10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Friday, January 20, 1950 Father of the Bride By EDWARD STREETER. Illustrated by Gluyaa Williams (Installment XXII) CHAMPAGNE AITETITES Judging by the crowd In the living room Mr. Banks had expeot ed to find the marquee half empty. On the contrary, it was also Jam med with people. The temperature was mmway Detween mat. 01 a iurjt Ish bath and a greenhouse. Mis. Banks had hired a push- and-pull man to circulate among the guests. Mr. Banks discovered him standing . unnoted by one of the tent poles, dressea in nis U teroretatlon of a Neapolitan cos tume, obviously bursting his lungs ana nis instrument in tne pudiic weal. The din In the tent was so great, however, that he might have been squeezing a blacksmith's bellows and gargling his throat. Mr. Banks wondered, why, from an economlo viewpoint if no other, his wife had considered it necessary to pay someone to add to a confusion which was contributed gratis. In spite of the Buckingham boys, who wero getting rid of Mr. Banks' champagne just as eagerly here as in tne nouse, tnere was a crowo of eager customers In front of the bar table. He shouldered his way In and tried to get the attention of one of the sweating men behind It. They were engrossed In snatch lng bottles from huge tubs of Ice water, uncorking them and divid ing their contents between massed glasses and the tablecloth. A strange man next to Mr. Banks watched them with the tense con centration of a bird dog. "Lousy service," he said finally to Mr. Banks In what was obviously meant as a inenaiy opening. "Terrible," agreed Mr. Banks. "About on a par with the chum Dagne," said the stranger. "I thought the champagne was pretty good," sum Mr. Banks de fensively. "For American cham pagne, of course." "Bilge," said the genial stranger. The barman looked si htm soldlr "Sparkling bilge. I regard all cham pagne as bilge, but some comes from a lower part of the hold than others. This comes from Just over the keel." The young man' took two dripping glasses and backed awrty, Mr. Banks beckoned to one of the barmen, "How Is the champagne holding out?" he asked. The barman looked at him cold ly. "O.K.. O.K.," he said. "Don't worry, mister. You'll get plenty." Mr. Banks found himself blushing, then he remembered the old Chi nese proverb and decided to relax and have a look at the garden. It would be Interesting to find out if It wero also filled with neonle. His progress through the tent was slow. Near the entrance he spotted Miss Bellamy talking to a group irom tne oince. sue aetacneo Her self and came toward him balanc ing a gloss of champagne without too great success. He had never seen Miss Bellamy dressed like this be fore and it rather startled him. He man c know Just what to say, but she was obviously quite at ease. "Boss, we certainly put on a won derful wedding. Yes, sir. If I do sav so. It was beautiful. I want tn drink a toast. I want to drink a couple of toasts. First, to the bride. Say, you were swell coming down the aisle. No one would ever have known you wero scared." "Thank you." said Mr. Banks Somehow or other this was not the self-effacing MIm Bellamy he una ieit at tne onice yesterday alt' ernoon. Thev drank solemnly. "And now I want to drink to the best boss In the world. Yet, sir, the finest boss In the world." She had certainly never looked at him oulto like that befnrp. "And I'll drink to the finest sec retary," aatrt Mr. Banks, embar rassed. "Oh, you're Just saying that," said Miss Bellamy, her large brown eyes searching his face intently. "You're lust making that ud. I know you are. Got & cigarette?" As he let her cigarette he wondered If the world could ever again be forced back Into its comfortable old nor malcy. "You got to watch this stuff," said Miss Bellamy, gazing thoughtfully Into her glass. "You got to watch It every minute. If you don't It'll get you. No question about it. Want to know something?" She leaned to ward Mr. Banks' ear. "That Miss Dldrlckson's plastered. She's the new one with the dyed hair. Come on over. The bunch will want to see you. She's a silly one, though, i aion t like ner irom tne start, sne was saying" A young man In a cutaway ap proaohed. "Mrs. Banks Is looking for you sir. She sounds as If she wants to see you right away. Relieved to have some objective, Mr. Banks began to fight his way back to the house. He had almost make the exit from the marquee when an enormous woman blocked his way. She was accompanied by a gangling young girl with a mouth ful of braces, "Oh, Mr. Banks, it was such a heavenly wedding. I want you to meet my daughter Betsy. This Is Kay's father, dear." Betsy tittered as if she found the idea grotesque. "Humphrey couldn't come." Mr. Banks cast vainly about in his mind for anyone by the name of Humph rey. "He wanted me to tell you how sorry he was. You were so nice to ask us. I said to Humphrey, That was so nice of the Bankses to Include us. And to the reception too.' I brought Betsy. I didn't think you'd mind. She adores Kay so and she's been so excited about the wedding. Haven't you, dear?" Betsy's excitement seemed to have riled down since the ceremony. At the moment she looked like a cap tured German prisoner brought to headquarters for questioning. "Kay looked perfectly beautiful' con tinued the large woman. "Simply ravishing. And the bridesmaids' dresses Well, my dear, they were out of another world. I think the whole thing" A second young man In a nut- away approached. "Mrs. Banks is sort of tearinsr her hair mil; sir Rho said for me to tell you that Kay nllu "m'cj are getting reaay to go and where are you." Mr. Banks made a mumbling noise and forced a nassaei bet.wpen the stout woman and Betsy. Mrs. Banks pushed toward him through the crowded room. "Stanlcv Banks where have you been? I'm almost crazy. I suppose you've been in mat tent telling stor es. Now come Kay and Buckley will be coming down any minute." (To Be Continued) Autos Are Damaged Scio An earlv mnrnlnir far accident occurred about two miles east of Scio, in which two cars were involved. Letha Pynch, driver of an auto belong ing to nor son, Bill, escaped un injured, even though the car was demolished. The other car, belonging to Mr. and Mrs. John Ncal of Lyons, was also dam aged, but they escaped with minor injuries. The accident was caused bv failure tn nh- serve a stop sian and a slinnerv highway. Ocean Trip Progresses Dayton Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Coburn have received several letters from their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Coburn, Day ton, who are taking a three months trip to South America. The Coburns left San Francisco on the S. S. Seafarer, of the Pope and Talbot lines. The last report from them states that they were leaving San Juan, Puerto Rico, and are sailing around the cast point of Bra zll, expecting to stop in port at Racifo. - y M2858 Peacock Panel start your own mmmmmK3mmam'''i heirloom collection with this beau ZXlm. t'tul Peacock panel. Measuring 16 !WjBjKV M by 31 inches, the proud bird Is .- m Vljj worked In easy-to-do cross-stitch jjtsn . ijyh- 1 breathtaking oolors, f 1 f Pattern Envelope No. R3858 con- iOGtS tilts I ' la'" n0'-lron transfer, stltoh lllus- V, V i 1 I tratlons material requirements and V XO V embroidorlng and finishing dlrec- To ob,nln lls pattern, send 80c iV" COINS' 8lvlmj PMn number, mL S Vi Jollr nnme address and rone num- rfCWj lOU CfO bcr M PeKW Roberts, Capital Jour- rMilflf J iFlfl I,U- 828 MISSon Street San Fran- WMt sterl !1B, On r VELLCW PeEB.HgBAw!rCSF3!j T 1 DOfT KMfWW WED NO TALKFOXl ' WEU. MiSTER-TTTTTtILU DONT PCUSVE (T ' j ft ( ( mm 'f l" , . . -!! . . AHPgljfrON- O Pmmmm"I 1L II I I I K OH-I-I WdS JUST VKOER1N'VsUCc7( W OH- WWBEH? OH -SURE -OUR "Tl P f OH-ECi-aCUSE ME- EH?OH-COME H,WUN5 I IF-IP I COULD TAKE SOME O' t TO HAVE IB THERE'S R JANITOR-JACK'S A SOOO I I I WBB UaOKItTFOR LflW-NO-l-M B1UL BOMB- THOSE OLD CRATES OUT THERE-) VOU CLEAN MR. SACK (1 MAN-LrTTLE TALKATIVE, II r MR. JACK SACK-ARE- I HAPPEN To OWN THIS WE NEED STOVE WOOD 'EM UP L NOW- J . BUT DOES MB JOB- J I " " Imi ?.r-DID AH T COOt YC DIDN'T HEARl TtHASS COOft ) W I OAISV -f- . OH, HO.'.'M HEAR HIM BISHT IHIM RIQHTr-IO'DIDN'T EMUFT Wr V MAE.VABr NOT 7HN",WM55S I FWNSVP-DID -SAV VO' MS IN LOVE OF , U M JZ-J f ' 'TSSi WmZVtrX- TH,SVVTHISA L HESflVHENOOAL.DIDVQ'y ' 'ME.Vl f TIME HA COME!J GAL.-GAL?); u p WE'LL BE FAIRLY L Jr sPSSsaSySS Xm I fT VVEVEONLYAFEW 1 I " safe in these shadows Gtr our WSsXMztSfim I ffiSsva seconds leao on J 91 rt f K TILL WE CAN REACH fl?iT'M HORSES. K ??:irl-itr?'r7!W'itJm - U U r. V 1 THEM AND THATS ,, IWHVARE YOU RIOING J 'CAUSE I WHAT'S THE: I (' 1 1-i.O-SO I HEy MUTT' t JIMINY.VESAND'THB I CAN SEE WHY DANNY TVW'PUPCOItNSf R JEEPERS'LOOKAr I WINNER'S OKCLB" HAS ONLY ,B wdrbeP. THIS PLACE Jffill RlSMr A HEUO, WCK.' 1 1 ALL TH? Dusry J BEEN OPEN AN H0UK IS ON ITB WAY TO BE S7&SSK S,K . HI, THERE, TEV, W AND ALL THE, (J ALL THE CAKSUSTry P A 60LD MINE YOU OLD SlPEWINPEB I BOVS ARE XXH' s j i T.a,tN 'that's TheTN -.'vf "r , s O sink. .311 Jyl . ! ' 1 r-T- trV- -5L-a (1 T.a , . liU fir. r-JJ I K V -Nl.eti -ffl?GS(S O &T-J -cWWr I C!lT IML m4, ROBIN TOLO AND rr PROVES MY D -WrTS M ySTrPb'1 XJt SWJyr me mm. original slant on him when he 1 II JYiSSr AfiTO. IV-Tio :'S K iT- SNORGEEGL6 m FIRST CAME HERE -I INSTINC- )? u - TwLA s 'SiHi')fejZZ6. 1 -j-tLj-y suddenly ) A tively felt there was some- C Wfc!! Jim l7Vf 1 ViiiiOf " Vik I U PACKED AND V THING SHADY ABOUT THE ODD K r-v. v' FT HERE WEWDHMy ) JIMMY BEEN IN THERE T 0MIN0U5 BRICK! Jl I I'M GOING IN ON RLCONNAISANCE ) I DALE' YOU'RE CUPERB' '3L l"s J-H' Jl JfifTT JVC HEARD NO SICKENING WAi FIRE ENGINE RED & SEE TO IT THAT THE POOR B0T5 y THROIIAH ATHIIMPINr. I IvS '- r r T''! A r J ' RADIO PROGRAMS FRIDAY P. M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO NBC I70CTII "W ABO li0 MBO M0 Kc III! issMa. z ?e saa- !"M di7.7w 1 ii o- Hlu S'1 J',',, ".".'J MS1 ii! is;s a sis ; as sa'.,., IsisliiTrssiK ?Kta iiasi&aru s:sa ass aaa as sa wr 8:00 11nlr..Klritrr Lowell Thom.i Fl M.b H"!;" 5!!! 2"" StlfiNewi f World Ik Bmlih F.I Mn tr.llhl Arrow J J Ju.en. 8:30 HilU of K Tho Ooldberfl four FBI tn Btefc SOB - Rnien liM SIKSjw Th Qoldborn VoK FBI J.rrj B,irt 8IW - Eaieao 9:00 New Mr rvor!t Oiili lln( Motla KKS . Ratra 9:45 Trio Club 15 ffeiltrB Bklet Ednla Dabln Now. "0T(K) S.rn B.yci S SUr rin.l Uleh. Reportu Full. Lowl. Jr. JV.rwIek Tho.L 0:15 Mlndr C.r Uport. Spotllfht lnlcrmo Now. trtrwUh i Th..L 0:30 Sv.rl. Final Alr-fl. Concorl Ho N.w. IM Wb 0:45 Orcheilr. Ortheitr Concert Hoof Ch.rll. MulU T.B W.nl 1:00 New. Reren.d. Coneerl Hour Hnlm J""! 115 W. Muienm Tre.iury Band Cono.rl Hour ttmir Alt J"!"! :0 Wai Muieum llri.n Mutlo Mpmo. John Wolafem JJ' 4B W.i Muieum orn.n Mmlo Memo. John Wolotmn VoetBrnt 12:00 B I in Oil pil.nl tr nour Bln Off Blfn Oil FM M.f., KOW 1M.8, -10 p.m., KOIN 101.1, a.m., 11 P.m.. KEX tt.t, I U P.M. SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:4 l.M. 0:00 nod r Podw wew. J).wn CfwV S30Hodr. Podr. KOIN Klock Dawn W.reh flM JOCO KlMk 6:45 "w Pod" koin Kiock Downbe.t w. nooo Kltk i "VTfvn Sow near This KOIN Kloek Round-Up Boyi S'ewa Tex Elttor J.'ieNo Hear ThlsiNewi M. Aironiky Ireakfart Oan ew. 4:43 New. N'ewi Kelvin Keecb lreakfaitG.nl Onran Hood I ) 9am H.yri Conaumer N.w. Kelvin Kcech rop Trade. KUn.loa trT" a fin Fre"d WrInr I,et' Pretend Horn. Ant Elarnaln Counter Remlnlaelm StKFred Waring I,et'. Pretend Muiilcal Brlrtte Musis Remtnliolnc S-lOSmlllni Junior Mis. Musical Brldr. Haven of Hell Weat'B MelodlM 45 McConneU Junior Mis. Musical Brld.. Haven of But BcUnc. EicufA "qkMary Leo Theatre of 101 Ranch Northwest News Pop Varletlu " SCie Taylor Today 101 Ranch B'nf SJnn Defense Report Qfl Reading I. Fun Brand Central Toyland Tune. Pastor'. CaU Uuilo IVlthout 9:45 VeWB Brand Central Toyland Tunes Sage Rider. Word. nTno Star Kings Star. Over Star, of New. Babe Roth 0:1i Jerry Marlowe Hollywood Tomorrow Femme Fair Salem Air Re. n'-ih Voice., Event. Give and Take Stars of Proudly Hall Concert 0 4jj Voices, Event. Qlve and Take Tomorrow Proudly Hall Payorlte. I no Lassie tTounty Fair Met, Opera Platter Jock Sal. Serenade 115 Broadway Cor, County Fair Met. Opera Platter Jock Sat. Serenade 130 Young Oreg. Jeff Regan Met. Opera Platter Jock Sat. Serenade 1 45 Young Oreg. Jeff Regan MetOpera Platter Jook Sal. Serenade 2:00 Farm-nome New. Mel. Optra Top Tradei At Ihe Opera, 2:16 Farm-Home Harnr'd Foil lei Met. Opera News At the Operft 2:30 T B A Family Party Met. Opera N W New. New. 2:45 T B A Family P",, MetOpern Bob Eberle Navy Band ;00 TBA Meet Missus Met. Opera, Man on Farm Bat. Matinee ;15 TBA Newspaper Met. Opera Man on Farm Sat. Matinee 1:30 Musical Review Newspaper Met. Opera Man on Farm Sat Matlneo 1:45 Musical Review Orchestra Met. Opera Man on farm Sat. Matinee 2:00 MusIcaPRevlew Orchestra Tea, Crumpets New. Sal. Matinee 2:15 Musical Rvlew Orchestra Tea, Crumpet. Band Concert Sat. Matinee 2:30 Here's to Vets Farm New. Tea Crumpets College Choir Qr Shannon 2:45 Oeorge Fisher Garden Oate Tea - Crumpets College Choir Cy Shannon 3:00 News News lunlor Ray Nolile Obtn-Up Chat 3:15 0uesl Star U.N. Junction Ray Noble Chln-Vp Chat 3:30 NBC Symphony Red Barber Jais Concert Sal. Matinee Chln-Up Chat 8:45 NBC Symphony Larry Lcsuer Jati Concert Sat. Mttlnce Chln-Up Chat 4:00 NBC Symphony treasury Band' Rex Koury Mel Allen flpatllgtit Musle 4:15 NBC Bymphony Treasury Band Harry Wismer Ilemlngwap Spotlight Musle 4:30 Bands of Land Way for Youth Albert Warner KosteUnctl Curtain Call. 4;45 Bands of Land Way for Youth Church, Nation Kostclanota Curtain CaU. Children' The- On the Upbeat I fiiM. Bflfl Sport. Clnhi fl:f)0 Newsi AtlR. Dinner Melodic! 0:30. Music of Cteeho- I Slovakia; 1:19, Evening Farm noun :(!, nmi, Research t News and (Weatheri :iW, Music That Endurest 9:45, Evening Medltatlonsi 10:ft0, Sign Off. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 iy f A C Satirdar A.M. 10:00, Hewtj l WM. 10:1(1 Especially for Women t 11:00, Concert Hall: 13:00, Newt 11:18, Noon Farm Ifour; 1:00, Ride 'em Cow boy; 1:30, Voice of Army; IMS, Melody Lane; 8:00, Muslo of Ihe Master.) 11:30. Science! 3:15, Vets' Newsi 4:00, Pan American Rhythms; 4:tR, Song, of West, Circles Schedule Meetings at Amity Amity The Women's Society ot Christian Service held its gen eral meeting at the church with Mrs, P. E. Meeker presiding. Announcement was made of the meeting of Circle No. 3, at the home of Mrs. J. A. Larson on Nursery street. Circle No.l will meet the fourth Wednesday at the Elmer Engclland home, on Sherman street, and Circle No. 5 will meet at the sam time with Mrs. Glenn Steven son, at McCoy. An Epiphany candle light service followed, Mrs. Frank Chambers, Mrs. G, B. Abraham and Mrs. Edwin Morse assisted Mrs. Meeker, who was director for the program. The talks on "Adoration," "Concentration," and "Realiza4) tion" symbolized the gifts of the ' wise men to the Christ Child., Hostesses were Mrs. Olive Wood, Mrs. Meeker, Mrs. James L. Payor, Mrs. Glenn Stevenson. Refreshments were served. ACROSS 1. Inquire 4. Proverb I. Old time.! DOetlc It. Constellation 13. Plump and rosy 14. Negative 15. Notched on the edge 17. Day'e march 19. Comfortable , Insect . Conflict 23, Follower ol hobblea II. Artificial language 17. Egret 2. Plant with a pitniiKe item 50. Beard of grain 3!. Silken St. Pinch 15. Acute 37. Book of map, 19. Down: prefix 40. Mlaslona 42. Shipworro 44. Contends 45. Sheet of glass 46. Steps for cross ing a fence 4S. Good bur 51. Chinese dvnastr BS. Idler 54. Murmur 5a. Foultry . product 56. Leaven 67. Embrace CH OlWlt PU AjaTO O N h t wklT oyT cTg T a a J1a o l b tTsPh a Tnc" jf u w jnw p s " pU i t sh i n u n L L I P S EQsU L S t G H T p ejHF I ML 0 W 8 Sue Ht a t ipr jEI A ME T E R ETEllA H N I JL 5 O R TflE P O Pj S Solution of Yesterday's Purrle DOWN 1. Island oft Jutland S. Perceive PP PP 30 3 32 33 Hp 3Triil 1 1 1 Wrr A Nowstalvres t. Aslatle pentntula 4. Dliconoerta B. Tax 9. Edseel tool 7. Proceed 5. Correct I. Relation through tho mother 10. Fold orei-on ) 11. Coloring agent 18. Qverhasty 18. Toungitera 30. Kind ot brlttl Hmeitone SI. Rail bird S3. Letdown 31. Places of defense U, Avalanche 26. Candle 2S. Perusei 31. Giving atrangth to tl. Restaurant en tertainment t H9. Metal fastener 38. Vocal mailo . 41. Poor 43. Attain 45, Open vessel 4tt. Pronoun 4T. Label 48. Large serpent 49. Written acknowledg ment of EO. Egg drink te or fit. Xoit U5 ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern I