18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Jan. 19, 1950 RADIO PROGRAMS Father of the Bride THURSDAY r. M. By EDWARD STREETER. Illustrated by Gluyas Williams f H TM JUO PU00 ) I'M STEV eOCtR-EDnORir WELL" I'LL 5 IF - ,'ff -3 Wam J WMgJM Something was wrong "circulation." (Installment XXI) MR. BANKS PLAYS TO A FULL HOUSE No one had told Mr. Banks wheth er or not he was to be part of the receiving line. For a moment he decided against it. Then it oc curred to him that it he just stood in the middle of the living room he might be mistaken lor the caterer. He slid quietly into place between his wife and Mrs. Duns-tan as the first began to pump Mrs. Banks' arm. It became immediately apparent that one of his duties was to in troduce the guests to Mrs. Dunstan. Those who were now so eagerly pushing forward to shake his hand were, for the most part, lifelong friends. In spite of this he could not remember anyone's name., "Sing out the last names," he whis . pered desperately. Mrs. Banks glanced at him an ' xiousJy. She knew he had been ' going through a considerable strain, . but she had hoped with all her being that he would hold together ior another couple of hours. "Why ' 'Jack and Nancy Hilliard," she cried feaily. "My dear, you look adorable. ! yes. Wasn't it. I am so glad you . .thought so. And Grace Lipplncott. 1 am so glad you could ge here." "Mr. and Mrs. Lippincott,' mum- Wed Mr. Banks uncertainly. "I S' ' ean that is to say Mr. and r.s. Hilliard." . It was over at last and not a min- utc too soon. If another person iiad ' Injected himself Into the living room , ,1116 receiving line would nave been . squeezed Into the fireplace. . . Something was wrong, very wrong, with Mr. Massoula's "circulation." ' Theoretically the guests were sup- Jposed to slither off the end of the . eception line, through a French door, and into the marquee where Mr. Massoula had set up his bar -and buffet tables. The lirst few couples to come Off the line, however, had chosen . .the French door in which to hold long, eager conversation. Those who had followed had merelv rp- bounded from this obstacle back into the living room. . Mr. Massoula's r nomes were so . efficient that no one needed to go ao me oar anyway. They slid like -eels through the melee, mvsterioiis- 1y carrying trays full of champagne t niasscs wnere no amateur could . iHve transported an uncontea doc . .tie. . It seemed to Mr. Banks that these ' busy little figures must be paid on ; a piece basis so much per glass I dispensed. Never had he seen men . .more devoted to their work. Tim . .moment a person tilted his glass they were at his elbow waiting eaucrly with a fresh supply. It was ' true that he had told Mr. Massoula ; to keep things moving. He had . merely been thinking of other wed . dJnaa where he had stood Around for hours with an empty glass talk - ing to someone whose name lie did not know. It was one thing to 'avoid that and another to hurl the e with Mr. Massoula's stun down people's throats every time tney opened cneir mouens. The sickening idea occurred to him that at this rate it would be all gone in hall an hour. Later he could remember a roar of voices and people making faces at him ana ma King iaces dock ai people but it was a scene which would remain forever out of focus in his memory. Eventually he felt a tug at his sleeve. Kay and Buck ley were standing behind him, Kay holding her crumpled train over her arm and grinning. "HI, Pops. We're going to get ready now. Don't you want to see me hurl my bridal bouquet?" He followed them to the front hall while the wedding guests whooped noisily after. Kay and Buckley were already looking down from the landing. Mr. Banks was astonished to dis cover an entirely new expression on Kay's face. Vanished the ether eal look she had worn as they start ed down the aisle. Now her ordi narily placid features radiated a self-confident, roguish gaiety that he had never seen before. For twenty-four vears Kav had been as satisfactory a daughter as any man could desire. His only complaint, If one could use so strong a word, was that she was too re pressed, too shv not a scared rab bit exactly, but lacking that bold Hi-asp oi tne reauues wnicn ne ad mired in women. Yet here was Kav. whn nnlv a. few days before had been telllncr him wiui, une aian t nave uie nerve to go wrougn wiin it. suindinir hnsidp Buckley on the landing, looking over the faces below her with all the happy, relaxed assurance of a hunt ing aog wnicn has just retrieved bird. eye rested Daierullv for a moment on Bucklev. Ordinariiv shy fellow in crowds, he now had a look of smug possesslveness that nuiii, nu unexpected wave of lrri- Liiiion oown Mr. Banks' spine. The maid of honor was Jockey ing for UOSitlOn Under th Innrllna Kay was waiting for her with the bridal bouquet poised. Small chance for the eager virgins clam oring with outstretched arm thir uxw expiring m naii-nght what Kiuwra so ongniiy and unashamed in Kay's. It struck Mr. Banks that the accented belief thn married women was a colossal hoax wiey were merely married by worn There was a shrill vpinin. tv. bridal bouquet came sailing over i in ouu icu. wmi lis usual precision, Into the outstretched armi oi the maid of honor. Then Kny and Buckley disappeared around the corner of the stairs followed by the bridal party. Tho crowd began to spread out again and Mr. Massoula's wnlklns dispensaries, apparently refreshed by the pause, went Into action with renewed enthmlncm ... Banks was struck by the need for -.... luvraioiy ana ne turned to ward the marquee. 'To Be Continued) R2660 Tailed Trlmmlnfs It Is so easv to achieve delightful trimmings for handkerchiefs, blouses and linens with these dainty tatted edgings, If you are a novice, tattlnir Is sim ple because thore Is only ONE stltoh lo mnsieri Pattern Envelope No. RM60 con tains complete steD-bv-st.n h..i tatting instructions, plus directions ior ragings illustrations, material requirement and making and fln- utimiK directions. To obtain this pattern, send 30c in COINS, giving pattern number. your name, address and zone num- Der to ggy Roberts, Capital Jour nal. 838 Mission Street. San Fran cisco a. ;aui. PHI U 1 I n i ill Mir "fit WW "'WHI ' ' ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 7:30 0 -JkjSOQQ HM-MM-THffT-C TH FACTORY WHECR 1 ( LETS SEE NOW-4JRSaOEtTr- I'W R r WOOD IS SURE QETTTN' HARDER AgSfiOOQ JACK BACK 16 TH' BIG SHOT BETTER f" ) THAT MUST BE MR. SACK'S f gn - AND HAPOER "TO FIND- HEY THAT A6K TORE I TAKE ANV CC TH08E f OFFICE -I'M SURE HE'D LET WcOMEN- I J: r PILE O'STUFF-CXB BOXES-THROWN OLD CRATES- lOu ME TRKE -NUFF FOR KkNOUN-- . ) 9:00 H I I IT'S TH' LATEST NSrCHERuTI CHUCHlnr.'-tVt J?&igl 171' Xt'OH-'f- EF ONLY ) Al I'l 1 1 1 jf lo "FEARLESS FOSDICK"Vl v' 'S . CHILE WON'T LOOK SWEETEST JL HE FELT LOVE W" I ,. IT M-MAMMV;.. 245 L BOOK.7--AFTER AH TOO V WAMT NO SUPPEFt S AT AfcJ KIND O' rV LIKE THET-FO' J gSKj . AH DO" 3:00 , OEE'LfVERS THtSE ( BUSV TONIGHT. HE JKP HIS LOVE f I II H 1,1 . T f III " l II , 3:" 1 CHRISTMAS CARDS, H BEIN'TH' 1 GOT FOOD FO' EXPRESHON FOSOtCK-l f1 XfiR C7 2:22 I WILL VO' READ IT POSTMASTER.'.' THOOOHT.r 0 UOVC7V ( . V'fiSr'r 1 J-'HZ 3il5 fc TO ME? AH rT, 4, NAMELY A NEW LOVE J , Jl vl j' WLsJ ( U 4:00 CAINT READ. ) If tS, FEARLESS FOSDCK" tA1 If JtV f t&F IPrSM Vi 4:15 a RJMPlntfmB u-A.TI miff I Wk l& id " I I V"r B"ws, iKnd M JEFF. TELL ME 1WELL,WH6Nr when I K WELL, LIFE WAS Y diON'T JT K "''".offLnN pTHFN MvA ABOUT VOLK tWASTWO Folia SO TOUGH ON THE -ru Z. KNOCKING AROUND 11.MI- ) " CHILDHOOD- VEARS OLD OLONFARM ONE F1H0 V ' U RS EN 1 5 T vwrparentsImvparents 7p lNIGHTIRNFAB RAN . '"'PyT'h.i W 1 1 , , ,,, MBMWIL.ArMLS7V. I I '' ' 'J OlAV DANNV WE HOW, LISTBI.VOO LU6S. I'M cjOINS THEN AN ' . ' 1 R T VFSaETANyrHlNfi TO CASE THE JOINT AS SOON AS 1 ALL-OUT 6EE4T HCWNEP TOADS MY OLD M j TOE PLACES A MILE O? SO OCWN YSS IT OPENS. WE'LL DRIFT IN TONI6HT. VHUBARS g,Z u Ixuc ctatc crun rrt-iii En tuc V , Um ,Jr"u"' A ccpaRATFAV. CEMEMBEB. AND I'LL. sV TOWN WITH HIS RODEO.' HEV, S WINNER'S ORCLE'. WAIT UNTIL THERE'S lw 6IVE THE REGULAR SISNALFO VJJVJISFT1 A I . . I I M I I fTTT M IV II 1M Tl VrtLLI THIS ACCOUNIVJIMMY DALE BDOINS SOME DAYHE'LL REND THAT BACK'TOTE tfH 1 I 3 i fCTl m SiteRW j 1 ST5I rf z HC ( I iV.oul K.Lf h- iTl ONTHi-FARM;-?J KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO J0 NEC 70 CBS " MB0 M K- r r,"f,T F..1H,. storr' Grten nornel 8trlfhl Afrow Bind of D7 5:9?Fo.l.J N..V Ul Show a H.il Slr.l.h. Afr.w B.nd .1 D.r l rTi.. lfk Armilrom B-B.r-B R.neh Blni Croibj "I rno Sen.. lUd 5pSS Edw. C. Hill g.b. HMM C.ndl. Llrtl S:?SserD r.ullJ 1u.d Horn. Edlll.n J-,"- I"" Bl"" S:Jfi Ho.. C.lc.d. C.lm. M.d. R.m.ncn Trtl. T..t N.w. 3:?5p.rri Cm. rh. Pl.jh.uM c.iml.r.Pt J.M. ;f Tlmu M.l. J..kp.t 3:nDr.nt Bollro.d D.t. Wllb Jodj Hr.tnlm E.lr Enl.bl ?;45 Ili..Ur D.l. Wllb J.d, Trwle. SMjil . -ST5 8ln.lr.-Klr.lto Lo.rll Thorn.. Am.lrnr Haul HOP'" C...IJJ Tr.ck 1490 i:?S World N. I.ck Smllb Am.l.ur H.ur ll.p'lnr C...ld7 Tr.ck 1JM 5. Aldrlcb F.mllr '. Keen Am.l.ur Hour L.n B.ok Tr.ok MM :45 Aldrltb f.mlH Mr. Kt.r. R. Monliom.rT R.r 8lnlr Tr.ck 1M -ifnnF.th.r Know. F.B.I. Blondl. Ol.n B.rdr Tr.ck MM g:ir F.lb.r Know, F.B.I. Blondl. B.rb.r Sb.f Club Scru.d. S:,n Dulfj'. T.nrn Bcul.k Vour Bu.lnM. R.r Block S.w. 5:4 Dnllj'. T.T.rn Oub 18 Robert M.lb.n B.r Block M. Wbllln. iHThn S.m H.rra ! St.r Fln.l Rlchf'ld K.p'lr Full. Uwl. Jr. Nj.bl B.m S:V1! Mort. Downn You World Intcrmc.o Loci New. Si.bt Soni i'i -.ii SPI.. P... -ln.l Alrll. Concert Hoot N.w. Mu. You 10:45 Orcbe.lr. Orehc.lr. Concert Hour Mu.Jip Mule Y01 W.nl flSlSew. Serenade Concert Hour I Lot. Mr.t.rr Noeturn. 11.1c w.x Museum Trc.urr Band Concert Hour N.yy B.nd Nooturnu iilnw.z Mueeum Orf.n Hu.1. Memo. lohn Woloh.n piocturn. ll;45 W.u Mu.enm pr.un Memo. John Woloh.n Nocturne. 12:MBlm Off Silent Xlru Hoar IsTm Oft Blr OK FBI Meg., KOW 100.8, 8-10 p.m., KOIN 101.1, FRIDAY 6 A. M. Hodia Podfi Xewa KOIN Ktock KOIN Klook KOIN Klock Farm Keep Keep Keep Knell! Ncwi Farm Tim Farm Tlma Early Bird IWaibb'rn Old Sodci Mart. Aaronsky Bob Baien Zeka Hanoera KneaiB Newt Sam Harea Gddls Albert Coninmer Newa iBrsakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Eddl Albert lack Bercb New. Grand 81am Roieroary 3an Rlderi md Cap Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny Mildred Bedell Stars of Today Art Llnkletter Second Cup 3 Bona Hflen Trent Kneais Newt Our Gal Sunday Art Llnkletter Marrlace for S Car. CaTallera Hostess Uou Blr Sliter Ma Perklna Dr. Malone Guldlnr Lirbt Rata Riders Galen Drako 'Mr True Story My True Story Party Double, Nolblnr Doable, Notblnr 3nd Mrs. Burt'i Betty Ferry Mason No rata Drake Brighter Day Victor rod'ya Oblidren .N'rtb western N'wenterners Llaht of World iKnean Newi Road of Life News Coma Get It Baukbac INews Y'ok'b Fam. House Party House Party Llack RliLt to Hap. Meet jBackatare Wife From Nowhere Brkf. Stella Dallas Lorcnio Jonea Vuw Wid. Br' Uack Holt rGarry Moore Rrkf. in Holly. Kay West Kay West Klrkbam News Wh. a. Marrlei Por. Faeee Life Kirkbatn News Jay Stewart Sieve Allen 1st eve Allen Jay Stewart lust Plain Bill Bride Si Front Pr. Fsr'lll Tunefully Yours Bride A Wele. Travelers Welc. Travelers' Art Kirkham Quick aa Flash Quick as Flash Be Seated Ted Malone Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Aunt Mary We Love. Learn Worn. Secret Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Western Armor Godfrey Squirrel Dr. Paul Pauls Stone (Curt Massey Squirrel Edw. Murrow r lreilrbtera tVews DIAL LISTING, KOAC Thursday P.M. 8:00. Chll. dren's Theater. K:15, On tho Opbeatl 2:50, 650 Sports Clubt 6. News, fl:15, Organ Musle; 0:30, 'Bound Camp fire I 9:00, Headlines Id Chemistry! 7:15, Eventnr Farm Hour; 8, Flylnc Timet 8:15, OSO Library; 8:30, Vet News; 8:45, News, and Weather; 9:00, Muslo That Enduresi 0:45, Evening Meditations I 1 0:00, Slsn Off. He Who Laughs Last Washington, Jan. 19 (P -Cline H. Knowles, 61-year-old foreman oi a government metal shop, always started the work ing day with a joke. , Tuestay morning, he stopped as nsual at a government supply yard. Grinning workmen gathered around to hear what gag he'd pull. Knowles borrowed a watch from one of the workmen and offered to bet $1 that there was no numeral "6" on the face. The workman had had the watch a long time. He was sure Knowles was wrong and took the bet. But Knowles was right, there was no "6." The crowd began laughing, Knowles joined in. Then sud denly he slumped over, dead. Apparently a heart attack. ACROSS 1. Bragged 7. Inlet 13. To this 14, Card gamt 15, Epoch 16. Metal tags of a lace 18. That man 19. At home 20. Articles of apparel 21. Marry 22. Undermine 24. Holds a session 25. Young; woman 26. Geometrical figure 28. Mud volcano 29. Oriental nurse 30. Small stream 31. Vessels 33. ChapB 36. Domestic fowls 37. Grow unin teresting 38. Humor 39. Aerial rail ways: colloa. 40. Good-bye 4J. Negative 42. Exist 43. Cylindrical 45. Massachu setts cape 46. Vacationing place 48. Epic poem 50. Tempestuous 61. Eating places " lHr Hi ii r Mir I I I 1 I lvl I 1 I I JlP Netvsftojfvres ROOM AND BOARD W WELL, THERE GOES WW HE SHOWED ME Hp I WONT 5 f MR. SNORGEEGLE te&l BV HIS BADGE CVkRE LET ( '"HE PACKED UP kZ THAT HE VORKS p. THE MISSUS V, AND LEFT AND AS A WEIGHT I KNOW HE I WONT REPEAT U INSPECTOR. QUIT I WHAT HE SAID TO ME UW-THATS WHV ) I BEIMG A V IN HIS RAGE HE CARRIED A BOARDER. 'y ( THE METAL CASE V BECAUSE 1 " ; IT HELD THE OF ME I M V ASSORTED WEIGHTS "VZV U.!ALU J'li fOB. INSPECTING, Jr Ii? 7T I STOIiY 9 a.m., IS p.m., KEX 08.8, t la 8 p.m. TO 4:45 P. M. News Smillni Smlllnf Smlllnc INewi Summary iimeKeeper Marcb Tlma KOCO Klock XOCO Klock News News Newt iBrkfat. Gant Tex Rltter KOCO Kloek News KOCO Klock Rise and Shine Top Trades Club Club Club Club Barr. Counter Family Affair Bible Institute Bible Institute Klns'a Crusad. Kinr's Crusad. Western Helod. Fleila Tlma rV. News Time for Mel'dy Tlma for Mel'dy Stars Sine Quia Club Pa i tor's CaD Walts Time J. Chas Thorn aa Glen Hardy Gospel Binier Perry Coma NW Newa MUSI Tune Tlma 1h Keys Morcan's Music Crocker Ladles First Ladles First Queen for Day Queen for Day Musle Mart Muslo Mart Jan Garber Vocal Varieties Llndlahr Talk Top Trades H'llywood Muil H'llywood Mnslo News Dave Dennla News N W Newa Norman Menjous Bob Eberly In Holly. Bob Mitchell Bob Mitchell Tell Neighbor Bins Sines Bob Pool Bob Poole Muslo for Fn, Mac's Melodlea Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodlea Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies iMac'a Melodies Mac's Melodies Mao's Melodies Groom Groom Muslo for Frl. Geo. Jamboree Geo. Jamboree Mao's Melodies Mae's Melodlea Mae's Melodies Mao's Melodies News Gay Nineties Brand Fulton Lewis Movie Tim Philosopher flyers Can B Case Hemlnrway Cat IBehind Story Beautiful KOAC 550 nr Friday A.M. 10:00, News and lVJMV Weather; 10:15, Especially for Women t 11:00, School of Alri 11:15, Con cert Hath 12:00, News, lt:15. Noon Farm Hourt 1:00, Bid 'em Cowboy, 1:15, Sehool of Alrt 1:30, Public Health; 1:45, Melody Lanct t. Clubwomen's Half Bonn 1:80, Memory Book of Musle; 8, News; 8:15, Mu slo of the Masters i 4:00 Oregon Reporter, 4:15, Favorite Hymns. T O Mile O L UK C T gp ft A T EHsIe CT QclOluj n i ifMrfiDiciAirtiri IrIq man yhv a m pb1p Y ES D I B CIX-PM' P O P E R A T 1 O NflA V E P X 3 1 lit H nil 1 1 ATO N eIIE ff CUE L K Solution of Yesterday's Puzzl DOWN 1. Light carriage 2. Of a king t. Seaweed 4. Ourselves 5. Greek letter 6. Small shark 7. Amorous looks S. Behaves 10. Alternative 11. Not the same ' ones 11. Sewing Implement IT. Musical . Instrument 21. Tree 23. Prairies 24. Mineral sp rings 25. Irritate 27. Demons 28. Foundation timber 30. Akin 31. Cutting Implement 32. Head protector 33. Destiny 34. Victor 35. Rocks 37. Social affair 40. Call 43. High pointed hill 44. Slender flnlal 46. Any monkey 47. Consequently . Aneaa By Gene Ahern