Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 21, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    i AMA club's postponed dance Is
scheduled for next Friday evening,
January 27, at Crystal Gardens.
The snack bar will open at 8:30 o'clock,
dancing to begin at 9:30 o'clock.
Named on the committee for the event
are Mrs. Carroll Robinson, Mrs. Vale
Johnson, Mrs. Reubin Hilfiker, Mrs. R.
B. Ramage, Mrs. Louis Lorenz, Mrs.
Ward Davis, Miss Dorothy Keeby, Mrs.
Rosalie Porter.
Cosmis Party
Another dance scheduled for next
week-end is that of the Cosmis club on
Saturday evening, January 28, at May
flower hall, Claude Bird's orchestra to
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bowman, Mr. and
Mrs. Sherman Bostrack, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Higgins and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Finney are on the committee for the eve
ning. The club recently elected new offi
cers, Carl Witenberger being the presi
dent. By Marian Lowry Fischer
TOWN and Gown club announces
its January meeting for next
Thursday afternoon, the first
event for the group since in October.
The program and tea are to be given
in the Carrier room of the First Meth
odist church, the program starting at
2 o'clock.
Mrs. Mabel Hayles is to be speaker,
telling of her trip to Europe last sum
mer. Miss Mabel P. Robertson is pro
gram chairman and Mrs. P. H. Brydon
is arranging the music. Mrs. James T.
Brand is the club president.
Greeting guests at the door will be
Mrs. Harry V. Collins and Mrs. Ernest
C. Richards.
Mrs. Floyd P. Sampson is chairman
of the social committee for the after
noon. Mrs. David H. Cameron is chair
man for the tea table arrangements, as
sisted by Mrs. Arthur D. Hay and Mrs.
Gene Vandeneynde. On the tea com
mittee are Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, Mrs.
Walter L. Spaulding, Mrs. Harry Han
son, Mrs. Carl Chambers, Mrs. Kenneth
Lottick, Mrs. John Lewis, Mrs. Chester
Stackhouse, Mrs. Julian Smith, Mrs.
Elizabeth Higbee. The committee dec
orating the rooms includes Mrs. David
Bennett Hill, Mrs. Ned Gerlinger, Mrs.
R. D. Paris, Mrs. Elmer Hildreth.
Mrs. James T. Brand and Mrs. Ernest
C. Richards will pour.
Invitation is extended to all members
of the club and friends of Willamette
university to attend.
Miss Shirley Huntington, who has
spent the past month visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hollis W. Hunting
ton, expects to leave at the mid-week for
Washington, D.C., where she is to receive
her orders for her new assignment in
American Red Cross work. She had
been in Hawaii the past three years in
Red Cross work and arrived home in
time for the holidays.
Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Ore
gon's governor, will observe her weekly
at-home afternoon Tuesday, Salem and
out-of-town friends being invited to call
that afternoon.
Mrs. George Rodgers, who went north
to spend the holidays at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. James Hutchenson at
Vancouver, B. C, is expected . to arrive
home the latter part of next week.
Salem Woman9 Club Members to
AMONG FOLK DANCE irourx to participate In the drmonstntloiw si thu hrnrlii
Woman's Hub. Kebru.rr 3, at th rmonr. will be mrmhm of the Gal Swtmrfra sf
John Oelsler and Mr. and Mm. Bryan Ooodenoitrti amonf tkM BraatMnc wlta aha
la UMajal (t Mw KanWU,
Hi Y Boys Outline Plans for AnnuaffSweetheart Dance Set for February 11
Big event in February activities for the high school groups will be the
annual "sweetheart ball" of Hi-Y clubs, the dance being dated for the evening
of Saturday, February 11, at the No-Name ballroom.
Committee heads are pictured in these four pictures, this being a dance
where the boys do all the plans for entertaining.
In group at right are, left to right: David Blackmer, decorations and
publicity chairman; Ron Walters, check-room chairman; Bob Hamblin,
general chairman for the dance.
In lower picture, left to right, are: Don Smith, president of Claude Kells
chapter of Hi-Y; Steve Merchant, president of Alonzo Stagg chapter; and
Richard Strong, refreshments chairman.
Announcement has been received from
Boston, Mass., of the engagement of Miss
Nancy Jean Brown, daughter of Prof,
and Mrs. Earl T. Brown of Salem, to
William Hall Kautz, son of Mr. and Mrs.
William W. Kautz of Mercer Island,
Seattle, Wash.
The wedding is planned in early June,
the couple then to spend the summer in
Miss Brown is a graduate of Salem
schools and of Pomona college at Po
mona, Calif. She is now completing the
work for master of science degree in
social work at Simmons college, Boston.
Mr. Kautz did his undergraduate work
at Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
leaving for three years for military
mlkK:.ykii&.i ikM.sSwiitJ'.'.. :v v..
(Jesten-Mlller studio picture)
service during the war. At present he
is on the teaching staff of MIT and do
ing his research for his doctorate in elec
trical engineering.
Mrs. Oscar Cutler Is to entertain for
her bridge group, Monday, inviting the
members for luncheon and cards.
Mrs. John H. Carson is in Eugene this
week-end to visit her daughters, Misses
Jane and Ann Carson, University of
Oregon students, and to be present for
Ann's initiation into Gamma Phi Beta
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Stone returned
Friday from a trip to San Francisco.
.ij.Jiw - ..
(Jesten-Milter studio plctui)
dnc to h jtntrrl bv the Salem
Salem. Above, are Mr. and Mrs.
Oata Swutfara. A fu proiraia
mmr V " Tx.- - Mlfe&l ; J 1 till (PCT .. : p 0m r
S5SS IMpS Will I IK H-SSPi - -'i
Miss Betty Childs to Be Wed
March 4 to Frederick G. Bradshaw
Romantic news of interest to a wide
circle of friends was revealed this after
noon when Miss Betty Louise Childs,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo N.
Childs, announced her approaching mar
riage to Frederick G. Bradshaw of Port
land, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick O.
Bradshaw of Salem.
Friends were told the news at a tea
given this afternoon in Portland at the
home of Mrs. Francis J. Kern, Alameda
drive, Mrs. Kern and Miss Childs being
hostesses for the affair.
The wedding is planned for Saturday,
March 4, the 5 o'clock service, to be
solemnized in the First Presbyterian
church in Salem.
The bride-to-be has been a case work
er with the Multnomah county child
welfare department for the past three
years. She attended Salem schools and
is a graduate of the University of Ore
gon. Miss Childs is a member of Delta
Delta Delta sorority at the university
and also is a member of the Salem
Spinsters club.
Mr. Bradshaw, who also went to Sa
lem schools, attended Willamette for
two years, then received an appointment
to the U.S. naval academy at Annapolis.
Following his graduation from the acad
emy he served for three years in the
navy and is now with the U.S. Rubber
company at Portland.
Salem Friends Invited
Miss Ann Kern presented guests with
cards at the door bearing the names
Sponsor Old -Time Dance as Benefith February 3 ' .Several Folk Dance Groups Will Present Demonstrations
THE SAI.EM GATE SWIXGE18 present folk dances from all countries and practice
roups belorutinc to the Folk Dance Federation of Oregon. Four more of their number
' Mrs. Roy Carr. Mr. Can-. Mrs. John Harcer. Mr, Uarfetv Colorful eoatume an worn
af thaat are Imported lm aM worU ooanttiea,
of the couple and date for the wedding. .
Those pouring included Mrs. H. G.
Maison and Mrs. Duane Gibson, both
of Salem, Miss Margaret Kern and Mrs.
John Holden of Portland.
Among Salem guests invited to the
tea were Mrs. Leo N. Childs and Mrs.
Frederick 0- Bradshaw, the two moth-
ers; Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde, Mrs. Ar
thur D. Hay, Mrs. W. Frank Crawford,
Mrs. T. J. Brabec, Mrs. Charles E. Wag
ner, Mrs. Frederick J. Brennan, Mrs.
Adam' Engel, Mrs. Duane Gibson, Mrs.
H. G. Maison, Miss Etta Sutter, Miss
Alice Mathey, Miss Nila Cluett, Mrs.
K. N. Voorhees, Mrs. H. M. Broadbent,
Mrs. D. C. Moore, Mrs. Clarence M.
Byrd, Msr. Irvine Caplinger, Mrs. Gard
ner Knapp, Mrs. W. W. Moore, Mrs.
Lloyd Drorbaugh, Mrs. Edw. Schulz, Mrs.
Marguerite Bower, Miss Janet Bower,
Mrs. Lee Warnick, Miss Beryl Holt,
Mrs John Steelhammer, Mrs. Richard
Grabenhorst, Mrs. Charles A. Barclay,
Mrs. Warren Ling,, Miss Patricia Van
deneynde, Mrs. Richard Sullivan.
Alpha Xi Delta alumnae will meet
Monday evening at the home of Mrs, A.
C. Newell, 1740 North 23rd street.
Chapter BC of P.E.O. Sisterhood is
meeting for dessert at 7:30 o'clock Tues
day evening at the home of Mrs. Wilbur
(Jejten-Mlller studio plcturi).' -
BENEFIT party interesting to a
large group for next Thursday
evening, January 26, will be that
sponsored by members of Pioneer post,
No. 149, American Legion, the all-,
woman post. ;
The party will be at 8 o'clock in the
Salem Woman's club house, bridge, pin-,
ochlc and canasta to be played. Miss '
Essie White is general chairman.
Among those making reservations are
Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay,.:
Mrs. Earl Snell, Mrs. William McGii-i
Christ, Jr., Mrs. Glenn Holman, Mrs.
Alexander Tueski, Mr. and Mrs. John i.
C. Kerrick, Carl D. Gabrielson, Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Mjolsness, Mrs. Earl CooleVji,.i
Miss Josephine Baumgartner, Miss Isi-'
bell GoodnouRh, Miss Mildred Christcs.-.!.,
son, Miss Susan Faherty, Miss Alberla
Challis, Miss Mayme Tedlock, Miss Fl-r:
ence Jones, Miss Florence Reanier, Mrs.
Frank Welton, Mrs. George Donaldson, '
Mrs. Sylvia Kraps, Dr. and Mrs. S. 6.
Wiles, Miss Florence Cameron, Mis.".'
Alta Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Heir- ;
ilt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lester Perry, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur Wickman, Mr. and Mffl;..
Kenneth Potts, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. OiN
ens, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr.
All member of the post have tickets
for the event.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Scott weia
hosts Thursday evening at a surprile
parly for their youngest son, RicharB,
on the occasion of his birthday anniver
sary. The party was given at the hone
of Mr. and Mrs. David L. Scott, and-
about 35 young people were invited
(Jesten-MUIer studio
recularly. Thcv are one of the
are shown above left to rijht.
for all the dancers and mini
tZZT, rsh r i , I f . ' ' A i'. n- : )
Rainbow Installation to Be
Event for Tuesday Evening
New officers for Chadwick assembly,
Order of Rainbow for Girls, will be in
stalled at formal ceremonies planned for
next Tuesday evening in the Masonic
temple. The assembly plans a short
business session to take up at 7:15
The installation Service will be at 8
o'clock, open to friends and the inter
ested public.
Miss Marilyn Power, the retiring wor
thy adviser, is to be the installing offi
cer, assisted by Miss Edna Marie Hill
as the chaplain, Miss Pebble DeSart as
marshal, Miss Doris Jean Shafer as re
corder, and Miss Ann Gibbens as musi
cian. Miss Dorothy Pederson is to be in
stalled as the new worthy adviser. The
other elective officers to be installed in
clude: Miss Shirley Jones as associate
worthy adviser; Miss Norma Hamilton
as charity; Miss Donna Phelps, hope;
Miss Roberta Graham, faith; Miss Clau
dia Talmadge, recorder; Miss Dorothy
Swigart, treasurer.
Grandmother Attends
Among those to be present for the
installation will be Mrs. M. M. Millhouse
of Williston, N.D., grandmother of the
new worthy adviser, Miss Dorothy Ped
erson. Mrs. Millhouse is in Salem for
an extended stay with her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ped
erson, Mr. Millhouse to come in about
two weeks.
Miss Pederson will announce the ap
DOING ONE OF the "whirls' In one of their numbers are these four, left to rlrhl: Mrs. Eileen Sheldon, Neil Brown,
master of ceremonies for the exhibition dances to be riven February 3, Mrs. Fred Ualvarson and Mr. Halvarson. The
ONO and ONI folk dance troupe from Portland, Art and Mettaa Glbbs as instructor, will be among those participat
Inf hen.
lis. S
pointive officers at the installation event.
Following the installation there will
be a reception on the fifth floor and re
freshments will be served. Mrs. J. E.
VanWyngarden and Mrs. Glenn S. Pax
son head the committee in charge of the
dining room.
Yellow and while will form the dec
orative theme for the evening, daffodils
to be featured in the flowers. All offi
cers of the assembly are to wear their
white gowns for the installation. The
yellow and white colors also will fea
ture the table decorations.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Crothers announce
the marriage of their daughter, Miss
Jane Crothers, to Arthur M. Hollington,
son of Mrs. E. H. Hollington, of Los An
geles. The wedding was an event of Decem
ber 31 in the Hollywood First Methodist
church. The couple is at home in Hol
lywood. The bride attended Salem schools and
Willamette university. She is now em
ployed at the Security First National
bank of Los Angeles. Mr. Hollington is
employed with the Electrical Engineer
ing and Manufacturing corporation in
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling re
turned the last of the week from two
weeks in the Hawaiian islands.
(Jcslen-Miller studio picture) fj t f C fi''-i
FEATURING the meeting for Unit l i . . tj I , ' I -2HT " '
No. 136, American Legion auxili- .- 5 M ml . , . I """i-""" J""
ary, next Tuesday evening at the U f I V I -"- ' i
Salem Woman's club will be a legisla- tV 1 ' ' V ' ttiJv. J!fep?;V !
tive program. The meeting will be at ; ( . If . . k'- 9pf
8 'ciock- j ' r i A.v
State Representative John Steelham- ; I ' - ; ' ' ' F f I ' '
mer is to be speaker to discuss legisla- 1 I J I . :; ,
tion for veterans. b . u t . ' . I 1 , -
The meeting also marks the third
birthday for the unit and on the commit
tee for the evening are Mrs. Joseph B.
Fclton, chairman; Mrs. Harlan A. Judd,
Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Mrs. William P.
Roble, Mrs. Mildred DeArmond, Mrs.
Rose Mary Hcnningsgard, Mrs. Fred
erick Rowe and Mrs. Lawrence Stod
dard. Special music is to be presented by
students of Mr. and Mrs. Dalbert Jep
sen. At the social hour featuring a birth
day cake for the unit, Mrs. Henningsgard
is to pour.
Mrs. Bert A. Walker will preside as
president of the unit.
Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae are
meeting Monday evening at the P. H.
Schnell home with Mrs. Roger Schncll,
Mrs. James C. Johnson and Mrs. Harry
U. Miller as hostesses.
Mr. Charles D. Thompson of Eu
gene, a province officer, will visit the
group at this meeting.
Miss Mildred Deischer is to be hostess
next Thursday evening to members of
Chapter CB of P.E.O. Sisterhood, dessert
to be at 7:30 o'clock.
(Jesten-Mlller studio picturtl
During the intermission of the dance the elected 1950 Hi-Y sweetheart
will be introduced. Five girls are candidates for the honor, one being chosen
by each of the five Hi-Y chapters. The five girls include Miss Marilyn
Power, Miss Joan Marie Miller, Miss Alice Girod, Miss Pebble DeSart, Miss
Ginger Currier. Name of the sweetheart is to be kept secret until the dance.
In picture at left, left to right, are: Wallace Carson, clean-up chair
man; Merlin Schulze, patrons chairman; and Ed Knapp, chairman for the
tickets committee.
The trio in picture below, left to
the Hi-Y council, coordinating group
of Harrison Elliott chapter; and Tom
Chapter BQ, P.E.O. Sisterhood, Is to
be entertained Monday evening by Mrs.
Charles II. Huggins and Mrs, Roy Todd
at the home of the former.
The postponed meeting for the board
of directors for Women of Rotary will
be an event of Monday at 1 p.m. at
the home of the president, Mrs. Ralph
H. Cooley.
The general meeting for the Women
of Rotary has been set for January 30
instead of the usual fourth Monday,
luncheon to be at the Golden Pheasant.
V 7
THE GATE SWINGERS have varied numbers on their list of danres. Pictured here In their costumes are, left to
right: Mrs. Roy Carr, Mrs. Freri Halvarson, Virgil Bolton and Roy Carr, Also among- the folk dance groups coming
to Salem to perform at the dance are the Czech Jolly Dancers of Scio. Tickets an now on sale by Salem Woman's
club members for the benefit.
right, are: Gordon Sloan, president of
for the dance; Doug Rogers, president
Angle, Abel Gregg chapter president.
(Jesten-Miller studio plcturel
Sojourners club's regular semi-month- '
ly party is scheduled for next Thursday
afternoon at 1:15 o'clock in the Salem
Woman's club house.
Mrs. Howard Post, Mrs. E. J. Hagen,
Mrs. Frank E. Manbcck, Mrs. Sid Rising,
Mrs. L. R. Smith, Mrs. Rose Fields and
Mrs. Richard A. Smith are the committee
for the afternoon.
Mrs. Reva Davidson has returned from
San Francisco where she visited her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don
McMannis (Janet Davidson) and with
her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Kirk.
BRIDE In blue was Miss Jane
Hendren, who was wed to Cecil
Johnson at a charmingly ar
ranged informal service in the First
Congregational church last evening, Dr.
Scth R. Huntington reading the 8 o'clock
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. B. E. Hendren of Aumsville and
Mr. Johnson is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
B. E. Johnson of Hermiston, Ore.
For her wedding the bride wore a
two-piece powder blue suit, the fitted
jacket being trimmed with rhinestone
buttons and a slight peplum, the skirt ,
being cutin straight lines. The hat was
in light blue matching the suit and had
a navy blue feather for trim, and other
accessories were in navy blue. With the
costume was worn a corsage of white
orchids. Donald Killinger of Oregon
City, a brother-in-law, gave the bride
in marriage.
Candles glowed at the altar and at
either side were baskets of deep maroon
carnations and white chrysanthemums.
Wayne Mousey sang "Because" and
"All, Sweet Mystery of Life," and he
also played the organ music.
Sister Attends
Mrs. Calvin Hughes of Slayton was
attendant for the bride. She wore a gray
dress with navy hat and gray acces
sories and a corsage of gardenias and
red rosebuds.
John Slanchick was best man for Mr.
Johnson and ushering were R. J. Chance
and George Nuss.
A reception v. us given in the church
following the service. Mrs. Marie Kohl
hagen served the cake. Mrs. James
Wooclroffc was at the coffee urn and
serving the punch was Mrs. Loyd Sid
well of Turner, a sister of the bride.
Miss Evelyn Foreman passed the guest
book. Assisting at the reception were
Miss Anne Anderson, Miss Josephine
Nolan and Miss Deborah Buffington.
The couple will be at home in Salem
at 3845 Portland road. Mr. Johnson is
a senior at Willamette university this
year, majoring in business administra
tion, and is a member of Phi Delta
Theta fraternity on the campus.
At a simple service solemnized at
11:30 o'clock this morning in the chapel
of St. Peter's Episcopal church at Al
bany, Mi s. Donald M. Pague of Scio was
married to Elwin A. McCornack of Eu
gene, the Rev. E. James Kingsley, rec
tor of the church, officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Templeton of Al
bany attended the couple.
The bride wore a brown suit with
blue accessories and corsage of orchids.
Mr. and Mrs. Templeton entertained
with a wedding breakfast at their Al
bany home following the church cere
mony. Mr. and Mrs. McCornack will divide
their time between their ranches, the
bride's at Scio, Mr. McCornack's at Eu
gene. Both are frequent visitors in the
capital. Mr. McCornack is a past state
senator from the joint district of Linn
and Lane counties and is a state leader
in several agricultural groups.
Airs. Harry U. Miller will entertain
for her bridge club at luncheon and cards
on Thursday afternoon.
Chapter AB, P.E.O. Sisterhood, will
meet on Monday evening at the home
of Mrs. R. W. Fenix, 2000 South High,
at 7:45 o'clock.
(Jesten-MUIer studio picturtl