f. 12 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I Per Line nt Per Lint I time 40o Per Lin 6 times 60s Pet Ud 1 month 12.00 Outside of Salem 15e per line pes day. Mln. lOei 1 times mln Oo time min. UJQ. No Refunds BX&DBBS In Local New Col OnlFI SOo per line To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 'FOR SALE Housrr KM. FURN. HOME. C. W. Kittleson. 8. s Brown. Woodburn. Ore 2y2 ACRES Unee we are leaving Salem we are or is ferlnf our l.bd rm home, cotnpletelT modern, for 39500. This ad worth 1500 1 on purchase price If used not later than Jan. 25. 1850. Ph. 20015. I BR homo located In nice district. Sood bur, call Paul Cell. Ph. 2-6680. ve Ph. 2-7769. 433 Hortn Mign oi a!5 n tin mm NEAR STATE HOSPITAL a li ,ip i rr hnm with drr base- " xoent. oil furnace, fireplace, corner lot, i- bus by door, a honey. Call Peck. Ph. 1-eflBO. Eve. 3-9413. . m T.iiKTNREAI. REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. a!5 19,950. HOLLYWOOD DIST ansa tinwn for this nice new 2 BR home. Baa oil heat piped to all room. Inside - utility rm.. beautiful floor plan. Call Id. Ph. 3-HBBO. Kve. z-uu. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE ., 433 North High St. alV T OWNER: Priced to sell. 16500. Reas ' Mnhln ilnwn rjavment. Modern 2 bdrm. ' home. In northeast dlat. on Shelley ' Ave. Pnone s-dbj. i fcY OWNER New 2-BR. house. Kelzer Dlat. For Information call 3-1956. a!6 FAIRMOUNT HILL l br. auto oil heat, fireplace, f bamt., Just $9250. We have our chains .. on so you can see It. Crawford "BURT PICHA. Realtors l 179 K. High St. Office 1-3649 Eve. 2-5390 or 3-7451. aiv ffEW t BR SUB. HOME, oil heat, LR with eoved celling, lge. wnidowa, hdwd. firs. thru-out. tub St shower bath, kit. with t lota of bullt-lna, nook, wired lor elcc. . tbo. Att. garage. Lge. lot, near aohl., bua St store. 17000. Posaioie u.i, joan. MEW SUBURBAN. 3 BR. LR, kit., nook. hdwd. fir., oil heat, att. garage, room (or 3rd BR over garage. Only 11750 dwn., balance F.H.A. Full price $7050. ARE YOU CRAMPED for apace St money , For $1600 dwn., your family can have everything they deal re In a home. Thl . late styled mod. home, offer LR St DR, . I una awn., unnn. upstairs, joveiy Kit., .- A bath. Utll. rm.. att. 2-car garage. , Lge. well landscaped lot, paved at., near ; school, store St bus. BEAT THE OTHER FELLOW TO THIS. QUALITY BUILT OUTSTANDING ; RANCH STYLE HOME NORTH EAST. Compare the features In this home. Spa clou LR St DR, 3 BR. A "DREAM" kitchen Si nook, tub A shwr. bath, utll. rm., att. garage, fireplace, elec. neat, all oak firs., picture window. Well land scaped lov, ranch fence. Immed. pom. . BEST OF ALL la the price Only 114,000. ' Good term. Larsen Home & Loan Co. ; Exclusive Listings Personal Service : 164 6. Com'l. St. Ph. 2-8389. Eve. 3-9089 a!8 $8000 ; I BR modern home, fireplace, bsse- ment, oil heat, excellent location, close In Vincent dePaul. Call Mr. Noonchester H. E. Corey Real Estate 1366 N. Broadway Ph. 2-0552 Eve. 2-0103 or 3-3816 al4 ALL-ELECTRIC Terr clean well-planned 8 room bunga low, finished inside utility room and att. gar., fenced back yard, West Side, close to school, store and bus. Price 8400. F.H.A. loan. Call BON CLEARY. Walter Musgrave, Rltrs. 1211 Edge water FOR SALE FARMS t A. under Irrigation. 2 Bd. rm. modern house. Near W. Stayton. Price 15700. Inquire 1063 E. Rural Ave. Ph. 38026. blB FOR SALE ACREAGE ACRE TRACT 7 mite out Wallace Road. Attractive modern home S room first floor, 2 partially finished room In attic. Double garage, 80-ft. well, elec tric pumped to house. A BARGAIN 16500 Call Darby Sermon or Mr, Thomas, Salem 3-9131. bblfl OWNER LEAVING 1H acre, 6 room house B. River Rd overlooking valley, modern convenience. Consider late model oar or truck, Ph. 3-1820. 17200. bhl4 REAL ESTATE OB YOUR SAVtrfQh tuvestment buy a first mortgage on real estate Salem St vicinity. Examine security yourself. Amounts 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investor b. We make all col lection for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. High c BEST BUYS Extra Special Farm Buys 1 ACRE BARGAIN S rm. home, livable, this I a buy (or only 11250. Eve, phone 3-4735. or 2 Mountain Ranches Here- It Is, 10 miles from Salem, loo acres, AO under cultivation, beaullful view building site, If you want to build your own bldgs. At really enjoy an Ideal (arm, see this one, Soil very adaptable for grain, berries or grass seed. Another with a very good home, 98 acre, very usable out building. Owner re port approx. 18,000 worth of saw tim ber. Several large walnut trees, fam ily orchard. This would make an ex cellent strawberry farm. Eve, phone 3-4735 or 3-3558. High on the Hill This farm ha excellent bldgs., very mod ern 6 rm. home, total of 69 acres, on ly 6 mile from downtown Salem. Pav ed highway. Well with lot of water. Several springs, total price only 17, 600. Eves. ph. 3-4735 or 3-3358. Chicken Farm Modern S rm. home, ft acre Willamette soil, lot of shade, 22x60 chicken house, nly 4 miles from Salem, 100 chicken o. New well, family fruit, U4 A, boy senberrle. total price only 19000. Ph. 1-4739 or 3-3558. North Howell t4H Aerea Willamette soil, good 1 room home, garage, chicken house, barn. Well stocked and equipped. Everything goes for a total price of $35,000. Eve. 3hone 3-4735 or 3-3558. Honest Home Values OOT A TRAILER HOUSE? Jf you have and want an almost new t bdm. home In a fast-irowlng sub urban location, we have one for you. Total price of 18750. Owner' equity 13100. Eve, ph. 3-7074 or 3-3558. Want to Trade? X you hare a lot or a small home In a good location and want a nice almost new home with a view. See this one. Owner's equity 13800. Total price IU, BOO. Kve. ph. 1-7674 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3036 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-7830, 3-4596 WANTED REAL ESTATE SELLING T If you have a good farm, acre age, home, business or building, list It with ua for action. Trade are a ape elalty with us, too. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Years In Salem 130 N. High St. Phone 3-4129 ea38 VfB ARE in need of good house to sell In or near Salem If you wish to Ut your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 184 & Liberty Ph. 3-3471 NOTICE! If your property 1 for aale. rent or eichange, list It with ua. We have all kinds of eah buyers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS jm a. ait eu a Ore., Tuesday, January 17, 1950 WANTED REAL ESTATE We Have Buyers YETERAN h&a 1500, wanu 3 bedrm. home BUYER (or 2 bedrm. hM. South, with fireplace ind basement. BUYER (or 2 bedrm. hae. south of D St. with basement. BUYER for nice home la wooded aet- tlnir. a or more acres. BUYER (or amall 1 BR. hae. to Kelzer district. BUYER for nice I B.R, hae. Fireplace St basement. Must be nice dlat. In town. BUYER for email 1 bedrm. hae. out of town. BUYER for 2 bedrm. hse. with fire place in nice dlat. Around 18500. BUY- , for 2 bedrm. St den. 2-car car. Fireplace, basement, South. Around 113,000. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Commercial Bt. Phone 3-4390. Eve. 2-4312. cal4 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE BLDG. LOT Mill Creek. Will sell or trade for property In Portland. Bern wwis, 2011 S. E, Cypress, Portland 14, Oregon. Cb20 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NOW EXPANDING Salem's only silver pin ting Co. Have opening for partner wlllinn to work and learn trade. Invest ment required. Phone 3-7771 for appoint ment, cdls ONE OF SALEM'S FINEST 3 story brick apt. bldgs., 16 rental, excellent condi tion, construction St Investment. 182,000 ca-sh. Good loan available. 10 INDIVIDUAL HOUSES, hdwd. fir., f'place, 1 BR, LR, kit., nook, bath. Only 10 blks. from Shopping Center St State Office Bldgs. Excellent Investment. Only J55.000. LET US SHOW YOU THIS fine 6 unit apt. In fast growing w. Balcm, all have LR. kit., BR, bath, hdwd. lira., elec. heat. 132.500. terms. BUSINESS BI.DG., close In, good living atr. 114.500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. Bt. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-9989. cdl8 $20,000 1150 mo. net income plus beautiful apt. lor owner. Rents are very reason able. Apt, are well furnished. Close to State House. S32,oiio 1300 mo. gross Income from these 6 lge. roomy apla. in apt. house gone 4 block to State House. 811, ROM 1105 mo. Income from 3 (urn. apt, plus lge. liv. rm., dining, fireplace, kitchen, full bath, 2 BR for owner, locat ed In Hollywood Dlst. $3H,(K)0 7 net Income from this combi nation apt. nouse st business building with off at. parking. Excl. location. 2fl,WM). New 3 unit court plus nice 3 BR home lor owner. Ph. 2-0680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. Eve. Ph. 3-8704 - 2-7769 - 3-5413. edlS IT'S A STEAL! 15500 buy stock St equipment Includ ing complete meat set-up In this going grocery store. See It today! Crawford BURT PICHA, Realtor MUST HELL to settle estate. Modern furn., 22 units, II trailer space, store, stntion and living quarters. Walter Knmbok, Maple Auto Court, Lebanon, Ore. cdl4 FOR SALE Qroc. store, gns and cabin til. 7, uox 15, saiem. Phone 3-4310. cd31 FURNITURE FOR SALE 3-PIECE B-walnut bedroom suite with spring St mattress. G0. Ph. 2-0C02. dlS WANTED FURNITURE GLENN WOODRY, Ph. 35110. FURNITURE St APPLIANCES wanted. Top cash price paid on the spot. No fuss AUCTIONS NO AUCTION TONITE DUE TO WEATHER CONDITION GLENN WOODRY Auctioneer Livestock & Furniture AUCTION WED.. JAN. 18 AT 10:30 A.M. FURNITURE AND MISCELLANEOUS S-piece bedroom set. 2 A.B. electric r unites (apt. sire). 9 H ft I It. Electric refrigerator. Washing machines. e OH and wood circulator. 1 P. M.f LIVESTOCK 4) Rabbits. Chicken Pigs g) Cows. Heifer Cnlvo Ven I NO NIOHT SALE THIS WEEK DUE TO WEATHER CONDITION. LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD REMEMI1ER, WE WILL SELL ON COM MISSION OR PAY CASH FOR YOUR MERCHANDISE LOCATED 1 I) LOCK WEST OP LAN CASTER DRIVE ON SILVEItTON ROAD. PH. 3-609B. ddl4 LIVESTOCK WANTED BNDE AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. O. Mccandlish. 113? S. 35th. Ph. 38147. ea24 LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. Sne- ttien, 1500 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 21345. ealT PETS A.K.C. REG. Irish setter put), 8 wks. Sired by Cli, Peter Patrick. R. C, Bond. Ph. 2-B272. ecl4 CHOICE canary birds, 200 N. 18th ec31 FUEL SPECIAL FIRE PLACE wood for these cold winter days, $1 or more U haul. Oregon Fuel Co.. Ph. 3-5533. eelG CALL-!! IOHWA Y KU EL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer End St Block Wood. Pb. 38444 WALNUT shell tor sale. Klorfaln Packing Co.. 400 N. Front. ee West Salem Fuel Co. DRY PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD - DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIFSEL At STOVE OIL Ph Salem 2-4031 Pick up wood at 1535 Edaewater Watt Salem ee PHILLIPS BKOS Old fir, oak, ash St maple, e? fir. 18 lab and edgings. Ph 31458 ee DRY, XND GKOUTTt fir, stove length. Heasonaoie, rn. 2-3943. 3-8443. eeio Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Oreen Edging 15.50 load Double 110.0 Also lo" Oreen Slab or 4' Phone 35533 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-7443 Ifl" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR B&H OREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY YOI NO TOM turkey 30c lb. live wetfht. Ph. OfrvaU 2333, Haloubrk Turkey Farm, 3 mile northotjirook. f is NEW ImmI'SIIIKE, Farmenter. now available- every Tue. Kox Hatchery, i&30 State Bt. Ph. 3-49P9 ! PRODUCE EASTERN ALFALFA & timothy. P.? ton or truck load. 805 8. 13th. Ph. 39933. ff32 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES SUBURBAN 17900.00 New, modem style, 3-bedrm, living rm, large kitchen, bath. Hardwood floor, oil heat, lot 75x120. attached garage. House lvery well built, 4 block to school and itor. Built on F.H.A. plan. Good term. ThU house will also go G.L SOUTH SALEM 111,600.00 Large 8 Bedrm Bungalow -atyle home. Excellent condition. Living rm, dining rm, kitchen, breakfast nook, double plumbing, fireplace, full basement, auto oil furnace, good location. This 1 a wonderful, family home. Close to school St bus. Let u show you a real buy In a home. ANDY HALVORSEN 191 B. High A. A. LARSON, Realtor GRABENHORST SPECIALS LESLIE SCHOOL DISTRICT Five bdrm. Home In fine condition, 3 bdrm down, 8 up. Vi set plbg. Llv. rm, din rm, kitchen, fireplace, (uU bamt, oil furnace, garage. Price 111,300. CALL PETER OEISER. CLOSE TO HIGH SCHOOL bdrm. lge lot, llv rm, din rm, bath, part baamt. dble garage, need soma repair, but at lit the best buy In town. 16950. Term possible. CALL ROY FERRIS. WALLACE ROAD Close-In, modern 1 bdrm home, elec heat, wall-to-wall carpeting St drape Included. Lve yard, nice flower Sz feahruhs, patio. SEE THIS HOME AND CALL RICHARD E. ORABEN H OR ST . DROP IN AND PICK UP YOUR 1950 CALENDARS GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-3471 Evening and Sunday call Roy Ferris 2-6010 - Peter Qelser 3-9968 al HELP WANTED IP YOU HAVE a car and can get by on 140 a weca jor u ui train you lor managership. Write 1745 nmnt At Salem. 14 HELP WANTED MALE NOW EXPANDING Salem's only silver plating uo. nave uk-u.,. .. -- willing to work and learn trade. Invest ment required. Phone 3-7771 (or appolnt- EXrtttlKINUfcU unoieuin ibjci , , " valley town, uooo opportune "J" man. riease give reicicnt u to nnx 337. capital Journal. gals HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED: Baby sitter, my home or yours in vicinity oi nu at u. --- or 403 H. 22nd. gbl8" RELIABLE GIRL for general housework and care 01 o-year-oi tmm. like children. No smoking or drinking. Live In. Room, board and good aalary. APPiy 1U1 W. Ijioem. rii. a-ng. GIRL FOR secretarial Sc gen. office work. Must bo able to take dictation. Apply Montgomery Ward St Co., Salem, Ore. gbl6 SECRETARY TO Director of Admission at Willamette University. Proficiency in stenography and office procedure es sential. References. Call for appoint ment. Ph. 30266 Ext. 21. gbl5 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 360 State Street Phone 3-1488. ef WANTED SALESMAN REXAIR I expanding in our neighbor hood. We need dealers, representatives to take orders. Full-time dealer make up to 250 a week. Part-time dealer up to 1100 a week. See me at 757 Center St. BOOK BINDING Have your National Oeographlca, Set ence Journal and other magazine bound Into volumes. Each volume titled and numbered. We also reblnd antique book. Hand and machine sewed. Capital City Bindery. 1925 N. Com'l, Ph. 3-8176. ghl4 WANTED POSITIONS EXP. CARPENTER & block layer badly In need of any Kind 01 wont, fa. jjjid. h!5' TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov- Iiir. ins. op. worn guar, w n. mcaiiis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h33 THEE WORK, topping .trimming, remov ing. Insured operator, jonn rayne, no a. cnurrn. rn. zui. CARPENTER work. New, repair Pb. 2-2093 MiTTiAnpranhinp-.Tvoincr O L O Poe'a. 065 North 16th. Phone 3-3643. h26 ItABY SITTING. PH. 20580. CARPENTER WORK: Finish, frame, re model, amall or large, J 00. rn. z-3hjj. NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL, 8 DAYS. AGES 2 TO 6. PH, 2-4940. h27 HOUSE WOlt K St Ironing. Ph. 29001. h30 CHILD CARE, 183 S. 18th. Ph. 26876. TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN, 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-S012. h27 WILL DO HOUSEWORK by month. Live in. Private room. Ref. Ph. 2-1858. h!6 TR E mTo HK.T topping, trimming, remov ing. Insured operator. John Payne, 248 8. Chu rch. Ph. 2-6014. h 19 BAI1Y SITTING. Ph. 3-6822. hl7- CHILD CARE St Room, Board. Ph. 3361 1. 1 117 61 h. h 3 9 WANTED by reaponalble party, baby lt- tlng or child c a re. Ph. 3-8856. h 16 BUILT-INS, bookcases to order, repairs. Phone 3-7767 between 9 and 6. h!6 TREE TOPS renwed. Work guaranteed. Price reasonable. J. H. Davi. Ph. 21962 arter B pjn. h 16 INTERIOR PA1NTINO. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. h30 CEMENT WORK wanted, rh 3-4850. h EDUCATION GET AHEAD WITH DIESEL Everywhere industry 1 turning to DIFSEL for economical streamlined power: Railroads, trucks, tractors, fac tories, large and small power and Hunt ing plants. Be abend of the crowd prepare for this opportunity now. You can sta't learning Diesel operation and maintenance while holding present Job. If you are mechanically Inclined write tor free fact. Utilities Diesel Training, Registrar, 2521 Sheffield, Chicago 14. hh!4 FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE room prlv. home, gentle man. 985 N. summer, rn. 3P.tea. jkib RO 6 MTO R R E N TPh . 2-09L Jkl4' nnY light housekeeping rm. with cook. Ing privilege St refrlg. No children. 195 O. 24th. )g'Q SLP. Llttht hikp. rm. Pb. 3-4333. Jk23 WARM room. 793 N. Winter. Ph, 3-5539 Jk35 WARM ROOM In modern home. 1150 N. Church. Ph. 37558. Jau- LG.'sLEEPING Rm. Couple or Emp. Lady. 949 N. Winter. Ph. 38459. Jk 1 7 ROOM WITH small kitchen. Ladle only. 520 Statesman St. Ph. 35310. Jkl5 FOR RENT APARTMENTS MCE 4 RM. duplex apt. V, blind. All electric. 3239 Lee St Jpisj ATTRACTIVE 3 rm. furn. apt. Also 1 furn. housekeeping rm, iaa uerui i W. Salem. JPW CLOSE IN lovely 3 room apt. All modern, elec. heat, prir. bath. 835 N. Winter. JpH' CLEAN FURN, 1 RM. APT. Heat furn. Ad ult. 142.50. 315 8. 14th. Ph. 21169. Jpie t RM. FURN. APT. 325. Ph. 3-3424. Jpl4 ONE OF THE finer new apt., unfurn.. ex cept stove St refrlg. Ph. 3-5355. Jpl 3 RM. partly furn.. oil heat, gaa St wood ranue. Close tn. Large ligm room, wat er St garbage disposal lurn. Pb. 3-0595 after 6 p.m. JplS I N U RN. APT. 144 S. Com'l. IFOR SALE HOUSES Home 1-7161 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 RM. FURN.- ant. Clean St warm. 760 N. Church. Ph. 2-9201. jpia FURN. i and 3 rm. apts. Also furn. am. house. No drinkers or pets, 624 N. uapitoi Bt. jpio COMP. FURN. 1 rm. apt. 322. 2 nn. 330. 827 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-7288. Jpl5 8 APARTMENTS. Phone 3-5838. YOU CAN afford the best) Ambassador apts. $50 to 175. Ph. 3-6805. Jpl4 SPARKLING NEW roomy 1 bdrm. apt. in modern brick court. Storage, excellent location. 380 8. 17th. Jpl6a NICE 3 room court apt. Elec. stove Sc re- irig. 1004 a. uin. jpiv 2 RM. furnished apt. Close In. Inquire at 401 Oregon Bldg. Jpl4 NEW 2 RM. partly furn. apt. Prlv. bath. 1047 Madison. Ph. 2-3465. jpl5 NEW SPACIOUS court apt. Range, re frlg. Ph. 27071 or 1140 S. 13th. Apt. 2. JP15- NEW APTS. Warm, economical 2 large rms., private bath. Partly lurn. Ph. 28067 after 6:30 p.m. Jp"' NICE APT. UtilUlea furn. Reasonable. 365 S. ICth. Jpl4 FOR RENT HOUSES 3 ROOM mod. house. Oood for couple or 2 working women. 326 W. Wilson after 3 p.m. Jtnl4 COZY 3-ROOM cottage. OH air heat. El ectric hot water, apartment-style el ectric range. Built-in. Near Washington school. Children, pet welcome. 45. Phone 4-2802. Jml5 UNFURN. 2 room cottage, electric stove, heat. On bua line, 130. 1074 6th street, West Sa lem. Jjn 14 2 BR HOME on Acre of ground at 4040 state fit. For lniormation can at jbbs Mahrt Ave. Four Corners. Jml4 WILL LEASE for 6 mo. at S65 per mo. with option to buy. Nearly new 2 bdrm. home. Close to Highland school. ED. LUKENBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High Ph. 2-6680. Jml8 CUTE ATTRACTIVE 3 rm. houae. Att. gar. Elec. heat. No children. Ph. 3-5952. Jml4 2 ft S RM. modern partly furn. house. Water, light St heat paid. 2860 a. Com'l. Jml4 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS RM. lor rent. H. I. Stiff. FOR RENT. Storeroom 60x18 at 265 N. High St. See Ed. Schunke, Model Food Market. 1 PRIVATE PARKING space. In parking lot. Rear 369 N. Liberty. Ph. 37124. J14 U DRIVE Trucks. Rojlnaon shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph, 29103. r FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Montgomery Ward. ' POWER TOOL rental for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Pb, 3-3848 TRAILER SPACE 310 month With all mod. conv. South side 01 ramus Bros. raex Ing Co. Roth's Bros. Trailer Court, 1740 Oxford. Ph. 2-8885. J14 TRAILERS 13.00 per day. Howser Bros 141U B 13th, West Salem. 1 H)OD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. TO DO a Rood Job rent a good floor gand er. We sell everything to complete the Job. HOWSER BROS. - Ph. 3-3646 J SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates, Free pick up St delivery. Sinner Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 33512. J WANTED TO RENT 2 OR S ROOM furn. apt. by single emp. girl. R-f. furnished. Will pay up to (45. Ph. 33161 or 20327 after 6 p.m. Jal6 2-nEDROOM house, McKlnley school dis trict. Ph. 2-7051. Reference. Jal5 WANTED TO RENT, 2 or 3 -bed room mod ern furnished house. Phone 2-5968. Jal6 WANTED TO RENT garage. Ph. 42171. Ext. 545. Jal4 WILLAMETTE Univ. professor, wife St 2 children want 2 or 3 B.R. houae, March 1 or after. Partly furnished or furnished preferred. Write Capital Journal Box 338. Jal5 LOST & FOUND LOST: Black and white pin-check skirt. Between Winter St. & Peacock Clean ers about 8 a.m. Monday. Pb. 38688. Mr. Farrell. kl6 LOST: Lemon white female pointer dog. Liberal reward. Ph. 2-2330. kl6 FOUND: 2 small sleds In my yard. Can have same by paying lor ad. pn. 3369 1 kl5' LOST: BLACK Cocker pup, 6 months. Red collar. Answers to name 01 supper, rn. 2-5586. It 15 LOST! Hydraulic Jack left at Lincoln and 8. Commercial Intersection alter changing flat. Ph. 2-0332. k 14 LOST! Maroon striped lady Schafer foua tain pen Saturday downtown. Liberal reward! Ph. 3-4684. kl5 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter, 404 Court. We close Saturday 12:30. 37 DENTAL PLATB REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8EMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State A Commeeclal Bts SALEM Phone t-1111 m BUILDING MATERIAL WATERPROOF WALLBOARD 3 thlcknesiea, new, hard, wallboard. Cheaper than piywooa. renec lor an chen bathroom wall. Us for floor ing over cement St wood floor. C. O. LONO. Ph. 2-5821. 1 milt N. of Kelter. mal4 SPECIAL CEDAR SIDING H"x4" random length . , . Ideal for re-stdlng barn, chicken houses, old buildings. At less than halt the price of common ahlplap, 125 M. Keith Brown Lumber Co. rna RED CEDAR ahlngle lte. 1 3x3' any imnunt (tiivrxi lowast market price 18 In. No. 1 carton packed cedar wall shake. Ted Mailer. Salem-UMep. road Call 2-1196 Salem. ma SIDING SHAKES New white asbestos siding. 110 sq. No paint needed. 18 inch cedar snake in carton, choice of color, under course Included 12 q. C. O. LONO. Ph. 2-5821. I mile N. of Kelier. F1 USED DOORS WINDOWS 30 Inch doors with standard frame ft hardware $8.50. Window with frame S7.50. Lge. sashes 12.25. V flrtex 3c ft. Insulation 2c ft. C. O. LONO. Ph. 1-5821 X tnlla rl. oi Kelier, malt REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS FAIRMOUNT HTLL DISTRICT I -bed room home (attractive), basement with extra bedroom, ell furnace double garage extra nice location. Good deal for only 11900. ATTRACTIVE BUY - 3 BEDROOMS Located lust South of town, modern 3 bedroom home, oil piped fur nace, pecan floor, U acre land. Owner transferred. Down to (9500. NORTH 16TH STREET Nearly new, modern 2 bedroom home, fireplace, large lot, nice yard, j good location. 110,500. LIKE SOMETH1NO DIFFERENT? ! See this clever 3 bedroom ranch atyle home with open beam celling, large rock llreplace. Jot or lovely paneling, flagstone patio, view of mountain, nice yard. 111,900. FARM SPECIALS 80 ACRES ON ABIQUA CREEK 0 A, cultivated, Willamette atlt and Challl oll, can be Irrigated. Older atyle but livable building, very best location. An Ideal all-purpose farm. ' 30 ACRES WILLAMETTE SILT BOIL Modern t bedroom home with full basement, sawdust furnace, barn with cement floor, chicken house, double garage. All building less than 3 year old, well located, only 4 mile from Salem. See Henry Torvend for these farms. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 77 Court St. Phone 2-4115 -3-4116 Evening - Bob 1-6770 - Henry 3-3633 - Rudy 3-3779 INSURANCEMIt WE CAN GIVE YOU FULL COVERAGE el BUILDING MATERIAL 1 STOP SERVICE FOR YOUR BUILDING NEEDS Lumber, ahlngle. mill worn, glass, nam materials, plywood, paint, hardware, elec. supplies, fir covering. That con venient location. Front St Court St. Keith Brown Lumber Co. SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of color. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 3-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. SALEM, OREGON WANT A NEW HOME? Our new F.H.A. Home Planning Dept. ha been established Just to help you In developing plan, making estimate and obtaining your F.H.A. loan. This aervlce Is available at no cost to you. Keith Brown Front ft Court - Salem ma DOORS PLYWOOD New 2 panel door 36.50. 1 panel doors 37.50. OI as door $10.50. Overhead garage door hardware $18.80. Front door locks 14.50. lX" plywood 4x8 sheets good 1 aide $2.65. C. O. LONG, Ph. 2-6821, 1 mile N. of Kelzer. ma 14 WALLBOARD New W wallboard durable, lightweight, Insulation value. 4'x8 sheets $1.84. 16"x 33" St 12"X24" celling tile. Low price. C. G. LONG, Ph. 2-5821, 1 mile N. Of Kelzer. mal4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HARD SEAT valve grinder, tool chest, lots of hand tools. Reeds Garage, jauu verton Rd. Ph. 42054. nlB' WASHING machine, good condition. Reas onable. Ph. 3-751B- alter a p.m. nia- SINGER ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE $69.50 DEMONSTRATOR GUARANTEED SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 130 N. COMMERCIAL n!5' SINGER Treadle aewlng machine S20. 1930 N. 18th. Ph. 3-7B7X. Pie' PLASTI-KOTE: The cellophane-like fin ish for your lloors, wooaworx or lin oleum. Salem Lighting 6t Appliance Co., 236 N. High P33' FULLER brushes, 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357. USED Electric range. 319.95 e OP. Y EATER APPLIANCK IAI. 375 Chemeketa HEAT your home electrlcalry with Weat- Inghouse or wesin automatic eiecme heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO- 315 Chemeketa. t 0 HARDWOOD baby bed. Good condition. Innersprlng mattress. H&. rn. a-uioo. nl6 CEDAR POSTS" for sale. 21 ft., 7 ft. long. Hammer Bros. Ph, 65 Mt. Angel. n20 USED Electric Refrigerators, $49.95 ft up. 375 Chemeketa n 7" TABLE SAW Inc. comb, dado head, Reg. ft hollow gro. uomo. Diaaes. n. motor. Like new. $85. Ph. 38560. nl6 SHOTGUN, rifles, pistols, outboard motor. St '32 Ford V-B sedan, ah reasonaoiy priced. Ph. 2-6080. n!6 PHILLIPS BROS. Fertilizer, well rotted or fresh, any kind. By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work. Cedar fence post telephone and elec. poles Any length Shingle Yew post. Lumber. Ph. 3-1458. Rt. 9. Box 118. n USED OIL burners, blower and sawdust burner. Ph. z-eeez. hji- NO WAXING required With PLASTIO- KOTE, the cellophane like unian lor floor or linoleum. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO, 375 Chemeketa 11 MAN'S SUIT, brown covert, size 38 or 39 long. Like new $15. pn. a-sav3. nu SALEM SAITO At (TRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental lb B a yd 10 8 yd. D-1 Cat ft Doxer D-6 Cat ft Docer D-4 Cat ft Dozer See VI about ditching by the ft. Phone Daya 1-9408 Bves. 3-82-d or 3-4400 Salem Oregon n USED RADIOS ft record player. $9.95 up YEA TEK APPIjIANUB UU 375 Chemeketa n OIL CIRCULATORS at greatly reduced price. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 315 Chemeketa n ATTENTION! Service station, used car lots, and equipment owners. Eastern oil, 2 gal. sealed cans, 47 Vic per gal. Grease cup. chassis, water pump, all purpose gear 90 and 140, 5 lb. to 500 lb. contain ers, 9c lb. Rebuilt batteries, group 16 mo. guarantee, 14.46 exchange, H. C. Hanson. 320 S. Lancaster. Ph. 3-0010. ma' USED ELECTRIC ORGAN. Used Spinet piano, fa. j-oi. m- USED ELECTRIC WASHERS $19.93 UP 375 Chemeketa WALLING BAKU ft GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for road and driveway. cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching -yd. above) and drag Una Pb, 3-9249 SUMP PUMP ft fitting. G. E. motor, used 1 day. Ph. 2-1318. 34HO center. ni4- GENERAL ELECTRIC Croiley. Gibson and M on tag Appliances at oevurts. 0 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FIR 8TUMPAGS and fir log wanted. Shipment can be made By trucg or ralL Independence Lumber ft Manufac turing Company, Inc.. Independence, Oregon. Phone 42, na PERSONAL CAN'T YOU find a comfortable brasalere? Ever try an individually designee epen eerf Ph, 3-5072. Ere. Ph. 3-1619. P14' STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS. Lee Mlndt ilea n mui, fa. -iou. vw- MRS. ' MELVIN SMITH, Spencer corsetler All call glten apecia. a.ieowon. rn 3-3072. P33 MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psyohte reader. Madame solves your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. dally 173 8. Com'L Under new man agement. With thl ad and $1.00 get a apeclal reading. Ph. 2-9285. p30 ALCOROLICI ANONYMOUS. P.O. T34 Ph 3-5234. P-7 STANLEY HOME Product. Ph. 3-9307. P-9' AUTOMOBILES 19.10 STUDEBAKER 6 pass, coupe, 1948 Studebaker sedan, new urei, loaaea with accessories; l?4 eiuaeoai-r irucx. 5500 miles. 1946 Ford half-ton pickup. Very clean. Ph. 2516L ql8" 39 fly. 3 door Sedan. RAH. Rebuilt motor. Excel, cono:. rn. ajtav. qn rest T.innT car for around $400. Call Room 420, senator evening. . (REAL ESTATE AUTOMOBILES ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL - TRADE TERMS 1 LOTS 3323 Fairground Rd, Ph. 1-3494 520 Hood St Ph 1-7114 '42 DODGE DELUXE, RftH, good ahape. Make reasonable offer. Ph. 2-0239 after 6:30 p.m. or 3-9139 day. ql9 Eisner Motors to Buy 1942 BUICK Special 4 -door. Clean. Best offer takes. Ph. 3-0024. ql6 Eisner Motors to Sell $50 USED CAR LOT $50 ftft your old one, 12th St. Junction. Open till 10 p.m. q34 Eisner Motors Fine Cars FINANCIAL YES! TO 4 OUT OF 5 who come to PERSONAL We like to say "yes." Proof: we served over a million people last year. $25 to $500 on auto up to $300 on furniture, aalary. No co-signer necessary. Phone Or visit, the Personal YES MAN, TODAY I PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY Pacific Building Room 133 518 STATE STREET Phone 3-2464 C. R. Allen, Mgr. Lie. 8-122 M-165 LOANS MADE TO RESIDENTS OF ALL SURROUNDING TOWNS Tl6 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie. S-133 and U-321 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8. Commercial St. TeL 3-9161 r $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairground Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 27032 Lie. NO. M369-S291 Floyd Kenyon, Mgr. SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR INTEREST 5 to 40 Year and No Commission DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9-3663 r Private Money to Loan on Good First Mortgages. CHAS. HUDKINS ft SON 350 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 r30 IF YOUR PROPERTY 1 for sale It will pay rou to know how much of an FHA loan It will stand. This Information Is obtainable with but very little trouble. DO NOT hesitate to call on us for any Information you desire about FHA LOANS. State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Tel. 3-4131. r AUTO LOANS WHLAMETTTE CREDIT CO. 182 6. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 3-2457 Lie. No. M-139 8-154 T FARM AND CITY LOANS 4',i and S; YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason, casn tor Heal estate contract and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 4-2283. g FINANCIAL Mortgage Loans FHA Residential Loan a Specialty City, Suburban and Farm Loans Business Building Loans We Make Construction Loan and Private Money Loans Exceptionally Favorable Term No Loan Too Large or Too Small SEE US FIRST Abrams & Skinner, Inc. Mortgage Loan Specialist 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 1-9217 r31 BE THRIFTY IN '50 A "Bill Consolidation" LOAN MAY MAKE YOU "THRIFTY IN '50" PAY OFF YOUR BILLS LOWER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS $50 to $1500 CALL OR PHONE TODAY PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS It 8. LIBERTY PHONE 4-2303 PRIVATE MONEY Special Rate and Terms On Larger Loan Lone and Short Time Payment ROY H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St Phone 1-9181 TRAILERS FOR SALE: 28' Schulti trailer house, Very good cond. Best offer take. See at 3860 S, Commercial or call 3-7439. DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All make used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roe a. 456 Court. Pbon 1-6773. APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair serv ice. Free estimates. Trade-In accepted on new appliances. Vlnce' Electric Ph. 3-9239. 157 S. Liberty St. C AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 1-9386. Might 2-1804. 333 Center. BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Term. No down payment. Phone 3-4850. o BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. VirsU Huskey, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3146. Salem. o3T CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register. All make sold, rented, re paired. Roen. 456 Court. Ph. 3-6773. ' CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks. driveways, patios, curbs, wane, etc Can 1-4850. CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimney vacuum cleaned. Ensley. 771 S. 3 1st. Ph. 3-1176. o26 EXCAVATING Ben Otlen ft Son excavating Land clearing. Ph. 13080, EXTRA SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY LINCOLN- We have the nicest '41 Lin coln In town. This car be longed to a prominent Port land family who gave it Im maculate care. 1941 MODEL - 4 DOOR BEDAK WITH OVERDRIVE, RADIO. HEATER, RAYON BEAT COVERS, DRIVING LIGHTS AND ONLY 44.000 MILE3. You'll be amazed to find this drives like a late model car selling for 3 times our price of $895.00. LEE'S USED CARS 149 N. Church Fh. 31527 qxl5 '41 CHEVROLET $495 COUPE. A REAL BUY FOR THE MONEY BONESTEELE YOUR STUDEBAKER DEALER 170 N. Church Ph. 3-9217 QX14 1947 BUICK Super 8ednn. On. loci owo,T. Terj food condition. Onlr $1395 VISIT LODER BROS. Used Car Mkt. & Save "McKAY'S CORNER" THE HOME OF "OK" USED CARS DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 590 N. Com'l Ph. S-S175 Wl4 1948 DODGE Sl.n. Benutiiul condition. On. local owner. Onl, $1340 VISIT LODER BROS. Used Car Mkt. & Save DIRECTORY EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 4-2474. Lee Crosa, Rt. 6, Box 437-C. o2 6 BreithauPt's tor flowers. Dial 1-9179. o' HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watklns Co. product. Free de livery. 171? Center. Ph. 1-5393. o INCOME TAX Income tax returns prepared In your home. Call J. Herr. Ph. 1-8161 for ap pointment. o38 INSULATION Johns-ManTllle. Phone 1-3741. LANDSCAPE NURSERY F. A. Doerfler ft Son, Ornamental. 150 N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 2-1322. o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. S4S Jef ferson St. Phone 33452. LAWNMOWERS Sha-pened. guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l. St. 028 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 1-40M. MUSIC LESSONS Violin St Viola Instruction. Thomas Facey. 1472 Center. Ph. 2-0413. 029 Spanish ft Hawallnan Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1533 Court St. Ph. 3-7569. o33 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, file and filing supplle, safe, duplicator and supplies, desk lamp, typewriter stands, brief cases, Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen, 456 Court, OIL BURNEtt SERVICE We guarantee our work, Ph, 3-8662. Eve. 4-2424. o31 JQfitrom'a are equipped to do rout painting Phono 1-2493 o PAINTING St PAPERHANGINO Painting and paperhanninz. Free esti mate Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. o33 PAPERHANGINO Paperbangina, Johnson. Terms. P. 39348. q23 Expert Paperhantttng and painting. H J. Woodsworth. Ph. 3-9807, Free est. o20" PLUMBING Contract, repair. Olenn Moody, 2-4426. o39 PLUMBING SERVICE Don's. Call Eves. 35966. IMCTUBft FR AMINO Picture framing Butch eon Paint Store. Phone 34687 O Roof leak? Or do you need a new roof? Ph. 2-7761. Free estimates. Term. ol8 SAND GRAVEL Oarden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel aid dragline excavating Walling Sand St Gravel Co., Phone 8-9249. o SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on sewer. 1079 r.lm St., W. Salem, Ph. 1-9468. 3-5321. 03 ! K. F. Hamel, Septle tank, sewer and drain line cleaned. Guaranteed work 1143 8th St, West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 016 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call n collect. Todd Septle Tank Service. 650 Larsen. Phone 3-0734. os SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electric Roto-Rooter. Exclusive Patent Razor Sharp Cutting Bladea. Clean Sewers, Drains. Tank. Ph. 3-6327. o SEWING MACHINES All make repaired, free estimate. Singer Sewing Machine CO, 130 No. Commercial. Ph. 3-3512. o' Spraying St pruning. Ph. 3-7900. 026 TRANSFER A STORAGE .ocal St Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal Si briquet. Truck to Portland dally. Agent for Beklna. House hold good moved to anywhere tn D.S or Canada. Lanner Transfer Jk Storage Ph. 1-3131 e TYPE WF ITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portable. AH makes used machines Repair and rent Roen. 456 Court, o' VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blind made to order or reflnished. Relnholdt At Lewis. 2-3639. Elmer The Bllndman. Ph, 37338, WEATHERSTRIPPING Free estimate. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-5965. Journal Want Ads Pay Wilson's 1947 Olds $1257 "78" Sedan with hydramatle. Mechan ically perfect. Otto J. Wilson Com'l at Center 1949 PONTIAC "8" Sedtn. On. local owner. All extra. Like New $2065 VISIT LODER BROS. Used Car Mkt. & Save 405 Center rh. J-TOJI qxl4 1940 NASH SEDAN RADIO, HEATER, OVERDRIVE $395 MARION MOTORS MARION ft' FRONT PH. 3-3040 1949 KAISER Sedan. Like new. One owner. A beautr. $1495 VISIT LODER BROS. , Used Car Mkt. & Save ' 405 Center PH. J-W71 qxl4 DE SOTO 1941 Custom Club Coupe. Finish ft In terior like new. Drive It. You will bur It. Terms Regular. SHROCK M0T0TR CO. Chemeketa ft Church Ph. 3-7922 Requirements for the us of this special section . . . 1 Dealer. must submit their copy before 4 p.m. day previous to publication. 2 Each car must be an exceptional ralue. 3 Capital Journal reserves the right to refuse to publish any listing It feels 1 not a special value. DIRECTORY WELL DRILLING R. J. West. 4240 SunnyrleW. 3-2173 032 WINDOW CLEANING Acme V'lndow Cleaners. Windows, walls St woodwork cleaned. Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. Ph. 1-3337. 341 Court Langdoo, Culbertson and liather. WINDOW SHADES Washthle, Roller. Uade to order. 1 Oar Del. Rclnholdt St Lewis. Ph. 33639. WOOD SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co. Pb 3-4031. LODGE Salem Lodge No. A, AP. Ji K A.M.,Wed., Jan 18, P. O. degree, 7:30 pjn. 15 AAinsworth Lodge No. 301, AJP. A.M. Special, Tuesday, Jan. 17th. E. A. Degree, 7:30 pjn. 14 Chemeketa No. 1, 1.O.O J.f will confer 2nd Decree Odd Fellowship on Dudley Bullion on Wed., Jan. 18. 14 LEGAL NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF TRADE-MARKS NOTIC.: Is hereby aiven that The Proo- ter St Gamble Company, a corporation, has filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Oregon, Its Trade-Mark as follows: JOY For Sudsing Cleaner. Cleanser and Detergent, excepting soap In bar form. RADIANT For Hair Preparations and Shampoos. SHASTA For Shampoo. VELVET skin For Touet BOSP, xouei Powder and Lotion Cream. ' SPio and span For Cleaning com- nound. ald mark being printed on the ear ton in wmcn tne mercnamiise is som. That the name or the corporation own ing said Trade-Mark Is THE PROCTER St GAMBLE COMPANY, a corporation organized under 'the laws of the State of Ohio, and not qualified to do business in the state of Oregon. THE PROCTER St GAMBLE COMPANY By Renton K. Brodle. Vice President. Jan. 10, 1950 Capital Journal. Jan 17, 34. 31 NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF TRADE-MARKS NOTICE 1 hereby given that The Geo. Wiedemann Brewing Co., a corporation. ha filed with the Secretary of state or the State of Oregon Its Trade-Marks, consisting of the following word: royal amber ror Malt Beverage such a Beer. WIEDEMANN For Malt Beverages such as Beer. said mark being printed on labels ap plied to tne containers in wnicn tne mer chandise Is sold. That the name of the corporation own in? said Trade-Mark Li THE GEO. WIEDEMANN BREWING CO., a corpora tion organized under the laws of the State of Kentucky, and not qualified to do Business In the State of Oregon. THE GEO. WIEDEMANN BREWING CO.A oy n. iracy tjatcom, jr., rresiaeni. Jan. 10, 1950 Capital Journal. Jan. 17. 24. 31 EXECUTRIX FINAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PEARL GERTRUDE OWEN, as executrix of the estate of ALBERT ELWYN OWEN, deceased, has filed her final account as such, and by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, February 18, 1950 at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day ho been fixed as the time, and the courtroom of said court ha been fixed as the place for the hear ing of obi ect Ions to said final accounting and the settlement of said estate. ' PEARL GERTRUDE OWEN, Executrix of the Estate of Albert Elwyn Owen, deceased RHOTEN St RHOTEN SAM F. SPEERSTRA Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Executrix. Jan. 17. 24, 31. Feb. 7, 14 i USE Organic Fertilizer The Right Wayio Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless 6.ack,$5.00 BUVton $10.00 2 ton..... 17.50 FREE Delivery Anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127