edited by MARIAN vmmmumam 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, January 24, 1950 2 Sorority Alumnae Clubs Elect Election of officers was con ducted by two sorority alumnae groups in meetings Monday eve ning. Alpba Chi Group Alpha Chi Omega alumnae, meeting at the chapter house, named the following as new of ficers; Mrs. Vernon Gilmore, president; Mrs. Lewis D. Grif fith, vice president; Mrs. Frank Guerin, secretary; Mrs. Ralph Smlther, treasurer; Mrs. Gerald Robison, Lyre editor The warden, chaplain and historian will be appointed later. At the meeting it was an nounced the national officers had approved floor plans for the new residence to be built for the Willamette university chapter of Alpha Chi Omega during this next year. Three new alumnae were greeted, Mrs. Cornelius W. Lof gren, Mrs. Vernon Bartsch and Miss Barbara Mall. Attending the meeting were Mrs. William Carlson, Mrs. Wil liam Croghan, Mrs. George Fell, Mrs. Vernon Gilmore, Mrs. Lew is D. Griffith, Mrs. Frank Guer in, Mrs. Lloyd A Griffiths, Mrs George Hanauska. Mrs. Roy Har land, Mrs. Richard Hartley, Mrs Gardner Knapp, Mrs. Edward Llnd, Mrs. Roy Rice, Jr., Mrs Gerald Robison, Mrs.. George Seymour, Mrs. Robert E. Shinn Mrs. Ralph Smlther, Mrs. J. W. Stanley, Mrs. Mary Thomas. Mrs. James Young and the three new alumnae. Installation of the new offi cers will take place at the Feb ruary meeting. At Alpha Xi Delta Mrs. M. E. Knickerbocker is the new president for the Salem club of Alpha XI Delta alumnae, the election having been held at the Monday meeting at the home of Mrs. A. C. Newell. Oth er officers named are Mrs. Wil liam E. -Healy, vice president; Miss Verna Kepplnger, record ing secretary; Mrs. William D. Galloway, Jr., corresponding secretary; Mrs. Rollin O. Lewis, treasurer. Miss Elise Schroeder, chair man of the project, gave a re port on the work done for the Navajo Indians at Chemawa. The next meeting was announced for February 6 at the home of Mrs. Lewis. Present for the Monday meet ing were Mrs. John H. Hann, Mrs. William E. Healy, Mrs. M. E. Knickerbocker, Mrs. Eugene Laird, Mrs. Rollin O. Lewis, Mrs. Elmer Meade, Miss Verna Kep plnger, Miss Elise Schroeder nd Mrs. A. C. Newell. MRS. ROBERT NEEDIIAM was hostess today to her brldce club, entertaining the group for luncneon ana cards. THE P.L.E. AND F. club Is to meet at the home of Mrs. A. W. Rockafellow, 450 Sunset avenue, Wednesday at 8 p. m. Today's Menu (Bj the AuoolittM) Preu) SUPPER FOR A CROWD Olives and Celery Cold Sliced Turkey Sweet Potato and Pineapple Pudding Salad Bowl Hot Buttered Rolls Cooky Tray Beverage SWEET POTATO AND PINEAPPLE PUDDING Ingredients: 12 medium - sized yam sweet potatoes (about 6 pounds), Yi pound ('A cup) but ter or margarine, 1 teaspoon salt, ?4 cup firmly packed brown sugar, 1 No. 2 can crushed pineapple (drained), 2 eggs (beaten). Method: Cook the yams in a small amount of boiling salted water until they are tender; peel and put them through a ricer Add the butter or margarine, salt, brown sugar, well-drained pinapple, and eggs and mix thoroughly. Turn into a large casserole and bake in a moder ate (350F.) oven for about 1V4 hours or until top Is partly glaz ed looking and lightly browned. Makes 12 to 16 servings. Henry you IA5K AT IT, SAWNS MOM IS .SMART BUT SAVN6 UVES IS 1 JONTHEV i l.OWRl FISCHER Three Hostesses To Board Group Mrs. Farley Mogan, Mrs. Rol lin Lewis and Mrs. Clyde A. Warren will be hostesses this evening at the Mogan residence for the executive board of So journers club. A late supper will follow the meeting and evening of bridge. Thirteen will attend the party. FOR THE meeting of Salem Toastmlstress club on Thursday of this week, Mrs. Edward White is to be toastmlstress. Speakers will include Miss Constance Weinman, Mrs. Lyle Bayne, Miss Marguerite Gleeson, Miss Ruth Jaynes and Mrs. George Haley. Mrs. Mabel Hayles will be the hostess. New officers will be installed. PAST PRESIDENTS club of Capital Unit No. 9, American Legion auxiliary, is to meet Thursday of this week at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Onas Olsen, 665 Chemawa road, weather permitting. A CLUB hostess this after noon was Mrs. Ercel W. Kay who entertained her bridge group at luncheon and cards. Thrifty Main Dishes tiv TOift'ilJjMftt,.. II II 1 Mil II I. II IIP ,a.t'f .ft (, ..h i v Oven Chill Satisfying (AP NewsfeatureA) Here are two ground beef dishes that will help you serv a main course that's thrifty, deli cious and filling. Put them in your best baking dishes, add a first course, a salad, and a light dessert, and you'll find these hamburger variations are good enough for company. Beer Biscuit Roll with Tomato Sauce Ingredients: Vt pound ground beef, cup diced onion, M cup diced green pepper, cup bread crumbs, 1 teaspoon salt, Yi teaspoon sage, Vx cup milk, 1 tablespoon melted fat, 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour, tea spoon salt, 4 teaspoons bak ing powder, Mi cup shortening, cup milk, few sprigs parsley, tomato sauce. Method: Mix together beef, onion, pepper, bread crumbs, 1 teaspoon salt, sage and Va cup milk. Cook beet mixture in 1 tablespoon melted fat until mix ture is lightly browned. Sift together flour, Vi teaspoon salt and baking powder. Cut short ening Into mixture with 2 knives or pastry blender or rub in with fingers until mixture Is like coarse meal. Add cup milk and mix lightly. Roll dough into 9-Inch square. Spread with meat mixture. Roll as for Jelly roll. Place roll on a well greased heat-resistant glass utility plat ter. Bake in a hot (400 F.) oven for about 25 minutes. Garnish Willi parsley and serve with to mato sauce. Makes 6 servings Oven Chill Ingredients: IK pounds ground beef, 3 tablespoons fat, cup diced onion, 1 clove gar lic (peeled and minced), Hi MARCH of DIMES TALENT DISCOVERY SHOW TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 8 P.M. SALEM HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM FINALS Music by BILL DeSOUZA and hit CRYSTAL GARDENS ORCHESTRA Sponsored by Salom Shrin Club ADMISSION FREE Y' m .:-: i I ' -y , , .' -.n - - : mx V :' 1 i ( J 1 Is Betrothed The engagement of Miss Llla Jean Dugger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dugger of St. Paul, to Dennis Woelke, son of Mrs. Anna Woelke of Hebo, has been announc ed. No date is set for the wedding. (Jesten-Miller studio picture). THE WOMEN'S fellowship of Knight Memorial church is meeting for a luncheon and bus iness session, Wednesday, at the church, starting at 12:30 o'clock. ' ..i -Vv-.V'', cold weather treat tablespoons chili powder, 2 tea spoons paprika, teaspoon ore gano, 1V4 teaspoons salt, Yt tea spoon pepper, 2 'A cups tomato puree, 3 cups cooked kidney beans, 2 slices American brick cheese (about 2 ounces).- Method: Brown beef In fat. Add onion and garlic and con tinue cooking for about 5 min utes. Stir in chill powder, pap rika, oregano, salt, pepper, to mato puree and kidney beans. Pour into heat-resistant glass 2 Yi -quart bowl of oven and ta ble set. Cut cheese slices in half; arrange on top. Bake in slow (325 F.) oven for about 1 hour. Serve In small bowls of oven-table set. Makes 8 serv ings. Beef Biscuit Roll 1 9 Mrs. Bancroft Is Installed at Lodge Mrs. Clyde Bancroft was in stalled as chaplain for the new term at the meeting of the Sa lem Rebekah lodge, Monday eve ning. Mrs. LaVer Applegate presided as noble grand. Fol lowing the meeting there was a short program and refreshments were served. Announcements were made for several meetings. The Patri archs Militant ladies' auxiliary is to meet Thursday at 8 p.m. for installation at the IOOF hall; Three Links club is meeting Fri day at 2 p.m. at the hall; and the Past Noble Grands club was announced to meet this evening (Tuesday) at the home of Mrs. Clem Ohlsen at 747 South 12th street. DAY Auxiliary Meeting Listed Disabled American Veterans auxiliary will hold a regular business meeting Friday, Janu ary 27 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Rose Hagerdorn, 1405 Fir street. Preceding the meeting a no host luncheon will be served at noon. Assisting Mrs. Hagerdorn will be Mesdames Helen Cannon, Evelyn Bremmer, Ann Wood ward and Helen Martin. After the meeting the mem bers will sew on afghans for their adopted ward In Camp White hospital, Medford. On Thursday, February 2, the auxiliary willl meet for another business meeting at the Salem Woman's club house, 460 North Cottage, at which time the Am ericanism committee will give a program honoring Lincoln's birthday. MRS. F. W. POORMAN will entertain for her bridge club at supper and cards tonight at her home. Thrifty main course Officer at Kappa Meet Mrs. Charles D. Thompson of Eugene, province vice president for Kappa Kappa Gamma, was visitor at the meeting of the Salem Kappa alumnae Monday evening. Mrs. Thompson is on tour to visit alumnae groups in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Canada. Twenty-five attended the meeting and a new alumna greeted was Mrs. Jack Worth ington, who is In Salem for a few months. The meeting Monday was at the P. H, Schnell residence with Mrs. Roger Schnell, Mrs. Harry U. Miller, Mrs. Charles Mills and Mrs. Leah Hogue as hostesses. 2NewTri-Y Units Named Two new Tri-Y groups of the Salem YWCA have selected the names Esther Little and Garnet Knights. This selection is in keeping with the policy of choos ing names from volunteer and staff YWCA leadership. Mrs. Esther Little is the for mer executive director of the Sa lem YWCA and is now executive director for Kitsap county in Washington. President of Es ther Little Trl-Y Is Miss Dor othy Swlgart. The group's ad visers are Miss Betty Hernstrom and Miss Sally Ogle of Willam ette. Miss Garnet Knights is the for eign field secretary in Mexico. Miss Darlene Kleen is president of this group. Advisers for the group are the Misses Mary Jo Phillips and Mary Lou Ratcliff, Willamette students. NEBRASKA CLUB auxiliary is meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ella Vorm, 1017 Elm street, West Salem. A no- host luncheon will be served at 12:30 o'clock. m On Manicuring (AP Ncwafftaturei) To clip or not to clip our cu ticles is the question. Some of us are of the dyed-in-the-wool "no-ollp" school. But it all depends on personal taste, and if your cuticles be come ragged every few days, naturally, you will have to keep them smooth with a profession al manicure that can be done at home. If you are a cuticle snipper, and do your own nails at home, keep your implemnets In good condition so as to prevent in fection. A rusty or dirty imple ment can cause serious trouble. Nail implements should be oil ed after use and deposited in a moisture proof or clean con tainer and kept away from dampness. Before using, dip them into alcohol. Many of us try to , emulate our manicurists, but we really do not know how to go about a professional manicure. The next time you get a manicure, watch your manicurist carefully, so you can do your nails at home on the occasions when you can not get to a beauty parlor. A slip of the cuticle nipper can cause a tear In the skin around the nail that will give you trou ble for months. You can get combination pushers and nippers madeofsur gical steel, easier to handle than separate implements. Such gad gets, if handled properly, can give the same results as those used in the beauty parlor. Even if you do not cut your cuticle as a regular habit, you will have to cut those ragged little edges at the corners of your nails oc casionally. Be careful when you do. Good Vision Is a Financial Asset Is yours os good as it was last year? DR. S. A. WHEATLEY OPTOMETRIST 725 Court St. Ph. 2-4469 Mrs. Mansfield Plans Party Among hostesses of the mid week will be Mrs. Oliver Mans field who has Invited a group for bridge Thursday evening. Guests Include Mrs. Leon Margoslan, Mrs. Verne Davis, Mrs. William Johnston, Mrs. Ralph Atwood, Mrs. Sam C. Campbell, Mrs. Farley Mogan, Mrs. Robert Eyre, Mrs. James Stone. Bynon-Smith Wedding Jan. 20 The marriage of Miss Maxyne Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith, to Fred S. Bynon, III, son of Fred S. Bynon, Jr., all of Salem, was solemnized last Friday evening, January 20, in the Chapel by the Sea at Nels cott. The service took place at 10 o clock, the Rev. Vernon E. Ross, Jr., officiating. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Benjamin attended the couple. The bride wore a navy blue suit with winter white hat and gloves, and Mrs. Benjamin wore a cocoa brown suit with match ing accessories. The couple will be at home at 837 North Commercial, Salem. Shower Given Unionvale Complimenting Mrs. Andrew Harness, who was married Friday, December 30, a surprise miscellaneous bridal shower was given last week at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Clow, of Unionvale. Guessing games were past- time diversions. Refreshments were served. Attending were the honorees grandmother, Mrs. Mary E. Shelburne, 82, Mrs. Claude Shelburne, Mrs. Lyle Burnham, Mrs. Ed Clow, Mrs. Hale Hendrickson, Mrs. Cecil Jones, Mrs. Richard Jones, Mrs. Timothy King, Mrs. Ari Launer, Mrs. La Veil Patterson, Mrs. Louis Stanlicht, Mrs. John Tliien, and Mrs. Andrew Harness, the bride. Anniversary Event Silverton Relatives from Silverton attending the observ ance of the 41st wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. Harve Evans, arranged by their fellow Grange members at the Clear Lake hall, Friday evening, were Mr. and Mrs. William Evans and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans and Lila and Arthinia and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conklin The Evans Brothers orchestra furnished old time music for an informal dance. Gifts were pre sented the honored couple and a late supper was served. SPIRITUALIST Sunfl o w e r club is meeting Thursday at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Harlie Smalley, 2184 South Winter. JOB'S DAUGHTERS, U.D., met Saturday for a short busi ness session and made plans for initiation to be conducted the evening of February 4. MRS. RALPH PURVINE is to be hostess to her knitting club on Friday afternoon. ' has Botltr to mMturef Easier to eotorf Easier on your pocketbook! That's Nuooa in the new Measure-Pak. Every pound is cut in convenient quarters, but you pay nothing extra. Other reasons that have made Nucoa America's favorite margarine are: freshness, richness and high-food value. Cooks noisseurs of flavor are using Nucoa tnarsarine for everything today. Vo wonder.. HfQA Is America's Layest Mlty Mayan'ne Amaranth Women .Guests at Dessert Mre nlpnn Slpntz. Mrs. Frank WoMnor inH Mrs. .Tames Tindall were hostesses Saturday at the Tindall residence at a aesseri party for the women of Cherry court, Order of the Amaranth. A group of 28 attended. A shower was given for Mrs. Stanley Dilatush. Besides the women of the pnnrt Mrs. R. Lee Wood and Mrs. James Manning attended as guests. Mrs. Huston to Be Speaker for Club Members of the board for Women of Rotary held their meeting Monday afternoon at the home of the president, Mrs Ralph H. Cooley. Plans were made for the gen eral meeting of the group next Monday at the Golden Pheasant, a luncheon and program being planned. Mrs. Oliver Huston is to be guest speaker, her topic to be "Bicycling Through Eu rope." Josephine Albert Spauld ing is to sing, accompanied by Mrs. A. A. Schramm. Attending the board meeting were Mrs. Clay Cochran, Mrs. Ernest Crockatt, Mrs. P. H. Bry- don, Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs. K. H. Pickens, Mrs. Chester Pickens, Mrs. Robert Sprague, Mrs. Floyd Bressler, Mrs. Ralph Cooley. Mckinley school Moth ers' club Is to meet this eve ning (Tuesday) at 8 o'clock at the school building. No special program is planned, this to be a general meeting. All mothers of the school are invited. THE FRATERNAL Order of Eagles auxiliary Is sponsoring us regular card party at 1 p. m, Wednesday in the FOE hall, 871 worm iigh. IF YOU EVER HOPED TO GIVE YOUR CHILDREN DANCING NOW Is the BEST TIME! Classes are now being formed for this season in Ballet, Toe, Tap, Acrobatic, Character and Ballroom Dancing. MONDAY thru SATUR DAY in our Two Spacious Ball Rooms at the "PAUL ARMSTRONG SCHOOL OF DANCING 1990 Mission St. Telephone 27523 "Visit Anytime" now nonRf?.?, -.has the NEW Neasure-Vak print such Flavor and con OSC Mothers Plan for Reception Stat Cnllese Mothers club, Salem unit, met Monday at the home of Mrs. John H. Car kin Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, Sr., president, in charge. Plans were outlined for a re ception to be given on February 13 to honor Mrs. uscar i. raui son, president of the state or ganization of Oregon State Col lege Mothers clubs, and Mrs. George H. Swift, who Is the state president for the university or Oregon Mothers clubs. The reception is to be given at the home of Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson, 2290 South 12th street. Guest speaker for the Monday' meeting was Oscar I. Paulson, state vocational education direc tor. The club provided toys for the Beaver play school at Camp Adair and gave a sum of money to the Smith Trailer camp at OSC. The special prize at the meet- na wonl tn Mrs. A. R. Tartar and the membership prize ta Mrs. Ruth Fugate. Mrs. G. A. Keener and Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson were in charge of the tea. WOMEN OF St. Vincent de Paul parish announce their next card party is planned for the evening February 2, at 8 o'clock at the hall. It was to have been staged January 26, Thursday of this week, but was changed be cause of the weather. HOSTESS to her bridge club on Wednesday will be Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod at her coun try home. Mrs. Leonard Hicks, Mrs. William Ryan and Mrs. Wil liam M. Smith will be additional guests. EASY MEASURING GUIDE 0 " H ew n n A