Vi aaA ijWtniSf ViMfi-gini.- - &aUU Asks Retirement Admiral Louis A. Denfeld as he told newsmen in Boston, that he had submitted a request for re tirement after more than 40 years Naval service. The Admiral had been removed as Chief of Naval Operations after stormy hearing in Washington on unification of the armed services. Associated Press reporter Thomas Horgan is to right of Den feld. (AP Wirephoto). Malaya Bandits Still Keep VResidents Close to Cities IStayton A letter received recently by Mrs. Delmer Lars abrecht from a cousin, Eric Johnson who is with the United Engi neers at Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, says in part: w t"We are rather disappointed about the devaluation of sterling s it will be almost impossible for us to go to Canada on leave 4tO visit my parents. We would sonly get 36 cents for a dollar 'blt too much for our bankroll ''Just now. However, that will not until 1951, so many things en happen before then. ". ii-i "We are still having lots of ; trouble with bandits here and Jit is not safe to go far from 4town. I suppose the troops and ivpolice will finally come out on ' top; but it does seem to take a -long time. Kuala Lumpur looks rather like an old western town these days, with all the men ,- packing pistols, tommy - guns .'and others, and hordes of troops -and police all around. The gov- crnor of Sarawak was knifed the other day too, and has since 'iled, and that of course, will '''.create a lot of unrest in Sara wak and Borneo. t $ "I suppose the weather out iKyour way is cooling off a bit. Here it Is very hot just now, temperature about 90 or over. It was cool last week with hea vy rains, about an Inch an hour. The nights here are a bit cooler than in Singapore, but not very much." Otter Rub Acts Faster In to relieve coughs aching muscles Musterole not only brings fast relief but its great pain-relieving medication breaks up congestion in upper bron chial tubes. Musterole offers ALL the benefits of a mustard piaster without the bother of making one. Just rub it on chest, throat and back. Child Offered for Adoption In Ad Has Many Seekers North Hollvwood. Calif.. Jan. 24 J.R) A 27-year-old former radio actress said today she has received two marriage proposals and 60 requests for her expected illegitimate child whom she offered for adoption in a newspaper ad. She gave her name only as "Celeste" in order not to embarrass her family or former husband. said she couldn't take care of the expected child unless she got married or got a job. "I so much would like to keep my baby," she said, "but it wouldn't be fair. I don't have a job and wouldn't be able to take care of it properly. "I can't expect to fall in love with someone on such short no tice, or with someone I have just met," she said, "but I do expect him to love my children, "Love is a slow thing and if we are together, it will come, 'I have had two marriage proposals on the telephone," she said. "They just said they were interested and marriage-minded." "One was a very young man in his 20's and the other was in his 50's," she said. "The older man said his earnings were quite substantial.' "I would consider marrying a man who is stabilized and loves children, but I wouldn't marry just anyone." . Celeste said she was forced to offer the child, which will be. born out of wedlock, for adop tion because its musician father "shirked responsibility." "I was very much in love with the baby's daddy," she said. "He's a grand person. He's one hundred per cent." The model and dancer said all who wanted the baby were "substantial people" owning their own businesses and trying desperately to adopt a child. "But they're all above age," she explained. "Some would give their lives for a baby. They're walking around in a daze because they want a child so badly." She said she has been able to eliminate only one or two of the many persons who asked to adopt the child. "They all have so much love," she said. Celeste has a three-year-old son, Robin, by a previous mar riage. Because she was "barely" able to take care of him, she $$ MONEY $$ W 4 12 Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S High St. Lie. S-216 1 222 "Swell of you to remember our anniversary, Dad" IT Your own voice, winging across the miles in a Long Distance call, can mean so much...on important days or just any day when you want to talk with the folks. And with rates so low, service so swift, you can make that call whenever you wish. And if you remember to use these Long Distance pointers, youH get still more out of your service: You can call anywhere in the country for sncn or less T 950 (Day fUUon nto three mJnMw) Keeping a list of the out-of-town numbers you call most often will help speed service. For if you give your operator the number not just the name and address your call often will go through in thirty seconds. If you plan your call in advance, you can say as much in three min utes as in an average letter. If you run over the three-minute mini mum, additional time is charged by the minute. Use Long Distance so personal, so fast, so inexpensive J The PaCifiC Telephone and Telegraph Company Celeste expressed regret that all the older persons wanting her child could not obtain chil dren through accredited agen cies. "I'd be happy if my story and my advertisement would result in just one thing," she said. "If they would just make it easier for these poor people to get chil dren. To them, it would, be the greatest thing in their lives." "Why should age make such a difference?" she asked. "I hope that others can get children, and that I will be able to keep my baby," she said. Exams Coming Up in Forestry Department ' Competitive examinations for positions in the state forestry department and state parks de partment will be held to estab lish eligible lists from which future job vacancies will be filled, the state civil service commission announced Monday. Closing date for applications, forms which are available at state civil service offices here or at Portland or at any state em ployment service office, Is Feb.l 25. The positions are those of forester, timber cruiser and for est dispatcher. Written tests will be given. War veterans get a five-point preference and dis abled veterans, a preference of not less than 10 points. Absolute zero on the Fahren heit scale is minus 459.6 degrees. YOUR OWN GOOD TASTE will tell you why so many thousands have switched to milder, lighter Qgjygpf CALVERT reserve Blended Whiskey -86.8 Proof-65 Grain Neutral Spirits. Oalvert -Distillers Corp., New York City if lights 90 out Don't get too hot A fuse from me Will hit the ipot. fBSI Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, January 24, 1950 3 Workers in more than 2500 Oregon firms have O. P. S. medical and hospital protection on a group basis MORE THAN 120,000 Orcgonians hav O.P.S. prepaid security on an individual, family or group basis. These modest cost O.P.S. plans offer a wide selectioo of physicians, surgeons, consulting spe cialists and hospitals. Please use the coupon for details. Oregon Physicians' Service Sponsored and Approved by Oregon State Medical Society 0 1514 S. W. SIXTH, PORTLAND- 4 455 FERRY STREET, SALEM MEDFORD BUILDINO, MEDFORO CHOICE OF PIANS WRITE FOR UTCttATUHt OREGON PHYSICIANS SERVICEt PI at malt Itforatutt. I am employed at itfmployd and Interested in O.P.S medical and hoipllat coverage on on (check one) Individual boils Family botlt Croup baill 1 x Nomo Addraff. Clly Mall to O.P.S. ol Portland, Saltm or Modloid. letter day 177 north liberty IO Free SAH Grsea Stamps given Wedntw. day at tba redemptioa deek. B r I g yuuw (amp baok. A store-wide event that brings savings for your home and for every member of your family MY IEVIEMT THEY'RE ULTRA SHEER 54 AND 51 GAUGE, 15 DENIER . . . FINE, LONG. WEARING DUPONT NYLON . . . IRREGULARS FROM A WORLD - FAMOUS MANUFACTURER . . . OFFERED NOW AT THE LOWEST PRICE IN YEARS! Hard believing, isn't it to see nylons offered at such a low price! Misty-sheer . . . full-fashioned from top-to-toe; hairline seams to flatter your legs; slim and neat heals. Carefully selected irregulars from one of the nation's most famous hose manufacturers you'll find it almost impossible to tell these nylons from first quality. 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