I .:V 'J U.S. Counterpart of British Socialism Dangerous Enemy The most dangerous enemy of the traditional American way of life is not the Communist, declares John T. Flynn in the lead article of the February Reader's Digest, "but the American counterpart of the British Socialist." He denies he is a Socialist and operates behind a mask he calls National Planning.' These So- cialist Planners are enticing us down the dark road that has led many European nations to their doom . . . The same forces that ruined Germany, Italy, France and Bri tain are repeating their work of destruction upon our eco nomic and political organisms. Unless recognized for what they are, and stopped, they will de stroy this country." On Million Greenbacks Miss Velma Demaso stacks up on million dollars to giv a graphic Idea of the amount of money stolen from Brink's, Inc., in Boston. A $100,000 reward has been offered for the capture of the nine masked men who staged the daring holdup of the armored trucking firm. The bandits also escaped with $500,000 In checks. This photo was made DEEP inside a wll-guarded bank vault. (Acme Telephoto). Odds and Ends Discussed For Astronomical Fans By J. HUGH PRUETT 'AMronomsr, Extension Division, Oregon Higher Education firstem) 1. On December 21, 1949, we heard over radio that a news agency in Czecho-Slovakia was disseminating the line that "Sta lin is akin to the sun, and on the day he was born 70 years ear lier, the sun actually stood still in the heavens." This would surely be quite misleading to multitudes who were uninformed on matters astronomical and perhaps it was meant to be. But it was true in a certain sense. Stalin was born on the shortest day of the year, or with in a day of it if records are cor rect, the time that is known as the winter solstice. This word means "sun stands still." Old Sol has two apparent motions in the sky. One is from east to west, which is a daily affair. Then there is the motion from north to south and back to north, requiring a year. About June 22, the sun daily moves across the sky in a seem ing path that is as far north ward as it ever gets in our lati tudes. Then each succeeding day it crosses the heavens on a curve a little farther south. This con tinues until the winter .solstice when it is very low in the south and "stands still" just before starting back for another six months trip northward. Stalin was thus born at the time the "sun stands still." But it took some latter-day mind to figure that this orderly annual . feat of Old Sol was an obeisance of a heavenly body to a baby because he was to become mighty man of the earth. It might have made better publi city material had he been born at the summer solstice when the sun was at its greatest ascen dency in the starry skies. 1. A radio announcer said re cently that he was not sure whether the winter solstice in 1949 came on December 21 or 22. "Some dispatches give one day, some, the other." It came on both days, but not in any one locality. In the Paci fic Standard time zone the clocks reaa o:s p. m., uecemDer zl at the time the sun was "stand ing still." In the Eastern Stan dard time.zone, this was 11:24 p. m. of that same day. In Lon don, however, the time was 4:24 a. m., December 22. And it was December 22 in all of Europe, Asia, Atnca and on eastward to the International Date line little east of New Zealand. 3. And what is this date line? This is an imaginary line run ning from pole to pole close to the 180th meridian from Green wich but deviating from it ir places so as not to touch land This is the place "where the day begins." Immediately to the west of this line it is practically the same time of day as immediate ly east of it but always one day later. Hearse Drivers Strike Minneapolis, Jan. 24 () Min neapolis undertakers today re scheduled funerals and sought emergency equipment to replace service shut down when 40 driv ers of hearses and limousines struck in a wage dispute. The men, members of AFL Taxicab Drivers, Livery Chauf feurs, Ambulance Drivers and Helpers Union. Local 958, walk ed off their jobs yesterday and placed picket lines around the four livery firms involved. Condensed from Flynn's book, "The Road Ahead," the article warns, "We are much further along the road than we suspect. If we do not abandon that fatal road, we shall inevitably, perhaps in less than a decade, be in the condition the British now find themselves in." Summarizing the results of the British Socialist experiment, in exorbitant prices, scarcities, oppressive taxation and bureau cratic rule, Flynn emphasized that the similar movement now infiltrating our social institu tions should not be confused with "what we have long known as the Socialist Party ... It is different, modern movement, led by different men under wholly different banners." This modern Socialism means State control of the entire eco nomic system, Flynn states. While it will not take over every farm, mine, shop and fac tory, it will operate the basic functions of credit, power, fuel transportation and insurance. The rest of the economic system may be kept in private hands but must be operated accord ing to State plans, under super vision and compulsion of gov ernment bureaus. Just as this system fastened itself on Britain by .a movement that avoided calling itself "So cialist," so it is being promoted In America by persons and or ganizations that never use the word "Socialism." They call their system the "Planned Economy." The spearhead and the central planning and propaganda ma chine of the National Socialist Economic Planners in this coun try is an organization formed in January, 1947 the Ameri cans for Democratic Action. ADA advocates "balanced production targets for the whole economy," and "price, alloca tion, inventory and credit con trols." Such phrases, Flynn states, are actually a "costume of words for Socialism." While disclaiming any status as a political party, ADA has spread through 48 states, with over 75 full-fledged chapters and 100 student groups. At the moment it is backing socialized medicine without using the word Socialism. "That word the author points out, "will not emerge until the country is so lar along the road that it can not be disguised from even the most ignorant." Each Socialist proposal, such as federal invasion of the fields of banking, electric power and medicine, "is promoted as if it were just a single reform un related to all others," Flynn says. "But the fact is that each is intended to liquidate some sector of the private-enterprise system and expand the aim of Socialism." Citing the recently proposed Spence Act, to authorize the government to use vast powers "under certain conditions," Flynn warns that if the act be comes law it will give the gov ernment power of life and death over industry, mean the begin ning of the end of the price sys tem, and extend the power of seizure and search upon a hither to unimagined scale. The author urges all Ameri cans who would preserve their traditional way of life to stop apologizing for our capitalist so ciety, to guard against a single additional step toward Social ism, and to get rid of "com promising leaders who are will ing to surrender further.' Girl, 3, Rejoins Parents in U.S. Seattle, Jan. 24 W) A small but seasoned traveler is getting reacquainted with her mother and father after a separation of 14 months. But the conversation of three year-old Sonia Margarita Hinz- man will be limited for awhile until she learns the language of the strange new country of America. The little girl stepped from a plane here Sunday after journey from Frankfort, Ger many, where she had lived since her parents Mr. and Mrs. Char les Hinzman, came to the Pa cific Northwest more than year ago. The greeting: "Hello, Sonia!" brought no reply. Then her mother remember ed. "Begrussen, Sonia. Kennst du deine 'mam' und 'pap' nicht mehr?" (Greetings, Sonia. Don't you know your mother and father?") 'Yah, yah!" squealed the little girl as she threw her arms around her mother's neck. Roast a loin of pork for Sun day dinner and serve with a fruit garnish. For the garnish choose cinnamon apples, minted pears, or canned peach halves filled with currant jelly. Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Tuesday, Jan. 24, 1950 13 Senator Morse to File on Wednesday Senator Wayne Morse of Ore gon will probably file for the republican nomination Wednes day morning in the office ol Dave O'Hara, registrar of voters. Immediately following th senator will proceed to Willam ette university for a short talk with young republicans after which he will speak at the noon day luncheon of the Salem Ro tary club at the Marion hotel. (Advertuement) Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin Is irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with itching torture, try Sanitone Ointment. Itching stops prompt ly. Smarting disappears imme diately. Sanitone Ointment is also wonderful for itching feet, cracks between toes and Ath lete's foot. For Sale Willett's Capital Drug Store State at Liberty Phone 3-3118 Sub Sighted Kodiak, Alaska, Jan. 24 (IP) A cloak of official secrecy, to day surrounded reports that an unidentified submarine was sighted Sunday lurking within a half mile of one of the navy's far northern bases. Gutters . . . Downspouts Installation Service - Available FREE ESTIMATE l just saw he NEW DESOTO" Baby I jusf drove if" m cm - mi 1 1 i i n " r's NEW end! exciting! It's big, beano ful and breath-taking. It's the new De Soto. It could be yours! This year drive a fine aa ... one that's got all the room and luxury your heart desires . . . that lets jou drive without shifting . . . that makes you proud cvtry minute. Drive this De Soto that's brand-new from front to back. It has Tip-Toe Hydraulic Shift and Fluid Drive.. Jiigh-conipression Power master engine . . new, bigger brakes . . . feather-light steering . . . weather proof ignition . . . every quality feature you can think of. Tet h is easy to buy and economical to operate. Come in and see it soon. And let us arrange to have you drive it at your convenience. Tune in TBI CROUCHO KIM show, 'Ton Bet Your Life,''. Every Wednesday night ever all CBS stalumt seelVEdOIUand WMOUTHat W. L. ANDERSON, INC. 368 Marion St. Salem, Oregon INCOME TAX Returns Prepared 403 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 3-5780 FOR APPOINTMENT Kentucky IWiskey -ABlend W 1 OLD rcMJ BW .Villi J.J.UJ.MT11: M.1 : "FOR GENERATIONS A GREAT KENTUCKY FAVORITE" . A Gentleman's Whiskey from Kentucky National Distillers Products Corporation, New York 86 Proof 65 Grain Neutral Spirit! " Torture Test in Elfstrom's Window Mottr.it "Torture Test" ot Laboratories of U. S. Telling Company This "torture test" roller shows you why it's best to buy a Beauty rest! Torture Test in Elfstrom's Window 1 i! jt"" When you buy a mcrffresf, you're making one of your moir Important household purchases. For your marl re is is something that should hst and latt ... give you years of dependable steeping comfort! Only SIMMONS makes Beautyrest That't why ff'i so wise to Invest In a Beatyrest! Beautyrest Is not only th. most eomfortahb mattress money can buy, we think It's the rin.if ever buiht In "torture test" made by the U. S. Testing Co.f Beautyrest lasted longer for fonger than atry other mattress tested. That't proof ot Boa utyra si's superior qualify. J Because Btovtyreit Is to weftarontrrucred!) J Simmons unhesitatingly guarantees H against structural defects far a lull TEN years. With care, it should last you even longer. In view of this, doesn't It seem wiser to maka your next mattress a Beautyrest? You'll be more satisfied If yew dot jm Only Beautyrest can offer you all this! fSl Th 37 individually pocketed Smartly tailored French 1J Jfr'Jp jJr'tflS<Jtlffi coil springs-each In Its edges. AS&SI 7 II J own secure muslin pocket. Choice of many attractive L&3 Patented "no-sag" edges. durable cover fabrics. "tit hlSntfijB' S side ventilators to help Ttn-yeor guarantee keep interior fresh. against structural defects. 'irT ,'-"" 4 sturdy, reinforced cord handles. Enoy the . "luxury comfort" of a famous 2fr fSL (J BEAUTYREST MATTRESS LMf I for only A Matching yi.rt Urn SpriMfv 71 hand-fed, 4Mp coll torino. fcw Ih. werid'i hmi .iwfov rfiipfail with. Also Easy Terms