10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, January 16, 1950 Father of the Bride By EDWARD STREETER. Illustrated by Gluyas Williams In the T U. WOT WASTE WOODS BY EVEN A ROCKIN' CHAIR 1 K MR ROPER WANTS TO N r WELL I A1NT SAYIN' THIS REBUILT V c ccu-stxdat ASKING IF THIS HOOTNAKNV JmtT ALVWYS SftFE I HAD VISIT JUD BUDO- UP WINDMILL CAN GET US THERE- BUT JB s Zeke Jxquai IS SAFE, Z6KE MaImJ '" UNCLE ONCE THAT ON BREAD LOAF t ' COLUMBUS TOOK A CHANCE HELPMEVl T StonyGaps ' 7 y?L ft TEETERED OFF THE FRONT MOUNTAIN J ROLL 'ER OUT mm "vf I - answrroOx . Kl I iv.As?ORCH AN' BROKE HIS NECK' l-a7mm. m rr: TWA I I mass 4iSm&r:i HSS I RADIO PROGRAMS , BOW 100.1, -! i KOTO I0I.1. IS p.m., KEX K.S, BUS p.m. MONDAY P.M. (Installment XVHI) GETTING DRESSED FOR THE WEDDING Mrs. Pulltzski. who had made over Mrs. Banks' wedding dress for Kay, had Insisted on coming to the house that afternoon to be sure that all was in order. "Good grief," said Mr. Banks to the world at large, "this is a swell time to find out If It fits her. What's the woman going to do7 btarc maK lng alterations now? Do you peo ple realize It's a auarter to three and that there's a wedding in hour and forty-live minutesv" Any allusion to the passage of time always called forth a protest trom Ben and Tommy. "Gee, Pops, you might think it took us an hour to areas. "Why, I can be dressed in ten minutes." Tommy stretched out languidly on his bed. "It won't take me ten minutes to get Into that old fool suit." Mr. Banks pusned down his tem per with an effort. This was no time for a test of strength. "You two boys have a big responsibility this afternoon," he said with feign ed calm. "You're the only two ush ers who know our family. You're taking our car and you're to get there by lour o'clock' "Well be there, Pops. Don't wor ry. Just relax." Mr. Banks gave up and went to his room to dress. Somehow he felt alone and out of the picture. Mrs. Banks was dressing in the guest room which adjoined Kay's. He made his preparations moodily. He was not nervous, as he had feared he might be, only confused and 111 at ease. While he regarded himself gloomily in the mirror Tom my burst Into the room. "Hey, Pops, I haven't anything but soft shirts. These stiff collars won't fit on soft shirts. What am I going to do?" If Mr. Banks had had a blunt In strument in his hands he would un doubtedly have used It. As It was he merely stared at Tommy with out affection. "What size do you wear?" "Fourteen and a half." "Well, wear fifteen and a half, so that's that. Hasn't Ben got a shirt without a collar?" "Yeah, but hc-s got it on." "Didn't you have an evening shirt?" "Yeah. Mom put It In the wash. Can't I wear a soft shirt, Pops?" "No," shouted Mr. Banks. "Well, what'll I do?" "Take the car and get one," yell ed Mr. Banks. "Good grief. It's quarter after three. You and Ben aro due at the church in forty-five minutes. Have I got to tnink for" But Tommy was gone. Mr. Banks resumed dressing, when he had finished he surveyed himself in the long mirror and found the sight riimer pleasing, jvoc many 0 nis friends could wear their old cuta ways at their daughters' weddings. If he didn't move Impulsively It was perfect. "I got It," Tommy panted from the door of the bedroom. I had to move some. A cop stopped me, but I talked him out of it. Gee, what a ride." Tommy's door slam med. Mr. Banks shuddered. Hei walked uncertainly to the head of the stairs. "Hi. Pons, this kind of a shirt has to have studs. Got any?" He lelt himself going rigid again. "You must have some. Your mother gave you a set for your evening shirt." "I know Pops, i can't find 'em. Must have gone to the wasn." In his bedroom Mr. Banks pawed vainly through the Jewel case. No collar buttons. His voice sounded strained and unreal. "Listen, you've had two months to think of this. You take Ben to the church. Then go and get your damn collar buttons and swanow mem." Tommy opened his mouth to pro test at this Injunction, but he saw an expression on his lather's lace that made mm tnink better or it. He went out, closing the door quiet ly oenina mm. A moment later Mrs. Hanks enter ed the room and Mr. Banks for-1 got everything else. He knew that ne would never De ame to remem ber what she was wearing. He knew also that, to his dying day, he would never forget her as she stood. framed in the doorway, waiting for his annroval slim, graceful and I lovely. All the beauty of her own wedding day lay upon her, tem pered by a serenity and dignity that made Mr. Banks feel suddenly shy. tone saw tne startled admiration In his face. "Don't say any more, I darling." she said. "You like It. I saw that. You'll spoil It if you try to tell me why. And for heaven's! sake don t muss my hair. ' riay is ready." announced Mrs. Pulitzskl. They filed down the hall after her. She paused before Kay's door and threw it open dramatical ly. Kay was standing In the middle of the room, her train and veil care fully arranged behind her, no long er a brown-haired girl of five feet four, but a princess from some medieval court. Her head was thrown back slightly and she watch ed the effect upon her courtiers with the calm assurance of one born to the cloth of gold. Mr. Banks would not have been I surprised If she had extended her nano ior mm to kiss. His eyes be came suddenly blurred. Good grief, this would be a hell of a time for him to start crying. What was the matter witn everyoody today? "You're wonderful, Kitten. Wonderful." She squeezed his hand. "Thanks. Pops." For an instant her eyes met his not as a daughter but as a woman, -mow, on to the slaugh ter." she said. He looked at his watch. "It's five alter iour. The cars must be here " said Mr Banks. "I ordered both of them to be here at four sharp." She! looked out Kay's window Into the empty street. I'll call the garage." said Mr Banks. "I'll give them a piece of my mina. jjeiore ne was hall way downstairs the telephone rang. -neno xes. speaKing WHAT? WHO? Walt a minute." He covered the receiver with his hand. "It's those two cousins of your from Bal timore. They came as a surDrlse. They're down at the station and there aren't any taxis. Well, what'll I ten mem? They're your relatives." "Tell them Tell them Oh, tell them to iumn m the lake nnrt swim." If Mrs. Banks hod done a hand stana on tne banisters she could not nave startled her husband more. "Ellie can't be disturbed at the moment," he said apologetical ly to the telephone. "I'm sure tnere u be a taxi along in a min ute, though. It was good of you to come. (To Be Continued) Amity Lions Club Sponsoring Scouts Amity The Amity Lions club held Its first semi-monthly dinner meeting at Wilcox cafe with 20 men present. Earl John ion presided. A movie on baseball was shown. Phil Frost, representative of Boy Scout activities was guest speaker. He will organize a Cub Scout troop here with the Lions club as sponsor. The Lions club will also sponsor the March of Dimes drive in Amity with Bernard Kosta, chairman. fw- 3pB f I Daisies Do Tell Daisies will Ml of your love for gracious livlnir And beautiful linens when you work these graceful designs on guest-room lin ens. Whether you use restful white or glowing colors your linens take on new Interest and glamor with me addition or the embroidery. Pattern Envelope No. R2S13 con tains hot-iron transfer for 3 de signs measuring 11 by 4 Inches color chart, material requirements, siitcn illustrations ana embroider' lng directions. To obtain tlu pattern send HOc In COINS giving pattern number, your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street San Fran Cisco a. calif. mmamm . ' ftp tm - -tiM W- Iw. VM liy. p IV """" T--??TrTT7T I I I 1 t, (CJUTHEtjAN HOMERS DRtTTT AM3 I CLAM W DTTl"l If TH' LITTLE COKEB WITH tX C3EPMI " ftfW) THWT JACK SACK! WHAT AN 1 f CARE FOR ANV-OH, WEU--THE WORLD'S I I " I W -EM 6CMETHltr SPECIAL OUST A . Ill APPETITE AND DON (NSSTS I FULL, O'SUVS UKE THAT. I'M FRAID- II U I DOZEN-ONE FOR EPCR AMD ONE TO ? ITO THrr HE AND JACK EACH HAVE I GUVS WHO'D OWE YUH THE SHIRT OFF r Nf-tH.'Z-mEKS ) I Tf-I'LL BEAT HIS BXMNS iH DOttT KNOf WHERE THE tJON'T KNOW WHY ) I V, A HELPLESS- J IN , AN' fOB HM JT?J f fiAf GUV CAME FROM -BUT I AH LETS 10 HANG S. Sfl LOOKWOi-D !J lr -. - THERE'S TIVO OF igfr&f AROUND. YC CERTAINWj I CRUMB COMIW K - J l-SAT V&Z&SJL EMAIOnlT I'D WbtJiL HAIN'T NO GOOD j L "Sg-' " XA" u I WHAT'S 60IN- ON t 1 I IT'S THET CASSIOY 1 C"""rT YOUR FRIENO GETS T1 t''W&X HIM,MEN.1 " UP THERE, BURT? J I FELLER HE'S ROAMIN' I Y0S.I jl DIZZY IN HI6H PLACES. 1 II IpEAD OR AUVE. J InC-"7 '-xf- "Mri??'frtT it nrurn' r I ltt,feM pUnWi'ln f 41 WATfsHr,ATawwSDNE v K I HERE'S THP AN US. TUMU THE-FKAMtSI I SAYTU-irS Anl S . V llil ITlI V HONDFRINfl WHV T FNT Cne U BRUSH PAINTED. PATTy tf-aS. READY. DANDY AND f f tfjki lu-sllrCfejL f C HERE IT IS. THERElS A YOKE - akiot u-v:-;Tu---jAiig :' A" l'"Jt ,gf- A SWELL jg I &t&tt I g lVl 6TARTWS AN EATINS PLACE TOO NB1 oc I .rees fesfdi MJa mg$ tf- t im, f-fe wiSl l. L .rh.-K.ii ill - m i i i minur i ? " i h i v-c i i , HAVE FUN TODAY, YOUTWO! T DO unc HF A HMM! THE PLACE DE5ERTEDI I IMU4TGETCX)WNTOTHE5rpAON a J AN I'V,K-PURCHK' MU5rv "l-LEO A I w m. fV-v - K-t v AUNTMARy---WETrllN6mi5;mADWRTI4E ,N THE 6TAFF TO WITNESS lv J -WiBs, -fort , SSbjt KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO 60 NBC 070 CBS J "B "'" i!T .1 r-.t... v.i. K T Bl"' Cr"b' iiJS 5! r'.l" lJ5! " :3S sis: 5:5!: xss aag-ssasar 745 D.T. G.rrow.r Bob H.k tlhtl AlbertCUco Kid Sport; 8;45Kllrod Hoar r.lenl SoouH Trio T' 8"" Tr"k 9;noTelepboiii nr. Inner S.netnm Spo.klnc Son.i J"' 5!!!l!S!lta 9:151lophon. Rr. Inner Snnolnm Spe.klnr Son.. ," y'""""" U- a. on Dine Oreh. ReuUh Ralph Norman ! J;- :ij"j)uie. Qrch. Dlub 1 Ralph Norman c- ' c- Chief B.M. l" Sam Harea LSt.r rinal Rlehlleld Rep. fNi" "5 5". 10il5 SPort. Final You A World Inlermeno "m f.'"" ", 10 SO Dick Hmn slrflo Concert Hone N" " 18:45 Qrohe.tr. Serenade Concert Hour ""' Mu. Yon want iTiooJe Gen. M.r.h.ll Concert Ilonr J" '"' Jl lias ""- gs;4?"" SSa'S' rLhV.r'a.N!. U-jgw" m""s km: aas rre...v.n..i.. jaiooinrno7i Isira QIC " I31'" " slra " FM Mef.. KGW 100.S, 1-10 p.m., KOTN 101.1, a.m., 12 P.m., KEX l., I to P.m. TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. A-naHodn PodM Newa Farm New. Newa i:?5 St"' KOIN Kloek Keep Smlllni Mo.. Tlmek'per elan?"" koin Ki.ck .p .,ob xim. koco k..j 6:45 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smlllnt Xea KOCO Klock 7.OO Earlr Bird KOIN Klock New. Newa ZnrS "i;V. 7;i5o"d Sofa New. A.ron.k, Br'kfa.t Gam KOC Kloet V, i-V, New. CBS New. Bob lla.en Br'kfa.t Can. jjjg J; i Fred Beck Zeke Manner. Top Trade. KOCO Kick J; sioOEddl. Albert Con.nmer New. Bre.kfa.t Clnb Bar. Connler .""Jfo,."' 8:15 Eddl. Albert New. "J!"! S S S? I IVe.lern Melodp 8:30 Jack Berek G'"d Slam ' ?" rie.1. Tim. 8:45 San Rider. Ro.emarr Breakfast Club Haven of Re.l ,. V IV Nam 1 1 ill fi for MCl 11 1 9:00 Second Cnp Wendr Warren New. " " "JJ" rime for Mel'dp 9:15 second Cap Aunt Jeun, Tod" '. Star. "' ?' star. Sin. 9:30 Hometowneri Helen Trent " 'J " " Sjji" . J. Ch. Tbomai 9:45 New. Our Gal Sundar Quick Fla.h Rider. Fnrp. S. 10:00 M.rrlan for Blr Sl.ter Serenad. S. Dm Memo"Mu.i. !5:!5 lawton Ma Perkin. (ialen Drake ""?,'," Tune Tim. 10:30 ear. Carallerp Dr. Malone Mr True Storr 2 " i is Kct. 10:45 J,,;, Blch.rd. Guldln. Ll.ht Mr True Slorj Ru.. Mor... Kcj. 1;00 noubl. or N.th. Mrt Burton ?'!.:?!!.. iwSrt. .rt 1 15 D.nM. or N.lh. f errp Ma.on V o. Llndl.hr Qell "0 Jan Gather 3gBrad Remold. Norah Drak. N wes erner. q ' Vocal Varletle. . 11:45 The Playboy. Brighter Day N'we.ternera nucen ior uay . 18:00 Knea.. New. Newa Banbhaie J Trade. JJ"!,!,.. uaSm 12:15 Rnad Of III. Com. Gel It New. New. New. 12:30 Pepper founi Hou.e Party Jack Norman J J New. n..-., 12:45 Happlnea. Hon.. Party Meet Menjou. Bob Ebcrly "" hi,,Twa'u;f'"" KbMi'ihrt!1 s:!S 1 15 Stella D.lla. '"'Lt'" Hollywood TellNel.hbor " l:30uren.o Jone. Garry Moorp K ., if" ' Mae'. Melodic. lij5'Vldder Brown New.p.per K ,v, Bln Sin.. '" 11 FrgpP-F:r,H y'?.. r! "Ai5 3:00 Welcomt Tr. Newi club Time Jamborea Ic "'J0'- 3:16 Welcotn. Inf. tothut Godfrey MubIo Jamboree Mm Me od ti 3:30 Anni Hary - Oodrrey Hannibal Cobb N" JJ e 3:45 lot A Learn rthar Godfrey Hannibal Cobb Dave Rose Mac Melodlca 4:00 Woman'e Btorel Artbnr Godfrey Western Brand Fulton Lewie Movie Tine i:15 Life BeastlftU Arthur Godfrey Squirrel lam HeminKway flillosopher :30 Dr. Paul Cnrl Metier SqulrrM Cae Behind Storr B can be Beaut. 4:45 Paula Stone Edw. Mnrrow Flrcfihlera jCarm. Cavallcro B C'n be Beaut. DIAL LISTING. KOAC 550 lAAp Monday P.M. fl:00, Children'! 5:50. 550 Bporti Clubi 8:00, Newii 6:15, Dinner Melodies. 0:39. Muile of Csecho lovaklai 7:15, Evening Farm Bonn 8:00. Famous Orran Compoierit 8:15, World In Review; 8:80, Campui Recital; 9:00, Music That Endareit 8:45, Evenlnr Meditation!, 10:00, Sim Off. A. M. 10:00, Newa ther: 10:15. Etpee- 11:00, School of Airi lA AT Tuesday 1 nd leather; 10:15, Espec ially for women; 11:15, Concert Hall; 1!;00, News; 12:15, Noon Far:. Hour; 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy; 1:15. School of Airt 1:30, Melody Lane; 2:00, Forelun Students; 2:30, Mem ory Bonk of Music; 2:45, School of Air; 3:00, News; 3:15,. Muslo of the Masters. Nicholson Residence Scene for Parties Mill City Mrs. Walter Nich olson entertained in her home with a party honoring her son, Luther, on his fifth birthday an niversary. Several games were played followed by refreshments. Invited were Luther Nichol son, Shirley and Bonnie Law son, Sharon Stone, Claudia Bru- der, Shirley and Robert Cree, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kanoff, Mrs. T. A. Boothe, Mrs. Mary Nelson, Mrs. Eddie Stone, Mrs. Paul Cree, Mr. and Mrs. Ed McGriff of Oswego and Luther'si mother, the hostess. A Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson also were hosts in their home with a watch party. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cree, Mr. and Mrs. Vergil Cribbs, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gnuschke, Mrs. Mae Cribbs, also Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cribbs of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. Solon Echerd of Molalla. ACROSS L Whnrt 6. Pall hsjidl. . Chop 12. Irish excla mation 13. Very: Scotch 14. Age 15. Succenlon IT. Kind of pajtrr 19. Al&M&chu- aetu cap. 20. Clustered 21. Possesses 23. Bitter vetch 24. Mote of the scale 25. Offer to par 2S. Wins 27. Award of valor 30. English letter 31. Wrenched 33. Left-hand page: abhr. 31. L'ong 36. Animal's foot 37. Male chill 33. Thus 39. Color 40. Warble 41. Greeted 44. Obstruct 46. Sour 48. Capital of Montana, 49. Exist 60. Wrinkle 63. Presently 63. Ribbed fabrlo 51. God of love 55. Hollow TTc eWp i l e tHh e n Tju N Ii A N I L e A V E s ta R T EDMS t b aw BHIb I T EBBS T E "kj 5t H P L E A SE 3 ARE SJH R E A RSH7I spfisE atsbth e I N go T A R V flwIE E O S E CIR E C VHP E A R Y MiEft hHbancH PIR I S MB PANTHER i EVEN T E R E ROB 3r AGE EMS I X DOWN 1. Dance step 2. Wrath 3. Mission TVWJr 1 I itl AP Nawifeoturei 8olutlon of Saturday' Puzzl 4. Showers fi. Public con veyance 6. Article 7. Cako f rostra 8. Crazy: slant; 9. Piled 10. City in Penn sylvania 11. Division of a city 18. Half em 18. Decoyed 20. Comprehenoeai 21. Mind 22. Spmise 23. Yale 26. Beard of grain 27. Cry of the cat 28. English river . 29. Lengthy 31. Game flsn 32. Urchin 36. Slumbering 37. Alarm whisUet variant 39. Come back to mind 40. Dinner coum 41. European river 42. Land measure 43. Weary 44. Exist 46. Possesses 47. Negative prefix 48. Insect SI. Leave ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahem W YES, THERE IS THS PRESTIGE ggg5 AS HEAD OP THIS gf AND HONOR. OF PUFFLE TO"ERS MANSE I HAVE THE v WHICH I MUST PROTECT AND UPHOLD. l RIGHT TOKNOW I 'A SO THE MOMENT HAS ARRIVED TO tc CTARACTEfl ' V PUT THE QUESTION DlRECTUY J I ai5d MANNER OF XTheSIS LrtSfBODgS-V THE NATURE OF HIS LODGER WE HARBOR 'Y,?rK,CcHS I -WHEN HE COMES ' SVVBUSNE OUCFRONT " f ii tlH it. as1 ' II HIM BLUNTLY I