18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, January 24, 1950 GEVURTZ Announces . . . r Not since grandpa wore a Night Bap... a Mattress Savings event "5 ' A K i. , 1 ' If H ' vi , 1 i3 Says Russians Have U. S. Gun Col. Frank C. Lynch, war time army ordnance officer, holds picture of a group of men looking at an American super secret, self-aiming anti-aircraft gun which he says, In a story published by the Los Angeles Times, has been in Russian hands since 1944. Col. Lynch is quoted as saying he was ordered to deliver it to the Russians from Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. (AP Wirephoto). Parking Restricted at Places Where Signal Lights Go in An ordinance was enacted by the city council Monday night that will be made part of the contract with the state highway commission for installation of traffic lights at South Commercial and Owens streets and at Portland road and Lana avenue. It provides that automobiles shall not be parked within 30 feet of the nearest curb line on any of the corners at South Commer cial and Owens, or within 50 - feet of the nearest curbline at Portland road and Lana. It is in the interest of safety and proper operation of the signal lights. The council passed the bill providing for a distributors' tax on coin-in-the-slot vending ma chines which was amended two weeks ago to make it less bur densome on smaller operators. One other ordinance was en acted. It gives William Krcbs permission to erect and install a special wall sign. Bills introduced, to be on the calendar for final action at the next meeting wore: Levying assessments for the cost of removing weeds, brush etc., from property during 1949 Changing the name of Lincoln avenue in Churchmere addition, west of the river, to White ave nue. Alderman Musgrave said the West Salem city council changed the name to Van avenue a year and a half ago, and he thought the change to White would be protested. Tiie name Lincoln is undesirable because it conflicts witli a street name on the east side of the river. Segregating the assessment for the improvement of Grove street. Providing a special setback line for a house at 1295 Fir street. Providing for the street num bering of buildings and premises. Petitions signed by a majority of property owners were receiv ed and referred to the city man ager for the improvement of Catterlin avenue from Center to Fredrick; Fairmount from Hoyt to McGilchrist and South Sum mer from Judson to the city lim its. A petition for the Improve ment of East avenue from 14th to 15th was insufficient. Resolutions declaring Inlcrt lion to pave were introduced and adopted for Willow from 'High to the end of Willow; 22nd -street from Lee to Shelton; 1 linos Irom 12th to 13th; Madison from Church to Cottage; and 20th from Bellevuo to Oak. Referred to the city manager was a request for one-hour park ing on Marion street in the 600 block from Church to the alley 'used by the Greyhound buses. i Three liquor licenses were approved, also these applications .of licenses: Mollie B. Shepherd, apartment house; Mike Stein ibock, motor vehicle wrecker; -Able L. Steinbock, Junk dealer; Wheeler Inn, milk, food and soft drinks; Irena A. Shattuck, auto wreckers; The Temple, the Owl club, the Pastime club, and Al fred Fox, billiards and pool. Public hearings were set for February 13 on petition for a xone change in Block 32, Uni versity addition, and on a peti tion by Louise and B. Lorenz for the vacation of alleys in Yew Park addition in exchange for the city accepting a deed for other property for alley purpo ses. The council accepted reports of the planning and zoning com mission recommending that the city accept a deed from J. M. Horberger for property to be used for street purposes; to name a street east of Salem "Meadow lane;" for naming a street south of the city "Lyman lane;" and a street south of Salem Heights avenue "Norris lane." A resolution providing that parking be prohibited on Port land road between Lana avenue and the north city limits was again tabled. Truman's War Buddy Has Fatal Heart Attack Independence, Mo., Jan. 24 (IP) Roger T. Sermon, a close friend of President Truman and mayor of Independence for 26 years, died last night. He was 59. He died of a heart attack as he was leaving City hall. Sermon, who operated a groc ery, was a democratic leader in Jackson county, the president's home county. FOR Insured Sayings SEE C:i ririr Federal Savings First Current Dividend 2Vi st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 142 South Liberty 1 Charles B. Minor Finds Answer to 2-Car Problem! Charlie B. Minor, employed for 10 years by Pacific Plywood Corporatioii, Willamina, Ore gon, which is near Salem, Ore gon, choses a new Kaiser Trav eler after looking at all other makos of cars. "I purchased a Kaiser Traveler from I eaaue Motor Company at Salem, Oregon, because oth er owners, living in our vicin ity, praise their cars so highly. and because only a Kaiser Traveler will give me a dual purpose automobile. I am cer tain I received the most for my money. A truly better balanced car." Over 400,000 big stylish Kjisers and Frazers have been sold. Hundreds of Oregon families enjoy this comfort, safety, per formance and economy. Teogu Motor and Implement Company S35 N, Liberty Street Salem, Oregon See the 7950 KAISER TRAVELER The Car With a Dual Life For the Best Deal See TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty Phone 24173 "Sir 'ST Once-a-year... and only once-a-year this genuine Sealy "69th Anniversary" Mattress Home-makers, It's the annual Sealy "5c-ebration" you'va been waiting 365 days to welcome! Genuine Sealy Inner spring "Anniversary" Mattresses specially designed... specially manufactured. ..specially priced for this sensational value-opportunity. Not since Grandpa bought his Sealy has there been so much good, old-fashioned value pre-built into an innerspring mattress selling at such a low price 1 Our supply is limited... so come in today and join the parade to the One... the Only... the Traditional Sealy Anniversary Celebration of Once-a-Year Mattress Savings I Only these Superb Sealy "Anniversary Mattresses" feature: V "Brocateen" Covers... decorator-designed, richly textured, sturdily beautiful fabrics found usually on mattresses priced 25 higher! V Body balanced innerspring unit with hundreds of specially tempered resilient coils. V Miracle Mesh Insulation V "Handi-Crip" Handles for easy turning V 8 out-size ventilators to guarantee hygienic service V Luxuriously.padded, pre-built borders to prevent sagging and stretching V Box-spring in matching deluxe "Brocateen" cover at the same once-a-year anniversary price: $39.95 TERMS . . . 1 00 Down 1 00 A Week I