Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 17, 1950, Page 9, Image 9

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    AT 4l--;V '
Field Dogs in Tests
William Jones (left), of Suffolk,
Va., holds "Fast Special Delivery"
y nd George Rogers, of Mount Holly. N. J., holds his wife's
.ntry, "Medoc" at the trials of the Plnehurst, N. C, Field
-Trial club, as judges and gallery (rear) prepares to follow
the test
Unbeaten Holy Cross Is
Voted Tops in Cage Poll
New York, Jan. 17 VP) A new
team unbeaten Holy Cross
holds the No. 1 spot today as the
country's best basketball team
In the third weekly Associated
Fress poll.
The Crusaders from Worces
ter, Mass., climbed from first In
displacing St. John's of Brook
lyn by a close 1,037 to 992
Holy Cross, winner of 13
games, drew 47 first-place
votes out of 128 cast by sports
writers and sportscasters
throughout the country.
The Brooklyn five (14-1) got
35 votes for first place. Right
behind in third came Long Is
land U. (12-1) with 27 ballots
for No. 1.
Here's the breakdown by sec
tions on the top 10: East 6, Mid
west 2, South 1 and Far West 1.
On the second 10 the South
placed 5, Midwest 4 and the East
Bradley (15-2) jumped into
fourth place from last week's
sixth spot. The Braves received
3 votes for first, the same num
ber as Kentucky (10-2). Ken
tucky dropped from second to
fifth because of its upset by Ten
nessee Saturday.
Duquesne (12-0) moved from
eighth to sixth, getting four first
place nods. The Dukes and Holy
Cross are the only undefeated
teams rated in the first 30.
Army (5-0) is the third and
last major five still unbeaten.
The Cadets weren't ranked.
C.C.N.Y. held fast to seventh
place, same as last time. City
has a 9-2 record.
Indiana (11-2) dropped from
last week's fourth spot to No. 8,
following its losses to Michigan
and Iowa. The Hoosiers got
three votes for first.
U.C.L.A. (11-4) moved one
notch up to ninth. The Pa
cific coast quintet also receiv
ed three ballots for first.
LaSalle (9-2) of Philadelphia
is the only newcomer to the first
10, taking over 10th from North
Carolina (11-3). The Southern
ers dropped to 12th. LaSalle
received one vote for first.
The only other quintet win
ning first place mention is 13th-
ranked Kansas State (11-3) with
two. C.C.N.Y. is the only team
of the first 10 not registering
with a No. 1 vote.
Washington, leader of the
northern division In the Pa
cific coast conference, dropped
from 20th to a tie for 27th this
week because of its loss to
Washington State last Friday.
The Huskies and UCLA's 9th
place Bruins are the lone coast
quintets ranked.
Union Wins Class
B Tournament for
1950 Cage Games
Union, Ore., Jan. 17 (U.R) The
district 8 class B high school
basketball tournament will be
played on the Union high school
floor, Albert Hopkins, Union
school superintendent, announc
ed today.
Hopkins, tournament mana
ger, said the tourney would be
held Feb. 23-25. District 8 in
cludes schools in Union, Wallo
wa, Baker and Malheur counties
Hialeah Racing
Bucks Downward
Trend of Mutuels
Miami, Fla., Jan. 17 (UP-)
Picturesque Hialeah bucks a na
tional downtrend in betting and
attendance today when it opens
its expanded race track for a
40-day meet that heralds the
lushest days of Florida's tourist
The track, famed for its blue-
blooded patrons and horses and
its pink flamingos, reversed the
retrenchment movement of other
ovals by adding 1,200 seats and
providing more 'walking
space" for customers in a bid
for at least 40 million dollar
mutuel days. Mutuel. facilities
have been increased 15 percent.
Sauer to Study
Washington State
Coaching Setup
Spokane, Wash., Jan. 17 U.R)
The Chronicle said today that
George Sauer, recently resign
ed head football coach at Na
vy, will come to Pullman soon
to look over the Washington
State college athletic plant.
Sauer told the Spokane
newspaper by long-distance
telephone that he had been in
vited west by WSG Athletic
Director Bob Brumblay and
Faculty Representative T. H.
Kennedy who interviewed him
In New York for the grid
coaching job at WSG.
Sauer said he had a "very
nice talk" with Brumblay and
Kennedy but that "negotia
tions did not reach the point
where I was offered the job."
The ex-Navy and Kansas
university coach said he
would come to Pullman "with
in a short time."
Won Lost
Handle Oil 38 IB
St tv Ur Self Laundry 37 19
Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 32 1M
Master Bread 30 28
Highland Market 27 29
Hubba Real Estate 27 29
Memorial Hospital 21 3ft
Ladd & Bush. Bank 12
Team Hlih Series
Serv Ur Self, 3i2i: Hisnianfl jaarxei.
1947; Memorial Hospital. 1942.
Team Hiah Slnale Game
Serr Ur Self. 752; Highland Market,
Muter Bread, 725.
Hlrh Individual Series
Alma Penny S5i; oerxie carr aw ucc
Oauthler 463.
Hlrh IndlTldual Game
Gertie Carr 239: Alma Fenny mi, Lu
cille Allen 199.
Hiih Average
Alma Fenny 151; Dee oautnier m.
Call for Contributions
To Aid Bird Feeding Plan
The Salem chapter of the
Izaak Walton league has tak
en notice of the plight of sev
eral thousand wild ducks who
are hard pressed as they seek
food on the slough extending
south from the paper mill.
Rex Sanford, president of
the chapter, Issued a plea for
funds from the organization's
own membership as well as
from the general public. Con
tributions can be left at the
White feed store, 265 State
. League members will dis
tribute the grain with a boat
i" donated by the Salem boat
house and used as a means of
Natural feeding grounds of
the ducks are snowed over and
continued low temperatures
will freeze over the waters of
the slough.
The ducks, denied feed for
any length of time, will soon
become exhausted and perish.
Not since the 1928-29 season
has George Washington U. ex
perienced a losing basketball
Sports Calendar
Professional Wrestling at armory, 8:30
Marlon County B league: Jefferson at
Chemawa St. Paul at State School for
Deaf; Oervala at Salem Boph; Aumsvllle
at Sublimity Mill City at Detroit; Gates
at Turner.
Sacred Heart Academy vs. Concordia,
St. Joseph's gym, 8 p.m.
Willamette Valley league: Mt. Angel at
Sllverton, Sandy at Estacada, Dallas at
Uolalla, Canby at Woodburn.
Corvallts vs. Salem, Salem Y, 8:15 p.m.
Professional boxing at Armory, 8:30 p.m.
"March of Dimes" benefit.
1 Basketball:
City League, Leslie gym, Burroughs Inn
Vs. Cap. Bus. Col., 7 p.m.: National
Guard vs. Marine Reserves, 8 p.m.; CTL
vs. Post Office, 9 p.m.
Church League, Girls gym, St. Mark Lu
theran vs. lit Methodist, 7 p.m.; First
Baptist vs. Cat. Baptist, 8 p.m.; Knight
Memorial vs. 1st Pres., 9 p.m. Boys gym,
1st Christian vi. Sal. Army, 7 p.m.; St.
Mark Lutheran vs. C. S. Christian, 8
p.m.; Liberty Church vs. Cal. Baptist, 0
Salem high at Eugene; Willamette vs.
College of Idaho at Moscow; Oregon vs.
Washington, Seattle; OSC vs. WSC, Pull
nan. Willamette Valley league: Estacada at
Mt. Angel, Sllverton at Sandy, Dallaa at
Canby, Molalla at Woodburn.
Marlon-Polk league: Sacred Heart at In
deDendence. Bible Academy at Stayton.
Marlon County B league: Gervals at
Jefferson, cnemawa at si. raui, eaiem
Bophs at OSD, Sublimity at Gates, Aums
Tllla at Mill City, Turner at Detroit.
Leslie Ooldi vs. Leslie Bluet, 4 p.m.
Bend vs. Salem high at Salem, 8:18 p.m.
OSC vs. WSC at Pullman.
Oregon vs. Washington at Seattle.
Willamette vs. College of Idaho at Caldwell.
(Ratings throafh games of January 18)
Brockport St. ,34.3 vs Hobart 36.9
Brooklyn 67.9 vs Mexico 24.9
Connecticut ,.4S.8vsN. Hampshire .33.3
Cortland St. .'39.9 va utlca 39.7
Delaware 40.6 vs P. M. C 40.4
Duquesne . . . . 74.8 vs W aynesburg . . .65.3
Ft. Schuyler .32.4 vs King's Point .14.
Holy Cross ...82.4 vs Providence ....50.9
Ithaca fi6.3vsQuai.tico 41.3
Jer. City St. 26,4 vs Bloomfleld ....16.7
King's. Fa. ...42.2 vs Mansfield St. 22.0
Long Island ,.76.4vsN. C. State ..70.8
Mt. St. Mary' 39.6 vs W. Maryland .36.4
N. Britain St. 54.2 VS A. I. C 36.8
Pittsburgh .,,.52.2v5 drove City ...39.9
Kt i. mate . . ,-db. vs hi. job,, trm. ..oi.j
St. John. NY ..77.8 V, DePaul 68.9
St. Lawrence .49.0 vi Clarkson 31.0
31ena 88.5 vs Geo'town. DC .56.5
SUdd'v Rock .40.8 vi Gannon 36.7
Swarthmore . ..51.0viUrs.nui "27.1
Albion 43.9vsHope 40.9
Augsburg 49.7 vs at. jonn, tain, -ji.o
Canterbury .. .45.8 vs Earlham 36.2
Central, Mo. ..'52.7 vs Baker 49.1
47. vs wumcy
40.0 vs Ashland 36.1
51.4 vs Manchester . . . .38.8
68.2 vs G. Adolphus . .38.8
38.0 vs Adrian . . 28.5
49.2 vs Wittenberg ... .33.5
49.0 vs Anderson 45.3
47.2 vs Alma 38.3
65.5 vsWooster 47.3
$$ MONEY $$
Hi Real Estate Loam
Farm or City
Personal and Anto Loam
State Finance Co.
153 S Hilb St Uc 8-216 M t
Cmplt BUsalts)
Duck Pin
Memorial Hospital (3) June Moore 290,
Grace Mulligan 333, Jauntta Peters 318,
Helen Hill aio. me Meyers Lumner io.
1) Rita. Hannegan 3&1. Helen Nolan 3,
Evelyn Thompson 418, Margaret Holmes
Ladd Bmh Bank (0) Pee ay Short
320, Theresa Aguilar 250, Donna Greene
292, Paulina Osborne 373, Bye 285. Hlxh
land Market (4) Elva Schroyer 430, Ber
tha Zeeb 324, Ruth Hanson 342, Cleona De
Hut 369, Gertie Carr 444.
Master Bread (3 Arlene Hafanbrack
346, Bonnie Melum 359, Shirley Stude-
baker 344, Gertie Cox 341. Bye 337. Randle
Oil (1) Gladys Angel 420. Helen Randle
Jo Hill 351. aiaaya wooa 394, uee
Oauthler 433.
Serv Ur Self Laundry (0) Lorene Han
sen 365, Ella Scharf 453, Martha Fejes 430,
Ruth Powell 381, Alma Penny 489. Huhbs
Real Estate (4) Velma White 464, Jordith
Harrison 473, Lucille Allen 431, Mary Po
llnskl 458, Bertie Miller 392.
High team series and game: hudm, 33B5
and 821.
High individual series: Alma penny
(Serv Ur Self) 489.
High individual game: Evelyn Thompson
(Dick Meyer) 202.
402; Mayflower TCIlk Bettlemler 393,
Scharff 389, Craven 418, Ptauti 322, Gard
ner iWI.
Oregon Statesman 1 Talmage 355.
Kltimlller 339. Cordler 453. Oreena 405,
Bower 398; Metropolitan Stores (D Slick
341. Jones 314, Dow 339.
western Paper ) Purvii 346, Tleck
8. Seamster 296. Cos-swell 278. Ander
son 418; Chuck's Steak House (1) Hold
320, Curtis 392, Lewis 332, Bennett 442,
Roadermel 384.
Capitol Cltr Lanndrr d. Ant-ova 403.
Kufner 417. Hopflnger 349, Settlemier 362,
MIchaud 330: Top Hat ? Welch 329. De
laney 334, Cheney 357, Smith 339, Gould
High ind. game, Cy Craven, Mayflower
Milk. 192: hlsh Ind. serlea. Nttt nnrrlir
Oregon Statesman. 453; high team game
ana series, ttiop-ute collet Shop, 717 and
South Salem Pharmacy 1) Rlordan
424, Merrltt 486. Holt 533. Hinkla 471. Hv-
att 440; Montgomery Ward it) Fleet
a.j, ecnene uo, cawey 030, Cllne 432,
Morris 552.
State Street Market (ft) Coffman 4:0.
Crossler 380, Cox 471, Meyer 435, Hern
470; Brown's Jewelers (.1) Parker 390,
390, E. Haugen 462, Nystrom 412, H. Hau-
gen 4u, v. naugen oes.
State Street Market (. Krlr ifiT
Primbs 385, Roake 401, Klienke 474. Nag
ley 600; Teamster's Union (1) Godkin
422, Ray Thies 367, Pohl 367, Graham 494,
Bob Thles 443.
Doollttle's (1) Longworth 444, Keen
394, Burton 463, Wllken 44B, Poole 486;
Ace's St Baislnger (2) Pish 363, Randall
459. Hemann 432. Ashby 453. Cushtng 457.
High Ind. game and series, Morris, 217
and 552; high team series, Montgomery
Capitol Alleys
Walton Brown (2) Perry 475, Emberton
397. Alderln 469, Sllke 529, Riches 463;
Marion Creamery (1) Garbarino 505, Pe
kar 454, Davenport 539, Kenyon 503, King
Senator Radio Photo (3) Cadv 505,
Duffus 604, Wlltsey 493, Larsen 545, Glodt
561; steiler supply (o Kitzmmer wi, e.
Stettler 512, C. Stettler 425, Hendrlo 446,
Valdez 529.
Knights of Columbus (3) Hartwell 475.
Albrlch 459, Bickler 461, M. Miller 546, J.
Miller 535; Master Bread (0) Mattson
424, Frlem 538, Coomler 443, Powell 489,
Farmer 531.
Orval'a 41) Lama 501. McCary 402, Ga-
bel 498, Ross 557, Boyce 509; Nicholson's
Ins. (2) Wilton 443, Gardner 511, Gan
non 521, Brown 525, McCluskey 518.
Goldles (0) Bentson 434, Herr 441,
Howell 3B8, Frank 500, Spencer 458;
Starr Foods (3 Arehart 618. Allen 579.
Powell 485, Lengren 575, Scales 582.
Hign team games ana series, Starr irooaB
1013 and 2980; high Ind. series, Max Al
len, 679; high Ind. game, Glen Lengren,
Cardinals Slate
Concordia Preps
For Tuesday Go
The Sacred Heart Cardinals
drew an open date in Marion
Polk league competition and
will engage Concordia Preps of
Portland in St. Joseph's hall
Tuesday night.
The program will constitute
a benefit for the "March of
Dimes" and all gate receipts will
be turned into the fund being
raised to battle polio.
At 7 o'clock the second strine
clubs will meet with the main
event scheduled for an hour
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, January 17, 19509
Keeps Active at 94 Years
With Bowling and Golf
AP New,f.turea)
Sioux Falls, S.D. The golf
season is over at the Minnehaha
country club here. And so 94
year - old Frank L. Blackman
has turned to his winter's bowling.
Blackman remains active in
his real estate and loan busi
ness. He thinks it's a good idea
for a man to take time out, how
ever, for a little recreation. He's
made it part of his program
ever since he was 60.
He was a bit dissatisfied
with his golfing last summer,
though. He had a tough time
breaking 100. He's doing
better on the alleys this win
ter, rolling from 120 to 150.
Blackman still uses a regu
lation 16-pound ball in bowling.
However, he's pondering the
possibility of switching to a 14
pounder. "It could be just what
need," he confides, "to boost
my scoring average."
He doesn t bowl in a league,
but two or three afternoons a
week Blackman and an 82-year-
old crony, Phil Campbell, a for
mer assistant postmaster here,
match their skill on the alleys.
Campbell also plays golf with
Blackman, but wasn't here to
do so last season because he was
on his wedding trip on the west
Blackman, whom you'd take
for a man of 75 was born near
Batavia, N.Y., Aug. 13, 1855
He regards his long life
and good health as a sort of
family heritage. He's never
used tobacco or taken a drink
of liquor.
It seems to Blackman that
many men shorten their lives
Bowling at 91
by eating too much, although
he has no private formula about
how much food a fellow ought
to consume.
"I Just don't require much
food," he says, "and so I don't
eat much." He has weighed 130
pounds virtually all his adult
life. He's five feet, six inches
It amuses him that people are
forever getting him mixed up
with his kid brother, George.
George Is only 88.
Dick Dunl4el4s College Basketball Power Index
EXPLANATION The Power Index provides a direct comparison of the relative strength
of any two teams for this season to date. Thus, a 50.O team has been 10 scoring; points
stron; :r than a 40.0 team on their comparative records, in vhich scoring; margin has
been weighed against strength of opposition. This does not necessarily mean that a 50.0
team should defeat a 40.0 team by exactly 10 points in the uture. Teams rarely follow
past performance that closely. Furthermore, the ratings are not adjusted for such fac
tors as home court, injuries and ineligibilities. The Dunkel system correlates records of
all college teams and was started in 1929.
Dick Meyer Lumber (.It Barber 517. Liv
ingston S09, Shlpman 467, Etienlce 523, La
cy 489; Rod St Gun Club (0) Miller 314,
Futrell 396, McDlnay 435, Pekar 399, De
Bow 515.
The Jewel Box (11 White 376. Cowan
453, Sllke 411, Klldall 447, Walls 497; Val
ley Oil is) DC IK 478, ZeeD 410, ZeeD 441,
Lutz 437, Warner 484.
Woodburn (3) Steele S09, Bentson S44,
Austin 381, Deagen 538, Hicks 496; naff
man Const. (0) Karn 453, Emberton 433,
Larsen 441. Hansen 401. Clark 371.
Nailer's (1) Thompson 626. Johnson
373, Thurman 448, Odum 363, McCune
524; Bound Const. 2) Bud Straw 633,
Miller 420, Oarrett 411, Bob Straw 463,
Slmmond 465.
High team name. Vallev Oil. 849: high
team series, Woodburn, 2468; high Ind.
series, Bentson, 644; high ind. game,
Thompson. 217.
Duke . eo.lTsSo. Carolina ..48.4
Ersklne 34.2 vs Piedmont '24.9
Florida fit. ,.a43.8TsMercer 43.7
Furman 47.2 vs Citadel 32.3
Hamp. Sidney 45.9 vs Roanoke 40.4
Hardln-Slm's .47.1 vs Texas Tech. ..42.9
Howard 43.1 vs Blrm. Southern 34.4
Kentucky 78.8 vs Georgia 50.7
Marsnan 4.u vs Moreneaa sc. ,ww.i
Murray St. .,.66.3 vs Tenn. Tech. .45.4
Presbyterian . .38.6 vs Catawba 33.7
Tampa 48.1 vs Florida 48.0
Tex. Wesleyan 48.1 vs St, Mary, Tex, 26.1
union. Ky 37.5 vs centre ji.5
Wm. & Mary .61.6 vs V. M. I 34.7
w. Liberty St. "49.6 vs w. va. Teen. .37.8
Far West
Pepperdine ...55.6vs Pomona 47.0
Puget Sound .52.4 vs Seattle 46.7
San Jose St. ..67.lviSan Fran, St. .36.2
Franklin ....
Ha inline
Hillsdale .....
Heidelberg . ,
Ind. Central ,
Kalamazoo .,
Kent State ..
Lake Forest ,. .37.3 vs Elmhurst
.47.6 vs Upper Iowa ..'32.7
.42.1 vs C'cordla, Minn. 32.8
. .43.8 VflDrury 35.6
,37.8 vs Knox 30.7
.4fi.0vsS. D. State ..44.9
. .58.8 vs Denlson 26.3
,55.6 vs Hiram 36.4
.66.5 vi Wichita 56.2
.45.2 vs Central. la. ...17.1
.49.4 vs Augustana, SD 30.2
Macalester .
Mo. Valley .
Monmouth .
St. Louis ...
Simpson ....
So. Dakota
Toledo 68.7 vs Wayne TJ 37.4
Trl-State 18.7 vs Indiana Tech. all.B
W. Michigan .60.9 vs Valparaiso 60.7
Appalachian .48.8vsHigh Point ...42.8
Bridge water . .39.4 vs Rand. Macon ."31.8
Delta State . .51.1 vs S'west'rn, Ten. 34.4
Amherst 41.4 vs N. Hampshire .33.3
Army 62.2vsPenn 55.6
Arnold 46.5 vs N. Bedf'rd, Tex. 19.6
Carnegie Teh. 56.4 vs Oeneva 49.5
Colby 39.1 vs Bowdoln 32.5
Columbia 68.7 vs Navy 63.5
Drexel 44.5 vs Haverford ,,..'38.8
Fordham 56.5 vs Yeshlva 24.9
Iona 55.2 vs Bridgeport 33.9
Lafayette 52.9 vs Lehigh 37.2
LaSalle 75.5 vs Albright 44.0
Maine '46.7 vs Bates 37.2
Manhattan . . .'60.7 vs Upsala 38.2
Massachusetts .42.6 vs Wesleyan '33.3
M. I. T 37.4 vs Wor'ster Poly .37.2
Muhlenberg .. .66.0 vs Bucknell
Paterson St. .."35.8 vs Trenton St. ,
Penn State .'62.8 vs American U. .
Rider 45.1 vs Montclalr St.
St. Anselm's .'46.8 vs Becker 25.7
St. Michael's ,55.5 vs Mlddlebury ....38.3
Scranton 49.2 vs Moravian 40.S
Thlel 36.1 vs Allegheny 31.9
Tufts 47.1 vs Northwestern .'33.4
Williams 38.0vsN. Adam St. ...12.9
rale 56. 3 vs Dartmouth ....54.0
Akron ., 63.0 vs Youngstown ,,54.8
Assumption ...25.2 vs Detroit Tech. ..19.7
Chicago 45.1 vs No. Central .35.8
DePauw 54.0 vs Canterbury ...45,8
E. Illinois ....'65.0 vsW. Illinois ....52.0
III. Normal ...46.2vsNo. Illinois ....45.6
111. Wesleyan . .57.1 vs Carthage 29,
Missouri "69.4 vs Wichita 66.2
Mt. union ..."4S.4 vs case 3D.
Notre Dame ..71.3 vs Mich. Stats ..57.5
O. Wesleyan ,. .48.3 vs Kenyon ......,35.0
Oklahoma 71.3vsOkla. A&M ,.66.5
Parsons 45.1 vs la. Wesleyan .25.1
Ripon 50.7 vs Lawrence "37.8
Warr'nsb'g St. "51.3 vs St. Benedict ..48.3
W. Ky. State .74.3 vs Evansvllle ....!
Arkansas 60.1 vs s. M TJ 55.9
Berea 28.8 vs Transylvania .19.0
Clemson 45.2 vs Citadel 32.3
Concord St. , .26.2 vs Salem 22.7
Davis-Elklns .'52.3 vsW. Va. Weslyn, 43.5
E. Carolina St. 47.3 vs Catawba 33.7
Louisvlll 74.2 vs E. Ky. state
Mercer 6. .43.7 vs Stetson "38.0
Miss. State . . .48.4 vs Mississippi. ....48.0
66.3 vs Mid. Tenn. St. 35.8
'49.3 vs So. Carolina . .48.4
31.8 vs Towson St. ...31.1
32.8 vs Shepherd 32.6
5.7 vs Baylor ....55.1
61.0 vs Rice 66.8
Tex. Wesleyan .48.1 vs Trinity, Tex. .40.5
Va. Tech 54.1 vs Wash, to Lee .46.8
Far West
W. Texas St. .59.2 vs Flagstaff St. .37.7
54.5 vs Mexico 34.9
.55.3 vs Hobart 26.5
26.4 vs Newark St 2.0
.72.3 vs Can lsi us 07.9
.31.1 vs Frostburg St. ." 7.3
38.3 vs Hillsdale 38.0
74.3 vsW. Virginia ...60.4
.59.5 vs Mich. Normal "34.7
68.2 vs St. John, Minn. 37.6
.58.0 vs Ind. Central ..'40.9
.58.8 vs Capital 54.0
.38.8 vs Winona St. ...
Whltew'ter St. 37.0 vs Oshkosh St. ...36.8
Appalachian ..'48.8 vs Ersklne .34.2
Geo'town, Ky. "49.2 vs Centre .. 31.5
Presbyterian .38.6 vs Newberry ......30.4
W. Va. Tech. ..37.6 vs Salem 22.7
Wm. it Mary .61.6 vs Hamp Sydney 45.9
Far West
Cen. Wash. St 52.2 vs whltworth 41.3
Western St. .. .49.5 vs Carroll, Mont. -31.7
W. Texas St. .59.2vsTempe St. ...54.5
NOTE: home team
Copyright 1950, by R. C. Dunkel
Murray state
No. Carolina .
Rand. Macon ,
Shenendoah . .
T. C. U
Texas A&M
Jersey C. St.
Potomac St. .
Cincinnati ...
Indiana St, .
Muskingum .
Stevens Ft.
J&ntuchj Whiskey
Gentleman's Whiskey
from. Kentucky
National Distiller Products Corporation, New York 86 Proof 65 Grain Neutral Spirits
University Alleys
Ston-Llte Coffee Shop (3) Locken 391.
Marks 37S. McWaln 388. Frederlckson 407.
Kunke 420; Curlj's Dairy (0) Owens 341,
Rath 418, Carper 352, Scott 314.
Brown's Jewelers (1) Furrer 305. Hau
gen 314, Relnke 275. Smith 368, Hougham
460 N. Front
Tele. 3-7633
Now... Just lift a bw
IS 51 U Mas sa dor!
Naih StaMwlxm
Supr 2-door Sedan
Naih Ambauader
Sup.r 2-doar Udmt
Want to know the last word In ffbrtleai
Selecto-Lift Starting fi her combined
with Hydra-Matic Drive, In the 1950 Nash
Simply lift a lever and got There Itn't a
clutch pedal not even a starter button I
Drive all day without shifting gears I
And here's the thrill of America's lop high
compression engine that uses regular gas
oline a Nash Ambassador development
You've never known such performance
and gasoline mileage in a fine car before.
Or such quietness for Airflyt design cuts
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than the average of all current cars tested.
And no other fine car can match the com
fort and luxury of the Nash Ambassador,
with Its Airliner Reclining Seat, Its Weather
Eye Conditioned Air System, Its Twin
Bed spaciousness, and the rigidity and
lasting silence of Airflyte Construction.
Everyway you look at It, here Is the most
modern of fine cart, yet the price of a Nash
Ambassador, even a Custom model
hr tailored to your order is as much
thousand dollars less than cars of com par'
able size and quality would cost you I
See your Nash dealer, and comparel t
!,,., n4 m.I Hi. (M T lra
Itydri'M.lfe Driv. optional on tlw Nuh
Ambiuador at elr colt. Whlta lidawall tlrel.
Airliner Raclirllna Seal and weauier nya ayi-
tem optional at aaua coil
Prlrei mar varr Bllebtlr tn adjolnlnr
enmmunitlea Sua t. tranaportallert eharfei.
Companion to in Nam Alaltman
re rinotl Vain la AmatiamU Una Can
Ho HWan. DhMoa NoaVKeMaeier CeraanHea, OerraU, Mie
Tgrtw-h.aa) hlgTKimiiprtssloB englnt
now 7.3 to 1. The only American
engine with 7-bearine, 100 counter
balanced crankshaft Uses regular
Atrt omenta wxMi.r y. Fresh air
ventilation and heat control. You
never have dust, or know cold.
Twin b.da for luxurious sleeping-car
comfort at night or so that one passen
ger may rest while his partner drive.
AMtrto i.natntttl.ii. In Naah the en
tire frame and body, floor and roof
are welded Into one super-strong unit,
squeak-free, rattle-proof.Twice as rigid.
333 Center Street, Salem