r 1 .... l''iH-l WWW C MB Attempt to Float 'Big Mo' The combined efforts of 21 tug boats failed to float the battleship Missouri, aground on a mud bank in Chesapeake bay. This airview shows part of the tug boat armada straining to release the giant craft. (AP Wirephoto) Schools Boost March of Dimes The extra curricular activity schedule of the Salem public schools next week will include a "March of Dimes" assembly at Richmond and a program at senior high; election speeches of Leslie high student candidates and an initiation of the Girls' Letter club at Senior high. The activity schedule for the week includes the following events: Monday: Registration at senior high; , 6:50 a.m. election speeches, Leslie; 3:00 p. tn. elementary principals, ad building. Tuesday; 9:00 a. m. Girls league, sen ior high; 9:00 a. m. band concert, Mid dle Grove; 0:15 a. m. March of Dimes assembly, Richmond; 3:30 p. m. faculty meeting, Bush; 3:30 p. m., faculty meet ing, Highland, Supt. Bennett, speaker; .3:45 p. m. faculty meeting, Washington; 4:00 p. m Auburn, Lincoln, Swegle fac ulty meeting at Lincoln; 7:30 p. m. P.T.A., Swegle; 7:30 p. m., school board meeting, ad building: 8:00 p. m.. Moth ers and Dads club, Garfield; 8:00 p. m., March of Dimes, senior high; 11:15 a. m., Girls league assembly. West Salem. Wednesday: 12:30 p. m., movie, sen ior high; 1:00 p. m., Bush assembly, Mrs. Berndt'a class; 1:00 p. m., Hayesvllle as sembly, Mrs. Rawlins class; 3:30 p. m P. E. In service 34rd. 4th grades, rhythmic demonstration by Mrs. Boston's 3rd grade, McKlnley; 350 p. m., Dr. Horace Miller meets with Highland faculty; 4:00 p. m. Art In service, fith. 8th grades; 7:30 p. in.. Mothers and Dads club, Garfield. Thursday: 9:15 p. m., Richmond stu dent primary assembly; 12:20 p. m., soph omore noon program, senior high; 1:00 p. m Prlngle assembly, Mrs. Mix's class; 1:15 p.- m., Lincoln assembly, Mrs. Toy cen's class; 1.30 p. m., Mothers club, Washington; 4:00 p. m spelling-writing committee, ad building; 7:00 p. m., Girls Letter club formal initiation, senior high. Friday: 12:85 p. m., telephone assembly, senior high; 1:00 p. m., Auburn Mothers club; 1:00 p. m., Salem Heights assembly, Mrs. Fcnimore's class; 1:00 p. m., High land assembly, Mrs. Mittendorfs class; 0:00 p. m., Middle Grove Community club. Sergeant Convicted For Murder; Gets Life Yokohama,- Japan, Jan. 21 0J.R) An army general court martial today convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment Master Ser geant Clemens Johnson, 28, of Little Rock, Ark., for the mur der of Sgt. William A. Hicks, 30, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Trial evidence showed that Johnson became involved in a quarrel with Hicks at the NCO club at Zama on the night of November 7. Johnson left the club, returned with a carbine and pumped five shots Into Hicks, killing him instantly. Errol Flynn to Learn To Cook to Win Bride Cannes, France, Jan. 21 (U.R) Film Star Errol Flynn said to day his Romanian princess won't marry him until he learns how to cook. Flynn announced his engage ment late last year to Princess Irene Gaika, 19-year-old Ro manian refugee. I certainly will marry her." he said, "but before the mar riage she wants to make sure I m a good cook." SPECIAL MEETING with Rev. L. C. Mastad of Los Angeles, Calif, beginning Sunday, Jan. 22, with services in the morning at 11 A.M. and 7:45 in the evening and continue every night at 8 P. M. until Friday. You are most cordially invit ed to attend these services at CENTRAL LUTHERAN CHURCH North Capitol and Gaines G. B. Rundstrom, Pastor Listen every Sunday morning at 9:15 to the Central Luther an Hour, KOCO. MAR BETTIR TODAY WITH THI AMAZtN 6Vi-OUNCE "MINIATURE" , I RADIONIC J HEARINO AIP MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 444 State St. Salem, Ore. Motor Stages Rest Two Days Oregon Motor Stages announc ed today that the company's runs were discontinued Saturday morning for two days. A. L. Schneider, general man ager, said the shutdown would be for Saturday and Sunday on ly and normal service, at least on local runs, would be resum ed Monday, weather and road conditions permitting. Schneider said the company needed a two-day period "to get back in shape after lack of proper servicing on vehicles dur ing the bad weather. Bids on Seaplane Base Portland, Jan. 21 P) The army engineers invited bids to day for leasing part of the Fern nidge reservoir area as a sea plane base. The person who leases it would have 2.41 acres of land and 442 acres of water for the base. WORSHIP WITH US 9:45 A. M. Church School Two Morning Services 9:45 and 11:00 A. M. "Our Daily Testing," ser mon by the Minister. 5:30 P. M. Junior High Fellowship 6:00 P.M. Senior High Fellowship 7:00 P. M. College Fellowship First Presbyterian Church Chemeketa at Winter Chester W. Hamblin, Pastor John L. Goodenberger, Assistant Pastor Six Nabbed In Khan Jewel Case Paris. Jan. 21 UJ French police reported today that they had arrested six gangsters, found two slain, and sent out alarms for three more in the $710,000 jewel robbery of the Aga Khan and his beautiful wife last August. One of the Surete rationale's greatest manhunts was reported to have brought arrests in Par is, Marseille, Cannes, Corsica, and Strasbourg. None of the treasure snatched from the Moslem leader on the Riviera had been recovered. The tough "Corsican Gang" was staggered if not shattered by the campaign against its members for one of the great est Jewel robberies of all time. Some 40 pieces of rare value were lost in the holdup near Cannes. Roger Senanendj, called "Big Roger," who from the start had been suspected, was found slain. Also killed was his blonde miss tress, Renee Remy, for whom police had been searching since the robbery. Man Served 8 Years for Crime He Didn't Commit Atlanta, Jan. 21 U.R Sanford Allen was paroled today after serving eight years for a crime he did not commit. State parole board Chairman Edwin B. Everett said a girl who claimed Allen criminally as saulted her told the board re cently that she had lied. Infant Is Christened Gcrvais The christening of1 little Diane Lucille Davidson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson of Woodburn, took place at the St. Louis Catholic church, Sunday' afternoon. Fath er Norbert Fritz performed the baptismal rites and Mr. and Mrs. William Uppendahl were the godparents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Davidson of St. Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manning are the grandparents. Scio Earl K. Miller was re elected for a five year term as director of the Scio Rural Fire Protection district at the annual election. Jess W. Nickols is chair man for the year, and Earl Mil ler is secretary-treasurer. The remaining directors are J. H. Hildreth, J. W. Kelley and George Miller. Drug Discovery Helps Arthritis Philadelphia, Jan. 21 (U.R) Discovery of a new drug, called artisone, for alleviating the pain and swelling in arthritis, was an nounced today at a regional meeting of the American College of Physicians. The drug has been used suc cessfully in treating patients suffering from mild and severe rheumatoid arthritis. It was in effective in very advanced cases. The importance of the new drug, its discoverers said, is that it can be made available eventu ally in quantity and at moderate cost. It is not toxic. rflH: Your Savings Are Safe! ' with i t M I iToj- Federally Insured Savings Up to $5000 Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Jan. 21, 195011 They preditced artisone would be the forerunner of a group of new synthetic hormone-like sub stances which it is hoped will be valuable in the treatment of de generative diseases of the aging. Already, several other deriva tives have been synthesized and will be tested clinically. Announcement of the new compound was made by Drs. Donald R. Fitch and Peter J. Warter of Hahnemann hospital, ana Dr. Joseph Seifter, director of the Wyeth Institute of Ap plied Biochemistry, Seifter stressed the fact that aristone is not a cure or preven tative for arthritis. Indications are that patients must continue taking the drug, with "rest periods" between series of doses, to benefit from its action. Portland, Ore., Jan. 21 (U.PJ John G. Craig, 19, was electro cuted last night at the Davidson bakery, apparently while oper ating a switch, firemen reported today. HEAR THE LAST DAY MESSAGE SIGNS! MIRACLES! WONDERS! SIGN GIFT MINISTRY A Nationwide Revival A message of Deliverance. ef Many have been healed of cancers, tumors, deafness and blindness . . . SERVICES NIGHTLY 7:45, BEGINNING TUESDAY. JANUARY 24. INTERDENOMINATIONAL . Patterson Calvary Chapel DR. F. W. 1143 N. Liberty (Between Belmont and Market) - Ph. 3-8958 bV J IT; ? ik4 - 1 Ely.m. ... The sun will be eclipsed on March 18 and Sept. 12, 1950. f if 1 V A. ll Hear Evangelist DALE HANSON Each Morning at 8:45 Monday Thru Friday Saturdays at 6:45 p.m. KOCO Each Nite Except Sat., 7:45 He Preaches in EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE Market St., Park Ave. DALE exhalts CHRIST, rebukes sin, defies saten, encourages Christians in his Dynamic Scrip ture quoting sermons. Welcome to the temple. Rev. Walter S. Frederick, pastor CHRIST he SCRIPTURES! Would faith in the Bible bring order out of the world's chaos? Can modern man safely trust in Holy Writ? What did Jesus say on the subject? You ought to hear this stirring address. Sunday Night, Jan. 22 6:30 O'Clock In the. Johnson Memorial S. D. A. Church Corner of N. Summer and Hood jj w i nrosr: i Serving Salem and I .-- 1 E"'' 1 "" I Vicinity as Funeral I JH fVV I Director for 21 Years "i -?.:. I f . J I i-J VlrfU I. SSiii Htm t. Gftldla B Convenient location for both friends and family. Direct route to cemeteries no cross traffic. New modern building ample parking space. Complete funeral services within the means of everyone. cllt NUi km Virgil T. Golden Co. Mortuary The lad in this picture has been into some kind of mischief, and his dad has called him "on the carpet." His drooping head and downward gaze suggest a consciousness of wrongdoing. These are always tense moments in parent and child relations, because they involve a meeting of personalities in a situation which might easily serve to strengthen or weaken the parental tie. This is no occasion for parental anger, arrogance, or bluster. The situation calls for a sympathetic understanding, a calm appraisal, and good judgment based on the moral and spiritual elements in human conduct Parents need the wisdom of God and spiritual guidance in dealing with the behavior problems of their children. Mistakes made in these circumstances often lead to unfortunate results. The counsel of the Church and the inspiration of the Scriptures is offered to every parent who seeks divine guidance in meeting the responsibilities of parenthood. 30-24 10-17 MUM v N C,.M, nffi CHURCH FOR ALL ALL FOR THE CHURCH " -nurcn, neither doDKv wnnoui a a"d "upport Ih. Church Th rViCeB regularly own, t m rwlnr are: ( ?or ale o( ih. Church Itaell 1P1 "n- J For the ' w,a reaa rour Bible daily" rcn reou- "I'T '.L OMrb Sitard. . . r -- - - ' King a 1-4 1-15 This Series of Ads Is Being Published Eoch Week Under the Auspices of the American Bible Society and the Salem Ministerial Association, and I Being Sponsored by the Following Individuals and Business Establishments: CAPITOL DRUG STORE Prescriptions, Drug Sundries . SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO. 550 N. Capitol R. L. ELFSTROM CO. Furniture and Paint ROBERTS BROS. Department Store SALEM HOME FURNITURE CO. 137 South Commercial 605 South Commercial St. Telephone 4-2257 0