i mil I New Element Is Heaviest Berkeley, Calif., Jan. 19 VP) The University of California cyclotrons have produced an other new element this one the heaviest known. The new substance, No. 97 in the atomic scale, is the fifth to be produced by the cyclotron's atomic particle bombardments. Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, 37-year-old professor of chemistry at the university, said it prob ably would be named "Berke lium," in honor of the university city. The element was discovered December 19 but Its announce ment was withheld pending nec essary approval by the atomic energy commission. What the new element is like and what might be done with it were not announced. Dr. Sea borg said theoretical considera tions rule out its use in atomic weapons. investigations of Its proper ties are continuing. Dr. Seaborg named two re search associates, Dr. Stanley G. Thompson, 37, and Albert Thi orso, 35, as co-discoverers of the new element. Dr. Seaborg has been co-discoverer of four of the five new elements produced in the Berke ley cyclotrons: Plutonium, Americium, curium and now the tentatively named Berkelium. The fifth was neptunium. The University of California cyclotrons are machines which are capable of changing known substances into other, entirely different substances. Snow Brings Halt Upon Dam Project Mill City Notices have been posted about town in various business houses stating that De troit Dam work will not be con tinued until the weather breaks. When all work was stopped Fri day noon there was between 4 and 5 feet of snow at the proj ect. The Mill City Women's club meeting was cancelled this week due to the bad weather. The meeting was also cancelled two weeks ago for the same reason. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Jan. 19, 195013 Your Pants Are loot, You Get Boot in Baltimore Baltimore, Jan. 19 (P) If your pants are zoot, you get the boot. Pegged pants, it seems, are strictly taboo at some Baltimore recreation centers. And teen-agers who sport the too-tight trous ers are setting up a howl with some support from the older generation. A It's known as the ruler treat ment. Shov up with trousers that are less than 17 inches around at the cuffs, and out you go. wo dancing for cut-down pants fanciers. The measure (no pun intend ed) was brought to the attention of the city council by Mrs. M. J. Greeley. She claims It's driving teen-agers into the streets. She told the council in a letter that one youth was barred from a city recreation center because of "the width of his trousers and the cut of his coat." His pants, she said, had been knocked down to less than 17 inches. Other measurements on the zootometer, according to teen agers are "semi-drape" (16) and "really it" (14). Harold S. Callowhill, super intendent of the recreation bu reau, admitted that the ruler treatment was being used at some centers at the request of youngsters there. "Extreme dress is permissible in other centers where such a dress is customary in the neighborhood," he said. Extreme dress, he said, leads to poor behavior. Mrs. Greeley contended, how ever, that any such ruling de feats the purpose of the centers. The council took the question under study. President and Envoy President Soekamo (left) of U. S. jot Idonesia, chats with Merle Cochran, U. S. A. ambassador, y at a reception by new nation in Jakarta (Batavia). I j Some of Truman's Pet Bills May tBe Slaughtered Without a Vote i'jF By JAMES MAKI.OW ! I Washington, Jan. 19 (IP) Some of President Truman's pro Jfram may get slaughtered without ever coming to a vote. !; This is because congressmen know more way of killing a bill ! than voting it down or trying to talk It to death. I The house rules committee is giving a good example of that :' Snow. First, a little history of that committee. IA great many bills are intro duced in the house every year. The house doesn't have time to consider all of them. : :.! Which shall it choos? Long ago is set up a committee of its j members called the rules com- mittee. l This committee was supposed ! to act as a funnel through which I bills would be let out on the J floor fc r debate and vote. f If the committee wanted to ; kill a bill by refusing to let ' it out. that just about killed it. It took a petition signed by a majority of the house mem J bers to pry loose a bill turned down by the rules committee. For many years there were great complaints against this kind of power given to one 3 little group of committeemen. Along came the election of President Truman in 1948 with his Fair Deal proram and parti- cularly that part of it which promised new civil rights laws, mostly for the benefit of negroes. J Mr. Truman's Democrats won control of the house, too. So voting on a veterans' bonus. But If the rules committee where the southern democrats and re publicans outnumber the Tru manites two to one wins its old power, you can tell Mr. Tru man's civil rights program good bye this year anyway. The rules committee wouldn't let it out on the floor for a vote. when this congress began its session in January, 1949, the Trumanites looked at the make up of the rules committee. There were 12 members on it: Eight democrats and four repub licans. But four of those eight democrats were southern dem ocrats. If the four southern democrats ! tamed up with the four republl- j cans, that would put the Tru- f manite democrats of four in a 3 small minority. And Any time the team of republl ! cans and southern democrats I wanted to bottle up some of the ''Trumnti nrnomm nnH Vpen It from a vote, they could just vote in the committee to bottle it up. Well, the mapority of the men in congress decided they'd take that kind of power away from the rules committee. And the house established a new rule This was it: If the rules committee has sat on a bill for 21 days, it can be called up in the house anyway, The rules committee can't stop it. This gives 435 members a chance to decide whether they want to pass the bill. That's what happened in 1949 But now suddenly a majority of the rules committee southern democrats teaming up with re publicans want their old power back. They voted the other day to ask the full house to vote this year on whether the rules com mittee can have back its old power to sit on a bill indefinitely The rules committee may win. in spite of President Truman's protest over the maneuver. This is one of the reasons: There's a bill in congress to give veterans a bonus. This comes at a time when congress is shouting economy. If that bill gets out on the floor for a vote since this is the year when all 435 house members must stand for re election and face the voters on their record a majority of the house may vote for it through fear of antagonizing the veteran vote. So, if the rules committee could conveniently lit on that bill provided the house gave It back its old power to do so this would save a lot of congress men from the embarrassment of (Advi.-ii'einent) Weak, Tired, Nervous, Pepless Men, Women Insect Sprays Get Defense Washington, Jan. 19 VP) Insect SDravs are necessarv to maintain production of fruits and vegetables, agriculture de partment scientists said Wednes day. Other methods of controlling insects have been tried with out materially reducing the need for insecticides, they told a food and drug administration hearing called to determine whether the sprays are harmful to consum ers. Dr. Bennet A. Porter. soeMnl ist in fruit insecticides in the bureau of entomology and plant quarantine, said the . cost of spraying is high, but growers would go out of business if they aian i use cnemicals. Some apple growers, he said spend more than $100 an acre to control insects in their orchards. Dr. Fred C. Bishopp, chief of the bureau of entomology and plant quarantine, said that the alternation of various types of insecticides would reduce health hazards. He added that insprfs tliAm selves build up resistance to a poison If the same type is used continuously. Dr. Bishopp agreed that in secticides are man's most de pendable defense against Insect pests. He said that food nrnrinrtinn would drop and prices Increase ii iney were not used. The hearing, which began Tuesday, is expected to last a year. It was occasioned largely by recent reports that the resi due of chemicals on fruits and vegetables mav he ranin hu man ailments and disease. Dinner Plans Changed Amitv The fpllmvchin i . ., . suueuuiea inr me Hantlst. nhnrMi Friday evening has been post poned until February. rood-hvfl trt thru t V at. ways tired feelinii or nervou- MUD jini to Dipua net VI Gat Nm Vim, 55, Si&"TM?otT t vitality fay orcr br tftnlnf . Hii OZJS.Sfyh Tonl TWu tat vi Dtp, tint riuuir.lnut ttnm, uu m iw! In Silm rre Meytr DriK. Save W Easy Way! SAVE BY MAIL! USE Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless 6,.clu$5.00 Bulk 1A AA 1 ton piU.UU 2 tons .... 17.50 FREE Delivery Anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 m 7HMALU IS ? XL WXZM mMm Hi ROYAL GUEST TRY THE NEW PtmrTtckiA COM! IN TODAY FOR A FREE RECIPf I flour iw&mm Motsnm"" - i i - 69c 35M I TREET v3i75i 1 Luncheon Meat vjgCj t- iiftw ry&w k27c MZSh You too can enjoy the friendly service, finer quality foods, the brands you know and like and most of all IGA's saving prices on every item throughout the stores. GOLD MEDAL 10 lb. fljr 25" BAG v Bag Guaranteed quality that satisfies. MEDAL fLQUI 50LBBAG KITCHEN TESTED. NUC0A1T25C COFFEE Apple Pie! Rich In flavor because it's a blend of the finest coffees. SHORTENING 3 Lb. Can IGA jr Sno-Kreem 0 Pure all vegetable for cooking and better baking. topped with CHEESE 2 PKSS. FOR Pillsbury 2 ,b. box ft PIE CRUST MIX 35C Velveeta 79C plus a little sugar 3M ond presto OSCAR MMER Lb. pkg. 39c Full lb. 35c deodorant ooDjf 25c ii. Rank. O'MUl 47c SALLY MAY BEAUTY OO- SOAP 4 Bars With Free Beauty Cloth Special for Friday and Saturday PINK GRAPEFRUIT Breakfast size chunk full sweet juice. 3 for 25c CELERY HEARTS The sweet, tender parts of Celery. Bunch 25C FRESH TOMATOES For color in your vegetable salads. Jm tubes 45c HUBBARD SQUASH For an economical vegetable dish. ib. 6c Elsinore Sauerkraut 12c Baked Beans 29 C OSCAR MAYER I giBEEFoRPORK 47c Tasty Pak Long Grain Rice 2 lb. bag 39 c . Macaroni Spaghetti Mission Q 24 oz. pkgs. . . . MmwQ ELSINORE fjfjllljl Dog or Cat Ipl! FOOD Pilli! cans Hi 27c 11 FRUIT COCKTAIL Buy Elsinore fancy fruit cocktail am ELSINORE Y.C.HLVS. PEACHES No. 2Vi can Buy Elsinore fancy fruit cocktail and you buy the best. No. 2Vi can Special low price. They're golden halves in heavy syrup. ELSINORE WHOLE KERNEL CORN (arnation whoii WHEAT cisial 29c St. 21c 25c Scotch Cleanser Plastic Dispenser 2 pkgs. Scorch Cleanser 22c 1 Plastic Dispenser All 3 for lc 23c No. 303 " can pan) sioulas i ls. pko. S nitkn ta pRct m 10c White King Soap Powder Large r Giant mt 9 ADC Pk9 JOC lc SALE WHITE KING SOAP 3 bar. 22C M AO 1 arlc 4 bars iOC Sierra Pine Soap 3 bars 23c SAVE AT THESE IGA STORES EVERYDAY Quality Food Mkr. Central Cash Market 17th and Center Monmouth, Oregon f .jy" . . ...... TCKCCAPf W III TOW fiolden-PlMtK uii I MIX'S u-nlcTone BIR0CM.I sk V pk INSTANT RALSTON 27c HOT RALSTON SJ1 CLEANSER A cans 23c Carter's Market 17th and Market St. State Street Market 1230 State St. Scio Food Market Solo, Oregon Highland Market 800 Highland Ave. Independence Food Market Independence, Oregon Lemmons Market 598 No. Commercial Ken Golliet Mehama, Ore. Open Sunday Broadway Grocery Broadway and Market Open Sunday Pearson's Food Mkt. 294 No, Commercial Ronner's Grocery Gervais, Oregon Model Food Market 275 North High St. Equ all's Grocery Woodburn, Oregon 27c BLU WHITE (lues while you wash Does not streak Pkg. 10c 1 H El