10 Capital Journal, Balem, Father of By EDWARD 3TREETER. KAY AND BUCKLEY WAVE FOND ADIEU OnitaUmtnt XXIII) Thara was a dense rowd in th front of the bouse. Mr. Massoula's henchmen movea tbrough It bearinr salad bowl filled vtui confetti. At leajt they were distributing something Inexpensive lor th moment. People were sel( ooneclouely grabbing handluls, most rough their fingers to the floor, eryone wu watching the stairs lsely as If they expected a couple Of whippets to come smuunv u anri out the door before they could r rid of the balls of damp paper their clenched fists. This was the soene that Mr. Banks had rlauallied so often during the Est twenty-five years; the moment when hfc first-born would come running down a Droaa staircase on the arm of a muscle-bound strang er, to disappear from his life for errer at least in the role of his Ut ile daughter. . , , When he had stood at the foot of other people's stalroases waiting to throw damp paper at their daugh ters his heart had been warm with sympathy for the fathers of the bides, who strolled with such brave nonchalance among their guests. He had hoped that he would have equal oourage when his Urn came. B, yaestS and look.d over the rsll at the ..nr.tti stnwn hell How that it was here he only felt numbness. He had rehearsed it all so often In his mind he had hugged his private sadness to his bosom so many times that its ful fillment was less real than its an ticipation. A bridesmaid peered around the corner of the stair landing, grinned sheepishly and disappeared. Some one cried, "Here they come," as If K were a horse race. Then Kay and Buckley, consplclously new in very detail, were tearing across the landing and down the final flight of stairs with that hunched, headlong look of charging moose that Mr. Banks had observed in all brides and grooms coming down stairs. They wers on the front walk now, their shoulders covered with con fetti their heads still lowered be tween their shoulders. Mr. Banks was right behind them, running In form, the ushers and bridesmaids brlnrimr ud the rear In full cry. Buckley's car stood at the end of the walk. It was amazing how these details fell into place against all odds. Tney were in. R.ay leaned through the open window while Buckley fought off ushers on the other side. "Good-by, Pops. You've been wonderful. I love you." The ear lurched forward. Mr. Banks revolved off the rear mud guard Into the arms of a brides maid. "Good-by good luck," They were already half a block away. A few ushers, who had gone through the usual routine of almost being run over in the getaway, were brushing she dirt from their trous ers. When Mr. Banks returned to the house, he realized that the recep tion had entered a new and final nhase. Its connection with the bride and groom had already been forgotten. For all nractlcal pur poses the bride and groom them selves had been forgotten. The Reception had become a Party and only a few cutaways and brides- S aids' dresses recalled the event at had brought it into being. The more conservative element began to leave. A few said good-by The majority took advantage of the tonrusion ana merely wanted away. Officer Mulllns, who had under taken to act as parking attendant had long since left his post and re tired to the kitchen, where one or two other members of the force were already at work on material furnished by the ever-thoughtful Mr. Massoula. Officer Mulllns had packed thr parking field efficiently and solld ty before he left. This had been suite satisfactory during the park ing, but unfortunately the guests were not departing on the modem E counting basis of last in first out there were any order to their iving. it appeared to be Just the opposite. And so it came about that, while Officer Mulllns exchanged views on wine and women with his leilow craftsmen, the more prominent cltl- Rcns of Falrvlew Manor locked bumpers and cursed In the scarred Meld behind the house. Mr. Banks felt restless A sudden seslre seized him to speed hla part big guests. He wandered out of the house and across tne lawn in the di rection of the parking field, care fully balaclng a glass of cham- &agne- as he walked. The scene ROOM AND BOARD WHAT GETS ME IS, YUH USED TUH BE A DETECTIVE AM' YUH LET A CROOK. RIGHT IN YEK OWN HOUSE GET AWAT ON TUH A" w r V Oregon, Baturday, Jan. 21, 1950 the Bride Illustrated by Gluyaa William which burst upon him as he rounded the lilac hedge reminded him of a picture in an old geography of sampans milling on a Chinese river front. For th. next half hour, disre garding the dangerous snugness of his cutaway, ne leaped up ana down on entwined Dumpers, airecc ed backlnr cars into other back ing oars and helped angry citizens to pull their Dasnea muaguaras iree from tneir tires. Then, retrieving his glass, which he had left on a fence post, he re turned to the house, dirty but satis fied, feeling that for the first time in many hours he had been of some practical use in tne worm. The bitter-enders were in full swing. The Neapolitan push-and-pull artist was hard and soundlessly at work In the living room, which was Jammed with people, all of them obviously prepared to see the thing through to tne unai Dotua, The last truest had gone. The last damp hand had been wrung. The bridal party had disappeared noisily to seek Digger and newer adventure. The Dunstans had left. The relatives had returned to the oblivion from which they - had emerged. Mr. and Mrs. Banks were alone with the wreckage. They sat limply in two armchairs which Mr. Banks had dragged down from upstairs. The rug was covered with confetti. The few casual tables which Mr. Massoula had left in the living room were garnished with gray lings. Here and there on the white paint of the sills were the dark signatures of cigarettes. The norai Dacxgrounu 01 tne reception line obliterated the fireplace. They stared at it in silence. She did look lovely In that golng-away suit," said Mrs. Banks dreamily. "Didn't you think it was good-looking?'' Mr. Banks couldn't remember it very well. He knew she had had on something tan. There his detail stopped. But her face was etched forever on his memory as she stood on the landing waiting to throw the Driaes bouquet. 'She's a darling," he said. 'Queer the Orlswolds didn't come," mused Mrs. Banks. "Thev accepted and Jane told me they were coming. I don't see how vou know wheth er they came or not." I know everybody that was here and everybody that wasn't," said Mrs. Banks complacently. Mr. Banks did not question it. This woman who couldn't remember the details of the most elementary problem for five minutes would remember now and forever everv- one who came, everyone who didn't and also those who crashed the gate. My gosh." exclaimed Mrs. Banks pressing her hand over her face. "We forgot to ask the Storers." "We couldn't have," said Mr. Banks. "We did. though." "That's terrible. Couldn't we nre- tend we sent them an Invitation? You could call Esther tomorrow and ask her why she didn't come." I might at that." said Mrs. Banks. There was a brief silence. "What are we going to do with all those present?" asked Mr. Banks. "I don't know. Somebody's to pack them, I suppose. I think I'll Just lenve them as they are ior a wnue. "I guess that's the best thine-." said Mr. Banks. They lapsed Into exhausted si lence. In the brain of each a nrn- Jector was unreellnff the film of thp clay's events. It would have amazed worn li tncy could have know how different the films were. In another comnartment nf Mr Banks' brain an adding machine was relentlessly at work. The figures came pouring out and each time tncy were greater than before. "Didn't the decorations In the church look too lovely?" asked Mrs. Banks Mr. Banks was startled to dis cover that he had not even noticed u tnere were any decorations In the church. It was a relief to know that someone had checked on that dog-robber Tim. "They were beautiful," he said simply. .'Mr Tim did a wonderful Job considering how little money we gave him to work with," said Mrs Banks. Her husband startled, then pressed his Hps together and made no comment. I suppose," said Mrs. Banks, "we ought to get out the vacuum clean or and not leave this whole mess for Delilah tomorrow. I'll go up nnn chance my oress. Mr. Banks followed her upstairs glumly. Like a fog blowing In from the sea, he could feel the first wisps of depression fingering Into his soul. Here was the place where she hfld stood. He paused and looked uver the rail at the confetti-strewn hall. Queer about places and houses They remained the same yet thev were never the same. By no strength or the imagination was this the spot from which Kay had tossed her flowers to the waving arms below He continued up the stairs, think ing af all the money and energy that was wasted eaeh year vlsltiiu- the scenes of great events under the Impression that they were still tne same places. (The End) Railroads supplied the steel Industry with 3,750,000 tons of scrap metal In 1040, snys the In stitute of Scrap Iron and Steel. By Gene Ahern BUT. JUNIOR.. AY MAIN IDEA WAS ID GET THE KNAVE OUT OF HERE1 ...tuc kinrnpicTV np adpcttim M A ARKMF-A COUNTERFEITER. IN PUFFLE TOWERS WOULD BLEMISH ITS PROUD NAME AND FINE REPUTATION AS A RESIDENCE HOSTEL FOR. REFINED GENTLEFOLK. 1 ' ZEKE TM SURE GutO TO J MERES A AUCXAGJ TrjMALL PACKAGE. KE TP. , ton lar NCl- TELt TV MECHANICAt VP GREET VCU TVE WAITED XFOR Yt MR. BUT ITS A HARMLESS BOMB 7?L tritht la OGWRTMBHT TO SWMt BY FOR A f S HERS SO LONG IU. HVB ROPER W YOU SHOULD THATLL BLOW EVERYTHIN& d H2 "MAKE-OVER".' WE'LL HMt A NSW T TO UNCRESS TONICWT WHyGET rr ON THE NEXT ELSE OFT THE WORLDS . PKttrfsl S3. LEAD ffTORY MiD COrER jC--"x AN ICE -PICK y -"- -- nrarcaaa Sp01.'" V H r I ja ft 1 , e$ rm rssry I 1 I I U- . w- u r I I MH V. I f- O - AndSITOON- 9 OIH t Ts!i WT JACK CACKl THJflrtrTOR W ANO POOR DON REALLY B'LleVBS THT A K UflPW UZAROSl JACK BACK! ' W HERE-WHflT A CUY-THEHB I BIRO 13 TH' Bl3 SHOT N THERE-GEE ! I P I BIQ EHOT-PRftCncCTLXy OWNS TKa U HE COMES NOW-OUT TH' "TLOOK OR LISTEN TO JACK, BS BUEVE I u FACTORY, EH? GOtN' TO MAKE A FUHE Jl : lli FRONT DOOR-ALL DRESSED UP- J V IT. TOO-WHAT A DREAMER.! J " V POSITION FOR DAM DRIFT, EM? j"1! y 1 M I r AH IS "77 . I N-NOT ) NOTr. BUT-?-? ) IS V I MERELY S. KINCaA CXPfUCSHUN I I 'N LOVE. YflF TH ESPRKHUNT I L tPj r I HOPPY AND LUCKY PACE OUT OF TOWN I I'jjlS' WE OU&HTA HEAD LjjATtW- T'iiltW SMVfMS. H WITH DIAMOND'S MEN IN HOT PURSUIT- Wf YOU KNOW THIS FOR TH' POTLATCH 1 THAT RIYEPSl f I FERQOT ABOUT IT BEINT VB9rjpm'7HJW'!lilWBmimmH Hcountry,lucky.which)rwer.maybetheyu J I too swift roll high this time t year- M AH, I'M IN LUCK! )f" THIS nr,a-.i.Biinr---:- Dl D SOU LOSE AgZ YBH,WeANY (WTORB 1 am" MV T It ,e,v un?cPiin-?Me'AnLLV TUCM Rl IT MV rtcODNEffl T OXCAY. THEBOVSACE " J. Z.'IZ'.. V k J I 7S r THE FOLkS ARE CRAZV A I'M NEARLY OUT OF ' ALL HEffi, I'LL START ?L R fl S" g" 3T TROuSEi i.ne-ss 'i i nrnn rm n i- r-... ,i i . i I VERy WILL 0M.V. GO AeuuMV m P. f TO II I 4V, I Iffrili' i I WLl,YOUfiRINNIBCHE5HiRlHH,--8l(ifitR5KRET ) 1 RlfiHT0VERTO5EEMR.7wrrH WMU 4 t ? T"- Ik ' iVW EMI CAT.1, -WIPE THE CANARY TTHAN THE RRST oOfW , KALKENBROOMAND hefkmTpI 1 fLilf OL FEATHER5 OFF VOURCHIn), 7" A M OUTLINE URICAaE2- ALlifH LWtC?5 USSSt He!Sm J A TO HIM! L,.rf 13 lTrHSI X-1 HAPPENED! I u 105ITINON AW -" r y liaMruwDSAKESlklNM ITOLT SEZ, VEAH6ET Y HEY, THERE.' RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY P. M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO 0 WBC 870 CBS ABO 1380 MBC 1IW Kc. Bsndi mt Land Jo DIMwrl rUmembtr Tra r FU Rhrlhv Bsneh Bands ( Land Jo DlHard Bpeelal EvcDltl trie r riii- Bhrthm Bancb Bandi of Land Danir Abaad Harmonalrci Omn Bvrtai Political TuUt E1mr Piletion Nwi Teen Tnntt Chrlit. Bolenea C-Bonaro Qoip. Dixieland Jai Philip Mario Bab Bnth Comadr mt CandUllfbi Dixieland Jasa Pallia Harlow Ham Edition Error Sllrar Danni Day Mem. In Matte Mod. Rominc Nit Bldtra Nw Dnnl Par DIek Haymei Mod. Komanc Mt Blder Afi'blir f 04 Indr Caneva Sine II Araln Hollnrood Popalar Mnal rim Was Judr Canov 51ns It Atals Brlln Popular Musi Drlftrs riarbea Grand 01' Opry Sin It Acalo Cbanda Marl West Coatt Strik TJp Bui Grand Ol' Qpry Bin It Again Chandfl Marl Rambler Tropleaaa Truth r V. Monro Lon Banger Dane Oreh. Hldooart Confleonenees V. Monro Lon Rancct Dane Oreh. 8H8 Ba4 Hollrwood Star Gen Antry Superman Meet ih Praes BBS . Band Hollywood Btar Gen Antry Superman Meet th Fr BBS - Band Hit Farad Ganibnitcr Bob Croebr Kw BBS Band Hit Farad Gancbneten Bob Croiby t'ryital Card. BHS Bead XI f of Btley Orcheatra Bob Croiby Dane Orcn. Newc Uf mt Btley Orebeetra Bob Croiby Pane Orch, Dascln Party Sam Hay S-Star Pinal Newi Monloa Wbalen Danernf Party' Morton Downey Orran Mail Interavas John Wolobtn Dinernf Partr Oreheetra Capitol Dane Band Gacet Mailt Danelnr Party Orcheitra Cloakroom Dane Band Gaeit Mil. Danelay Party New SerenatT Let' Dane Open Boas Danetas Party Wax Maeenm Trmary Band Let'i Dane) Open Bobh Danelnr Partr Wax Muhib Oran Melodlei Let' Dane Open Born Danelnr Partr Wax Mnienm Organ Melodlei Let' Dane Open Bona Danelnr Partr Sign Off 'Silent Xtra Hoar Isim Off "" Isirn Off " ' DIAL LISTING. KOAC 650 KOAC a' MTf;U-!!" I a,e" Tl00 G"nd ' Twirwi Si, - - ' - arm i inittiri o.io, ud aw Upbeat 8:80. SM Sporti Clnbi :O0, Newit :18, London Letter i 6:80, Dinner Melo- FM Mr.. KGW 100.S, 1-10 P.m., KOIN 101.1, 8 a.m., U P.m., KEX tt.B, I t I .. SUNDAY 7:00 Badl Pnlpll IChnreb of Air Band Box I 7-15 Radio Pnlpll Chureb of Air Band Box 7(1 Family Tim Church of Air Band Box Mutual Mail -t 7:45 Family Tim Chnreh of Air Band Box Mutual Mail e.nfl I.- Doc' M jilc Newimaker Revltal Hour lit Baptlit Ch. Btbl Frgraai 815 Morn. Serenade Win. Burdett Revival Hour 1st Baptlit Cb. Lutheran jd 8?0 Chureb In Toar Salt Lake Taber Revival Hour Vole Frophaey Hrmo lime 1 8:45 Horn Salt Lake Taber Revival Bonr Vole Prophecy FHVgar Wmtmrn Q 00 silver String Invitation Southernalre Ba. Blbl Claai FellB'aBi TJ' 9:15 Silver String to Learning Southernalre Ra. Blbl Clau Swa 930 Eternal Ltgbl Gueit Star Menage at Lutheran Hour At Maria Br. 9;4 Eternal Light New lirael Lutheran Hoar Ave Maria Br. 10:00 Glenn Shelley, People' Newi , Newi Ch'reb In Wild. 1015 Organlit Platform Romano Song Organ Loft 1030 Chicago Bound Main St. Musle Sunday Veeperi Newi Sacred Heart 10 ;45 Tabl Main St. Mmlc Sunday Veiperg Bill Lang Warn King 11:00 NBC Theater Sammy Kay Foreign Report Concert Hall First Bapttrt 11'15 NBC Theater Sammy Kay ank M Ernst Concert Ball Flnt Baptist 11:30 NBC Theater Gallery Gossip Plan Hous. Bymm Pint Baptist 11:4S NBC Theater New Playhons Canarle First Baptist 200 Mr. Fix-It NT Phllharm. Hour of Faith Newi Serenade for 2:15 Chuek Foiter NT Phllharm. Honr of Faith Gueit Star String 2:30 Quli Kldi NT Phllharm. Opera Album Juver.lle Jury neadlln Nwi 2:45 Qui Kids JV Phllbarm. Opera Album Juvenile Jury United Natlan 1;00 MGM Theater NT Phllharm. Week' World Mr. Feather Musle for 1:15 MGM Theater NT Phllharm. Week' World Mr. Feather Dsrdreamlaw 1:30 MGM Theater My Sarenad Vole of Propb. Mir tin Kan 0. Baptist 1:45 MGM Theater New Voice of Proph. Martin Kan C. Baptlit 2:00 Dick Powell Earn Vacation Mr. President Th Shadow Chureh Frog. 2:15 Dick Powell Earn Vacation Mr. President Th Shadow Chureh Prog. 2:30 H'vesl or Stars Galen Drake Greateat Story True Detectiv Band Showcase 2:45 H'vest of Start Ted Steele Greatest Story Tru Detectiv Band Bhoweaa 3:00 The Hardy Family Hour Lutheran Hour John btecln Sun. Srnad 3:15 Family Family lljur Lutheran Hour John Steel Sun. Seranad 3:30 Hollywood Boaton Blackl Musle with Nlek Carter Musle for Sub. . 5:45 Calling Boston Blackl the Glrli lefc Carter tMnsI for San. 4:00 Banry Morgan Jack Benny Research Adv. Falcon ppnatd Stewart 4:15 Henry Morgan Jack Benny Here's to Vets Falcon Donald Stewart 4:30 Harris-Far Anoi n' Andy Guest Stir Newa Concert 4:45 Harris-Fay Amos 'n' Andy Ted Malon Mental Health Concert 5;00 Sam Spade Berg.-M'C'rthy Stop th Musle Alexander Dallas Mmhrtet 5:15 Sam Spade Berg.-M'C'rthy Stop the Music Alexander Her' t Vta 5:30 Thaalr Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn M array Suppertlm 5:45 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn Murray Berenad 6:00 Theatre Guild Corliss Arcber W'lter Wlnchell Reviewing St'd CVA Debate 6:15 Theatre Guild Corlls Archer Louella Paraons Reviewing St'd CVA Debate 6:30 Album Familiar Horace Heldt Chance of a Family Theatre News 6:45 Masl Horac Heidi Lifetime Family Theatre Tropleana -00 Tak It or Contented Hr. II mm It Fldlar Medleal HHItea Sunday laloa :15 Leave It Contented Hr. Chapel Songt of Times Sunday Sal) 7:30 Bob Croiby The Whistler Amazing Roy Roger Nai arena Cb. 7;45 Bob Crosby . Th WhlitUr Malon Roy Roger ffaiaren Cb. 8:00 1 Man' amily Mlsa Brooks Drew Pearson Twenty Q'atlons Nasaren Ch. 8:15 1 Man' Family idlsa Brooks Headlines Twenty Q'stlons Naiaren Ch. : 8:30 Symphony Hour Berg.-M'C'rthy W'ter Wlnchell Rhella Graham Frank d Vol 8:45 Symphony Hour Berg.-M'C'rthy Louella Faraona Mutual Mual Frank d V 9:00 Symphony Hour Red Skelton Think Fast News Sunday Beverl 9:15 Symphony Bour Red Skelton Think Fast Editorial Sunday BviH 9 :30 Best Seller Jack Benny Orcheitra Cunningham Dallas Charea 9:45 Dane Oreh. Jack Benny Gov. McKay New Dalla Church 10:00 News Five Btar Final Rlcbf'ld Rep'tr Sign Off Moon Drasma 10:15 Mary A. Meroer Night Editor Intermesi Moon Draanaa . 10 :30 Catholic Hour St. Francla Hr. Orchestra Moon Dream 10:45 Catbollo Hour Treas. Band Orchestra Moon Dreams 11:00 Nsw Serenade Drew Pearson Slrn Off 11:15 Wax Museum Treaiury Band Nocturne 11:30 Wax Mdmiid Prelude Nocturn 11 :45 Wax Moimm Newi N'octorn 12:00 'Sign Off sign Off 'xtra Boar ' MONDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 Bodg Poogt Newi Farm New Newi 6:15 New KOIN Block Keep Smiling Timekeeper 30 Farm Tim KOIN Klook Keep Smiling March Tim KOCO Blk ;45 Farm Tim KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Ncwa KOCO Kleek 7:00 Erly Bird KOIN Kloek New News Tex Bitter 7:15 014 Songs Duncan M'Ltod Agroniky Breakfast Gang KOCO Klock 730 Newa Bob Garred Bob Uaien Musle News 7 -15 Sam Haye Fred Beck Zeke Manner Top Trade KOCO Kloek 8-00 Eddl Albert Conaumer Newa Breakfast Club Bargain Connlr Cruiader 8:15 Eddie Albert Dave Vail Rreakfaat Club Family Alter Cruiader 8:30 'sck Berch - Grand Slam Breakfast Club Mon. Melodlei Tempi Eeh 8:45 Sag Blder Roaemary Brgakfast Club Mon. Melodies Fiesta Tim 900 Second Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell S W Newa Melody Tim 9:15 Second Cup lAunt Jenny Stars of Today Sidney Walton Melody Tim 9:30 Hometownera Helen Trent Quick as Flash Paitor'a Call Stan Sing 9:45 New Gal Sunday Quick as Flaih Walts Tim loan C. Than, 10:00 Marriage for S Big Slater Sage Rider New ' NW. News 10i15 Car. Cavalier Ma Perkln Art Baker Gospel Smear Memory Mail 10:30 Brad Reynolds Rr. Melons My True Story Concert Mln. Tun Tin 10 :4H Ih Playboy Guiding Light My Tru Story Ruia Morgan IB Kyg 1:00 Double or Mrs, Purlon Betty Crocker Ladles First Muil Mart ' 11:15 Nothing Try Maaon Victor Llndlahr Ladle Flrat Muile Mart 11:30 Children Today Norah Drake N'weiterners Queen for Day Jan Gar bar 1:45 Light of World Brighter Day N'westcrners Queen for Day Voeal Variety ' 2:00 News New Baukhag Talk Top Trad B'weed Musle" 2:15 Road ef Lir Come At Get It New New R'wood HuatS 2:30 P. V i'i Family Houa Varty Jack Nonnan Gay M'a New 12:45 Right to HappL News Meet Meniou Ilmmy Wakely Dav Dnnl 1:00 Backatcg Wife From Nowhere Breakfast In Bob Mitchell Mac' Melodic" J; 15 Stella Dallas Jack Holt Show Holbwood Bob Mitchell Mao'a Melodle ;3fl f'Orenio Jones Garry Moore Kay West Tell Neighbor Mao's Melodic 1:45 Wlddcr Brown Klrkham News Kay West Bing Sings Mac's Melodle 2:00 Olrl Marries Klrkham Newi Jay Stfwirt Bob Pool Mae'a Melodle 2:15 Por. Face Life Stev Allen Jay Stewart Bob Pool Mac' Melodle 2:30 Just Plain Bill Steve Allen Bride A Groom Muale for Mob. Mao'a Malodle 2:45 Ft. Pge. Farrell Tunefully Trt. Walter Klernan Musle for Mon. Mae Melodle 3;00 Welc Travelers Klrkham News Pick 1 Date rarm-nom Mae's Melodle 3:15 Wele. Traveler Arthur Godfrey Pick a Date Polka Tim Mae's Melodle 3:30 Aunt Mary Arthur Godfrey Hanniba' Cobb Newa Mae's Malodtaa 3:45 Love A Learn Art hnr Godfrey Hannibal Cobb Hawaiian Har. Wac's Melodic 4:00 Worn. Secret Arthur Godfrey Western Brand Fulton Lewis Hovl Tim 4:15 E'lf Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage Frnk. Hem 'war Philosopher 4:30 Or Paul Curt Mtasey Squirrel Cag Behind Story Brers Can 4:45lPnla Slon ted. B. Murrow Firefighters News Be BeaatH al ACROSS I. On a vehlcl T. Bodices 13. Agriculturist 14. Guarantee 15. Biblical character 16. Everlasting 18. By 18. Short for a man's nam 21. Northern bird 22. Send forth 24. Leas 25. Wrong1 27. Old cloth measure 18. Kind of porcelain SO. Stop 22. Spoke 33. Farm building 34. Culpability 36. Perils 39. Age . 40. Godly person 42. Jurisdiction! law 4t. Qenus of th (rot 45. Boy 46. Oil of rose petal: variant 47. Negative prnx 48. Scored 51. Article 2, Pertaining to Nlcaea 64. Sad: French " 56. Delicate 57. Faculties of perception I ' I4 K I WW a V I" la a. ji . 1 i WLZ-W" !1 MM 37 ft 0. py New and Weitherj B:00, Dane Farad i 10:00, Slrn Off. A S KflA PA0tfliTUTp t eoIIb u x o mIIn A V S 8 ft RA T "jtfg TAP! Pi A 3 VllqN A tQ IciulA sl hBfIaId dT3 OflH K RlO NBS OlLAl A WNllSlC R J C0NTT P K t K NHA T L AtHD K E R R AlN D SBB O 5ft R SIX J. L IBB A R 6 A J N H A NflDTRjO N EflC O O I O OUYltlA 8 TUH u g Solution of Yeiterday's Puzzl DOWN L Out of th way I. Hair dreaaer I. Correlatlre of either 4. So belt i. Expose to molsturo C Fancied 7. Nictate t Literary bits 9. Small island 10. Egyptian god 1L. Footpaths 12. Determine 17. Destroy 20. Periodical 23. Moat Ignoble 25. Entrances 26. Meager 29. Salt 51. Unit of work 33. Highwaymen 34. Verbal noun 35. Muse of astronomy 11 Circular indicator 37. Revolve 33. Scotch cakes 41. Narrow back m. CitV ''Wl 44. Egj-ptian un disk 4C Chief Norse 41. Inaect 0. Rather than 53. Kind of cloud: abhr S5. Bteamshlpt absm life OOD NAME OP PUFFLE TOWERS COMES FIRST -II Af Nwsfef rer i