Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 14, 1950, Page 7, Image 7

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    Westminster guild of the First Pres
byterian church has planned Its meeting
for next Wednesday afternoon at the
church social room, dessert to be at
1:15 o'clock. Mrs. Kenneth Potts is in
charge of the dessert.
Mrs. Maynard Sniffer is program
chairman and is presenting Mrs. Hazel
Bartlett of Gervais to discuss flower
arrangements. There will be music by
students from Sacred Heart academy.
-ILDRED Dilling, noted harpist.
Jaycee-ettes' New Officers to Be Installed this Month
comes to Salem next Friday
evening, January 20, for the
Hal Hibbard camp and auxiliary, Unit
es Spanish War Veterans, wiil meet
Monday evening at the Veterans of For
eign Wars hall.
There will be a joint dinner at 6
o'clock, followed by the meetings. The
men are installing new officers. Vis
itor at the auxiliary meeting will be the
department president, Mrs. Addie May
Eeeman of Portland.
Central WCTU is to meet Tuesday at
2 p.m. in the First Methodist church,
Mrs H. R. Mitchell is to lead the devo
tions. Miss Margaret Leonard, assistant
at the First Baptist church, is to give a
talk on "Decline or Deliverance."
Ealem Rebekah lodge members will
entertain at a banquet Monday evening
in the Odd Fellows hall to honor Mrs.
Lela Ramsey, state Rebekah president
the banquet to be at 6:30 o'clock. A
meeting and initiation will follow.
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AMONG RECENT engagements announced was
Brennan, the news being told on the Willamette
daughter of W. A. Roberts ol Astoria ana
Brefinan the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Brennan
SOROPTIMIST club has a special
event scheduled for its social meet
ing next Wednesday evening at the
home of Mrs. H. G. Maison.
Mrs. Alice Dowell Jones, Portland,
regional director, is to be here to go
over plans with the local club for the
northwest regional conference to be held
in Salem, April 14, 15 and 16. Also,
representatives will come from the Cor
vallis and Eugene clubs as well as other
members from Portland.
Dessert will be served at 7:30 o'clock,
the meeting following. Mrs. John S.
Beakey, Miss Susan Faherty, Mrs. Nell
V. Brannon and Mrs. Walter A. Barsch
are on the committee with Mrs. Maison
for the meeting.
Initiation will be conducted for new
Mrs. Vera McMorris exchanged vows
with Chester R. Fults at 4 o'clock Sun
day afternoon, January 8, at the home
of her sister, Mrs. John Geren. Rev. W.
H. Lyman of the Court Street Christian
church officiated. The vows were said
before the fireplace by candlelight. The
mantle was decorated with pink snap
dragons and white chrysanthemums.
Greenery was used on either side of
the fireplace.
Attending the wedding were the im
mediate families of the couple and close
For her wedding the bride chose a
navy blue suit with matching accessories.
Her corsage was of pink rosebuds. Mrs.
John Geren attended her sister and she
wore a beige suit and brown accessories
and a corsage of Talisman rosebuds.
The bride's mother, Mrs. R. G. Lant,
wore a fuchsia colored dress and a cor
sage of gardenias.
Victor Ahalt served as best man.
After the ceremony a reception was
given at the Geren home with Mrs. Vic
tor Ahalt at the coffee urn and Mrs.
Vern Williams, sister of the bridegroom,
serving the cake. Miss Donna Ahalt was
in charge of the gift table.
After a short tour of the beaches the
eouple will be at home at 661 West 18th
street, in Eugene.
Woodburn Mrs. Nellie Muir enter
tained Chapter J. of the P. E. O. Sister
hood Thursday evening at her home in
East Cleveland street. Mrs Kenneth
McGrath presided and tne program was
in charge of Mrs. Paul Mills who gave
a talk on her recent trip to Ames. Iowa,
where she attended the graduation of
hr son .
Letters of appreciation were read
from a family in Germany and one in
Holland to whom the chapter had sent
Miss Gladys Adams and Mrs. Jess
Fikan assisted the hostess in serving.
Members attending were Mrs. Ken
neth McGrath, Mrs. George D. Jones,
Mrs. W. S. Scarborough, Mrs. E. J. Al
len, Mrs. Jess Fikan, Mrs. Charles B.
Cornwell, Mrs. H. F. Butterfield, Mrs.
Carl Magnuson, Mrs. Kenneth Thomp
son, Mrs. J. Melvin Ringo, Mrs. Ed
ward Mohr, Mrs. Marcile Carson, Mrs.
Paul Mills, Mrs. Estella Kerns, Miss
Gladys Adams, Mrs. N. F. Tyler and
the hostess, Mrs. Nellie Muir.
(JeMen-Millcr atudio picture)
that of Miss Avis Roberts to James VI.
university campus. Miss Roberts is the
Mrs. H. f . Keaves of Petersburg, Va., Mr,
of Salem.
Engagement Told
The announcement of the forthcoming
marriage of Miss Annafaye Olson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Olson
of Salem, to James E. Williamson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Williamson of
Olympia, Wash,, was made over the
holidays to the families and friends of
' the couple.
The traditional box of chocolates was
passed to a group of school friends at
Pacific Lutheran college when the be
trothal was announced at the close of
the holiday season.
Miss Olson is a sophomore at Pacific
Lutheran college and her fiance a junior.
The wedding date has been set for
August 27, the ceremony to take place
at the St. Mark Lutheran church in Sa
lem, after which the couple will return
to Tacoma, Wash., where Mr. William
son will finish his college training.
Central lodge, knights of Pythias, and
Pythian Sisters conducted joint instal
lation of officers this week. A no-host
dinner preceded the meeting, 52 at
tending. Installing officer for the Pythian Sis
ters was Mrs. A. W. Rockafellow, as
sisted by Mrs. A. A. Neiderberger and
Mrs. C. J. Pugh.
Don Judson, deputy district grand
chancellor, was installing officer for the
Knights of Pythias.
Out-of-town visitors included the
grand master of arms, Gus Johnson,
and his f mily from Prineville, Dr. and
Mrs. A. F. de Lespinasse, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Anderson end George Lefler of
Hubbard, Frank Bon, Robinson, N. D.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carrathon of
Officers for the Knights include: K.
C. Elwood, chancellor commander; Hen
ry Sprick, vice chancellor; Fred Stein,
prelate; Dr. O. A. Olson, master of
work; N. Park Sturgess, correspond
ing secretary; L. B. Judson, financial
secretary; L. V. Decatur, treasurer; Mil
ton Miller, master at arms; Harry Wil
son, inner guard; Hubert Gatts, putter
For the Pythian Sisters the new offi
cers are: Mrs. W. A. Stanton, excellent
chief; Mrs. D. M. Stanton, past chief;
Mrs. W. E. Openshaw, excellent sen
ior; Miss Betty Jean Bergner, excellent
junior; Miss Shirley Rockafellow, man
ager; Miss Lois Kirts, secretary; Mrs.
Herman Bergner, treasurer; Mrs. Harry
Wilson, protector; Mrs. Ralph Wilcox,
guard; Mrs. H. C. Eggleston, press cor
respondent; Mrs. A. W. Rockafellow, in
stalling officer; Mrs. Don Judson, pian
ist; Mrs. George Thomas, three-year
trustee; Mrs. W. J. Peck, two-year trus
tee; Mrs. A. A. Neiderberger, one-year
trustee; Mrs. C. J. Pugh, degree staff
The Pythian Sisters are meeting next
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in the
KP hall, officers meeting at 7 o'clock.
Pioneer post No. 149, the all-woman
post of the American Legion, is meeting
in regular session next Friday evening,
January 20 at the Salem Woman's club.
The group is planning a benefit card
party for the evening of January 28.
Community Concert association series,
the concert to be in Salem high school
auditorium at 8:15 o'clock.
Miss Dilling has appeared in concerts
in every state in the Union, as well as in
Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Hawaii, the Brit
ish Isles and Europe, and has won ac
claim for her solo appearances with
major symphony orchestras.
Program for next Friday's concert is
as follows:
Bourree Johann Sebastian Bach
Arioso Johann Sebastian Bach
Allegro, from Sonata in C
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Impromptu Caprice Gabriel Perne
The March of the Men of Harlech
(Old Welsh Air) arr by John Thomas
Etude in A flat
Frederic Francois Chopin
La J.eune et la vicille. Felix Godefroid
Liebestraum Franz Liszt
The Fountain Albert Zazel
Prelude in C for Harp Serge Prokofieff
Rain in the Garden Jacques de la Prcsle
Grey Donkeys on the Road to El-Azib
Marcel Tournier
The Forest Pool Mrrcel Tournier
Danse oricntale Harriette Cady
Fireflies Hasfelmans
Clair de lune Claude DWussy
Legende Henriette Renie
Chanter G of P.E.O. Sisterhood will
be entertained Thursday afternoon by
Mrs Brooks Moore and Mrr. B. F. Wil
liams at the home of tl'e former, des
sert to be at 1:15 o'clock.
McKinlcy school Mothers' club is to
meet Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, at
the school. A program is planned and
the group also will make plans for its
silver tea to be given in February.
Auxiliary to the 409th quartermaster
corps and the 369th engineers is an
nouncing a meeting for Monday eve
nig at 7:30 o'clock in the quonset hut.
Willamette shrineNo. 2, White Shrine
of Jerusalem, plans its meeting for next
Monday evening at 8 o'clock in the Ma
sonic temple. There will be no no-host
supper as planned previously.
All past worthy high priestesses and
watchmen of shepherds are to be hon
ored by the group.
Washington school Mothers' club is to
meet next Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at the
Marquam Mrs. Janet Totland, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hallet, Sil
verton, was married to George G. White,
Jr., Mt. Angel, son of Mr. and Brs. Gas
ner While, in a candlelight ceremony
Saturday, January 7, at 7 o'clock. Rev.
Pierre Smith, jastor ot the Methodist
church, read the wedding vows and Mrs.
Thomas Bentley played the wedding
march. The fireplace was draped in
greenery and flaked with candelabrums
lighted by Mrs. Dalton Davis, niece of
the bridegroom.
The bride wore a hunter green suit
trimmed with gold ana brown acces
sories, and an orchid corsage. The mat
ron of honor, Mrs. P. L. Young, wore a
two-tone brown suit with green acces
sories and a baby orchid corsage.
The bride's mother, Mrs. Harvey Hal
let, wore a navy blue afternoon dress
with corsage of pink rosebuds. The
bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Gasner
White, wore a gray suit with corsage of
pink carnations.
Two hundred gathered at the Mar
quam hall for the reception after the
wedding ceremony. Mrs. Lonn Dunnu
gan poured, Mrs. Victor Arpke, Cor
vallis, cut the cake, and Mrs. Drexel
White served the punch. Miss Dons
Howard had charge of the guest book
and in charge of gifts were Mrs. Lance
White, Mrs, Dalton Davis, Mrs. Roberta
Schneider and Mrs. Carol Rose. Those
assisting in serving were Mrs. Jerry Bair,
Mrs. Frank Cranciall, Mrs. Wilma Sten
gcr, Mrs. J. Beck, Mrs. Joe Jones and
Mrs. Orrin Rice.
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(jMten-MUIer Btudio pictures)
ANNUAL FORMAL sponsored by the women's dormitories at Willamette university will
be an event of this evening In the downtown Labor temple. On the committees ar
ranging for the party are these girls. In upper picture at the stairway In Bishop IIouna
are, left to right: Miss Ardith Bailey, Miss Doris McCullough and Miss Jean Crakes. In
the lower picture are, left to right: Miss Nancy Lawson, Miss Marilyn Whaley, chairman,
from Lausanne hall, for the dance, and Miss Joyce Kelly, chairman from Bishop houe.
Other Independent women en the campus and their dates are invited to the affair.
NEW OFFICERS for the Jaycee
Pomeroy, Jr., president; Mrs.
president. The c!ub is planning
club and installation ceremonies
'HE BOARD of officers for Salem
Lions club auxiliary will meet
Monday at 1 p.m. at the home of
Mrs. Stanley S. Smith for dessert, Mrs.
Wayne Doughton, president, in charge.
The regular monthly party for the
auxiliary will be next Thursday evening
at the home of Mrs. R. W. Land at 8
Mrs. H. Stuart Walker is chairman of
the committee of hostesses and assisting
her are Mrs. William Newmyer, Mrs.
Gerald Christofferson, Mrs. Everett
Willamette Students Plan
hi if yvv-Ljj
- Ettcs, to be Installed this month, include these four above, left to right: Mrs Tom
Milan Boniface, treasurer; Mrs. Lawrence Moore, secretary; Mrs. Nelson Hickok vice
a formal dinner the evening of January 28 with husbands at the American Legion
will be conducted at that lime.
Holmes, Mrs. John Seitz, Mrs. Clarence
Zielinski and Mrs. Morrell Crary.
The regular weekly Tuesday program
feature of the Salem Woman's club hag
been cancelled for next week, due to the
uncertain weather.
American War Mothers plan their so
cial meeting for Tuesday afternoon at
2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Mabel
Lockwood, 368 North Liberty.
Dance Tonight
Jefferson Twenty-four members and
three guests were present for the regu
lar meting of the Jefferson Woman's
club in the Library rooms of the City
The club voted to give $10 toward
the polio fund. An offering will also be
taken at the next club meeting for the
benefit of the polio fund. Mrs. David
Wright, Marion county chapter chairman
of infantile paralysis, Salem, gave a
talk on infantile paralysis. Miss Ida
Mae Smith, Salem, also was a guest
Those present were Mrs. M. H. Bcal,
Mrs. C. U. Buck, Miss Marjorie Fon
taine, Mrs. Varion Goin, Mrs. David
Looncy, Mrs. Herbert Looney, Miss Mar
guerite Looncy, Mrs. Walton Looney,
Miss Myrtle Myers, Mrs. Ernest Powell,
Mrs. Virgil Bailcs and son Terry, Mrs.
Leland Sarff, Mrs. Edwin Swartz,
Mrs. J. C. Tcrhune, Mrs. Fred Wied, Mrs.
Roland Wall of Albany, Mrs. G. C.
Mason, Miss Addie Libby, Mrs. Van
Scoy, Mrs. Darmnn and the guests from
Salem, Miss Ida Mae Smith and Mrs.
David Wright.
Theater arts group is to meet Tues
day for dessert at 1:15 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. Frank Burlingham, 3B0
North 14th, with Miss Alice Crary Brown
as hostess.
Delta Gamma alumnae are planning
a food sale for Feoruary 10, plans for
the event being discussed at the meet
ing ot the group this week at the home
of Mrs. J. W Matujec. Miss Lorcna Jack
and Miss Lnis Latimer were co-hostesses
with Mrs. Matujec for the meeting.
Jea ten -Miller itudio picture
AAUW Activiti es
Oregon and some thoughts regarding
its future will be the general topic for
a talk to be given by Governor Douglas
McKay for the January luncheon meet
ing of Salem branch, American Associa
tion of University Women, next Sat
urday, January 21, at the Marion hotel,
the luncheon to be at 1 o'clock. Misg
Elise Schroeder, president, will preside.
Reservations for the luncheon should
be telephoned to either Mrs. Francis
Gaskins or Mrs. Ridgley C. Miller.
Hostesses lor the meeting will include
Mrs. Howard Teeple, Mrs. Arthur Bone,
Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, Mrs. Mary Thomas,
Mrs. Waldo Zeller. Mrs. Albert A.
Cohen is to arrange the decorations.
Study Groups
Several study groups of the AAUW
are meeting this week.
The travel group is meeting Tuesday
evening at 7:45 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. William Foster, 2885 Mount View
drive, Mrs. Kenneth Miller and Mrs. G.
A. Brown as co-hostesses. Mrs. Custer
Ross is to be guest speaker.
The AAUW garden group members
will be guests of the Salem Rose society
at the latter group's meeting next Thurs
day evening in the YMCA at 8 o'clock.
Four six-weeks classes are starting
soon at the Salem YWCA.
A textile painting class is due to start
next Thursday, January 19, at 7:30
Another textile painting group will
start Monday, January 23, at 1:30
A beginning bridge class is scheduled
to start at 1:30 o'clock the afternoon of
January 26, with the intermediate bridge
to start at 7:30 o'clock that evening.
Alpha Xi Delta alumnae are meeting
Monday evening at the home of Mrs. A.
C. Newell, 1740 North 23rd. Miss Elea
nor Stephens is to talk on "What's New
in Books."
Two events are on the book for Janu
ary for the American Legion and aux
iliary. The district conference is to be held
at Mt. Angel on January 22.
The county council session is to be in
Salem on January 30 in the evening at
the Legion club.
The Junior Catholic Daughters of
America troop, St. Theresa, the Little
Flower, met this past week at the home
of Jacquelyn Hayes. The group worked
on January projects and refrshments
were served.
Carol Randall is to entertain for the
next meeting.
Salore club for young business women
in the YWCA is planning a skiing trip to
Timberline January 22 for members and
Felicitations are being extended Lt.
and Mrs. Harvey Latham on the birth
of a son, Michael, at the Salem General
hospital Friday morning. The little boy,
who has a sister, Marilynn, is the grand
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Latham of
Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd H. Sim
sons of Redmond. His father is aide to
Maj. Gen. Thomas E. Rilca, Oregon's ad
jutant general.
With examinations time and end ot
the semester approaching, few social
events are booked for Willamette uni
versity students this next we'ek.
Next Saturday evening, January 21,
brings the party for the sophomore and.
junior classes, the place for the event
to be set later.