Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 16, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    Edited by MARIAN
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, January 16, 1950
j Card Party
j Benefit for
! Polio Funds
Among benefit affairs slated
to aid in the March of Dimes
' campaign, which opened Mon
i day, will be the afternoon card
; party to be sponsored by King
wood unit, American Legion
: auxiliary, next Thursday, Janu
1 ary 19.
The party will be given in the
, West Salem City hall between 1
' and 4 p. m. Thursday.
; Bridge, 500 and pinochle will
be played.
j Mrs. Emmett Dickson, Mrs. Irl
' Folsom, Mrs. Carl Mobley, Mrs.
: Ira Noteboom and Mrs. Elsie
' Noteboom are the committee.
All members and friends of
! the auxiliary are invited to at
i tend.
Alumnae Meet
Delta Zeta alumnae met last
; week at the home of Mrs. Char-
les H. Derthick. Assisting the
I hostess was Mrs. Norman L.
i Following the business meet-
ing, presided over by Mrs. Ar
I thur Lewis, there was an ex
1 change of white elephant gifts.
Mrs. Virgil Sexton will be
' hostess for the next meeting,
I February 14.
I Members attending the meet
! ing were: Mrs. O. K. Beals, Mrs.
; M. C. Buchanan, Miss Mildred
Deischer, Mrs. Albert Deperi'
brock, Mrs. Biarne Ericksen
: Mrs. Charles Feike, Mrs. W. H.
; Foster, Mrs. Emmett Kleinke,
i Mrs. Arthur Lewis, Miss Maxine
: Paulsen, Miss Prudence Paul
sen, Mrs. Charles H. Derthick,
and Mrs. Norman L. Paulson.
COOTIETTE club No. 140
met at the home of Mrs. Edna
Prince on Friday evening. Plans
were started for the participa
tion of the Cootiette club in the
coming Veterans of Foreign
Wars convention to be held in
Salem next June. Letters were
received from both the grand
greyback and the supreme grey
back. A lunch was served to the fol
lowing: Mrs. Ethel Forbis, Mrs.
Aileen Holweger, Mrs. Faye
Stupka, Mrs. Grace Hagemann,
Mrs. Mabel Brooks, Mrs. Ann
Clemens, Mrs. Mabel Mauk, Mrs.
Helen Noyes, Mrs. Ora Fur
lough, Mrs. Joan Hunt, Mrs.
Jean Hopkins, Mrs. Ann Walker,
Mrs. Edna Prince and Mrs. Vir
ginia Aeschlimann. The next
meeting will be on January 27 at
the home of Mrs. Jean Hopkins,
1210 S. 16th. ,
Plays in Concert Here Friday
h N ill Jv
Harpist Coming Here Mildred Dilling, noted harpist, will
ppear in concert here next Friday evening as the January
offering in the Community Concert association scries. The
concert will be in the Salem high school auditorium at 8:15
Our pointer! can fix that! How about stained wallpaper?
We can take car of that, toot
Stalnt ora caused by leaky roof . . . and wa fix roofi.
Then too consider wa hava a complete home moderniza
tion and alterations dept.
While we're at it, might as well Insulate that attic!
Willamette Valley Roof Co., Inc.
Palestine Topic
Paul Wolf, manager of the
Montgomery Ward store in Sa
lem, will discuss recent events
in Palestine at a study group
luncheon for American Associa
tion of University Women Tues
day noon in the Senator hotel's
Chcrrian room.
The meeting, one in a scries
of several featuring a study of
current events, is sponsored by
the Salem international relations
study group of the AAUW with
Mrs. Robert E. Gangware as
Legislator Wed
At Eugene Rites
Of interest in the capital is
news of the marriage of Mrs.
Flora Mae Stickney to Slate Rep
resentative Herman Hendershott
of Eugene.
The wedding was an event of
Christmas eve at the home of
Mr. Hendershott's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur H. Hendershott
The couple will be at home in
Mr. Hendershott served in
both the 1947 and 1949 sessions
of the legislature as a representa
live from Lane county. He is an
attorney at Eugene.
FRIENDSHIP club met last
week at the home of Mrs. Cora
Scott, a dessert being ' served
Mrs. Johanna Melchert presided
at the business session. For roll
call, members responded with
New Year's resolutions. A pro
gram was given. On February
10 Mrs. Melchart will again en
tertain the club at her home
1155 North 17th.
LYONS Recent dinner guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J
A. Duncan of Salem were her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Gooch of Lyons, Mr and Mrs.
Fred Gooch, Jr., and son, Bill, of
Sweet Home, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Gooch and daughter Twylia of
Salem. After the dinner hour
music was furnished by Fred
Gooch Sr., and Fred Gooch, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gooch spent the
night with their son, Fred, in
Salem before returning home.
al Neighbors of American, will
meet at the Veterans of Foreign
Wars hall Wednesday at 8 p.m.
for installation of officers for
1950. Mrs. Sarah .Peterson will
be installing officer, Miss Mil
dred Yettcr ceremonial marshal
with Mrs. Laverna Fiala assist
ing. The committee for refresh
ments is Mrs. Zeila Webb, Mrs.
Estclla Walwrath, Miss Mildred
Yetter and Mrs. Ruby Butler.
Hostess on
Hostess Wednesday will be
Mrs. Henry Hanzcn who is to
give a luncheon and bridge party
at her South High street home,
The party is one of a series she
is planning.
Invited for the Wednesday
gathering are Mrs. Douglas Mc
Kay, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague,
Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Mrs.
George Rossman, Mrs. Ralph
H. Coolcy, Mrs. A. A. Schramm
Mrs. Custer Ross, Mrs. Clay
Cochran, Mrs. Arthur A. Rogers,
Mrs. David Eason, Mrs. A. D.
Woodmansee, Mrs. Louis Lach
mund, Miss Dorathea Steusloff.
Mothers Meet
Highland Mothers' club met
last week in the schol auditor
ium for their regular monthly
meeting. Following the business
meeting, Carlton Greider and
Roth Holtz from the YMCA
talked briefly on the "Y" pro
gram for the different age
Delbert Jepson, who works
with the Marion county juvenile
court, spoke to the mothers on
juvenile delinquency.
Refreshments were served in
the cafeteria by the fifth grade
Social Afternoon
Salem chapter, Order of East
ern Star, announces its social
afternoon will be Wednesday at
the Masonic temple, a no-host
luncheon being planned at noon
Aurora In a candlelight
wedding ceremony at 9 p.m.
Sunday, January 1, Miss Beverly
Nadine Curtis, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Glenn A. Curtis, was
wed to Irwin Clair Marshall, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Claude A. Mar
shall of route 1, Canby.
The ceremony was solemnized
at the Canby church of the Naz-
arene with the pastor, Rev. Eu
gene McDowell, officiating.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a white
satin wedding gown, entrain.
Her fingertip veil fell from a
tiara of seed pearls and she car
ried a white Bible. Mrs. Donald
Lingel (Yvonne Curtis), sister of
the bride, was matron of honor.
Donald Marshall stood as best
man for his brother.
Karen Marshall, his niece, was
ring bearer.
Mrs. Eugene McDowell and
Donald Kraft sang, Miss Lingel
accompanied. Miss JoAnn John
son lighted the candles.
The young couple will live at
Rocky Point.
LEE M. NASH and Mina Stolk
Welch, both of Salem, were
named on the fall term honor
roll at Cascade College, Port
land. Both are seniors major
ing in education.
Mr. Nash, son of Mrs. Grace
Nash, 880 Market street, is the
president of the Associated Stu
dent Body at Cascade. He was
graduated from Salem high
school in 1945.
Mrs. Welch was valedictorian
of the class of 1946 at the for
mer Bethel high school. Her
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Stolk, Rt. 1, Box 671, Salem.
STAYTON Mr. and Mrs.
Nick Fehlon of Stayton an
nounce the marriage of their
daughter, Miss Dorothy Elaine
I'ehlen, to Fred Sterner of Sa
lem, in Washington, Monday,
December 26.
The bride is employed in
slate offices in Salem and the
bridegroom is a student at Ore
gon State college.
club met this week at the home
of Mrs. Clare Wincgcr with Mrs.
A. J. Elliott and Mrs. Hattie
Reuf as co-hostcsses.
Mrs. I. W. Gcer was chosen
president, Mrs. A. J. Elliott as
vice president; Mrs. J. A.
Gamble, secretary; Mrs. E. B.
Kasson, treasurer; Mrs. F. . M.
Hoyt, corresponding secretary.
HUBBARD The Hubbard
Woman's club will convene at
10:30 a. m. Wednesday, January
18, at the grade school to learn
nbout "Making Draperies." Miss
Anne Berholz of the Marion
County 4-H office will have
charge of the meeting and each
member will make a sample
drape in miniature. The meeting
will be all day.
MEETING Wednesday will be
the missions and foreign lands
study group of the Women's
guild of the First Congregational
.out home? Let us show vou the
new low-priced Delco.Hett oil.
burning Conditioniir compictl.
designed tot instslladoa in either
buements or utilirf rooms where
ipece is limited!
DIAL 3-8555
Aufhorhwti jewpre .KMe
ill ,, ?' I Vyftf-i
Wed Here Recently A recent wedding was that of Mr.
and Mrs. John Nathan High, the bride being the former Jean
Elizabeth King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey M. King.
Mr. High is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Finley High of Spray,
Ore. (Jesten-Miller studio picture)
MONMOUTH The Delphian
club met last week at the home
of Mrs. Charles C. Powell with
18 members present and one
guest, Mrs. Eugene Brown. A
short business meeting was con
ducted, presided over by the
club president, Mrs. Walter
Smith. The program followed, a
feature being the presence of
Miss Alice Pendlebury, English
exchange teacher at Oregon Col
An Apple
Apple and Cheese Spread Dessert Specialty
AP Newifeitnrei
Make use of the late-harvest
ed Winesap. now available in
good supply. An all-purpose ap
ple, it's delicious baked, in
cooked dishes, or just as is for
dessert. The Winesap also has
the advantage of being an ex
cellent keeper.
For dessert serve the apples
with an assortment of cheese. I
like to mix a bowl of cottage
cheese to go with the crunchy
fruit. Cream (sweet or sour) and
walnuts, pecans, or filberts go
well with it; so do slivers of
dates and preserved ginger and
pineapple. Or add a little lemon
rind, lemon juice, sugar, and a
few raisins, or spice up the bland
creamy cheese with cinnamon
and nutmeg. It's fun to make
your own combinations. i
And here's a ham and apDle
dish that s good pickings for
Ham and Apples A
church, at the home of Mrs. Seth
R. Huntington at 2 o clock.
lege of Education. Miss Pendle
bury contrasted living conditions
in her English home with condi
tions in America. Refreshments
were served by the hostess, Mrs.
Powell, assisted by Mrs. R. D
Elliott. Next meeting of the club
will be with Mrs. D. A. Hoag in
Independence with Mrs. Grace
Swope as co-hostess, the first
Thursday in February.
a Day . .
lunch or supper.
Deep-Dish Ham V Apples
Ingredients: 3 cups ground
cooked ham, Vz teaspoon dry
mustard, 1 tablespoon grated on
ion, 1 egg, cup milk, 1 cup
soft bread crumbs, 3 Winesap
apples (peeled and cored), v
cup firmly packed brown sugar,
2 tablespoons butter or margar
ine (melted).
Method: Mix the ham, mus
tard, onion, egg, milk, and bread
crumbs together and turn into
a greased baking dish. Slice the
apples about inch thick and
arrange over ham mixture, over
lapping slices around edge of
dish. Sprinkle apples with brown
sugar and melted butter or mar
garine. Bake uncovered in a
moderate (350 F.) oven for
about 40 minutes or until ap
ple slices are brown and tender.
Tasty Family Treat
Start the New
Oregon School of
(Next Door to Leon's) "
For Chapter
Installation ceremonies for
Salem chapter, Order of Eastern
Star, were conducted at the
meeting of the group Saturday
Mrs. Russel Beutler is the new
worthy matron and James C.
Darby the worthy patron.
Mrs. Hazel Graham of Tilla
mook, past grand matron, was
installing officer, assisted by
Rex Hartley, past grand patron;
Mrs. William Merriott as mar
shal: Mrs. C. A. Fratzke of In
dependence as chaplain; Mrs.
William Skewis, musician. Mrs.
I. L. Darby of Yuba City, Calif.,
a member of Chadwick chapter
in Salem, was here to assist with
the installation 'or her son.
Installed with Mrs. Beutler
and Mr. Darby were: Mrs. A. L.
Wallace, associate matron; Rus
sel Beutler, associate patron;
Mrs. Ancil Danielson, secretary;
Mrs. Elmo McMillan, treasurer;
Mrs. Harry Lucas, conductress;
Mrs. Otho Eckersley, associate
conductress; Mrs. Clyde Gilbert,
chaplain; Mrs. Robert Keudell,
marshal; Mrs. John Miller, or
ganist; Mrs. K. L. Foster, Adah;
Mrs. Francis Graham, Ruth; Mrs.
Verne Hasbrook, Esther; Mrs.
Andrew West, Martha; Miss Hel
en Fletcher, Electa; Mrs. H. F.
Grub, warder, and John Miller,
Committees for the year, as
appointed by Mrs. Beutler are
as follows: instruction, William
Newmyer, Mrs. William New
myer, Claude Post; press, Miss
Edith Fanning, Mrs. Harley Os
borne; social, Mrs. James Dar
by, Mrs. Francis Colgan; lunch
eon, Mrs. Ronald Rossner, Mrs.
John Graybill; program, Otho
Eckersley, Mrs. Kenneth Dodge,
Mrs. Joseph Griffen, Mrs. Har
vey Gibbens, Francis Graham;
decorating, Mrs. George Martus,
Mrs. Marvin Rasmussen; hospi
tality, Mrs. Claude Post, William
Newmyer; examining, Harvey
Gibbens, Claude Post, Mrs. John
Swigart, Mrs. William Wirtz,
Ronald Rossner; sickness and re
lief, Mrs. A. L. Wallace, Mrs,
Mona Yoder, Miss Ruth Moore;
historian, Mrs. William Newmy
er; finance, Robert Keudell, Mrs.
George Edwards, John Swigart;
and courtesy corps, Mrs. Paul
Shafer, Mrs. Jack Kennedy
Mrs. Gladys Goldsmith, Mrs. Hal
DeSart, Mrs. Joe E. Bourne, Mrs.
Earl Bradfield, Miss Maryemma
Beane and Mrs. Melvin Gallas-
Out-of-town visitors included
Mrs. Mary Ferguson, Pawhuska,
Oklahoma, grandmother of the
new worthy patron; Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Rupp, Mill City,
Mrs. Gladys Harnsberger, Inde
pendence, Mrs. Lucile C. Wyatt,
Utah; Mrs. Evelyn Rowlands, Re
seda, California; Mrs. Effie Wal
ters, Yale, Michigan; Mrs. Ellen
Apple, Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs.
Lois Agg, Ames, Iowa; and Mr,
and Mrs. Al Vaughan, Portland;
brother and sister-in-law of the
new worthy matron.
Today's Menu
(Bt the Associated Pre&s)
Saturday Night Supper
Chicken Pie Mashed Potatoes
, Buttered Snap Beans
Avocado and Beet Salad
Bread and Butter
Pineapple Tapioca Pudding
Avocado and Beet Salad
Ingredients: 1 package lime
flavored gelatin, 1 cups hot
water, 1 cup diced avocado, 3
tablespoons lemon juice, salt, 1
tablespoon finely grated onion.
'i cup diced pickled beets, sal
ad greens, mayonnaise.
Method: Dissolve the gelatin
in hot water. Chill until thick
but not firm. Cut the avocado
in halves lengthwise, remove
seed and skin; dice and sprinkle
with lemon juice and salt. Mix
with the onion and well-drained
diced pickled beets. Fold into
slightly thickened gelatin. Pour
into a loaf pan and chill until
firm. Unmold onto serving
plate garnished "ith salad
greens. Serve with mayonnaise
Makes 6 servings.
To make beef birds spread
round steak rectangles that are
about two by four inches with
a bread dressing; roll and tie
in shape. Brown in a little hot
shortening, add a small amount
of liquid such as water or to
mato juice, season, and braise
Year with a
New Look!
All work guaranteed and
supervised by competent
Beauty Culture
PIIONE 3-6800
For Your Appointment
Woman's Club
Hears Reports
tu fialom Woman's club met
Friday with Mrs. Lawrence Os-
terman and Mrs. narry v. v-ui-iin
a the hosDitality commit
tee, Mrs. Irvin Bryan, having
charge of the program.
Voted into memDersnip were
tsaecMo v. fnhh. Mrs. John
S. Harper, Mrs. D. W. Lamb, and
Mrs O. Virgil Hume.
Mrs. Charles V. Galloway, of
McMinnville, formerly of Sa
lem and a member of the club
since 1919. was voted an hon
orary member.
Among the reports was tnat
by Mrs. Arthur Jones, chairman
of the universal garbage disposal
nlan aripntpd bV the Club aS
a project in the General Federa
tion of Women's ciuds- nuua
n nnttoi rnmmnnitv" nroiect.
Mrs. Jones announced the hear
ing before the Salem city coun
cil on January 23 at 7:30 p.m.
and urged the membership to
attend that meeting.
Announcement was made ot
the GFWC Poetry contest which
is open to any member of a
federated club. Any type of
poem, on any subject, will be
annontoH tnr pntrv: entries to
clear through the state litera
ture chairman, Mrs. George w.
Allinff. and to be at GFWC head
quarters before April 1.
Following the meeting Mrs.
Bryan presented the stringed
nhnlr from the John Wallace
Graham studios and Mrs. Agnes
B. Drummond and Mrs. James
Lucas, the latter giving a playlet
and readings.
Mr. P. T. Rouffleur and her
committee of Mrs. H. G. Carl,
TVTre Palnh F. Mnndv. Mrs.
Stuart Chisholm, Mrs. J. Roy
McEvoy and Mrs. Donald rarK
pr Rervpd refreshments from a
table centered with daffodils
and tall yellow tapers in crys
tal holders. Mrs. Guy . hickok
THE McKINLEY school Moth-or-'a
rlnh announces its meeting
planned for Tuesday evening has
been postponed until January ih.
"Vince's Electric"
Vacuum Cleaner
On All Types
Household or Commercial
Also Waxers
Free Pick-up and Delivery
PHONE 3-9239
Yes ... at Pioneer Trust
you can always feel free
to talk about your home
financing problems! Whe
ther you are building your
home on the 'cheaper-than-rent'
FHA Mortgage Loan
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not let Pioneer Trust help
YOU . . . today!
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rS?l 7M: Get a Low Cost I
As to Schools, Road Con
ditions, Public Utilities and
A Public Service Program Presented by
rino pntence almost could rp.
port most of the social news of
the early week -postponed be
cause of the bad weather."
Capital Unit No. 9, American
Legion auxiliary, announces its
meeting planned for this eve
nine in honor of past presidents
has been cancelled.
The founders day banquet set
hv PRO. Sisterhood chaDtem
for Tuesday evening also has
been postponed.
American War Mothers, sched
uled to meet Tuesday with Mrs.
Mabel Lockwood. have postoon.
ed their meeting.
Salem Writers club, which
had planned a meeting Wednes
day evening, has cancelled the
event, no meeting to be held un
til February.
Brightest of all
8mm projectors
New picture power! Screen!
your films with exciting bril
liance and clarity never be
fore achieved. Fourteen great
features, including 750-watt
base-up lamp that gives you
maximum light ibnger, new
3-way "wind -tunnel" cool
ing; really safe projection of
single frames. See this great
all-new 8mm projector today!
You need more than
a 'salve' for
to relieve coughs,
sore muscles in chest
To get fast, lonp-lastinf
relief from coughing and
that miserable achy Feeling
irom a coia you neea morv
'than just an ordinary salve
You should rub on Mua
terole. The great pain-relieving Musterol
medication (Oil of Mustard, Camphor
Menthol and Methyl Salicylate) in
stantly starts in to check irritation and
break up congestion in the upper bron
chial tubes, nose and throat bringing
amazing speedy relief.
Musterole offers ALL the benefits of ft
mustard plaster without the bother of
making one. Just rub it onl
In S Strengths: Child's Mild Mua terole.
Regular, and Extra Strong for adultt.
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30 Lana Av.
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