Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 24, 1950, Page 15, Image 15

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Tigress Attacks Trainer
Taking Cub Out of Cage
Thousand Oaks, Cal., Jan. 24 (U.R) Mabel Stark, veteran animal
trainer who calls herself the "only woman, crazy enough to fool
around with tigers," was attacked Monday by a mother tigress
when she tried to remove a cub from a cage.
Billy Richards, co-owner of the World Jungle Compound,
animal farm where the accident
occurred, said the tigress, a sev
End of Trail Harry Fleischer, 46, member of Detroit's
Purple Gang, is shown on way to FBI office in Miami, Fla.,
after his arrest at Pompano Beach. The two FBI agents are
not identified. (AP Wirephoto).
Doctors Put in
Defense Story
Portland, Jan. 24 VP) Oregon
Medical society members con
tinued defense testimony today
In the trial on federal charges
of anti-trust law violations.
The society is accused of at
tempting to monopolize pre-paid
medical service in the state. The
trial resumed yesterday after a
recess since Nov. 11.
Dr. Edwin R. Durno, Medford,
said yesterday he had opposed
commercial pre-paid medical in
surance programs because he
believed they treated doctors
unfairly. He said fees were in
adequate, patients often were
sent to Portland specialists and
the payment plan involved too
much red tape.
He explained that doctors had
formed a Southern Oregon Med
ical Service association but that
it failed after a few years. He
blamed the commercial associa
tions for this. He said they had
provided many favors to key
industrialists in order to get the
medical business.
en-year-old named Pasha, was
generally considered to be
"very tame."
"Miss Stark reached into the
cage to get one of the cubs and
somehow, I don't know how.
Pasha clamped her jaws around
Mabel's arm," Richards said.
He said it was impossible to
tell how serious the wound is
until a hospital examination is
Attendants at Burbank hospi
tal, where she was taken, would
say only that she is a patient
Richards did not witness the
accident, but he said Miss Stark
reached her right arm into the
cage and was able to jerk it free
again when Pasha momentarily
released it.
Trainer Tony Anthony and
Hank Craig, an employe of the
compound, rushed to help the
woman but she was free when
they arrived.
Dr. Starr Leslie, a woman
doctor here, rushed Miss Stark
to the hospital with her hus
band, Ed Trees, who also wit
nessed her struggle.
Miss Stark, who has been
training tigers for 32 years, had
Just returned to the World Jun
gle Compound, a local animal
farm, for the winter season af
ter touring with Pollack Bros.
Shrine circus. She is the only
woman trainer who includes
tigers in her act.
When the accident happened.
she was training her animals to
take part in a March of Dimes
benefit circus scheduled here
Feb. 4.
The accident followed by less
than a month a similar accident
in which another woman animal
trainer, Mae Shaffer, was claw
ed to death by a lion at a Thou
sand Oaks animal farm.
Liquid nitrogen will quickly
chill a piece of metal to minus
320 degrees Fahrenheit.
444 State St. Salem, Ore.
Newport Lumber to
Go to Gulf Ports
Washington, Jan. 24 (U.R)
The interstate commerce com
mission today authorized the
first permanent water transpor
tation service between the lum
ber area around Newport, Ore.,
and gulf coast ports .
The ICC authorized the Luck
enbach Gulf Steamship Co., Inc.,
New York, to carry passengers
and freight between Newport
and the eight gulf coast ports it
already serves.
The ICC said the company
estimated that it will transport
enough lumber from Newport to
bring in an additional $350,000
in annual revenues.
Woman to Be
1 12Thursday
Wapwallopen, Pa., Jan. 24 W
Pennsylvania's oldest resident,
Mrs. Mary O'Neil, described her
self as "still a youngster" today
as she made plans for her 112th
birthday party Thursday.
"I feel fine," she said, "but I
don't get out enough."
The tiny, English-born grand
mother lives in a small home
on Stonecrusher hill, a half-mile
up a steep, winding lane from
the nearest paved highway and
two miles distant from Wapwall
open, a Luzerne county village
of 235 residents.
The nearest big cities In this
hard coal region are Hazleton
and Berwick and Mrs. O'Neil
says she hasn't been "to town"
since she moved here 13 years
"I don't like automobiles and
it's too far to walk," Mrs.
O'Neil told newsmen.
Born in Yorkshire, England.
Mrs. O'Neil married at 26 and
had seven children. Her hus
band, George, died when she was
50 and she came to the U.S., set
tling in the Hazleton area.
Two of her children are liv
ing. They are Mrs. Mary Duk
worth, 72, now of Quebec. Can
ada, and James O'Neil, 70, of
Lancastershire, England.
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, January 24, 1950 15
Hydrogen Is lighter than helium.
Silage Forum Dated for
Marion Co. Farmers
Marion county farmers have
scheduled a silage forum for
Saturday, February H at 10
Ten samples of as many dif
ferent kinds of silage were taken
to the laboratory last week by
Ben A. Newell, county extension
agent. Dr. J. R. Haag, agricul
tural chemist, will test the silage
samples for protein, vitamin A.
acidity, dry matter, flavor and
odor. His report will be read
for the February 11 meeting so
farmers feeding silage can com
pare fresh samples with the
Every farmer is invited to
bring a sample of his silage
And other rectal dis
orders Seated wlth
ut hospitalization.
Naturo-Rectal Specialist
1144 Center St. Phone S-9468
The Right Way to Rebuild
Free of Weed Seeds
.. $10.00
. 17.50
V sacks
1 ton . . .
2 tons
FREE Delivery Anywhere
In Salem area
Phone 3-8127
GHAWt VAUff I! f
Isn't it meat to
H and
SURE, it's good looking.
"Neatest looking thing on
wheels I" folks say.
And, man alive, is it wonderful to
touch toe to treadle and see what
stepped-up, still higher compres
sion Fireball valve-in-head power
can dol
Pretty slick, too, the way these
new Buicks snuggle neatly into
tight parking places thanks to
inches saved by that perfectly swell
new idea in front-end design.
But know what the sweetest news
of all is about this 1950 Buick line?
Mister, you can pick and choose!
With nearly a score of body types
to choose from four wheelbases
five power ratings Coupe, Sedan,
Convertible, Riviera and Estate
Wagon models there's a car here
for just about every taste.
Nor does it stop there.
You can have the equipment
you want, too. Get these 1950
swifties with a whole host of
accessories which you specify
to suit your own taste.
, mmm
As for prices good sir, just go
look at them I
They literally cover every price
bracket above the very lowest.
This year's Buicks range from
eights that are priced like sixes to
majestic fine cars that are the
value-sensation of their field
some even cost less per pound than
certain versions of the lowest
priced cars.
Yes, it's really a grand treat to
visit a Buick showroom these
days. You can pick and choose
as you haven't been able to for
Get quick delivery, too, on many
Why not go see about signing
up for one right away? '
Dj"y at
vuk DOOR
IM Coup.
M" St-t, t-pau .
7t.t 4
no., 3.J. '
" M. may "oilL : W"h01"
Pboam youzBVICX Ottdmxtai itmMitrmtion-BJirkt Nlmrl
Whmm bmtur lUMatllM mrm talis Mil CM will tail IHmm
388 North Commercial Salem, Oregon
Don't Miss GEVURTZ Creates!
ir Easiest Possible Terms!
Come in Look Around Shop Leisurely No High Pressure
Salesmanship Here!
All NEW, Fresh, Clean Furniture from Our Own Stock!
No "White Elephants" -No "Buyer's Mistakes" or Cheap
Merchandise Specially Bought for Clearance Sale Purposes!
Lamp Values!
Reg. $12.75 Floor Lamp, 6-
way, complete with shade $ 9.95
Reg. $13.75 Bridge Lamp
with shade . $10.75
Reg. $18.65 Table Lamp,
oiled $ 4.95
Reg. $19.75 Lovely Table
Lamp $12.75
Reg. $2.85 Folding Clothes
Dryer $ 1.49
leg. $28.75 Framed Plate
Mirror $19.75
Reg. $29.90 35-pe. Set of
Pottery Dinnerware . . .$19.95
Reg. $26.75 Floor Lamp
with shade $12.95
Sale! Occasional!
Reg $96.00 Cocktail Table,
tooled leather top. . .$ 49.00
Reg. $48.00 Cocktail Table,
tile top $ 24.75
Reg. $198.00 Drop Leaf Table
and 6 chairs $149.00
Reg. $79.00 Drop Leaf
Extension Table . . . .$ 49.00
Reg. $159.00 Drum Table,
leather mahogany top $ 79.00
Reg. $79.00 Flip Flop Wall
Table, mahogany . . .$ 49.00
Reg. $219.00 8-pc. Dining
Suite, limed oak . . . $139.00
Reg. $47.00 Dining Chairs,
set of 6 $ 25.00
Reg. $84.00 Occ. Chair,
tapestry upholstered $ 39.75
See These Bargains!
Reg. $114.00 Fine Innersprlng
Sofa Bed, slightly
shopworn $69.50
Reg. $24.50 Layer Felt
Cotton Mattress $14.75
Reg. $26.50 Fins Inner
spring Mattress $17.95
Reg. $49.50 Sealy Box
Spring, slightly soiled. .$29.50
Req. $39.50 Hollywood
Bed, 23 $19.50
Reg. $98.00 Chair and
Ottoman $79.00
Reg. $109.00 Foam Rubber
Mattress $59.75
Reg. $16.75 Smartly Finished
Metal Bed $12.95
Bedroom Bargains!
Reg. $449.00 5-pc. Drexel
Modern Blonde Mhg. $339.00
Reg. $383.00 5-pc. Modern
Birdseye Walnut $295.00
Reg. $498.00 4-pc. 18th
Century Mhg. Suite. $398.00
Reg. $267.00 5-pc. Eastern
Hard Maple Bedroom
Suite $189.00
Reg. $129.75 4-pc. Modern
Bleached Suite $ 99.75
Reg. $150.00 4-pc. Modern
Bleached Walnut . . .$ 89.75
Reg. $224.00 6-pc. Twin
Blonde Walnut Suite $1 79.00
Reg. $169.00 Lovely 5-pc.
Walnut Veneer Bedroom
Suite $139.00
Odds and Ends!
Living Room Buys!
Reg. $199.00 2-pc. mas
sively styled suite,
friexe $159.00
Reg. $319.00 King Sixe
Davenport, upholstered
friexe, 4 cushions. . . .$249.00
Reg. $349.00 Kidney Dav
enport, down cushion. $225. 00
Reg. $214.00 Sofa Bed and
Lounge Chair $139.00
Reg. $229.00 Simmons Sec
tional Sofa Bed $129.00
Reg. $139.00 2-pc. Solid Maple
Sofa Bed and Chair. .$ 89.75
Reg. $1 19.00 Love Seat,
makes regular bed . $ 89.00
Reg. $69.00 Occasional
Chair, modern $ 19.75
Reg. $44.75 5-Drawer
Walnut Chest $29.75
leo. $14.9i Unfinished Din
ette Table, extension .. $ 8.95
Reg. $29.00 Child Work
Bench, complete with
tools $10.00
Reg. $18.75 Hollywood Bed,
23 sixe, upholstered . . $ 7.95
RoMaway Bed, complete with
innerspring mattress . .$29.75
Reg. $39.75 Cedar Hope
Chest $24.75
Reg. $32.00 Modern End Table,
blonde solid mahogany $14.75
Reg. $75.00 Drop Lid
Mahogany Desk $49.00
Reg. $32.75 Bookcase, solid
blonde mahogany . . . .$14.75
Reg. $49.50 4'ix9 Friexe
Wi'ton $29.00
D- t7T ftA A -!...
sixe 103x9 OA
ten. $96.75 9x95 Axminster
heavy grade $59.00
Reg. $84.50 9x88 Axminster
scroll pattern $52.00
Reg. $123.75 12x125 Axmin
ster, good quality $79.00
Reg. $83.00 67x12 Ax
minster $54.00
Reg. $58.00 12x8 Floral
Axminster $37.50
Reg. $12.00 Chenille
Rug, 4x6 $ 5.95
Reg. $24.00 Westminster
Cotton Rug. 4x6 $1 1.95
In 9 and
12 ft.