12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.; Thursday, Jan. 19, 1950 litifflffM! Prices Effective Friday Saturday Sunday With the weather as it is, the wise shopper Is now stocking up buying ahead her food requirements and reducing the number of required shopping trips. For lower prices and wider variety of quality foods you will find Erickson's provide the answer to your food purchasing problems. Prices at Erickson's Super-market are widely acknowleded to be the lowest in Salem area, and more and more wise Salem housewives are saving on their food purchases at hllliKailll s. SAVE ON DENNISONS &2i II - i 1ST II 1-11 1 i amiiiM'wiiraniaiiagT i gSj Pay as Ton Drive Mildred Thrawl, of Chicago, demon strate a coin meter for the ignition system by which a buyer pays for a car. Six quarters a day keep it running. Remember Wally Reid? Famed Actor's Death Almost Forgotten By BOB THOMAS Hollywood, Jan. 19 VP) Probably no more than a handful of people will recall the 27th anniversary ot Wallace Held s death yesterday. But it was an event that shook Hollywood to its roots. Wally Reid, a slim but rugged young man with a whimsical smile and a charming manner, was a brilliant star of the silent era. He died at his peak In the midst of a dope scandal. Held never cared much about acting. Born In St. Louis, he became a reporter, civil engineer, cow boy and editor of a motoring magazine. He went into vaude ville and drifted to the movie studios in New York in 1910. "I never wanted to be an ac tor," he said later. "1 don't want to be an actor. The promoters liked the shape of my nose or something, and I was powerless to do what I wanted to do. But I can tell you this they're not going to get away with it. They're not going to ruin my life the way they ruined my father's." His father was Hal Reid, au thor of melodramas. "He could have been a great playwright, but they wouldn't let him," said Wally. Fame had snared the actor after he appeared in a fight scene in "Birth of A Nation." He became a sensation and star red In picture after picture. Then fortune began to awing against him. He suffered a severe gash in the head while making a picture in New York. But he continued making eight pictures a year and living even faster. Late in 1922, his studio announced that he was sick from "overwork and a bad case of klelg eyes." Then the storm broke. It was revealed that dope was the real reason for the illness. "More than two years before, all this trouble started," said his wife, the former actress Dorothy Davenport. "It was after his accident Wally became a dif ferent man not the smiling, happy boy I married. Whisky, whisky, whisky, morning, noon and night was the program for months and then drugs. "He told me he felt like there were great big lumps at the bot tom of his head. He begun using morphine to ease the pain." The scandal rocked the nation. Ministers were up in arms. Ask ed what he would do about the dope menace, Film Czar Will Hays dug his foot into the car pet and said, "I would crush it like I would a viper." Reid tried to start a picture, hut had to be replaced by Jack Holt. A pitiful shadow of his former self, he slipped from 150 pounds to 120. After six weeks of illness, he murmured "Tell them, mama, I have won my fight that I have come back." Then he fell into a lasting sleep on Jan. 18, 1923 Hollywood's great and thou sands of fans attended the fu neral. Said Douglas Fairbanks: "There should be some recogni tion by all of the motion picture producers of Wally's greatness and worth to the industry.' Mary Pickford agreed that "it is a great loss to the picture indus try." A friend wrote the epitaph "Wally has done more in his 31 years than a dozen actors would do in a lifetime." Newspaper Guild Rap Meier & Frank Portland, Jan. 19 VP) The Portland Newspaper Guild elect ed new officers last night and criticized the Meier and Frank department store for "the use of economic pressure." The criticism referred to Meier and Frank's curtailment of ad vertlsing in the Oregonian aft- that newspaper published stories on a national labor rela tions board ruling against Meier & Frank. Larry Howes, Oregon Jour nal reporter, was elected presi dent of the guild. Llewellyn Gardiner and Virgil Smith, both of the Oregonian, were elected first and second vice presidents, and John Shanky, Oregon Jour nal, secretary-treasurer. Sheridan Sheridan March of Dimes campaign will be under way this week, with Frances G. Bradley chairman for the cam paign. Following are his ap pointments for solicitations of the contributions: Finance, B. C Swails: city and rural collec tions, C. Wayne Flynn; coin boxes, Police Chief Henry Fast; scnoois, doe zook; fraternal or ganizations, Doan E. Holmes: industrial, L. M. Kaufman. FOR Insured Savings SEE First Federal Current Dividend 214 st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 142 South Liberty 1 Your Prescription Store WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER "It Pays to Trade at Schoefer't" 1899 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 1950 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY We hove a complete line of medical needs for babies. Let us fill your prescription. Special Friday and Saturday BANANA SPLIT SUNDAE 25c SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE The Original Yellow Front Drug and Candy Special Store in Salem 135 N. Commercial Phone 3-5197 or 2-9123 2 25c DENNISONS CATSUP finest quality Large 14 oz. bottles mm bottles CHILI CON CARNE or. With Beans Dennisons The best and most popular, tall can A J LIMA BEANS & HAM Dennisons tall can MEAT BALLS & GRAVY Dennisons A quality product 16 oz. tall can PORK & BEANS juennisons W tall cans mm 3 Large 214 Can j Cans 31c CHILI SAUCE or COCKTAIL SAUCE Dennisons 12 oz. Bottle 25c 38c 3 20 W tall cans A ' 3 31c 15s TO INTS.0DUCI tarnation I1KTAIIT whom WHEAT caw (ahutioo RIOUIAI 1 LB. PKO. 'a PRICE Pkg. 9c Will not stick to cooking utensil. SWANCO Margarine Finest Quality 2 us. 45c SHORTENING zzzl. 3 69c WESSON OIL 53c CANNED MILK 10c 69c $1.37 10 - 89c S & W COFFEE 2 lb. can SUGAR Drip or Regular 1 lb. can Fine Granulated C & H or White Satin . Nestle's Instant Cocoa Vi lb. can 25c 1 lb, can 43c PORK CHOPS ib 39' chickens 39 COLORED FRYERS 1.49 Cut up Large Size KA(lrR Young and Tender sd9C Medium size, fresh dressed, drown EACH FRESH FISH OYSTERS Red Snapper Boneless fillets LB. Ocean Fresh PINT JAR Slice Bacon lb 39c Hormel's Value Brand Extra Lean Turkey Noodles OC lib Jar Wl Chicken Fricassee 7Qr 16 01. can 49s 1 lb. 13 oz. can 7 v Mario Meat Balls with Gravy 15'2 oz. can Mario Spanish Rice, 1514 oz. can Deal M "T tc Both for Pacific Oysters J3c Spar Buoy Cuts Large 10 oz. can . ... Oyster Stew 27c Welgardt 10 oz. can Oyster Spread fllr Smoked TTelgardt iVi oz. can Razor Clams OO Minced Royal Red No. Vi can Wl TUNA FISH O Sea Bird V- Can cans MARSHMALLOWS Wonderfood 1A f lib. cello l7C 6 oz. cello VC CRISCO - SPRY 0 lb. con 69c V NRTL& SEMI-SWEET CH0C01AT! JtjgstM k"- WoSy?f i8c DEL MONTE CORN Cream style , Cream Style No. 303 WHOLE KERNEL CORN 2 .... 23c Three Sisters No. 303 Shorten-'ng LIPTON NOODLE SOUP MIX 3 pkg. 31c vrv. iill SWEET PEAS Sea Charm No. 303' . 3 Marsh Seedless Arizona Large 80 Size GRAPEFRUIT 4 for 25 ORANGES POTATOES Calif. Navels DOZ. Large 176iie Sweet and Juicy Descutes Netted Gems U. S. No. l's 39 Local Yellow Medium Size 15065 3-13 DRY ONIONS BOILING ONIONS 10 39 CARROTS 3 25 Fresh Calif., green tops Cabbage ib. 5c Med. size, firm heads THESE GROCERY SPECIALS ALSO EFFECTIVE AT Paramount Market 260 NORTH LIBERTY PHONE 2-2461 SALEM'S QUALITY SERVICE STORE Plus 2 Upcharge for Delivery , These Specials Only SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS lib. box.. ... 25c t cans SUNSHINE HI HO Butter Crackers ub.box29c SUNSHINE CANDiES CHOCOLATE Mint Wafers 12 ox. cello 37c (folder if f STRINGLESS BEANS 2 can. 25C 2 can. 29C 2. an. 39C Del Monte Sweet PEAS No. 30i'c Hunts Tender Sweet PEAS Small Size Pea. No. 2 can Mm can. Green Spot No. 2'. Grand Island No. 303 Santiam No. 2's Mm TOMATOES Mission Large 4k No. 2Vt can .... cleans GARDEN MIXED VEGETABLES Libbys No. 303 Mm cans ARTICHOKE HEARTS Princeton No. 2 can wonderfully good frtsh-tgg noodles that do took in a jiffy BIO PACKXOI that makn 28 12 oz. Jar Peter Pan Peanut Butter 33c Sioux Bee STRAINED HONEY 1 lb. 1C... Ib. VIC- ' ' Jar I L i 3060 Portland Road Two Big Stores 35c 25c 29c 33c 29c 33c 25c 19c Lge. 28 oz. jC"r Can OC Jar "JC 3720 E. State St.