8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, January 14, 1950 Father of the Bride RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY P. M. KEX 1190 ABC KOCO 1490 Kc. kr.By EDWARD STKEETER. Illustrated by Gluyas Williams KSLM 1390 MBC HERES STONY GAP, STEVE Y SEEMS TO BE 1 KHEV, SNOOKSV SNCW-SLIDE ON OLD 1 K YOU'RE PALE, T EVER FIND YOURSELF ON V C "A PLACE OP SOLID, HOMELVA BIT OF l WHAT COOKS.7BREADLOAF"ROAD'S "RIBBERVIS A PICNIC WITH NO CORKSCREW? ui?HfiU"wITH WDMENjtaBHf EXCITEMENT r-COMPLETELY BLOCKED THIS BAD ? rf-CUR STOfiVS ALL SEALED UP X 1TO MATCH FZTTzizCTW W?BB SOMEBODY W'iSI P y -ft r " -v LIKE A BOTTLE OF OLIVES WE c WrltmiiirSrM I KvGOTATELEGRAM y VjKi ,Ova-- "S 'SLS ' I CAN'T GET AT IT, AND NEITHER . I KGW 630 NBC K0IN 970 CB8 tUv$ im ' i! fit ' If ' m 1 : m 1 s (Installment XVII) TWENTY-FOUR MAPLE DRIVE . UNDERGOES A FEW CHANGES Mr. Banks awoke early the fol .. lowing rooming with a headache, '''conscious that many things were ."wrong. i. Then his slowly awakening mind . .grasped the fact that he had come ''home rather late Irom the Country 4 Club and that In a lew hours his b'oldest child was going to be mar--,-ried. , Instinctively he turned to look ' out the window. The sun was shin ing. His eyes traveled lower and -rencountered those of the mother .cof the bride. They were appraising him with an expression that struck "-'him as being on the eold side. 2- "Nice day," he said. "Yes." she said, 'thank goodness. ,And now we're getting up. There's .work to be done." "h bald-headed man walked In without crcraonlei Mr. Banks went to the bathroom cabinet and poured a large spoon ful of Bromo Seltzer into a glass of water. It fizzed delightfully against his dry palate. Downstairs the house was unrec- ,.eenizable. The rurnlture had disap peared. Delilah met him at the foot "i ute HLtiii&. "Mis' Banks, you's goin t have yo1 breakfas' in th' kitchen this mon- lnv sne announced, ine mea seem ed to strike her as high comedy, 'She disappeared into the pantry . oouoiea up witn laugnter. Mr. Banks ate his eggs self -con- 1 aciously at Delilah's white-enameled : tame. j After a second cup of black coffee ..he wandered aimlessly through the -bare rooms. A truck pulled Into , ine anveway lojiowea oy a oiacK 4 sedan from which a bald-headed man alighted. The front door wa; : open. The bald-headed man walk- " ed in witliout ceremony. "I'm Tim's 'man," he said. "I guess we'll be settlrr up th' flowers an stuff, . said Tim's man. "Yes indeed." said Mr. Banks. A few minutes later the floor of the living room was covered with ('potted plants, ferns and lumps ( of damp earth. Mr. Banks strolled - restlessly through the debris and out I the French door Into the back , garden. There he found three . strangers unrolling a huge bundle oi canvas. ! "Is that the marauee?" he asked "It's the tent for the Banks wed- ; tun'," corrected one of the men. Mr. Banks squinted at the cloud less sky. A brilliant idea flashed s across his thriftv mind. "You know.1 E he said casually, "on a day like this x a on c minic we'll neea a lent." : The men stopped unrolling the tent and stared at him in silent amazement. One of them finally recovored his voice. "Don't need a tent?' he exclaimed. "Listen, Jack, tills tent is contracted for three weeks ago. There's people yellin' i-lor it all over the place. You're Just lucky, that's all." "Yes, of course," said Mr. Banks, only thought Yes, of course." , He stepped around the bulky pile nd walked down the driveway. Maple Drive was quiet. Several houses away hts new neighbor, Mr. KogRson. was cutting hts front lawn. ijseemeainc recti Die to Mr. Banks that anyone could be engaged in such trivial work at a tune like this. He strolled aimlessly toward mm. Hi," said Mr. Hoggson, pausing. 'Going to be a nice week-end." "I certainly hope so," said Mr. Banks. "My daughter's getting mar ried this afternoon." "Well, you don't say sol" Mr. Hoggson shook Mr. Banks' nana warmly. "That's your first child to go. isn't it? Quite a wrench, all right. You won't come in and have a spot, perhaps? You got a hard day ahead of you." "Sorry," said Mr. Banks. "We're kind oi busy at the house this morning. I'm Just doing an errand for my wife." ie wanted DrisKiy away wiinout the slightest notion where he was going. It was the same everywhere. The world was proceeding quietly about Its week-end tasks, heedless of what was happening at 24 Maple Drive. After about a mile he cut through a patch of woods and came back through the village in order to avoid Mr. Hoggson. By the time he returned to the house the artisans had given way to relatives. The place was swarm ing with them. The phone was ringing continu ously. He took charge of it. Uncle Joe was in town and wanted de tailed instructions on how to get out to r airview Manor, uousin Her- tna was at the station. Would some one come down and get her? Aunt Harriet; nad lost her suitcase with her best dress in it. Mr. Banks suddenly noticed that Kay was not around. He discovered her uostalrs. Wine- on the bed, her face buried in the pinow, her shoulders shaking. "Kitten," he said, "what's the trouble? This is vour weddiniz dav " "Oh, I know it, Pops. That's just the trouble. It's mv wedriinr? rinv but It isn't. It's everybody else's weaaing aay out it just isn't mine." She let her face down into the pil- iuw again, out now sne was auieter. "I know," Mr. Banks said. "I Know. Mine either." The Bill Harcourts gave a lunch eon before the wedding. It was to nave Deen a small attair hut noth ing about this wedding seemed cnpaoie oi remaining small. The house was crowded with npo. pie when Mr. and Mrs. Banks ar rives. Ms vrimary interest was In world politic As he entered tne room a barge of a woman, wearing pinccnez, bore down on mm nice a tugooat, ana began a detailed account of Buck ley's early childhood. She was up to his iiith year when someone spilled a plute of lobster salad on one oi her ample nips, in the con fusion Mr. Banks managed to es cape, only to be recaptured by a man with a wnirus mustache. This character appeared to re gard the gathering as a kind of public forum. He drew Mr. Banks to a window seat. His primary in terest was in world politics and wanted Mr. Banks' opinion of the International situation. When Mr. Banks disclosed the fact that he had no opinions, the floor passed to the stranger, who obviously had a direct wire to God. Kay approached them. "Mother's looking for you. She thinks we'd Better oe getting home." He gazed at her with awe. An hour ago she had been sobbing on her bed. Now she looked radiant like a goddess oi spring serene ana Deautuui. (To Be Continued) Traffic Court Isn't Always Dull Detroit, Jan. VP) Traffic court was pursuing Its accus v'' tomed routine. " All in all, it was pretty dull. ' i Then came the case of the city versus pretty Mrs. Luveda V Bmedley, 29, a bride of two weeks, j Mrs. Smcdley's car had struck a pedestrian. , Up to that point It was still routine. Came forth the victim, William W. White, 82, whose arm and right side had been hurt. From then on a gentleman's gallantry and the formal ex cesses of the law were both Involved. Not to mention a lady's right to pay her own $10 fine. White insisted on paying It. He said Mrs. Smedlcy wasn't entirely to blame. Mrs. Smcdley, who had pleaded guilty, talked him out of it. The Judge extended her two weeks time to pay. "I have never been treated nicer by anyone," White said afterwards, He explained that Mrs. Smedlcy had paid his hospital bills and visited him several times in the course of his re- eovcry. a "We have become good friends," he said. And that's the way it was when the case was adjourned. Everybody was happy. Seventh Anniversary Of Birth Celebrated i Oak Point Mrs. John Rule as hostess for a birthday par ty honoring her daughter, Diane Kay on her seventh birthday. The afternoon was spent playing james. Guests were Sara K. ROOM BOARD C'Jll Lauderback, Mary Gene Gist, Phyllis and Philip Ingrim, Ray mond Wilson, Judy and Pat Peterson, Tommy, Bartel, Jerry Hamblin, John Green, Paula and Michael Hayes, Stephen Rule, Darlene and Dolonas Rule, Joan Frykberg, Mrs. B. Hayes and Mrs. Rule. Bv Gene Ahem 1 I FEU IT AAV DUTY AS A FORMER. SCOTLAND YARP INSPfcl-1UK lu EXAMINE THE CONTENTS jr lHt PACKAGE DELIVERED MERE FOR. MR SNORGEESLE ANDINSICE WERE THREE DIFFERENT-SIZED CUBES OF STEEL AND I SAY Tucv ABE TO RE I ISED FOR. ENGRAVING AND PRINTING COUNTERFEIT DnsTAe 5TAAAP5 I DONT BLAME YUH 1 BEIN 5ER5PICIOU5 OP DA GUY' HE LOOKS LIKE A GYP WHO'D SELL GLASS LOLLIPOPS TO KIDS ?HE JUDGE IS ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED I I I c im n-t fw wo. i- th I I AMpgrtbort f i - i vmmmmm wr n1 siiim r -"" s" mmWMW SOMETHJN 1 HARDLVBSOtxSH W ANNI6 E!5 WE NEVE OT SO I r THfiT'S O.K.IUL MAKE n B TEUS ME.ONNIE, TO MENTION ROCKY- 9 SPEND LOTS H MUCH gTUFF BEPOgg- Jjuyf) f ITSSO LTrTLE, ) STRETCH FWASICAN If THOT VOUT5E ANYWB4 T TH-PRICES JM B tfHEJg MONEY" nou ro,M. -.)JS u ANNIE. TO EUV I C'MON, LILVTIRIS, POPPV-YOU I CHIPPIM IN YOU CHARGE ME, YOO K) 1 QH WHAT M IS mru i S I uioSr Vl " FOR SO MANY-) CAN ALL CARRY SOMETHING J R. VOUR DOUSH- J AREN'T MflKIN' A CHME- M III MAMA WE Ml JS.VsL f I AHHAD r PWA EXTOV ' MSiA SSL ilII LI tMJL DIME FO-VO-.T- rft-rK I Btfl ,DCWr LOOK NICE V-) 'WM 7' fSK-T gl . 1 WCVE BEEN A-WAITIN- V I7B hfa'J&fegt ' ?T'1 Hi.'f JEg:).1 f i'll 'H DOWNSTAIRS IN DIAMOND'S OFFICE u FER YUH,CASSlDY.C-MON f-A iiTiaLJt f UB",m"" I HJP' " YORE GONNA SEE A, 1 -y, V SfTZTMt fi f XgXl J I AINT THET WYEAHLET's 0 C 01111. -S'MMkM$ k SmJtW I SHOOTIN- UPSTAIRSX5V &o. 1 T l) o mjiffll PHEW THAT SJfa "I NWKES AND SAUSAGE-) . 1 V WOT Jrmti? '4 H0WI NEED TWO B,TS(' f' D S5 PINE, TEX i BNE TH09E BY THE WAY, TEX. I'VE I DON'T KNOW TOO 1 ,, HI THECE WOOLLY .THO06HT 'STEBS RUSTYAVID ALGETY WO AN OFFER I MUCH.. IV6 ALWAYS HELLO..OH, HELLO, MABCINE -YES, U IP STEOLLOVERANDSEe I Y ARE LIKE A COUPLE TO BUY WE OUT.. WHAT SUSPECTED THE THIS IS PANNY..YES.I ASKED FEE S iW THE BlSENTERPRI I BEAVERS... IM FlXINCl DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE RESTAURANT WAS ID CALL YOU. .THAT 5 RIGHT.. A0OU Z. epRoflREC A iPLACE ESl THEY FELLA THEY CALL "DANNY I JUST A FRONT COB SIX OF THE BOYS.. PROBABLY t3t j KKuocwM. htW60T BRUSH TO PAINTiv' WHO RUNS THAT DINER A SOMSTHN6 ELSE.. NEED THAT MANV. BUT I'D RATHER Y TAC TDONT KNO BE ON THE SAFE SIDE I , , . . . ,mr"J AHEAD J . 'JZCX tSpAn KtfSVU . 2po FT, ,K rr : 1 i ?. -fteH smt 1 1 Z1- frr. I.v v., r.- r,. 1 1. 1 v ylw WHAT NEW ULTIMATUM DID I i'VFS 5fr A 5C8EAM YH2 I IN THE QUIET CULTURED TONEOF ANDVOUHAVE ) NOPEl-.- J NABOLEON THE NINTH HMlM, KiNfi BWCK'. . YOU , tit AN AIR-RAID ALERT, HE TOLD ME X 5u?h AN V I LET U5 EAT, DRINK AND BE "S JIAAMY?. OU LOOK rxf COULOVE.-INTHE , TOCOME UP WITH A WORLD-ROCKING AiDEAONl 1 JOLLY.'. .TOMORROW WE FRYi J M PUNCTURED! OFFICE OF H WIMBLETDN t PLAN FOR PROMOTING KALKENBROOM) TAP? , - X A 1 PUKHE JUST NOW i ft KONTACT LEN5E6- -OR FIND MYSELF 1 A U B7L 5 " mtof s rS lwQ j 5:00Bandi or Land 5:15;Bandi of Land, n:UiBand of Land 5:45,i.i G:00lDijlclftnd Jaxi b:if Dixieland Jau 7:00 1:15 7:45 8:0i) 8:15 8:30 8:4S fltflO ludy Canova Judy Can ova Grand OI' Opry Grand 01 Opry Truth or Conieaueneea Hollywood Star Hollywood Star 9:30 9:45 JX7ol 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:301 11:45 12:00. Hit Parada Hit Parade Life of Riley Life of Riley Sam Hayea Morton Downer! urcheitra Orcheitra Newa Wax Muienra Wax Mute urn Wax Muieuin narny'd Follies iCotumbla Feat. Danger Abead Newt Philip Marlowe Philip Marlowe .Mem. In Millie Dick Hay me Sing It Aralo Sins It Amln Sins It A fain Sine II Again Remember Special Event! i Harmon aire Teen Tunes Babe Ruth Hume Edition Mod. Roma nre Mod. Romance Hollywood Byline f handu Mario Chandu Magic, Monroe IV. Monroe Gene Autry Gene Autry ngbuatera Gangbuateri Young Love IVoung Lova p-Star Final Organ Mutlo Capitol Cloakroom Serena Ac Treasury Rand Organ Melodies Organ Melodies llllent Lone Ranger Lone Ranger iperman Superman Rob Crosby Bob Crosby Bob Crosby Bob Crosby True or False (True or False Organ Reveries Christ. Science Comedy of Krrors Nile Ridrra NHeRldera 'popular Music Popular Musla West Coast Ramblers Dance Orch. Dance Orch, Meet the J'rrsa Meet the Press News Intermesso Dance Band :e Band Let's Dance Let's Dante Let's Dance Let's Uance Xtra Hour ..News tai Card. ID ante Orrh, ce Orch. Monica Whalen John Wolohin Guests Muslo Guests Music Open House Open House Open House Open House Off Candlelight and Silver News lAssetn. of God Rhythm Ranch Rhythm Ranch Adv. In Resrch. i -Square Gospl. Time Was Drivers Plavhsa 'Strike Up Band f ropicana Midcourt S1IS - Astoria SHS - Astoria S IIS -Astoria SHS - Astoria SHS - Astoria News Dancing Parly Dancing Party Dancing Party Dancing Party Dancing Party Danctnr Party Dnnrlng Party Dancing Party Dancing Party 'Sign DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 KG AC ?,,B.rd,Jt Pl MT?i00'rt CI?L'" I "' . Grand Opera " dren's Theateri B:1S, On the .. ..,. . Sign Off Upbeat; S:fi0, SMI Sports Clubt 6:00, Newst , News and Weather; 9:00, Tonlghtt 8:45, Dance Paradai 11:15, London Lettcri 6:S0, Dinner Melo- I 10:00, Sign Off. SUNDAY 700 Radio Pulpit Church of Air Band Box y. 715 Radio Pulpit Church of Air Band Box 7-3n J. Doe's Music Church of Air Band Box Mutual Mutle 745 J. Doe's Music Church of Air Dand Box Mutual Music R-Ofl J. Doe's .Vtfisic Newsmakers Revival Hour 1st Baptist Ch Hymn Tlmt 815 Morn. Serenade Howard Smith Revival Hour 1st Baptist Ch. Vews 830 Church In Vour SH Lake Tnher Revival Hour Voice Prophecy Kcllo'snlp Voice 8:45 Home alt Lake Taber Revival Hour Voice Prophecy 1'cllo'ahip Voice 900 Silver String's Invitation Southernaires Ra. Bible Class Bible Program 0:15 Silver Strings to Learning Southernaires Ra. Bible Class Lutheran 9:30 Kte1 Light Guest Stars Message of Lutheran Hour Ave Maria Br. 9:45 Eternal Light News Israel Lutheran Hour Ave Maria Hr. 10:00 Glenn Shelley. People's News News Ch'rcb Id Wild. 10:15 Organist Platform Romance Songs Organ Loft 10:30 Chicago Round Columbia Feit Sunday Vespers News Sacred Heart 10:45 Table Columbia Feut. Sunday Vespera Quia Wayne King 11:00 Xmas Program Sammy Kay News Elder Mi-haui First Baptist 11:15 Xmas Program Sammy Kay rik A Ernst Elder MIchaux First Baptist 11:30 Xmas Program Gallery Gossip Piano David Rosa First Baptist 11:45 Xmas Program News Playhouse Canaries First BapUit 12:00 Blue Barron NY Phllharm. Hour of Faith News Serenade for 12:15 Chuck Foster NV Phllharm. Hour of Faltb Guest Star Strings 12:30 Qui Kids NY Phllharm. Opera Album Juvenile Jury Headline Newt 12:45 Qui Kids Ti "hllharm. Opera Album Juvenile Jury United Nations 1:00 Living, 1040 NY Phllharm. Week's World Use. of Mystery Musle for ;15 Livine 1019 M Phllharm. Week's World Use. of Mystery Daydreaming ;3fl American My Serenade Voice of Proph. Martin Kane Muslo for 1:45 Forum News Voice of Proph. Martin Kane Daydreaming 2:00 Radio City Earn Vacation Mr. President The Shadow Church Prog. 2:15 Radio City Earn Vacation Mr. President The Shadow Church Prog. 2:30 H' vest of Stars Strike It Rich Greatest Story True Detective Band Showcase 2:45 H'veat of Stars Strike It Rich Greatest Sto.v True Detective Band Showcase 3;00 The Hardy Family Hour Lutheran nour John Metle Sun. Serenade" 3:15 Family Family Ilur Lutheran Hour John SUile Baptist Church 3:30 Hollywood Boston Blackle Musle with Nick Carter Baptist Church 3:45 Calling Boston Blackle the Girls Nick Carter Baptist Church 4:00 H'llyw'd Calling Jack Benny Research Adv. News Donald Stewart J:15 H'llyw'd Calling Jack Benny Here's to Vets Mental Health Donald Stewart :30 Harris-Fay Amos 'n' Andy Guest Star World Concert Concert 4 :45 Harrls-Faya Amos 'n' Andy Ted Malone World Concert Concert 5:00 Sam Spado Berg.-M'C'rthy Stop the Music Alexander Dallas-Minister- 5:15 Sam Spade Berg.-M'C'rthy stop the Music Alexander Here's to Vela 5:30 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn M irray Suppertime 5:45 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn Miinay Serenade 6:00 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer W'lter WInchell Enchanted HrT Ted Dale 6:15 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer Louella. Parsons Enchanted Hr. Ted Data 6:30Album Familiar Horace Heldt Chance of a Family theatre News 6:45 Musla Horace Heldt Lifetime Family Theatre Tropicana 7:00 Take It or Contented Hr. Jlmmie Fldler Medical Hitltes- Sunday .aloa 7:15 Leave It Contented Hr. Chapel Songs of Times Sunday dalon 7:30!ob Crosby The Whistler Amaxlng Roy Rogers Nararene Ch. 7:45 bp Crosby The Whistler Malono Roy Rogers Naiarena Ch. 8:00 1 Man's amlly Miss Brooks Drew Pearson Twenty Q'stlons Naiarena Ch. 8:15 1 Man's Family .diss Brooks Headlines Twenty Q'stlons Nazarene Ch. 8:30 Symphony Hour Berg.-M'C'rthy W'ter Wtnchell Walt. Winchell Frank do Vol 8:45 Symphony Hour Berg.-M'C'rthy Louella Parsons Louella Patscns Frank de Vol 9:00 Symphony Hour Red Skellon- Think Fast News Sunday Revert ' 9:15 Symphony Hour Red Skelton Think Fast Editorial Sunday Rover) 9:30 Dance Orch. Jack Benny Orchestra Cunnlnrham Dallas Church 9:45 Dance Orch. Jack Benny Gov. McKay News Dallas - Church 10:00 Newa Five Star Final rtiehf 'Id Rep'tr Sign Off Moon Drnji ' 10:15 Mary A. Mercer Night Editor Intermczso Moon Dreams 10:30 Catholic nour St. Francis Hr. Orchestra Moon Dreams 10:45 Catholic Hour Trees. Band Orchestra Moon Dreams 11:00 News Serenade Drew Pearson Sign Off " 11:15 Wax Museum Treasury Band Nocturne 11:30 Wax Museum Prelude Nocturne 11:45 Wax Museum News Nocturne 12:00 Sign Off Sign Off Xtra Hoar MONDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P,M. iHodge Po&'g jNews Farm Time Farm Tim Early Bird Old Songs News i Hayes Eddie Albert Eddie Albert Jack Berch Sage Riders Second Cup Second Cup Hometownera .News 1:00 1:15 1:30 iNews KOIN Klock KOIN Kloek KOIN Klock KOIN Klock Duncan M'Leodl Bob Garred Fred Beck , Consumer News Dave Valle Grand Slam Rosemary Marriage for I Lora Lawton Brad Reynolds rThe Playboys Double or Nothing Children Today Light of World Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Gal Sunday Big Sister Ma Perkins Rr. Ma lom Gulding Light News Road of Life Y'g's Family Right to Happl.) iBackstage Wife Stella Dallas Lore mo Jones Widder Brown Girl Marries Por. Faces Life Just Plain Bill Fr. Pge. Parrel! Wele. Travelers Wele. Traveler' Aunt Mary Love di Learn Worn. Secret Life Beautiful Or Paul Paula Stone Newa Agronsky Bob Uaxen Zeke Manners Breakfast Club nreakfast 'Ilub Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Mildred Bedell Stars of Today Quick as Flash Quick as Flash age Riders Art Baker My True Story My True Story Mrs. Purton rv Mason Norah Drake Brlchter Day News Come Si Get It House ''arty News From Nowhere Jack Holt Show Garry Moore Kirkham News Kirk ham New Steve AlT-n Steve Allen Tunefully Yrs. i Kirkham News Arthur Godfreyl Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey, Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Curt Missev lEd. R. Murrow Farm News Keep Smiling Keep Smiling Keep Smiling Betty Crocker Wlctor Llndlahr N westerners N'westerners Raukhaxe Talk News Jack Norman Meet MenJous Breakfast In Hollywood Kay West Kay West Jay Sttmrt Jay Stewart Rride & Groom Waller Klernan Pick Date Pick a Dat Hanniba' Cohb Hanmual (obb Western Brand Squirrel Cage Squirrel Cage 'Firefighters iNews Timekeeper March Tim .News News Breakfast Gang music Prop Trades Bargain Countr Family Alter Muslo Music Crusaders Crusaders West. Melodlea festa Time S W News Quix Pastor'a Call Walts lime Melody Tim Melody Time IS tars Sine John C. Thorn. News Gospel Smcer Concert Min. Russ Morgan WW. Newa Memory Mnsla iTune Tim m Keys T B A T B A T B A T B A rTop Trades News W News Jimmy Wakely n-ell Neighbor Harding Organ Blng Slnga Bob Poole Bob Poole Musle for Mon. Music for Mon, farm-Home Polka Time News Hawaiian Her, Fulton Lewis Frnk. Hem' way iienina Story INews KOCO Klock KOCO Klock Tex RItter KOCO Klock News KOCO Kloek Musle Mart Music Mart Jan Garber Vocal Variety H'wood Musla H'wood Muslo News Dave Dennis Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodlea Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodlea 'Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac'a Melodies .Mac's Melodlea Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodic Movie Time Philosopher Dyers Can Be Beautiful ACROSS Concealed water Airplane driver Fowl Wine cask Old-womanish Salutation Sec out Husks of threshed era In Morsel Stalk Protuberant 42. part or a cask 45. Gratifies 46. Land measure 4S. Rises on th 49. hind feet SO. Symbol for tellurium St. 40 Turf Places to sit Article Among Eared seat Noxious plant Concealment Term of affection Jacob's wife- Court bench Device for re fracting lisht Wild animal Purpose Occurrence Befor Steal East Indian cereal grasa Half dozen eHov(rdJoI 0 PE jlAj N ADftf MHD l " pC Jsf acer1B hi s N E PjfulT E SHI OT E D Rl fHe DHP E P Y S SiWIA TjHjHfBA S K E TIS E Sflp oJmA D E syn;od:sU3vie1p;e1n 8ol utlon of Yesterday's Puiate DOWN 1. Pronoun t Excavation S. Made possible m vq " wr - if zTSf 3 W,-i& !LZZS Z" 35 ST 3f 55 rT' :, : Ji Heraldic crossj Arrow poison Cover Oil: aufflx Bed canopies Injures Femlnin name Recently acquired Outfits Social affaire Gray Foundation Oi) of orrlsroot Discoverer of the North Pole Light volatile liquid Shabby Attair. Cooking Tessei Instructs Metal -bearing rocks Departed Scale Italian poet Cause of nila Equalltv Brazilian capita Wooden pin Silkworm Kin: Latin Old Dominion state: abbr. .4 AP Newtfeotoree