14 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1950 Father of the Bride RADIO PROGRAMS WEDNESDAY P.M. By EDWARD STREETER. Illustrated by GIuy William r I WHAT D'Nr?HINVEK(-S HLL I MAV WIN A MGE IN TWERi THE LAKE Vt.AKE,-l THOUGVTT I THINK CP W. MR. BRAIN TUONEO TO BJQZEN HISTORV--AS THE PRST HUMAN WHO WE'RE GONNA LAND ON SOMEBOCW HAD DROPPED 1 S I ROW ' rVCUSTARD HOURS AGO ' EVER WENT TO HEAVEN ON BOARD AN. V A SAUCER . 13 X tI35W I AIR-CONDITIONING UNIT- . ' K M v He walked out behind his wife, smirking tQ right and left. (Installment XX) WHO GIVETH THIS WOMAN?' Although Mr. Banks had been in St. Gorge's many times before It was a strange to him at this in stant as a Byzantine mosque. The sea of faces that shot suddenly up ward from the pews as the organ Earned were unreal. Even the girl eside him was a stranger. She was no longer his little daughter, but a beau mm, serene woman into whom all wisdom had suddenly and mysteriously flowed. She stood, poised on the threshold of her greatest adventure, her face lit with understanding and confidence. It was difficult to conceive how an earthy chap like Buckley could have produced this miracle. Having produced it, his responsibility to maintain It was great. It would be a terrible thing to betray that ex pression In Kay's eyes. They were, Fixed far beyond Buckley, on an ideal which perhaps no mortal could hope to achieve, but which was all the more precious because of its unattainabillty. A thousand gener ations of women were standing be hind Kay now. At this particular las tan t he was Sorrified to note that two of the ridesmaids had begun to sniffle. "Good God," said Mr. Banks, but he had no time to develop the idea. The organ sounded off with its warning thumps. Kay patted his arm "Well, Pops, we're off." "O.K. with the right foot," hissed Mr. Ttingle. "Right foot, I said." Mr. Banks shifted quickly. Every one else changed step at the same moment and he had to shift back again. Good God, was this a wed ding march or a minuet" The pro cession passed through the oak door way into the church. Out of the corners of his eyes Mr. Banks caught glimpses of fa miliar faces. Their expressions paid tribute to the girl at his side. Pride dispelled all other emotions. He saw Buckley and the best man waiting for them at the end of the aisle. Mr. Galsworthy stood on the chancel steps smiling ever so slight ly. Now they were lined up before me steps ana uie minister was read Ing from a white satin book with a purple marker hanging from It. Dimly, Mr. Banks was aware that he had a cue com Inn. when Mr. Ortlsworthy reached the place where ne asKea, -wno pivetn tnis worn an?" Mr. Banks was to say, "I do." It was his only line in the snow. He want mi to acquit him self creditably and began to con slder his delivery. He didn't want to mumble It in shamefaced kind of way. On the otner hand if he boomed It out H would have an enger-beaver quality suggesting that he was de Ilghted to get Kay off his hands He compromised on a well-modulated, dignified delivery. "Who giveth this woman?" in toned the rich baritone of the Rev erend Mr. Galsworthy from far aoove mm. It caught hfm off guard In spite oi an precautions. Kny nudged him una piBCpfl her hand n h s. "I do. he murmured alirmat innudiblv. and passed her hand to Buckley. As he performed the simple act he was conscious uint somcuung deep with' In him ripped sliirhtlv. He did not see the rest. Turn.nir slowly, he stared defiantly at the rows or races, then entered the first pew and stood beside Mrs, Banks. He. tried in vain to listen to the words of the service and then suddenly It was all over. It seemed impossible, but It was definitely over. Kay and Buckley were kissing. The organ had brok en into the Joyous notes of the Mendelssohn Wedding March, like utile boy released from Sundav school into spring sunshine. The maid of honor wu stnisgllng with Kay's train. The wedding guests ua 1 fJS were searching under the Pews for lost gear and poking out hats that wives had sat on. Kav beamed at them harD,lv as she went by. her arm through Buck ley's, and again Mr. Banks felt that queer Utile rending in the center of his being. The flashing of bulbs indicated that weisgom ana weis bold were still their old candid selves. Tommy appeared, to take his mother out. It was over. The wedding dress, the bridesmaids' dresses, the strug gles with cutaways, the Invitations, the I lowers, ine lists, me renearsai, the arguments, apprehensions. doubts and bewilderments had all suddenly become memories. "Rt.ht foot, I ..Id," hluMl Mr. Trlnlle. A wedding was like the cxparl mentul explosion oi an atom bomb, thouuht Mr. Banks as he walked out behind his wile, smirking to right and left. You made the most care ful preparations for months, then someone like Mr, Trlngle pressed a button and It wae all over. Mr. and Mrs. Banks arrived at 34 Maple drive a few minutes behind the bridal party. During their ab sence Mr. Massoula had taken over completely in accordance with his promises. His Buckingham Caterers were darting about like Walt DU ney gnomes. Mr. Massoula met them at the front door. "Everything is in hand," he said. "Don't worry about any thing. Go right into the living room. They're taking pictures of the brid al party." In the living room Mr. Welsgold of Welsgold and Welsgold was per spiring freely and photographing tne urmai party in various combi nations. A Buckingham representa tive approached with a tray full of Mr. Banks' ohampagne. Mr. Banks took one. He felt like those men In the whiskey adi who go inrougn nerve-shattering ex periences In Jungles or on mountain precipices, then, their Job well done, settle down calmly with friends in the Inst picture to a glass of their iavonte grog. Over Mr. Welsgold's shoulder he suddenly noticed a cluster of faces in the doorwav of the living room Through the window he could sec them stretching In close formation halfway down the walk. Mr. Mas soula blocked the entrance to the living room with firm urbanity, like tne neaawaiter oi a night club. The faces that peered at him were not of the happv, laughing type traditionally associated with wedding feasts. They were, rather, the glum, frustrated faces of those who had broken their fenders to get there early and were now de nied tne iruiu oi tneir sacrifices. Mr. Welsgold stormed flaahln. The receiving line suddenly snapped to attention as if at the bark of a phantom drill sergeant. Mr. Mas soula steoned aside nlmblv in avoid being trampled. Mr. Banks never had a connected memory of the next iorty-iive minutes. tTo Be Continued) Webbs Dinner Hosts Oak Point Mr. and Mrs. Don w-db entertained a group of friends nt a dinner and party recently guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Rule, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pennington, Mr. and Mrs. David Bonneau, Dixie and Dia ne, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lawr ence, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daugherty, Clifford and Billy, Air. and Mrs. Al Leonattis, Thomas, Don, Jr., Bobby and Sharon Webb. ... flft w it., ft w ln,. W. -l iw l"Q 0 ZmmZm!!mB f eu-URE-BlIo-DIAaJ rr WONT BE LONG -SOON AS THEY R WW JOCK BACK! HE SENT TT IT Wg A NICE GOOOSTUR; 1 CAY WHEN YOU'D It GET BACK MTO PULL PRODUCTION- I HtS BEST TO YOU, OrtSY- I DUNER-ANNie H I ALWAYS SAY-gglJJJ GET THE JOB H Bs? SHOT LIKE JACK KMQWSRej3 J " . HE CURE HAD A SWELL 18 A WONDERFUL 1 B TO TBSJE OOOO- I AT THE FACTORY? 0 . GOING TO MfiKg A REAL, gSS&l I 111 V-t 111:1 YJT,a III uHT uv 1 I i ' I "Si I Midnight A factory in new ork I iNaice I In lite darkness. the torn picas. A day or two later young MaaaBaHBaHi Vhhk TOSSED TO THE FUOOB, ARE INSTEAD EDDIE M'SKONK COMES ROARING I i ll BS3 SWIRLED TOWARD THE MACHINERY, ROUND THE MOUNTAIN.. I f ICrt BY THE BAEEZE FROM AN OPEN jssAw. ' w FmfV POPl TAkTir700 L00KiMl KmOVG BACK?X0H, ANOTHER rGOSH DON'T V 6NEMV? wEL. l VOU SAID IT.' I V? Elv7IW GPEEN0 WHITe'jWy WHAT VO VOU IfRESH GOV GET EXCITED.' l BEEN AtV TH ATS ) U ,iT t: K? WJSTMETO V HEV? if VDUP FRIEND) THIS TRADE- SOMETHIN' VoFtM - NOW, MOVE T lf"TH'SJOeJ MOVE EUCKfft wHWGONVrV NOTVOOR ZJ FOR SO TO BE ( .S. BACX.I SAID T K (GIVE ME ROOM fYV BVMV TEETH') T bKENI-w", YEARS AN" . PROUD J -rrX . L, II " II JH r SL)i?E m v-COU-V IVE &3TA SUS6E6TON. CAY LANO SAkES I SHOULD TEU. R atLL PEeTrHB THE 7 HCW 'BOUT -PUPOORNS'ff THAT'S NOT BAD f?" U iAtni2Ti I SOMETHINfi BRAND NEW.' . RUSTV .l US TO HANDLE THIS, TROUBLE ?! USE U WWW ARB VOU ALU gSSsONCBRN BREW k jRli DANNY T 1 VOUROWNIOEAS - 5 . A I WISH I HAD A oOOD , Si T aaa t Tf name for them.' --Mfi iVfes OUTOPrr. i Kimiiariia 5 z&&m mfcam &r WHY THE 1 I CAN T STAND THE SIGHT MUTER DALE!! COME- A w, MD A J WEIL--OlONG,CHUM BUMS! I BEQUEATH -f1 TAMP?Dt 7 OF SPILLED BLOOD! MR.P. JUST "n'to-mY.OFF I i . . i ncvx? i ..-::r,T v..-.. i i - - i hi i ,v -"---- - m i Tmm"Sk HE AN WHILE . POWNSTAIRS-I rTTT""" HEJ.R55F, KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO taO NBC tTO CB1 ABC " MBC MW Ki "SIM Tb. I V. Knox Hnliif ChMtnn ! B-Br-J B i of Djr :itsw Llltl Show Ynkoa B-BrB Band of Dy vlnS"A of Tim.1 NewT T Kin. Urn Ull Bin. Cro.b. SAW rtVf" sir. kr Kin. Tom Ml. Bu.ln-. New. T:"D0 V. Llf. Qroach. M.r. Edw. C. Hill Oitrld HilUr "V,1"? 8:15 Ton Lir. Qroueho Mr Horn. Rdltloi) N W Nm Bd SHw 6 SOOkk Powll BIB. Croibr Mod. Rom.BewT.il. To. N. 6:45 Dick Powall Bio. Croby Mod. Bom.ntu S.r.B.d. Twilight Bon. TTOflaH Htorr Bara. Allen Lob. R.Bgor Dlnnor Conceit P.I O'Brln PsBlf Bt.ri aurai Allaa Lono R.d.M , Dlnnor Coaoort Wuilo.l Jockpol ?:30:t.ia Tl. HollTwood Dr. I. Q. Ci.eo Kid Eftlya Bal.bt 7:4S:wUla Tlmo Bollywood Dr. 1. Q. Clic. Kid B..rt ( B -00 !lB.lr.KIUa Lowtll Them.. Shor. Bolmo. N.. of Thot Trick 14H 8:15 1w. of World lock tmlth Sbor. HoImm Bon. Tr.ek MJ -t0 aild.riI.OT. Dr. Chrlitl.a Oro.ory Bood Lo.a Bek., LUI. Tr.ek MM 8:45 GtldwdooT. r. ChrUtUa Oro.ory Boo Trio Track lit fl76d Bro.k tho B.ak frank Roeo IrTln. Borlla Gloa H.rdy Mayer Hport fihfl Break tho Bank frank Baeo Bhow DaTid Row AUa Tobb. 9:30 Blit. Attora.y Be.lah Whore There'. Int. Airport Kew. 9:45 Diet. Atloraey Clwb 16 Muile Int. Airport Qaoit Btar iOO S" Hayo. I Btar Flaal Rehild. Beportei nitoa LowU Proatler Towa 10:15 Mlndy Cartas Yoa World Intornmo Loealffow. gmttar Towa 10 'SO SpU. Final tlr-Ilo Coa ort How New. Huiio IToa Want 10:45 Tea William. Jroheitra Donetrt Boat Eddlo Howard Mail. Toa Want TpOO fitwM leroaada Concert Boar 1 Lot. Myetory Nootarna 115 Was Maeoan rroa.. Band Concert Bear lata Noetnrna 1:30 W" MneoDBi Organ Melody Memo. Tomor. John Wolohaa Nootaraa 11:45 W MaeeBBi Organ Memo. Tomor. John Wolohan Mootara. lOOPlr" Q Bllont bctra Hoar "iglra Off Blgn Off FM Meg., KOff 100.8, 1-10 p.m., KOIN 101.1, a.m., IS P.m., KEX M.I, I ta p.m. THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. ' 6:00 Hod go Podge iNtwi Farm New. PVw 6:. New. KOIN Klooh Keep Smiling Timekeeper 6 f I Farm Tim. KOIN Sloek Keep Smiling Uarch Tim. KOCO Kl.ctl 6:45 Farm Time KOIN Kloeli Keep gtnlUng Vow. KOCO Kloek 7:00 Early Bird KOIN Kloek New. Vow. Tea Rltter 7:15 Old 8on.e New. Agroaikr Brkfit. Gang KOCO Kloek 7:3ft New. N'ew. Bob Haiea Brkfrt. Gong New. 7:45 Sam flaya Fred Beck Zk. Mobbot. Top Trade. KOCO Kleck 8:00 Eddl. AlbeTt Coneumer Mewe Broakfait Clab Bara'n Connt.r Ch. In Wlldn'i 8:15 Eddie Albert News Breakf.it Club Family Alter Organ Hood. 8:30 Jack Berch Grand Slam Breakfa.t Club Havea at R.et Weit'a Melodla. 8:45 Sago Rider. Boiemary Breakfaet Clnb Hayon at B4t rie.ta Tlmo 9:00 The Second Cop Wendy Warren New. N. W New. Melody Time 9:15 Tho Second CupUunl Jenny Star, of Today Qul Clnb Melody Tim. 9:30 Hometowner. klcleo Trent Quick aa Flaih Pa.lor'a Call Star. Sin. 9:45 New. Oal Sunday Qylok a. Flaih Ba.a Rider. J. Ch. Thoma. 10:00 Marrlago for Big Sitter Sarebraih Ber. Glen Hardy N W New. 10:15 Carm. Cavallero M Ferkin. Art Baker Kllebva Mnel. 10:30 Brad Reynold. Dr. Malone My Trno Story Wile. Tan. Tim. 10:45 The Playboy. Guiding Light My Trap Story Morgan'. Mn.lc SB Kew 11:00 Double or tA Mr..- - Burton Betty Croeker dle. Flr.1 Mu.lo Mart 11:15 Nothing Perry M.ion Vlo Llndlahr Udle. Ftr.l Muile Mart 11:30 Children Nor.b Drake Northwtit- Qaeon for Day Jan Garber 11:45 Light of World Brighter Day omen Queen for Day Vocal Varletlo. 12:00 Kneaae New. New. Baukh.f. Top Trade. Hollyw'd Mail. 12:15 Road of Life Com. Get It New. New. Hollyw'd Mail. 12:30 Pepper Fonng House Parly lack Norman NW New. Headline Newa 12:45 Happlaen House Party Meet Menjoae Bob Eborly Day. Peanki 1:00 Backstage Wife From No where Breakfast tn Bob Mitchell Mao'. Melodlea :15 Stella Dallas Jack Holt Hollywood Bob Mitchell Mae'. Melodle. 1:30 Lorena. Jones Garry Moore Kay Weal Tell Neighbor Mae. Melodle. 1:45 Wldder Brown Kirk bam News, Kay West Bing Blnga Mae'. Melodiea 2:00 A Girl Marries Klrkbam News". lay Stewart Bob Poole Mao'a Melodle. 2:15 Port. Faces Life Sieve Allen lay Stewart Bob Poole Mao'. Melodic. 2:30 Inst Plain Bill Steve Allen Bride di Oroom Musle for Thus Mao'a Melodle. 2:45 Frt. Pg. Farrel) Tunc. Your. Brldo At Groom Mualo for Thar. Mae'. Melodle 3:00 Welcome Travel. Art Klrkh.m Pick a Data Georda Mao'a Melodle. 3:15 Welcome Travel. Arthur Godfrey Pick a Date Jamboree Mae'. Melodlea 3:30 lunt M.ry Arthur Godfrey Hannibal Cobb New. Mao'. Melodle. 3:45 Lay. and Learn Arthur Godfrey Hannibal Cobb Day. Rosa Mae'a Melodle. 4:00 Woman'. SecrerArthur Godfrey Western Brand Fulton Lewi. Movie Time 4:15 Llf. Beautiful lArthur Godfrey Sqnlrrel Otre Hemingway Philosopher 4:30 Dr. Pu Curt Ma.sey Squirrel Cage Behind Story Brers Can Ba 4:45 Paola Btoa. Edw. B. Mnrr'w Firelighters H;ar. Cavallero Beaatlfal DIAL LISTING. KOAC 550 lA AT Wednesday P. M. 6:1 00, Chtl lWMV drea'a Theateri 6:16, On the Upbeat I 6:60, 680 Sport, elubt 6:00, Newel 6:15, Eu.en.l :, Invitation to Mead I 7:00, Farmer.' Union i 1:16, Evening Farm Hoart 8:00, Shorthand; S:S0, Hlll crest School: 9:00, Evening Meditation.! 10:00, Blgn Off. Woodburn Rofarians Plan Special Events Woodburn Speaker at the Woodburn Rotary club meeting this week was Carl Werner oi Portland, public relations man in the west coast area lor the past 25 years, who spoke on how advertising is applied to the everyday economics of living. He was introduced by Eugene Stoller, program chairman. New members welcomed were ACROSS 1. Existed 4. Tilt 7. Quail IS. Gone by 13. American author SO. Gypay tt. Repaired 13. Vigilant 14. Ignited again 16. Word of consent 16. Wild goat 14, Resolve Into 13. Cover. 43. Surgical treatment 47. Salutation 48. FlEur. 49. Bitter herb 50. Article of apparel ,1. Make repara tion 62. Before U. Wild animal IB. Hal. cat 16. Calm 18. Upright 20. Fall ahort 21. Fixed charg. 23. Party 23. Mountain pas. 26. Fool 28. Engllih author 35" Wt lb 37 AP NewfieotHrM ROOM AND BOARD W I DO NT SEE WHAT VDUR HAVING TO KNOWyiup.. cm .o a, fWHAT tVYJOB IS HAS TD DO WITH MV BBNGjF Zit 1 . : A BOARDER. HERE, BUT SINCE MDUfcE ' BLUPOKF- NOSIER THAN AN ANTEATEH I'LLTELL I UUC B, OU--I VAORK FOR THE CfTY AND ) ( BUT I r' I'M A VEIGHT INSPECTOR- I THoUGfiT.. ) V I CHECK SCALES IM STORES f , V . JAl FOR. CORRECT WEIGHT JWh ir' day A.M. 10:00, New. l wMV md Wekther: 10:16. Espeelal- lr for Women i 11:00, School of Afri 11:16, Concert Hallt Jt:00, Nowsi 11:15, Nooo Farm Hour; 1:00, Rid. 'em Cowboy I 1:15, School of Alrt 1:45, Melody Lane; 1:00, Homo Garden Houri S:S0, Memory Book of Musle i I;i5, School of Alrt 6:00, New.i :t Music of tho Masterif 4:00, Univ ersity Boar. Irvln Westenskow and D. W. Chrlstenson. During the meeting the sum of $22.80 was collected for the "March of Dimes." Announce ment was made of the benefit danc which the Rotary club is sponsoring for the March of Dimes campaign which will be held January 27 at the Ameri can Legion hall. Also announced was the annual "ladies night" dinner on January 19 at 7:30 p. m. at the Legion hall. There will be no noon meeting on that date. Solution of Yeatarday'a Puzzla DOWN , Irrlgat. . Greek market place I. Occaalonallr 4. Diplomacy I. Artlflelal lanruag e. piu 7. Ghostly 8. 6 tow t. Worthies! fragment 10. Employ II. Muculin. ntcknama 17, Ingredient of sealing wax 19. Evergreen tr.a 22. Kind of bean 23. Charm 24. Poem 25. Directed 27. Hint 29. Masculine nam 30. Beam 11. Leaf of the palmyra palm SZ. Irritate 34. Withdraw 37. Boring Implement 19. Season highly 40. Smooth and Rlossy 41. Ireland 42. Body joint 43. Room in a harem 44. Deep hoi. 45. Self a? it. Pronoun - By Gene Ahern IAir ThurioV pCANttOfL TrPIBO N A T I V BUT A RATA O NOP E N I V tQ P P A PlA Bf O N ABO B O a 5 Hui 0 h 2mE ?-! ? U A S C BRlBlL E P S PSt o r ami T o nCJ PR U P E Bfs PAR I NO t O R VB U 1 BBN E O atib j j B 3s 5 S T A T 6 SflRO A ME P nElNUcTUsoReRU