"16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesaay, Jan. 25, 1950 A Man Is Missing By ERLE STANLEY GARDNER (Creator of the famous fictional detective, Ferry Maaon) Her surprise on seeing Hank and Marion seemed a little too pronounced (Chanter Three) When Marion wakened there was the feel of dawn in the air. The atar over the tons of the big pines had receded into a sky which was taking on just a faint suggestion of greenish -blue color. Marion struggled into her clothes, splashed ice-cold water on her face, and felt that surge of vitality which comes with the dawn when one has been sleeping on the ground In the open. sh ate with zest, and then walk ed to the edge of the river, where Dewitt was Just finishing putting his trout rod togetner. "Hello." he said, winning ami ablv. "You're looking mighty fit this morning." "Feeling like a million dollars," she said. A trout suddenly flashed up out of the water, struck at the fly. missed, and then went sulking down to the depths of the stream. "Missed him," Dewitt said, "I was a little too anxious." Hank Lucas, who had Joined them without being observed, said, In his peculiar drawling voice, "If you want to fish an hour or so while we're getting the packs on, you'll have more fish than you can carry. Haven't seen Mrs. Adrian, have you?" Dewitt snapped In the line, made another cost. "No. Is she up?" he asked, his eyes glued to the fly. "She is up. all right. Took a little walk upstream. She hasn't come back for breakfast." Dewitt said abruptly, "Huh? You say she's gone?" "That's right. Seems to have taken a walk," Lucas said, "but there nrent any tracks on the trail. I thought I'd take a look along the stream here, and then I saw you fishing." Lucas strolled more or less aim lessly up the stream edge between tne rocK-s, tnen saia suaneniy, "Here's where she went." Marlon had to look twice to sec the track. Then It appeared to be only a faint discolartlon of the ? round. But. some twenty yards arther on, Lucas, who had kept moving on ahead, uncovered an other fresh track this time, made In damp sand and distinctly visi ble. Dewitt abruptly lost interest In the fishing and snapped in his line. "Guess I'd better follow her up" "Keep on fishing If you want," Hank said. "I'll go on up . . . May be you'd like to take a walk," he said to Marion." Dewitt resumed his fishing, and Hank and Marion moved slowly upstream. Almost Instantly the lazy smile left Hank's eyes. His manner be came tense and business-like. "Any Idea where she might have gone?" he asked. "No. I woke up shortly before dawn and then dozed again. I didn't hear her move." "You know what she's In here for?" "She wants to find her husband?' Marlon ventured. "That's right . . , You're a photog rapher?" "Yes." Hank said, "Here's a copy of i picture It ain't too clear because It isn't a print, but It's a picture of a picture. What do you make of It?" "To begin with," she said, "the picture was probably taken with a 4-A folding kodak with ft rapid rectilinear lens. It was taken In the middle of the day." "How do you figure that?" "Well," she snid, "despite the fact tht the leas was stopped 'way down, there's still a certain blurring at the extreme corners and there's a peculiar diffused warmth to the shadows. You get that with a rapid rectilinear lens. Tde anastigmatic lens has a tendency to cut things wire-sharp. But there lsn t qmlc the warmth In the shadows and' "Wait a minute. What do you mean the lens was stopped "way down?" Hank asked. She said, "When the diaphragm shutter of a lens is wide open, the speed Is Increased but there's very little depth to the field. In other words, if you take a fairly long foul-length lens such as is neces sary to cover a post-cara-size mm, and set It, say, at twenty-five feet and leave it wide open, things be yond thirty feet or so will be out of focus, and things closer than twenty feet will be out of focus. On the other hand, if the lens Is stopped 'way down, virtually every thing will be in focus. The stopping down gives a depth of field. Ob jects only eight or ten feet away win oe lainy snarp, ana so win things in the distance." "This lens was stopped down," Marlon said. "Moreover, see the little white fog down there In the cor ner? Well, that's a light leak, and probably came from a little hole in the bellows of the camera. If it had been careless winding on the spool, you'd have seen a little dif ferent type of leak and . . . Here's Mrs. Adrian now." Corliss Adrian, trim and fresh, stepped out from behind a rock. Apparently sne was engaged in wanning tne otner siae 01 tnc stream verv intently. But she seem ed to watch it a little too long, and her surprise on finally seeing Hank and Marion seemed a little too. pronounced. Marion started to say. I think she's been watching us," but then abruptly changed her mind and re mained silent. Hank said good - naturedly. but still with a certain rebuke in his voice, "This here is a searching party out to locate the lost tenderfoot." Don t ever worry about me," Cor liss Adrian said, with a quick, nervous laugh. "I decided to get up and see If I couldn't see a deer." "Breakfast is Just about over," Hank said. "Oh. I'm sorry. I'll rush right on back. Hank "Yes?" "Do you see that canyon up there, the one with the peculiarly shaped rock up near the top of the ridge?" "un-nun." "What place Is that?" "Broken Leg Canyon." "I wonder if we could go up there It looks Jlke marvelous country." "That's Just about where I'm aim ing to go," Hank said. "Oh, that's wonderful. When camp had been broken and all but the last two horses loaded. Hank Lucas approached his dudes. "Kenney can finish throwing the packs, with the help of the cook, and bring the string along," Lucas said. "I want to move on ahead and pick out a good campsite. If you folks would like to come along with me, you can save a little time." 'That'll be fine," Marion said. "Walt a minute." Dewitt inter posed cautiously. "How do you pro pose to make this extra time? As I see it. the pack train will be ready to start in ten or fifteen minutes." "There's quite a bit of smooth trnil ahead," Hank said. "We can put the horses in a trot." "In a trot!" Corliss Adrian ex claimed in dismay. Hank grinned. "Don't appeal to you, eh?" "If it makes any difference to the others I'll be only too glad to go along," Corliss said with dignity, "but If it doesnt I think I'd pre- ier to wrik my norse." Dewitt stepped into the situation "You two go right ahead." he said "Take all the time you want. "We'll come along with the pack string." "Okny; let's go," Lucas said. They started out at a brisk trot. There was a wide valley to skirt where another stream came into the Middle For, it took a detour or nearly three miles to brino- them back opposite the mouth of the canyon on the other side of the stream. Marion regarded the sweating horses during one of the brief rest periods which enabled the animals to catch a few quick breaths. "Aren't you pushing the horses a bit fast?" she asked. Hank tilted back his sweat-stained sombrero. "To tell you the truth I wasn't anxious to have those other two aiong." "What are you looking for?" "The cabin shown in that photo graph?" Marion surveyed the tumbled waste of wild, nigged country. "How in the world do you ever expect to find it in this wilderness if you won't know where it Ls?" "Same wav the, rwv.r1 wVia UlA -in t luuwi it, name said. "Take aiong in tne winter when trails were nrettv well snnwri nvr had to have something to 'guide them when they wanted to go "Oh. vou mpnn th hlav.?" "That's right. Now. you see, along this trail you've got a long blaze twm uiKu-riieiun u two short ones "And you think these men blazed mm m io rneir cabin? ' "Must have." "HOW much fnrtlior?" Hank grinned. "I'm darned if I know. I'm Just looking for blazes." (Hank finds the cabin and evi dence of a murder. Dont miss to- murrow s installment.) 1. 'hz m THIS IS OOC HCKEBV, 1 THE WHOLESALE 1 T HERE'S A CONTRACT PROBABLY- 8 LIT 1 T WE'LL KEEP THEM FILLED WITH WARM MR. BOPER- j-rrrr DELIVERY MAN HIMSELF' FOR l0,00O.'-- I IMAGINE JriGHT NOW I'M WATER- AND THERE SHOULD BE CNE I S fci, ,nrr Z."Z?-L- f -r BEEN WANTING YOU CAN USB IT? INTERFSTEO IM BESIOE EACH BABY TO GIVE THAT WHOLE j l! t Fr .Ja a7B jijji n ZISmUI HI JLIl ll I UC r THAT'S POOR JOCK- YoH-l- Y rFORGET (T, DRFT-rM OUST 7 Y-YES-u ME? OH, I'M DANORFT- OH.SUR6-I KNOW- HARMLESS-QOOO JfWTOR- I DON'T I 60RRY FOR YOU, TW6 ALL- GOOD LUCK R B'B-BUTUeCK SACK- I JPCK SfllO HE OWD LIKE HIM FINE HJST A KNOW WHAT I WISH WE HAD A 6P0T FOR TOVOU,T22- p I-I THOUGHT-THAT THIS PLAHT-HE WAS DREAMER-TROUBLE IS TO SAY. I MOU-BUT YOU KNOW-THINGS THANK YOU, IS- HE SBID- I OOtNG 10 ONE YOU HE BELIEVES HIS DREAMS MR BOMB- J ARE SLOW -STRIKES- I MR. BOMB ll - I WISH I WERE AS (wiSS I TbzOJZ. JM HON TRUE.T-NOW, IF 1 A GIRL'S FACE CAN BE Jjjk 11 I ' THEIR EXPRESSIONS CAN'T 1 . NORL AS VDUR BOl F Is TO' 4gk rOUFt BOY FELL IN J MADE UP TO FOOL A f BE CHANGED.'?' KNEECAPS I So HF&LoSeWS 1 MS'SvEWTHAQIPi'S .MAN.-BUT A KNEECAP J AREAS HONEST AS TOE DAY ) j 7 Wm WEWRESSION WSAY I WORLD'S FACE THAT WOULD -HMT f?S AN inCT I ON A GIRL'S KNEECAP.') SO, GREATEST J BE SOMETHING TO J HONEST ARTICLE iSOZS CAN THiMT."j, . THAT PROVES HE'S y--4 AM PSYCHIA- 1 WORRY ABOUT:' J FOR VOU.'T- J if VST jy K8""5! W HANG ON Si!""-' "ISTiy KwOWlSURE. f,"V1 I IMEANWHILE-' pQNT WORRY ll " lt?iStoLL .rfKSC I a. LUC W Sffii!3p L A GONERX JSSSSQS3 leo IN TOTH' ) GONNA BRING I .. rucN.TccciHECFfe "Yip alben and clark V it says here. when Kis-J A.Hi IViove AT TF SHE 1&'JA M JUST Trie THINS FOR DID IT SO CAN y00! AvJoMAN loves a plT"J, first M TooKAf3 U VocJl IT ALLARrtUT VoU DO BELIEVE IN MAN HE CAN MAKE TiJX 1S 'T-' & k SlfiHT.'yfi SECOND PcSM CHIMMY! PLEASE ? t VANT L00l( mi. I..THF fl. ll M fJiJUV'SSM MR.OAltWAJABOUTTOSAY S fiOODlMONEY I5NO J THEJEtWiNII LIKtTHEMl A(!ViAE''fHWliTk'f I HilhLT,HAjECTION!. -SPEND. M 1 RADIO PROGRAMS WEDNESDAY P.M. KGW The S of V iNewa Sotifi of Timei :imcr rcierion knm Mannlni itt) Show Newi iNcwa Your Lift qui Lift Dirk Powell , Dick Powell Groncho Mrx iGroucho Mirs nlnf Croiby Bins vretDf llf Story ill Storr ;artala Tlmt 'nrtalB TIma Barm A Alien Burnt AlltD II oily wood Bollywood Instra-Klrtten IVewt of World GildertleeTe GllderileeT Break tht Bank Break tho Bank lal. Attorney ltU Attorney lam Hayei Mindr Carton Sptt. Final 'ex Wllllamt 'ewa 'ax Muaenm Wax Muieiim 'ax Mnaenm KOIN 970 CBS Cballrnfo ( Yukon Sky Klnc Sky Klnr Rdw. C. Hill Homo Edition Mod. Romaneei Hod. Bomaacei Lont Rancer Lone Ranger Dr. I. q. Dr. I. Q. Lowell Thomai Jack Smith l)r. Christian Dr. Chrlatlan Frank Raeo Frank Race Benlab Club IS H Star Final You World Alr-flo brcheitra Rcrenade Treat. Band Orcan Melody Orcan Client KEX 1190 ABO B-Bar-B fB-Bar-B Tom Mix Tom Mix Gabriel Heater N W Newt Tello Tetl Serenade Dinner Conoeil pinner Conetrt L'lico Kid Iciico Ktd (Sher. Ilotmei Bher. Holmei flrexorr Hood Oregory Hood prvlnx Berlin Sbow where There'! Huile Stchfld. ReporttrJ Intermmo Koa erl Hoar Iconeert Boar Concert Honr Concert Boor Memot Tomor. (Mem oi Tomor. KSLM Swlnt- Tlmt Swlnx Time Blnf Croiby nana oi Day Candlt Ltthl and SUTtr Newt Twllliht gong T B A Mualeal Jaeknot Evelyn Kaibt Sporle Name of That Sonx .ean Bck., LUI. Glen Hardy Darld Roae Airport Airport Fnlton Lewit Local News Newa Eddla Howard Lore Mytterr uan Llohn Wolohan John Wolohan KOCO 1490 Kc Track 1490 Track 1400 Traok 1490 Traok 1490 Mayor Bevort! Alan Xohok Newa Dlek Llebert Mua. for Amer. Mut. for Amer. Muile Ton Want Mnale Ton Waal moo tarn Nocturne N oe tarn ploctnrna FM Met., KGW 1M.S, S-10 p.m., KOIN 101.1, a.m., 11 p.m., KEX M.I, Ikl p.ta. THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Hod te Podie iNewt Farm Newt glewt 615 Newa KOIN Kloek Keep Smlllnf Timekeeper 630'rni Tim KOIN Klock Keep Smlllnf March Time KOCO Kleefc 6:45 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smlllnf Vewt KOCO Kloek 7:00 Early Bird KOIN Kloek Newt ewt Tex Bitter 7:15 Old Bonn Newt Afromky Hrkfat. Ganf KOCO Kleeh 7:30 Newt Newt Bob Haiea Brkftt. Gang Newa 7:45 Sam Hayea Fred Beck 2cke Manner! Top Tradet KOCO BJeek 8:00 Eddie Albert Consumer Newt Breakfast Club Barx'n Counter Oh. In Wlldw'a1 8:15 Eddie Albert Newa Breakfaal Club Family Alter Fletta, Tim 8:30 Jack Berch Grand Slam Breakfast Club Haren ol Real Weit'n Melodies 8:45 Saf Rldera Roicmary Breakfatt Club Haren ol Bial Tempi Echo 9:00 The Second Cup Wendy Warren Newt N. W. Newa Melody Tim 9:15 Tho Second CupAunt Jenny Start f Today Quit Club Melody Tim 9:30 Hometownera Helen Trent Quick aa Flaah Pastor'a Call Start Blnx 9:45 Newt Dal Sunday Quick aa Flub Sara Rldcrt f. Ch. Thamai 10:00 Marrlaxe for Blf Sister Ted Malon Glen Hardy N W News 10:15 Carm. Carallero Ma Perklna Ted Malon Kitchen Mutle 10:30 Brad Reynold Dr. Malone My True Story Wllea Tune Tint 10:45 The Plarbore Guldlnf Light My Trn Story Morxaa'a Mmlc SB Ktaa 11:00 Double or -'d Mrt. Barton Betty Crocker Ladle Flral Muslo Mart 11 :15 Nothlnx Perry Maaon Vic Ltndlahr Ladiea First Musle Mart 11:30 Children Norah Drake Northwest- Queen for Day Jan Garber 11:45 Llxbt of World Brighter Day erncrt Queen for Day Vocal VaHetlti 12:00 Kneata Newa Newt Baukbaf Top Tradet Ilollyw'd MbsI 12:15 Road or Life Come A Get It Newa Newa Ilollyw'd Mntl 12:30 Pepper Young House Parly Jack Norman NW Newa Headline News 12:45 Happlneat Hons Party Meet Menjout Bob Ebcrly Pave Dennis 1:00 Backttag Wife From Nowhere' Breakfast In Bob Mitchell Mae'a Melodies :15 Stella Dallas Jack Holt Hollywood Bob Mitchell Mae'a Melodies :30 Lorenso Jonea Garry Moore Kay Weat Tell Neighbor Mae'a Melodies 1:45 Wldder Brown Klrkham Newt. Kay Weat Blnf Slnga Mae's Melodies 2:00 A Girl Marries Klrkham Newa! lay Stewart Bob Poolo Mae'a Melodies 2:15 Port. Facet Life Steve Allen Jay Stewart Bob Pool Mae'a Melodies 2:30 Fust Plain BUI Steve Allen Brlda A Groom Musle for That Mac's Melodies 2:45 Frt. Pf. Farroll Tune. Yourt Bride A Groom Mmlc for Thur. Mae'a Melodies 3:00 Welcome Travel. Art Klrkham Pick a Data Georgia Mao' Melodies 3:15 Welcome Travel. Arthur Godfrey Pick a Date Jamboree Mac's Melodies 3:30 iunt Mary Arthur Godfrey Hannibal Cobb Newa Mae'a Melodies JI:45 Love and Learn Arthur Godfrey Hannibal Cobb Dave Rots Mae'a Mclodlet 4:00 Woman' SecretArthur Godfrey Art Baker Fulton Lewis Movie Tim 4:15 Llf Beautiful lArlhur Godfrey Squirrel Off Hemingway Philosopher 4:30 Dr. P.iu' Curt Massey Squirrel Cac Behind Story Byera Can B 4:45 Paula Stone lEdw. B. Murr'w Firefighters 3ar. Cavallero Beautiful lAAT Wednesday P. M. 5:00, Chll IWMV dren't Theaten 5:15, On the Upbeati 5:50, 550 Sporta olubt 9:00, Newat 0:15, Eugenei 6:80, Invitation to Xeadt 7:00, Farmeri" Union i 1:15, Evening Farm Hour: 8:00, Shorthand; 8:30 Guest Start 8:45, News A Weathsri 9:00, Eve ning Medltatlonst 10:00, Sign Off. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 lAAr Thursday A.M. 16:00, ftwMV and Weather; 10:15. Eti Newi Especial ly for Women i 11:00, School f Alri 11:15, Concert Hall: 12:00, Newtl 12:15, Noon Farm Hour; 1:00, Hid 'em Cowboy; 1:15, School of Air) 1:45, Melody Lane; t:O0, Home Garden Houri 2:ifOl Memory Book of Musloi 2:45, School of Alri 8:00, Newai 3:45i Muslo of the Master! 4:00, Univ ersity Hour, ' Second Card Social Of Winter Offered Woodburn St. Luke's sec ond winter card social will be held in the Woodburn parish hall Sunday evening at 8:15 o'clock. Mrs. M. J. Opitz is chairman of this event, with Mrs. Otto Miller, Mrs. C. C. Hammond and Mrs. Anton Zast oupil as co-chairman. The Sunday night party com mittee includes Mrs. Walter Wengenroth. Mrs. Fred Kinns, Sr., Mrs. Lena Hagenauer, Mrs. Anton Hanauska, Mrs. August Randall, Mrs. Clarence Hage nauer, Mrs. Alvah Cowan, Mrs. Lester Wells, Mrs. Joseph Hu bert, Mrs. Ann Morris, Mrs. Wil liard Matthews, Walter Kropp es, Mrs. Nick Serres, Miss Ern estine Nathman, Miss Mary Hershberger, Miss Dorothy and Eileen Hagenauer, Miss Delorei and Lorraine Hanauska. At last Sunday's social, prizei were awarded Mrs. Nick Serres, Mrs. John Doran, Mrs. Julius Vandehey, Mrs. Mike Seifer, Ben Baune, Adam Zlebart and Sylvester Vifquain. ACROSS L Depression between mountain, I. Frotn 9. Likely 12. Religious fear 13. Essay 14. Late: comb. form 15. Area 17. Character 19. Annoy 10. Title of respect tl. Invisible 14. Make tardy 17. Negative 15. At no time 30. Short sleep 31. Pronoun 82. Existed 33. Exclamation 34. Beverage 80. French concrete 8K. Mythical bird 89. Newspaper employee 41. Special ability 43. Tier 44. Entangl, 45. Dressed ,8. Small singing birds (1. The milkflsh (3. Redbreast 54. Fish eggs (5. Crafty PT O A S TflC A PleTRB TING L EllOM BllJeT A N B A 1 LERO NBl O n e p B p t- i n vBt u p GAL ABe R BS O M 0 NAG eIrWdJA P P g R EXn r a T jSo x EaLpI MOTET SliclojL LlAlRj 1 N eeBt r ablje n e Solution of Ye'torclay'a Puiil M. Smart 67. Female sheep S 4, 7 4fl 4f So r-, Ma si TMW S3 if VrWb 11 1 1 K v AP Newsfearvre DOWN L Blevator carrlax t. HaT debta I. On sklllftd In law 4. Oral 6. Kitchen nUnaD I. Aloft 7. Grown boya 8. Rubber 9. Frog or toad 10. By 11. Pedal digit 16. Anger 18. Sesaraa 21. Join 22. Famoua 23. Not bo old 24. Stupefy 25. Claw 26. Moon's ag on Jan. 1 29. Large tub 36. Plane rout 36. Arbors 37. Nominating 38. Withdraw 40. Weight 42. Circuit 45. Vapor 46. Nocturnal bird 47. Small round mark 48. Metal faitene 49. Draw 50. Diocese St. Two: prefix ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahem Wf WELL.THATS FINE. IjS UM- AH. AS I SAW. I'VE BEEN W 3 THEN IF VOU ALSO W WORKING ON THE PUFFLE ; HAVE A THEORy ON V? THEORY OF GRAVITATION I GRAVITATION, 'THE 17 FOR. TO YEARS, BUT IVE 1 PUFFLE THEORY V NEVER. SPOKEN ABOUT IT TO I S MAYBE VOU CAN THE CACKLING GEESE AROUND I EXPLAIN IT TO J 7 HERE, BECAUSE ITS TOO ME I PROFOUND AND PONDEROUS A f Jr SUBJECT FOR. PUTTYHEADS ) SIMPLIFY ijH i