' ' ' ) ini-i-frritMr , " mmi imiiih ,,,, Ml, -TWin mt Moving Day Aged "Love Pirate" Sigmund Engel (cen ter) miles and waves goodbye to friends as he is removed from Cook county prison at Chicago for transfer to the Illinois state prison at Joliet. He will serve a two to ten year senten'ce for swindling red-headed Mrs. Reseda Cor rigan of $8700. Engel is flanked by Deputies Harry Jacob son (left) and Jack" Rudolph. (Acme Telephoto) Attlee's Labor Party Promises Nationalization of Industries London, Jan. 19 tfP) Prime Minister Attlee's labor party today promised to keep Britain on its socialist course with new national ization of industry and continued rationing and price controls if laborites retain power in the Feb. 23 elections. The pledges were made in a 6,000-word manifesto containing the campaign piatiorm ot tne Socialist-minded labor party. Principal aim of the labor program, said the manifesto, was full employment. The policy declaration sharply rapped Winston Churchill's Con ervative party, which is bidding for reinstatement on the promise of steering the country out of Socialist waters back to free enterprise. The Laborites said their fight was directly against the Con lervatives and against the "un- imployment, strife and econom ic confusion which would in vitably result from the Conser vative wish to "let things rip." Thus the party in power had fired the opening big gun what promises to be one of the most crucial political battles in recent British history. The Conservatives' big blast is expected next week with the issuance of a similar policy manifesto. Churchill and his "shadow cabinet" which would become the real cabinet If the Tories win met at his London house yesterday to polish it up Conservative reaction to the labor manifesto was typified by Lord Rothermere's London Daily Mail, which called it a "blank check on nationalization." The Laborites have promised to continue their Socialist pro gram, already well on its way with nationalization of major industries in the five postwar years of Labor rule. To consolidate state ownership and round out the picture of So cialist aims, the party now prom ises to take over the cement in dustry, sugar refining, water works, meat slaughtering, and cold storage plants. It also said it would keep an eye on cer tain portions of the chemical in dustry and take them over if it were in the national interest to do so. Worry of FALSE TEETH Slipping or Irritating? Don't be embarrassed by loose false teeth slipping, dropping or wobbling when you eat, talk or laugh. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH on your plates. This pleasant powder gives a remarkable sense of added comfort and security by holding plates more firmly. No gummy, gooey, ' pasty taste or feeling. It's alkaline (non acid). Get FASTEETH at any drug store. The manifesto, titled "Let Us Win Through Together" follow ed closely a policy statement called Labor believes in Bri tain" issued last April before the Labor party's annual confer ence. One exception was its prom ises on industrial insurance which last spring the Laborites had marked for state control ine mannesto proposes to "mu tualize" such insurance com panies, putting them under own ership of policy-holders. Girl Groups Interest Parents and Teachers Lyons The Mari-Lynn PTA met at the Rebekah hall with a fair crowd, considering the weather. The sixth grade moth ers were hostesses for the eve ning. Some discussion was held on sponsoring either the Girl Scouts or Camp Fire Girls group. Following the business meeting Paul Ackerman, from the public relations office of Portland, gave an interesting talk. His two boys who were with him furnished piano and clarinet music. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Swing Club Was Speechless When I Served My Gorgeous Qeddi-lOlp Dessert! For once everybody was speech M less when I proudly brought in E W k my gorgeous dessert, lusciously I m mm decorated with Kcddi-wip, itiey just couldn't understand how I could serrc anything so glamor ous with absolutely no prepara mm or work. Rcddi-wip whips itself at the touch of a finger. Made with pure, rich cream, it turns even simplest desserts like gelatins, cupcakes, and pud drags into gorgeous treats instantly. Get Reddi-wip todayl US! TBII UUKMAN 01 St OC El "IT I HI PI ITSELF" em Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Jan. 19, 19509 Si 3 '-"fc rem ram G0 aa ti a i i All Safeway stores in Salem ore now open Friday evenings until 8 P. M. Safeway stores in Hollywood and 1420 State St., open every week-day evening until 8 p.m. Shop leisurely in the evenings, avoid the rush of daytime crowds. Mrs. Wright's Bread Qc WHITE OR WHEAT . IVj-lb. Loaf Sunnybank Margarine nrc Lb. MmtJ SWEET. FRESH TASTING Pictsweet Corn Cream Style Golden Jm No. 303 Cans 25e Nob Hill Coffee K 68c Airway Coffee 65c Edwards Coffee !73e CANTERBURY TEA ft 30c 19 UPTON'S TEA S 33 21 ORANGE PEKOE, BLACK TEAS Soda Crackers Oven-Glo New at Safeway ?- 29' Kitchen Craft Enriched Flour $198 l $389 25-lb. Sack ft"?" tlib Roast For a roast that's easy to carve one that's sure to roast juicy and tender get one of these Standing Rib Roasts at Safe way today! GRADE GOOD, PER POUND Eviscerated Pan Ready lb. FRYERS red 65c Beef Short Ribs lb. 29c Ground Beef Fresh lb. 35c Pork Roast shouiderlb. 39c Pork Steak shoulder lb. 45c Pork Sausage lb. 45c ge SIRLOIN STEAKS ib79 Lots of lean, tender meat. Chock full of mouth - watering goodness. lb. 39c lb. 59c Sliced Bacon lUrkeyS Hens Smoked Hams lb. 53c Fryers or Rabbits lb. 65c Fresh Oysters pt. 69c ID. & C Smofced Port Shoulder RINSO SOAP Granulated 46-OZ. M Ml I y v. f CRISCO SHORTENING Use Crtsco It's digestible Are Today s Most Outstanding Value in Good FOOD1. "" i li r- . . . why. Safeway. Saftway cW - gateway. Grade 'A' Law Dozen BEST LIKED, OF ALL THE BEEF ROASTS .' No etretchuig. - to-reacrw You get more for your money at eB? ro ted foods at .. j nirri'S Oflf if hies tn' .-si. TT.vil Spinach i 27c AQe Strawberries is-. Pk Bird 2C Peaches i-.pk- . . Honor 39C Brussels Ice Cream ,29c ? N PITCHES for oh 10 littW II Hb CA$TU CMST 11 1 (mj PEACHES s jtJ BORAXO Cleans dirty hands! 17 Peanut Butter Specials! PETER PAN aerowax s Q A P AQc f3 Pre-ripened. Serve a healthful, 1 nourishing salad. jl 35 SK.PPY BRAND PEANUT BUTTER Sweet CoaeheHa Grapefruit 69c t 69' Prices in this ad are effective thr o u g h Monday, January 23. We reserve the right to limit quantities. No sales to dealers. pre-packaged I 1 SPINACH j 1 Garden-fresh 1 1 19c 1 i0-o. Pk- j Potatoes 1 k 49c I 10 lb. ack I 98c I 15 lb. acW Navel Oranges tig 59c Green Cabbage 5c Smooth Carrots. 8c Saladsjj25 BANANAS Golden Ripe Tomatoes Jtr 3c Hubbard C,cVl lb. oc Drv Onions . Solid Yams 2 " . 6e lie