$250,000 ON ANSWER customers. I Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Jan. 18, 19"0 9 The taxpayers just hope thejwh0le matter is settled by the time warm weather comes backT Do You Eat Ice Cream Or Do You Drink It.' Hamburg, Jan. 18 VP) Do you eat ice cream, or do you drink The DttCO-HEAT Oil Burner gives you More Heat For Less Fuel J . lllll V. ! ! Ill rtf a.T"WMMMMJ 'Dry' Leader Testifies Bishop Wilbur E. Hammaker (left center, behind microphones) of the Methodist Board of Tem perance speaks for "dry" forces in a senate commerce com mittee hearing on legislation which would bar liquor advertis ing in interstate commerce and over the radio. Standing room was at a premium in the big senate office building caucus room at Washington, D. C. (AP Wirephoto) 4 Ranch Raises Super Breed Of Worms That Fish Go for Columbus, Ga., Jan. 18 U. Nestled among the Bar-B-Que hacks and pecan candy stands that introduce Florida-bound tour ists to southern-style stomach cramps is a tidy little establishment. There one of God's lowliest creatures is glorified on "Weaver's Wnrm Ranch." Bill Weaver, boss of the ranch, Is to the worm what ZiegJeia was to long-legged hoofers from Texas. He makes the wiggle pa;'. Unlike other worm ranches, of which there are plenty in Geor gia, Weaver's does not content itself with the common, garden variety of creepers and crawl ers. By methods as scientific as one can get with a worm, he has developed a vitamin-enriched species, round, firm and fully-packed with fish appeal.' "Weaver's Wiggling Worms Weally Work" is the ranch slo gan. Weaver started raising his own worms on a modest scale because, as a fisherman, he was troubled that such a lofty pur suit should be degraded by the necessity of grubbing. In a few years Weaver be came, by his own admission, "the Worm King of Georgia." He now ships worms, at one cent each retail or SO cents a hundred, in wholesale lots, all over the country. It brings in more money than a book he has written on worm culture. Weaver credits his success in the crowded field to cross-breed ing of a hybrid far superior to the native Georgia worm. The cross-breeding itself was not delicate procedure. "You just throw them in the beds and they cross automatical y," Weaver explained. Once he had developed a pure strain, Weaver made it thrive with a special secret ration of his own concoction. The ranch employs a crew of diggers and counters who pack the worms into ice cream car tons for shipment. A good worm man can count 10,000 of the wigglers In a day. Weaver claims that operating a worm farm is among the1 world's easier Jobs, his only big worry being ants. An ant bite will make a worm sterile. Weyerhaeusers Have Bi Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 18 (U.R) The Weyerhaeuser Timber com pany, which began with three employes and grew into one of the world s largest lumber firms employing more than 10,000 persons, observed its SOth anni versary today. The firm's beginning goes back before the turn of the century when Frederick E. Weyerhaeuser, Sr., called a group of his friends and busi ness associates together and sug gested they pool their resources to buy 900,000 acres of timber lands in the Pacific northwest. The firm was. incorporated on Jan. 18, 1900, and opened a sin gle office here. The first lumber produced by the company was at a water front sawmill at Everett, Wash., in 1902. The first two years rep resented a period of acquiring, consolidating and managing forest lands. Contrary to popular belief, unfermented coffee grounds are not a fertilizer. Schools Still Closed Woodburn All Woodburn schools, both the public and parochial, were closed Monday and Tuesday due to the fact that buses were unable to run. The schools will remain closed until a break in the weather. Should it moderate they will reopen. OUR B ELTON E HEARING AID SPECIALIST Will be in Silverton on the first and third Mondays of each month at the Western Auto Store. Write for ap pointments, or just drop in. JAMES N. TAFT & Assooiates 228 Oregon Building, Salem Enjoy Greater Winter Comfort in your home with fireproof S Kl H DITiT INSULATION ON FUEL THIS WINTER ASK ABOUT NO CASH DQ17N! Hara't mighty important saving ... a big Mvingl Zonolrhi firt-proof attic-fill limitation Imps air in eold ah- out! You'll hav warm, coxy horn with H much at 40 km fuel cottl IRON OLAD LIFETIME GUARANTEE ZONOLITE insulation is fire-proof, rot-proof, termite proof! You re. ceive an iron-clad feuar antee that your ZONO LITE insulation wilt last the entire lifetime of your home or building! INTO PLACE 25? TOO CAN J IMVLATC TOO HOMB J TOPLrir ZONOLITE h H. raqirtarad t r a d a mart of th Zone IX Company. RbMUUbLIINO ff home moeWrit REROOFING M&VhVm! hfl !&"?t - . . Siavk repairt aowl 111 give you com. U, iu. for a low S$ Do't l.t old JU. Vt fig. cottotimata ffitag mar, wixt.r J jT . on quality roof. lR catch you nap- 0- hgma .r.ali; S ping! ' competition or VV " - ...S ro cath down eradH pUnl You can do all of your homa repairs, limitation ad ramodaling and matt v"""" only tmal monthly payments! Sea us now! it? You misht think the answer is you eat it, unless it has melted and you are scooping up the last drops from the bottom of the dish. ' But here in Hamburg it is not so easy as that. The best legal brains of the city are wrestling with the problem and there are 1,000,000 deutche marks (about $250,000) at stake. Two years ago the city fathers decided that ice cream was a drink and thus liable to the beverage tax. Nobody bothered much about it then because Ger man money was almost worth less and there wasn't much ice cream anyway. But now that the reformed currency has real value, people are counting every pfennig. One cream dealer found he was paying tax on a "drink" that most people ate. He rallied his fellow tradesmen and they took the matter through two courts. Both ruled that ice cream was something people ate. Moreover, the new Ham burg law had violated an unre pealed reichslaw (state law). The city council should voted twice once to repeal the old law and once to aprove the new. The city council is going to remedy that omission by vot ing on the matter again. They also are taking the case to a third and higher court. The million marks in the dis pute are the taxes already col lected by the city on ice cream sales. The hard-up city treasury is reluctant to part with them. Anyhow, argues the treasury, who would get the money back, if the tax finally is ruled ille gal? All the people who bought ice cream in the last two years? Impossible, says the treasury. The ice cream dealers? That would be unfair, the treasury contends, since they did not pay the money in the first place, but merely collected it from the with all thte advanced features! Rofrpvuvr Unit combine all moving puts la single cartridge type unit for easy inspection ftnd tdjusttnent I Thin -Mix Fmet Cmttrt guuds iud supply. Meters oil controls pressure eliminates wasted oil Bmilt-ln Tnrbmtster can't get out of adjust ment. "Eggbeater" action completely atomires fuel gWes top combustion efficiency I Oil Conditioner of specially wound cotton yarn traps the tiniest Impurities only clean oil teaches the nottle t Deice-Heat Grdinated Gmtrpt keep tem perature within 1 of desired heat. Added economy because fuel Is used, only when heat it needed! i T teitt hutaO a new Delco-Hcat Oil Burner la your present furnace or boiler and give you a completely automatic heating system that will operate at rock-bottom cost I You'll say goodbye to old fashioned, bade breaking hand firing , , and you'll get big tarings in time, money and labor t Remember, you're tttmbty sure with Delco Hear. For it's a General Motors product built by men with the "know-how" to build the best. And because we're been factory-trained by Dd co-Heat we hare the "know-how" to install it right. Your Installation can be made quickly and easily in just a few hours time. Come in now and ie the handsome Delco. Heat OU Burner and the entire line of Delco Heat equipment. SALEM HEATING & SHEET METAL CO Dial 3-8555 1085 BROADWAY Mm MM! 5&SaSS ASK YOUR SJ Only RYBUTOL offers you Gelucapsto insure absorption of the vitamins you take! MILLIONS DO NOT GET THE BENEFITS OF THE VITAMINS THEY TAKE. Tests definitely prove that many people may not get the full vitamin values from foods. But thanks to years of intense research, RY BUTOL comes in the amazing GELUCAP, a special type cap sule which separates ingredients which may be antagonistic to others in a combination of similar formula. No other vitamin com pany in the world can manufac ture GELUCAPS. Supplies you with greater amounts of B Complex vitamins than daily minimum requirement mmm values for The Vitamin B product that guarantees NO WAITING FOR RESULTS! brviSaJou mm Guaranteed Fast Results or YOUR MONEY BACK! you ore not happy with the just results of Rybutot, your momj will be gladly refunded I Make the test yourself . . . Due to high potency and scientific com pounding, the results can be felt faster. RYBUTOL acts faster be cause of the protective nature of the GELUCAPS. RYBUTOL is positively safe. It is absolutely impossible to nave any harmful effects from the vitamins in the RYBUTOL formula. COMPARE the RYBUTOL formula with similar fornulas . . . with ths vitamins you are now taking! COMPARE THE PRICE! See for yourself .... it's one of the biggest vitamin valies in America for its potency EACH GELUCAP CONTAINS: Vitamin B-1 15 nig. Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin) 6 nig. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid).. 50 mg. Niacinamide .20 mg. Calcium Pantothenate .3 mg. Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine) 0.5 mg. Whole Dried liver 175 mg. Dried Debittered Brewer's Yeast .175 mg.' Ferrous Gluconate 20 mg. Choline Dihydrogen Citrate 50 mg. Inositol 20 mg. Folic Arirl 0.25 mg. Don't b at stsvt to vttamm dttfictencitsf Set bow B-Qotnptex may btlp YOUt Thousandt tire discovering the "Rybtttol way is the better way to guard against the danger of vitamin deficiencies Over thirty million GELUCAPS sold during the past few months! GET YOURS NOW! Don't wait another day! 50's $3.49 100's $5.95 250's $13.50 FRED MEYER, INC. 148 N. Liberty, Salem, Ore. Please send me Bottles of Ryburol 50's $3.49 100's. 250's.... $13.50 (Circle Size Desired) .$5.95 C I I H ftftnu Fred Meyer : lumber ,lv"n Name . 0 YAfifi- Address City ff . . . Zone I State. . . . PH0NI I"" 148 N. Liberty