8 Capital Journal, Salem. Ore.. Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1950 wmm)tsMmmmmmmustmmm murm'amtminmmmmmmiu iiwi mi immiii miwiJ President and Cabinet President Truman (third from right) poses at the White House with members of hii cabinet before a regular teuton of the group. Clockwise around the table are Interior Secretary Oscar Chapman, Commerce Secretary Charles Sawyer, Vice President Alben W. Berkley, Labor Secretary Maurice J. Tobin, Agriculture Secretary Charles Brannon, Postmaster General Jesse Donaldson, De fense Secretary Louis Johnson, Secretary of State Dean Ache- , son, President Truman, Teasury Secretary John W. Snyder, and Attorney General J. Howard McGrath. (AP Wlrephoto.) GORGEOUS VIRGINIA MAYO Film Beauty Once Was Stringy-Haired Wall-Flower By PATRICIA CLARY Hollywood, Jan. 18 (U.R) Virginia Mayo, whose beauty has been praised by artists and philosophers, once was a stringy haired wallflower who couldn't make the upper set In high school. Her years as an "outcast" filled Miss Mayo with the determin ation she says made her a movie star, but she wouldn't want to go through It again even so. "High school kids can be awfully cruel," she said sadly. "My family wasn't rich as some of the others, and my clothes weren't as nice. Miss Mayo Is now so gor geous that one philosopher said a look at her makes him believe In fairy tales. But at St. Louis' Boldan High the student lead ers let her strictly alone. "As a result I learned to be grateful for any success I had," she said, "and I've also learned to be tolerant of less successful people." Even now, partly at a result of her unhapplness In youth, Miss Mayo Is quiet and shy with people who visit her on the set of Warner Bros. "The Hawk and the Arrow." Her determination to show the people who snubbed her started Miss Mayo on her dramatic training. But even then she found herself on the wrong aide of the social tracks. "My aunt ran the drama school I went to," she explained. "I think she was harder on me than on any of the other pupils. But none of the other kids re alized that; they Just thought of me as teacher's pet." Eventually Virginia became her aunt's assistant in instruc tion, separating herself even farther from the other students. "So along with the funda mentals of the acting business," she said, "I learned complete self-reliance. I can't say now that I'm sorry It happened that way, although I'd never go through those miserable years again." Woman Perishes in Fire Junction City, Jan. 18 ffl A farm woman perished yester day when fire destroyed her home seven miles north of here. Deputy Coroner Howard Ram sey said he believed Mrs. Maude Watters, 64, was trapped In a bedroom while trying to re move furnishings from the burning house. Cause of the fire was not known. Dust Blizzards For Colorado Denver, Jan. 18 W) Colorado and the west may be in for an other series of "black blizzards,' State Agriculture Commissioner Paul Swisher warns. Already wheat is blowing out of the fields in some spots, he reports. "If it ever really starts to blow this time, it will be worse than it was before," he declares, referring to the sky-darkening storms of the mid-thirties. "Pompeii may be a picnic to what Denver will be if that sand ever starts moving in here." The storms could be worse, Swisher said in an interview, because thousands of acres of additional land in eastern Colo rado were plowed up during the World War II farming boom, which continued into the post war years. The place where the wheat has been blown from the ground, Swisher reported, Is in Crowley county, northeast of Ordway. Procopius, a sixth century his torian, gave an accurate descrip tion of the symptoms of plague. Everyone Knows Only Caterlzed Oil Leaves NO CARBON! SOOT! 35622 or 35606 BbUiu'i litla-dv Ckirlse4 Oil Duln Howard J. Smalley Oil Co. 1405 Broadway Tooze Lenient To Prostitutes Portland, Jan. IS MV-Circuit Judge Walter L. Tooze yesterday criticized the system that Jails women guilty of prostitution. He had Just reduced the sentences of four defendants. He said: "It Is my opinion that time in jail is not the answer In these prostitution eases. To Jail these women, whose places of business are known to many, Is to invite an increase in sex crimes. "Admittedly prostitution is not a wholesome business and certainly cannot be condoned, yet prostitution is perhaps the world's oldest profession. At least those who profess to be In the business make an attempt to keep themselves free of disease. "That is more than can be said for the so-called 'party girls' who frequent bars and oth er public places. They ere the ones who should be locked up. "However, prostitutes will not escape punishment when they appear before me. AH will be given fines and whatever pun ishment the situation merits," he said. Judge Tooze suspended one sentence and converted other sentences to fines ranging up to $150. V ACIOM TOWN Ot ACROSS THI NATION A WlMihw you're morfaf ta tow or to a UUnt city, w offer th finest in worry-free morinf aerr Vc9. Our local atoraf and mor Ing faeilititM an unexcelled. And m rapra ntatiraa for Allied Van Lines --we ean place at your dkpoaal tbt know-bow at tbm world! laagaat tofef-elieUace moriaf aagai.liaHw. ABM 'a expert paakava, handlara and driren aaifWuard yor poaaaa- aiona arary atop of the way lJiuafora Rad Star Trantfar Liberty Bekaseat Ph. Mill 'Sttp-sfowii" 4iUm4 HvdiMi leaders la milt valval hmt ua show you. In figure from Official Ueed Car Quid Books of th National Automobila Del ra Association, that Hudson ta a loader in naala Talua. sout QCOAlU iui In shouts "Value! "for all to hear! mm4m udion 14 MB cdD Available with Hudson's new SUPER-MATIC DRIVE You don't have to buy an under sized car just because you're economy-minded. For the new, lower-priced Hudson is a big, power ful car... priced for average pocket booka . . . styled to hold its own in the finest company! You Instantly see that it's the most beautiful of them all. Free flowing, low-built design flashes the fact that here is the lowest center of gravity in any American automobile. And you know instinctively that, as a result, the Pacemaker hugs the road more tenaciously . . . and is therefore America's best-riding and safest carl You'll see, too, that this new mem ber of the Hudson family has full road clearance, and more head room than in any other mass-produced car built today, thanks to "step down" design with its recessed floor. And amazing head room is only one kind of interior spaciousness you'll find in the new Pacemaker. Step down" design gives you more space because it gives you new space that is wasted m other makes of cars. With normal outside width, this compact automobile brings you seat cushions that are up to 12 inches wider than those in cars of far greater outside dimensional And for dazzling get-up-and-go, there's the new high-compression Pacemaker engine a lightning-like performer with saving ways! No matter how much or how little you intend to pay for your next car, we invite you to look at Hudson's lower-priced Pacemaker ... it has a "value" message you'll like to heart NOW. . . J GREAT HUDSON SERIES oNir cars mm "step-sown" duiqh See e e Drive . the Hew Pacemaker al these Hudson Dealers' SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY 316 North Church St. Salem, Ore. OREGON I DtPT.Of AGRtCULTURtl INSPECTED! V PASSED ' MOD 351 State Street Salem's Retail Packing Plant 2, Markets to Serve You 2, rOREGON7 DEPT.Of ACRICULTUREl inspected V, PASSED ' 611 North Capitol PORK TASTES GOOD - , Fl f f I TASTE TEASERS -MONEY SAVERS This Cold Weather ft tttSV rlCl(in(l! HEALTH BUILDERS PORK ROAST lb. 3 3C At These Markets the Large Variety of Cuts Ork SoUSOge IL 3 5c Fresh Picnic C LI V t t . s s Strictly Pure ' Enables You to Select Exactly What You PORK STEAK lb. 43 -'""W.-t.BuyYrMth. POT ROASTS lb. 4 3 c mad. cr, Quarter or Half, the Different Cuts Would T.nd.r,M.aty MtssssssssssssMMsJsssasssssMMMclsssssssssssssssssMI essssssssssssssssssssssssssMssssssHssssssM n .a . r ff Cost You as Much (and Sometimes More) as r f n C C Skinned HAMS lb.4jyc we Retail Them For. inspected meats Smoked Sausage lb.3 Jc "Flavorlxed" ONLY Pure Pork SIDE BACON lb.40 thank you thank you! Bacon Squares lb. 10 Fancy Light For Seasoning " " B To the Hundreds of Friends Who Visited Us Z7TT 7. if BaCK BACON IB. 3C and Extended Their Good Wishes and for the SldllleSS W leiierS lb. J) pry sugar Cured Beautiful Flowers at the Opening of Our Cap- 1 PURE LARD 2lbs.25c ito1 LITTLE LINKS lb.42c Open Kettle Breakfast Treats - MARKET HOURS BOLOGNA ... lb. 3 5c , Liver Sausage lb. 3 5c Long or Ring 8 A.M. TILL P.M. Friday Evenings Until 9 P.M. Tatty PLENTY TO CHOOSE FROM -SELECT YOUR FAVORITE SIZE AND CUT. NO "SPECIALS" WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO.