10 Capital Journal, Salem, Father of By EDWARD STREETER. (Installment XIX) MR- BANKS GIVES POMUS AN ASSIST The two black limousines drove up at quarter alter lour, their driv ers immaculate w wmpwiu uni forms and vlsored caps. "Where the hell" began Mr The driver of the rear car got out and stood belore Mr. Banns, cap In hand. He had white, wavy hair and a pontifical lace tnat ram Imrlnn.lrlnHnMI "I'm sorry, sir," he said. His voice sounded like a benediction. "They it hasn't upset the young lady Mr. Banks deflated visibly.' "Not at all." he said. "Not at ell." He helped Mrs. Banks and her mother into me irono car, wniuu uaaueu oil uiiiueuiuiciy. uua, x-iuiixaak al ready had Kay carefully folded Into me rear one. ne cumoeo in m- miiirt ViIe HaticrTifw Vnivirirttr Vila hlirVi hat over his nose! The white-haired onauiieur ciofiea me aoor wnaer- lyv Ha Joined Mr. Pomui, adding a nnmber of words that the litter leemed to hare forgotten It was immediately opened again bv a. small man in a brown suit. "I'm Weisgold," he said. "Weisgold or weisgold ana wcisgoia. me can did men." Mr. Banks' eyes shut as a blinding flash went off In his face. "Thanks," said Mr. Weisgold, "flee you In church." "Drive." said Mr. Bank to the saintly wheelsman, "as if the seven . hounds of hell were on your tall." Mr. Banks sat uneasily in the rear of the black limousine. Besides this lovely, calm stranger he felt small and a bit ridiculous. Their ages had somehow been mysteriously re versed. Instead of being the father of the bride he was a small boy being taken to dancing school in an asinine costume. A neatly framed card on the back of the chauffeur's partition caught his eye. "The driver of this car is Mr. Pomus. He is Careful Courtec"' i Co-operative." Their iirouress should have creat ed at least a ripple of disturbance. Someone should have cried, "There goes the bride and her father." But no one did. They rounded a corner into Red Brook road. Far down its leafy vista Mr. Banks caught a glimpse or mo scripca awning in ironc.oi 6t. ueorges. uonsicieraory nearer. however, was the father of all mov ing vans. A veritable freight car of a vehicle. It was backed against the curb and comDieteiv Diocked the driver of this behemoth looked down on them from his cab with lackluster eves. Mr. Pomus thrust his white locks through the window. "We want to net bv." he said trtntlv. The driver eyed him impersonally as one ooserves rjassers-bv in a sta tion waiting room. "Hold yer glasses on, gran'pa. Don't let yerself get sweated, up. Mr, Pomus face took on the eth ereal look of a saint about to be martyred. "I'm telling you to pull that damned crate out of the way an lemme get the hell by," he said with unexpected firmness. The truck driver spat through the cab window as if to rid himself of lives yotf pieasant litxie lift ' r t ' g - Ore., Tuesday, January 17, 1950 the Bride Illustrated by Gluyas Williams an unpleasant taste. "Yeah? You an who? Mn Pomus opened the door quiet ly and half stood on the running board. From his Hps there poured, without warning, a torrent of elec trio invective. Mr. Banks stared at Mr. Pomus in dismay. Then some thing long dormant within him was touched Into life. Lowerinir the rear window ana carefullv removing his hltrh hat- he stuck his head out and joined Me. Pomus, adding a number of words tnat the latter seemea to nave ior- ffotten. For the first time that day he felt like himself. He also felt Kay tugging at his coattaiis. The driver descended from his cab and approached him, his shoul ders swaying like those of a boxer moving into the ring. When he reached the car he noticed Kay and stopped. "Whyn't you tell me you was on yer way to a weddin'? What's bitin' people these aaysv He climbed back into his cab and stepped on the starter. As they drew ud to the euro in iront oi ai, George's he noted the usual crowd grouped around the sidewalk open ings oi me stnoea awning, ne alighted and helped his daughter irom me car. She smiled up at him and took his arm. "you were wonaeriui, Pops." .Mr. Weisgold of Weisgold and Weisgold danced before them like a leorechaun. his ever-candid camera at his eye. Preceded by Hashing duids, tney wauceo togetner toward the dim entrance of the church. Mr. TrlnKle. radiating efficiency. was waiting for them at the top of the stone steps. "This way," he said, and dove into a small pass age. They were in some sort of vesti bule that opened Into the church through double doors that were now closed. The bridesmaids were mere and a few of the ushers. Mr. Banks noted with surprise that ev eryone seemed dressed according to instructions. Tommy appeared from somewhere looking as if he were in the habit of wearing a cutaway and a wing collar everv afternoon. "Sorrv I messed things up, Pops, he said. "But I made it. Ben's going to take Mom down now." Everyone seemed to know Just what was going on except Mr. Banks, It was Incredible that such complex details should be falling Into place without his supervision. He almost resented it. With a dra matic flourish Mr. Tringle threw open the double doors that led into the church. Be had m pontifical face thai radiated ventle, levins klndneas. He saw Ben swing into the center aisle with his mother on his arm, A feel in ir of elation spread through Mr. Banks as he watched his wire s straight, slender back. For years she had been the focus of attention at all social events. Now she was being led humbly to her place in a front pew. For once he had stolen the show. The re main din tr ushers fell into line. Mr. Tringle stood beside the leaders. Ready? he asked. No one Rave the slightest Indication as to wnetner ne was or not. Mr. Trin gle pushed a small button on the wall. The organ music faded awav. A hush fell over St. Oeorge's, broken only by the rustle of several hurv- drea people trying to lace in two di rections at once. This was the supreme moment me moment Mr. Ban its had dreaded and anticipated for so many weeks. now mat it was nerr, ne was se renely calm, In a mood of detached unreality. (To Be Continued) Pineapple Protector This delight fully different chair or davenport set It crocheted In ever-popular and al ways lovely pineapple motif. Use crisp white or handsome ecru cotton. Pattern Envelope No. R2866 con tains complete crocheting Instruc tions, stitch illustrations, material requirements and finishing direc tions. To obtain thta pattern send 30c In COINS giving pattern number, your name, address and lone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street San Fran Cisco S. Calif. I fdUO BUOP, THE VvCNOeMAN. LVE3T IP I G6T A CONFIRMATION AND fCliON71 1 IN A TRAILER ON A LITTLE MOUNTAIN A(5- PICTURES, IXL 5ND MY" STUFF BACK 1ROPER ftsf' .u I S LAKE, MR ROPER' ZEK6 MAY , r BY ZEKE, RIBBER".' DONT RISK A FLASH.') SHE5 ' . X '' I X BE ABLE TO LAND ON IT- J FLV FILMS ANO STORY TOGETHER TO f RARIN' 1 MfiiST' J L. f.T Ml 1V I ' mrr , Krr karson at spotught - in a JIlJO! K-Mt Xif I I " ittti i n p n. ii a i v vi ft l if ' i il i ' i K W MOMA'D COUNTED ON T BUT MP. SOCK OHO SEEM TQ REUTE- II l"UrnrT k 1 I ROM AMPUL. BUMMV UL NICE I I p I THAT UTTLE CAKE WTTH I PAPO ATE 'EM ALL I ly 4f TT B. 9 ky 7V 0 I .. TWICE CREAM IN tT- I UP-BOMEBOCV HAD I PAPA IS ALWAYS R ESgT"e P:S STf BUT SHE DH3NT f I SHE UNDERSTANDS n PK.. . . v td go wrmouT- J f so hungry- V 60 "-WM I B sav a wood- Km bout papa- I etonsistsoIanqin benddownan) apTfyvKcrn?ooip-s fill AP.CHJIM' ME., AH GOTTA r-' SHAKE HAN'S WIF . HAS YO' BIN U PACE IS TOO 1 TH' GITTlH' WORSS.f ' INTRODOOCE YO' T I -fe MAH FRIEND. HE'S WEARIW YORE y FAST FO' M SHADOW H'S RELAl- NOW&J iiflitg; I MAMMY AN' JaLT . A SHADOW-BUT HAT 700 TK3HT ) YO; PAPPY. Ji IS J) guT AtTeZTTBr Wm W'l-ABNERFKfe (AHDOKfTKNCWl AGIN, AN' A WE BETTER 0., T AOr AXSVSWUV ir.7 W(, L Cir2tf23i0i FN - 5 V who or- soueezin- Ygityo'rishtTl 0i,.4 wi-yii. cwzy v Wm thlcet ppj I DON1 EVER WANT I I "iWil I HtWt s3 551 GtT OUTSIOE H 1 KILkA M BUT I INHERE ARCPMpf M?: I BUTTH' DOOR'S STAND BCK." SSi T MEN AN' BLOCK HIS T - THEY RUSW I ME TO HARD 1 I ?O0U MkTSS&M I L WCKEOX lirM GOINQTO SHOOT Mft A ESCAPE. WEL HAVE Wi u KyO SAVMOTT Y HE'S BROKE! f HELLO, JOE.' Vl CAvVN'tTi SAID WILLcAnT 1 CMHyT-r?JJJ3J V. WANTS TO TALK E WSTO EK.SAJOE, tHEAR A. YOU LEND J u6AR HEAR IS aiRL Vou" " TOMEOKTHE BORROW SO UN OLENP WORD ME50?JmiMR v.g? rl?5Sffil LBNO'rlS. T TELEPHONE? BUT I SAID I ME 50? " XlviNr V MERE! LSK' SOjeX T WHAT DOESTHE I COOLDNT f- 'Nf, CSW XK fij BOW 'A S VEtS? W&ZxLs. ' OLD BCVWANTf HEAR H.M! 1 Ai3 WkWl SSS WEfK M- oh.wxillv, rr'c T tomccrow, eh t yes-i sure will take that n- R f WU., PE6 . THE ELeCTEClN9 WONPeBTUL rTC TEX, CAN I HAVE THE DAY WHY, SURE.' TVE HAD A PUONED UNEASY FEEL ARE ALL FINISHED AND THE KITCHEN J A PREAM COME . OFF TOMORROW T 'THE WINNER'S f I AIM TO TAKE ABOUT THAT DANNY HOMBRE EVER " I IS READy. I (SUESS WE'RE TRUE A CIRCLE" IS 6QNS TO HAVE ITS 1 THAT IN,MyseL SINCE WOOLLy TOLD ME HE TRIE! S I ALL 6ET NOW FOR THE Bid As ' (SRAND OPENING ALL DAY, TO SUV HIM OUT OKAV, THIS'S THE PLACE, fM HS 0 BOyfe... LET'S GET r ;,",ii 'M ' . VTf Msii 1 iS N PP lm J MOVING . J I J 1 " " i M II 1 . ; 1 2X1 J LT7 1 r-1 : MR. DALE.. I V" U HMWl-.THEONLYTHINawc,,.:.- a THEJ WHAT WO YOU THAT I MI6WTA5 WEIL 1 wii VBEFQR I GO. MAY I J uXpp THrvrVrvF FOUNH ? J0& 1 IN TMIS OFFICE WOULD BEj5TART KEEP MY KEY TOTJE ) W SAY I APOLOGIZE? m am aw"-.) f nn that . 1 W , . -Wl ilxSSStiriiirmhn I I"1 HiAGIlt I f I I I I Vt 0OI A REAL BARN- RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO MO NBO 170 CBS ll ABO 1380 MBO U Kc. 5:00'ni. I f Di rcalara Story Onto Horntt Slralfbl Arrow Band af Day '15 Nawt Llttl Show Often Borntl Straight Arrow Bani af Day an ranny Brlet Ntwa Armitrwr B-Br-B Raoeb Blai Croabr 5:45 ranny Briet Newa lack Arwitrnng B-Bar-B Bannb BbiIbw Will Bop Hop uifo With Lolil Edw. C. Bill Gabriel Hoator CandlaT BIL 615 Bop Hopt Lit With Lolit Homo Edition Noribw'lt Ntwi Candltl'l SU. 6:30 McOoo Holly Meditation Mod. Bomanoei Tello Tell Nowi 6:45 MeGeo A Milly (t'a My Bellol Mod. Romancci Serenado TwlllM lM 7:00 Malito Columbia Feat. Coontorspy Drama of Hod. Pat O'Brien 7'15Malile Columbia Feat. Counieripy Soma of TUata Matloal J'tkpat 730 Pea. ara Funny Eieava Solo A Solllo. Peter Balea Brain Enlfbl 7:45 Pea, ara rnnny Eecapa Sole Solllo. Peter Salem Fokit Laa 8:00 Sinatra, Klrit, Low. Thomaa Defenia Tlraa Count M. Crlito Mldeoirl 8:15 Nawa af World Jack Smith Defemo Time Count M Carta SHS-Corf aTlla 8:30 Cayaleade Mr., Mra. North Polillce lOftA Lean Back SHS-Oorvallla 8:45 Caraloade Mr., Mil. North Polltlci, 1M Trla SHS-Coryallle 9:00 Ronald Colem'n Myitery Thea, Town Meet Ins Glen Hardy SRS-CorTallla 9:15 tonal d Colem'n Myitery The. Tows MeetJna McKay Speakl SUS-Cerrallll 9:30 Blc Town Bealah Newa Pavorlta Story SHS, Camilla 9:45 Bli Town Club IB We Cara Fayorlto Storr Nawa 10:00 Sam ' Bayea 5-Star Final Rleblleld Baptr Fulton Lewie NIfht Soar 10:15 Mort. Downey Too A World Intermeua Sel. Loe. Newi NIfht Sen 10:30 Sporta Paia Alrflo Concert Bonr Newi Mua, yoa Want 10:45 Danea Orch. Orchettra Concart Hor Muile Mua. yea Want !:00 Newa Serenade Doneert Boor I Loto Myitery Noetarna :15 Wai Maienm Treasury Band Conoert Boot llera'a To Veti Nootarna :30 Was Moienm Organ Meh.ua John Wolahan Noetarna :45 Was Maiieum Organ Memoa John Woloban Noetarna 18:00 3ln Oft Silent Xtra Hoar Sim Off 'sirn OH FM Hai., XGW 1H.8, 8-10 p.m.. KOIN 101.1, WEDNESDAY 6 6:00 Hodia Podia Newi Farm Nowa Morn. Newa 6:15 Newe KOIN Kloe Keep Smlllm Muile. Tlmk"pr. 6:30 Farm Time KOIN Kloek Keep Smlllni March Time 522 6:45 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep BmlHng Hemmlnway KOCO Klaek "7lb0 Early Bird KOIN Klock Newa Newi Jfi Bitter 715 Old Bonn Newa Acroniky Br'kfail Gant KOCO Kloak ?:30 Newi Newa Bob Baien Klia A Sblna ewa ;45 Sam Hayea Fred Beck Zeke Man pen Top Tradea KOCO Kloak "8:00 Eddie Albert Coneumar Newi Breakfast Club Barr. Counter K'n' Craiadra ;15Eddlo Albert Newa Breakfail Club Family Alter Kin. 'a CruaaVm 8:3n Jack Berch Grand 81am Breakfait Club Blbla Initltata Wea. MaJUaaJL 8:45 Saaa Bldtra Roicmary Breakfait Club Bible Initltata Fteitn tlaip P "flOO Seeond Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell Northw'it Newi Tlma for Melod 9-15 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Today1! Stan Quia Club Tlma for Hal'dy 9-Sn Hometownera Helen Trent Quick ai Flaah Paator'a Call Stare Slnv 9:45 Newa Our Gal Bnnd'y Quick ai Flash Walti Tlma J. Ch, Tbotaai 10:00 Marrlaaa for Blr Slater Sara Rldara den Hardy N. W. Nawa 1015 Carmen Cavel. Ma Perklna Art Baker Goipat SUuar Mem rabla Uaa. 10:30 Hoiteia House Tr. Dr. Malone My True Story Concert Tuna Tlma 10 :45 Haiteai Honia Gnldlnr Light My True Story Ruti Morgan M Kara 1100 Doubla or Noth. 2nd Mn. Burt'n Betty Crocker Ladlee Fint Muilo Mart U;1SDonble nr Noth. Perry Maion Victor Llndlabr Ladlea Flnt Muiia Mart H'SOT'day'B Chlldon Norah Drake N'weiterneri Queen for Day Ian Garber 11 :45 Light of World Brighter Day N'weiterneri Queen for Day Vocal Varletlca 12:00 Knaaia Newa Newa Baukhaga Top Tradea "Irw!d 1215 Rad ' Ufa Cota N'w New Hotlyw'd Muile 1230 Pepper .uunr Honee Party Jack Norman W Newt Newa 12:45 Happlneaa Home Party Meet Meniona B. Eberly Show Data Dannta 100 Backitara Wife From Nowhere Breakfait In Bob Mitchell Mae'a Helodlaa I.15 Stella Dallas Jack Holt Hollywood Dob Mitchell Mae'a Melod tea f30Lorenia Jonoa Garry Moora Kay Weil T" Neighbor Mae'a Melodlea J ;45 Wlddcr Brown Newapapcr Kay Weil Blnr Slngi Mae'a Melodlea 2:00 OM Marries Newspaper lay Stewart Bob Poolo Mae'a Melodies 215 po Facee Life Stevo Allen Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mae'a Melodlea 2-SO ,n"l Pl,in BUI iteva Allen Bride A Groom Muslo for Wed. Mae'a Melodlea 2:45 Fr. Page Farrell Tunefully To'ri Bride ft Groom Musle for Wed Mae'a Melodlea Q'AA Weleoma Trav. Newa Pick a Date Geo. Jamboree Mae'a Melodlea S:15 Welcome Trav. Arthur Godfrey Pick a Date Geo. Jamboree Mao'a Melodlea Ion Annl Mary Arthur Godfrey Hannibal Cobb News Mae'a Melodlea g ;45 Lpyb ii Learn Arthur Godfrey Hannibal Cobb Suna Mao'a Melodlea 4:00 Woman's Secret Arthur Godfrey Western Brand Fulton Lewis Newa 4:15 Llfa Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage F. Hemingway Frlendlr 1:30 Dr. Paul Curt Massey Squirrel Care Behind Story B ean be Beast. ;45 Paula Stona Ed R. Mocrow'Flrctlghtera News O ean ba Beaai. DIAL LISTING, KOAG 550 A Tuesday A.M. 6:00. Chldren'a tWAl Theatret B:1S. On tba Up. beat! 8:80. 680 Bporta Clnbi 6:00, Newsi 6:18. Orrani 6:80, 'Round the Campflret 7:16, Evening Farm Hour; 8:00, OSC Mu ilo Dept.; 8:18, Reieerchj 8:80, Artistry In elanleai 8:48, News and Weather 9:00, Mualo That Endures) 8:15, Evenlnr Medi tations! 10:00, Sign Off. Mrs. Weiby Selects Commiffee Personnel Silverton Mrs. Clinton Wei by, recently Installed as worthy matron of Ramona chapter, .OES, and Edmund Jackson, worthy patron named committee person nel at the regular meeting of the chapter during the week. On tha instruction committee, Mrs. P. E. Sylvester and Mrs. Errol Ross; finance, Mrs. Harry Riches, Mrs, Virginia Loe and Mn. Charlea Leonard; examining, Mn. Lloyd Larsen, Mrs. George Towe, Mrs. W. P. Bcarth; chapter soloists, Mrs. Lois Spen ACROSS L Flogged 6. Slides 11. Indlgenoua 18. Now Zealand hedge laurel 14. Supported by 15. Thouehtful v 29. Stupefy 80. Affected It mod eat parson II. Scanty 85. Kind of parrot 36. Smooth- Bpoken 87. New: comb. 17. News organ- form lzatlon: abbr. 88. Devoured IS. Daddr 39. Drv 20. Large flah 3U Mountain: comb, form 21. Town In Ohio 33. Step of a, ladder S4. Hurried 25. Eaat Indian natlva Bailors ST. Sleighs 28. Fulled apart 40. Edible sea weed 41. Symbol for sodium 42. Food 44, French pronoun 45, Common wealths 4T. Wandered 49. Portray dramatically dkLzz-zt in jl ii ""i23 wizzz SB 3S pi B5 wM3iZZZWlZZ A? Newsfaoturaa ROOM AND BOARD IAUrA-kAAP-I DONY TM!N, 'tS CUSTOMAPY DATA VW4KH W MR. SNORGEEGLE, BEPORS ? WE PROPRIETORS OP $1 VOU TOOK UP RESIDENCE RESIDENT INNS MUST HAvtK V IN PUFFLE TOWERS, THAT FOR THE SECURITY OP OUR. S I INQUIRED ABOUT THE 1 COLLECTED GUESTS"- , P.M. 8 a.m., IS p.m., KEX M.S. I la t p.am. A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. lAAf Wednesday A. H 10:60, Newa NvMVrf and Weathert 10)16, Kipea lally for Women t 11:00, School af Alrt 11-15. Tntinert flail I 12:00. Newi'. Noon Farm Hour: 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboyt 1:IB. School or Alrt 1:46, This Dayi 2:00, Freedom to Grow: 2:30, Memory Book of Musle: 2:45, School of Air; 8:00, Moila of the Matters; 4:00, Oregon Reporteri 4:16, Gueit Stan 4:80, Sonr of Illandif. 4:15, Defense Report. cer and Mrs. W. P. Scarth; on tha Rain bow Girl advisory board ara Mrs. Ron aid Asboe, Mrs. Harry Riches, Mri. Er rol Ross, Mrs. Helen Burrier, Mrs. Robert Allen, Edmund Jackson, Dala Lamar and Clinton Welby. Mrs. W. Dale Lamar was nam ed associate mother adviser with Mrs. W. P. Scarth for the Rain bow Girls. As hospitality chairman, Mrs.i L. C. Eastman was named, amiftt as decoration chairman, Mrs. R. A. Fish. Refreshment hostesses for tha meeting were Mrs. R. A. Mc Clanathan and Mrs. L. C. East man. A H K AKJUiniC wU C K AI ITlNgnfcR olo OWN 5BE R 'gpBl b1Da1C aJIhU pJTl V PlAlRlNll P A WDSlO Nl E3s o B R ElPffS N SALUT eIdPpa t I AC E T CQHIbIC at N A A R 11 R U. S AjIa HON r e pUerTo sIIpIeInIt Solution of Yeattrday's PuzzIb 10, Mora aenatUvo DOWN L North Amer ican country t. Near I. Bast Indian palm A Mother oa? mankind 5. Set of fala teeth 6. 8 mart T. Moltanroe I. Anger t. Keystone statoi abbr. 10. Looked fixedly 1L Prickly pear II. Footless an 1 mala 16. Fixed stars) 19. Qraalna; field 21. Opportunity 23. Scarce 24. Innuendo 26. Buffalo BUI 27. Pierce 29. Arachnids SO. Makes ar i rangements) A SL Revolve - - 32. Slender 33. More orderly 34. Pierced witf the horns ' 16. Grain to be ground 19, Fish sauce) 40. Oil of rose petals: variant 41. Luion native 48. Now: Scotch 46. One Indefinitely 48. Myself S-'7 , J3y Gent Ahern ITS CUSTCVAAfiy DWA VVHICk WE PROPRIETORS OP RESIDENT INNS MUST HAVS. rUK. THb 56CURITY Or OUR COLLECTED GUESTS MXJ UNDERSTAND, VfA