Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 23, 1950, Page 7, Image 7

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    Kdited by MARIAN
8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, January 23, 1950
Pledges Are
OSC Groups
Several girls from Salem and
alley points were among the
B7 new pledget announced at
the conclusion of winter term
pledging among sororities at
Oregon State college.
Following are the names from
this section:
Miss Donna Sacre of Salem,
Alpha Gamma Delta.
Miss Lois Archibald of Salem,
Delta Gamma.
Miss Beverly Hofstetter of Sa
lem, Sigma Kappa.
Miss Mary Wrolstad of Hub
bard, Alpha Chi Omega; Miss
Barbara jean Smith of Lebanon
and Miss Helen Wrolstad of Hub
bard, both Kappa Alpha Theta;
Miss Marglt Cordz, Alpha Phi;
Miss Reta Adams of McMinn
vllle, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and
Miss Beverly Withycombe, Mc
Minnvllle, Sigma Kappa.
Date Set
For Wedding
Jefferson Miss Janie Hutch
In gs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin Hutchlngs, has announc
ed March 7 as the date of her
marriage to Marvin Gourley,
son of Mrs. Martha Gourley and
the late Ray Gourley of Albany,
when she entertained a group of
friends at the home of her par
ents Friday evening.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs.
George Schulte, Jr., Miss Vena
Gourley, Harry Carson and Mar
vin Gourley of Albany, Miss El
len Allman and Henry Madras
of Scio, Miss Maxine Arm
strong and Larry Johnston of
Jefferson, Miss Lora Tiger of
Salem and Joe Bennlnghoff of
Anniversary Event
Aurora Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Whitels of Canby were honored
recently on the occasion of their
66th weding anniversary at the
home of their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Hep-
ler in Canby. The occasion also
featured a four-generation fam
lly reunion with 27 present.
Eight of their nine children
and their families who attended
the no-host family dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. John Whitels were
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Whitels and
daughter, Dorothy, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Whitels of Lebanon;
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seeley (Ida
Whiteis) and children and Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Miller (Doris
WhiteiB) of Hood River; Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Miller (Merle
Whiteis) and son Johnnie, and
Mrs. Luella Whiteis Damm of
Molalla; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hol
land (Gladys Whiteis) and
daughter, Alice of Nampa, Ida
ho; and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Hepler
(Amelia Whiteis) Henry, Mar-
Jorie and Clarence Hepler of
Canby. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pond
(Hazel Whiteis) of Alsea, Ore
gon could not attend.
Mothers to Meet
Trl-Y-Teen Mothers club an
nounces its regular meeting for
next Thursday, January 28, at
the YWCA, 768 State street. A
no-host luncheon will be served
at noon.
Clarence Wicks is to be guest
speaker to discuss legal respon
sibilities among parents and chil
Alumnae to Elect
Alpha Chi Omega alumnae an
nounce their postponed meeting
will be staged this evening at the
chapter house at 8 o'clock. New
officers are to be elected.
STAYTON A miscellane
ous shower honoring Mrs. Fred
Steiner (Dorothy Fehlcn of Sa
lem), daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Nick Fehlen of Stayton, was
given at the StaytoD Woman's
club house recently. The hon
oree was married during the
holidays. Hostesses were Mrs
Tony Masser, Mrs. Leo Boedlg
helmer and Mrs. Alva Fery
aunts of the bride.
Pinochle and BOO were played,
followed by the opening of the
shower gifts. Refreshments were
served to 40 guests. A minia
ture wedding cake and tall can
dles centered the large table.
Scout Meeting
A "Kaffee Klatsch" get-together
of all leaders, assistant lead
ers and neighborhood chairmen
of the Salem district Girl Scout
organization with the executive
committee Is being planned for
Wednesday, January 25, at 9:43
a.m. at the YMCA.
This is the second meeting of
this type held for the purpose
of talking over problems and
plans for Girl Scouting in this
district. During the meeting
there will be a baby-sitter pro
vided for entertaining and car
ing for any children who come
with their mothers.
Gov. McKay
Is Speaker
One of the largest groups of
the season for meetings of the
American Association of Univer
sity Women turned out for the
Saturday program with Gover
nor Douglas McKay as guest
speaker to discuss Oregon and
its future development. The
luncheon and program were
staged in the Marion hotel, 90
Pointing to the fact Oregon
has the greatest population in
crease of any state In the union,
Governor McKay told the group
it is very important that the
state conserve its natural re
sources. Electrical energy will
be the big key. to the big de
velopment still to come for the
state, the governor said. Miss
Mildred Christenson introduced
the speaker.
New members introduced
were Miss Barbara Mail, Mrs.
William Van Meter, Mrs. Fay-
tine Zumwalt, an affiliating
member from Mission, Texas,
branch, Miss Lyndell Birkbeck
and Mrs. Cornelius Lofgren, an
affiliating member from Mis
soula, Mont.
Announcement made made of
a new study group in Spanish,
to meet every two weeks on
Thursdays with Mrs. Albert
Depenbrock as leader.
Miss Elise Schroedcr presided
at the business meeting as pres
ident. Mrs. Albert A. Cohen
was chairman for decorations
which featured green and while
For the February program,
Miss Eloise Ebert, the new state
librarian, is to be the speaker.
Mrs. Demeter Is
Hostess to Group
Sllverton Mrs. David De-
meter was hostess to the Jaycee-
Ettes at the regular monthly
meeting with Mrs. Virgil Pet-
tit, president, in charge of the
business hour.
Plans were furthered for the
appearance In Sllverton of the
Willamette university choral
choir at the senior high audi
torium, Thursday evening,
March 30, as a benefit for com
munity welfare.
Co-chairman of the Willam
ette singers program are Mrs.
Harlan Moe and Mrs. William
Assisting Mrs. Pettit as offi
cers are Mrs. Perry Dowd, vice
president; Mrs. Olaf Paulson.
secretary; Mrs. James Nelson,
treasurer; Mrs. Robert Eager
ton, historian.
Attending the meeting were
Mrs. Jack Eastman, Mrs. Den-
zel Legard, Mrs John Middle
miss. Mrs. Les Barton, Mrs. Da
vid Demeter, Mrs. James Jones,
Mrs. D. Hatteberg, Mrs. Harlan
Moe, Mrs. Wade Scott, Mrs,
Howard Morrison, Mrs. W E.
Grodrlan, Mrs. Kenneth Brown,
Mrs. Virgil Pettit, Mrs. E. Lock-
tin and Mrs. William Duncan.
WOODBURN The annual
prgressive dinner of the Wood
burn Junior Woman's club,
scheduled for Wednesday eve
ning, January 18, was postponed
until next Wednesday, January
25, due to weather conditions.
The dinner will begin at the
home of Mrs. Lyman Seely with
cocktails at 6:30 p. m. and end
with dessert at the home of Mrs.
Layman Baird.
THE WOMEN'S Catholic Or
der of Foresters will meet Tues
day evening at 8 o'clock at the
Woman's club house.
On the committee arc Mrs. W.
H. Clowes, chairman, Miss Pearl
Bairey, Mrs. Mary Barr and
Mrs. Oscar Chrlstonsen.
iff fV f t 'V ' '-- , I
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t I -fciliHifMUKlWM' IM M-M I Tif " Mil i If Mfr II VrT
Heads Star Chapter Mrs. Russel Beutler is the new
worthy matron for Salem chapter, Order of Eastern Star,
Installation ceremonies having been held January 17. (Jesten
Miller studio picture)
Miss Herrell
Tells Betrothal
Independence The engage
ment of Miss Marjorie Herrell of
Salem to E. Dee Taylor, Jr. was
recently announced. Miss Her
rell is the daughter of Mrs. Clyde
Simpson of Albany. She at
tended Salem schools and Is em
ployed at the state industrial ac
cident commission.
Mr. Taylor Is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. E. D. Taylor and is a
businessman of Independence.
No date has been set for the
Installation for
Gold Star Mothers
In a formal setting of candle
light and baskets of gold and
while flowers, officers of Salem
chapter, American Gold Star
Mothers, Inc., were installed
last week. Due to the weather
Mrs. Magdalena Butler of North
Bend, state president, was un
able to be present and Mrs. Ben
Larkins, past president of Sa
lem chapter, presided.
Mrs Laura Johnson, also a
past president of Salem chapter,
was the Installing chaplain. The
color bearers assisting were
M. E. Clemens, chief electricians
mate, Naval Reserve, and com
mander of Marion post 561, Vet
erans of Foreign Wars, and Eu
gene M. Jarvis, radioman 2nd
class, both in the uniform of
the United States navy. Light
ing the tapers were Miss Pat
ricia Olson, daughter of the in
coming president, Mrs. Lincoln
Olson and Miss Doris Lappin,
daughter of the incoming cor
responding secretary, Mrs. Jake
Before the installation Wayne
Mousey sang Schubert's "Ave
Maria." At the close of the
ceremony Raymond Dahlton, ac
companled by Mrs. Arlene
Toelle, sang "The Lord's Pray
During the social hour fol
lowing refreshments were served
from a beautifully set table cov
ered with a gold cloth and cen
tered by a bouquet of daffodils
and heather. Serving the guests
were the three daughters-in-law
of the new president. Mesdames
Leo Olson, Thaine Olson and
Dale Olson, and Miss Karen
YouVig, daughter of the new first
vice president, "Mrs. Frank
Young Wayne Meusey pro
vided me musical numbers dur
ing the social hour.
VTinr'ff f HOUSE
Named on Committee
University of Oregon, Eugene,
(Special) Miss Jeanne Hoff
man, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
George S. Hoffman, SIS Rose
St., Salem, is a member of the
special events committee for the
annual Dads' Day Week-end
which will be held Jan. 27, and
28 on the University of Oregon
campus. Miss Hoffman is a
sophomore major in sociology.
Lutheran church is meeting
Monday evening at 8 o'clock in
the church. There will be en
tertainment and refreshments.
On the committee are Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Sholseth, Mr. and
Mrs. Adolph Meyer, Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Liudahl, Mr. and Mrs
Mollett, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Surprise Shower .'.'
Given for Two
Friday Nighters Women's
club met at the home of Mrs.
Del Vrinklein, co-hostess being
Mrs. Joy Schaeffer.
A surprise shower was given
for two of the members, Mrs.
Joy Schaeffer and Mrs. Pete
Two tables of canasta and one
table of pinochle were provid
ed. Refreshments were served
by candlelight.
Club members attending were
Mrs. Fred Middendorf, Mrs.
Donald Schaeffer, Mrs. Jerry
Holseng, Mrs. Lyle Pool, Mrs.
Floyd Brodhagen, Mrs. Harlan
Hanson, Mrs. Al King, Mrs. Clif
ford Hansen, Mrs. Del Vrink
lein, Mrs. Pete Sylvester, Mrs.
Joy Schaeffer. Sending gifts
were Mrs, Tom Moronson and
Mrs. Wesley Gladow.
Taken into membership was
Mrs. Bud George. The next
meeting will be Friday, Febru
rary 17, at the home of Mrs.
Fred Middendorf, co-hostess to
be Mrs. Lyle Pool.
daughter of the Russell Eyerlys,
was in Cottage Grove and Cres
well from Friday through Sun
day, visiting relatives and
For quickly-assembled dessert
use sandwiches of bakery sponge
cake and cut fruit with a top
ping of whipped cream.
Two Nationally advertised and Nationally known ROYAL revolving
brush cleaners very latest models with the many important
features which have made ROYAL famous, offered during this
special event at a tremendous saving
k Choice of Attachments or
Revolving Brush Hand Cleaner
For Contest
The Salem district of the Ore
gon Music Teachers' association
announces thai the annual con
test for the Iva G. Turner
awards in violin and piano will
be held in May. The exact date
will be published later. The con
test in piano will be conducted
In three divisions. The Iva F.
Turner prize of $10 will be
granted to a senior high school
contestant from grades 10 to 12.
The Salem Busmess and Pro
fessional Women's club award
is reserved for students from
grades 7 to 9 and the Salem Mu
sic Teachers' association Is of
fering $5 to a winner from
grades 1 to 6. The Iva F. Turner
award in violin is open to stu
dents of any grade.
All contestants must play
three numbers representative of
the classic, romantic and mod
ern periods of musical compo
sition. Also they must be stu
dents of private music teach
ers who have been members of
the Salem Music Teachers' as
sociation for two years.
All applications should be
made by May 3 to Miss Mar
garet Hogg, contest chairman.
Exhibit of .
Heirlooms .
Planned for next Friday after
noon is the regular meeting of
the Salem Woman's club at 2
o'clock in the club house. Board
members will assemble at 1
p.m. for their session preced
ing the general club meeting.
An heirloom show is to fea
ture the program with Mrs. I.
F. Bryan in charge.
Mrs. Estill L. Brunk and Mrs,
Harlan A. Judd are co-chairmen
for the tea committee, assisted
by Mrs. Ben Maxwell, Mrs. Mer-
vin D. Fidler, Mrs. Carl Cham
bers, Mrs. W. S. Levens, Mrs.
Kenneth Lottick and Mrs. Frank
Tomorrow morning (Tuesday)
the club members are gathering
at the club house at 10 o'clock
to stuff 30,000 envelopes for the
Society of Crippled Children and
Adults. Members are to take
their sack lunch. Mrs. Law
rence Osterman is chairman of
the group arranging this meet
ing, the youth conservation com
mittee which Is a General Feder
ation of Women's Clubs project.
Today's Menu
(Bt tb AJjoclatwl Preu)
Company for Dinner
Veal Saute with Tomato Sauce
and Parmesan Cheese
Mashed Potatoes Broccoli
Green Salad Crusty Rolls
Fresh Fruit Beverage
Tomato Sauce
Ingredients: 4 tablespoons
olive or other salad oil, 2 medium-sized
onions (finely diced),
Vt teaspoon salt, teaspoon
pepper, Vi teaspoon finely
crushed dried basil, Vt teaspoon
finely crushed dried oregano,
1 small clove garlic, 1 ten-and-one-half
ounce can tomato
puree, 1 six-ounce can tomato
paste, 1 three-ounce can chop
ped broiled mushrooms.
Method: Heat the olive
other salad oil in a medium-sized
deep skillet or in a saucepan
over moderate heat; add the
onions and cook, stirring fre
quently, for 5 to 10 minutes or
until yellowed. Crush the salt,
pepper, basil, and oregano with
the garlic clove and add along
with tomato puree and tomato
paste; cover and cook gently,
stirring occasionally, for about
30 minutes. Add the mush
rooms, including the liquid
from the can and reheat. Makes
about 8 servings.
In using unsweetened choco
late in cakes, cookies, or other
desserts remember that one
square is the equivalent of one
3rd Floor
Solid maple Old Colony Sofa. Wine and Small Floral Pattern.
4 piece sectional sofa. Grey with green leaf pattern.
Occasional chair in green medallion. Tack-on Cushion back. Down filled.
Club chair . . . down filled cushion and back. Blue
Love seat in rose
Sofa and chair. Channel back. Blue
ALSO A complete selection of occasional tables in fruitwood, walnut, ma
hogany. Open stock dining tables, chairs, credenzas, buffets. You may
select the entire set, or purchase individual pieces. Open stock BEDROOM
FURNITURE, vanities, chests, night stands, all from outstanding furniture
GROUP of table lamps, floor lamps FORMERLY UP TO $50.00 now $14.95
Other lamps specially priced to sell now $1.99 up
GROUP OF LAMP SHADES . . . specially priced for this sale now $1.99 up
Annual January Sale of
Earrings In gold, silver, pearl and rhinestone. Reg. $1.95 now. . . . 79c
Necklaces and chokers in silver, gold, pearl, rhinestone etc. Regular
to $2.95 now 79e
Pins . . . rhinestone, metal and cameo. Regular $1.95 now 79 C
One big lot of earrings in pearl, metal and semi-precious stone. Regular
$3.95 now . $1.59
Ruffled curtains in assorted sizes, co.ors etc. Marquisettes and nylons. $1.95
to $14.00 Now ONE THIRD OFF!
Drapery fabrics. 48 inch widths. Florals, stripes, plaids. In cretonnes, Rough
tex and homespuns 1.69 yd.
Panels in net marquisettes. Plain and figured. 42 inch to 54 inch widths
Boys' Hurricane Parka Jackets. Heavy, washable. With detachable hood or
parka. Big game pockets. Red and blue. Rig. $8.95 now $2.95
Women's cosmetic coses $10.95
Women's Overnite cases $7.95
Women's Week-ender cases $9.95
Women's Wardrobette cases $20.95
$49850 $19950
$15450 how $3900
$15250 now
stripe with small stripe and pattern In eggshell.
i n hi nih i jiiiiAtmi;
and grey fabric.