16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, January 23, 1950 A Man Is Missing By ERLE STANLEY GARDNER (Creator of the famous fictional detective. Perry Uuod) Hank turned the card over and studied the phoiograpn o, (Chapter One) .T Bherlft Bill Catlln spilled the con--t-.tents of the envelope on his battered -desk and glowered at the younger "mail across from him, who sat un '"eomfortably attentive. - "The trouble with these dudes," 'the sheriff said, "Is that they think " but here in Idaho we ain't civilized. JNow, here's IM Harvel, me cniei ol v police that was visiting out here .-three years ago. He wants me to lo - m nmnesla victim, and he writes me a two-page letter telling me how to go about It." Hank Lucas nodded vaguely as -the sheriff's steely eyes looked up "liver the top of nis spectacles. "Now, this here chap," the sher- 'Jjt went on, "had a previous attack. -.Ke wandered off on his own. Was "gone for three months, came back, 'and didn't know where he'd been. ""Didn't know what he'd done, what "name he went under, where he lived. ..or anything about it. He Just left - his office five o'clock one after- noon and started for home. He ' showed up three months later. " Ain't that a heck of a note?" "That," Lucas agreed, "Is a heck . f a note." "Now then," the sheriff went on, "a year ago he did it again. Dis ' appeared last September. But this "time he writes his wife a picture post card. Sends It to her 'way back last October." "Hey, wait a minute," Hank said. "'If he sent his wife a picture post "card, his mind hasn't gone plumb '..blank. How did he know where . to address It?" 'T'm nomlno- to that." the sheriff said. "That's the funny thing. He'd been married three years, but ho ariftrpMpri the nrt card to his wife . under her maiden name and sent it to the old address where she lived when he was courting ner. - ' HnnV Hlrln'fr. HHV AllVthinff. "' "Now, Kd Harvel," the sheriff went on, "suggests this chap, whose jiame Is JTanK Adrian, is sua go ing under Ms own name, Because h slimed the oost card 'Prank.' This here amnesia guy seems to have gone over in tne Miaaie rxr country and lived In a cabin. He had a camera, and someone took his picture standing in front of til cabin. It was sent to his wife addressed to her, like I said, under her maiden name, Corliss Lathan. "The post card was mailed from Twin rails. Darned if they dld'nt waste a lot of time corresponding with t.h. folks down In Twin Palls. Then finally someone suggested It might be the Middle Pork country, and It seems like the man who is Jn charge of the missing-person department found out Ed Harvel had been out here three years ago. So he goes to Ed and asks Ed for the name of the sheriff." The sheriff pushed the photo graphic post cara across tne aesit rnke a look." Hank looked at the card. On the aide reserved for the message was written: "Corliss, dear, this shows where I am living. It's the wildest, most Inaccessible place you can Imagine. I still feel the result of that auto accident six weeks ago, but what with climbing around these mountains, living on venison and trout, getting lots of fresh air and exercise, 111 oe lit in no time at all." Hank turned the card over and studied the Dhotoirranh of a moun tain cabin, with a man standing in front of It smiling fatuously at the camera. "Auto accioentY" Mann asked. "According to Ed Harvel. that ac eldent was three years ago. The date on the card shows it was sent about six weeks after the guy dis appeared the second lime. Appar ently he got his head banged in that accident, and whenever his memory slips a cog, it goes back to the time of that accident." Hank studied the post card. A trapper s cabin, he said, "up on a ridge. It was built In the fall. You can see where the trees were hopped off around near the cabin Indicates there was about three feet of snow on the ground. The guy's sure a tenderfoot." "He is, for a fact," the sheriff urreed. "Those high boots," Hank went on. "11008418 m em too. net tney r II weigh a ton. Look at that hunting knife hanging on nis oeic. rretty far front. No protection on the sheath . . . What makes you think the cabin's around Here?" Notice that little 'T.M.' uo in the corner?" Hank nodded. "That's Tom Morton's Initials. He mits 'em on the post cards he prints, with a string of figures after 'em." You talk with xomi" name asked. "Well, now," the sheriff said, vou see It's like this. Hank. I want vou to sorta helo me out." "Now, wait a minute," Hank said. "They way you're talkln', BUI, you have gone ana maae some arrange ments." "Nothing out of the way," Sheriff Oatlln said hastllv. "I've cot vou a couple of customers. A couple of dudes." "Who?" Hank asked. "Seems like this CorHis Adrian has all of a sudden got in a lather to get her husband located. Seems like there's another man been hanging around, and maybe she'd like to get a divorce. To do that she'd like bo make a charge of de sertion and serve papers. Or, in case she's a widow, then she could get married again right away, 'mis here new man has got lots of money, and he's willing to spend It. And tne nign-powerea city aeteouve who's been in charge of the In vestigation, a chap by the name of James DeWitt, has a vacation coming up. So he and this Corliss Adrian are driving out together." Hank said. ."Well. I've got mv pack string where I could take a party into the Middle Fork." The sheriff and Hank Lucas turn ed In at Tom Morton's doorway. A lew minutes later the pnotog. raphcr, tall, thin, wrapped In an aura of acid fixing bath which gave him the odor of a dill pickle. said, "What can I do for you boys?" .am ratlin snowed mm tne pnotp- grapn. "iou make tnis post card, Tom?" The photographer took the print. turned it over, and examined the ngures in tne upper rignt-nand cor. ncr. "That's right," he said. "Last year I had a chance to pick up three or four lots of post-card paper on which the expiration date had pass ed. I put figures on them so I'd know which lot was which. In case I had to discard one." Try and think when you made It." Morton examined the flsure an the poet card. said. "Sav. wait a minute. I'm kind of beginning to remember something about that pic ture, -me guy wanted just one print inane. ' "What's so funnv about that?" "Well, when people want a picture put on post cards, usually they want tu least a oozen, to send to iriends, This fellow came in and said he wanted one print made, and only one.' "Remember what he looked like?1 "He was the guy in the picture.' "Well, now, that's interesting. r-rounoiy aiong aoout last aeptem ber?" Morton studied the pen-and-ink number on the upper right-hand corner of the postal card, said, "I didn't tnink the sum was still on hand In September. Tills was batch I got around April. I thought it was gone by August. Guess I'm wrong, though." "Well, Tom, Just make a photo of this here post card and make us half a dozen prints right quick." As the two men went clump-clump-clumplng out along the board corridor, Honk Lucas sold to the sheriff. "You know, Bill, 1( that fellow'd been in the Middle Pork country ever since last fall, I'd nave Known about it." "I know," the sheriff sold sooth ingly "but this here Ed Harvel he thinks the only woy to make a search is to go on Into the Middle Pork and prowl up and down the country looking ror this cobln." ira caoin. Honk sold, "can probably be located. It's ua nn . ridge, was built by someone who naa a une or traps, was started In the foil before there was any snow on the ground, and finished after there'd been a storm that brought in auvui mice lBi't oi snow. YOU can tell where the stumps were nut close to the ground and then higher up. And those lost saplings that stick out over the door to hang traps and stuff on were cut off five feet above the around. Th. stumps are rignt near the cabin, jjui ratlin grinned at him. "I wouldn't soy anything like that to una miwiivB mats coming out Hank." "Why not?" "Well, now," the sheriff said, "it's a funny thing about oltv dtnMvi They think they're the onlv ones can do any of tills here deductive (Sheriff Catlln and Hank are on uis iron oi a strange murderer. Don't miss tomorrow's installment.) "."1"" " rle anlf OtMnni (DUtrlbuted by Kim Feature. Syndicate) rJa a ttw '.TJi'Iliou mm RADIO PROGRAMS MONDAY P.M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO" ,30 NBC 70 CBS 11M ABC 13M UBO KtO Ke. 5:00 Thi s of 0. Kne M.nnlal Cb.ll.nia ef B-Bar-B Swlni TinTe 5:15 New. Little aba aka S,'I"T',; 5:30 Velee dl r.t.ae Newi Sr K m Tom M l Bin, Cre.br i45 Vole. .1 r'.leo. New. Br Kin. Tem Mil B.nd ol Dr 6:00Boitoa Srmph. Eledle Tbe.ter ""la "' O.brltl HeaUr C.ndlellah. 6:15Boilon Sympb. Sadie Theater Rom. Edltlea New. . 6:31) Uvlm lan itadl. Tb.il.i Mod. Eamaaee. Tall Tut 6:45 LlTlnr 11130 B.dle Th.al.r M.d. B.mamei S.r.nade TwIIHM leaa 7:00 Martin Lew!. lit7rlend Irne Lon. Ranrer ""'J,r J,P"J Z J! . 7:15 Mrllo Lewi. H, Friend Irm. Lob. tunr ?i 'aM?'"' iSiVk. 7:30 D.y. CarrewarBob R.wt Ethel Alb.rt , KIM 7;5 DT. G.rr.w.y nob Bawk Elb.l Albert " g:00Slblra, Ktnl t.bw.11 Th.mu K.lb Smith g " JJ JJ" S;15N.w. nek Snllh Kite Smith V,'? I''! !i!J :30 Ballr.ia n.ir Til.kl 8e.ate H. 1. Inl.r h. s. ol . Triek 1 8:45 Billfiid Be.. T.l.nl So.ll. Trie rl" "' Trk.k KM 9:00 Telephone Br. Inner Sin.lgm Sp.ikinr Bene. J"" - 2!!!,"!li! 1l 9:15 Telephone Br. Inner Sinelnm Spkln Soma i", WUIimelU U. o.jO Dine. Oreh. Beulah Ralph Norman " Newi 5:45 Pane. Oreh. Slob IB Ralph Norma. ' c- Chlel Roble ioToi) Sim Rare. jSt.r rinal Rlehll.ld Rep. U"" . M.'i"I" lO lSMIadr Canon. You dl World Inltrmeiio Mui.New.reel 10 30 Sport rinal Alrllo ConeertBoii Nw. J Wu 10 !45 Qrcht.tr. cb.m. Torpm Cone.rtB.ur It', th. Top. Ma., iron. Want ,1 .no New. Serenade ConoertBon, ' -" '"' !!"!"" ,:,u Mo.e.m Trea.urr Band concert Hear '' v?,l. Mu..um Or.an Mu.l. M,m V.r et n M 11145 W11 Mu.cnm ora.n Muil. Memo. Tro... V.rl.tle. Noot.rne 12:00 S'r" O" Sim olf tr Hoar Blin Oil Islni Oil FM Met., KQW 100.S, S-10 p.m., KOIN 11,1, ..m., II p.m., KIX ., ta P.l TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Onr Qal Snnday BIr Sister IMa Ferklni Dr. Malone Gnldinr Llrhl Nem KOIN Kloek KOIN Kloek KOIN Klock KOIN Klock INewa CBS Newa Fred Beck Farm Newi Keep Bmllln Keep Smillnr Keep Smlllna' Newa Arren kr Bob Bates IZeke Hannera Comnner News Newa Grand Slam Rosemary toreakfaat Club Breakfait Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Mew. Today'i Btara quick aa Fiasb1 Quick aa Flaihl Serenade Galen Drake My True Story MyTrue Story Mra. Burton Perry Mason Norah Drake IBrlrhter Day FNewa Mm. Tlmek'perl Marcn Time Newi Newa Br'kfaat Qanf Br'kfaat Oidi Top Trades Barr. Counter Family Alter Haven of Beat Haven of Beat Newa Galen Drake Pattor'a Call Willing Gten Hardy Sonet of Dot Orcanalltes Kusi Morgan Betty Crocker Vlo. Llndi.hr N'westernera N'westernera Baakhaye Newi Jack Norman Meet Menjoua Breakfaet In Hollywood Kay West Kay Weal Jay Stewart Jay Stewart Bride A Groom; Walter Kiernan Club Time Muele Hannibal Cobb Hannibal Cobb Western Brand Squirrel ?ac Squirrel Cace Firefiabtera ULadlea Flnt Ladles Flnt (Queen for Day Queen for Day Top Trades News Gay OO'i Bob Eberly Bob Mitchell Bob Mitchell Tel! Nelehbor Btnr Sines Bob Fool Bob Poole jMnilc for Tuesday Jamboree Jamboree (News Kostenaneta Fulton Lewis Hemlnrway Behind Story ICarm. Cavalier DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 lAAf Monday P.M. fi:W, Children's wrtv . d4r iMey mmiiiO 'Sit$Hh Z A&0Wj of tog m dbtera. fit fitter Mtti 1 S off BMtb chin me&m 0 ftJtr'fS monlnf to Spotlights Mtiorj. E ft Wt1 ,W AX I &5tr b-but-mr roper-a make L A r y 1 j p. w...,i r a r -sssr- I . I pmama ' " ' "W-tl IT" " " ' JUBBEM ,:150'd 8o" ft , 1 if I f -SPECIALLY WHEN VUH BUrLO j WELL,TOCW THE KXH WXSH- f ?:,5 3Ba7.. I LotW LrZAROs! BEIN'AloOOO V- R ES UP TH' HOPES OF A WMPLEMNOEO II II THE SHOWDOWN- fM TIRED J oH-OHf I "geddle Albert R I JANITOR B O. K.-BUT PLflV ACTW V lit If TRUSTWSOUL LIKE DAN OPJFT- II POOLING AROUND-fM qoiNd POOR I gils sddl. Albert B LIKE VOU OWN TH" PLANT" fc U H HE THINKS HE !g GOnS TO QET S R TO THE PLANT ANO WALK "PAPAf 1 8:30 Jack Berch ,, THAT'S Woff-THTS WRONG f 1 f ABK3 O06 AT TH' PLAMT SOON- I B RIGHT Kj ON MY PAL, . atN, S"' H A. f. W, -THAT GIN-. JACK SACK, IS IB. JACK SOCK ! TBfdJ 9:00 Second Cn. A (-h-T 3 WPRSE'N A FOORFLUSHER! J I Qj. f 1 iiH-'omafaJSar. i. i i i'!Tiitfej5i i Til &a fv- , y. I ikrTI Tl MrrfaciMJS i 9:45 n... iff IIP w laggas3!afcEPfegtg fd I l vBBn ' I ,r II I J ,l-fflM . 12:15 Boad ol Llle Come Gel II 1 Srl)fes IJ-ifetfe S3 ' I Vb. -Ettj-3 I I VSMiTIT' " 'l BaioJ J 1:00 Baokitaee Wife Nora, Nowb.ro rFrr rfyrtgari-1 I ' ' LdaaMBlBal aaMauaaal II ,n ggJIll a ,jmma , d 1:15 Stella, Dalla. 'ack Holl oaanaaaaaaaBaaaaMaaaaaBa.BaBaM.BaaaBMcaaMoaiaaaaaaBaa .HaaaaaaeBaaaaBBanBaBBBBaenaBaBBenjaaaamm aaaaMaa.aaBaaaaaaaaampBaaaaaaa.ill UMM 1:30 Lorema Jone. Garry Moor. I I A "l' X THIS TOBN PITCHCR OF A GAIIS AH tOVES HER trZ&m HMMAH HEERD V GIT & -lijj Wlddcr Bro. N.w.gap.r I i II', - I KNEE WERE IN TH' BINDIN' OF MADLY ON PSST.'."- Z&l THAR WAS ONE JV UIMX 2:0,1 A Girl M.rrl Newipaper I I tlWi MAH "FEARLESS FOSDICK" s ACCOUNT jf WHICH HIRED TH'g HIM.Vfe 2:15 i. r.'",. St. Allen L I lVcOMICAL OOOK. BOON'S AH Z kSHt GOT SUCH ) SwAfSWAif OLE HORSEHAIR W AN' HANG 2:30 ip?I" BIU"" " I I tfi W FINDS "TleJlST OHER AH'LL (. SWEET A. COLLAPSED.? J HONTIN' LODGE M TH' COST-Y 2:45 ""jlrZ T-nelnllr Year, a I dA . V MAaiw HMr ' EXPRESHON -S TAf A FO' TH' SEASON . W BUT, DON'T ..nn Tr.. N.w, L 17 1 zsmkFvmL WHEs? n!?lam",ftv-: I;!":Hu,sor' A I '" ,' J I A3 fikf lt 1 I ?!r4- ft 1-1 1 ' Aftf &SiM 4:00 Woman'a Sect Arthur Godlror . If ' y 'i 1 aT JmK. 1 IK ftJfmw f n Kf iar t:vnu mw Aiihmofrw B I X I V f r-i. -Tkaaaal aJsKSJ lSPQiXt: . Ifc-jfa) lTvil LH-Jfi 4:3n Dr- pul Co" '" 1.1 I X Zfjf&li af) " k TlM wTIkfaalMlfKft 11 ?St 05Sfl "LL 4:45 Paul, stona Edw. Harrow Y -IS k Mil l j' . v 1 K-A 1 V -V aaal I as. .".v aa.n Tria I ml bf IIV'.;M AJff.w i 4. I JT;. vir"- d(OTAV V-; I atrSW KaOJ Tl 113 WW&llNP ? .- I Dinner Melodle.I 6:M. Mo.lo at Ciecho- I VdCaBaaaaaa '' WvV2 V-" 4l 1 I rA.t CTL'! I J It - I I 1(1 R M'lrjf'. I iP I ilovaklai :15, Evenlni Farm Bonn 8:00. I VaJinw JL I I I I I Ti L3ii'A I) c i ii I lI!3,SLiri.2?4 I I V I Famoui Orran Compoien: S:M, New. A I JiW''' ITTTSv l- Jbi J Tfwl I h rZ9j2&' 1-fS I l"...?eftS I I Preview.! 8:30, Campa. Roeltal; , Muile mmmmZ4JiXm.mM4mJHm lwamataaaaaWaaaaalaa.a.amBwawaa.-o a Thl, ; ven, Medllatlo.il IT WE WONT FIND rNO USE WASTNO jf THATS aUCIDE,HOPPl'.l Jr diamonds men A II itth time c year 1 any more time. wetllSs look at that current an' 1 m.aU u...ii H fffl CAN'T BE VERY FAR I f WEfVE GOT TO I TH' RIVER'S AWFUU J MMt TO CHANCE IT' lALLTHAT DRIFTWOOD. ONE INOrril MOWeM CC0I1 ft f BEHIND' A I FIND A SHALLOW fl VDEF.P AN' tWIFJVX aL mr- V.ORTH- OTHER'LL SET US A r fl A 'aKm"1' pWLjZT'' JojREa Committees Chosen A !giClj?jJt jjffi$$$. '' mic club meeting was called to ' I BOSS, CAN DAY OFF BUT VJVEH, I KNOWTCHRISTMAS MMM- NOi 1 ( VOU SEE THERE' ") If THANKS, )f&I$ft Wlt'IMXnrfi I iThTKlir3 M 1 I HAye VOUJUSf STARTED! BUT I WAntIsHOPPING ? BuT i WIU ) ARE ONLV Q BOiSS j E TV tt ' (A V 'ifT 1 al U THE DAV I ONLV HIRED VOU TO DO MV AREN'T VOU BE IF VOU ( 331 DAVS LEFT IF Tp IrtWr-t , ' , T v OFF? huSTF.VEM.NUTES, CHRISTAWS ftA B,T LATSJ pOrfTM ) ' BEWRB Sb1 ET . (fV,. flfr SV- J i t 6 iiiSf;i mBntic.r-" BiiTrai" Solution ol WWJXifWPS 'dWM-r'-W "m nicitnam (9. An tiered 1. Atao 2'z OW,WAW!C KEEP OUT O THIS JUNIOR I - f COME ON. BOye . , vwm , , . , R WovouLi,e7 ' Jw.wrw.veuTvw ,s A PB,WTe plfiHTV ft jLjobcFa 1' I 1 1 I 1 I7 1 VM1 V d -i$f3 SW jliIfu ItS K room and board fjs' ' ' ' LCT T'knUP W,M li OwrdVyaral tt Kf tWwfl im a, "S . , - T -("?-, JIMMYS 1 DONT TAtK 50 VEIL, 0OMT APOtOtilZe.MR. '"I . X3 1 1- NOW1 GO w-o Aa. - XTS" CONFERENCE CHIMrAV W0CR MY FANCY T ''XrlJr C -ETWWE J M 1 M KOCO Kloek iKOCO Kleck Tex Rittar ncoco Kituk LNewt KOCO Kloek Wlldwood Char. FleiU Tint IWestern Melodr Tempts Echoes Tim for Mel'dy iTimo tor Mel'tr Stars Sfnr Cn. Thomas NW News Memor. Musis Tun Tim Ken Maiio Mart Muilc Marl Jan Garber Vocal Varieties nollrw'el MnHs liollrw'd Moils News Dave Dennis Mac's MelodlM Mao's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodiea Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodiea Mao's Melodies Mac's MelodlM Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Movie Tims Philosopher B can be Beaut, IB Cn be BeaaU lHAr Tuesday A. M. 10:00, News P. wnL Bnd Weather; 10:15, Epee lally for Women i 11:00, School of Alri 11:111, Coneert Hall; 12:00, Newst 12:15, Noon Par.. Hour, 1:00, Ride 'em Cowbell . 1:15, Sobool ot Airt 1:80, Melody Lane. 2:00, World Our Affalrj 2:30, Mem ory Book of Music t 2:45, School of Alr 8:00, News 8:15, Moalo ot the Masters. ler and Hazel Strachan; member ship, Amy Beer; community ser vice, Gretchen Jackson; cheer, Eunice Beals. A 1950 year book was given to each member. Bertha Dunn, Florence Oddi demonstrated patching overalls, project of the meeting was mend ing. Eunice Beals and Minnie Napier were hostesses. Amy Beer and Florence Espe will be hostesses at the February 6 Grange meeting. 1 8fltu.day's Puzzli I. Movable barrlsi In a I enc t. Prepare for printing 1. Number S. Fish . Eddy 10. Skin 11. Affirm athr votes 16. Organs of hearing 20. Rubber treca 21. Store 22. HI eh 23. System of medical practice 24. Vehicle oa runner 27. Evict 28. Equal: comb, form 30. Parol 31. Defeats a contract at bridge 83. Impressed by greatness 28. 81nglns,vofc 41. Religion de nominations 43, Lubricated 44. Tiff 4t. Quiet 48. Ran violently 47. Frosted 50. Chance 61. Salutation 52. Golf ball support 63. Blunder By Gene Ahern YEH, OUHB RJGHT SNORGEEGLE TOLD ME "1 HE WORKS AS A CITY WEIGHT INSPECTOR., AND I'LL KEEP MUAV OR. MRS. PUFFLE WILL PUT TH' JUDGE IN SPLINTS FOR CAUSING A NEW BOARDER. TO LEAVE