George Not Rushing Social Security Extension Issue Washington, Jan. 23 U.R) Chairman Walter P. George of the senate finance committee which i considering administration proposals to broaden Social Security coverage said today he is not "rushing" toward any conclusions. "This is one ol the biggest problems before the country to day, ine ueorgia democrat said.' "I don't want to be rushed on It." He said the present systef Is "discriminatory" to some who are and are not covered by the social insurance system. He ' said "serious problems" remain to be worked out. The finance committee began another week of hearings to day on the house-approved bill to expand coverage and enlarge social security benefits to those already covered. Cost Load Reduced State public welfare commis sioners were here to testify on the bill. In the main, they fa vor the bill, For one thing It cuts down the cost load to the Individual states Dr. Ellen Winston of North Carolina, Broughton Lamberth of Alabama, and Bill Child of Idaho were those callfid today. Also on tap were Ben Huitt, commissioner of labor for Geor gia, and Miss Lula Dunn, direc tor of the American public wel fare association. The house - approved bill would add 11,000,000 persons to the 35,000,000 now covered by the social Insurance program. The house bill would add, among others, about 4,800,000 self-em ployed city dwellers and 3,800,- 000 state and local government workers, But Social Security Adminis trator Arthur J. Alameyer last week asked that another 10,000, 000 also be added. These would be mainly farmers, farm labor ers and certain types of domestic workers, Altmeyer also recommended that congress consider changing the basis for federal grants to the states for public assistance programs. A state's income and ability to pay should be given some weight in making the grants, he said. Junking Oldsters Hit . During the hearing last week. Sen. Eugene D. Millikin, (R . Colo.,) demanded to know why employers were "junking" older workers. The question followed a statement by Altmeyer that employers were "reluctant" to hire old persons. What are you doing to en courage the employment of these people?" Millikin asked. Altmeyer said it was not his job. But increased coverage by insurance benefits would help, however, by cutting down the risk to the employer, he said. Millikin also Questioned whether the social security trust fund is not a "temptation" for extravagant government spend ing. The trust fund amounts to reserves set aside for payment in future years. "The trust fund may become a pawn for general treasury fiscal policies," Millikin said. Altmeyer said the trust fund now totals more than $11,000,- 000,000 of which $2,228000, 000 is Invested back into gov ernment isues. "The congress and the presi dent may be tempted by this easy-come, easy-go money," Mil likin said. Sandra Peterson Gets Life Term Brady, Tex., Jan. 23 U.B Mrs. Sandra Peterson waited to day in. a jail cell she could "never call home" as her de fense counsel decided whether to appeal a verdict which would place her behind bars for life A jury of farmers and ranch ers last night found the 18-year- old Massachusetts girl guilty of murder with malice afore thought in the roadside slaying; and robbery of a Brady realtor. They sentenced her to life im prisonment after deliberating more than five hours. She was found guilty of kill ing Lewis Patterson, a business man who had given her and a hitch-hiking companion, 15-year- old Loretta Fae Mozingo, a lift. Minnesota, "land of ten thou sand lakes," actually has more than 11,000. Four Corners While carry ing her small daughter down town on Friday evening, Mrs. Stan Braden slipped on the slushy curbing and fell. In try ing to protect the baby Mrs. Braden received numerous bruises, but 10-m o n t h s-old Cheryl Ann's left leg was broken just above the ankle. TAXPAYERS ATTENTION HARRY EWING Tax Consultant Office Hours g a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily Ph. 28049 or 23389 Rear of 1997 Fairgrounds Rd. Free Parking South of Willamette Valley Bank for on oxfontaUy caused l:?lfiTfl7i'i UlttdHD Do this: Cleans with Cuticura Sop it's dif ferent, medicated. Then apply Cuticura Ointment to help relieve externally caused pimples ana rashe, remove blick head. Csticura often sat tafia when others drsap point. Bwy druggist Pi Robert Cable, son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Cable, 370 S. Elma avenue, underwent surgery at the Salem General hospital Thursday. He will be in the hos pital for several weeks. Four Corners People Back; Sprengers Purchase Place Four Corners, Jan. 23 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lacy have re turned from a two weeks vacation spent in southern California and border towns farther south. They operate Pop's Cofe in Four Corners and while they were away the business place was closed for redecoration and a new tile floor was laid. Mr. and Mrs. August Spreng-0 r have purchased the O. P. To bin residence and acreage a few miles out on State street. They moved this week from 4090 State street to their new home. The Sprengers came here last year from Washington state. Brownie troop 10 and Girl Scouts troop 42 will not meet this week on account of inclem ent weather. Meeting dates will be announced later. Mrs. J. E. Webster and Mrs. Francis Mill er are the Brownie leaders and Mrs. Raymond Hough and Mrs. Earl Thulin are the Scout lead ers. Mrs. Katherine Toycen's sec ond grade students at Lincoln school (Four Corners) will present a program of music, readings and a skit on Thurs day afternoon before the school and parents. Out-of-state visitors in the James Hartman home at 3923 E. State street are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Hartman of Leslie, Mich. Before coming here the visitors toured the southern states, coming up the coast through California. They expect to be here several weeks, returning home the northern route. ' Mass Murder Attempt or Prank? Freshman Allen Pierce, 18, inspects wall damaged when a crude bomb exploded in a Rice Institute dormitory at Houston, Tex. The explosion smashed windows and doors and could have killed every man in the building had it been placed strategically. Police are baffled as to whether the incident was a student prank or an attempt at mass murder. (Acme Telephoto) 'Snake Pit' Wins Highest Award Hollywood, Jan. 23 U.f9 American press and radio critics have "The Snake Pit," a story about mental illness, as the best motion picture of 1949. The film received 302 votes from 356 reviewers and 60 commentators to head a list of the 10 best films in a poll by the film daily, a trade publica tion. Co-starring Olivia De Havi land, Mark Stevens and Leo Genn. "The Snake Pit" was one of four 20th Century-Fox pro ductions to make the first 10. Runner-up was the British film, "The Red Shoes" produc ed by J. Arthur Rank. In third place was "A Letter to Three Wives" by 20th Century-Fox. Others were "Champion," United Artists-Screen Plays, fourth: "The Stratton Story," MGM. fifth; "Come to the Stable: 20th Century-Fox, sixth; "Home of the Brave," United Artists Screen Plays, seventh; "Com mand Decision," MGM, eighth; "The Heiress," Paramount, ninth, and "Pinky " 20th Cen tury-Fox, tenth. For the first time in the poll's history, two sports stories "The Stratton Story" and "Champion" made the list. Commissioners Court The following la the official publica tion of the record of claims before the Marlon County Commissioners' Court for the November term for 1949. with the amount allowed, bills continued, etc.. ac cording to the records In the office of me county Clerk. Ladd i. Bush Salem Br. U.S. Nat'l Bk. of Portland, Withholding, S3.40S.12; Pub lic Employees Retirement System, Retire ment, it.wo.w, uenver xoung, Liquor Law, 1363.58; State Industrial Accident, Inc., $597.36. County Assessor: O. A. Lcw- ueputy, 1313. bh; Ray lick. Deputy. 1181.93: J. L, Slegmund. Deputy. 1180.18; Grace N. Babcock, Deputy, 1167.42; Ida M. Baillle, Deputy. (154.B0; Helen Sny- aer, ueputy, 1144.73: Mary E. atrayer. Clerk, $148.50; Patricia Snyder, Cleric, $122.43; Gordon E. Tower, Draftsman, Vii'i.-iu. circuit court: A. A. Kicnaros. Sec. for Court. $288.10; Ruby Until".!. Sec. for Court. $288.75. County Clerk: KezmcseK, ueputy, Jiaa.ia; r. tuioier, ue puty, 9183.13: R. Howard, Deputy. $194. 20; Dora Barrett, Deputy, $168.14: Ver non Windsor, Deputy, $210.47; Helen L, Mulkey. Deputy. $182.40: W. M. Glfford. Deputy, $131.58; W. H. Freele, Deputy, $148.85 R. J. Stanton, Deputy, $62.60; Donna Brown, Deputy, jed.eo. county Court ft Comm.! M. Reznlcsek. Clerk, $50.00: D. L. Brown, Stenog,, $90.00. Court House: euw. arasner, janitor, jioj.oj: w, A. Orttton, Janitor, $161.57; Wm. Mori arty. Janitor. 1150.97: Edwin Booth. Jan itor, ilo3. iu; KUtn nu ten ins, ciev. upr., $70.00; M. E. Linasey, Kiev, opr., ibi.iu. District Attorney: Gordon Moore. Depu ty, $217.74; Doris M. Albin, Steno. $139.- Dlstrlct Court: Barbara anutn, ue- Duty Clerk. 1169.75; Olurus Brown. De puty cierx, sui.jf. District uri non stable: Gloria Robinson, Deputy consta ble. 1159.58. Health Department: W. J, Hr.nnsv Cn. Health Officer. $530.94: W. B. Qulnn, Co. Sanitarian, $242.10; I. G. Lcr- mont Co. sanitarian, sa&n.a; r. ti. uoie man. Co. Sanitarian. $252.78: Batty Coop er, Co. Sanitarian, $253.40; Be mice Yeary, UO. f.a.n., merwyii uuiuy, jv, P.H.N., $207.53; Helen Wangsgard, Co. P.Hw.. $218.70! Jane DomKowsKi. co. P.H.N., $221.40; Jean Wright, Co. P.H.N., $205.70; Claudia Donnelly, Co. P.H.N.. $228.90: Helen Bteyaert, Co. P.H.N., $205.- YOUR OLD WASHER IS THE DOWN PAYMENT AT HOGG BROS. w In r-nrn i w If " Everything geti clean in a Maytag. Fa moui Gyrafomm washing action gets out all the dirt . . . yet is gentle with the daintiest fabrics. Liberal trade-in. Low monthly pay ments. Come in today for a demonstration. The Maytai Mttr Finest Maytag erer built. Large, square, cast aluminum tub has extra capacity. 189,! The Meyteg Cemmendtf Big, square porcelain tub, Gyrafbam action washes extra-fast, extra- fjtjlS The Meyteg Chlefttrfn A genuine Maytag, yet priced within a few dollars of the lowest -cost washers on the market. f j 34" Open Fridays 'Til 9 P.M. VILUNCTTI TAUIT'S IUIII6 APFIIWE I 10 MI FUIIISIKIS j i SALEM OREGON CITY J 34; Joan Schneider Darts, Co. F.H.M., i 1217.43; Erna Berstecher, Malt. P.H.N.,: $100.10; Leslie L. Stone, CI. Nurse, $151.69: Lyndall Birkbeck, Co. P.H.N., $247.45; Evelyn Krueger, Co. P.H.N., $218.20; How ard Pyfer, Health Educator, $238.95; Vers Wood. Cleric -Steno, $181.90; Odessa Melby, Clerk-Steno, $169.50; Mona David, Clerk TypLst, $99.21; Lee Dariel, Clerk-Typlxt, 1131.27; Kutn M. wiuod, cjerK-rypitt, $42.79: Dolor&s PyTer, Clerk-Typlat, $104.- Alice Bergman. cieric-Typm, iu.4u; Shirley chnelder, Cleric-Typist, $33.60. Breitenbusb Justice: Edison vicKera, Jus tice of Peace, $89.10. Jeffenon' Juitlee! E. E. Howell, Justice of Peace, $121.55; Oeo. P. Armstrong, Constable, $14.85. Mt, Anitl Juillce: N. M, Lauby, Justice of Peace, Joseph L. Faulhaber, Constable, $9.90. Sllverton Justice: All O. Nelson, Justice of Peace, $178.48; T. N. Burch, Clerk, $48.50; E. J. Jackson, Constable, $74.25. Jurenlle Officer; Nona White, Pro bation Officer, $215.77; D. J. Jepson, At. Probation Officer. $213.40: L. M. John ston, SUmo., $91.00. Microfilming: D. W. Ramsyer, Deputy, $167.80. Recorder! ON flee: Ad ell a DuBols, Deputy, $170.20; Vir ginia Gritton, Deputy, $166.21: Irene Johnson, Deputy, $150.30; Ramona Evans, Deputy, $151.33; Elizabeth wmu, cierx, $59.10. K ei lit ration it Election: Gladys White, Deputy, $186.02. School Super intendent: J. F. Remington. Deputy, $169.65; Vivian S. Hoenlg. Supervisor, $207.80: Marsuerlte R. Burton. Supervi sor, $222.20; Christine V. Morley, Sec retary, JHB.59, snemr Lecai: a. i. mbi- strom. Deputy, $210.40; B. R. Smith, De puty, $210.80; Wm. DeVall, Deputy, $207. 30; John Harger, Deputy, $219.10; diar a. Scott, Deputy, $190.84; 8. Robert Ttce, Deputy, $218.20; E. E. Colby, Deputy, $197.25; Glenn Conklin, Deputy, $178.60; Karl Murphy. Deputy, 1210.14. Sheriff Tax: H, P. Domosalla, Deputy, $238.37: Howard T. Evans, Cnshler, $208.04; Vlo lette West. Bookkeeper, $1B9.23; Lydia Mnttson, Deputy, $179.10; Evelyn Mennls, Deputy, $176.50; Marian Maas, Deputy, (164.05; Oeraldlne White, Deputy, $82.02. Surveyor! Office: Nella Slmma, Secre tary. $154.40. Treasurer's Offlee: Audrey EwinE. Deputy. $158.42. Veterans Serv ice Office: Lillian Kllppert, Secretary, $66.26: H. C. Saalfeld, Service Officer, $282.10. Dor Control Officer: Ervln A. Ward, Dog Enforcement Officer. $201.80; R. J. Stanton, Clerk. $100.00. County Property: H. Wm. ThieLscn. Land Agent, 3112.20; 2j. M. Johnson, Stenos., $50.00. Engineer's Office: H. S. Swart, Co. En gineer, $205.89: A. M. Presnall. Secre tary, $150.40. Breltenbush Justice: J. O. Powler. Constable. $173.25. Woodburn Jus tice Court: T. C. Gorman, Justice of peace, $; w. c. Miner, const nolo, 149.50; Mary V, Gorman, Justice Clerk, 134.05. stayton Justice Court: W. rl. Belt, Justice of Peace, $173.25: Henry Smith, Constable, $19.80; Leona Peterson, Steno, $20.70. Circuit Court: W. H. Feele, Deputy,; Helen u. Mumey, Deputy, $10.96. Clerk'a Office: Mania ret Reznlc sek, Deputy, $15.12; Wilson J. Wilt, Depu ty. $160.26. Recorder's Office: Gladys M. Thomas, Deputy, $4.47. Sheriff Tax: Bet ty L. Madison, Extra, smi.oz; Dixie u. Meyer, Extra, $155.55; Joy B. Doyal. 'Ex tra, $152.68; Helen B. ElD. Extra, so.aa; Mabel M. Zimmerman, Extra, $98.82; Lil lian Callaway, Extra, $87.65; B.nche A. Cupp, Extra. $130.54; Pauline Patterson, Extra, $19.72; Henry Mattson, Extra, $68. 48; Cleo Walker, Extra, $65.47; Doris Scott, Extra, $65.12 Ramona Evans, Extra, 153.91; Bernetta i. amitn. txira,; Leon J Smith, Extra, $56.43; Margaret Moore, Extra, $64.98; A. A. Geer, Co. Fair Fund, $38.11; J. P. Aspinwall, La bor, $220.67; Delbert Balr, Labor, $224.69; J. A. Burns, Labor, $143.80; Robert Hart, Labor. $217.77; Haary h. Lawrence, bor, $213.10: H. A. Martin, Labor, $208.50: Harold L. Martin, Labor, $206.50; Harold L. Martin. Labor, $199.53; Edward Schmltt, Labor, jaij.uu; rrann woeixe, jjnaor, $249.00; O. D. Blnesar. Labor, $240.83; Henry Bower, Labor, $20B.52; Lawrence Bower, Labor, $170.77; Wm. P. Croker. Labor, $107.14; Orvllle L. Duninan. La bor, $241.40; Harvey M. Girod, Labor, 1209.79; Eric Gustafson, Labor, $105.32; Roy Hatfield, Labor, $207.74; Cleo Kap ninirer. Labor. $11.29: Harold K. Keppln- aer, Labor, $234.99; Ben Kerber, Labor, $200.08; R. W. Kinney, Labor, $53.98: Bar ney J. Kropp, Labor, Jiao.ia; Laurel Lamb, Labor, $229.49; Floyd Lauber, La bor, $233.59; E. A. Lawrence, Labor, $205.09: W. R. Massey, Labor, $199.39; John McAllister, Labor, $206.28; Ralph McAllister. Labor, $202.26; D. P. Sen art, Labor, $235.01; Wm. Shaw, Labor, $196. 91: August Smith, Labor, $224.20; Robert Smith, Labor, $221.15; G. L. Spencer, La bor, $204.73; &an u. Btancuey, LiDor, 1207.30: Lloyd E. Taylor, Labor, $231.22; A. M. Thela, Labor, $217.67; Nick Thels, Labor. $233.83; Raymond Titus, Labor, $162.07: Orvllle L. Trussell, Labor, $228.17; Huch Webb, Labor, $228.21; Lee A. Wells, Lnbor. $230.26; Tony Woelke, Labor. $227.- 17; Bam Wccse, Labor, $175.26; Theodore Kuenzi, Labor, $254.34; Wm. R. Brenner, Labor, .$227. 7B; Henry BrueninR, Labor, $334.40; Mcnno Dalke, Labor, $2.59; Lloyd Jarman, Labor, vina.-ii; Leo Mcuauister, Labor, $247.10; C. J. Miller. Labor, $231. 56; Tom Rltchey, Labor, $201.61; Jos. A. Robl, Labor, $230.13; W. Shelley, Labor, $222.20; Gene Shilling, Labor, $173.20; Ar thur J. Tackmier, Labor, $222.20; L. W. Webber, Labor, $208.46; W. O. Williamson, Labor, $203.84: J. O. Ournutt, Labor, !2iy.BH; j. Anoerson Jr., Loor,; Wm. BunUnc, Labor, $195.08; L. R. Coop er. Labor, $207.55; E. J. Coover, Labor, $197.27; Axel Johnson, Labor, $197.27: Oerhard A. Olson. Labor. $161.58: J. R. Patten. Labor, $205.57; H. J. Peterson, Labor, 1231.12; O. Q. Ross, Labor. $207.90: A. B. Rostad, Labor, $200.68; R. F. 8y verson. Labor, $226.51; M. J. McCor mlck. Labor, $211.34; Leo A. Andreas, La bor, $192.90; David DuBols, Labor, $176. 38; Virgil R. Fahey, Labor, $197.97; H. S. Lenhardt, Labor, $244.90; S. M. Martin, LaDor, iig7.ui; wm. Nattzger, Labor, $314.70; Cecil R. Royston. Labor. $215.77; Delbert C. SheUtto, Labor. $244.94; S. K. Ely, Labor. $218.90; Arthur Blavkburn, Labor, $216.38; Floyd Blackburn, Labor, $7.32; Wm. Duchateau. Labor. $232.28: A. A. Ktohards, Labor, $203.62; Kenneth watts. Labor, $228.16; Clarence Williams, Labor, $222.10; E. H. Busby. Labor. $205.- 92: Wallace Cobine, Labor, $92.47; C. A. uooine, Laoor, mi , n ; ueorge rraun dlener. Labor. $284.70; Tom Bowden, La bor, $213.73; Richard Fall, Labor. $153.07; John Hanna, Labor, $123.75; M. E. Pe terson. Labor. 130.80: Lvdla Mattson. Sheriff Deputy Tax, $102.80; Evelyn Men- is, bariti ueputy Tax, ibb.h; Marian Maat, Sheriff Deputy Tax, $96.70: Vlo letts West, Sheriff Deputy Tax, $113.59; H. T. Evans, Sheriff Deputy Tax. $113.27; H. F. Domogalla, Sheriff Deputy Tax, $214.68: Gertrude T. Lo'odell, Bailiff, $16. 80; Floy Mudd, Bailiff, $54.35; Victor Howard Trapper, $278.64; Cleo Kepplnser, Gravel Haulers, $32.00; L. M. Case, Gravel Haulers. $72.00; R. Shelton, Postage, $9. 00; A. 0. Grar, Postmaster, Postage, $5. 00; Hankj Parking Lot, Misc., $27.25; Ho tel Senator, Meals, $21,40; Salem Park ing Service, Misc., $8.50; Etcher & Co., Exp., $3.34; Dr. B, F. Glesey, Exam., $5. 00; Ltston W. Howoll, Per Diem, etc., $57. 92; Association of Oregon Counties, Assn. Dues, $384.77; McOllchrlst & Sons, Sups, .45; Otis Elevator Co., Sups, $8.50; Al bert O. Grass, Postmaster, Postage, $6.00; Sybil O. Catlln & Frank H. Spears, rent, $100.00; Earl Adams, T.E., $221.98: Dr. Lewis Clark, Exam., $5.00; Dr. Scott Mc Klown, Exam., $5.00; John Schmld, Rent, 1100.00; Mrs. A. L. SchuU, Reward, $25. 00; American Public Health Assoc.. O. Sups., $15.20; Capitol Drug Store, Med. Sups., $21.39; Dr. Wm. Crothera. Med. Serv., $60.00; Charles Derthick, CI. Psy., 20.Q0; Doctors Supply Co.. Med. Sups., $40.90; Dr. Margaret Dowell, Med. Serv., $105.01: Dr. Lucille Former. Med. Serv., $15.00; Dr. John Goldsmith, Med. Serv., $15.00; A. C. Drags, postmaster. Postage. $53.00; Hendrle Medical Laboratory, Lab. $125.00; George R. Hoffman, M.D., Med. Serv., $13.00; Dr. Robert Joseph, Med. erv., $36.00; Dr. M. A. Kamsler, Med. Serv., $30.00; Dr. B. I. Knapp, Med. Serv., $15.00: Helen Mebly. Off. Sups.. $28.50: J. O. Penney Co., Off. Sups., $8.98; Perry's Drug Store. Med. Sups.. $5.90: The Quis cnberry Pharmacy, Med. Serv., $15.49; Sa lem Masonic Temple, Rent, $250.00: Sa lem Medical Laboratory, Lab., $53.25; School District No. 4, O. Sups., $1.15; Shaw Surgical Co.. Med. Sups.. $20.20; Simmons Carbon Company, O. Sups., $79. 05; W. J. Stone. M.D., Trans., $19.35; Charles C. Thomas Publisher, O. Sups. $11.20: Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Trans., $280.00; Valley Motor Co., Trans., 133. ut; woooDum uospitai, A-Kay, ji.- wynxoop-Biari Printing, printing. $10.45; John W. Hanrahan, Fees, $332.75; Fred W. Lange, Pees, $; Dr. K. J. Petersen, Fees, $265.50; A. W. Simmons, Fees, $141.25; Charley R. Brown, 1 Grade, $8.00: Howard W. Hennlnnscn, 1 Grade, I7.n: h. MlkKeison St. son, i Registered, $24.00; Dr. Horace Miller, Exam, $30.00; R. F. White. Exam. $10.00: Dr. Roscoe C. WU- lon. Exam, $10.00; Howard Maple, sups., $3.00; McEwan'a Photo snow. Repairs, S2.S0: Painless Parker. Dentist. Med. Serv.. $2.50: Red Cross Pharmacy. Medi cal, 16.37; aaiem surplus more, sups, $63.60; Sanitary Service Co., Sani tary Service, $1.90; Denver Young, Board of Prisoners, $952.24; Bates Llvesley St Pearson. Bond. $25.00; E. E. Howell, rent & etc., 20.00; W. D. Harris. Acent. Bond. 25.00: Alt O. Ne son, Rent 40.00; Emery J. Jackson, Travel ex pense, 28.36; w. h. Beu, Kent st postage, 35.00; T. C. Gorman, Rent, 30.00; W. C. Miller. T. E.. 21.74: Mrs. Eiolse Fetters. hospital. 8.00; Mrs. Mary Halvorson, hos pital, 28.00; Mrs. Mary Halvorson, nospitai, 12.00; D. J. Jepson, T. E., 9.98; Mrs. Fern Mcnaiiey, nospitai, D2.oo; Nona wnite, T. E.. 13.50: Nona White. T. E. etc.. 4.35; Albertlna Kerr Homes, Court Committed, 4.17: Boys and Girls Aid Society of Ore.. Court Committed, 22.33; Catholic Charities Inc., Court Committed, 45.17: Children Farm Home, Court Committed, 20.00 Royal Typewriter o. Equipment, 98.63; William r. ntzxe. l uoDcai. z.ou: cimer it. j,ewis. 1 Bobcat, 2.50; Miss Marlon Ady, Instl tue, 40.00; American Association of Sen, Admins., Misc., 10.00; American School & University. Misc.. 2. B0: Mr. Frank B. Bennett, Institute, 20.00; Marguerite R. Burton, T. E 24,54; Mary Donaldson, in tit ute. lfl.M' Vivian S. Hoenlir. T. E.. 56.30 Leona Hopkins, Institute etc., 13.66; Miss KUby Peterson, institute, ou.ou; national Association of flch. Sec, Misc., 2.00; J. T. Remington. T. E 6.96: School Executive, Misc., 2.00; Superintendent of Documents, Misc., 1.00; Mrs. Bernlece Tucker, Insti tute, 60.00; Art Burnslde Ac Co., Misc., I 13.68; Atlas Stamp to Die Co., Sups., 6.05; Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, January 23, 1950 17 M. J. Baugh Motor Sales, Trans., 26.00:' Burke's Camera Shop. Misc., 0.33; City of Salem, Radio. 6.00; William DeVall, trans., , 5.00; Motorola Inc., Radio, 271.36; Pitney-, Bowes Inc. Pottage, 19.80; Salem Hard ware Co., Sups., 1.26; Salem-Wlllamette Supply, Equipment, 35.500; Robert Tlce, , Trans,, SOc; Chas. E. Welsenhaus, Emer gency Fund, 6.88; Denver Young, Unl- lorm Allow.. 30.00; Denver Young, Equip. & Etc., 25.60; Denver Young, Postage, 1,000.00; Commercial Book Store, Sups., 3.75; Lad & Bush Salem Branch, Misc., i4.oo; h. c. fiaaueio, t. e., 19.16; Ervln Ward. T. E.. 86.34; The Keves-Davls Company, Dog Tags. 246.67; Mrs. Merle Banyard, Hens Killed, 3.30; Donald J. Buyserie, Lambs Killed, 16.00; Carl H. Downey, Lambs Killed, 16.00; Jesse For ter, Lambs Killed, 30.00; Elmer C, Mor tensen, Hens Killed, 8.80; Eddie Ahrens, Produce, 36.00; Benedicts Inc., Produce, 34.76; Columbia studio, Exp., 15.75; Jean cwen, Map etc., we.oj; Airs. a. a. ueer, T. E.. 158.00: A. A. Geer. T. E.. 68.52: LaBlsh Celery Growers Coop Sups., 4.50; Pacific Fruit 4c Produce Co., Produce, 47.87; Parry's Displays, roduce, 67.S0; loneer f ruit Distributors, produce, o.; Clay Ram bo. Produce, 4.20; Btrowbrldge Hardware & Paint Co.. produce,; Prank E. Way. Produce. 6.00: Lincoln Wheeler, roduce, 251.00; Lincoln Wheeler, produce, 49.10: A. v. wicxiund, produce, 7.50; American Law Book Co., Law Books, 20.00; Baker Voorhls & Co., Law Books, 13.00: Bancroft-Whkteney Co.. Law Books. 20.00; Bobbs-MerrlU Co.. Law Books, 10.00; Lawyers co-operative pumisners, Law Books,, 33.60; Shepards Citations, Law Books, 12.00; West Publishing Co., Law Books. 34.00: Addressograph-MultlRraph corp. sups., 5G.oa; aeorge E. Alien Hard ware, Reps., 9.29: Anderson Motors. Reps. 40.76: J. C. Bair & Bona. Reos.. 10.60: Stan Baker Motors, Reps., 27.02: Ballou & wnpnt, Keps., 4.01; Agnes c. Boom, T. E 203.98: Bradfleld Lumber Co.. Misc.. 6.32; E. H. Burrell, Reps., 66.04; Capitol auio parts, iteps., 27.30: capital city Bindery, Sups., 109.24; Capitol Journal Proc Adv., 136.11; Capitol Junk Co., Exp., 5.10; Capitol Office Equipment Co.. Equip. etc., 91.50; Capitol Tractor it Equipment uo nep.a iv. n; l. h. case, nam uravei. 3.72; Lyle Castor. Gravel 23.75; City Water ucpnrtment water sj.hi; j. a. ciarx, Misc.. 58.75: Commercial Sand it Gravel Co. Gravel 206.28: Cooke Stationery Com pany Sups. 20.61; J. W. Copeland Yards misc.. of. on; ur. m. crotners mcq. nerv. 93.32; Doollttle Master Service, Misc., 18.41; Downs Glass Shop. Reps.. 77.81: Tom Elbs Mobil, Trans.. 71.71; Electric Motor Service. Reps.. 48.16: Enxlneer Sand & Gravel Co.. Gravel. 232.35: Rav L. Parmer Sups. 10.34: Pcenaughty Machinery uo, Keps. eje: Firestone stores Keps. 109.76; W. Porsholm Signs 4.00; Freres- rrank Lumber Company Lumber 551.81 J. K. Gill Company Suns. 181.77; B. P Goodrich Co. Reps. 136.36: Goodyear Rub ber it Asbestos Co. Reps. 3.98; Haloid Company Sups 1216.03; J. D. Hartwell Keps 21.50; Lloyd Ketchum Reps. 219.10; J. E. Haseltlne & Co. Reps. 77.57; Hcr-rolrt-Phillppi Motor Co. Reps. 59.62; How ard Cooper Corporation Reps. 10.35; Chas. H. Hoyt. Gravel, 1,341.60; Interstate Trac tor & Equipment, Reps., 71.37: Johnson Blewert &. Aldrlch, Sups., 91.80: Ira Jor gensen. Reps., 164.47; H. A. Judd, Post ace etc., 19.36; H. A. Judd, Poll Books. 4.85; Jungwlrth Sand Ac Oravel, Gravel, 634.57; Kay Typewriter Co., Sups., 17.85; Kclser Sand As Orevel Co., Gravel, 106.38; Claude Lewis, Exp., 50.00; C. J. Lewis, Gas etc., 257.06; Loners & Contractors Machinery, Reps.. 3.86; Marlon Electric Company, Reps., 24.36; M. J. McCormlck, Reps., 2.25; Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co., Reps., 42.31; B. J. Mlnden Lumber Co., Lumber, 964.36; Mountain States Power Co., L As P., 49.43; Nccdhams Book Store, Sups., 152.84; Newborn Band it Orevel Co., Gravel, fl.OO; Norrls it Walker, Signs, 10.75; Northwest Industrial Laundry, Misc., 3.03; Oregon Gravel Company, Gravel, 698.33; Oregon Physicians Service, Snl. Ded., 300, 35; Oregon state Agricultural College, Mlsc, 7,625.00; Oregon State Highway Commission, Culv., 2.76; Ben Otjen it Son, Culv., 125.00; John Outerson, Tax Re fund, 92.43; Pacific Building, Rent, 200.00; Pacific Tele Ac Tele Co., 376.85: Philippl Tire Servle, Reps, 21.70; Portland General Electric, L Ac P., 226.09; A. M. Presnall, Postage, 2.00; Remington Rand Inc., Supa, 180.92, Roen Typewriter Exchange, O Exp., 24.83; Rogers Construction Co., Gravel, 152.25: Saffron Supply Company, Repa., 4.16; Salem Auto Parts Co., Reps., 5.16: Salem Concrete Pine As Product!. Culv., 629.22; Salem Insurance Agent, Ins., 00.00; oaiem Ltaunury CO., uups., Salem Memorial Hosnltal. hoHnltal. iop nn Salem Navigation Co., Sups., 4.31; Salem Steel As Supply Co.. Reps.. 51.96: Salem Tent tc Awning. Reps.. 2.60: Shell Oil company, uu, ri.Df; uuver wneei rreiRlit rxts.,; ti, a. Bimmons, Trans., 129. H. A. Simmons, Oaaoline, Diesel, 1,646. Soule Steel Comoanv. Culv.. 266.10: E. Squibb At Sons Med Sups., 13.63; Standard Oil Company of Calif., Gas Ac Diesel 1DB.79; stateman Publishing Co.. Adv. bubo; Biate lire service, Keps., 63.73: Stayton Gravel Co.. Gravel. $343.00: Stayton Parts Service, Reps., $339.90; O. Stevenson Company. Reps.. $20.95; Stevenson As Mefford, Batteries, $34.23; E. Byron Ac Ronald Syron. Lumber. $.- 383.10; Thornton Stationery As Printing Sups.. 19.84: Truck Sales At Serv ice. Reps., $17.07; Dnlon Oil Co. of Cali fornia, Gas At etc., $499.29; Unruh-Knapp Printing Co., Sups.. $72.45; Valley Mo tor Co., Reps., $175.70; Valley Welding Supply Co., Reps., $44.40; Wailing Sand As Oravel Co.. Gravel. $525.30; West Coast Paper Co.. Sups., $37.87; Western Union Tele. Co., Tele., $19.30; Willamette Val ley Transfer Co., Prt $3.75; Woodburn Sand Ae Oravel Supply, Gravel. $31.00; Woodbury Company, mops., sji.u; . u. lerbach Paper Co., O. Sups., $115.48; Wal ter H. Zosel Co., Trans., ow.o; a. w. Gragg, Postmaster. Postage, $10.00. November 1. 1949 Permit to haul log. Otis E. Branch. No. 2, Order by Stat Tax Commission removing land from Re forestation; Kelter Diking District Mo tion nH Cirdve to revoke Order of Oct. 37, Order setting hearing on proposed district for 13949, Motion ana waer to show cause; Beer license, James M. Hays and John D. Vlgus; Quit Claim deed to Merle and Vernlce Bye. Nov. 3, Approval of Plat of "Broadway Oardens"; Permit to haul logs, Delayne H. Paulsen; Pole Una permit, ortland General Electi ic Co.; Order setting date of election for Dec. IS on proposed Incorporation of Detroit, alsa Notice of Election. Nov. 4, Beer license, S. E. Orcutt and J. A. Nunn, fcarlda I. Cain; Permit to haul logs, Guy Sargent; In demnity claim of Rose K. Reznlcsek, final hearing 113049. Nov, D, Indemnity claim of James O. Pate, final hearing 113049. Nov. 7, Approval or bond for Issuance oC duplicate warrant to Richard W. Fall; Order for correction of personal property assessment of Jennie R. Love all; Notlc of Election and Order setting date, etc. for proposed Incorporation of Idanhtt election 12940; Permit to haul logs, Capitol Lumber Fuel Co., John 8. Zolo toff; Order setting election Dee. 13 for proposed Incorporation of the Liberty Salem Heights Rural Fire Protection Dis trict. Nov. 8, Dance hall license. Canyon Fire Patrol; Permit to haul loga, Dwlght Wood, Tom R. Burton. Nov. 9, Final hear ing on Indemnity claim of Charley R. Brown: Lease on land at Quinaby to Ore con Electric Ry. Co. Nov. 10, Beer license, Werner J. and Alvlna Jarms; Road Proc. No. 971, Petition to Vacate Unincorporated Area of Gatesvllle, hearing set for 121649; Quit Claim deed, John B. Stenger et al to Marion County. Nov. 12, Dance Hall Li cense, H. P. Teets; Petition or H. P. Sophy et al to abolish Justice Court la BBreitenbush precinct. Nov. 14 Beer li cense Ed and Osa B. Burkhnrt; Road Proc. No. 972 Petition for Extentlon of Brown Street as a County road hearing set for 112149. Nov. 18, Agreement with Sllverton Sanitary Service RE: Oarbago Disposal Plant; Beer license, Ell M. and Emll M. Rhvne. Henrv O. and Carlotta J. Lucht, Frank Vlasio and Floyd Madefy; Permit to haul loss. Cecil O. Clark. Guy Sargent; Permit to haul logs and piling, ' scio Transier; pole line permit, poriiana General Electric. Nov. 21, Permit to move, building, Kay Simmons; Pipe line permit, Portland Gas and Coke Co.; Pole Una permit, Portland General Electric Co.; Beer license, Francis and Myrtle Mathlot, Jake M. Cutsforth, Vernon L. Smith, Betty M. Lamar; Permit to haul loga, Archie L. Chamberlln, Lloyd Walker, Jacob C. Strom, Guy Music, Dolph Heater, Wal ter L. Rak, E. G. Neal, Eldon C. Rey nolds. Henry Query, Wm. R. Taylor, Har old F. Wiltse; Petition to extend Brown Road continued to Dee. 9; Plat of "Sandy Acres" approved. Nov. 22, Order Vacating certain Streets and Alleys In Loganvllle; Beer license, Woodburn Post No. 46 Ameri can Legion; Petitions for Improvement of Drenna Ave., Jelden Street and 34th street; Quit Claim to Wlebka C. Lord. Nov. 23, Petition for Vacation of Unin corporated Area of Gates, Road Proc, No. via; indemnity ciaim oi a. Aieivin Lien, final hearing 12949: Permit to move, tractor and dozer. Prank J, Pokorny; Beer license, Frank Masser et al, Clyda W. Smith et al; Permit to haul logs. T. F. Zacher. Welter Logging Co.; Coun ty Judge authorized to approve wreckers license to Lester B. Mills. Nov. 25, Beer license, K. A. Tracy; Permit to haul logs Lester c. uurxnoiaer. Associated engin eers, Harold E. Weathers, Ralph E. Mol lett; Permit to move building, Kay Sim mons; Transfer Order. No. 26, Permit t haul logs J. W. Fitta, E. C. Dlller; Beer license, James M. and Alice M, Taylor, Emmett M. Stlnaon, Nov. 29 Final hearing on Indemnity claim of Manning Fay Webb; ueer license uienn c. ana etena jones, A. A. Krueger et al; Transfer Order from County Fair fund to General Fund. Nov. 30, Final hearing an Indemnity claims of Rose K, Reznlcsek, James G. Pate; Ore gon Liquor Control Commission Reg. 46, 46 and Reg. 1 Amended, placed on file; Permit to haul loga. Eugene F. Gilbert and Fred J. Blake, Walter L. Rak, Claranca M. Murphy, Guy Sargent; County Judga authorized to approve Wreckers license to Nelson and Emmona: Bond for Issuance of duplicate warrant to Union OH Co. of Calif; Beer license, Richard F. Gentzkow, Edwin J. and Daisy B. Richards. North Santlam Tavern; Resolution and Option for sate of .31 acre to United States. fftA' western peopile hold the reins at POE Is an Oregon electric lyitem, managed and openrted by Oregonians, for th benefit of Oregon. The 1600 people who work to give you dependable PGB electric tervice are, of course, residents here your friends and neighbors. Similarly, the directors who manage PGE are "home towners" . . . men who live in Portland, Salem, Hillsboro . . . men who have made their careers here in Oregon. Of the more than 15,000 people who have savings invested In PGE, more than a third live In Oregon, more than 85 per cent in the three Pacific Coast statesl And none of these shareholder! owns as much as 3 per cent of PGE. That's why we can say that PGE Is a local electric system through and through . . . interested In local problems . . . interested in seeing to it that this area continues to receive the best possible eJectrio service at lowest possible cost. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY WIllAMITTI VAL1IY IVISION, SAUM, OSISON hmrili Hint MMrifcrnr