6th. h39 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, Te movlng. Insured operator. John Payne, 248 S. Church. Ph. 2-6014. h45 CEMENT WORK wanted Ph 3-4850 h FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE room priv. home, gentle man. 885 N. Summer. Ph. 2-8368. Jk.21 E.XCH. RENT for tfc hour work per day. woman under 45. can 3-bjs. jitai- FOR RENT: Well furnished sleeping rm. Three blocks to business center. Em ployed gentleman. Ph. 3-4817. Jk22 WARM room. 795 N. Winter. Ph, 3-5539. Jk35 BUSINESS DIST. Warm and nice sleep ing rm. H. to C. water. 353 Center St. Jk22 HEATED SLEEPING rooms, double and single. 385 N. 14th, Jk46 ROOM FOR RENT. 1430 N. 4th. Working girl preferred. Ph. 3-4561. Jk23 CHOICE WARM room for man with lava tory. 478 n. cottage. jkai' snARE A HOME with working girls. Use of entire house. Ph. 3-4373. 045 N. Wln- ter. Jk23 SLP. A Light hikp. rm. Ph 3-4355. Jk23 FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN t-RM. furn. apt. Refrlg. and auto, bent. Lady preferred. 358 8. 14th. Ph. t-1760. Jp31 GRABENHORST SPECIALS . 840 SOUTH 13TH ST. 3 bdrm. home, 9 yrs. old. Rm. for another bdrm. upstairs. Good location Just South of Mission Street. This home Just reduced to $6,750. CALL ROY FERRIS COUNTRY HOME SOUTH Country setting, T rolling acres. 8 bdrm home., carpeted llv. St din. rm.. full basm't, summer house, barn, corral, sprinkler system. A real lovely suburban home. CALL PETER GSISER GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays call Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Geiser 3-9968 - Earl West 3-0608 a2 REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS SMALL DOWN PAYMENT BALANCE LIKE RENT Buys this 2 bedroom home located on a top grade lot on Fairmount Hill ' House is located on back of lot, plenty room for new home In front $5850, SHORT ON BEDROOMS? Here's a home with 4 (possibly 8), In good condition, has fireplace, located on large corner lot on N, 19th St. easy down payment. Full price $7600. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A NEW HOME SOUTH? We have an attractive 2 bedroom home In the McKtnley School District for only $7960 has oil heat, att. garage and hardwood floors, $1960 down moves you In. HERE'S ONE FOR THE FAMILY (WILL ACCOMMODATE AT LEAST 4 CHILDREN) A modern home with 4 bedrooms (about 8 years old) weather stripped and Insulated, well constructed and well arranged, corner lot $8400 buys It. WANT 8 BEDROOMS. ON ONE FLOOR? We have a new one in the Englewood school district. Has lovely hardwood floors, separate dining room, nice fireplace. $18,500. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 3-411D - 2-4118 Eve: Henry Torvend 3-3632 - Bob Sullivan 3-6770 Pat Kemper 2-5297 INSURANCE!!! SEE US FOR COMPLETE OOVERAOE, cJ FOR RENT APARTMENTS I NEAT, ATTRACTIVE 2-room furnished apt., utilities furnished, 725 So. 13th. JP23 UNFURN. 3 rms. St bath. Stove, refrlg., St utilities furn. Completely redec. Near Univ., $55.00. 450 B. Capitol. 3p20 FURN. APT. close In. Inquire H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Ph. S-81B5. IP" 3 RM. FURN. apt., $35. Call between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 770 o. Commercial. Jp25. NEW 3 ROOM court apt. Close in, unfur nished except range. Panel ray neat. Reasonable rent. Phone 2-2597. Jp22 3-ROOM FURN. apt. 2nd floor, steam heat, reirig. t!4U Marion. jpai 3-RM. FURN. basement apt. 627 N. Winter. JPZI" 2-BDRM. FURN. apt. Private bath and ent. Redecorated, Aauit. Ph. 2-ohub alt er 4 p.m. jp24 LARGE FURN. apt. close in. Inquire H. L. Stilf Furniture Co. rn. 3-918&. jp MODERN 4 rm, apt. completely redec orated, 5 rm. partly furn. downstairs. 2073 N. Com'l. Jp22 RAISE your own T-bones. 6-rm. suburb an. Acreage privileges. Reasonable. Ph. 81-F-12. Jp21 NE"' 2 LGE. rooms it priv. bath. Part ly furn. Ph. 3-9762 or 2-8007. 1P23 CLEAN 2 it 3 rm. apts. Close in. Auto. heat. Plenty of it. Reasonable rent. Call 670 N. Church. JP23 NICELY FURN. Apt. 1 large, 1 small, utili ties iurn. ueasonanie. 305 a. lttin. jp- 3 ROOM furn, apt. Priv. bath. Close In. pn. uj'f oet. a ana a p.m. jp4' EXCLUSIVE COURT APT., range, re- irigerator, laundry, $uu. aouus. pn. 27071. . Jp23 MODERN NICELY furn. 3 room apt. V. bunas, main iioor, priv. ent., 1 or J employed girls. 435 N. Winter. Jp23 FURN. COTTAGES for rent. Light, heat St water Iurn. 3155 Portland Rd. jpaa P UV, 3 room partly furn,, clean, gar age, $50 month. 3560 Portland Rd. JP" NEW 2 RM. partly furn. apt. Private bath. Adults. 1047 Madison. Ph. 23465. Jp22 2 APARTMENTS. Phone S-5838. JP' CLOSE TO General hospital Upstairs apt. rurn. u a rife como. j-itt et KiircncneLie with bdrm. it closet. Prvi. bath. Lights St water. Rent $55. Ph. 3-3748. Jp FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom home, fireplace. nice district n. J. uwner will give a year's lease. $70 per month. Call Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol. Jm21 1 BR HOUSE. Elec. heat, range St bath. $35 per mo. 14 miles S. Prlngle sch. on Robins Lane. Ph. 2-6182 after 7 p.m. House of Glcrum. Jm22 RENT OR SELL 2 2-BR houses, 1 partly rurnisnea i&u. 1 iectric Heat sea. see at 3uo evergreen Ave. sat. or Sunday to 4 p.m. Jm23' 3-ROOM FURN. house. 412 Evergreen Ave. Jmai VERY NICE 1 bdrm. cottage. Electric neat, warning distance to town. Ph, 3-3717. jm23 UNFURN. 1 BDRM. modern house. Electric water heater. 3 'A miles S. of Salem, am ple garden space, $45, Ph. 3-7069 after 5 p.m. Jm22 ONE 4 RM. modern house, wired for range. Suitable for couple. Also 8 rm modern cabin, 1 furn. trailer house, 55 wgnway Ave. Jm22 8 BR HOUSE, utll., bath, at 2237 Hyde. Call 37106. jm22 2 BR MOD. house, oil heat, wired elcc, rge., Kelzer Dlst. Inq. 335 Oregon Bldg. Jm22 t-ROOM HOUSE with 2 B.R., basement, $60 mo. 675 Ewald or call 2-5355. Jm31 FURN. 3-BDRM. house, near school. Ph, 2-0408. Jm33 WILL GIVE free rent In rum. house at independence to widow or couple in re- turn for board on shares. Ph. Inde pendence 197J. 190 Polk St. Jm23 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS KM. for rent B. L. Stiff. U DRIVE Trucks. Robinson Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph. 39103. f FLOOR space on State St Desk space on Marlon St. Ph. 3-8482. J FULLY EQUIPPED cabinet shop. Address, box 344 co Capital Journal. J22 FLOOR SANDERS for rent Montomer Ward. J POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3640, J TRAILERS $2.00 per day. Howser Bros. 141u 8 12th. West Salem. J lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. TO DO a good Job rent a good floor send er. We sell everything to complete the Job HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-3 046 J SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up it delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N, Com'l. Ph. 33512. J WANTED TO RENT FAMILY OF 4 must have 3 or 4 bed room house. Phone 2-4810. Ja23 ROOM & BOARD WANTED: ROOM St Board and care of & yr. old child by working mother. Bx 347 Capital Journal. JJ22 ROOM A BOARD at 629 N. Winter. JJ23 LOST & FOUND LOST! AT Shopping Center, billfold with our pension money A nospitai insurance receipt. Reward. Ph. 37050. Mrs, Mattie Harling. k23. LOST! BLACK Collie it Shepherd puppy witn tan marxings aoout mo. name "Cindv Lou." Finder may keep If you call 39180 or 38140. k31 LOST Lady's Parker pen someplace downtown. Ph. 3-7G62. k33 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter, 404 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. m37 SPENCER CORSETIERE. Cat 3-5072. pi 4 7 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR I-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State A Commercial Sts. SALEM Phone 8-13 U. a I REAL ESTATE BUILDING MATERIAL Building Something? " Sheetrock. 4c. Rock lathe, 30c yd. Plywood, $2.05 sheet. All thickness plywood, cheap. Insulation board, 5ic. 1 panel doors, $7.50. Asbestos siding, $10 sq. Cedar shakes, $12 sq. All grades cedar shingles. Waterproof wallboard, 7'Ac. Glass doors, $10.50. C. O. LONG, Ph. 2-5821, 1 ml. N. Keizer ma22 AIR-RAY electric furnace. Ph. 2-2934. ma3l SPECIAL CEDAR SIDING tt"x4" random length , . . Ideal for re-sldlng barns, chicken houses, old buildings. At less than half the price of common shlolan. $26 M. Keith Brown Lumber Co. 1 STOP SERVICE FOR YOUR BUILDING NEEDS Lumber, shingles, mill work, glass, hard materials, plywood, paint, hardware, elec. supplies, fir covering. That con venient location. Front At Court Sts. Keith Brown Lumber Co. USED 2x8, 2x10, St 2xl2's, S&S No. 1 St better, soli pipe, elbows it y's. Ph. 37113. ma21 RED CEDAR shingles, No. 1 2x3's any amouns aenverea lowest maritet prices. 18 In. No. 1 carton packed cedarwall shakes. Ted Muller. Salem-Indep. road. Call 2-1190 Salem. ma WAPPIT 8" power hand saw. Ph. 8-4284. ma SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 3-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. SALEM, OREGON ma' WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE. AMKmhlxrl kitchen base Si wall cabinets. 18 to 47 in. 20 off reular price. As low as $10.85. SEARS ROEBUCK BUDLDING MATERIAL Ph. 3-8191 ma25' WANT A NEW HOME? Our new F.H.A. Home Planning Dept has been established just to help you in developing plans, making estimates and obtaining your F.H.A. loans. This service is available at no cost to you. Keith Brown FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEW REFRIG., apt. else range, 6-yr. baby bed. lady's World bicycle like new. Ph. 2-1781. 24 SALE Accordion, saxophone, guitar, elec. train, 12-gauge, 32 automatic, 22 high standard, 30-30-23 rifle. Singer sewing machine, large safe, 25 by 28. 1515 jeuenson ei ctaiem, ure. naa HOOVER VACUUM cleaner, like new. 1342 Waller. Rear apt. n23 SEWING MACHINE, drop - head treadle type. Good cond, $29.50. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Commercial. n23 1 USED Coca Cola beverage cabinet with Frigid aire unit. 1 Frlgldalre 4 -holt Ice cream cabinet, l, s. ou. it. Reach refrlg. BUI Miller, 3254 Portland Dd. Ph. 21534. N22' USED. FURN. IncludlnB comb. Wedge wood Bas St wood range. Ph. 2-1638. 655 Union. n22 WILL TRADE good 2-wheel trailer for .22 pistol In good cond. 1540 Shady Lane. n23 0 TREADLE sewing machines $10 to $36. New and used electric Big cash discount, 1830 N. 18th. n23 MUSIC LESSONS Piano Sz violin. State accredited. STUDIO. PH. 2-6013. 44' PIANO accordion 120 bass, $100.00. Call 3-4641. B35 STEEL CLOTHESLINE POSTS, railings, in stock, made to order. 1146 N. Liberty. n40 PLASTI-KOTE: The cellopnane-like fin ish ior your floors, woodwork or lin oleum. Salem Lighting to Appliance Co., 236 N. High n33 USED Electric ranges, $19.85 as up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa USED OIL burners, blowers and sawdust burners. Ph. 2-8602. n31a HEAT your home electrlcalry with West lnghouse or Wesln automatic electric heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 875 Chemeketa. n" USED Electric Refrigerators, $48.95 to UP Y EATER APPLIANCE CO, 375 Chemeketa n PHILLIPS BROS Fertilizers, well rotted or Iresh. any klr1. By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work. Cedar fence posts. Telephone and elec. poles. Any length. Shingles. Yew posts. Lumber, Ph. 3-1458. Rt. 6. Box 118. n USED RADIOS to record players, $8.98 up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 376 Chemeketa n NO WAXING required with PLASTIC KOTB, the cellophane like finish for floors or linoleum. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa SALEM SAND to O RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer to Basement Equipment Rental ' 15 B H yds. 10 B 44 yds. D-7 Cat to Doier D-6 Cat to Dozer D-4 Cat to Doser See s about ditching by the ft. Phone Days 3-9408 Ives. 3-8240 or 2-4400 Salem, Oregon &' OIL CIRCULATORS at greatly reduced prices. YZATER APPLIANCE CO. 878 CnamekeU GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosier, Gibson, and Montag Appliances at OevurU. n USED ELECTRIC WASHERS $19 98 UP Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 178 a-emkflt a EXTRA SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY ONLY 1949 DEMONSTRATORS SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNTS DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. B50 N. Oom'l. Ph. 8-3175 qx21 HUDSON 1841 Deluxe Club Coupe. Finish Ac Inter ior like new. For economy and pleas ure 4h Is is the buy today. YOUR HUDSON DEALER SHROCK MOTOR CO. Chemeket. .t Church Ph. 3-7933 qx21" 1939 PONTIAC 4-Door Sedan. Radio Ac heater. Hew paint. Excellent motor, $495 AYNBEE MOTORS 640 Union St. Ph. 2-0703 qx21 1947 PONTIAC "8" Club Sedan. Radio it air condition heat er. Complete equipment. Excellent con dition. $1385 VISIT LODER BROS. Used Car Mkt. & Save 465 Center St. Ph. 2-7973 qx21 '49 FORD CUSTOM "B" FORDOR SEDAN. FRESH AIR HEATER, OVERDRIVE, 8 NEW FIRESTONE WHITE 8 IDE WALL TIRES. UNDER BOOK PRICE AT . $1550 LEE'S USED CARS 340 N. Church Ph. 3-1837 qx21' '46 Chevrolet FLEETLINE AERO. RADIO, HEATER, DEFROSTER St GOOD TIRES. JET BLACK FINISH. $1095 Trade - Terms ORVAL'S "THE LOT WTTH THE TURNTABLE" Center at Church Sts. Ph. 3-4702 qx21 1946 CHEVROLET Aero Sedan. Beautiful 2 tone tan St brown color. Almost new tires. Very clean Interior. This popular model Is extra choice in every way. Hurry, to sell at only $1195 Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER SERVICE PLYMOUTH 435 N. Com'l Ph. 8-4117. qx21 AUTOMOBILES TEAGUE SPECIALS v Why buy a new car? When you can buy one of our fine thoroughly reconditioned used cars on which someone else has taken the BIG DEPRE CIATION. They carry our 12-MONTHS GUARANTEE. 1D49 Frazer Sedan 1D48 Kaiaer Sedan 1948 Chev. Fleetline 1948 Chev. S Pass. 1948 Plym. Sedan DcL. 1948 Stude. Champ. 1947 Chev. Aero Sedan SEE JOE Teague Motor Co. 352 N. Commercial FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WALLING SAND to GRAVEL CRUSHED ROOK for roads and drive ways, cement, ready concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditch ing, K-yd. shovel drag line. Ph. 3-9249 n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Barklo Douglas fir poles or stumpaae. Ph. 1287 Albany or write Standard Pole to Piling Co., Inc. na42 SEWING MACHINE 'any cond. Ph. 3-7671. na4l WANTED! 314 by 4 Graphlex camera. Ph. 2-5H1. na23 FIR STUMPAGE and fir togs wanted Shipment can be made by truck or ralL Independence Lumber St Manufac turing Company, Inc.. Independence, Oregon. Phone 42. na PERSONAL MRS. MELVIN SMITH, Spencer corsetler. All calls given special attention. Ph. 3-5072, P23 BIBLE prophecy tells what Russia will do. Head booKlet, "wnat Tnese Tnings Mean." end 25c In coin to 2160 8. Berry St., Salem. p25 THAT A NEW suit? New Spencer under the old one. Ph. 3-5072. Eve. ph. 3-1619. p2i ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O. 724 Ph 3-5234. p22 MUST BORROW $8,000 on new apt. house to business bldg. Ph. 2-7546. p23 BTANLEY HOME Products. Ph. 3-9307. p29' AUTOMOBILES '40 STUDE. Champion, overdrive, heater. uooa cona, i-n. j-huo. qa LATE 1047 Chev. deluxe club coupe. 23, 000 miles. Radio, heater to extras. Per fect condition, original owner. Phone Monmouth 335. q24 4 DOOR '48 FLEETLINE Chevrolet. R&H. Seat covers, new battery, 12,000 miles. Exc. condition. Ph. 3-0006. q23 Eisner Motors to Buy 936 PONTIAC Coupe. Fair shape. $75. Ph. 87767 days, eve. 35630. q22 ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL . TRADE TERMS 2 LOTS 2338 Fairground Rd. Ph. 2-8491 830 Hood St. Ph. .-7714 Eisner Motors to Sell 1941 CHEV. Club coupe. R&H. 1338 Hines Bt, Mem. q33 WILSON'S 1947 OLDS "78" SEDAN WITH HYDRAMATIO DRIVE $1200 Otto J. Wilson COMMERCIAL AT CENTER W31' '49 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN. RADIO, HEATER, SEAT COVERS. LIGHT GRAY FINISH. $1595 Trade - Terms ORVAL'S "THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE" Center at Church Sts. Ph, 8-4702 qx21 SPECIAL 1948 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery Less than 20,000 actual miles. Looks and runs like new. Has been used mostly for passen ger car. 1950 license on car. They are scarce. See this one, JOE SPURLOCK TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 852 H, Commercial Salem, Oregon qx21 '41 FORD PICKUP Vi-ton V-8 pickup. Radio to heater. $545 BONESTEELE SALES & SERVICE 370 N. Church St. Ph. 3-8277. qx21 A-l 1947 DODGE Business coupe. Radio to heater, Oood rubber. $995 Valley Motor Mart CENTER AT HIGH QX31 1946 FORD Tudor sedan. Radio and heater. New paint Job and seat covers. Good rubber. Runs good. STAN BAKER MOTORS Union at High Ph. 2-2468. qx21 Requirements for the us of thii special section .... 1 Dealer must submit their copy before 4 p.m. day previous to publication. 3 Each car must be an exceptional value. 3 Capital Journal reserves the right to refuse to publish any listing It feels Is not a special value. (AUTOMOBILES 1947 Frazer Manhattan 1948 Plymouth Sedan 1941 Plymouth 4 Door 1941 Plymouth Tudor 1989 Pontlao (8) 1939 Chevrolet Sedan 1939 Ford Coupe SPURLOCK Salem, Oregon (AUTOMOBILES ARE YOU SELLING YOUR CAR? Private party wishes to buy a real clean automobile or cash money. I am not a dealer and I do not wish to bu from a dealer. Phone 3-9817 or call at 1460 "D" St. after 6 p.m. evening. q22 $50 USED OAR LOT $90 toto your old one. 12th St. Junction. Open till 10 P.m. q34 WANT 48 or '48 DeSoto 4-door sedan with '48 body. Good car. Ph. 2-5961. q21 Eisner Motors Fine Cars FARM EQUIPMENT UED TRACTOR TIRES, Popular Sizes, (o.OO and up. Montgomery ward to vo Salem. 23 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR OPENING FOR BUSINESS, parts ex change. Double Deal wrecking xaro, 3575 Pleasant View Drive. qc22 FINANCIAL YES! TO 4 OUT OF 5 who come to PERSONAL We tike to say "yes." Proof: we served over a million people last year. $35 to $500 on Auto, up to $300 on Furniture, Salary. No co-signers- necessary. Phone or visit the Personal YES MAN, TO- PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY Pacific Building Room No. 12ft 518 STATE ST. Phone 2-2464 C. R. Allen, Mgr. LIO. S.-122-M-ie8. LOANS MADE TO RESIDENTS OF ALL SURROUNDING TOWNS. T22 WE BUY Discount Paper, Real Estate mortgages to contracts. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 So. High at. y WANT $6000 at 6. Good security. Write Capital Journal Box 850. T33 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Ue. ft.133 and M-IM and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 S Commercial St TeL 2-911 f AUTO LOANS WTLLAMETTTE CREDIT CO. 183 S. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 2-3457 Lie. No. M-189 S-1B4 r (Continued on Page 19)