12 -Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, January 24, 1950 Cobb's Dream Comes True With Hospital Dedication r Royston, Ga., Jan. 24 U.R)A dream came true today for Ty Cobb, whose speed and high -pikes once were the nightmare sOf the American leagne. 4 The .tann.nnn Cnbh Memorial hospital, named after Ty's par- ferns and financed by more man 5100,000 of the baseball immor tal's money, was dedicated. I More than 3,000 persons stood in tribute as the old Georgie Soaring Vaulter Says 'Felt Right' for 15-Foot Leap l Champaign, 111., Jan. 24 (U.PJ J The second man in history ever to pole vault over 15 feet explained it very simply today. I "1 Just felt right," said Don l,az, a 20-year-old junior at Il linois who performed the feat Jn an intra-squad contest in the Jllini armory Saturday. "Things worked out right for ne on that jump," he said. k Despite the performance, fcvhich resulted in prompt invi tations to nearly every major Indoor track meet of the season, Laz wasn't going all out to hit he big ones. b "It's all up to Leo Johnson," he said, "and I'm going to fol low his advice." Johnson, veteran track coach it Illinios and one of the coach es of the U. S. Olympic team two years ago, was not famed for his quick decisions. Thus it was likely that there would be no quick announcement that Laz would compete in any of the Indoor meets. The only other vaulter ever to clear that height was Cornelius Warmerdam, who has bettered the mark 43 times. Peach dedicated the glistening structure to Herschel and Am anda Cobb, his father and moth er. "It belongs to all of yon people here, where I used to live," he said simply, "Look at me trying to say something that will tell what this means to me," he said. "I'm not much for public speaking. When I was a schoolboy I memorized a speech complete with gest ures and won first place In a declamation contest." "But I got Into another game," he said, "and further ance of my Demorvsthenlan ef forts has been neglected." I John E. Ransom, Georgia's di rector of hospital services, said Ty Cobb has made the best home run he ever hit." Cobb led the American league in hitting all but one year from 1907 to 1019. Cleveland's Tris Speaker took the crown from the Detroit sensation briefly In 1916. His 96 stolen bases in 1915 Is still an all-time high. Hubbard Has Benefit Hubbard A double-header basketball benefit for the March of Dimes campaign will be held at the Hubbard school gymnas ium Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. The Hubbard "A" squad will meet the Woodburn ONG and the Hubbard "B" squad, team from the boys training school at Woodburn. No admis sion will be charged but an of fering taken. Curt Stone and Horace Ash- enfelter, former Penn State dis tance running stars, still practice on the campus and will run In 1950 meets. Basketballs Made Rounder Now SCORES in the ALLEYS (fJemplete Be u Its) Capitol Alleys COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. 1 Marlon Creamery (1) Qarbartno 412, Foknr 620, Davenport 517, Kenyan 4B0, Knit 510. Knlfhts of Columbus. Hartweell 617, Albrich 001, iilciuer 4io, Miller 457. Jo Miller 501. Bteltler Supply (2 KltzmLller 817. Fred sterner sot, Carl awttier 4. Hen vai dei 863, W. Valdei 695. Goldles of Sll vertort 1 Spencer 505; Hcrr 670, Howell 466. Herr BB1, Goldle Bent-son 531. Onil'i 1) Orval 435, McClnry 579, Otbel 619, Rom 453. Boyce 486. Walton Brown (2) Perry 494, Singer 433, Alder ln SOS; Sllkee 502, Richer 641. Starr Foods (0) Arch art 47S. Allen 480, Leniren 456. Powell 497, Scalene 460. Mailer Bread (3) MatUon 615, PMem tW4, Ooomler 694, Powell 560, Farmer 670. Nlebolion'a Ins. (I) Wilton 567, Gard ner 486, Gannon 489, Frleeaen 498, Mc Cluaker 539, Senator Radio ?) Duftyi 537, Wiltsey 407, Bolton 553, Adolph 497, Brant 440. Hiuh team aeries, Master Bread S067. tilth Uam tame, M miter Brnad 1067. -Hifh Individual same, Frank Bolton 334, High Individual aeries, Cootnlor 594. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. t Bod t Gun (3) Miller 369, Futrell 3R6, Mclllnay 611, Klldall 446, Deliow 540. Hoffman Const, 0) -Forfeit. . Dlek Meyer Imbr. Haien 417, Llv Insaton 430, Shlpman 483. Stelnka 634, Laceya 433. Woodburn (D Steele 403, Pekar 455, Austin 376, Dea.en 448, Hlcka 490. VaHtr OU (8) Delk 478. Boons 438. Veatal 431, Luta 435, Warner 609. Nai ler ' (0) Thompson 471, JohnJign 337, Thurman 423, Odum 355, McOune 434. Soind Comt. K) Bud Straw 347, Mill ers 134, Oarrett 365, Bob Straw 483, eimmondft 813, Qunderaon 307, Snylor 380. Jewel Boi (1) Cowan 497. Horiflnecr 49S, White 417, Brant 627, Walla 483. High team Series, Sound. Const. 3487. Hifh team same, Sound Const, 8(11. Hitch Individual game, Sandy cowan 198. High Individual aerates, Al Brant 627, University Alleys LADIES' OFFICE LEAGUE Metropolitan Stnrra (1) Hllck 331, D, Jones 320. Jones 360, Ray 313, Dow 344; Chuck's Steak House Holt 331, Cur tla 378, Lewis 356, Green 382, Roadcrmel 973. Top Hat (SI Welch 347. Delaney 339. Cheney 451, Smith 395. Gould 351; Oregon Statesman (0) Talmage 311, Klttmlller 433, Cordler 411, White 347. Dower 333. Wrsttrn Paper Purvis 344, Flerk J43. Seamater 330. CnRswrll 349, Andrraon 363; Cnrly'a Dairy ( I ) Owens 325. Rath 438. Vlbbert 316, Scott 399, Cnrper 343. Mayflower Milk t) Bettlemler 357, Schurff 353. Craven 387, Plauts 376, Gard ner 441; Capitol City Laundry (1) Angove 437, Ktifncr 408, Hopflnger 319, Bettlemler jua, Tasttinen 301. Brown' Jewelers (8) Furrer 403. Hau gen 334, Rolnko 308, Smith 3B9, Hougham 350; Rton-Llle Coffee Shop D Locken 383, Marks 457, McWaln 410, Frederick- son jh3, K.unice Aia. HlRh Ind. game and aeries, Haiel Marks, 198 and 457: hlith team same and series. aiop-Liiie iouee anop, tuj ana zuoj. MERCANTILE LEAGUE NO. 1 Ace's Barber Shon-Haslnaer'a (SI Bas- mger , ijontiworin ifij, Heman jvb, nan 401, Ctishlng 433; State A 14th ) Coff man 423, Growler, Co 413, Meyera 425, Hern 464. Brown's Jewelers (0) Parker 387. Hau- gen 442, Nystrom 374, H. Haugen 499, V. Haugen 446; poollttle's Service Station (4 Dutolt 426. Keen 40 B. Burton 402. Wllkcn 468, Poole 490. Teamsters Union (S Godkhia 451, Thels 424, Pom 435, Graham 430, Bob Thela 374; So. Salem Pharmacy 1 Rlordan 434, Mprr.lt 465, Holt 443, Keckter 406, Hyatt State Street Market (t Krltr 430, Primba 431. OllleaDle 450. Klelnke 404. Hauser 51A: Monlrnmery Ward (2) Fleet . ecnene 4110, uausey ai, cnne 014, Morris 640. High Ind. game. Cllne. 333: hlch Ind. aeries, Morris, 646; high team series, State Street Market, 2443. Duck Pin LADIES LEAGUE Hubba Real Estate (1 Veima White 334. Jordlth Harrison 383, Lucille Allen 384, Mary Poltnskl 319, Bertte Miller 413; Mas ter Bread S) Arlene Hafanbrack 287, Bonnie Melum 364, Shirley Btudebaker 318, Gertie Cox 307, Mary Angel 279. Serve Ur Belf Laundry (1) Lorene Han sen 291, Ella Scharf 361, Martha Fejes 426, Ituth Powell 375, Alma Penny 479; Handle OU 8) aindya Angel 311, Helen Randle 307, jo Hill 300, Qladya Wood 499, Dee aiunier 41a. Memorial lloapltal (8) Grace Mullln-an 400, June Moore 205. Helen Hill 243, Juan It a Pr-tnrs 362, Charlotte Hughes 373; Illnliluml Market (1) Elva Bohroyer 43B, Bertha Zoeb 30H, Ruth Hanson 303, Cleona Ue Hut 302, Gertie Carr 378. adit A Hush Bank l Peaav Short 337, Jo Anne Voves 376, Frances Laven der 375, Donna Oreene 268, Pauline Os borne 373; Dick Meyer Lumber Co. (Si Rita Hannegan 333, Helen Nolan 431, Eve lyn Thompson 344. Margaret Holmes 370. Gladys Arnff 363. iiikii team aeries and game, Master Bread. 3032 and 721; high Ind. aeries, Gla dys Wood (Handle Olll 499; high Ind. game, Helen Nolan (Dick Meyer) 189. f4 f Hi p:....-tefeA r , v , - - 1 WAX MOLD Is made by pouring hot wax into almulnum mold. Over a layer ol fabric goes two winds of tough thread. The wax last is removed through an opening that is cut into the fabric after careful separation of the outer thread. This hollow wax last then is broken up and poured out through the open ing after which the bladder is inserted and the fabric cover reseated, and the thread winding replaced. A combination layer of fab ric and black rubber is then placed on the threaded surface. mmmLmZVT"w-diih, till Ii!fe'AM..J,ji. 1 11, &,,LJL 1-1 ,.1". . .j 1 i- . I After a molding operation to form the black rubber, lea ther panels are cemented in to place. The final molding vulcan izes the leather panels or strips to the rubber covered ball. The balls then are stamped and buffed, the final step be fore packing and distribution. Final inspection is the ulti mate In basketballs and there's no stitching like in the 1890's. Yanks Open 'Finishing School' Phoenix, Ariz Professor Cas ey Stengel's finishing school for prospective New York Yankees hangs out the open sign here. Perhaps the Yankee moguls figure that with other major league baseball clubs reticent to trade with the world champions, they d better have some talent of their own ready to fill any holes. In any event Professor Sten gel, the Jovial manager of the Yanks, lined up an impressive array of teaching talent. His students probably number some who in the not too distant future will grace the Yankees' batting order. George Weiss, vice president and general manager of the American League team, outlined the course of study during a visit here. 'We have picked a group of minor league players with fu ture possibilities, players we feel need polishing in certain depart ments," said Weiss. 'We think Stengel and his aides can teach them a lot of baseball in the three weeks al lotted," said Weiss. "They're going to get Instruction in all phases of the game." Most of the farmhands will be younger men all from Yankee chain clubs from Class B to AAA. Professor Stengel's faculty in eludes Coaches Bill Dickey, Jim (Milkman) Turner and Frank Crossetti, Manager Joe Kuhel of the Yankees's Class AAA Kan sas City club and scouts Bill Skiff, Joe Devine, Eddie Leish- man and Johnny Neum. The Yankee farmhands will get their instruction in the Phoenix Municipal stadium, the same bailiwick where their big city rivals, the New York Giants, open spring training on March 1. Coming to Phoenix also af fords the Yankee masterminds a chance to become acquainted with the baseball setup here for in the spring of 1951 the big Yankee team will make its base here while the Giants go to St. Petersburg, Fla., under a one- year agreement. SPORT SHORTS Joe DiMaggio, Dick Wakefield and Johnny Pesky are the only active players who made 200 or more hits during their first full season in the majors, bixteen players have accomplished the feat. Walter Hagen won five West ern Open golf tournaments dur ing his career, more than any other player. Twelve of the 22 men on the Michigan State basketball roster and .three of the five most fre quent starters are sophomores. ftpjlijj Flavor-rich Gibson's Selected 8 ":(a'p "VpS wins highest praise wherever 1 ifl fine whiskey is served or sold. 51 ll Yee4 mixed or straight, "8 is greatl" 1HHDEP THIIK1T $3.60 4i at. GIBSON'S SELECTED 8 BLENDED WHISKEY 66.8 PROOF iSX GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS GIBSON DISTILLERS. INC., NEW YORK, N. Y. If ' W TO SAN FRANCISCO ON THE STREAMLINED $21 .60 roundtrip, plus tax. Fast morning to night run; connects with Otol, arriving Los Angeles 10:55 next morning. Luxurious chair cars, tavern, coffee shop and dining cars. See the high Cascades and Mt Shasta in their spectacular winter dress of ios and snow. All chair car seats reserved but no charge for reservation. Children under 5 free 5 through 11, half fare. The friendly Southern Pacific C. A. LARSON - AGENT Phone 3-9244 CO VISITORS WEICOMI "Oris of America's leepltono( Brewtvi OlYMPIA BREWINO COMPANY Olrmpla. Wo thing ion, U.S. A. Water makes up 66 of he weight of the human body . Yes, man is actually little more than a porous sacl of water. Would you believe that even our bones are; more than half liquid? And, too, ALL WATERS ARE NOT THE SAME It takes a particular type of constantly pure water to make good beer. One of the few places in America where this exceptional type of water can b found is at Tumwater, Washington. Here, from deep subterranean wells, the Olympia Brewing Company draws the water that maintains the famous delicate flavor of Olympia. A Its the Water BASKETBALL Collere Scores: (By the Associated tress, Oregon State 48. Idaho 37. Whitman 48. Willamette 31. College of Idaho 65, Llnfleld SS. Eastern Oregon 70. Southern Idaho 7. Utah 58, Denver 51. BrlRham Young 48, Utah Stat 4T. Alabama 47. Vanderbllt 44. Mississippi State 83, Tennessee 51. Louisville 82, Morehead (Ky) 71. Notre Dame 64, Kentucky 81. Minnesota 73. Michigan State 08. Ohio State 68, Iowa 64. Bellolt (Wis) 82, River Falls (Wis) Tchrs 68. Hifh School Scores: uy the Associated Press) Marshficld 63. Roseburg 40. Sacred Heart, Salem 26, Concordia 33. Eugene 74, Oakrtdtie 20. Woodburn SO, Canby 28. City Loop Scores CHURCH LEAGUE 'A' Division (10) 1st Baptist P...,,... Sharpneck P 1 Hyhik , C Cowe O Beck with O Flnshman Subs: 1st Me th. Shaw 8: 1st Baptist Stnrk 3, Ooliler 6, Smlther, Usher, Arns meyex 1, 1st Metb. (49) Nelson 8 , . Stevenson 1 . Bowe 13 ... Collier 8 .... Pearlman 13 Cnl. Baptist (35) (20) Christ Lath. Parker 7 P 3 Tome on Stewart 2 P 1 Pox Graber 13 C 9 Battalon Morrison 7 0. Hammon Klekel 6 0 Hlldearant Subs: Cal. Bap. Low en 1, Wagelman; Christ Luth. Meyer 6, Tie 2. Halbert Mem. (14) 6? Free Meth. Clark 5 P 26 W. Gwynn Anderson 3 P 4 P. Barham Brick 6 C 3 Herrlnc Vers tee o io Archer Sidall O D. Owynn Subs: Hat. Mem. TlbbetU, Vangllve. Logan; Pree Meth. Walter, D. Barham 3, B. Gwynn 18. (tO) 1st Christ. 4 Bates 0 Conder 5 Wright R. Bates 3 Woods .P.. Nazarene (35) Guthner 12 , Oween 2 .... Klajuen 6 C.,.. Llnnell O.... Parnell O.... subs: Nazarene Pfau; 1st Christ. Kay 2, Maudlin, Hill 1, Tanner. E.tJ.B. (10) Schaff 4 .., (33) Presbyn B Caley Peoet t P S Boatman HUllker 4 C... 10 McConviilo Beach 3 0 10 Meyera Rifts 1 0 4 Hedrics Subs: I.U.B. Knalk 1, Straw 3, Lang It Presbyterian Oootenberger 1. Knfi-ht Mem. (S2 McKlnney 3 Conover 4 .. Daucherty 3 Walker 5 .. Da via 7 CHURCH LEAGUE DJvsijon (55) Preby'n .. 26 Myers , 2 Moreall .. 10 Analo Shenhard 0 1 Benson ..P.... .. P.... ..O.... Sub; Presbyterelan Knapp 16. .P..., Sal. Army (57) Colvln 20 Short P Harris 6 C , Jacobson 37 Q Bryan O Subs: Sal. Army Brown Les. Meth. Bruce 3, Verdict 14, (36) Les. Meth. , 2 Derm .... 3 Canfleld 2 Adams . 3 Crittenden 1 Davis Pruett 3; 'C Division Knli-ht Mem. (8) (16) Deaf Sehonl Hushes P Ebenxtelner Edwards P 5 Walker Holt C 6 Wyatt FLske 0 3 Pehlman Payne O McCann Subs: Knight Mem. Chapman 1, Shaw 4, Roth 3. Deal School May nard 3. CITY LEAGUE (American Division) Epplnt Lumber S8 (82) K. of O. Hauth 3 P 3 Welsner Traeger o r w. Epping u,., Rueff 14 0.. Berry 10 0.. Reserves scoring; E. Lumber J. Epping 6, Lutz 6. K. of C Alley 11. Halftlme score: 1. Lumber 24, K. of C. 14. Officials; Henery and Sebern. Volk 4 Combatock .... 4 Meier 6 Herberser W. Salem Mereb. (28) (45) 12th St. Mat. Punk 3 P 4 Atcheson Riley f.P 4 Mile Buckley 13 C 10 Davits Schaeffer 0 3 Duval Wilson 1 G 8 Davey Reserves scoring; W. Salem Klpp a, Frye 2, Banta 8. 12th St. Stauffer 5, Weaver 3. Halftlme score: W. Salem 14. 12th St. 30. Pare Wool (49) Unruh 11 Svarverud 4 . Butte 4 McMorrla 6 .., Spless 17 , (26) Warner Moton . P 7 Cotton . P 1 Benson .C 8 Biasell 0...4 A. MacGregor . G...6 D. MacOregor Reserves scoring: paee Page 4. Half time score: Page 30. Warner Motors 17. Paul Waner is the only major league player to collect more than 3,000 hits who is not a mem ber of baseball's Hall of Fame. l r M 'II SAVE V3 M a "YARCON'' 10 "Svpor-Acfffro'9 30-MONTH GOARAHm (Costs only 40t bm07 per Month of llviL guaranteed life) " " lxat Fits same cars Csted sbcnm Exchange fCsts em 41fo per Woneb of guaranteed Hfr), DELUXE No. 1 CASE . . Fits most models of Cbcrro let, Crosley, Dodge, Ford, Fraser, Kaiser, Nash, Olds mobile, Plymouth, Pootiac, Studebaker, Wilrys and maox tber makes. Don't coafuse ""Vaccon bat teries with inferior brands with undersized plates. Var coo" has extra large plates and marjy other oat standing quality features. Regardless of price, you can't boy a bet ter battery WHEEL COVER Defao Hohdr . . . .g- RfO. 49, ripping with rubberized Back to prerent slipping. Sr Wrm nd comfortable to tbebands, Jf Clmp-0n Mirror Theftproof . . . efaunps on REG. $1.19 door. 4-ioch bereled edge mirror (less . . . cbrome mlkW r pleted . . . baOl nd xket M adjuAmeot CAHVAS GLOVES Htxwf Twill ooM work gloves wirh thick inside nap and double knit wrtsc Bar gain bnyl es w ' a r0 Only Rebuilt Generator Ford-V8 (1935.38) air cooled generator guaranteed to be equal to original new cquipmeoc $759 CXCHi BUV 'CUSHION RIDf Tires HOW at Sale Prices! Crest "Cushion-Ride" Tire offer you a revelation in riding comfort. They absorb the bumps and jars, giving you a cushioned ride. Top quality construction and materials. 6.70-16 Reg $15.85 I Z- 88 FEDERAL EXCISE TAX EXTRA. TIRES MOUNTED PREE. Ask for Sale Prut on anrjr other uxt. - " N. W. Cor. Court & Commercial Sts. Salem Ph. 37177 Ore. f , 1