14 Capita Journal, Salem, Or., Tuesday, January 24, 1950 A Man Is Missing RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY P.M. By ERLI STANLEY GARDNER tOrttr of the famous fictional detective, Perry Uuoo) r SURE-PJ MAPPV, ROPSR BUT I TWJJ r AND WE WITH BLOT MXIft TEARS WTThI ( -IN EXCHANSS fOS ) . I CAN LOOK AHPAO-SIX PAll?S O EXACTLV 13.5 'THIS SCRAP OP PAPER, .. V SO.OOO." S j: S SHOES AT A TIMe." SIX TO TAKB JWjHKf ;. . A CONTRACT GIVING , J' .' 'St'- V "CVY-' ' Jl mC.US-'O SXIJTTLB 8UDDS-. J KfO A WtfJ She was suddenly suspicious of the Intense attitude of concentration ,THB STORY THUS PAR: Sheriff Bill Qatlln asks Hank Lucas, a dude wrang ler, to help him locate an amnesia, vic tim, Frank Adrian. Tlx only clue la a picture postcard sent from their section ot Idaho by Adrian to hla wife, Corllu, the previous October. Although they had been married three yean, the card was a'ddreued to hU wife by her maiden name. It showed Adrian In front of a trapper cabin ana Tom uorion, a pno ttiariDher. recalls havini made up the card for the mlMlnc man the previous lummer. Hank agrees to guide CorlLsa and a city detective named James De Wltt In a March for the cabin. MOW OO ON WITH TUB HTOKY. (Chapter Two) The woman who left the noon stage and entered the hotel was sjender - waisted, smooth - hipped, self-reliant. She seemed to have confidence in her ability to ac complish what she set out to do and to know exactly what It was she had in mind. ' Conscious of the fact that the stage driver was watching her curl' ouslv. she walked smoothly and un hesitatingly into the hotel, crossed the loooy to tne aesK, noaaea w way Fleldon. the proprietor, and took the pen which he handed her. . For a brief moment she hesitated its the point or tne pen was ncid over the registration card, and Ray Fleldon, knowing from long experi ence the meaning of that momen tary hesitation, cocked a quizzical eyebrow. . Then the woman wrote in a firm, clear handwriting, "Marion Chand ler, Crystal City." ' "I"d like something with a bath, If you have it," she said. "I expect to be here only long enough to make arrangements to pack in to the Mid dle Fork country. Perhaps you know of some packer who is thoroughly reliable." Fleldon met those steady, friend ly eyes and acknowledged defeat. "Well, now, ma'am, the Best pneker nereaoouts is name micas, as a mnt, ter of fact, he's starting In to the Middle Fork country tomorrow, taking a party in a man and n woman. Just a chance you might get to team up witn tnem." Fieldon broke off as the door was pushed open, and Marlon Chandler xournea to survey tne loose-jointed figure In tight-fitting Levi's and high-heeled boots that entered the lobby. "This Is Hank now," Fieldon said In an undertone. - Hank gave the young woman a swift, comprehensive glance, then swept off the sweat-stained som brero to disclose dark curly hair, carelessly tumbled about his head. Fieldon performed introductions and explained the reason for them ' "Well, now," Hank said, "it's all right with me. but you d better sort of get acquainted with those other people this aiternoon, see how you like them,, and then sound them out. It's i. sort of embarrassing If Vou get out with people you don't lOce." . 'Oh, I'm quite sure I'd get along with these other people." "Well, they'd ought to get along witn you,' name saia. witn open admiration. "What you going In ftr? Fishing. Or hunting? Or?" . She gave him the same smile she had given Flelden. "I'm an amateur photographer. I want pic tures of the Middle Fork country, arid I'm particularly anxious to get pictures of people people who have lived in that country for a long time. The old residents, you know. Types. Character studies." "You got a sleeping bag. ma'nm?" "Down at the express orrice that Is. it should be. I sent in mast of my stuff by express a few davs ago." "I'll look it up." Ray Fieldon said, and then asked casually, "Sent from Crystal Slty?" , She met his eyes. "No " she said "Merely inquire for a package sent to Marlon Chandler, care of the express office, if you will please." Some time early the next after noon Marlon Chandler looked back on the long line of horses from her, position near the head of the string. The packs, covered with white tar paulins and swaying slightly from' side to side with the motion of the I ------ ak i r i horses, made the pack string look like some huge centipede, each white pack a joint in tne Doay. Hank Lucas led the procession, Behind him was Corliss Adrian. whom Marion judged to be about tweny-seven. She had chestnut hair, brown eyes, and was wrapped in an aura of subdued tragedy. It was a pose which well suited her, a pose which Marion felt would make men refer to her as "brave." Back of Marlon Chandler, James A. Dewitt, thick, jolly Individual In the middle thirties, frankly hung to the horn of the Western saddle when he came to the bad places In tne trail. Behind mm rode Sam Eaton, who was dojng the cooking for the party, a quiet, middle-aged man who said nothing except when arjsoiuteiy necessary. Back of him the pack horses came swaying along, and bringing up the rear was Howard Kenney, the as sistant wrangler, a young man who had but recently been discharged from the Army and whose eyes con tained a toucn oi sadness. Hank Lucas, at the head of the procession, rode with long stirruns ana a loose duck. His sweat-stained sombrero was far back on hu head and he kept up a steady succession oi cowDoy songs. At mldafternoon the long string of horses wound Its way down the canyon ana aerjoucnea on tne Mid' die Pork of the Salmon River. The trail followed the river for couple of miles, then wound around a rocky point where the way naa ueen Diastea out oi sneer gran ite, ana nere tne trail was barely wiae enougn to give a norse loot ing. ihev made camn In a grassv meadow, with nines furnishing n welcome, ine cook nna a lire go ing, and even before the wranglers una imisnea noooung the horses, Mnrfon could smell the aroma of cooking. James Dewitt came over to stand by her. "You do quite a bit of riding." "What makes Vou think that?" "I don't know the wav von were sitting on tne norse. l m all In." Marlon nodded toward the'eamo- fire. "Wait until that gets down to coals and vou begin to smell the oroiung steaks." Dewitt made an exaggerated mo tion of wiping the back of his hand across his lips. "Guess I'll start my diet tomorrow," he said. so you're taking pictures?" "That's right."' "Have a contract with some mag azine?" No, I'm free-lancing." Rather an expensive trlD lust ior iree-iancing, isn t lt r "I don't think to," she said cool iy. It was plain that Dewitt wanted to ask more questions, but her man ner held his curiosity in check. Corliss Adrian came over to Join them. "Wasn't it perfectly delight ful?" she asked, but her voice was lint witn latigue. Marlon wns graeful for the fa tigue that DOl'clnented the camn which she knew had interposed a shield between her and what had apparently been a well-planned course of questioning agreed upon in advance. Dewitt had done his part, but Corliss had been too tired lo keep up the menial effort. "I'm going to roll In." Marlon an nounced. "Good night, everyone.' James Dewitt sighed, and said. uooa merit." He arose and start ed for his sleeping bng. His first two steps were staggering, off-bnl-nnce attempts to keep himself erect as ins crnmpea muscles ior the mo ment refused to to work. A mo. ment later Corliss Adrian hod rolled in. and Marlon, hurriedly disrobing, slid down Into her sleeping bag. She looked over at the campflre, where Hank Lucas, Sam Eaton, and How ard Kenney were gathered In a little group sunouettea against the glow ing embers. She wondered alwntlv at. ih uh. lect of their conference and de termined that she would lie awake to watch them, suddenly suspicious of the Intense attitude of concen tration. She doubled the light pillow of her sleeping bag to prop her head up so she could see them more clearly, closed her eyes momentarily when they began to smart, to stmt out the light of the campflre. Her consclonsness was almost instantly sucked down into an abyss of warm comfort. . . (What Is the mystery surrounding Marion Chandler? I she reallv a Shotographer or is she linked with le search for Adrian? Don't miss tomorrow's Installment.) ICoPTrltht by Krl, fILnltr Gardner) O T""- T'eH? WSORpY ME? WHV, I'M 1 Y OH --I-" I GUESS "noTwTTT"-71 R s"Towspaomi-l i was lookincj for I bill boms-. 9 ) there's beem-en I SEcoND-srr dowNi h.v p l-OTifcK NO USE KNOCKING-" HE'S MY J MY PAL-JACK SACK- I HERE WHO I I I THAT IS- TO TALK WITH i !.:. '.a r x president w " am i tZ3 s-srsj i iavmMVTi zias I5Z'P.2SSrjs M 1 1 HAVE 60 A (but; Yi I mah bov, name V he sounds VI 1 1 did-and look what i fp j ?"7SE'"H-fllMENTA'-cASESIN DR. An9 loFLI'L ABNER, J SENSIBLE To I MARRIED.''-A GIRL CAN t ffiSSTSSKt1 - i-l?,?-. f I NEW YO,,K' lws( ( SHNOOK,! I IS SICK IN TH' A ME.7 MOST J I CHANOC THE EXPRESSION ON 1 DITION TO TAKE A CASE.'r- gjl I BARELY ABLE TO N r VORE I I BRAINS. HE, f BOVS FALL IN 1 I HER FACE WITH COSMETIC'' J ICANTVDUMC I'M HAVING W?l I TAKE TIME OFF TO . MAJESTY-1 IDONE FELL IN V LOVE WITH THE I I BUT. A KNEECAP.'.'-AH ITS 1 L I A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN tK PuT MYlt1-'' UNDER ) I LOVE WIF TH' j EXPRESSION 1 I EUPRESSION COESN CHANGE.1T I V . Tgmm V I I THt "RE OF DP. . I EXPRESHONJ ( ON A GIRL'S J I I IT'S SIMPLE, AND HONEST. V- WrmmAkrrAXm JOTS) I I GELDING, THE LOCAL) jrfirr-A I ON A GAL'S YS FACE A' r- I I A KNEECAP VOU CAN j 1 I A HEAVV RUMBLE TEI I9 HOPPVANn IUTKV I Wvrn uKni ioreiew 'WimmmSlk h mm lwoh mmmmi M JSAV. VOUHE THE Guv f VOU SAID SHE W SHE Vf DO I KNOW EASy KF IT EATS YHOW CAN 0H VOU'LL HMEjn I 7 IWHO SOLD ME THIS lrZ. WOULD TALK Ycuni r.1 ic euc'o a cic CFT A tub ui c ttci I 1 v--nwvcyrj " B!R0 A COUPLE Of, AND SHE AIN'T J TALK I AND NOT A X., i IT'S IF A WORM V 7ZAJ ( J T MIWTUC 7 ""I c. 1 iiimn !-. I 1 T A WORM AND I. CI ir ,c a a. a UP W TH THE ,u0,d HOWS I . . X SHt:,A n HE' amc A MALE rc '","t,! ofiUSJ) iwt., i- mt tr .-tf- i. i.-..n rwt. rw- n-i -a "-tmii - ' - I mm an r- ' 1 -i"': w 'r I lw , . ir U K5LrV . J AVVFULFI6HTTMEyteEBUSTINy,NOOUe PHONE rTn0,"'" EM Tcv W I it .t it's so oipferent') T T r athahk. voul S7fix crTp 0 nhvSS VlH-'S GUANOS SO UTTEUy j-T" , AJV AGAIM. r sfJ j JOt O J JUS? WAT OE.UUjf-TU Wffj A MILLION.) (;" 0RJ n iiLve needed rjr-Y( t X5J) J iWihl yMJ MRJ.HIEYHEBEB -Hyf,...! think Wi'll ''I I I'VE STARTED NriN1 THI4 II I BUT THESE DON'T "JSfe. CHIMMV- -VCU ARE LA irWKAiJZ'l "MftvBt EWEtL OF WINSOME TWINS. runn&v At KALKENBROOM! SQrfiBWft, HOPE SOij- ' 1 ' "..-'". -I ,t,., p..-- ,r,-J, T'llim iMMfiTy jt, t?:ira na- r.v, q - "i KGW KOIN KEX KSLM K0C0 620 NBC 0 CBS 11M ABC 11 MBO 14B0 Ko. 500 fb S of Vt Featsre Slsrr Qnn Bornrt S trail M Arrow Swln vimi 5 '15 Newi Utile Show Green Uoroel Stralchl Arrow Swlnr Tlmo 50 Fanny Brleo Ntwi ltk Arnitronf B-Bar-B Raneta Bins Crotbr 5:45 Fanny Brlco Newt Jack Armiirona B-Bar-B Ranch Band of Par fi70fl Bop Ropo Life With Laid Edw. C. Hill Gabriel Heater CandteP C 6:15 Bop Hope Lite With Lulfl Hone Edition Northw'el Newa Candlel'l 8IL 6:30 MeGee Motlr Meditation Mod. Romances Tello Tee Newe 6:45 McGee A Molly My Belief Mod. Homancn Serenade Twilight toaw "7:00 Malsle Luni " Vbner Countenpy Drama ol Med. T B A ?:15 Malale Lum tt AAbner Connleripr Bonn of Ttnee Mueleal J'ek :30 I'eo. are Funny Vounr Love Solo Solilo. Peter Salem Evelyn Knlibt 7:45 Peo. are Funny Vounc Love Solo Ji Solilo. Peter Halem Ohae. Oobarn "rOO Sinatra. Klrst. Uw. Tbomaa Defame Time Conni M, Crleto Mldeourl 8:15 Newa of World lack Smith Defenie Time Count M Carlo SHS - Albany 8:3(1 "avalcade Mr., Hn. North Polltloi 1050 Lean Back SHS - Albany 8j45 Cavalcade Mr., Mra. North Polltlei, 1050 Confei Rep't SHS - Albany 9:00 Ronald Colem'n Myitery Tbea. Town Meetlna Glen Hardy SHS Albany 9:15 tonald Colem'n Myitery Tbea. Town Meeting McKay Speaka SHS Albany 9:30 Big Town Benlah Newi Favorite Story SHS - Albany 9:45 Big Town Club IB We Cart Favorite Story Newa 10:00 Sam Haree S-Star Final Richfield Reptr Fulton Lewla Ntgbt Song ' 10:15 Mort. Downey Vou World Intermesio Mut. Newareel Night Bant 10;30 Sporta Page Alrflo Concert Honr Newi Mus. yon Want 10j45 Dance Orch. Drchcitra Concert Hear Here'ato Mai, yea Want 11:00 Newa Serenade Concert Dour 1 Love Mratery Nocturna 11:15 Wax Hnieum Treaiury Band Concert Hobi Lea Brown Nocturne 11:30 Wax Muienm Organ Men.ee Ray Hackett Nocturne 11:45 Wax Muncnm Organ Memoi Kay Hackett Nootnrna IZiOPSIgn Off Silent jxtra Honr Sign Off 'sign Off FM Mer KGW 100.S, 8-10 p.m.. KOIN 101.1, a a.m., It P.m., KKX Ml, It I p.m. WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Hodge Podge Newi Farm Newi Morn. Newi 6:15 Newa KOIN Kloch Keep Smllfnc Muile. Timber. 6:30 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling March Time CO Kloek 6:45 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Newa KOCO Kloek "7:66 b'arly Bird KOIN Klock Newe Hemnilngway Tex Bitter 7:15 Old Songi Newi Agroniky Br'krasl Gam KOCO Kloek 7:30 Newa Newi Bob Huen Shlna Newi 7:45 Sam Haree I red Beck Zcke Mannera fop Tradw KOCO KJoefc 8:00 Eddie Albert Container Hewi Rreakfeet Club Barg. Counter Klng'g Crmadrf 8; Saddle Albert Newi Breakfait Club Family Alter Klng'a Cruaadra, 8:30 lack Btrcb Grand Slam Breakfatt Club Bible Initltute West. Melodlea 8:45 Sage Rlrteri Koiemary Breakfait Club Bible Initltute Temple Echoea 9T00 Second Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell Northw'nt Newi rime for Melod f):15 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Today'! Stan Sidney Walton Time for Mel'dy 9:30 Elometowncra Helen Trent Quick as Flaih Paslor'a Call Stan Sing 9:45 Newi Our Gal Snnd'y Quick ai Flash Walts Time L Ch. Thomae CblOO Marriage for t Big Sliter Saga Kldera Glen Hardy N. W. News 10:15 Carmen Cave). Ma Perkins Ted Malone Gospel Sinter Mem'rable Mu, 10:30 ots nouse Vg. Dr. Malone My True Story Concert Tune Time 10:45 hostess House Guiding Light My True Story Rust Morgan BB Keyg llVOO Double nr Notb. 2nd Mrs. Burt'n Betty Crocker ' Ladlei Flnt Muslo Mart 11 :lfi Double or Noth. Perry Mason Victor Llndlahr Ladlei Flnt Muile Mart 1130 T'day'a Chlldon Vorab Drake N'westerners Queen for Day Ittn Oarber 11:45 Light of World Brighter Pay N'weaterncn Queen for Day Vocal Varieties 12766 Kneass News Newa Baukhage T Trades Hollyw'd Hula 12:15 Road of Life Come Get It Newa News Hollyw'd Maala 12:30 Pepper -jung House Party Jack Norman Gay 90'g N'ewa 12:45 Happiness Home Party Meet Menjous B. Ebcrly Show Pave Dennis 1 ;00 Backstage Wife From Nowhere Breakfast In ' Bol Mitchell Mae's Melodlea 1:15 Stella Dallas Jack Holt Hollywood Bob Mitchell Mae's Melodlea :30 Lorenso Jones Garry Moora Kay Writ Tell Neighbor Mao's Melodlea 1;45 Wldder Brown Newspaper Kay West Blng Sings Mac's Melodlea 266 Gi'I Marries N'ewipaper lay-Stewart Bob Poole Mac's Melodlea 2;15 Por. Facei Llfe3teve Allen Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mac's Melodies 2:30 Juat Plain BIlHteve Allen . Bride it Groom Music for Wed. Mac's Melodlea 2:45 Ftt P,KC Farrell Tunefully Yo'ra Bride A Groom Music for Wed Mac's Melodlea 3.O0 Welcome Tray. Newi Pick "a Date Geo. Jamboree Mae's Melodlea 3:15 Welcome Trav. Artlisr Godfrey Pick a Pate Geo. Jamboree Mac's Melodlea 3:30 Aun Mary Arthur Godfrey Hannibal Cobb News Mae's Melodlea 3:45 love A Learn Arthur Godfrey Hannibal Cobb 1 Suns Mac's Melodlea 4:00 VVoman's Secret Artbnr Godfrey Art Baker Fulton Lewis News 4:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage F. Hemingway Friendly 4:30 Dr. Paul Curt Masiey Squirrel Cage Behind Story B can be Beaaa, 4:45 Paula Stone Ed R. Morrow Firefighters News IB can be Beaut, DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 l" A " Tuesday A Children's l"wM"w Theatre! 6:18, On the Ui beatt B:S0. 650 Sports Clubt 6:00, Newst 0:111. Organ 8:30. 'Round the Campflrei 7;lfl, Evening Farm noun R:00. OSC Mu ile Dept.) 8:15, Research; S:S0, This la Forestry t n:4S, Newi and Weather; 9:00, Muslo That Endurest 8:46, Evening Medi tations ilOjOflSIgn Off. Catfish Tourney Named for Veep Stuart, Fla., Jan. 24 (& An Alben W. Barkley catfish tournament to give local teen-agers a "fair deal" will start here Feb. 1. Richard Fay Warner, director of the Stuart Sailfish club, announced the tournament will be for boys and girls up to 14 years of age and first prize will be fishing tackle and a letter of congratulations from Vice President Barkley. Club President O. C. Smith obtained Barkley'g permission to name the tournament In his honor after the "Veep" referred to himself as "just an old channel cat." ACROSS 1. Health 8. Antlo 11. Prickle 12. Egg dish 14. Article 15, Part of an airplane 17. Thus 18. Cluster of fibers In wool SO. Roman naturalist 11. Falling weight of a pile driver 2Z. Festival St. Sooner than 15. Not all 2fi. Wild ass 38. Neat 50. Former foverrment ureau 51, Immerse 32. Religious com positions 6. Neckpiece 38. African arrow poison Ifl. Malayan coin 41. Unasplrated 42. Cover 43. Sets out on a voyage 49. Performed 46. Not any 47. Musical Instrument 8TTj ll m " "Wws w43 IE. 35 pST to W,' 97s" Wa iA I I I W I I 1 I mm A? rVewsfeefvree ROOM AND BOARD W I JUST WANT I SUPPOSE WHAT?- HAS HE A TO SEE HOW ',f YOU KNOW AND W THEORY ON GRAVITATION, I HE'LL 1 UNDERSTAND p TOO? HM-M--THAT5 V CAROM ' WHAT THIS NEW '( INTERESTING '. THIS SHOT-;) THEORY IS l -WHY I'VE BEEN ALL ABOUT 2 WORKING ON THE o-'" ' THAT EINSTEIN PUFFLE THEORY V MAS ON I OF GRAVITATION r -A GRAVITATION, V FOR 20 YEARS J - " - MINDS 1 1 lAAr Wednesday A. M. 10:00, Newi IXWMV. and Weathert 10:15, Espec ially for Women t 11:00. School of Alri 11:45, Morning Muilcalei 12:00, News I 13:15, Noon Farm Houri 1:00, OSO Con vocation: 2, Freedom to Grow; 2:80, Mem ory Book of Music: 2:45, School of Alri S, Musle of Masters: 4:00, Oregon Reporter! 4:18, Kern A dtSloop; 4:80, Report front Conrreasi 4:45, Defense Report. 4:45, Defense Report. O A TH A L Oig r l olw s t ATgi H A LH o l Da P L Off ESr S H AP put! A S Hj tIhIyI UAPENH lE II u w fcUs oIrIw IHlTtEIESSa CHOC OU1E T A RlHl V S. R !s p e o Up e e r Solution of Ye.tord.y'i Puzzl. (9. Mother (0, Hire 6i. Kind oi peach 64. Soft drinks ii. Bay window DOWN L Kind of moth 5. Along 8. Turkish title 4. Lose footing 6. Bank officer 8. preserved la brine ?. Chinese city . Writing implement 9. English letter 10. Take up again 11. Kind of dance 13. Drinker 16. Goddesaof healing 19. Instituted 21. Tumbled down 23. Think alike 25, Upset 27. Corrode 29. Fuss 32. Contemporary writer 33. Vegetables 34. Degrees 35. Cotton cloth 36. Beast 37. Fortification 40. Tear 43. Legend 44. Box 47. Poor 48. Silkworm 61. Proceed 63. Myself Bv Gene Ahem