Fatal Crush Two persons were killed and 36 others in jured when this bus ran out or control in New York City and crashed into two autos and a trailer truck. Brake failure caused the bus to sideswipe a car (not shown) and ram a second car (hidden by bus) into a lamp post. (Acme Tele-photo.) Officials Study Effect of Super Bomb Probable Effect on Peace By JOSEPH L. MYLER (United Press Staff Correspondent) Washington, Jan. 18 (U.R) The hydrogen super bomb may blast open the international deadlock over world atomic con trols. Whether it will produce an agreement and thus promote the chances of peace remains to be seen. But some officials and others were hoping today that Presi dent Truman, before he de cides whether to put this coun try into the super bomb busi ness, will make another attempt to end the U.S. -Russian A-bomb race. Mr. Truman is expected to de cide "in the near future" whe ther to recommend an all-out effort to convert the hydrogen bomb from a theoretical possi bility to a practical fact. The atomic energy commis sion and the state and defense departments are studying all phases of the issue, including the super bomb's probable ef fect on world peace. Mr. Truman has said he wants world peace more than any thing else and, as an official source expressed it today, "The people want peace more than they want another bomb." The president's dilemma is complicated by the fact that the theory of the hydrogen bomb is as well known to So viet science as to American. And now that Russia -p-crc-ses atomic fission ex plosives, she also possesses the means to make the hydrogen bomb, it is reasoned. That brings officials back to world controls and the stale mate between Russia and the west in the United Nations. If effective controls cannot be achieved, observers here have said, Mr. Truman would seem to have no choice but to recom mend that the United States go ahead and add to its arsenal the most powerful weapon yet con ceived. In Chicago today, Methodist Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam said Russia and the United States ahould "talk it over" before committing themselves to a course which might mean the "suicide" of civilization. He was echoing the hope of some officials in the Truman ad ministration. Other officials, however, believe that if Russia knows how to make a hydrogen bomb, she will go ahead and make it. Thorn you Know! Th aiuwen to everyday taurines problem By SID BOISE The only form of insurance to be discussed in this week's column can be purchased for a premium as small as ONE THIN DIME! It helps to in sure little children against the tragedy of spending their lives on crutches or in wheel chairs. It guarantees proper medical care and benefits of nation wide medical research to those stricken by the dreaded infan tile paralysis. This policy is called the MARCH OF DIMES and there is no man, woman or child who can afford to be without it. No one needs ex pert advice or insurance coun sel to see the tremendous ben efits returned for the dimes or dollars invested so let's all act NOW! If jouH address your own tnsur snee questions to tnli office, we'll try to give you the correct answer! and there will be no eharia or obU catlea of any kind. Church PfctB Wilt p en ting General ( Anerlea C'a Sen. Morse on Way fo Oregon Washington, Jan. 18 VP) Sen ator Morse (R.-Ore.) has asked army engineers to confer with him in Pendleton, Ore., Febru ary 8 to discuss the proposed Ryan creek flood control proj-est. Morse wrote Maj. Gen. Lewis A. Pick, chief of engineers, that he believes a real danger exists in the Pendleton area with re spect to a potential flood as bad as a former one which did large damage. Morse's office made public the letter today. Morse is on his way to Oregon. "If there should be a recur rence of that type of flood," Morse said, "I think it is evi dent that a great many lives would be in danger, because' since the earlier flood, manv people have settled in the area flooded." Morse said he would like to "sit down" with a representa tive of the engineers from here and from the Portland office and with a group of Pendleton citi zens to discuss the project. Wont to Adopt a Child? Eight Easier to Get Than One By ANN REED BURNS Portland, Jan. 18 VP) So you'd like to adopt a child? That may be a little difficult: Too many other couples want . child, too. But if you'd like to adopt three children or even eight children That's easy. You're practically in, The Boys and Girls Aid Soci-;- . . . v,o.. i. en .wamnpri witni """w """J uiren GLJ IH-I to BW u" --- would-be parents tnat it s con sidering a new. method of trim ming the application list, ijasi year, 968 families asked to adopt children. But there were only 109 children available for adoption. Very rarely is there an abandoned child," reported Miss Sarabelle McCleery, director of children's services for the so ciety. "The vast majority of the children referred to us are sent because of difficult home con ditions; they may be placed, temporarily, in foster homes; but eventually the parents take them back again." The society, which took care of 906 children during the last year, has little trouble finding foster homes. We sometimes have to look far and wide for a home for a particular child usually school aged boys with aggressive be havior but for the rest, we us ually have plenty of foster homes available." The few children available for adoption are not usually abandoned." They may be in fants, whose mothers can not care for them; older children, whose parents are unable to provide a proper home. We talked to a couple tne other day who wanted to release their children for adoption," said Miss McCleery. "They were people whose neighbors accused them of neglecting their chil dren. But in talking to them, they appeared to be well-meaning parents, overcome by per sonal problems. " 'We want our kids to have a better break than we did,' they told us. 'We don't know whether we have a chance to make our own marriage work. We love our children, but we hate to see them getting so ner vous and upset with us. We think they'd have a better life in some other family'." Both those children girls 8 and 6 were placed by the so ciety last week. What to do if you want to adopt a family? It'll be quickest if you ask for several children. Especially sev eral boys. Twice as many peo ple want girls as boys. "We have a tremendous num ber of applicants for babies," said Miss McCleery. "We prob ably have, proportionately, an equally large number of appli cants for an older child. Many people even apply for two chil dren. "But not many apply for we have family groups to place We'd like more applicants for that." And if any one is really in the adoptive mood, Miss McCleery has another possible case with out any applicants at all. "We may," she said, "be getting a family of eight children all young for adoption." It's harder, Miss McCleery says, to find the right home for an older child than for an in fant. "The child and the family may be very fine people, but they may not like each other," she explained. We may have five or six people applying for an 8-year-old boy. But the particular 8-year-old boy we have to place may not fit in any of those families." The society has so many adoption applications that it's sending out a circular letter asking all its applicants wheth er they'd like to have the ap plication list trimmed periodi cal!; , to meet the number of children available. The plan has the disadvant age that some worthy families would have to be crossed off the list. But it would enable all applicants to know definitely, within six months or a year, whether they would be able to adopt a child. WHEW!! We Hope This Cold Spell Won't Last Long BUT HERE ARE SOME ITEMS YOU MAY NEED UNTIL IT GOES GASOLINE BLOW TORCH 7.95 With Hood and Bottom Filler Plug PIPE VISE WATER FAUCETS STOP and WASTE SINGLE SINK FAUCETS EJECTO DRAIN OPENER SUCTION PLUNGER SOOT REMOVER LAMP CHIMNEY ROOM THERMOMETERS SMALL FIRE SHOVEL WEATHER STRIP 36-IN. DOOR STRIP SCOOP SHOVELS JERSEY WORK GLOVES Bench type Vi inch 5,25 80c 95c 1.75 40c 39c 40c svi" Rubber Red Devil 12 oi. No. 2 for yff kerosene lamp AvC Taylor 60c 18c 4c 35c 3.15 E. Z. Tack rubberized ft. Long Handled lining 49c We Are Headquarters for STOVE PIPE and FITTINGS 236 N. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon India's Pavlova Mirabai (above), Hindu dancer, pop ularly known as "India's Pav lova," recently made her first appearance in London at the Imperial Institute theater. Dayton Opens Drive Dayton The drive for infan tile paralysis opens Monday, January 16 in the Dayton area and will close January 31. Mrs. Earl Coburn is chairman for the Dayton area and cards have been sent by mail, cans have been placed in stores and children in the schools have been given coin cards. Other organizations have been asked to cooperate in rais ing funds. Entymologist I Creates B-3 6 House Fly West Nyack, N. Y., Jan. 18 OT Most men never notice a fly except to swat It. Not so 69-year-old Chris Olsen. He spent 10 months minute ly studying 1,000 flies. He wanted to know exactly what they looked like so he could build a giant model of a fly. He finally finished it yesterday. It's sort of a B-36 among flies. The wingspread alone is 27 inches. The whole fly is 262, 144 times the sizes of the ones that buzz around your head in summer. Olsen used lots of different materials to make his giant fly plastics, beeswax, bristles, paint and buckshot. The buckshot he used to com pound the eyes. Now he's sending the big fly to B o st o n ' s museum of Science. Experts think it's the largest model in the world. Olsen has been interested in flies and bugs for years. He was what is known as an enty mologist until he retired three years ago. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1950 13 Production in Russia Rises Moscow, Jan. 18 (P) Russia's industrial, production level last year exceeded goals set for 1950 and personal incomes rose sharp ly, an official announcement said today. In an economic report on 1949 achievements, the chief of the statistical administration an nounced that industrial produc tion was five per cent over the rate expected for 1950. The report said that during the last quarter of 1949 Soviet industry produced 53 per cent more than the average output in prewar 1940. No actual produc tion figures were given. The general increase over 1948 was 20 per cent. Soviet workers earned 12 per cent more in 1949 than they did 1948 and peasants earned 14 per cent more. These figures boosted income by 24 per cent for workers and 30 per cent for peasants over the 1940 level, WHITE tttss Broker Found Guilty Portland, Jan. 18 (P) Invest ment Broker Arnold E. Johnson was found guilty of embezzle ment charges by a circuit court jury last night. He was accused of misusing over $300,000 of clients' funds in the business op erated with his late brother. the report said. The main industrial items to show an increase over the 1950 goals were coal, rolled steel and oil. More than 20,000,000 Christ mas trees are cut each year in the U.S. Laundry and Dry Cleaning Establishment For Sale Business grossing $70,000 per year. Lots. Buildings. Equip ment. May be handled with $15,000 down. For. full Information write Box 1081, Deschutes Realty Co., Redmond, Oregon. NOW OPEN-THE NEW CHINA CAFE (JUST BEFORE YOU GET TO THE HOLLYWOOD STOPLIGHTS) We Serve Chinese and American Dishes "ORDERS TO TAKE OUT" Open 4:30 P.M. to 2:00 A.M. Saturday Til 3 A.M. WE CLOSE MONDAYS 2055 Fairgrounds Road Phone 2-6596 P.O.Box 704,San Francisco, California I I -a"""" fr j fl3aSasssa?vi rr i i 'ii ir hiiiihiiii .v a- mi 1 I F f f II -AS w - i .wx. ! Questions for weelc of Jan. 18 to Jan. 25 I , I f i I I NVa mm m mm T P li tT 1 I Mil r i a i m i ii n ii ii' in I . I thanwter. true false UK UNfc Ut " Jt- Z t WHITE MAGIC SOAP P. O. Box 704, San Francisco, California I Here is my entry in the White Magic Soap Quiz 1: J Game for Week of Jan. 18 to Jan. 25. Just CheekYovr Answer to This 2 Simple Questions: Questions for week of Jan. 18 to Jan. 25 Greenland is the world's largest island. The earth's surface has more land than water. How does White Magic Soap wash your woolens? , (Answer this question in 25 words or less) TRUE FALSE J Name Address 400 WESTINGHOUSE HOME APPLIANCES 1 1 I Ciiy FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE RULES 1 Anyone living within 20 miles of i Safeway Store in any of the ' following states can enter these 12 weekly contests, excepting employees of Safeway Stores, Incorporated, their affiliates, theie advertising agencies, the contest judging organization, and their immediate families: California, Oregon, Washington. Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Arizona, New Mexico, Western Texas, Nevada. O Answer the three simple questions check answers to questions I and 2, answer question 5 in not more than 2) additional words. Official entry blanks at all Safeway Stores, or use any writing paper writing on one side of sheet. Sign your name and address legibly. 3 With each entry enclose one box top from a package of White Magic Soap (or facsimile thereof). Send as many entries as you wish. The more entries you send in.the better your chances to win weekly and Grand Prizes. Each entry must be accompanied by a White Magic Soap box top lor facsimile). Mail entries to P.O. Box shown in entry blank above. m There will be 12 weekly contests divided into 3 contest periods of 4 weeks each. The opening and closing dates are; FIRST CONTEST WIIK OPINS IAST CONTEST WEEK CLOSES JANUARY 18, 1950 APRIL 12, 19S0 C Entries received before midnight. January 25. 1950, will be 9 entered in first week's contest. Thereafter, entries will be entered in each week's contest as received. Entries for the twelfth weekly contest must be postmarked before midnight, April 12, 1950. and be received by April 17, 1950. Entries must represent your own indi vidual effort and be submitted under your legal name. All entries become the property of the sponsor, and none will be acknowledged or returned. Contest void where prohibited by law. A Weekly prizes will be awarded on the basis of correctness of answers to questions No. 1 and No. 2. and on originality, interest and aptness of thought expressed in the 25-word-or-leu answer to question No. ). Duplicate prizes in case of ties. Grand Prizes will be awarded at the end of each A week contest period. Weekly contest winners will be eligible for all Grand Prize Awards provided they have entered at least two weekly contests during each 4-week contest period. (Two entries will be accepted during 12th week of contest as qualification for final Grand Prize Award.) Only one Grand Prize to a contestant. Only prize-winning entries will be considered in determining these Grand Prize awards, and judging will be on the basis outlined above, judges' decisions final. In case of ties, duplicate prizes will be awarded. f White Magic Soap Contest weekly winners will be notified by mail within two weeks after end of each weekly contest, and will also be announced weekly in daily newspapers. Grand' Prize winners will be notified within one month after close of each 4-week contest period. 8 Your entry in this contest is a specific acceptance of these rules. WATCH THIS NEWSPAPER FOR WEEKLY QUESTIONS AND WINNERS r 31 36 54 68 48 107 WESTINGHOUSE DE IUXE VACUUM CLEANERS with 7-piece Attachment set, with head light and 8 foot flexible hose. . Value $78.90 each WESTINGHOUSE ROASTER OVENS. Holds 1 8 qts. Roasts, Bakes, Stews. Cooks a complete meal at one time. Value $39.95 each 7 aT I HIA WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC FOOD MIXERS. Streamlined design. Easy to keep clean. Value $39.95 WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC POP UP TOASTERS Toasts bread evenlyon both sides. Beautifully designed. Value $20.95 ADJUST-OMATIC WAFFLE BAKERS. Makes perfect waffles, Light or Dark, automatically. Value $17.95 WESTINGHOUSE Streamliner AUTO MATIC IRONS. Selected Tempera- turecontrol. Even heat distribution. Gf value ?it.i3 mm -r mw mm ma BBSSISVBlBMafcBflBtSSaiBitMBAMBeBS WESTINGHOUSE Television Sets. 1950 model with built-in antenna. or Westinghouse Radio Phonograph Combination with 3 speeds. Value $199.95 WESTINGHOUSE Laun dromat Automatic Washers. Installed in your home (normal installation) with 6 months' supply of White Magic Soap. Value over $300.00 WESTINGHOUSE Rcfrigc rators with Frozen Food Storage for 21 lbs. of food. 7.04 cu. ft. A big re frigerator yet takes little space. Value $229.95 White Magic Soap gives you these big prizes so you may get acquainted with this wonderful new soap that works magical wonders in your home.You'll discoverWhite Magic Soap WASHES CLOTHES CLEANER... WHITER THAN ANY SOAP.. .ANY SUDS... ANY WASHING PROD UCT! Washes clothes cleaner in soft or the hardest water. YOU BE THE JUDGE. COMPARE WHITE MAGIC SOAP WITH ANY OTHER WASHING PRODUCT. Compare the results in all your household washing and cleaning. More suds per cup. More longer lasting suds. More harder working suds. Just imagine, you get all these advantages inWhite Magic Soap yet it COSTS LESS THAN ORDINARY SOAPS. Get a Package Today . , , at SHI A