1? ranllal Journal. Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Jan. 25, 1950 Ifl ANNUAL ML 9 ITL op's PR NVENTORY STARTING THURSDAY AT 9:30 A.M. ODD LOTS - DISCONTINUED NUMBERS - FEW OF A KIND! ALL SALES FINAL AT THESE PRICES GABARDINE SHIRTS . 100 Virgin Wool in Our Most Famous Brand Shirts. (Sorry we are not permitted to use names). Some slightly irregular or soiled. Value to 15.00 ... . $0.95 IUJ0TS m$ SUITS - Formerly priced up to $45.00 Consisting S. & D. B. Models, gabardines worsteds and .tweeds. 2P 75 Sizes 35 to 46 SUITS - Formerly priced up to $60.00 e Consisting of S. and D. B., men's and young men's mod- els. Machaels Stern and other high grades. Some names we cannot mention. , CI . ' Regular, Short, Long, Stout 9 75 Our top grades. Former prices up 85.00 consisting of Hart Schaffner & Marx, Michaels Stern and others. 9 75 Every Suit and Topcoat taken from our regular stock and prices to move all discontinued num bers and lines. Not all sizes in any one pat tern but all sizes in each lot. , Ice FOLKS TM - 'r .cT HALF -nnic 1 V., -reus woo. SPORT o.Roy.ns r . Even Day ROBES SfltaJ-t Wools in St-.P' - , . r.KStvle Collar and Cotton SoiM 1 ACKET S Wool$.Teels.PoP"' Values Work Oxfords 7.95 Value Cork Sole - Heavy Duty 51.95 Work SHOES 8.95 Value Cork Sole Heavy Duty SC. 95 BOYS CLOTHING HUSKY SUITS PAJAMAS 1, "Just Like Dads". rni in lizei 4 to 16. AH ' Cotton flannels Stripei and pattern colon. SWEATERS Slipover - Sleeveleu - Coot Style, colors ind Jacquard patterns. Vol 6.25. Sizes 2 to 38 Sport Shirts slaves SPORT COATS All wool tweeds, checks, herringbone and solid colors. Sizes 3 to 22. Val. to 13.95. Solid 1) ue to I L PRICE PRICE Double and single breasted in smart che- viots - worsteds and tweeds and al! are PRICE 100 wool 29.50 Sizes 13 to 22. Val. to PR'CE 2 PRICE JAC SHIRTS 100 pure wool. Sizes 12' to 14'j. Red and black plaid. Double shoulder. WOOL JACKET if Multi-colored plaids with knitted waist ') PRICE band and cuffs. Also chopper styled. L 100 wool. Vol. to 9.95. SHIRTS i PRICE Plaids ara plain colored cotton flannels 7 in all colors. Sizes 4 to 18. ' PRICE WORK CLOTHING - 100 Woo' Fancy Plaids, Choppers, Jae-Shirts, Cruisers Woolen Jackets vlu,9-9s Sale $6.95 vvggien JdUMH value, to 14.95 Sale $10.95 All if I 100 Wool Flanrel-Solid Colors Grey-Maroon and wool Sportshirts Regui.r 6 M " ""s'a'ie $4.95 a Cotton Flannels In Bright Plaids Sonforized Flannel jhirtS Re9u,or 2 95 Sale $1.95 . I I 11 Only 10 Off an All Remaining Leather Jackets Leather Jackets Volues t0 29 95 So,e $20.00 Many More Unusual Values Downstairs - Come In and Look Them Over Just the Shoe for Winter Wear FREEMAN SHOES 8.95 In Smartly Styled Grain Leather or Plain Toe . . . Both Have That Extra Heavy Sole Some Slightly Soiled SHIRTS 1 95 2.45 White and Colored All Nationally Famous Brands 1