Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 16, 1950, Page 4, Image 4

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    Capital AJournal
An Independent Newspaper Established 1 888
GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher
ROBERT LETTS JONES, Assistant Publisher
Published every afternoon except Sunday at 444 Che
meketa St., Salem. Phones: Business, Newsroom, Want
Ads, 2-2406; Society Editor, 2-2409.
Full Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press and
The United Press. The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and also
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By Carrier: Weekly, 25c; Monthly, $1.00; One Year, $12.00. By
Mail In Oregon: Monthly, 75c; 6 Mos $4.00; One Year, $8.00.
V. 8. Outside Oregon: Monthly, $1.00; 6 Mos., $6.00; Year, $12.
4 Salem, Oregon, Monday, January 16, 1950
Iron Curtain Falls on Red China '
The extent to which American foreign policy, the deser
tion of our wartime ally, Nationalist China, and the
"hands-off" policy on Formosa, has "lost face" in the
Orient is emphasized by the communist seizure of United
States property including the consulate at Peiping and the
expulsion of our diplomatic officials in China.
The Peiping outrage followed that at Mukden, where
the United States consul-general and his staff were impris
oned and tried on trumped-up charges and expelled from
Manchuria. Having gotten away with this without re
prisals, the Chinese Reds will continue to purge the vast
area under their control of all Americans, evidently con
vinced that these tactics will force the recognition of Red
China and it looks as if it might.
While all remaining American officials are preparing to
The Timid Soul
Gamblers Evade Taxes by Aid
Of 'Someone' in Washington
Washington When Estes Kefauver, hard-hitting new senator
from Tennessee, starts his important investigation of interstate
gambling rackets, one of his first witnesses ought to be fearless
Mayor Gordon Dunn of Fresno, Calif. Another should be Warren
Olney, the energetic lawyer whom straight-shooting Governor
Earl Warren
White Collar Zoo
IS For HiS
Lost dog-
placed in charge
of t h e Califor
nia crime com-
A lot has been
written about
Gambling King
Frankie Costel
lo, his tailor
made c 1 o t h es
and his lunches
at the Waldorf.
But the real sto
ry of Costello is the way the na
tional gambling network of
which he Is a part undermines
clean government in the smaller
cities of the USA.
Fresno, Calif., chiefly famous
as the "raisin capital of the
world," is a long way from New
But when William Berket, the
local treasury agent, tried to
follow up the case, he was called
off by Washington.
The same thing happened
when Al Gionotti, a slot-machine
operator in San Mateo, was
caught hiding income from slot
machine rentals. T-men, pain
stakingly interviewing drug
stores and others renting slot
machines, found that Gionotti
had concealed between $50,000
and $100,000 of income.
The case was considered a
sure-shot tax fraud until
Washington got into the picture.
Then it was dropped.
Protecting Stick-Up Men
The far-flung links of the na-.
York, Chicago, or Costello's re- tional gambling empire were
Drew Pearson
England's February Election
To Determine Future of Empire
norted friends in Washington
However, there seems to be an
invisible but definite link be
tween them just the same.
Back in the days before Cos
tello had been glamorized, one
of his buddies was the late
"Bugsie" Siegel, who later mov-
further illustrated at Fresno
when two Chicago gunmen,
Broncotto and Pedrotti, were
caught sticking up a tavern,
"The Big Headed Kid," and
when Fresno's local gambling
czar, Joe Cannon, couldn't raise
the bail, he collected it from
r ami w
I . . ."-i"ni iiTttriTiniiiii
ed out to Hollywood and Las Los Angeles gambling leader
"Say, boss, will you run through that again for me?"
Toby, Tomcat, Gets Attention
Of Judge After Telling Him off
Washington, Jan. 16 01.KI Toby, last name Reedy, probably
days when she waxed rich by money reported to be invested dictments. However, he report- Is the only tomcat in history which ever got a personal letter
the simple expedient of import- ln lne ornavs aa vts is" ea tne otter to the judge, and " , '""
ing raw materials from foreign bling palace, "The Flamingo," despite political pressure from Toby- whose master '? orge E. Reedy, Sr., a radio corn
countries, manufacturing those but there are other important two state senators, Jack Tenney rnentator, got mad as a tabby when the papers carried a story
materials, and re-exporting the "nK uniwce.i -..r ana auga amns, sent the two z T T ,7 , "7
lim tPnrttinn Attain Anilvitl
An atmosphere of nostalgic drama surrounds the marshalling Vegas. However, there is good Mickey Cohen,
of England's political forces for next month's general election. reason to believe that Costello How the gangs undermine
That election will render an epochal decision a point which and Bugsie continued as part- g00d government is further il-
withdraw from the Chinese mainland, republican critics this column made several days ago and now repeats for emphasis, ners and that oaiitornia was lustrated by the fact that Fresno
in congress are demanding from Secretary of State Ache- wil1 determine whether the country shall give approval to its fjVt'W was Costello 5 ZTnn" tT6" 1
Bun ail CApiaiiatiuii ur a icaiuauiuii lux liiu icnecii. iium jment in So-'
China as evidence of a "bankrupt China policy." cialism and con
Senator Knowland (R., Calif.) recently returned from tinue along the
a survey of the Orient, says that Assistant Secretary of frads jjj.'"
State for the Far East W. Walton Butterworth should get er it snan return
out and that if Acheson approves our present policy, he to the capital
also should resign. lstic system un
. . der which it
reached its peak
of imperial
finished products at a neat dominions of the gamming gangsters to jail.
profit. Industrialization of those worla- even lnciuaing me wuc- Fresn0,s New Ma
foreign countries has changed PuUing in Washington.
all that. Gamblers Escape Taxes JAP
held an
by Judge Marvin Jones of the influence a vote or 10 here and
U.S. court of claims. there."
The case concerned Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. M. Federsen, who The judge thought it over, sat
worked for the state department down and addressed a formal
Deffltl Maekenile
Britain is at the parting of in a new era, and a new genera-
Gamblers Escape Taxes
A 1 1 U. anl.. .iin.l nf aat.n.
If Churchill should be return- ftWB .amblers Tin the past put in as mayor bulky shot-put wojKed for the state aepartment down and addressed a formal
ed to power he would have to f MS tacome-ta? GprJon Dunn, who cam! ed """t l
paigned on a "closed city" plat
form. Dunn proposed to close
up the gamblers and run the
houses of prostitution out of
face these facts The "good old "S
days" are gone forever. We are oori an nrH
JJUlll .1... IV...,, W J J
ii A. J -v-. in 4ViQ
tion is calling for changed How- lzz..l'"'y"i1Z" t" Z.
this ever, this doesn't mean that Bri- vZrJ" "
Mateo not
However, in San
. - 1.1 rian-
The eco- lon8 aB '
A straight-shooting newcomer
Meanwhile Acheson faces the problem of the actual re
moval of the 135 American diplomats with their families
from Red China, for the communists are notorious for us
ing many devices for delaying or halting the withdrawal of the ways,
foreieners from their controlled areas and have used them As a leadine actor in
indiscriminately. They include espionage charges, arrests Sreat drama Winston Churchill, tain can't be pulled out of her
fnr nnovnlninpH rpasnnq. claim fnr HPht. pt.tlpmpnbi . ahnsn his head unbowed by his 75 present economic crisisand re-
ZY 7 T. " :r. ' ' vears. is rushine back from his stored to prosperity. The eco- " he said h,,r a,on Dul ln nls opinion ne lavorea to ti
01 employes, eic. . - , , tha nomic experts sav she nan h if gem, otnerwise xnowi a uu.u- ------ . --'""v "m the dogs over the cat, mention- cold war that has so lone existed
In issuing its recall order, the state department had no icianrt nf MaHPim tn Bnide his the proper methods are followed. b was investigatea py ic-cai u.,r. J' ? 1. ing things like "it was a dog that between the feline and the can-
assurance that when the diplomats actually seek permis- conservative forces in what may The task of the British voter ." i came mavnr. nroo,, cto.t "eked the wounds of Lazarus in ine, and which sometimes
u. - - - - - . . . p nls rags nin iin iin was a breaks into open hostilities, they
has cashiers checks in the Bank of J to make Fresno an open movle star 0nlv one line about mM t hiAm.ri
n' 0 .... . . cat, viz: "... I realize that through
n,mn?. ,f- , 7ai Llnt0 "The cat also has been a favor- the years the cat, in addition to
Misfit Must Have Given Him a Fit
Turkey in 1945. They got as Toby Reedy, co George Reedy."
far as Cairo and were stopped Judge Jones allowed that the
because Mrs. P. insisted on cart- cat had a point well taken,
ing along two dogs and a cat. "I apologize," said the court.
Judge Jones finally awarded "Truth to tell, I was presented
the couple a pittance in per diem with a problem. Here were two
to politics. Dunn meant what B" e,n "ll ""V" "L UB"' outstanding stars, Dotn entitled
said hut ,.n..n. . .! Dul ln nls opinion ne lavorea to top billing, ln view of the
the world conflict an old war
horse charging headlong into
the fray once more.
It is fitting that Churchill
Bion to leave they will get it promptly. Indirectly, the de- be his last major political battle,
partment pointed up the possibility that it might not, Here is one of the greatest
by comparing the latest incident at Peiping with the Angus figures in the long history of
Ward case as an evidence of outrageou3 treatment of England statesman, literary
Americans. giant, orator the man who led
In Ward's case the whole consulate state staff at Muk- """nd tews-Molctory"!!!
ueu was iiuiu ill uiai uny im biji inuiiuis uilcl uciuk ui-
dered out by the state department. And final permission
to leave was not given until after Ward was jailed for a
month and "convicted" of beating a Chinese employe. Be
fore they left, all the American officials at Mukden were should play this role. Here we
branded as spies by a communist court. have the bluest blood of the
nobility a die-hard Tory who
The department reports that the consuls at Shanghai symbolizes England at the peak
and Nanking had acknowledged the evacuation order. De- of her imperial grea taess.
partment officials said they assumed that the Americans o his elderly followers in
fn China were preparing to file applications for exit per- P"'?"1"' h"S"i r"
mits and were otherwise arranging to get out. At best it vf, f tdX
is estimated that this process will require about one Tne days wheri peace and con
month. As all news is censored, it will probably be a tentment hovered over Eng-
long time Deiore me iacis lean out. land's hedge - enclosed, green
is to decide which party
the proper methods.
Mulhouse, France.Jan. 16 (U.R) A visitor from Basle, Swit
zerland, bought himself a suit here and checked it in a
restaurant while he had lunch.
As his homebound train approached the Swiss border, he
undressed in the washroom and tossed his old suit out the
When he opened the package he had received from the
restaurant check room, he discovered it was a size six boys'
k , ... , j. iic vol axovj uaa uccu a
Dunn's office, laid $35,000 on it. t ...ui i
the mayor s desk, and announc- That singed Toby's whiskers,
ed that that was the price he He sat down and wrote himself a
wwLwL VSfT8 only one letter to Judge Jones,
bookmaking establishment. Dunn ...
Kicked him out of the office.
This type of pressure was not
Toby, one of the biggest cats
you ever saw, is a tiger-Persian.
When he isn't eating the left-
his many other accomplishments,
has been the guardian of the
king's commissary and at the
same time has done continuous
service as kitchen police. -
". . . You may rest assured
that when an opportunity comes
again I shall pay adequate trib-
difficult to resist. More diffl.
rnpn if i Z V u,0m over beef from the tables of the ute to the felines and to you
Sne oTth 6 veCt Nanal Press club, he costs especially."
George $3.77 a week for cat- A, additional salve, the judg.
nips, not including the nips of sent along a can oi tne best cat
20-year-old Napoleon brandy food money can buy, plus an
Toby prefers to milk. autographed copy of the above
Anyhow, the big puss took the decision.
judge's opinion apart, point by That's all very "fine, but it'i
point. Discrimination against made a mighty important cat
cats. Scales of justice tipped to of Toby.
"at. A.l ! . At ttta 1 ! r.1. m,tm.;Im
Consul General O. Edward Clubb at Peiping reports that fields and sweet doll -house said today he would put out his weekly paper this week "if I times called TthV Mini' nLu ?f dogs- ?haract witnesses hell bush his tail and turn up
i Pipnino- neisnrn action had not. hppn dirpctprl rttminst. flower gardens the days when have tn write it in iail and use paper towels for newsprint." . ir.D j Ior aoSs ana none 10r cats- ""Bs nis snout at anything less tnan
- - ' : . . : . ".: " : ii i i . .: . . . . l , ....w, uu&cu uiat xres- t ,Qini. th.
the United States alone, but that at the same time that the wb m inu. Apparently ne win nave sometning to write aooui, oecause
police were seizing the American compound, they were Churchill has charged the So- if Justice Charles Young has his way, Chief of Police Frank
also taking similar action against the Netherlands and ""8 away wi verier win
Frpnnh pmhnss PS' nronert es. empire, aim ne wuuiu ihh me Fuuii5ii:i.
Locking Up of Police Chief,
Publisher Puts Problem to Town
Grand Ledge, Mich., Jan. 16 (U.R) Publisher Frank G. Weinert
another matter, and one of
U u n n s campaign manaBers.
Franklin had also helped handle
tne campaign of California At
torney General Fred Howser in
that part of the state and has
Deen close to Howser.
locking up the chief.
nSlinnDll.ntinn tirnOr.m MrVilnh Walna and Partoi- WOK Un- The chief dldn t EfO tO lall
The Russian communist iron curtain is falling over China to him ,s hatcful and harmful. tenced by Young Friday to 10 right away, because he had to office GamblerCannon hadhpen
iuu.ww.i6 v..u ......uw ..urn nu.iv., civ. ji., " opiw. xie wouia return to tne aays oi days in jau ior contempt oi. auumu ijawusm au.
of the knowledge of the age-old Russian strategy and tac- private initiative. court." self for the next 10 days,
tics, Britain's labor-social government fell over itself in . Some unusual problems for Weinert, whose newspaper of-
its haste to recognize Red China hoping thereby to save That's not a new line for this town of 4000 developed fice is next door to the jail,
Hong Kong and British commerce. But the communists Churchill. I remember seeing immediately. took his typewriter under his
aeem in no hurry to accept the recognition and are already him in action against Socialistic Carter is half of the com- arm and went to jail as or-
niiihhlinrr ovpr it Britain has nlsn "Inat. iHo . tar- ha-ir a. iQ9i wV,n munity's two-man police force, dered. But he got tired of it
face" and is likely also to lose Hong Kong. the late Ramsay MacDonald which would give the other half and left again when Carter was prostitution, and the pay-offs to
headed Britain's first labor gov- of the force Traffic Officer too busy to serve as jailer for be made throueh an nlrt iarf
ernment. They mostly called
proposed tnat Dres- .,.1.1, t.. i .. i mi a f.nn..i i..nn
, , . . . - iu waw.u uuuaci J.IICJ' ic icuciot juugc,
"' " P0" De removed sissies, Ever hear of a back. j don.t believe it, but George
always the first step when tracking watch cat? Reedy says that in order to get
the gamblers and racketeers .u j it i n..u.. i .
want t t b- louy uuicu 11. uii, uiaiiiiiiiB iu ill iu sec iuu; iiuw juu nave lu
J "k la ,. Yer and be re- (or the 21 million cats in present the butler with your
?C.ldJ3yl,lleuienant' !n w.hose America. "Cats that might even card.
frequent visitor.
Chinchillas and Slush
It was also proposed to set up
a political slush fund for the
election of "The Right People"
in 1950, the fund to be collected
from gamblers and houses nf
William Eveleth the job of him.
The Book Should Tell the Lesson
Los Angeles, Jan. 16 (P Rudolph M. Nelson, 3G, was
booked on suspicion of robbery after department store detec
tives accused him of swiping a book.
The Book: "Alcatraz Island Prison and the Men Who
Live There."
ed onto the middle of his spine
in his scat, his face as red as
a beet. In those days oppo
nents didn't tangle with Winston
in debate if they could help it.
So Churchill would reestab
lish the theories of private en-
Looking at Old Age
fl I- iL. Rl f-f-AD LI
jaiem is rne nuce tot wo neanng them "laborites" in those days
Salem's case before the Civil Aeronautics Board has rather than "Socialists",
been postponed a week. The new date for the hearing to Churchill was more or less a
determine why West Coast Airlines should not be substi- lone-wolf in the Tory ranks,
tuted for United Air Lines here has been set for Febru- and he directed his paralyzing
j.y 20. oratory over a wide field. One
Last September the Capital Journal suggested the hear- Donaldandsaw Churchill
ing be held in Salem instead of in Washingtin, D.C., as tongue-iash the prime minister
nnaaantl., nlannarl n..aa.A..'r. aan.'tnl ...... .1.1 U.. tl. 1 ! 1 ....... .. . .... .. ... .. .,
incai.ii,i,r tiuwiut;vi. uic0uua minim wuutu ue nit luKntu uniu me latter literally siump-
place lor tne hearing since tins is the center of the area
affected by the CAB show-cause orders. Other cities, be
sides Salem, which are affected, stretch from Medford,
Oregon, to Bellingham, Washington.
The city of Salem and the chamber of commerce are both
prepared to send representatives to Washington, if the
jieumiK io iu uo neiu mere. However, 11 ine ja were terprise. He has promised to
to convene in this city, it would give the board a chance repeal the socialist steel nation
to get a better first-hand impression of the area affected allzatlon bill, and not to permit
than it would if the hearing were to be held 3000 miles state ownership to go any fur
away, ther.
Furthermore, the communities Involved would be able
to have delegations on hand for the hearings here in Salem Whether Churchill would be
whuro rliatnnna tn tho nntmn'a .anital wnulrl iinitmihtAl.. able tn achieve all hil heart's
li; u iL. i i.i ... . Jo.!., tt alaata4 la nap V. an. ann tptllS- "Nnt tn look mOUmfully
suv repieseniaiion irom vne interested communities to " - "-v ----- ----- - t.nimni wp ffrnw nij it
. tbon .(n in t nnn k t . .. to doubt. One of the immutable into the past, for it comes not tentment as we grow old if on
'.. " . l-fl-v. "I ".O I""" WWW lIlu Jllclll, . . . ,
U that mucn. " ""
. , .... i turn back the clock. And time prescn
Alter all, tne purpose or the hearing Is to Ilnd out what has made in England's way of go forth
(OoTernor of Oreron trom lffll to 1915)
"When men grow virtuous and prayerful in their old age,
they are simply proposing to offer the devil's leavings as a
sacrifice on the altar of God." Sid Brodie
"On the whole" said Stevenson, "the best religious exercise
for the aged is probably to recall their own experiences; so
many friends dead, so many hopes disappointed, so many slips
and stumbles, and withal, so many bright days and smiling
providences. There is surely matter for a very eloquent sermon
in this."
Wa nra nrimnntiihpH hv F.Dic- ld age.
we may una peace ana con-
be made through an old lady
outsiae iresno who operated a
chinchilla farm.
A neat system was arranged
whereby a gambler, making a
pay-off to the slush fund, would
buy a chinchilla, then pay for
its board and upkeep. Chin
chillas, of course, are frail ani
mals, and can die at a moment's
notice. A county official was
actually designated to handle
the books, as well as the books
of Gambler Joe Cannon.
The deal fell through, how
ever, when the old lady got
suspicious, and when Mayor
Dunn put his foot down on open
ing up Fresno.
Bob Franklin, Dunn's cam
paign manager, also reported
that he had arranged to set up
a branch narcotics office in Fres
no, directly under Franklin's .
control, which would hnock off
all narcotics racketeers who
were not paying off, but give
protection to their own racketeers.
Terrific pressure on Mayor
Deaf to Bandits' Demands
Chicago, Jan. 18 (U.R) Philip Sisto, 45, thought fast when
two bandits accosted him in an alley.
As they demanded his money, Sisto pretended he was deaf
and couldn't understand their demands.
The robbers, one waving a gun, began shouting and at
tracted passersby who called police.
Before officers arrived, however, the bandits bad given
up in disgust and fled.
Capital Journal
but wisely to improve the our journey through life, we had ntSS5 wltt S
r-nt fnr it U thine- and to learned to read and enjoy good """" ""'"nuea, witn certain
Sh to meet the future8 with- books-books that carry lne re- $ th. Dunn;.
the communities and airlines have to say about the pro- life many changes which can't out fear and . with a manly corded thoughts of the world's
posals to substitute West Coast for United in several be turned back. heart." best minds Knowledge of the
cities. 1 he best way to determine that feeling is to visit Neither Churchill nor anyone It is claimed by many that
the affected areas. else could restore the empire to youth is the happiest time of
ine uapuni journal suggests, tnererore, tnat people In " B u(" w V """" , " ing to the dead music of our, be-
the Salem region write the CAB indicating interest in the na,a was the brightest jewel in for nature attempts to be quite ljcved accomplishments.
nnu Jiuin- 11.1 iii me uiauiuuuuii .n- w h ij 4 ui
board's hearing here and the importance of the decision to the imPerial crown
fcalem and surrounding area. Letters should be addressed
to: Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington 25,
Salem's case to keep United Mainliner service would be
strengthened probably by a hearing in this city. Regard
less of that fact, however, it seems only logical that the
best way for the board to weigh opinion of the cities in
volved is to hold the hearing near those cities. And the
central point of size in the affected area is Salem.
ing can restore to England the bounties and has not overlooked
Dimes, Quarters Pay Off for Him
Cambridge City, Ind., Jan. 16 (U.R) J. C. Smith was driving
his first new car today, paid for with 20,000 dimes, some
quarters and his beat-up old jalopy.
Smith saved for the car 10 years. During all that time, he
didn't spend a dime, and during ths past year he spent no
'closed city" policy hurt busi
ness. On the other hand, Chet
Carey, secretary of Fresno's A.
F. of L. central labor council,
backed the mayor to the limit.
Mayor Dunn is still standing
pat, even though some of his
We should learn to take things "'""" are taming
., , :j ,i,.i. about a recall petition to re
move him from office. He says
that he may be a newcomer to
past provides a delightful re
treat and shelter as our years
pile up. It saves us from march-
calmly and try to avoid shocks;
be content to pick up, here and
, . ' "T.r . u Politics, but he knows the dif-
rich, for as stated by Cicero: 1" a"d
All of which illustrates how
MSb3i i I Rill
7,i i&xvmsm? 1 1
".ia '
In 1900 a young tour- sjf
1st, stranded ln Paris, &
pawned his camera to
pay for a Situations 85
Wanted Ad. The ad pc
brought him & Job sell- i8
ing stereoptlcons door- 'SSl
to-door. That year he ml
earned $5,000, ranking
among France's highest tM
paid salesmen. The
tourist was the now la- if
mous radio news ana- iff
lyst, H.V. Kaltenborn. f
LUtla mid, Ug nnUm
Clajtirto fim both.
"Nothing can be more irrational
and absurd than to increase our
provision for the road as the
nearer we approach our journ
ey's end."
the nation-wide gambling ring
operates in a medium-sized city
in California.
(Coprtisbt UMt
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