il ' C I..WF""'i 'Mllll.niBWJfPlBWIIilllWHIIIUIII IHI . I II II 1 R5lMNTO: ! WE PUPS?) A , East Salem to Have Lions Club Steams Cushing, Jr., was nam ed president of a group forming an East Salem Lions cluo at a meeting here Wednesday night. The charter will be held open until the end of February with weekly meetings to be held every Tuesday noon. Other officers are Koy stew art, John Riches and A. E. Dan ielson, vice presidents; William Pero, secretary; L. K. Lawrence, treasurer; Joseph V. Tompkins, lion tamer; Clayton M. Fore man, tall twister, and Morris Ebner, Ace Fish, Virgil Pade and Harold Godkin, directors. The club has an initial mem bership of 40 from men living in the area east of Capitol street and between Market and Mission streets. 16 Killed in Plane Crash Albacete, Spain, Jan. 19 UP) A Spanish transport plane, ap parently lost in a heavy fog, crashed into a mountain peak 30 miles south of here yesterday. All 16 persons aboard were kill ed, burned almost beyond recognition. It was Spain s worst air crash since 27 persons were killed in the wreck of a passenger plane Dec. 23, 1948, near Tarragona. The victims yesterday includ ed two lieutenant colonels and a major in the Spanish airforce. The plane was enroute to Madrid from the Cartagena air school. It crashed near the town of To-barra. Woodworking Plants Operate Albanv. Ore.. Jan. 19 About half of the local woodworking industries were still operating Wednesday but those not closed down were approaching the bor derline as Ice on ponds and in logs became more evident. The Albany Lumber company plant and the two Blackwell Brothers sawmills were both closed down for the duration of the frigid period, with logs locked in frozen ponds. Cold weather has forced clos ine of the Edwards Construe tion company's re-milling plant for the Albany Plylock, Linn Plvwood and Door company. and R. Veal & Sons chair fac tory were still operating Wed nesday. ' At the Malonev & Chambers sawmill Ice was broken and sawing started Wednesday but continued freezing of the pond -forced closing of the plant at noon. Smithfield District Finds Many Worries Smithfield The snow storms have hindered milk delivery and pickup from the farmers as well b tho mail man. The tele phones have been out for a part tv,A limp nnH at this writinff some of the telephones are still out. Some of the people, who live ntt .nnntv maris and high way, are snowed in so deep that they can't get out very well to report telephone or electric ' troubles. Several people have been wttVimit nlpplripitv for davs. This is a hardship on the farm as water for cattle, as well as home use, must be pumped by electricity. Ttio TTarnlH Ktanlptnn familv is staying in town with friends while the electricity is out. iney en home for chores twice a day. Lambing season is Just about unon the sheep herds, which gives an added worry at this time. If house plants are infected with mealy bugs, pick them off with a cotton - tipped match- stick dipped in alcohol or toilet water. Memorial Day Tea Planned at Dayton Dayton The WCTU held its regular meeting in the social room at the Baptist church, with the president, Mrs. Frank Foster, presiding. Plans were made for the Fran cis E. Willard Memorial Tea, to be held at the next meeting February 9, at Mrs. Guy Rem- Taste it and see why THOUSANDS AGREE ft rejigs mm It's smart to switch to Calvert CALVTHT BBEB7B Blended wnlake? -es.8 Proof-5 Oram Neutral Splrtu. CtlTtrt DUtUleni Corp., New York Cltj Polio Odvssev Sidnev Moodv (center). 21, of Plainfield, N. J., was stricken with polio last August (lower left) aboard U. S.-bound liner Parthia, three days out of New York. Radio message brought physician (left center, up), portable respira tor, and medicine via Coast Guard plane ana cutler. Aaai tional SOS brought parachuted medicine (upper right), re trieved from storm-tossed seas by Partnia crew. At iNew York pier, Moody's parents (right center) boarded snip to visit son before ambulance dash to nospitai uower rignw, brought this message from sick bay: "If anything happens to me, leave everything to the March of Dimes." The Moody polio odyssey was the most dramatic of nunareas engaged in by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis during last year's unprecedented polio epidemics. All plus the Foundation's research and professional education programs were made possible by the March of Dimes. Now the March of Dimes needs your help desperately. Give generously. Helping Hand Dressed in a Red Cross uniform, Mrs. Alben Barkley, wife of the vice president, joins with other senate ladies in sewing for the Red Cross at their weekly meeting at the Capi tol. (Acme Telephoto) Potato Goals Must Be Set W. M. Tate, chairman, an nounces that 19S0 potato goals will be set next month for Ma rion county. Marion county's allotment is 261 acres this year as compared with 300 acres last year and Tate emphasizes that the job of set ting fair goals this year will call for complete information from growers as to the acreage which they have grown the last three years. Anyone who wants a po tato goal must contact the county PMA office, 440 North Church street by January 30. Tate points out that in order to be eligible for potato price support, growers must have goals. Price support in 1950 will again be 60 percent of parity as it was in 1949. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Jan. 19, 1950 11 The boy, Johnny Guthrie, and the 30-ton fishing vessel Girl Jean disappeared Jan. 10 from the little coastal town of Ar broath. The trawler Reptonian picked them up three days later halfway to Norway. Johnny's lawyer described the youth today as "a boy who dared to translate his ambition for the sea into a practical reality, fool hardy as it might have been." He pleaded with the court to give the lad a chance for train ing as a sailor. Judge K. D. Cullon said that might be possible later. Mean while, he pointed out, British law requires children to go to school until they are 15. He said Bend Has Yinter to Spring in Few Hours Bend, Ore., Jan. 19 U.R) From Winter to spring within the space of a few hours last night was the transition experi enced in central Oregon. Early in the evening the mer cury stood at 3 above in Bend. This morning it stood at 39 and was still rising, as a warm Chi nook wind was blowing. There are about 200 subsidiary craters on Mount Etna besides the main crater at the top. New U.S. Newsprint Starts in Alabama Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 19 OT A $32,000,000 plant once only a dream of southern newspaper publishers today is providing the first new domestic source of newsprint in more than a decade. The Coosa River Newsprint company's huge plant went into production yesterday, three months ahead of schedule. It is designed to turn out 300 tons daily, or more than 100,000 tons a year, at peak production. This is about 2 percent of U.S. quirements. About 87 percent of newsprint used in this country comes from Canada. The plant was designed, built and will be operated by the Kim berly-Clark corporation of Nee- nah, Wis. It is located on 710 acres which were once part of the huge Childersburg ordnance works during World War II. Eclipses of the moon are due in 1950 on April 2 and Sept. 26. Embryo Sailor Sent To Reform School Dundee, Scotland, Jan. 19 VP) A 14-year-old boy who made a solo voyage of 200 miles into the North sea was sent to a re form school today on a charge of stealing the boat. the length of the boy's stay in the reform school would de pend on his behavior there. S New Polio Cases Portland, Jan. 19 ffl Five new cases of poliomyelitis re ported last week were listed by the state board of health today. The board reported there were 324 cases during 1949 highest since 1943 and that 22 persons died. How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomuhion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to sooths and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomuliion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or vou are to have your money back. CREOSVSULSiON for Coughs.Chest Colds, Bronchitis Since 1824 the Army Corps of Engineers has maintained the nation's harbors and navigable rivers. Better Icings always with the One and Only BURNETTS Vanilla WANTED ALL GRADES WALNUT MEATS We Pay Top Market Prices Can Use Any Amount1 Bring in All You Have AT ONCE WILLAMETTE GROCERY CO 305 So. Cottage St. Phon 34146 BUYING HOURS 8 a.m. to 12 noon 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. mes. The program committee appointed by the president were: Mrs. Ralph Timm, chairman, Mrs. Roy Will and Mrs. Mariam Krake. Tea committee: Mrs. Guy Remme and Mrs. Sina Christenson. Mrs. Timm had the afternoon devotional period. Until recently, Ford Ord, Calif., boasted the only Negro WAC detachment in the army. Now it serves as a parent organi zation for units being establish ed in all sections of the country. $$ MONEY $$ FHA iYi Real Estate Loans - Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie. S-216 tf 222 Other brands claim it... &sm to mm L- . Your Sfocer ha seen the famous test in wiMchweprovethesuperiorityofS.WFineFoods Weinvitethegrocertoseleaotherbrands-anvbrands ' frm coffee We .,.fij ,, "'"u' ur ram"S 5WmeIlow'd ttee.We e confident you w.Il agree that S.Wisin . cass byitsel BIGGEST LHTTTTLE MARKET IN TOWN WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GETS TIME AND A HALF sausage LAMB LAMB LAMB beef roasts Country Stylo Swifts Premium Lamb at its Best. A f I lb 35C - Shld. Roasts 39c R,7t ' 4V e. j - on Blade, Arm or Hump littlepIgs "; jteaks lb J9e SHORT RIBS SAUSAGES BREASTS Q( Lp ",Nr-39cit- trotters K 29c SLCS0N PIC-NICS 35l zsh I Swifts Premium 4 to 6 lb. ave. tm J V BY THE PIECE Standing SS( 1ST BACON OS-liJnr- Year Old Sugar Cured Sweet Hickory Smoke A A f 49C FRESH OYSTERS ... 49c arl49 GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES spuds JUICE ORANGES I grapefruit 10 lbs. HJt 9 DnTOh Ar 59C Dox. U. S. No. 1 X UOZen &&JC Arizona Desert SSSE Hot Master Bread I HOMINY KRISPY CRACKERS No. 2 Elsinora A V 2 b Hof Maser Ro,ls 0 fJl box Every Day at 4 P. M. A Cam XJt MARGARINE MISSIONETTE NOODLES SCOTT TISSUE Mayflower Wide Med. ft t MV Fine Jiffies T Ro'1' IP 2 lbs. 45C I'b-Pkg. L' SLICED BEETS I PORK AND BEANS PEAS No. 2 Tin 2Vi Size Tins Big Ones No. 303 Tim Z Cam 25c I 2 cans 35c 2 cam 23c IGA Store IQ) 10)1 REGULARLY OPEN SUNDAYS 8:00 A.M. TILL 6:30 P.M. roadway Grocery BROADWAY AND MARKET STREETS IGA Store