1 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, January 23, 1958 ft - H "Better fil 1 Quality p 1 iti.V.Aii,rli,AMiitM,wi'rf,itilrfrti g J J Vv IrSfc 15 (SSV nL. rasv iswsv c iv srel'.:! I sl SKI I?-?! iilsl L Beginning Tomorrow It's January Clearance Time! It's Big Bargain Time! Be sides having all the short or broken lines of merchandise to clear out, we've been lucky in rounding up special pur chases of new goods which we bought at a great concession in price and Miich we pass on to you at remarkably low prices! Come shop for High Quality Bargains ... or Better Quality for the Same Price. Remember, at Miller's, there is no such thing as "all sales final." It must serve you satisfactorily or you may return it. MUNSINGWEAR . Special Purchase Of GIRDLES and PANTIE GIRDLES And Some Full Length Foundations MUNSINGWEAR sent us hundreds of fine foundations for this January Sale vhich we underprice to you at 35 to 45 less than regular! jO MUNSINGWEAR GIRDLES AND PANTIE GIRDLES IN SUPERFINE NET LA ST EX, SATIN LASTEX AND NYLON NET ALSO LENO LASTEX. IN THE SPECIAL PUR CHASE ARE THOSE LOVELY TISSUE WEIGHT LASTEX FULL LENGTH FOUNDA TIONS WITH LACE BRAS. POPULAR SHADES BESIDE WHITE . . . POWDER BLUE . . . NUDE . . . BLACK! New! Right Out of Fashion Magazines DRESSES IN THIS Special Purchase Sale! ALL SIZES 25 TO 31 2nd floor. , all garments expertly fitted! Regularly $7.50 and $5.95. For those of you who have been so patient in awaiting our delayed.' sale of PEQUOT SHEETS we wish to announce that there hbeerH j further price reduction and now we can offer you extra savin(' " on this famous brand. p PEQUOT, as you know, is rated the finest sheet in America. And, for good reason. Pequot has and i always will make sheets with more cotton . . . softer weave (not the hard twist) and continue to give? full measure of value. Their 81 by 108 inch sheet is a joy to use. It is the sheet to buy! In this sale you may purchase the first quality at $2.69 or the second quality at $1.69! Be sure to buy enough : to last a year. . Reg. $5.95 and $7.95 ulars! 95 cnus Brand rreg uutnN SUITS menj w,vr;; union i Very -llt . . , t' T I hotn ankle "."As. lengths. - . 6 i nn in sunns - 'j lrreaularsl Famous era"" " Women ted sW i insreii S4.16I Famous Brand Irregulars! SW8 3Q n ... Cnnrt Shirt ZTZZx iv- BOVS r " . i .mrtershirw now wtae. 390- tfl 79 Duc' Knit PaiomM l0r eo ""I. "." H-mU. W 1WU, "Zonular tea. i 26 to 36 'r"5.B0. , Vomen tight land sw m.s: to ..rre fitted' 3.95t I Women s 3ed Jackets $2-79 . j -von bed 1 GIRL'S KNIT PAJAMAS . nrVi rayon . nopular Pl": !., , onenlng : i.h. ww".- w-ltb ,laf itlc -;band. Blue . elastic ,ntok aunt. lemon bw" ' S2.98I GIRL'S KNIT PANTIES 1ST QUALITY PEQUOT 81x108 FULL STANDARD SIZES $ Shop in person, telephone or mail order for this special Pequot offer but be sure to buy enough at these low prices. It's a once-a-year sale . . . right at the time you replenish your linen closets! REMEMBER, PEQUOT SHEETS AT MILLER'S! 2ND QUALITY PEQUOT 81x108 FULL STANDARD SIZES COHASSET LABEL ' 98cJ Cohasset label is he second selection of Pequot Plus Service. tiny speck or flaw hurts them not a whit for service and you can save up to $1.00 per sheet! Buy them for every day use, your summer cottage, for hotels and apartment houses, etc. These are full standard size 81x108. Same jacKet brand . in pin ' brushed rayon Run- SUea . 8' panties. blue. Beg. J'-'"" DOWNSTAIRS SECOND FLOOR 1 -swWJ zzpuMpr SALE! 72x108 PEQUOT SHEETS 63x108 PEQUOT SHEETS 42x36 PEQUOT PILLOW CASES $2.49 $2.39 59c 72x109 NASHUA SHEETS . 42x36 NASHUA PILLOW CASES 81x108 CANNON FIRST QUAL- A 0IP ITY PERCALE SHEETS ... totlV-- (Scalloped hems and hemstitched) s 1 69 IB. M No. 6967 X A 1 $im 50c No. 6962 No. 6968 yA Short Coats ODDS-D'leD AND PK WAY LOW .w..tJ . . range stamped tor emu of popular shades $9 95 skeins 49' 59 r, V. nch CtotM -covd. I ". . DowNSTCMns yondersnee", ' 49. r.rochet iiii- . . . . . coio tf 1 wr:i. Hand Lotion nllNCE) " . r- . . .urt coats for Spring r... nod ends . . . --- .$1.00 t nl-C III . . . . LU ui $19.95! wn, -d, The new light Tie.S neW col or r 1Q hack . 1 ' almost halt! Reg. to $35! JANUARY WHITE SAffi, OF CANNON TOWELS d CANNON'S HEAVY WEIGHT TERRY CLOTH TOWELS FOR BATH (Large 22x44 Inches) CANNON'S TERRY HAND TOWELS (16x29 inches) CANNON'S TERRY WASH CLOTHS (12x12 Inches) 98c 59c 25c EVERY DRESS NEW! SAVE HALF OR MORE! 6 CHOICE OF ? DOZENS OF STYLES! (0)95 2ND FLOOR A special purchase of new spring SACSON DRESSES to open the spring season at $9.95 Their smartness . . . the colorful and rich fabrics, the styling place them in a class with frocks two or three times this price! Come try a Sacson on . . . you'll be de lighted with the ultra fine fit and style! Sizes range from 10 to 20 and 1214 to 22Vi Many styles from which to choose. Below are listed three. back styles', to 18. YOUR Vnh.es to $1-50 Z--' .-ial clearance days . ,-.! (lift tows " fnasters . . . Hul " anup-i - -r-i IC 1(11' CHOICE Or- i M4' 95 YOUR Reg. .... article on tn. l0d shopping- tou. . tooK-ena Here's g' to $4-95 table for Pictures 5lE LOT! lo pricel .. j nonoers. SPe?,a'rU;; mirrors, tea stationeiyi - ruoice for 5c w - AH odds in 9" ularly lac. . -..-...-natsinthenew All-wool, full ba 8, lapels . . rt'-S colors: toast, navy, SgreenVto! cniol Purchase Sale? NEW BATlb 1 1 BLOUSES Frothy! 5&B,fffirt" line lace, P1""";, These new dainty embroidery ' tuu (gen soecial purcha come in Swiss lmPe5' short or J :e different back or -quarter s2 to "COLUMBIA" LACE TABLE CLOTHS This nationally known "Columbia" lace table cloth comes in luxurious patterns and is smart for your best table "dressing." 72x92 Columbia "Picardy" Fattern, reg. $12.95. NOW. . . 72x92 Columbia "Blossom" Pattern, reg. $8.95. NOW . . . 54x54 Columbia "Hostess" Pattern, reg. $6.98, NOW . . . $8.95 $5.50 $4.50 Dress No. 6962 Sketched at Left Above ... COMPANIONS . . . plaid gingham with matching check, belted with patent leather. Sanforized. In spruce green, chocolate brown, black. Special, $9.95. Dress No. 6967 Sketched in Center Above TRAVELLER . . . com muter . . . shopper . . . Two piece dress in pol ished cotton broadcloth with covered buttons, self banding on peplum and slim side slit skirt. Sailor blue, hunter green, cocoa brown. Special, $9.95. Dress No. 6968 Sketched at Right Above ... DELICATE and dreamy . . . Pale tinted waffle pique with matching eye let embroidery of Italian design on yoke and pocket flaps. Blue, pink, aqua and maize. Special, $9.95. Special Purchase Sale of 7KOOL- $"795 FOAM' Pure Latex Pillows . . NOW "ENJOY THE REST OF YOUR LIFE" Now only on a KOQLFOAM latex pillow! --. - . 57.95 five Jront opening. White, PnK $4,951 blue. Regular Koolfoam stays as fresh and as cool as an ocean breeze. Thousands of tiny air cells actually, "breathe" . . . dissipate heat each time your head turns. No more pillow punching! 100 olJergy free! Odorless, dustproof, mothproof and mildewproof! The best by "rest experts." Koolfoam pillows come with washable covers with ripper fastening. Added thickness in the Bridle. . . . tapered at ends. Koolfoam last indefinitely and never lose shape! Downstairs domestics awpt."'f Annual Clearance Red Cross, Penal jo and Peacock Shoes in Broken Sizes, Lines, etc. 600 PAIRS ... Here's our annual clearance of all national brands of high grade footwear in broken size lots, all odds, dis continued, etc. The opportunity to buy $16.95 . . . $12.95 . . . $10.95 quality at $6.95! Pumps, ties, straps, open and closed toe or heel styles. High, medium and low heels . . . black, brown, green, grey, blue. Nearly all sizes in the lot but not in each number. AAAA to C widths. $(C95 (Extra special! Child's puddler rubbers, 79c) . . . again we ring the bell! Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, January 23, 1980 T It s Our Annua Big Sale of (Famous Brand) IRREGULAR NYLONS! W 4000 PAIRS! 1" Denier 51 Gauge 20 Denier 51 Gauf,e SO Denier 51 Gaune 40 Denier 45 Gauie Shop in Person, Telephone, Mail Order Our mailing and telephone service will carefully fill your orders as though you were shopping in person if you cannot come to the store. Ex tra salesgirls, too, will help hurried shoppers shop on their lunch hour or immedi ately after five o'clock when offices close. NO SALE FINAL Again we say, all sales are subject to your entire approval! If for any reason you do not or cannot use them, please return for refund, credit or exchange. : from the fvl . 1.50,1.75,1.85 n I Qualities !J A New f j 8's toll's rTK r I ' X X PROPORTIONED I ' bprinq -X I Fit Every Shades! W' -& FOUNTAIN' . . . a creamy Smt SURFSPRAY .... an airy V..- 3 I clear grey! j ' ' BAYOU ... a haunting f ' Jff 1 LJ , I taupe grey! I ,V SHEERS, SEMI-SHEERS (EJ L- ' I rJEbUrIwn0!NEa ,oftmi,' ( AND SERVICE WEIGHTS T""1 BROWNSTONE ... a golden . V Jw ' ' brown! I "v """ ", (Also dark tones for now and 1 i' later) J , I..' 6 Pairs for NYLONS $575. I NYLONS K:. . '-tHA THAT iHfci I j j II ' v'', ; NYLONS... i i Your favorite brand 'of ny- J ill yfml ytv-U ions now in this sale of , S a .'1 tMfiS " Irregulars at a saving of i l . ' '1 ' 1 t nearly half! . I I ' j f j Every foot size! Every leg f 9 5 size! Every wanted shade! t ' ' ' r f 1. I J t And the only difference is k I I i a tiny flaw . . . often a W I V , I i jf J- speck ... in most instances V ;i ' . 1 " ?: 'w M i: Jtt.' V ' s you cannot find or detect! ! m fci?,: iiS -J ;d J ' Nylons is the biggest an- I 1 j , I ::i 'tjjk ' 1 ' ' nual clothes investment of ! I ' 1" j s, W 1 ""!! ''1 1 your wardrobe. But when t j I : -a I 4" "''' the opportunity comes to ft 1 I'; " j I purchase your favorites at W, A Ml v.s ' '' ' ' ' this low price . . . what a bkfuMM f$i$dlmtm I ' V ' showing you can effect in J ' 1 fv .- I V " f , ' '' that clothes budget! I JfiX 1 ?i ' If ' if' Si Buy doubles on six or I ,7 JtRfit If I' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' twelve pain and your hos- .' S W . 4J L , ' , -iery problems will be over I'm I H I for a long time. II II t I ' 'T ' A STORE HOURS: f I I r. I I 9:30 to 5:30 1 I 11'' w ''- MAIN FLOOR 1 Vl rtiVrrrfi 'i rfri .