Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 18, 1950, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1930
Loblolly at Four Corners The above picture shows the un-
healthful and inconvenient condition on Mahrt avenue at
Four Corners, caused by wet weather. Residents say they
can get no official action for their relief, and at the same time
are not permitted to do the work themselves.
Residents Complain About
Bad Condition on Mahrt Ave.
Residents of the Four Corners neighborhood claim they have
been unable to get relief either from the state highway depart
ment or the county court toward removing the lake and lob
lolly that blocks Mahrt avenue whenever it rains heavily.
They wouldn't need any help, they say, if the authorities
would just let them go ahead
Dallas Postal
Hours Changed
Dallas Mail service to and
from Dallas went on a curtailed
basis Monday when contracts
with the Oregon Motor Stages
Postal department issued new
orders with the entire service de
pending on the star route car
rier and the "hypo" (highway
post office). Under the new sche
dule there will be only four
mails leaving Dallas daily as
compared with the seven previ
ously. There are no late mails leav
ing Dallas, and all commercial
establishments have been advis
ed by Postmaster Carl Black that
It will be necessary to get out
going mail into the post office
prior to 4 p.m. to get out the
same day.
Formerly the stages took an
outgoing dispatch at 6 p.m. with
a 5:30 closing time in the post
The new schedule is as follows:
Star route, A.M. Arrives in
Dallas from Salem at 7:25, goes
to Falls City, returns to Dallas.
Goes via Rickreall to Salem, ar
riving by 8:30 a.m. Catches Shas
ta Daylight for southbound con
nections. No outlet to the north
from Dallas in the morning un
der the new schedule. Buses for
merly carried mail out at 7:15
and 11:15 a.m.
Star route, P.M. Leaves Sa
lem at 2:45, arrives in Dallas
at 3:30. Carrier goes to Falls Ci
ty and returns to Dallas at 4:20.
Takes last dispatch of the day
from Dallas out via Monmouth,
Independence and arrives in Sa
lem at 5:15 to connect with train
20 going north. This afternoon
dispatch docs not make connec
tions to the south.
Hypo, A.M. Goes through
Dallas at noon, south to Corval
lis. Makes no train connections
at Corvallis.
Hypo, P.M. Goes through
Dallas at 3:30, north to Portland
catches airmail and northbound
connections in Portland, also
southbound from Portland.
Parcel post is brought in by
the Railway Express agency at
The star route carrier, who
has been using an auto to carry
the mail, has purchased a new
panel delivery truck to handle
the extra burden. He is limited
to 200 pounds of parcel post, in
addition to the other mail.
and remove the nuisance them
selves, which could be done,
they believe, in a few hours.
Any heavy rain brings trou
ble, causing inundation of homes,
the community hall and other
places. There has been a heavy
stand of water over the area for
many days, and it is sure to be
come worse, say the residents,
when the snow melts.
According to George W. At
kins, 3995 Mahrt avenue, they
have been after the state high
way department to put a ditch
on the west side of Lancaster
from Mahrt to Beck. A four foot
cut would do the job, they declare.
"But," says Mr. Atkins, "they
tell us it has to follow the nat
ural drain to the north. There
is no such thing as a natural
drain there any more."
The people say they had no
better luck in an appeal to the
county, which claims it is a
matter for the state highway de
partment's attention.
Mill City Annexes
Six Fringe Areas
Mill City, Ore., Jan. 18 De
spite weather conditions approx
imately two square miles com
prising fringe areas were annex
ed by a vote of 108 to 42 at a
special city election here Tues
Filling the two council seats
were Albert P. Toman, re-elected
with a vote of 58; and Wesley
Green, who defeated R. T. Ven-
ness, incumbent, 50 to 41. Third
place runner was Byron Davis
with 48 votes.
Spell It A-C-H-T
But Don't Try
To Say It
New York, Jan. 18 W
ACTH is a word to remember,
but not to pronounce.
You spell it out, A-C-T-H, in
reading or saying it aloud.
You don't pronounce it be
cause it's an abbreviation. It
stands for adrenocorticoptro
pic hormone, made by the
pituitary gland at the base of
the brain.
ACTH is a word to remem
ber, because it's one of two
wonder hormones making
medical history. The other is
cortisone, made by the adren
al glands.
Both ACTH and cortisone
bring dramatic relief from
rheumatoid arthritis. The arth
ritis returns when the hor
mones are stopped.
ATCH also brings recoveries
from leukemia, a fatal cancer
of the blood. These recoveries
are temporary in chronic leu
kemia. The latest news is that
ATCH has brought recoveries
in five cases of acute leuke
mia, the fast-acting form of
the disease. These recoveries
still are called temporary.
There hasn't been time enough
yet to tell whether the disease
will always come back again.
Both hormones are extreme
difficult to make. Only small
amounts are available. They
go to medical experts for re
search on arthritis, leukemia,
rheumatic fever, and some
other diseases.
Small Craft Warning Up
Seattle, Jan. 18 Pj The wea
ther bureau issued the following
small craft warning today:
Small craft warning Tatoosh
to Cape Blanco 7 a.m. for east
erly winds 25-35 mph. Small
craft warning Strait of Juan De
Fuca and northern inland waters
vicinity Bellingham for north to
northeast winds 25-35 mph."
Canadian and American sci
entists have cooperated on stu
dies cf arctic mosquitoes in the
Hudson s Bay area.
Deer often will starve rather
than eat winter "browse" which
moose relish.
j10YS AND OllllSIV1
f mtti
Listen to TOM MIX I
Mob if Wd., Frl. . 5.30 PM J
for every illness $
k Mil -
a mm
remembered is a wonderful
"get well" tonic . . . tspeciallj
when you send finer
at batter stores everywhere
Cat Mourns
Mouse Pal
Pittsburgh, Jan. 18 U.PJA11
cats don't hate all mice.
Suzy, a cross-eyed tabby be
longing to Paul Hammaker,
Dormont, Pa., currently is in
mourning for one.
Ignatz, a tiny field mouse
captured near the Hammaker
home, died and Suzy has been
moping around the house ever
since. She doesn't go near the
bathtub any more. She and
Ignatz used to play there daily
Suzy is no ordinary cat. She
disdains milk, preferring to
drink water right out of the
Noting Suzy's gentleness,
Hammaker introduced Ignatz to
her when he found him. For a
while, the tiny fellow was
frightened, but when he saw
that the friendly feline meant
no harm, he walked right up
and sat on her tummy. Suzy
never batted a crossed eye.
Each day Hammaker would
fill the bathtub with water and
put a little boat in it. Ignatz
would dive into the water and
swim out the boat. Deftly, he'd
guide it to the side of the tub,
where Suzy waited. Then she'd
push the boat around with her
outstretched paw.
When they weren't playing
together, they ate together and
slept together.
But Ignatz got just a little
too old for a mouse. He finally
died, of natural causes.
uzy nasn t been the same
Silverton Dwelling
Damaged by Blaze
Silverton, Ore., Jan. 18 Fire
starting in the basement of the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fin-
lay, Jr., 932 S. Water street, re
sulted in around S500 damages
Tuesday. The couple will live at
the home of his parents until
their home is repaired.
Mrs. Finlay said her husband
had been thawing frozen water
pipes in the basement earlier in
the day and it is possible that
a smouldering rag caused the
blaze. She was home alone when
she discovered the fire.
Quintuplets Use
Chest Colds !
to relieve coughs- achy muscles
The Dionne Quints have always had
the best care. Ever since they were
babies, they've used Musterole to
promptly relieve coughs and local
congestion of colds. Be sure your kid
dies enjoy Musterole's great benefits 1
lftw . jffir:
Shelley Winters, as Coral, stands between Macdonald Carey
and Frank Lovejoy in more ways than one, in Universal
International's "South Sea Sinner," from the sensational
screenplay, "East of Java." Shelley not only plays a highly
dramatic role, but sings and dances, too, in the current attrac
tion at Warners' Elsinore.
Potatoes Are
Offered Free
Washington, Jan. 18 (U.PJ The
government Tuesday offered to
give away potatoes to needy
Americans and foreigners.
This was the first surplus
food offered for redistribution
under the giveaway program
authorized under the 1949 farm
act, which became effective
Jan. 1.
Eligible for the free potatoes
are the federal-state school
lunch program, the bureau of
Indian affairs, public and pri
vate domestic welfare agencies,
and American-operated private
welfare agencies serving needy
persons abroad.
The munitions board and oth
er federal agencies also can
have all the potatoes they can
use to barter with foreign
countries for strategic materi
als. Secretary of Agriculture
Charles F. Brannan announced
that these agencies can start
applying iuuay iui jicc pota
toes from the government's
price support hoard. Welfare
agencies may apply at the de
partment's regional offices at
Mo... Viirlr Phifnffn San EVan.
cisco, Dallas and Atlanta or at
state agencies nanaiing weiiare
5 $030
A ft.
O 45 Qt,
Enjoy the whiskey that's
Interested in collecting the stamp of
approval on your hospitality? Then
serve Old Sunny Brook brand)
There's a mint of rich Kentucky fla
vorreal first class drinking enoy
I ment "on the Sunny Brook side"!
Kentucky Wbiskey-A Blend
to keep fit
Brcid Hungry?
On a Reducing Dlert
Want added energy inot pep
with low calory eoiint?
t new taste thrill for jaded "diet
"Mid oj ita ttmkera ot Matter ttrd
m "ttomr
Now . . . all new ... Me most magnificent
Oldsmobile of all! Styling that adda apar
kliug new distinction to "Rocket" Engine
action! And just as thrilling is the Futur
amic f,98V luxurious interior! Remark
able new room and comfort brilliant new
instrument panel and slim-contoured
steering wheel! New one-piece windshield
and wider rear window nylon fabrics, if
you choose! And to point up "Rocket"
smoothness the "98" Oldsmobile offers
new velvet-surging Whirlaway Hydra
Matic Drive! See your dealer soon and
meet the Futuramic glamor star the
new "98" Oldsmobile!
Smartness smoothness new standout
value mark the 1950 Oldsmobile "88!"
Futuramic styling with dazzling new
features from grille to rear deck! Pano
ramic visibility smart new interior styling!
"Rocket" Engine response "Rocket"
Engine smoothness remarkable "Rocket"
economy! And now paired with "Rocket"
Engine power ia OKlsmobile'a new ultra
smooth Whirlaway Ilydra-Matic Drive!
All this at the lotivst price yet! The new
Futuramic "88" is waiting for you right
now at your Oldsmobile dealer's. See it
drive it ; s ; for the smoothest ride ever)
EAr at ntc rWutW prim,
HI! cM. 2 iv A
Ntw "II" Hw al mw lower prkml
465 Center St., Salem, Ore.