a m , 12 Capital Journal, Salem, It' Coach Honored 0cf-kl! I, i hit i ... i (center), executive sports editor of Scripps-Howard news papers, and L. R. (Dutch) Meyer, football coach of Texas Christian university, at a dinner in New York honoring Wilk inson as "Football Coach of the Year for 1949." Wilkinson was elected by his colleagues In the American Football Coaches association. (Acme Telephoto) JMcCarthy Seeks Second Strinq Power for Sox - By JOE REICHLER New York, Jan. 18 VP) Rea sons given for Boston's failure to win the American league pen nant the last two years were Varied and many. Joe McCar thy, however, knows the real one. The Red Sox were weak on the bench. Marse Joe Is confronted by the lame predicament this year. He has a powerful front-line squad, but very few men to back It up. If the Red Sox finally are to win one, they must acquire an other hard-hitting outfielder, a good dependable reserve lnf iel fier, more catching strength, a capable relief pitcher and a de pendable pinch hitter. The jut-jawed pilot already "had made some moves that may remedy this situation. Billy Goodman, the first base , man, now has big Walter Dro "po behind him. Al Zarilla, in right field, has a challenger In Tom Wright, American as sociation batting champion 'last year. I -Veteran ' Warren Rosar was obtained from the Philadelphia Athletics to help Birdie Tebbetts behind the plate.' And McCarthy fias at least -10 new hurlers to choose from in searching for his relief pitcher. Among those certain to get a Close inspection are Charlie Schanz and Bob Gillespie, a Couple of veterans with major league experience. Schanz, a tall bespectacled righthander, once with the Phillies, had a 32-17 record at Seattle last year. Gillespie, ex White Sox right hander, won 17 games for Sac ramento. Less experienced but prom ising nevertheless are Wlllard Nixon (14-7), Jim McDonald (18-9) and Jim Suchcckl (lo ll), righthanders from Blrm-. Ingham. Then there are Dick Llttlefield, a southpaw with a 12-8 record at Scanton, Gor don Mueller (10-4) and Mike Palm (9-8) from Louisville and George Copeland (11-7), drafted from Rochester. The Red Sox also expect a big Improvement from Lefty Mau rice McDermott, the gangling fireballer who broke in sensa tionally last summer but was sidelined by a sore shoulder. The Red Sox also marie a strong move to strengthen their mound staff when they pur chased Veteran Al Papai from the St. Louis Browns last win ter. He is a rubber-armed knuckleball artist. In Dropo, the Red Sox have a potential long-ball hitting first baseman. A home run threat In the minors, the for mer Connecticut college star WANTED ALL GRADES WALNUT MEATS We Pay Top Market Prices Can Use Any Amount Bring in All You Have AT ONCE WILLAMETTE GROCERY CO, 305 So. Cottage it. Phone 3414 BUYING HOURS 8 a.m. to 12 noon . 1 p.m. to A p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 1 a.m. Ore., Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1950 Charlea (Bud) Wilkinson (left) Oklahoma chats with Joe Williams has failed to Impress In two spring training trials. But ev en should he fail to oust Good man, the 6-4 giant should prove a valuable pinch hitter. Wright batted .368 for Louis ville last year. His 202 hits in cluded 38 doubles, eight triples and nine home runs. Rosar, who lost his No. 1 catching job with the A's be cause of an injury, is sure to strengthen the catching depart ment. With him around Tebbetts won't, have to catch 138 games SCORES in (Ounplalt University Alleys LADIES CLASSIC LEAGUE Alexander'! Jewelry 3) Merrell 437, Moci 341, Lock en 433, Jolinson 433. Ban dnll'a Fine Meats (1) Lowry 347, Schel nmn 333, Whit mors 409, Swaiuon 451. Good House Keeplni (31 Clark 444, Otbb 398, Joncfl 504, Olney 457, Orirbarlno 634. Lull Florlil 1 Llndaey 430, U pa- ton H, IjUIZ 3VI, AIDriCH 350, AOOlJUl ill. Anita Simps (3) ThumiMon 388, Lemon 4B7, Cnusey 457, Mohlmnn 440, Davey 401, Itlnrlnnd'a Kennels Blade 403, Hall 440, Relnhard 310, Pcwe 374, Snyder 371. Plnnk'a Conitructlon (1 flleber 430, Bennett 446. Plnnk 429. Cosmnn 43 S. Bchrocder 303. United Wheel Alltrnment (3) Rowland 383. Kanwik 447. Fleck 403. McDanlel DOE), Robertson 307. Hlch individual nam a and terlei: Vir ginia Qarbnrlno, 107 and 534. HUti team wriea: aooa houm Keeping;, 2336. MERCANTILE LEAGUE NO. S Rem in 1 1 on Rand (D Colburn 608. Ktm- mcll 400, Raboln 335, Man.nficld 365, Orisi- well 076. Terminal lee (31 McDonald 311, Olimore 430, Thronoberry 438, Weston 100, OOUIft Di)3. nurklandi Lumber (3) H, Webb 476, B. Burkltnd 464, Brink 384, F. Webb 448, O. Burkland 519. Standard Station! (3) KopUclike 403, Reeding 410, Speclit 381, Knuth 403, Purdy 441, Malmi Cherron (0) Malm 411, Wenser 49B, Knrn 383, Kepplnser 38$, CaiiAcy 480, Peacock Cleaneri (4) Alexander 468, Volk 384. Sawyer 414, Miller 464. Salem Heatlnc A Sheet Metal U Lewi 414, Kniclins 35B. Oladow 368. Evans 443. Simons 408, Mark A Llntl Masonry (3) Gray 367. Folk 440, Llnd 513, Wilson 444, Morton 480. HlBh Individual lame and aeries: Snl- strom of Peacock Cleaners. 309 and 585. Hlgn team aeries: Terminal Ice, 2047. Duck Pin MENS CITY LEA CUE Samel Vonutu (11 Royal Pawley 437, . P. Cashing 303. Cliff Reed 397. Dunne Ohretlan 430. Art Finney 333. Capp's Vied can (31 Bill Campbell 450. Leon aril Oappa 350, Howard Smith 440, E. Hoasel 433, Leater Cappi 401. Reed'i Drive Inn ID Dliane Prank 456, Oeorne Heed 371, John Nolan 430. Wayne Frank 300, Emery Alderman 437. Lcs New man (31 Sam Fox 435. Harvey Fox 383, Bill Nelmelr 303, Bert Eshelman 397, Bye 306. Mleki Sim Hhop 21 Art Herachback 479. B. 1). Snclkirove 325, BUI Moad 410, Francis Miller 435, Milbcrt Jarober 433. Davis Oil Co. (3 Wayne Field-. 358, Mud Booth 419, Jim Hunter 283, Hank Miller 531, Jerry Da via 412. Frosty OIrn (11 T,om Wood 858. Eddti Hari.'.on 380. Emll Scholi 336, Bill Orni thic r 530. Arnold Mover 500. Ilrlrlen 11a. tllo (81 Al Kcnflrld 508, Paul Ruwicll 429, Lee Huuell 460. Keith Kara 400. Davh Spalding 456. Hlith team aerlea and same: Heldera Ra dio. 257" and 016. Minn Individual act lea and same: Al Kenfleld (Heldera Radio) 098 and 335. MIXED DOIUH.ES LEAGUE O K Rubber Welders (0) Royal Paw ley 433, BUI Gallagher 457, Bye 225, Bye 388. General Finance (4) Francis Miller 438, Martha Fejea 410, Alma Penny 413, Emit ScholE 434. Salem Merchant Patrol (01 Maijorle Hubbard Athletic Club Forms Teams Hubbard Two basketball teams formed by the members of the Hubbard Athletic club will compete with other teams in a league series to begin January 18. Home games are scheduled as follows In the Hubbard school gymnasium. All games are dou- able header to begin at 7 p.m. January 18 Hubbard "A" vs. Hubbard "B"; National Guard vs. Four Square church. Janu ary 25 Hubbard "A" vs. Na tional Guard; Hubbard "B" vs Training School. February 15 Hubbard "B" vs. Four Square church; Hubbard "A" vs. Train' ing School. February 22 Training School vs. Four Square church; Hubbard "A" vs. Hub bard "B". Included in the A squad of Hubbard are Howard Hopkins, John Thomas, Elbert and Clif ford Driver, Jim Hall, Frank Fobert, Norman Ferrell, Doug las Priest, Johnny Myers, Stan ley Hostetler and Harold Abbott. The Hubbard ' B" squad in cludes Keith Heyerly, Allard Juedes.Harley Dew, Loyal Pet erson, Larry Berkey, Ronnie Barendse, Edward and Joe Kel- ley, Norman Hosley, John Van Lieu, Ronnie Shrock and James Spence. Manager of the Hubbard team Is Al Barendse. Salem Youth Gets Pilot Monogram Bob Sundberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Sundberg, 99S Tamarack street, Salem, was among 27 members of the Uni versity of Portland's fresh man football team who receiv ed frosh numerals as a result of last fall's competition. Sundberg, a center, played on the Pilot frosh defensive first string and assisted In the squad's five won and one loss record. as he did last year. One of the four Red Sox receivers in camp will be Sammy White, Seattle, a highly heralded Pacific Coast leaguer. The Red Sox reportedly paid the Seattle club $75,000 and handed over five players for the 22-year-old lad last May. the ALLEYS Beiolti) Frank 314, Martha Griffin 376, Marvin Q reel y 313, Wayne Frank 401. Lloyds Auto Paint (4) Harold Duncan 331, Blllle Dun can 340. Gladys Woods 514, Tom Wood 630. Orvala Used Cars (31 BUI Lapachles 434, Almadean Lapflchiea 387. Kelly Lap. settles 411, OJiarlea Lapachles 408. Capps Used Ca t (1) Eddie Hcnsel 524, Jan Busch 388, Wyetta C&pps 371, Lester Cappa 400. Marlon Motora (0) Pauline Oaborn 370, uert Jbsneimen ioi, juouiae iriDDie 33 1, Bill Campbell 438. Com'l Seat Cover Co. (4) Carol Cappa 503, Opal Cappa 403, Lucy Alien 38a, Arnie Meyer o74. Hliih team game: Orvala Used an, 6B1, Hlsh team aerlea: Com'l Seat Cover Co., 1861. Hlsh Individual aerlea: Arnie Meyer, 874. High individual game: Xddla BenaeL Capitol Alleys INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE NO. 1 Curly'i Dairy (2) Wright 546, Polk 550, VOlk 440, EdlUnd 400, Miller 883, Valdes Meat Co. (1 Ertaaaard 578, Oan non 412. McKlnney 400. Rosa 566. Blilar OiO. Valley Motor (3) O. Parker 401, Bullock- 507. Meyer 453. Col well 428. Doer- fler 529. Blue Lake Packers (1) Lang uor f 484, Eckley 350, Ay re 401, van as- da I 483. Wallv Carlson 401. Snoboys (1) J. Haagenson 808, Rsle shlre 464. H. Merrel 421. D. Aleahire 445, 8. McNeil 566. Cal Pak (3) Lanee 409, Sloan 496, Helnko 426, Werbowskl 450, Srhcldettaer 482. Stiibblcficlrl's (0) L. Myer 487, C. Hoi fer 433. L. Werner 363. D. Walker 343. J. Vlttone 458. Keith Brown (3) Frank Guerin 487. John Crock an 498, Fran Jer- nltian 496, Dave HUlerlch 636, Art flours neeke A Widiworth (D Wadsworth 424, Aiulerson 401, Darsen 164, Sherman 178, Lreland 214. Barb's Sporting Goods (3) B. Inslla 618, O. Braucht 420, J. Olney Jr. 423. M. Morey 617, V. Oretorr 544. Hollywood (1) Geddea 404. Klrchnor 528, Aioricn 43, Jones 487, oiney sr. oio. Salem Police (3t Frle.te 490, Mather 010, Houser 442, Parker 404, Main 438. High Individual game and aerlea: Blgler, 226 and 593. High team Kama and aerie: Curly' uairy, 850 ana 3740. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE NO. ft Hammond Body (2) Brown 467. Lar- sen 503, Gardner 953, McGuIre 437, Ham mond 453. Whittaker'i welders El wood 458, Lawless 408, Whlttaker 413, Wlllard 387. Cherrlnnton 801. Salem Auto (0) Dougherty 356. Ran- inu d.h, weue wiuiams joo, uun- nlxen 433, Salem Heavy Hauling (3 Butl man 480, Cracroft 411, Horning 637, Far ley 491, Wilder 582. MrKsvs (0) Olbba 403. Thompson 432. Mlttcndorf 424, Sluirtleff 405, Chambers Valley farm store (3) Boire 903, S'hmldt 454, Gray 008, Morris 467, Sul livan 482. Chris's Market (01 Cruien 400. Evans 343, Marlon 336, cracroft 403, walte. Lo der Bros. (31 Doeney 053, surratt 463, Nuber 458, Busch 630, Baumiart 435. High Individual game and aerlea: B. Gray, 333 and 508, High team game: Whlttaker welderi, High team aerlea: Valley Farm Store, 3486. Polio Epidemic Over Athletics Sign Four Veterans Philadelphia, Jan. 18 VP Four veterans have signed their 1950 contracts with the Phila delphia Athletics, bringing to seven the number of A's now in the fold for next season. Signed contracts were receiv ed yesterday from Alex Kellner, the A's only pitcher to win 20 games last season; Pitcher Carl Schieb, Catcher Joe Astroth and Le-i mm mm VALLEY Center and Liberty Sts. TEST DRIVE A '50 BUT Sot for Him!! 'ML Outfielder Wally Moses. Previously, the A's had signed Eddie Joost, all-star shortstop who put his name on a two year contract last spring, and Rookie Pitcher Walter Kellner, brother of Alex, and Arnold Portocarrero, New York school boy sensation who won 30 straight games. Wes Farrell hit nine home runs in 40 games for Cleveland in 1941, a major league record for circuit clouts by pitchers. n n n rji i Baby-Faced Texan Boomed For Welterweight Crown By JAMES F. FOWLER Miami, Fla. VP) A young baby-faced Texan with a trip-hammer punch is being boomed by Florida fight fans as the coming welterweight champion of the world. But 21-year-old Bobby Dykes is not demanding a crack at Champion Sugar Ray Kobmson Instead of the familiar "Lem me at the champ, I'll murder him" routine, Dykes is quietly saying: "I'm not ready yet. He's too good for me. In a year, may be, I'll be in his class. Give me a year." Loyal Dykes supporters, however, contend it won't take a year for this rangy, good-looking San Antonio, Tex., welterweight to beat Robinson. They point to his record of 79 victories in 85 fights 37 of which have been via kayos. They point to his National Box ing association rating of ninth in his division, although he has met no rated boxers. And they point to his ability to box, punch hard and out-smart his oppon ents. Dykes' style is unusual, at least. He plods to the ring in a listless attitude of unconcern. He clambers into the ring and flops down on the nearest stool as though he had just completed 20 miles of roadwork and dis plays about as much animation as a deflated basketball. When the bell rings he ambles toward the center of the ring as though the journey was sap ping his last ounce of energy. But once a blow has been struck he becomes as listless as , young wildcat. Florida fans like his sports manship. They like his abil ity to put on a good show but &S ...with a future built in r MOTOR COMPANY Telephone 33147 FORD - IT WltTOPEN YOUR EYES! yet, BOBBY DYKES Not Ready Yet at the same time substantially lick his opponent by out-boxing, out-punching and out smarting. Once he whispered to his ob viously beaten opponent during a clinch to get out of the fight before he was hurt badly. The opponent took his advice and dropped to his knee for the count. Spectators contended the fight should have been stopped earlier by the referee. His training routine is simple. Two hours of roadwork and an NEW "HUSHED" lOO-H.P. V-8 Yes, you can even hear Ford's quality. You hear the new quiet of Ford's tough and ready 100 horsepower V-8, the only V-8 in the low-price) field. It's me type of engine you find in America's costliest cars . . . yet Ford makes this 8 -cylinder powerhouse available to you at hundreds lest than you'd pay for most "sixes." . Sound-conditioning all around, plus Ford's "Ufe3 guard" Body (now 13-ways stronger) make !he '50 Ford so silent, you can talk in whispers. Add Ford's quiet to Ford's quality "feel" and you'll tee why Ford's the one fine car in its field. hour or two In the gym dally. Eat plenty of nourishing foods and avoid a lot of fried foods. He takes an occasional cocktail and smokes one cigar a day, but doesn't inhale. "I'm best of all at resting," he frankly , admits, "in fact I'm better at restin' than any man I know." This is to save strength, he contends. Dykes, recently married to a pretty airlines stewardess here, began his pugilistic career when he was 17 years old in Texas. "I got $35 for the fight and was nearly crowned by one of the spectators," he recalls. "One of the fans heaved a half-filled bottle of whiskey at me when they gave the decision. It miss ed." ' Now he gets about $2,500 per fight. "What do I want out of life? Some money, a crack at the title eventually, and then get out of the fight game. "I want some kids," he grin ned. "Several," he added a few minutes later. And to set him apart from the fight crowd, he blushed. Honest, he blushed. FOR Insured Savings Current Dividend VA 1st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 142 South Liberty I First Federal WJpUja Savings