10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Jan. 19, 1950 .Boxer and Butcher Roland La Starza (right), 22-year-old New York heavyweight boxer, undefeated in 37 matches, helps his father in his grocery-butcher shop between bouts. NACA Sees Progress in Race For Faster-T hart-Sound Planes By JAMES J. 8TREBIG AMoelftted FrtM Avlatlra JMpsrlir Washington, Jan. 19 VP) The nation's top agency for air re search sees progress in the race with Russia for practical faster-than-sound fighting planes needed in atomic warfare. Production of such fast hurtling ships is difficult but it can be done "by any nation willing to make the effort," the na tional advisory committee for aeronautics (NACA) said yes terday in its yearly report to congress. The NACA, without actually naming Russia, said it can be assumed that the Soviet is mak ing an "Intensive effort" to de velop the best means of deliv ering atomic bombs as well as to defend against them. Su perior speed is generally recog nized as the "most important single element" in both, the agency said. The United States' progress In the search for practical mili tary craft of supersonic speed was buried in 50 pages of re ports on technical studies made during the past year. It showed among other things: . 1. The air force X-l super sonic rocket-powered research plane has been maneuvered at very high speeds. 2. The X-l and the navy D-558-11 jet and rocket powered research plane have been flown repeatedly at supersonic speeds in a urogram for matching ac tual flight data with the results of wind tunnel tests. 3. "A large number of suc cessful flights" have been made with other research planes, in tended to explore problems close to sonic speed. 4. Automatic flight controls are being developed for possible use on airplanes as well as on (uided missies. 5. Successful tests have been made with '.'hunter" controls lor target-seeking missiles. 6. Studies are underway to determine the answer to heat ing resulting from friction at supersonic speeds. 7. Laboratory studies are be ing made of flight control and heating problems at extreme al titudes where the air is very thin. The NACA made no refer ence to specific speeds for re search planes. It said the flight characteristics of the X-l, using only the ailerons or wing con trols, had been studied during rolls in glides "at high mach numbers." Mach is a word used to relate the speed of sound to atmos pheric conditions. Sonic speed varies with temperature. At sea level with the temperature 59 degrees, sound travels 761 miles an hour. In the strastosphere with a temperature of minus 67 degrees, is speed is 662 MPH. The X-l, which so far as is known is the world's fastest plane, has reached about one and a half times sonic speed at altitude. That aproximates 960 miles an hour. It has merely touched such speeds, however, since present flying models have fuel for only two minutes or so as full power. Research planes carry only recording equipment. Crawleys Are Home Unionvale Mr. and Mrs Clarence S. Crawley returned to Portland by train and Ar nold Braat met them there with his pickup and brought them to their borne in Unionvale. Thev auennea ine iuneral of her fath er, Hawley Pixler, 59, at Raw lins, Wyo. He died suddenly ot a neart attack, January 10 the day after his birthday. The funeral was January 13. WANT EASIER WASHING? Rain Drops is guaranteed to make any soap any water clean betterl Labor- atorv teilcd and 1 ,rr.s: nsssti I if Grouty SNACK TIME? KIDS LOVE tconomy ilia FRESHER ot your GROCER'S! looks Good! Smells Good! 'Tops" for Your Dog! H bvtt H 99 skipping now that Kan-L-Rarion Is ONE dog food made with lean, red mett U. S. Government Inspected horse cneit. Yet It cost! far less than butcher meat. Supercharged with all known "dog-health" vitamins . . . enriched with vital minerals. No wonder dogs thrive on it! Just open a can of ICctvL-Ration and rvc. It's that easy! Get 3 cans from roar favorite store todajr. f rK INIO DUUft Nothing like ill Smd name I and address for your Free copy todajr, Ken-LRation, "AS',I ChioMo 77. Illinois. Scientists OK'd A-Bomb Use Los Angeles, Jan. 19 (JP) The atomic bomt was approved 2-1 by scientists before it was used against Japan, Dr. Arthur H. Compton disclosed here to day. Dr. Compton, one of the de velopers of plutonium, revealed that a secret poll was taken of all scientists and officials who worked on the first atomic pro ject before the bomb was used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He proposed that even wider approval that of the American public should be sought before the U. S. goes ahead with de velopment of the hydrogen bomb, described as many times more destructive than the plu tonium bomb, "If the result (of such a pub lie poll) is 50-50, we should keep off it," said Dr. Compton. "If it is 2-1 for it, we should go ahead." The A-bomb has proved a de terrant to war. Dr. Compton, chancellor of Washington uni versity, St. Louis, told a news conference. With other countries proceeding with atomic projects, he said "it becomes vitally im portant to us to proceed with atomic development to insure our safety." Dr. Compton also is vice chairman of the United States commission on UNESCO. $ 4,000. $ 3,000 S 2,000 t i i 1.000. ici --r- , ---- 1 Urn Alt AP Nwitai Pia'P gr' 18 24 253IJ 35 '"W US 54 5564 65 &0VER Earlier, he expressed the opinion that China, in casting her lot with the Reds, is not against American nor particul arly for the Russians, but def initely against Chiang Kai-Shek. Sheridan An electric time clock and scoreboard was in stalled recently at the new high school gymnasium. The new clock is a gift from the business firms of Sheridan to the school. Kimsey Clears Sheriff Schrunk Portland, Jan. 19 ( Charg es that Multnomah County Sher iff Terry D. Schrunk violated the state fair employment act have not proved valid, Labor Commissioner . W. K. Kimsey said last night. He said the case is still open, but that the situation as charg ed by two negro deputies is not a law violation. The negroes asserted the sher iff put them on elevator duty at the jail although their civil service ratings entitled them to more desirable work. Schrunk explained that one deputy had the elevator job un der Sheriff Martin T. Pratt and was made a plainclothes vice of ficer by Sheriff M. L. Elliott. Schrunk said he reassigned them in the course of a number of per sonnel shifts. Everyone Knows Only Coterixed Oil Leaves NO CARBON! SOOT! 35622 or 35606 Salem's Eicluttva Caterlsad OU Dealer Howard J. Smalley Oil Co. 1405 Broadway fin uu ZJ u IV IP UVJviiJ I li I iiiiii iiiiaBaiiMiii in i nasi i uiiaii iiiimm liaaiaaiasissssssssisMiBaaMiij i "NO MORE RINSING FOR ME!" says Mrs. Elizabeth Davis of Portsmouth, ohio "I didn't believe Tide could do it . . . till I tried it! But it's true! I took the clothes right out of those wonderful Tide suds and put them through the wringer and onto the line. And, believe me, they looked so bright and clean I was proud to hang them up!" TIDE cuts washday work in half! No more rinsing! Just wash . . . wring out . . . hang up ! "I took my wash out of the Tide suds wrung it out -and hung it up CLEAN! I'll never rinse again!" jays Mrs. At Hayes OF WEIHAWKEN, NEW JERSEY "Tide now makes possible an amaz ing new kind of washday quick and easy, almost beyond belief. Just think of all the time I'm going to save . . . with out rinsing! And think of the wear and tear it saves on my clothes as well as on me! Thank you, Tide, for the biggest washday miracle of all!" "My clothes dried so soft and fluffy-ironed so easily without rinsing at all!" $ays Margaret Lockwood OF INDIANAPOLIS, IND. "Talk about mir acles! I take my clothes out of 1 Tide's wonder suds, wring them out, and the dirt runs right ovl with the wash water just as thfiV AAV if rinoat And what a beautiful wash . . . fresh, clean, and sweet-smelling without rinsing at alll It dries soft, fluffy, easy to iron. From now on, it's Tide and only Tide for me!" YES, another Tide miracle has been discovered and It's the washday news of the mid-century! With Tide in your washing machine you can take your clothes right out of the suds . . . put them through the wringer and hang them on the line dazzling clean! With out rinsing! Hard to believe? Yes, but when you use Procter & Gamble's Tide, it's a fact and women all over America are proving It today. HERE'S WHY! Tide, with its miracle suds, gets the dirt out of your clothes and keeps it suspended in the sudsy water. When you wring out the clothes, the dirt runs out with the washwater . . . and the clothes come from the wringer white . . . fresh . . . CLEAN! YES, CLEAN! You all know how clean Tide has always washed your clothes with rinsing. Actually cleaner than any other washing product you can buy. Now we'd like you to try Tide without rinsing and compare the results. It's simply unbelievable how bright, fresh and clean you can get your wash with Tide, without rinsing. And think of the time and work you save! So try Tide without rinsing! If you do, you'll never use anything but Tide again! No other washing product known can match TIDE for getting out dirt and soap film, too FOR THE WORLD'S EASIEST WASHDAY... TRY TIDE WITHOUT RINSING!